Corporate Identity Manual
We try harder.
Introduction The Avis corporate identity manual represents a company wide compilation of company graphics standards. Graphic standards are tools that helps achieve cohesiveness and a consistent message. It builds the Avis brand and the framework for achieving a consistency that forms a favorable and accurate impression of the services we provide. It should be considered an invaluable resource when questions arise as the proper way to identify our rental company. Improper use of the service marks or other corporate visual elements may be the service marks or other corporate visual elements may be a violation of federal trademark laws. Please consult the Avis Marketing Department regarding any questions you have about applying corporate graphic standards.
Table of Contents 1. Signature System Signature Usage Signature Positioning Signature Arrangements Trademarks & Service Marks 2. Typography Typography Primary Typeface Secondary Typeface 3. Corporate Colors The Use of Color Corporate Colors 4. Stationary System Stationary System Business Letterhead Business Envelope Business Card Mailing Label Fax Cover Form
Technical Documents Technical Document Grid 7. Signage Store Front Signage Parking Lot Signage Interior Signage Counter Signage 8. Packaging 9. Fleet Graphics Delivery Van 10. Electronic Media Website Home Page 11. Reproduction Pages Logo Sheet Color Swatch Sheet
5. Advertising & Promotion Advertising Direct Mail 6. Publications Brochure Format Brochure Grid Newsletter Format Newsletter Grid
Signature System
We try harder.
Signature Usage
We try harder. The Avis Signature is the primary identifying icon for our company, a unifying symbol and means for spontaneous visual recognition. It is an invaluable tool, and therefore must be used solely in connection with the business, services, and products of the company. Depiction of the corporate signature in any form must always be followed by the “tm” symbol, to secure its international trademark. The only exception to this is the use of the Avis logo in official literature, in conjunction with a disclaimer such as “the Avis logo is a registered trademark”. Disclaimers such as this must appear in the credit page of the document.
The “tm” symbol is also unnecessary when its relative size to the logo would render it illegible. Unofficial use of the Avis signature on clothing or novelty items is strictly prohibited and the use of the icon for company events such as sponsorship of sport teams must be carefully considered. Questions concerning such usage may be directed to the Marketing Department. The Avis signature is comprised of red and a gray gradient. See color guidelines for specific pantone colors and for directions in one color usage.
Signature Guidelines The corporate signature is the basic Avis graphic identification element. The corporate signature consists of two elements, the symbol and the logotype type style. The space relationship between the two elements has been carefully considered and must not be altered. Both elements can work together. The graphic logo will have the option to appear with the logotype or with the graphic logo itself. The tag line will never appear separately or small sized type lesser then 12 pt font.
Overall Signature Reduction: 50%
We try harder.
Logo Type: Arial Modifier: 12 pt Times New Roman
Overall Signature Reduction: 75%
We try harder.
Logo Type: Arial Modifier: 12 pt Times New Roman
Overall Signature Reduction: 100% Logo Type: Arial Modifier: 12 pt Times New Roman
We try harder.
Signature Positioning Below are the guidelines for positioning the corporate logo amongst other printed materials. If the vertical height of the logo is signified as x, then 1.5x is the minimum distance requirement for any printed or graphic material to be placed in a relation to this logo, including the edge of the printed surface. These spaces should be increased when possible, to allow the most advantageous positioning of the signature.
Here the signature is a distinct part of the overall layout and design. It is of adequate size and the element around it.
Although the logo in this example is of sufficient size, the way it is laid out on the page gives it the appearance of being “crammed� into the corner, thus lessening its overall impact.
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Signature Arrangements
Acceptable The most common usage of our mark is pictured here. Other approved modifiers may be used. Please check with the Avis Marketing Department prior to changing the modifier.
We try harder.
This form should only be used where the standard mark is not practical, such as on exterior buildings , trucks, or signs. The gray gradient stream must not be altered.
Unacceptable In standard form, the stream must be connected with the “i� in Avis.
The Avis logo when using the tag line, positioning the tagline must not be altered do to considered placement of tag line. We try harder.
The Avis logo must be in the Avis red color using hexidecimal #ED1C24. Other colors are not permitted.
The Avis logo must be in the Avis red color using hexidecimal #ED1C24. Other colors are not permitted. The Avis gradient stream must be in the position that the logo has been precisely designed. The Avis logo, a line stroke must not be applicable.
