E Boston Terriers December 2011 Edition

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E Boston Terriers A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

Volume 2 No. 6


December 2011

On The Cover

Multi BISS Am/Can CH. Kennedy’s Tuckered By The Storm ROM**** ( BISS Am/Can CH. Kennedy’s Storm Watch Bramley ROM***** X CH. Kennedy’s Naughty Nadia )


Tucker has been the #1 Stud Dog of the Year and is following in the footsteps of his top producing sire Stormy. To date Tucker has 26 champions with many more to come. Tucker is fully health tested & clear for Baer Hearing, Eye Cerf, & OFA Patella’s. He is at stud to approved bitches.

stands watch over his precious cargo.

Bred & Owned By: Kennedy’s Bostons Vicki & Sarah Kennedy & Lillian Reps 99 West River St Orange, MA 01364 978-544-8332 www.kennedybostons.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Get Your Boston seen on the Cover of E Boston Terriers

And the envelope please..

E Boston Terriers Volume 2 No.1

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication


Feb/ Mar 2011

E Boston Terriers Volume 2 No. 2

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

Apr/ May 2011

Volume 2 No. 3

E Boston Terriers A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

Jun/Jul 2011

Photo by Thomas Noble


GCH CH Kennedy’s Noble Reign Of Good Will


Caramuru Across The Universe -

Volume 2 No. 4

Be a Cover Dog in 2012

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

E Boston Terriers

E Boston Terriers

E Boston Terriers Aug/Sep 2011

Volume 2 No. 5

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

A Bi Monthly Internet Publication

Oct/ Nov 2011

Volume 2 No. 6

December 2011

Tucker “Jake” We are reserving covers now for 2012. Cover Dogs receive an additional inside spread & are featured in all our monthly E Blasts announcements to judges, advertisers & subscribers.

Contact us so we can save a Cover Page for you! E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Seasons From: E Bo s



ton Terrier s

We would like to personally thank everyone for all your support this year of E Boston Terriers We could not have this lovely magazine without the continued support of our loyal Advertisers. We strive to continually bring you a quality magazine to represent this wonderful breed.

Have a lovely Holiday Season!

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

GCH Kennedy’s Poetic Justice For Brickhouse

Judge Judge is spending his winter vacation in Florida.. ...at Eukanuba! Look for Judge & Dave Slattum on the Blue Carpet!!


Owned & Loved By: Kelly Feickert, Sarah Kennedy and Margaret Noble Bred By: Vicki and Sarah Kennedy Presented By: Dave Slattum and Margaret Noble

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Rigby, you’ve just taken the East Coast by storm. What are you going to do now???

I’m going to Eukanuba!!!

t e r a g r a M & y b g i R r ! o t f e h p c r t a a c e W ng on the blu showi

GCH CH Caramuru No More Lonely People At Brickhouse Thank you Judge Ms. Karen Billings

Thank you Judge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen

Presented By Thomas & Margaret Noble

Rigby www.brickhousebts.com

Owned By: Kelly Feickert and Fernanda Barlow | Bred By: Fernanda Barlow, Vicki and Sarah Kennedy E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Isn’t life GRAND!!

FLORIDA SUNCOAST SPECIALTY BEST IN SHOW! Thank you to Judge Sandra Goose Allen




Strikin it rich AGAIN, with yes FIVE, 5 point wins to make it to the GRAND winner’s circle! ! ! At stud to approved health tested bitches. CERF, BAER, OFA Patellas, & JC clear by parentage. Thank you to Judge Alane Gomez




( Ch Ouis Royal Majesty Prince Charming X Ouis Essence of Gold )

Proudly Owned by Robert & Cindy Jones CIRCLE J www.circlejbostons.com 205 758-3069

See Richey in action at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2h8Mk4Q2dA

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

k you to n a h t D A GRAN l for a super job! eisse Barbara B

Bred by S. Maxine Uzoff www.ouibostons.com 713 569.9190

www.tamarabostons.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com



GCH Martini’s Hey Sugah!

