E Boston Terriers Feb/ Mar 2013 Edition

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E Boston Terriers Volume 4 No. 1

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

Feb/ Mar 2013



GCH Martini’s Hey Sugah!


GCH Martini’s Hey Sugah!


Owned by Linda Martin and Lloyd Amodei

Eukanuba 2012 Group 3 Bred By Non-Sporting Group Thank You Judge Carl Gomes! Linda Martin www.martinibostons.com lgmartin@triad.rr.com

Martini Bostons E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Best In Show

Breeder’s Stakes


nd year in a row....the Martinis

Shake it up again!

(Southeast Region) 2012 So proud of our girls!


GCH Martini’s Jameson Nightcap

Group 2- Forsyth Kennel Club show Dec. 2012 Judge Mrs. Muriel Purkhiser Expertly handled by Sharon Frampton

Left to Right with dogs,

Linda Martin with GCH Martini’s Hey Sugah! “Sugah”, owned by Linda Martin and Lloyd Amodei. Misti Reid with BISS GCH Martini’s A Perfect Sip or Two In Hi-Society “Flirt”, owned by Cynthia Davis, Sandra Chrisman and Linda Martin. Elaine Mauldin with GCH Martini’s Jameson Nightcap “Jamie” owned by Janet Donahue and Linda Martin.


BISS GCH Martini’s A Pefect Sip or Two In Hi-Society Group 3-Augusta Kennel Club Oct. 2012 Judge Randy Garren Expertly handled by Misti Reid

Linda Martin www.martinibostons.com lgmartin@triad.rr.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Martini Bostons

Happy New Year from E Boston Terriers

d r a w r o f k o We lo onderful year w r e ed. h e t r o b n c a i t s to a t n a f s i h t g n i of showcas r a e y h t 4 s ’ it n i w o n s i rs e i e. r t r a e d T o t n s o r t s e o b ri c s b EB u s 0 0 4 ve a h e w d n a as h o h w e n o y r e v e k n a h u ot r t h t t s n u a w d e e t W or p p u s d n a advertised We do it for you! the years. in r a e y s i h t Get seen erriers! T E Boston

E Bosto n Terrie rs We are the first is a Bi Monthly a In dedicat ed sole nd only on-line ternet only pu ly to this bli internet breed. publicat cation. ion We offe r.. - 24/7 F REE Ac cessibil No Wait it in g F or Deliv y to the Magaz - FREE e ine, ry! S - FREE ubscriptions c - Full Pa omplete Back I ssue ge c Viewed olor Ads (all in s available - Printe in a Electronic a 2 page spre a “ E Mag dA azine” f d format) - Up-To ds available ormat. -T - Timely he Minute Brag s Lit - Inform ter Announcem & Wins at ents, Ke - Cove ive Articles nnel Ad rage/ca s, Class ndid ph ifieds. - Electr o tos of R onic Dis egio tribution (US & C to All AK nal & Nationa an.) lS C Bosto n Terrie pecialties r Judge s

E Boston

Terriers i sa

Timely a nd

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com





quinlanbostons.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

www.caramurukennel.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Brio Bostons

is pleased to announce


Ch Brio’s Demanding the Spotlight (CH Brio’s Vigilante X CH Brio’s Once Upon a Time, ROM )

Hartinger dge - Roger


Breeders: Kim & Whitney Rutherford www.briobostons.com


Judge - Sand ra Ellis


Judge - Yana

U) Gavrilova (R

Judge -


“DEMI” Demi finished her Grand Championship in just 7 shows, breeder/owner handled by Whitney Rutherford, including five BOB wins, a Group 4, one BOS, and one SB, all with competition from the BOB classes. Thank you to all of the USA judges who gave Demi all of her wins for her Champion and Grand Champion title. At her first International show weekend in Helsinki, Finland, December 8-9, 2012, Demi was also handled by Whitney, and won Finnish Junior Winner 2012. Demi has now joined her owner, Sergio Raonic Lukovic, and made her German debut on January 12, by going BOB from the Junior Class, winning International CACIB Nurnberg 2013, owner handled. We wish them much more success in her show career and beyond!

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com



Owners: Sergio Raonic Lukovic Kim & Whitney Rutherford

Goodness ... Gracious... Jerry Lee is headed to Westminster!

Multiple Group Placements

GCh. Ch. Gilja’s Lonestar Great Balls O’Fire (Ch. Renea’s Beetle Bailey x Ch. Cibolo-Lonestar Express News)

Gilja Bostons Breeders/Owners: Jane F. Cole & Gilbert W. Cole Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jane F. Cole AKC Breeder of Merit Gilja Bostons since 1973 www.thebostonterriers.com

Watch him smoke up the ring at the Garden! E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

BEST IN SHOW and #1 Boston Terrier  OWNER/HANDLER Series



Owned by: Jason Shuckhart & Richard LaJoye Bred by: Kathryn Currier

Hank finished his Championship in 2 weekends at 6.5 months old.