Trade Marks & Service Marks A trademark “tm” identifies a product. A service mark “sm” identifies a service. Upon approval of the U.S. Patent and Tradmark Office, a mark becomes formally registered and protected against infringement. A mark bearing “sm” or “tm” provides notice of a claim of protection and is referred to as an unregistered common law mark. To maintain legal protection from infringement, registered marks must used in conjunction with the widely recognized symbol of registration, “®”. Unregistered marks must be used in conjunction with the symbols “tm” or “sm”. Corporate names (i.e. Avis) do not require a trademark or service mark. Using the “®” and “sm” correctly and frequently helps protect our registered and unregistered marks. If we don’t use them correctly, we may forfeit our right for legal protection and exclusive usage of our mark.
We try harder.
Typography The typefaces shown here, Times New Roman and Arial are Avis’s primary and secondary typefaces. Under no circumstances should any other typefaces other than these two be used for Avis documents, signage, letterheads or other applications. Contact the Marketing Department with any questions or concerns.
Primary Typeface
Times New Roman
This font should be used for all main body text of documents as well as names and titles of corporate personnel on business cards.
12 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Times New Roman Italic 12 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Secondary Typeface
This font should be used for all main body text of documents as well as names and titles of corporate personnel on business cards.
12 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
10 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 23456789
8 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arial Black
12 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 123456789
10 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Corporate Colors
We try harder.
The Use of Color The corporate stationary system is comprised of four major elements: the Avis signature, typography color and design templates. Type style used for stationary is Times New Roman. PMS 485 and PMS Cool Gray 8 are the required colors. Black maybe used text portions of the document, with the exception of the type in the logo if used. Process black is used when the entire mark will appear in black, such as for a newspaper advertisement. When printing in one color, it is permissible to reproduce our word marks in 100% black ink or 100% PMS 485 Red. Also it is permissib le to print modifiers in a tint (screen) of 79% black ink for advertising. If a tint is not possible, the modifier may be printed black. However, at no time should tints or black be used on modifiers for business cards, envelopes and stationary.
Corporate Colors
Pantone速 485 CVC*, also referred to as PMS**485. The proper mix for color or process is:
Pantone速 485
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
0% 100% 100% 0%
Red Green Blue Hexidecimal
237% 28% 36% #ED1C24
Pantone速 Cool Gray 8 CVC*, also referred to as PMS**Cool Gray 8. The proper mix for color or process is:
Pantone速 Cool Gray 8
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
0% 0% 0% 60%
Red Green Blue Hexidecimal
128% 130% 133% #808285
Stationary System
We try harder.
Stationary System
Avis is aware that consistency of standards in its stationary serves as a strong, confident backdrop for successful communications between each facet of our company and those of our many audiences. However, we also recognize the necessity for flexibility in these practices, given the many factors that exist in doing business across the globe. National, cultural, and legal considerations occasionally necessitate variations in the final draft of an item of correspondence. Alternate formats may be required to meet postal regulations, local customs, traditions, etc. When these situations arise, there are specific alternate forms which must be used consistently.
Stationary refers to: • Letterheads
• Business envelopes
• Second sheets
• Booklet envelopes
• Business cards
• Catalogue envelopes
• Visiting cards
• Compliment cards
• Mailing labels
• Stationary
Business Letterhead
Centered on Page
• Size:
8 1/2” x 11”
• Text:
We try harder.
12 pt Arial Black
• Type:
PMS 485
• Logo:
PMS 485 & PMS Cool Gray 8
• Paper:
24lb. Strathmore Bright White Wove
• Printing:
A) Company Address:
12 pt Arial Black
B) Avis Gradient Stream 202 Porter Street Boston, MA 02128
C) Telephone & E-mail:
12 pt Arial Black
Illustration are shown 50% of actual size.
Business Envelope
We try harder. Boston Logan International Airport 202 Porter Street Boston, MA, 02128
We try harder.
Back Illustration are shown about 50% of actual size.
• Size:
• Type:
9 1/2” x 4 1/8”
Envelope #10
• Text:
8 pt Times New Roman
PMS 485 Red
PMS 485 &
PMS Cool Gray 8
• Paper:
24lb. Strathmore Bright White Wove
• Printing:
Company Address:
12 pt Arial Black
Business Card
• Size: John Smith
Airport Manager
3 1/2” x 2”
• Text:
We try harder.
Boston Logan Intl Airport 202 Porter Street Boston, MA, 02128 617-561-3500
Front: Actual Size
Name: 8 pt Arial Black Info: 7 pt Arial Black
• Type:
PMS 485
• Logo:
Front: PMS 485 & PMS Cool Gray 8 Back: Gradient Stream faded to 50%. Aligned in center.
• Paper:
Glossy White Card Stock
• Printing:
• Company Address: We try harder.
7 pt Arial Black
Back: Actual Size
Mailing Label
Boston Logan Intl Airport 202 Porter Street Boston, MA, 02128
We try harder. To:
• Size:
7” x 4”
• Type:
PMS 485
• Logo:
Front: PMS 485 & PMS Cool Gray 8 Back: Gradient Stream faded to 50%. Aligned in the center.
• Paper:
White heavy weight with peel off backing
• Printing:
• Company Address:
10 pt Arial Black
Fax Cover Form
(including cover)
If you have received this facsimile in error, please contact the sender immediately. All information here is confidential and intended only for the designated receipient.
We try harder.
202 Porter Street Boston, MA 02128
Facsimile shown reduced by 60%
Advertising and Promotion
We try harder.
Magazine Ad
• Full Color Ad:
Stress Free Newlyweds!
Measures 8 1/2” x 11”. Actual ad will advertised nationwide in magazines. The font treatment follow the general standards presented in this manual.
Avis is offering 25% off our luxury line car rentals to Newlyweds! So you and your other half can enjoy your honeymoon with our prestige car rentals and enjoy our low rates! Visit for more info!
We try harder.
Avis ad is shown 50% of actual size.
Rewards Card
The membership card for our Avis Loyalty Driver’s Card Program is available, along with brochures through the Avis Corporate Marketing Department. Coordinated promotional material is also available.
457 5891 2137 7845 Loyalty Driver’s Card
(Actual Size)
• Size:
3.5” x 2.25”
• Materials:
White Plastic
• Color:
PMS Cool Gray 8
Avis Gift Card
50 $
The Avis Gift Card would make a great gift for business or pleasure, or emergencies.
Gift Card
Gift Cards are available online or can be purchased through any Avis rental office.
• Size: (Actual Size)
3.5” x 2.25”
• Materials:
White Plastic
• Color:
PMS 485 Gradient background transparency is reduced to 58%
We try harder.
Brochure Format
• Brochures:
We try harder.
Two-page (front and back) 8 1/2”x11” documents in a three-fold layout. The content can be customized for your store using the grid and basic format provided here on this page. Pr-printed brochures are available for special promotions with the Avis Loyalty Driver’s Card Program and Avis Monthly Newsletter available. Contact the Marketing Department for specific ordering instructions. The format of the multifolded brochure follows the general guidlines set forth in the brochure grid on page 23 of this manual.
We try harder.
What’s New With Avis?
Great Rates Everyday! • • • • •
Subcompact Compact Intermediate Standard Size Full Size
Chevrolet Aveo Chevrolet Cobalt Chevrolet Cruze Toyota Camry Chevrolet Impala and many more choices!
Duscipis aut exerci cumque nobis evelist, exerchillit magnia sunt as etusam expererrovit et aut expediam ad molut es repedis assitae minisci endam, sequam volumqui officil maximol uptiunt emporest et qui coriae por accae. Occae voluptat laut voloreptiis volorere, omnimod itatque raepudi idempor emporec aborpores et laboreste mil magnisi iliquia dolut quate possumquid ulparia explaborum fugit as aut que dit etur repudiscia dita nat es est, simust ipis as pliam, is estrum dercim si uteceprem endes simagnis
Avis ad is shown 40% of actual size.
Brochure Grid Gutter .25”
• Size:
11” x 8.5”
• Type:
Times New Roman Arial Black
• Colors:
PMS 485 and PMS Cool Gray 8
Newsletter Format
or Avis f s w e st n e t Great Gas Tips La Travel News e Th What’s We try harder.