2 Martini’s Served Straight Up!

Group 3 under Judge Ann Hearn Augusta Kennel Club Oct. 9, 2011

(Ch. Martini’s Designated Driver X Ch. Martini’s Slightly Dirty))

re a s r e t s i These 2 S t Up” I “Shaken

Bred & Owned by Linda Martin

“Sugah” & “Flirt”

BISS CH Martini’s A Perfect Sip or Two In Hi-Society Group 3 under Judge Dr. Anthony DiNardo Fayetteville KC show, November 20, 2011. BISS at the Greater Atlanta Boston Terrier Club Specialty October 28, 2011.

Martini Bostons


Owned by Cindy Davis and Sandra Chrisman

Hi-Society Bostons

Linda Martin www.martinibostons.com lgmartin@triad.rr.com

www.hi-society-boston-terriers.com Co Owned & Bred by Linda Martin

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Sierra earned her Chanpionship title at less than 6 1/2 months old with five 3 point Majors along with a Group 3 Best Puppy. She has received multiple BOB, BOS and Select placements earning her Grand Championship title at 8 months old to be invited to Eukanuba and is taking it to Westminster! Oh what a thrill!

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Our New Bred By Champion.. .

BC’s Princess Affinia of Brave Gallardo Thanks to all the Judges that helped make Affinia’s Championship possible. Our journey, with our first home bred champion, has been one to remember.

Photos by: Carlos A. Ortiz

Mrs. Maralyn K. Busse Mrs. Marlene Mortera Mr. Jon R. Cole Mr. David J. Kirkland Mrs. Robert D. Smith Dr. Robert D. Smith

Breeders Owners Handlers~ Brenda D. Otero & Carlos A. Ortiz


Multi BISS CH Sunwoods Lamburgini “Dylan”


USA’s #1 Boston Terrier in 2009, BTCA National Specialty winner 2009


Multi BIS MCH T-Bo’s Porcelain Doll “Allora” Puerto Rico Top Ten All Breed 2011


migiall_boston@live.c om E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Ch Cantrip’s Mr. Pepper Pot ( Ch. Flashpoints Cosmic Ray X Cantrip’s Carbon Copy )

Pepper started with his first 4 pt major on March 30th and finished with his last 4 pt major on September 30th. He finished his Championship in 6 months at 6 years old! His first time in the specials ring, he took BOB under judge Mr. Joe C. Walton (pictured here).

Lovingly presented by Wendy Gardino (Domino Bostons) wendy@dominobostons.com 518-365-5900

Bred by: Judy & Jim Zahas

Owned by: Helen and Roland Martin | 365 Sears Road | Cortland, NY E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Double the Trouble...Double the Fun... Look Out Everyone,

Here We Come!



(Ch. Sunwood Regal Heir x Sunwood Make Me A Star)

Sunwood Not To Be Overlooked

Sunwood Merrie Mary “Keeping their eyes on the prize”

(Ch. Annalee Moonstruck Of Sunwoods x Sunwoods Love Made Ez)

Owned by: Loretta Dolan and Wendy Gardino Bred by: Jill Ritchey Presented by: Anibal Faria Loredo Bostons 260 Newman Street Metuchen, NJ 08840

Owned by: Wendy Gardino and John Domblewski Bred by: Jill Ritchey Presented by: Wendy Gardino

Keeping an eye on the Trophy!

Domino Bostons 20 Miles Standish Road Schenectady, NY 12306

www.loredobostons.com loretta@loredobostons.com 732-379-9752

www.dominobostons.com wendy@dominobostons.com 518-365-5900 Twee & Daisy

Photos by Tom Weigand

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

The holidays came early this year for one lucky little Boston Terrier elf...




Thank you to Judge Michele Billings for this very lovely win! BREEDERS: Donna Nardi & Jessica Nardi & Mary Swords & Jason Luciano OWNERS:

Nicole Pollack & Jason Luciano & Donna Nardi & James Frissell

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Life’s A Game! With Diamond Lil

By Betsy Kelleher


play pen containing three Boston Terriers caught my husband’s eye as we walked past horse stalls at the Illinois State Fair. One black and white female was extra friendly, jumping up and down and waving her little paws excitedly at my husband.

He picked her up. She licked his face and acted as though he were a long lost buddy. His uncle had owned a Boston named Patsy when he was a youngster, he told the owner. He put her down, and she scampered to the other side of the play pen to bring back a toy. How cute! We smiled and walked on. We owned four horses kept in a self care boarding stable, and we lived in a mobile home.

