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In Other Words with Dave
from October 2022

Who says you can’t go back? Earlier this month Alison and I took a trip to the Big Apple… You know, New York City. Note to self: no one uses the term Big Apple anymore.
We were uptown, downtown, from Riverside Drive to the Brooklyn Bridge. Alison had never been to NYC. I’m sure I impressed her with my street skills and knowledge of all things New York. Don’t tell anyone, I’m a displaced Yankee. Born in NYC, raised in New Jersey. Oklahoman by marriage. Twice. Things I learned from my trip to NYC: • New York is friendlier than I remember, but not as friendly as Oklahoma. • New York Bagels are amazing. That is all. • Traffic in Edmond may be annoying, but traffic in NYC brings you closer to God. • Clothing is apparently optional in Times Square, even on Sunday. • Pizza in NYC… pizza in Edmond… it’s a tie. • A bottle of water at Heard on Hurd is one third the cost of a bottle of water in NYC. • No place in Edmond smells like the New York Port Authority. • There’s nothing like a view from 100 stories high. • Edmond has more bronze statues per square mile than NYC. • You can pack smart and light, but there’s always room for Covid.
That’s right, we came back with Covid. We thought of it as an extended vacation - if you count laying on the couch binge-watching Ted Lasso a vacation.
Dave Miller
Publisher & Back40 Design President

8 Stephenson Park Remodel 10 Gabriella’s Italian Grill & Pizzeria 14 Cosplay for Charity 18 The Crafted House 20 Pat Becker: Speaking Up for Animals 28 Don’t Box Me In 30 Lilli and Dad’s Great Adventure
22 Foundations 24 Local Medicare Advisors
7 In Other Words with Dave 26 Louise Tucker Jones
Cover photography by Eriech Tapia
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1024 W Covell, Edmond, OK 73003 l 405-341-5599 l edmondoutlook.com l info@edmondoutlook.com
OCTOBER 2022 Volume 18, Number 9 l Edmond Outlook is a publication of Back40 Design, Inc. l © 2022 Back40 Design, Inc.