Riding High In the Saddle in 2013!

Bred by: Kathryn Currier

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Owned by: Jason Shuckhart & Richard LaJoye

Pressingham Farm presents... New Champion

Sunwoods Day At The Beach


From rambunctious puppy to stunning newChampion at only ten months old!

( Circle J’s Force To Be Reckoned With X Sunwood Curtain Call )

Special thanks to Judges, Randy Garren (Breed), Dennis McCoy (Group) & Robert Ennis (Best in Show)

for this SPECTACULAR win!

Bred by: Jill Ritchey and Jeri Goodd

Thank you Jill and Jeri for the opportunity to love this special girl E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Owned, presented and loved by Jeanne Stewart and Terence Pow www.pressinghamfarm.com


“Apache” CH Oui’s Royal Majesty Prince Charming X Oui’s Essence of Gold

CHIC # 77248 New CERF pending, JHC clear by parentage Normal Patella’s and BAER

Expertly handled to multiple BOB’s, multiple group placings by Marci Jeffreys of Vancouver, WA

They are a “MAGIC ” pair!

Available at stud to health tested ladies.

Diana@touchofmagicbostons.net | Merrilee@touchofmagicbostons.net

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Owned & loved by: Diana Terry & Merrilee Burgess Touch of Magic Boston Terriers Puyallup, WA & Merlin OR Bred by: S. Maxine Uzoff, OUI BOSTONS


E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

With 4 new Champions (all finishing from the BBE class), my very first Grand Champion and Butler (Am BIS/Can CH Kirkwood’s Cosmo Knows Who DunIt) becoming eligible for his Registry of Merit (ROM) award, I have to say that 2012 was a WONDERFUL year for ChriMaso Boston Terriers in the show ring. I would like to thank all the judges who awarded my babies and made it such a successful year. I would also like to thank all my doggy friends (show and otherwise) for all their support, encouragement, and companionship.... YOU make it as good as it is!!!

New Grand Champion Febraury 4, 2012

Tiffany GCH CH ChriMaso’s Dripping in Diamonds (Am/Can CH WeeBee’s Eye of the Storm x Am/Can CH ChriMasos Lucky Copper Coin)

New BBE Champions: June 10, 2012

Flute CH ChriMaso’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Am//Can CH ChriMaso’s Obsidian Prince of Togra x CH Tequila Sunrise III)

October 6, 2012

October 22, 2012

October 28, 2012


Rocky (aka Toga)


CH ChriMaso’s Birthday Surprise for Tered (Am BIS/Can CH Kirkwood’s Cosmo Knows Who DunIt x GCH CH ChriMaso’s Dripping in Diamonds)

CH ChriMaso’s Fraternity Toga Party (Am BIS/Can CH Kirkwood’s Cosmo Knows Who DunIt x GCH CH ChriMaso’s Dripping in Diamonds)

CH Ipolani & ChriMaso’s Pretty Little Picture (Am BIS/Can CH Kirkwood’s Cosmo Knows Who DunIt x Am/Can CH ChriMaso’s Doodlebug Kiss for Ipolani)

I’m hoping my “journey” in 2013 is just as “hot” with my two new BBE babies, Tripp and Sizzle - watch for them in the spring. Happy New Year and good luck to everyone in 2013!

Pamela Preston www.ChriMasoBostons.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Grandview Farm Boston Terriers New

Bronze GCH Margrave Theodore of Grandview



CH Cocolamus N Grandview’s Femme Fatale



GCH Campbell Clan’s Gun Powder & Lead V Grandview

“ Trigger”

( BISS GCH Margrave Courvoisier VSOP Exclusif x Chickadee Chamomile V Margrave )

( CH MarCrest’s Oblivious Mr. Magoo x Topper’s Topnotch Shela )

Breeder/Co-Owner: Mary MacCollum

( CH Campbell Clan’s Lamburgini Legacy x Campbell Clans Speedin’ Soap Box Derby Car )

Breeder: Gideon Fisher Jr

Breeder/Co-Owner’s: Danielle & Gillian Campbell

Our 2012 show team brought us 4 new AKC titles...we can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!