We didn’t need a dog!

My husband talked about that dog for months. Perhaps he did need a dog. He had previously bred Schnauzers, so he knew something about dogs. For a moment I considered getting him a Schnauzer, but he had obviously fallen in love with a certain Boston Terrier, and he was not going to forget her. I found myself wishing we had gotten her name and the names of her owners. I would never have chosen a Boston Terrier myself—maybe a Lab or shepherd, or a Cocker Spaniel. But my dear old husband had fallen in love with a certain dog, so I decided to find that dog and try to buy her for my husband’s Christmas present. I searched the Internet for Boston Terrier breeders. I emailed several and called a few. Every inquiry went nowhere. Then, I remembered that the dog owner was showing horses. If only I could remember—was it Morgans or Arabs? I decided it was Morgans, and I started emailing Morgan owners I found on the Internet. After only two inquiries, one emailed back that she knew the dog I was asking about, even though the owners had Arabs. I hadn’t told my husband what I was doing, and I didn’t want to say anything until I had found HIS dog. I soon received an email with the name and phone number of the dog’s owner. I called. Before that call ended, I knew my husband would be getting a very special Christmas present. I couldn’t wait to tell him— there was no way I could keep this secret any longer! Lil has been with us almost two years. The beginning was not as good as it is now. As we brought her home, we

took turns driving and holding her, and in spite of the cold of December, one window was open all the way home to air out the smell of dog farts. That first evening, as we got acquainted, we came close to taking her back. I had never known a dog so quick to jump into your face, so active, so insistent, almost aggressive. The same endearing eagerness to lick my husband’s face—the very thing that first captivated him—was now overwhelmingly annoying! We finally put her into the crate my husband had gotten for her. Only then, were we able to relax and wonder what we had gotten ourselves into. I called a girl friend who was a dog trainer. She came over for an hour of counseling and training advice, which got us past the initial panic. Lil had been one of four dogs in her previous owners’ home, and they knew she would get more attention where she was the only dog. “As long as she is Queen of the known universe, she is happy,” they warned us. Once we adjusted to her demanding nature, we couldn’t help loving her. Now, you couldn’t get her away from us for any price. The first thing I taught her was to “wait.” It was a necessary defense. Whenever I bent down to tie my shoes, she was in my face with a toy. So I held up my hand and said WAIT! When I finished tying my shoes, I told her “OK,” and I played with her. She caught on very quickly. She would stand there with the toy in her mouth, waiting; but the second I finished tying my shoes, she was ready to play.

We were told she would sit, usually for a reward. So I worked with the sit thing for awhile. Then I added stay. I would tell her to sit and stay, and I would walk away—for fifteen seconds, then thirty. One day I tried a whole minute, but she came looking for me. Usually, I would go into another room where she could not see me, then I would call, “Lil, come.” And she would come running for her reward. “Beg” didn’t take long at all. “Lay down” took the longest. She did not want to lay down. I had to literally push her down at first and offer a treat. Then she would lay down but immediately stand up before taking the treat. So I would take it away. I discovered she responded to hand signals, so I would bring my hand down as I said “lay down.” Now, she is quick to comply. Anything for a treat. Her active mind needs things to do. Training her to sit, stay, come, lay down and wait was fun, and I was impressed at her eager intelligence. Lil came with two favorite toys. When I want to tease her, I will hold one toy in each hand, asking which one she wants. Sometimes I throw both of them and she decides which one to get. I can throw a toy from the kitchen, through the bedroom and straight into the bathroom, and her little paws scramble over the flooring like a race horse leaving the gate. She brings it back, to first play tug of war. With a dog as smart as Lil, sometimes you have to be cunning. If I hold the toy down close to the floor, she can’t keep a good hold on it, and then I can throw it again. When she is tired of running after it, she will stay in the bedroom. I am reminded that we got Lil for my husband. At first meet, she chose him, and he fell in love with her. I thought sure he would have this wonderful dog as a companion, and he would take her for walks, feed her, and play with her. Well, guess who walks her and feeds her and