New with Avis.
ent, que voluptatibus asit ulpa denis dolest quatem ut lab intur alibere rundign isquiatur, quuntinis doloressiBeaAm quosam, tem ipiet faces et explaErchillupti niendemquam qui aut apiet volupta tiusti doluptatur? Ero ommolupta sita comnihi llamusaperi in nobit ut ditatia consequiaest quam quis ex earument et eatum verchic iendit, seque velesed et est, cus, apissincta imi, velitia qui dendici untiunt odio voluptis aut etur resequam quatioria qui comnis cum ipitas dolores Bea quam hit, cum ventorem etur, citatius que ne licipiet eaque, occhg
Ipsundit volum dis sunto quibus dolupta tquiam, eos am rere, quodipici ut labo. Ut aut a volupta explabore verore nonsequis acimagn iminullor asperum, cum id quis reriaeriasim aut aut offic to bearciunt dolorum que
Et a con conseriam, officim autatur, accus eossitiusam fuga. Nam es experior mod magnisque sedit mil in ea est, cus doluptio odiatiurerum • plandi dolore et volessi ncilla unt acerum volupti osanim cum as pro volut fugitam dolo maios ipsam, qui ium re dolores qui ipiciis consed qui iducium que vel tionsequi velit hicime nem dis et ipsam hil modisci istrum di evendic totasperro tem ut fuga. te volupis ut officil eumquam Pore mos aris autati voluptate nis dolore, quassinient. que doluptam repuda ius voluptasse vollor archictum sit quid quam fuga. Ut voluptia sita pedipiciat qui • Tinveria arum que dellate dolest alignat escilluptat licimol orerem. perum eatur remqui atur saejrple Ut eume quatataturio officia pa volupta tiatis rerrovid ut ium solenim agnam, ommodita deribus ciendi ulloren dandam, conem. Riae coremperis ese rendelit, et, omnimus alit alia doluptat quis sit odi tet qui is saperiatur aborepu digent alitiis sinctorest, quae im resed et volupta a sit endunt maximpossunt occatio comniet reium intiunt ut millabo. Nequia voluptas mo dolupturem vel int. Uptatem quat es remporum reptati autem sin proreic illorum quo eosam in pelicidel idel il millit aut iniet libuscime consectent, ea corest esequi ipsapiti cuptatiosantTem dissequ atiora dolupta tintet occumSene natinis qui dit ent ab in The all new 2012 Fiat 500. Compact with elegant styling
Avis ad is shown 60% of actual size. Newsletters are two-page (front and back), four-page (front, back, and two inside pages), six page (front, back, and four inside pages), or eight-page(front, back, and six inside pages), contingent upon the amount of information necessary to communicate the message. The format of a newsletter follows the general guidelines set forth in the grid on page 27.
Newsletter Grid Gutter .25”
Avis ad is shown 60% of actual size. This grid is the basic foundation for the design and layout of Avis Newsletters, dictating specific defining structure to all documents. Although it is intended to maintain a consistent look, much variation and flexibility is acceptable.
We try harder.
Rental Office Signage
Rental Front Signage is available for two styles of store fronts. In front of the building, you have the option to display it vertically and/or horizontally. Also rental toffices will have the option to display the logo in reverse. Avis Airport rental offices indoors must be presented horizontally as displayed in the image here. Avis has available signage for building fronts, rental office fronts, airport directory, and parking lots.
Parking Lot Signage
Here are examples of outside signage that can be used in parking lot entrances. Other styles may be needed, depending on the rental office location. Please contact the Marketing Department for approval.
Interior Signage
Rectangular signs are displayed to identify the rental car agency.
Size: Directional Sign 16� x 4� Material:
Lexan Plastic PMS 485
Counter Display
JOIN US. Loyalty Driver’s Ca rd Club
Counter Display unit for Avis’s Car Rental Promotions is 8 1/2” x 11”. The format is flexible for different types of in-store rental promotions and follow the basic font and graphic standards set forth in this corporate manual. Contact the Marketing department for customizing and ordering instruction.
Receive Great Di scount Rates On : Car Renta ls Frequent Mile Dri vers GPS Navigation systems Free Roadside As sistance
We try harder.
Fleet & Uniform Graphics
We try harder.
Transporting Truck
We try har d
ry We t
The transporting truck includes the Avis logo on a white truck. Truck designs will have the option to be designed as freely as possible as long as the company logo stays within Avis specifications. Please consult witht he Marketing Department for approval of truck designs.
We try harder.
Whether our competitors like it or not.
Rental Office Staff Attire
Shown aside is Avis’s rental office attire for men and women throughout. Both uniforms are required to wear the Avis red silk tie.
Avis Red Silk Tie
Electronic Media
We try harder.
The main website is assessable with any internet connection or mobile device at The function of the website is to promote our great deals and easy access to customers making reservations. Stores should be sure address, telephone, and direction is current.