Owned and Handled by: Angie & Cliff McFarland PO Box 379 Contoocook, NH 03229 E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Charm School Bostons presents

gch diamond & sellanos bad romance


Ch Manarjj’s Jokes On you x Diamonds Night At The Bijou

we can’t wait to see everyone in

new york city breeders: Donna Nardi & Jessica Nardi & Mary Swords & Jason Luciano

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

owners: Nicole Pollack & Jason Luciano & Donna Nardi & James Frissell

“Franki took the part that used to be my heart”


Davane All of Me GCH Davane Remember Me X GCH Davane-Dunhoff Glamorous

Owners: Adam & Billie Jo Edwards / Tom & Joyce Davis Breeders: Davane Kennels Midland, PA 15059

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

What a way to start the year & a show career!

“Charm” ( GCH O’Mellies Lucky Utah Boy x Dapper Dan’s Pasta Primavera )

ABBA’s Dapper Lucky Charm GCH O’Mellies Lucky Utah Boy x Dapper Dan’s Pasta Primavera.

At her first show at the Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Association of Southern California, Charm won Best in Sweepstakes BOTH Thurs & Fri (1/3-4/2013) and then placed FIRST in the Non-Sporting Sweepstakes Group on Thurs & 2nd in the Puppy Group on Friday. All this at 6 months of age!

We couldn’t be prouder! Breeders: L & A Scheuneman, M. Griffith & M Lee. E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Owners: Carol Enright & Layna Scheuneman.



. t in h s d w n e e rea

Introducing.. .


Dab’s Start Spreadin The News ( GCH T’Bo’s Wanna Be A Cowboy At Dabs X NSBIS/Multi BISS GCH Raising The Bar At Dabs )

At her debut show weekend, on January 18 & 19, 2013 DaNA won Winners Bitch both days at age 7 months!


We look forward to an year with DaNA !

Bred by Beth Griner and Dolores (Dee) Morton | Breeder/Owner Handled by Beth Griner - Dab’s Bostons Dabs4811@charter.net E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


“Trooper” (at 9 yrs )




This litter is Futurity nominated for 2013 “PAISLEY”

Ouis & Lochlans Playing With Fire

* At 5 mo.debut wins GP 1 Best Puppy In Show!! *


Ouis & Lochlans All Eyes On Me


Ouis Her Royale Hotne SSSS

Suzanne MAXINE Uzoff Houston, Texas ~ 713 569.9190 www.ouibostons.com Primo co-owned w/Paige Hrubitz &Lynne & Paisley co-owned w/Lynne & Terry Russell/LOCHLAN lochlan1985@hotmail.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Oui feed a natural RAW diet

! r i A e h t n i s i e v o L


t e k c o R + r e n n Gu Rocket’s first litter is due 01-20-2013 and was confirmed. Gunner is a senior and will be 10 yrs this Spring. This litter is BTCA futurity eligible for 2014.

CH T-BO’s Top Gun For Hire , ROM

Owned by Teresa Hendrix T-BO Bostons (pictured above winning from the 6-9 puppy class)

Pedigree of pups CH. Kennedy’s Elite Meastro Teddy ROM BISS CH. Kennedy’s Knoty Solo Act, ROM CH. Kennedy’s Miya ROM CH. T-BO’s Top Gun For Hire, ROM CH Pequoag’s Time Keeper For T-Bo ROM* 2/BIS BISS CH. T-Bo’s Only Time Will Tell, ROM** CH. Flashpoints Jamica Me Krazy, ROM


CH Brio N Hilltop’s Princess Tiger Lily Owned by Russell & Stacie Kinnaird Hilltop Bostons

Hilltop Bostons and Boxers Stacie Kinnaird www.hilltop-boxers.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

CanCH Robb Isle Uncle Tom CH Burling’s Red Baron For Brio, ROM*, CGC, RN CanCH. Miss Sassa Frass Susie CH Brio N Hilltop’s Princess Tiger Lily CH Pequoag’s Time Keeper For T-Bo ROM* GCH. Brio’s It’s a Wonderful Life, ROM CH. Motif’s Simply Elegant Of Brio, ROM, BTCA AOM

Where is the

happiest place on earth

for boston terrier


the boston terrier museum


es, there actually IS a Boston Terrier Museum and I had the wonderful experience of visiting it in May on my way to the Boston Terrier Club of America’s National Specialty this year. Honestly, it was heaven - talk about Boston memorabilia overload!!! I was like a little kid in a candy shop. It was truly amazing! The photos included with this issue’s article are a mere handful of the photos I took. I believe I took well over 100 photos, so you can imagine the truly magnificent collection at the museum. Let me first give you a little background and history of who established the museum. The

of course!

developer, owner, and curator of this fine museum is Bob Hambright and he LOVES Boston Terriers. He’s had five so far - all males and only one at a time so he wouldn’t’ have to share attention among multiple dogs. He wanted each one to know his full love. He has five little dog houses in the museum - each with one of the names of his Bostons. Bob wasn’t a collector until about 10 years ago believe it or not. He started collecting after his wife bought him a large Sandicraft Boston Terrier figurine and before you know it, he was searching online (eBay and other sites), going to estate sales, scanning newspapers,

and watching for anything Boston Terrier-related that he’d like to add to his collection. He became acquainted with other collectors such as Paul Hiller and they would often share their recent acquisitions with one another. Bob became pretty well known for his BT collection addiction and other Boston Terrier lovers from all around further enabled that addiction by donating various items to him. Bob’s collection soon outgrew his home, so about five years ago, after his wife passed away, he decided to purchase a building (an old, OLD hospital that later became a pharmacy), remodel it, and convert it into a

© 2012 by Hoflin Publishing, Inc. Reprinted with permission of The Boston Quarterly, 4401 Zephyr Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-3299. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission from HPI and the author is prohibited.”

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Boston Terrier Museum so that Boston Terrier lovers could visit and share in his appreciation of the many collectibles he had acquired. His museum has literally hundreds of Boston Terrier children’s toys and books, statues, vintage candy dishes, magazines, door stops, cards, canes/walking sticks, ornaments, clocks, jewelry, decanters, slippers, molds, clothing with Boston printed material, and a lot more. If you can think of something “Boston”, chances are Bob has at least one of them. Many of the items are quite rare and some are truly one of a kind. Some of the items he’s acquired were damaged or in poor

repair, but for those items Bob spent hours meticulously restoring them to their original condition. It was truly amazing to see how he’s used his love of Bostons to build and continually grow the museum. Wandering through the museum, chatting with Bob, learning about the history and origin of many of the collectibles was truly fascinating. The love, attention to detail, and care Bob gives to his collection and the museum itself is really quite amazing. Listening to various stories about how he came to get certain pieces (like the HUGE Boston Terrier bank you can often see him standing

beside that’s nearly as big as he is …. He drove cross country to pick up the bank only to find that it was TOO BIG TO FIT IN THE CAR!!!! Hahaha… He worked it out though as he HAD to have it!!!) and the people he met through his collection activities, including many of the dog show world. Sadly, Bob closed the museum on May 15, 2012, so I was indeed fortunate to be able to see it. Now, that being said, even though the museum is “closed to the public”, if a BT lover happens to be in the area and would like to see this fabulous collection, you can give Bob a call and he will

gladly open it up and give you a private tour. In fact, that’s exactly what he did for me. I was at a dog show and while I had intended for it to be a “show and go” time for me, my girl ended up getting Best Bred By Exhibitor, so of course we had to stay for BBE Groups and boy am I glad we did as we ended up with a Group 1 (over a lovely miniature poodle, adorable French bulldog, and lively Schipperke) and got to participate in BBE BIS. We didn’t get the “Best”, but we had a great time! Anyway, I digress… where I was going with that was to say Bob was very accommodating as I had called him the day before to ask if I could come to the

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

museum the next day after I showed and thought it would be around 3pm as it was about a 2.5 hour drive from the show; however, when I called to tell him that I was running very late due to the win, he was quite understanding and even though I didn’t get there until after 6pm, he still opened the museum to me and spent close to 2 hours with me. What a GREAT experience it was for me too! So, next time you’re in (or near) Floydata, Texas, give Bob a call (a day or two before hand so he’ll have a heads up), stop by The Boston Terrier Museum, and walk into a BT lover’s dream land and enjoy the

sights and stories you would not other wise have the opportunity to enjoy. Bob - THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful piece of your life! I do have one question… how do you manage to keep everything so clean AND dust free????  Seriously, if you ever have the opportunity to stop by and see the museum and visit with Bob, he’s listed, so just look him up, give him a call and maybe, just maybe you’ll get that “kid in a candy shop” feeling too!

Pamela Preston

* t o * H

All ads are now Available in print! Show off your ad to family & friends.

Frame your ad to hang on your wall.

- Museum Quality Custom Gallery Prints - Professionally printed on Glossy Polar Pearl Metallic paper

- Custom imprinted with the month, year & edition that the ad was featured.

- Great collector’s item to own or give as a gift - Order with your Ad or purchase Back Prints

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from previous editions .

Contact us to order your print today.


8 ½ x 11 ($40.00) + S&H ( Ideal for photo albums, scrapbooks or framing )

Museum Quality Gallery Prints on 66 lb (255 gsm) 10.4 mil Ultra premium Polar Pearl Metallic, Photobase RC, Microporous, Pearlescent Reflective, Glossy, Low OBA, paper at 1440 dpi using Ultrachrome K3 Vivid Magenta ink. This superb almost iridescent reflective finish yields a true museum quality print estimated to last without fading for 100 years. A fabulous way to memorialize your dog, breeding program and show career, as advertised in E-Dalmatians!

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FLORIDA SUNCOAST BOSTON TERRIER CLUB SPECIALTY November 8th & 9th, 2012 Some candids from the show.

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Sweeps: Mrs Beth Carr BEST: BLUE SKYZ CELINE DION (Retha M Hill) Regular Classes: Mrs Dana Read BOB: CH TAYLWAGONS BLACKBERRY WINE SPRITZER (Linda M Taylor) SD: GCH HABERL’S WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES (Robin Snow & Bill Kivimaki & BJ Barnhart,Valrico) WD/BOW: CHARWINS JIGGER (Charles E Woods) RWD: FIVEFORKS RIWARDS DOMINO V WAGON HO (Jane Whittenhall & Rita Salins, Inglis) WB / BOS: JULENES MEMORIES OF MAMA MORGAN (Julene Mazzacane) RWB: TAYLWAGONS BLAZING STAR (Linda M Taylor)

Friday, November 9th, 2012


In loving memory of Byron Elder. You will be sadly missed.

Photos and results submitted by Helen Connolly E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

The Boston Terrier Club of San Diego Specialty January 4th, 2012

ners in w e h t Some of m the show s fro id d n a c &


Best in Sweeps

Sweeps: Cathy Dugan BEST: ABBA’S DAPPER LUCKY CHARM (Carol Enright and Layna Scheuveman BOS: TNT’S SON OF A BUSTER (Robin Taylor & Christine Taylor) BEST VET: CH GOLDENS IT’S MY PARTY (Peggy Golden) Regular Classes: Ms Faye Strauss BOB: GCH CAMPBELL CLAN’S IDOL CHATTER (Gillian & Danielle Campbell and Karen House) BOS: CH KASHMERE’S TALK OF THE TOWN (Karen Carroll) SD: GCH ESCALIBUR’S KC DOUBLE THE TROUBLE (Tea & Dikan Rendic) SB: CH NAUGHTY NORTENOS PLATINUM EDITION (Marshan Fish and Kevin Norton) WD/BOW: A CATERED AFFAIR’S SHOWMAN OF BARNONE (Roy & Naomi McMichael) RWD: CAMPBELL CLAN’S INDY 500 (Melissa & Brandon Paresel and Danielle Campbell) WB : COOL’S RAZZLE DAZZLE DAISY (Jahmai Castillo and Melany Anaya) RWB: GOLDEN’S A TRIBUTE TO JO (Peggy Golden)

Final Winners!

photos by Charlie Gerson

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com



E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

CLUB SPECIALTY ADVERTISING Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Boston Terriers & get FREE coverage the very next edition of your Specialty!

We continue to offer GREAT discounts for Clubs. $40.00/ 1 month insertion $90.00/ 3 months


d Bo

39th Annston Terrier ual Spec ialty




County Fairgro Lawren ce, Kans unds, as CO NTACT Jane Bl PERSO ackerb N: y, Show ch dynast ypug@e air 913-722-35 arthlink. 51 net Superin Foy Tren tendent: t Dog Sh Entries close: ows Septem ber 26 , 2012 Shows will be LAWRE in conjun NCE JA ct ion wi YHAWK October KENNEL th 13 and CLUB, 14, 2012 , Possibilit

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Aftern oo Sweeps n Specialty Judge: Confor mation Troy Dargin and Jr s. Judg TROPHI e: Caro ES: lyn Sc Am

CIALTIE Morning S! Sweeps Specialty Judge: Confor mation Sandra Coffm Judge: an M ik e Otten TROPHI ES:

BOB – BTCA W aln BOS – Set of He ut Plaque an d Stain art Shap Select less Stee Dog – e Bowl l Tray Umbrell s Select a dona Bitch – ted by Umbrell BOW – Jane an a dona Heart Sh d Gilbe ted by rt Cole ape Va WD – St Ja ne se and Gi ainless lbert Co Steel Bo WB – St le wl (squa ainless re) Steel Bo Best Pu wl (roun ppy – Sil d) ver Co Best Ve vered Bo teran – wl Footed Best BB Silver Bo E – Crate wl Best Sw eep – Fle xi Lead RD – Ce ramic W ov RB – Ce ramic W en Bowl (red) oven Bo Each en wl (red) try - Stain less Stee l 16 oz bowls.

erican haldec ker high lof made, hand made an t batting d made (not fo am). of polye ster