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

plays with her, as if I haven’t already let that be known! But she does jump up onto his lap and beg to be rubbed. She positions her bottom toward him so he can scratch those favorite spots, then she turns her head to look at him as if to say, “right there, that’s the place!” Lil is a joy beyond anything we had imagined. She makes us laugh, she keeps us active, and she warms our hearts. My husband often remarks how full of love she is. We let her have full run of the house when we are gone and she has never caused any damage. When we walk in the door, she greets us with a toy in her mouth. While I am putting groceries away, or checking the mail, she is trying to coax me to play. She drops her toy at my feet, backs off with her paws low and her rump high, eyes looking up at me, challenging me to grab the toy before she does. Then she gives this low growl that trills downward like a plea to “come on, play with me.” If I continue to ignore her, I will hear a sharp little bark. Life is a game, with Lil. She seems to have adapted to our way of things quite well. She loves to lay on the back of the sofa, where she can see out and enjoy the sunshine. I tried to keep her off at first, but gave up. She’s cute up there. If I leave my lap blanket on the sofa, she loves that even more. I want someday to get a video of her efforts to fix it her way. She moves it around with her paws, then goes up in the air off all four, coming down in a different place. I don’t know how she does that! She will jump up on the sofa with a toy in her mouth, ready to play—and if my husband holds up his hand wanting to be left alone, she looks at him for a moment, then decides what to do about it. Sometimes she settles down flat out on the floor with a big sigh, her back paws stretched out behind her, her front paws against each side of her nose.

She is usually snoring within a few seconds. Sometimes she will turn her back on him and act very pouty. Or she will cuddle up beside him, sleeping on her back, with her front paws bent over. Sometimes she will go under the huge coffee table, often moving the magazines stored underneath to make room at the spot she wants. Got the picture? She thinks she owns the place! We think she does too. And we are happy to share it with her. While I am writing this, she is lying on the floor under my feet. She loves to be with one of us, wherever we are. When I take a nap in the bedroom, I have found her curled up afterward in my basket of laundry at the foot of the bed. We were lucky when we got our Diamond Lil. In spite of her demanding, determined personality, we have fallen totally in love with this bundle of energy.

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Greater Houston Boston Terrier Club’s 34TH Specialty Show


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Some of the winners....


for 4 major

Your chance

s: ed show for all bre Mapes Judgeson KC - Lester Czech

Houst - Arlene nn (prov.) ont KC Beaum - Bradford Du KC lveston

BTC: the GH

for l Judges - Michael Dacheoye


LaJ Breed -Dane stakes u Sweep Larry Ch Juniors-


PATELL PING & OCHIP , MICR RDIAC ER, CA RF, BA d for CE g at: July 23r on Sat. ick for schedulin .8811 C INI 328 H CL Kilpatr or 281 HEALT sting Debbie ail.com onsite and ho Contact ckers@hotm ONLY shows E DAY gco to back g a ON wyndson O back is offerin lding TW GHBTC l be ho !!! BTC wil SHOW when GH NATIONAL 2 201 1, CA May 7-1 The 2012 BT plans for to make Be sure

2011 July 6th, t close on Entries erintenden IO Sup ONOFR frio.com ww.ono http://w ry, b Secreta Clu tact info con at: For more na Halbardier .com Don owdogs ragtymesh 1 donna@ .515 281 827



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E Bosto

Thursday July 21, 2011


Sweeps Judge : Mr Dane Lajoye Best is Sweeps:OUI R STRIKIN IT RICH AT CIRCLE: Cindy Jones & S Maxne Uzoff. Best Opposite: WYNDSONG’S LITTLE MISS SMARTI PANTZ Debbie Kilpatrick & Joan Glover & Donna Halbardier Reg Judge: Michael J Dachel WD/BOW: OUI R STRIKIN IT RICH AT CIRCLE Cindy Jones & S Maxne Uzoff. RWD: WYNDSONG’S N TOPLINE’S READY TO FLY Donna Halbardier & Debbie Kilpatrick WB: OUIS LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION S Maxine Uzoff & Ric Metts. RWB:WYNDSONG’S LITTLE MISS SMARTI PANTZ Debbie Kilpatrick & Joan Glover & Donna Halbardier. BOB: CH GUMBO-KEAN’S COSMIC STARGAZER Jennifer Mosing & Jami & A Robert Mangum BOS:CH KC’S JUST OUT OF REACH Karen Bogenholm & Judy King SD: CH KEN’S RUDE AWAKENING Ken Roux SB: CH MACKENDRICK HOTT’TROT AT LNSTR Marcia McCracken AOM’’S CH T-BO-MJ’S TAKN CARE OF BIZNEZ Marcia & Joseph Galiga CH KEYNOTE’S KNOCKOUT KID Gwenn Weyandt & Janet Harner & C McCord & V Prater

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

A few candids....

