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Director’s Dialogue
By Jana Timberlake, Executive Director
The months of March and April are among my favorite times of the year. The ground is reawakening from its winter’s sleep, the redbud trees are showing off with their spectacular color, and perennials are pushing through the ground towards the sun’s warmth. It’s life! As I am writing this Director’s Dialogue, my thoughts are filled with East Texas and the new great niece who made her appearance on Valentine’s Day! She is joining two other siblings – 5 years old and 22 months old. And their parents accepted my offer of help! The children’s mother is my namesake. She was born exactly two weeks after my birthday, and my heart swells every time I think about this incredible young woman. This special time together will be one of my greatest gifts. Now, down to business... There are some important March and April dates that are listed below:
1. March 5, 2020 - OCMS Delegate Caucus - 5:30 p.m. - OSMA Board Room - If you are an elected OCMS delegate, please plan to attend.
2. March 23, 2020 - OCMS Membership Meeting - 6:00 p.m. - OSMA Multi-Purpose Room - 50 year physicians will be honored, and Dr. John Armitage, OBI, will be the keynote speaker. Make your reservations soon! 3. March 25, 2020 - OSMA Medicine Day Legislative Reception - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. - OSMA Multi-Purpose Room - This reception provides OCMS/OSMA members with the opportunity to visit with legislators regarding issues important to the practice of medicine. Remember to wear your white coat! There will be a session at the Capitol earlier in the afternoon. If you plan to go, meet at the OSMA building at 2:00 p.m. This is important!
4. April 18, 2020 - OSMA House of Delegates Annual Meeting - Southern Hills Marriott - Tulsa, OK - All elected OCMS Delegates need to attend. Please look for email reminders from Alison and RSVP.
Showing up and working towards the greater good is an important goal for each of us. You never know what action you take will make THE difference! “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
~ St. Francis of Assisi
Jana Timberlake, CAE Executive Director