Dog B eds! www.p ets akes.co


BOB – BTCA W alnut Pla BOS – Blue St que an d Large ripped Select Round Petsake Dog – Petsake Dog Be Cooler Select Dog Be donate d Bitch – d d by Ja Cooler BOW – ne and donate Round Gilbert d by Ja Red Pe Cole WD – Blu ne and tsake Do Gilbert e Petsa g Be ke Crate Cole WB – Pin d Mat k Petsa ke Crate Best Pu ppy – Ta Mat upe Pe Best Ve tsake Cr teran – ate Mat Tan Best BB E - Crate Round Petsa ke Dog Best Sw Bed eep – Fle xi Lead Best Ju nior – Gr ooming RD – Pe Bag do t Blank nated by et RB – Pe Ja t Blank ne Black et Each en erby try – Pe t Scarf with Lo go

provid ing lunc The Cl h between th ub will also be e shows and al sponso ring an so, a silent au All-Bre ct ed Auct ion of Bost on ion on Saturd and dog rela E Bosto ay, Oct te n Terrier ober 13 d items du s | www. ring th , 2012 e show ebostont . s. erriers.co m

Get a color spread with photos & results of your specialty in the very next issue FOR FREE! (Clubs need to send us the photos & results to be represented)


Some of




the winn

rrier Club y BostonSpTe al ecialt2012 Heartland 39th Annu r 12, tobe Friday, Oc



** You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service** If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want your specialty represented, the rate is $40.00 /page.

Contact us today. E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Ginnis Block gewell Mc nifer Renee Rid owned by Jen ned by an shine ow d Highwaym y Ms Sun Brunning Alyssa Mosle oun gates Lil Wyatt’s Westb by Doreen AM Show . ned by brook owned - Castle Ch ow 18 . e 29 No on . in Tim - No BIS – idry Donny Sabert Veteran Cosmos’ Frozen s Dexter of Sharon Linda Gu r Block by by Best in air’ ned owned Jennife . 11 ed Aff us ow Craven - A Cater ply Scrumptio e ‘em to Pieces an owned by d E. & M. Jane WD – No 27 . aym No Lov RWD – . 10 – Sabe’s Sim de’s Reese’s stbound Highw owned by Richar Fisher Lin WB – No . 14 – JC N Ch. Wyatt’s We Society Roses reen Brunning Stahmer, Lauren No by Do on Hi. 29 – by Marie RWB – eran – No Raindrops in Time ownedMan – owned Best Vet . 42 – Ri-Ja’s r Block zen ing nife Fro vel Jen os’ No Tra by od - Cosm nnedy’s Wild BOB – an owned by Jeri D. Go No. 11 Ke aym H. hw W BO d Hig ss owned . 35 – GC Westboun ic Ice Prince idry BOS - NoKennedy . Wyatt’s Cosm Highwayman Linda Gu & Sarah g – No. 29 – Ch . Sunwood’s ned by Saberton Ch stbound ry – ow Select Doch – No. 38 – Ch. Wyatt’s We to every Sto ned by Sharon es Select Bit n – No. 29 - linde’s two Sid tious ow era Scrupm Best Vet py - No. 6 – Jcn Sabe’s Simply – Best Pup d By – No. 10 Shoen by Lucille Best Bre owned a Trace d Highwayman ille Schoen Without oun by Luc ine Smith Lu’s Nu Wyatt’s Westb owned PM Show idry . 17 – HiCh. by Christ Trace BIS – No n - No. 29 - Nu Without a cks – owned ned by Linda Gu era s mo ow Vet Lu’ Oo erton Schoen her & ry Best . 17 – Hi- arlie Rings of to every sto by Sharon Sab ned by Lucille Fis es Lauren ow – Ch WD – No us owned s two sid No. 23 hiner – Stathmer, RWD – . 6 – Jc n Linde’ ply ScrumptioCosmic Moons ned by Marie Sim WB – No 10 – Sabe’s Ch. Hi-Lu’s Nu veling Man ow No Tra – oen ld B . 31 Sch Wi RW & nnedy’s eran - No by Lucille Neff M. Baird ned ya Best Vet . 35 - GCH Ke ow Son nd by mo Trace No thout A a owned by Ray Finnian –owned BOB – nnedy s Nu Wi ief Good Sarah Ke No. 17 – Hi-Lu’ y Racin Jordan nnybrook Ch tor by Jeri D. y Catpstick and BOW – . 40 – Ch.Vic . Coosaga’s Do erl – owned No – Ch Princess – owned by Bev 39 . Ice BOS – ic No g– oen Road Cosm wood’s nd King of the Select Do Baird Lucille Sch E. Ch. Sun ned by Richard ch – No. 38 – – GCH. Knolla hiner ow Lucille Schoen by ic Moons y Select Bit Merit - No. 45 Nu Cosmonshiner ownedby Linda Guidr oen of Sch Hi-Lu’s Mo Award u . 31 – Ch s Nu Cosmic ry story owned ned by Lucille Luc Boilea n Dog - No Lu’ to eve ut a Trace ow Hies Ch era sid tho s two Best Vet n - No. 31 s Nu Wi n Linde’ era Best Vet py - No. 6 – Jc No. 17 – Hi-Lu’ Best Pup d By Exhibitor Best Bre




s | www.

