Alison and I missed Christmas last year. We were in Little Rock, AR in a conveniently located apartment with an awesome view of the Target parking lot. Our Twelve Days of Christmas were really 6 weeks of medical procedures. I spent my days at the nearby UAMS Myeloma Center getting a gift of life - my second stem cell transplant. In a stem cell transplant, the patient gets high-dose chemotherapy to kill the cells in the bone marrow. Then they receive new, healthy bloodforming stem cells. When Alison wasn’t shuttling me back and forth between the apartment and the center, she kept busy working remote, puzzling, and crafting. After treatments, I’m told, we watched football, Netflix series, and all sorts of movies - but I don’t remember much of that. I was basically comatose-in-arecliner. It’s kind of fuzzy, but I do remember volunteers from local churches and nonprofits stopping by with food, gifts, and cheer. Although we appreciated their acts of kindness, it was still our Holiday season that wasn’t. This year, we’re planning to make up for it. This year I’m feeling better and we’re looking forward to the holidays and seeing family. We even bought a bigger dining table - one that will fit a lot more people for the holiday dinner we are hosting. We’re already busy making a shopping list (and checking it twice) for our family, friends, and our Back40 and Outlook families. It will be a different experience - and I’m so glad I’m here to enjoy it. Dave Miller Publisher & Back40 Design President
12 26 8
Features 8
Holiday Events & Activities
Local Eats: Marlette and Company
Elephant Enthusiast
Film Friendly Edmond
Open for Business
Crafting a Unique Sound
A Tradition of Toy Trains
Business 22
Haggard’s Fine Furniture
Prime Health Associates
Columns 7
In Other Words With Dave
Louise Tucker Jones
Cover photography by Special thanks to cover models Gentry and Jack Pinkston.
ADVERTISING l 405-301-3926 l MAILED MONTHLY TO 50,000 HOMES IN THE EDMOND AREA 1024 W Covell, Edmond, OK 73003 l 405-341-5599 l l December 2021 Volume 17, Number 12
Edmond Outlook is a publication of Back40 Design, Inc.
© 2021 Back40 Design, Inc.
PUBLISHER Dave Miller l EDITOR Jennay Wangen l ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Angie Clemens Byers l GRAPHIC DESIGN Adrian Townsend, Anne Richardson PHOTOGRAPHY Marshall Hawkins l DISTRIBUTION Edmond Outlook is delivered FREE by direct-mail to 50,000 Edmond area homes. Articles and advertisements in the Outlook do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine or Back40 Design. Back40 Design does not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The acceptance of advertising by the Outlook does not constitute endorsement of the products, services or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service that is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The Outlook assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials.