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RCN is authorized by the International Baccalaureate to offer the IB Diploma Programme that allows students the opportunity to earn a diploma accepted by universities in many countries. The IB Diploma is a deliberate compromise between the specialization required in some national systems and the breadth provided in others. All students study from five to six different academic areas. All courses, except schoolsupported self-taught languages, are studied for two years.

More information about the IB can be found at www.ibo.org

Course Preferences

Before you arrive on campus, you will receive an email with instructions on how to use the online course registration system. You will select the courses that fulfill the requirements of your IB Programme, as well as alternative choices if a course enrollment is at maximum capacity. Courses that require prior knowledge, such as Mathematics Higher Level and some languages, may have a diagnostic assessment to ensure you are enrolled in the course best suited for your level. Course changes may be requested during the first four weeks of classes but requested changes are not always possible. Think carefully about the courses you select now for your two-year academic program. You should discuss your course choices with your family and teachers at home. You should also research university course requirements prior to arriving at the College. With the exception of school-supported self-taught languages, you will take the same courses in your second year as in your first year. Some courses you will study at a Higher Level and others at a Standard Level. If you study a self-taught language, you will generally complete this course in your first year and have time in your second year to dedicate to other courses and activities.

Ensure that the IB programme is compatible with your academic career: Studying at a university outside your home country can be very expensive and is not always possible. Therefore we encourage you to obtain information about:

The recognition of the IBDP and IBCP in your home country.

The specific program you intend to study (e.g. engineering, humanities, sciences, social sciences, law, medicine; in North America, law and medicine are not undergraduate programs

You will have the opportunity to seek guidance from our University Counselor throughout your two years on your university applications.

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