2 minute read
Louise Tucker Jones
from February 2022
A Valentine Blessing!
By Louise Tucker Jones
Recently, my non-digital-batteryoperated clock quit working. A small, pewter one with little pigs on it. I know, sounds pathetic, but it’s truly cute. I picked it up at a garage sale years ago and it sits on the hearth, near my chair, so I always know what time it is. Granted, my cell phone is close by, but the years have trained me to glance at that little clock when watching TV or reading. When the room is silent you can actually hear a gentle “click” as the second hand moves forward.
I missed hearing that sound so I decided my outdated timepiece was definitely worth fixing and did a Google search for places in Edmond that fix clocks. A Moment In Time popped up immediately and so did a memory. I wrote a story about the business owner, Mike Gilliam, several years ago.
I copied that long ago article and took it and the clock to his shop. Mr. Gilliam was still there. I introduced myself and showed him the article. A fun remembrance for both of us, and yes, he fixed my little clock.
That meeting brought up memories of so many people I have met and written stories about here in Edmond. I’m thankful to Dave Miller for starting Edmond Outlook Magazine many years ago and for asking me to come on board as a writer. I had the joy of interviewing so many wonderful people and writing about the amazing things they do before I ever wrote a column.
And no, I’m not penning a good-bye article. I’m simply offering my thanks for your friendship and support through the years. Writing this column has not only been fun for me, but it was a lifesaver when my husband, Carl, went to heaven. I loved having an outlet to express my grief, and many of you shared your hearts with me through emails.
You have also prayed for the health of my son, Jay, and have touched my life deeply. You are truly a Valentine blessing and I hope I can be the same for others.
God Bless and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Louise Tucker Jones is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker & founder of Wives With Heavenly Husbands, a support group for widows. LouiseTJ@cox.net or LouiseTuckerJones.com.