n Terrier

E Bosto

ults & s e r e h t s u Just send os from the show d phot any candi DO THE REST! & WE’LL

Did you forget to order your 2012 National Video DVDs ?

It’s not too late!

What’s on the Video? - Every dog exhibited in every conformation class - Every dog identified with AKC name, Sire & Dam - Every conformation class judged - Every scheduled conformation & Obedience event - Pleasing musical soundtracks

Re-live the fun...See all the dogs & Catch what you didn’t see.

Order Today! Order at: www.showdogvideopros.com/BostonTerrier.html E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

~ 2012 End of the Year Stats~ Breed

All Breed

Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2012 up to & including Dec 31, 2012

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Ad Submission Information All our ads are in color & created in a “widescreen view” equivalent to a 2 page spread. This allows more room for your ad material & appears larger & “seamless” on our electronic magazine viewer.

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Conformation, Health and Sweetness... All in one

Gorgeous Package!

Email us & tell us what type of ad you want (Dog ad, litter ad, Club ad, classified listing, etc.)


9” High

Step 2)

2011 Minuteman Boston Terrier Club Specialty Thank you breeder Judge Mrs. Karen Billings 2011 National Dog Show Thank you Judge Mrs. Avery Gaudin

Send us all your ad info. Will

9” High

Varied Industries Building Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, Iowa CLOSES AUGUST 22, 2012

Pay for your ad Pay on line at : www.ebostonterriers.com/shop.html We must receive payment along with ad submission.

t?? at Wh k of nex in he th

Owned and Loved by Thomas & Margaret Noble and Sarah Kennedy

Friday September 7, 2012

Step 3)

www.noblebostons.com Bred by Vicki Kennedy & Sarah Kennedy

Hawkeye Boston Terrier Club, Inc

Step 1)

g g

g g

GCH CH Kennedy’s Noble Reign Of Good Will

g 15” Wide g

Presented by Margaret Noble

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FULL PAGE DOG AD What we need if you are placing a Dog ad: 1) Color photo(s) of your dog at High Resolution (150 dpi or higher) We prefer no more that 2 photos per ad (limited to 4). 2) Text to include for your Dog: -Registered name -Call name -Sire & Dam -Breeders -Owners -Contact info (email/ kennel name &/or Phone number) -Kennel Logo if you want it included on ad

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E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908

SUPER: Jack Onofrio SWEEPS: Cledith Wakefield SPECIALTY: Robert E. Hutton SATURDAY JUDGE: Robert Indeglia SUNDAY JUDGE: Lewis Bayne FRIDAY’S OBEDIENCE JUDGES: Novice A: Donald Levinson Novice B: Donald Levinson Open A: Donald Levinson Open B: Diane Propst Utility A&B: David Haddock Beginner Novice A & B: Susan Bluford Graduate Open: Diane Propst Versatility: David Haddock BEST OF BREED Walnut Plaque BTCA 2012 Laurelwood Boston Terrier Plate $200.00 cash

BEST OF WINNERS: $75.00 cash BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: $100.00 cash WINNERS DOG: $50.00 cash WINNERS BITCH: $50.00 cash BEST VETERAN: $25.00 cash BEST BREED BY EXHIBITOR: $25.00 cash BEST PUPPY IN PUPPY CLASSES: $25.00 cash Banquet and auction to be held Saturday Sept. 8th at Okoboji Grill at 6:00 pm ordering off menu Drawing for two meals paid by the Club ENTRY FEES: 1st entry is $23.00 except Puppy, BBE and Veterans which are $18.00. Each additional entry of same dog is $15.00. Sweeps is $15.00. Obedience fee’s are also $23.00 for the 1st entry and 15.00 for 2nd entry of the same dog. CONTACT PERSON: Pauline Neff 319-4559022 neffrm@msn.com

This show is lovingly dedicated to the memory of Irv Kruger. E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FULL PAGE CLUB AD What we need if you are placing a Specialty Club Ad: 1) Club logo 2) Text copy for the ad & must include: -Club giving the Specialty & Date of Specialty -Location of Specialty -Superintendent & closing date -Judges 3) Results & any candid photos from the Specialty if you would like a follow up collage/ coverage of your Specialty (this is included for free in the price of the Club ad )

