2 minute read
Louise Tucker Jones
Making A Difference
By Louise Tucker Jones
As a writer, I love seeing my words in books or magazines, but some of my best writing has never been published. You see, what I consider my greatest work is often meant for only one person.
Several years ago, I got word that my aunt in Montana died. Unable to attend the memorial service, I planned to send a card. But just as I sat down to sign it, memories of my aunt, uncle and cousins flashed through my mind. Summers when I was young and their family visited us in Oklahoma. Dozens of relatives gathered at our house for homemade ice cream, “catch-up” conversation and lots of hugs.
I also remembered a trip to their home in Montana when I was a teenager. We attended the State Fair and went fishing in peaceful mountain streams. I thought of all the ways my aunt had been kind to me and decided to share my memories in a letter.
A few weeks later, I received a note from my uncle telling me how much my letter meant to him. He counted it a tribute to my aunt. It was then that I realized not all the words God gifted me with were meant for the public. Some are meant to comfort those in grief or to help someone going through a tough time. Others may congratulate or celebrate an event. Even when sending a card, I share a short, personal message.
I realize not everyone is called to be a writer or speaker, but we can all encourage the people that God puts in our paths, whether it’s across the fence or across country. When someone special comes to mind, contact them. Tell them how they have inspired you.
You may not receive a return letter as I did, letting you know you touched their life, but that’s okay. Don’t do it for the reward. Do it for the joy. You never know what a difference your words or actions can make in someone’s life. It just might help get them through one more day. And that, my friends, is what matters.
Louise Tucker Jones is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker & founder of Wives With Heavenly Husbands, a support group for widows. LouiseTJ@cox.net or LouiseTuckerJones.com.