Save the Date!

Greater Houston Boston Terrier Club 2012 Specialty Shows

Celebrating our 35th & 36th Specialty Shows With Exciting Back To Back Specialties And Hosting the BTCA Nationals Show Closes April 11, 2012 M


May 7, 2012 Sweeps Judge: Kathleen Brewer Regular Class and Juniors: Clayton Haviland

Judges M M


May 8, 2012 Sweeps Judge: Sherry Bryant Regular Class and Juniors: Edd Bivin




Show Secretary Terri Arnett (325) 374-0512 bebostons@aol.com




Host Hotel Crown Plaza Hotel – NW (Brookhollow) (713) 462-9977 or (800) 227-6963 www.crownplaza.com


Fun....Raffles...Silent Auctions! Trophy Donations Linda Guidry, (832) 360-8202 lindebostons@yahoo.com

Catalog Ads Maxine Uzoff, (713) 569-9190 muzoff@sbcglobal.net

To Pre-order GHBTC T-shirts Carol Moore, cmoore1023@msn.com or Donna Halbardier, donna@ragtymeshowdogs.com

Silent Auction

“Donations of vintage or collectible Boston Terrier items would be greatly appreciated for this fundraiser”. Debbie Kilpatrick wyndsongcockers@hotmail.com | 281 328-8811

www.houstonbostonterrierclub.com E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

y t l a i c e p nnual S

38th AOctober 14, 2011 Results

A Few Candids


y Ob by Pegg bmitted

s su

& Photo

ood n Blackw e e r u a ’Brien f Aran, M ’s Man o rd and Peggy O k o o r b n y Swaffo atterso : Donn r. Paul C nior in Sweeps Freckles, Janice M : e g d e s S Ju is 38th Annual Specialty Sweeps eepstakes/Best eridge Little M n w o S t S in : t s Bes eep ior in Sw ood ler Best Jun y A. Mil n Blackw r e a e r M u . a s dge: M Aran, M Judges~ lasses Ju rook’s Man of C r la u ce i Good g r b in y r Je n Re P n d r o n a a t W: D red S r unning WD/ BO ja’s Klassic Tailo oreen B D , il m e G G RWD Smith recious ps eja-Vu P t Lady, Rebecca ing; Ken Roux d Loretta Philli ole D B s W n n ir a e F k t r a a e ’s ,P ilb t C Aw lassic ’s Rude e for Back Nine ire, Jane and G Pauline Neff n e RWB- K K H and s O’F CH C d and Good BOB: G Victor y Taylor M star Great Ball rdana, Raymon and Jeri g in n e n n Jo H u o r C BOS: Gilja’s L s: Victor y Racin em, Doreen B og: CH se G Select D y in Puppy Clas ja-Vu Precious ne Cole e p p D , u itor : dition Ja ib Best P a r h T x E d e y r d-B ailo Best Bre an: CH Gilja’s T r e t e e Best V niel Pin ior : Da Best Jun Hosting its

Trop h


on October 14, 2011 at the Douglas County Fairground, Lawrence, Kansas

BOB – Vint age waln BOW – ut trop Vint BOS – Vint age walnut trophy, Boston Terr ier WD – Vint age walnut trop hy and $50.00 Club of Ame rica Plaq hy and age waln ue and RWD – $100.00 ut trop $100.00 Vint WB – Vint age walnut trophy age waln hy RWB – ut trophy Vint Best Bred age walnut trop By hy Best Pupp Exhibitor – Vintage walnut Best Vete y in puppy class trop ran – Vint – Vintage hy and Best in crate age waln walnut Juni trophy Best Pupp or Showmanshi ut trophy p Best Juni y in Sweeps – Vint – Vintage waln or in Swe ut trophy, age waln Best in groom ut trophy Sweepst eps – Vintage bag & groo waln akes Toy for ming supp first in each – Vintage waln ut trophy lies ut trophy class

This show will be in memory of Janet Rees.

