2 minute read
In Other Words With Dave
from September 2021
Last month I was writing this column and drawing my little cartoon from a hospital bed at Mercy. I got pneumonia. I was in for 6 days. Just another gift of having cancer and low immunity I suppose. With the Outlook deadline approaching, there was no way I wanted to disappoint the several people that read my column every month. I asked Alison to bring in my laptop and drawing stuff.
While I was busy penning my cartoon, my oncologist came by to see me. He listened to my lungs, poked my chest, and as he went to check my calves and ankles, he asked if they were swollen, I told him no, they were still “quite shapely.” That made him laugh out loud and I felt better. Interesting how that works.
Friends have asked me how my diagnosis changed me. Sure I can give them a list of physical and mental changes, but I think what I really have noticed is an increased appreciation - and volume - of laughter. When I can crack a joke and make other people laugh - it’s the best feeling in the world. And when someone or something makes me laugh, I forget everything else - an equally wonderful feeling. And if we are laughing together, we are sharing a moment of pure joy.
May your time between laughter be short. And if you have an oncologist, may they have a sense of humor.

Dave Miller
Publisher & Back40 Design President
12 26 10
8 Downtown Edmond Arts Festival 10 Local Eats: Plant 12 Big Plans for Tiny Houses 14 Sculpture Park Breaks Ground 18 Sitting for the Gold 26 Cultural Investment: First Americans Museum 30 At Home on the Range
16 Living the American Dream 22 Edmond Pediatrics 24 Heritage Renovations
7 In Other Words With Dave 28 Louise Tucker Jones
ADVERTISING l 405-301-3926 l sales@edmondoutlook.com
1024 W Covell, Edmond, OK 73003 l 405-341-5599 l edmondoutlook.com l info@edmondoutlook.com
September 2021 Volume 17, Number 9 l Edmond Outlook is a publication of Back40 Design, Inc. l © 2021 Back40 Design, Inc. PUBLISHER Dave Miller l EDITOR Jennay Wangen l ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Angie Clemens Byers l GRAPHIC DESIGN Adrian Townsend, Anne Richardson PHOTOGRAPHY Marshall Hawkins www.sundancephotographyokc.com l DISTRIBUTION Edmond Outlook is delivered FREE by direct-mail to 50,000 Edmond area homes.