3) Any text copy you want on the ad

Important information you need to know about our ad policy:

1) All our ads are designed for free. Additional design fees may apply as listed below. 2) Once we have completed your ad, we will send you a proof for review. 3) We will need to know within 48 hours of receipt of your ad proof ad if we need to make any changes /corrections. 4) Free design fee includes up to one revision/ change to your ad if needed and any further changes after that will require additional design fees (except for correcting any errors on our part). 5) Your ad will be considered approved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours. 6) Once your ad is approved, no changes can be made without additional design fees. 7) No further ad material or text changes can be accepted after the deadline.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers Breeder/ Kennel Listing

www.chrimasobostons.com www.grandviewbostonterriers.com

Suzanne “MAXINE” Uzoff Houston, Texas 713 569 9190 WWW.OUIBOSTONS.COM

Breeder of Top 10 bostons

Beth Griner Dolores (Dee) Morton 3114 Woodhams Ave., Portage, Mi 49002 (269) 352-7660 dabs4811@charter.net


Naturally reared & raw fed. CERF, OFA, Hemi, Hip & JC DNA tested




E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


E Boston Terriers Breeder/ Kennel Listing CampbellClanBostons Danielle Campbell CampbellClanBostons.com CampbellClanBostons@hotmail.com Ch. Stud service, puppies. OFA BAER, Cerf, Patella, Cardiac, JC. DNA, Thyorid, spine and hips

Grace Quinlan 978-549-4130 charm school bostons

NicoleaPollack Portsmouth, New Hampshire 603.431.6151


Hilltop Boxers & Bostons Touch of Magic Bostons Diana Terry / Merrilee Burgess 253-445-0876 www.touchofmagicbostons.net

Stacie Kinnaird www.hilltop-boxers.com 903-530-8371 Located in East Texas

Martini Bostons Linda Martin 502 Terrault Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410 336-324-9573 lgmartin@triad.rr.com www.martinibostons.com

Breeding for Correct - Type.Temperament.Health

Carol Enright ABBA’s Bostons

Gilja Bostons

We make house calls for your pet.

Jane F. Cole and Gilbert W. Cole

Mobile Veterinary Health Care Services

QUALITY not QUANTITY - since 1968 abbasbostons@hotmail.com

Breeder of Merit www.TheBostonTerriers.com 314-629-7244 gilja2’@hotmail.com

Nicholas Valenti D.V.M Selden, NY 631 696 7440

since 1973

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers Breeder/ Kennel Listing/ Classifieds L Clark Photo Design.com When Pigs Fly Dog Training

Jane Killion

95 Union Brick Rd Blairstown, NJ 07825 908-310-9498 jane@pigsflydogs.com



S &

Karen Mcnamara

Go to


Daily Training and Daycare 978 473 9037


sitstayandplayblogspot.com sitstayandplay.blogspot.com

Be represented in E Boston Terriers

Now filming in High Definition

Over 60 Breeds filmed

Advertise in our Breeder/ Kennel Section.

Best in Show Video for your Show Dogs www.showdogvideopros.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

$25.00/ year- Business card $50.00/year Double business card Send us your info or Business card & we’ll do the rest!

2013 Feb/ Mar - Deadline Jan 20

New Years Edition

Apr/May - Deadline Mar 20

Pre National Edition


Jun/Jul - Deadline May 20 Post National Edition

(publication & deadline dates extended to accomodate for National photos)

Aug/Sep - Deadline Jul 20

Summer Edition

Oct/Nov - Deadline Sep 20 Fall Edition

Dec -

Deadline Nov 20

Special Holiday Edition

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


E BostonTerriers www.ebostonterriers.com

E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861

www.edogmagazines.com junekrukenkamp@gmail.com

Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp

designers June Krukenkamp Larissa Clark Nicole Pollack Angie Henderson

Staff Writers Michele Wrath Karen McNamara

Staff Photographer Linda Davis

Our E DogMagazines are independent publications and not affiliated with any breed club. We are breed specific and available only on the internet. There is no printed version of our E DogMagazines. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight & other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to all our E DogMagazines is FREE. They can be viewed 24/ 7 on their own websites for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release & of any news and updates regarding our E DogMagazines. Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their own ads. Publisher cannot be responsible for the accuracy made in any advertisement. All ads approved by advertisers will be published & changes will not be made after approval. Any changes to ads after publishing are subject to additional fees. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any material submitted. All material on this site is copyright protected & cannot be used without the written consent of E DogMagazines. ©2013 All rights reserved.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Happy Valentines Day

From E Boston Terriers

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