Conform atio Sweeps: n: Mary Miller Paul Ca tterson


close: Sep



Visit ou

r website

Come and

join us for

an early

28, 201

ndent: www.ono Jack Onofrio frio.com Show Secr email: dyna etary: Jane Blac kerb stypugs@ earthlink. y net


for furth

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E Boston






donated to the club by member Avis Ode nbaugh. Ther Kennel Club e will be pos will be host sibility of 3 majo rs. ing the all-b reed show s on Oct obe


s | www.e


lunch, We will breed auction 1900’s have a special and Boston Soc cast iron ial Club , Bostonitem in our auction, after the Terrier doo show. rstop by Hubley




r 15 & 16,



Some of the Winners

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FLORIDA SUNCOAST BOSTON TERRIER CLUB SPECIALTY Friday, November 11th, 2011 Florida Classic Park, Brooksville, FL

Photos submitted by Helen Connolly

Results Sweeps Judge: Ms. Carol Ann Mohr Best in Sweepstakes/ RENEA’S RV’S FLASH Byron W Elder Regular Classes Judge: Ms. Sandra Goose Allen WD/ BOW: BANTA’S BLACK TIE N TAILS Mary Banta RWD: DANICREST BULLET’S TWO OLIVES WITH A TWIST Dr Mark & Nancy Brown & Danielle Butler & Dr Jacqueline Royce WB :JULENES PARK AVE MERCEDES Julene Mazzacane RWB: AUTUMNS SILVER LACE N SATIN SCS Maria T Brown BOB: CH OUI R STRIKIN IT RICH AT CIRCLE J Cindy Jones BOS: CH HONILEE’S TWINKIE DEFENSE Gail E Brewer SD: GCH KC’S MIDNIGHT RAMBLER Amanda Rochefort SB: CH BULLET’S DANICREST SHAKEN NOT STIRED Dr Jacqueline Royce & Danielle Butler

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Come Join us to kick off 2012 in Sunny California! Empire Polo Grounds Indio, California

Gorgeous Weather, Beautiful Grounds, Raffles, Luncheon

4 Shows...All Majors! Show 1 Boston Terrier Club of San Diego County - Specialty Thurs Jan 5th 2012 Sweeps Judge - Mrs. Calcinari Regular Judge - Mrs. Elaine J. Lessig All Non Sporting Breed Sweepstakes Show 2 Boston Terrier Club of San Diego County - Specialty Dedicated to the memory of Ellie Candland Friday Jan 6th 2012 Sweeps Judge - Mrs. Landstrom Regular Judge - Marge B Calltharp Best Puppy Competition

Show 3 Palm Springs KC All breed show - supported by BTCSD Saturday Jan 7th 2012 Judge - Mrs. Mary Lou Kniola Show 4 Palm Springs KC All Breed Show - Supported by BTCSD Sunday Jan 8th 2012 Judge - Kathy Bucher Sawyer

Prizes Galore!! E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw www.jbradshaw.com Entries close on Dec 21, 2011

the boston terrier club of connecticut

Back to Back Specialties Saturday & Sunday, March 17th & 18th, 2012 Entries close February 29, 2012

Saturday Judges: Sweeps: Joy Brewster Breed & Junior Show: Denice Van Driesen Sunday Judges: Sweeps: Jeff Langevin Breed & Junior Show: Sharon Lyons The shows will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Southbury, CT

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Attention...Boston Terrier Breed Clubs... Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Boston Terriers & get FREE coverage the very next edition of your Specialty!


r Houst

Entries close ONOFRIO on July 6th, 201 1 Su http://ww perintendent w.onofrio .com For more info con tact Clu b Secre Donn tary, donna@ a Halbardier at: ragtymesh owdogs. 281 827 com .5151

Get a color spread with photos & results of your specialty in the very next issue FOR FREE!

Visit ou

(still un



Just send

for th

e GHBTC Breed: Sweeps Michael Dach takes el Juniors- -Dane LaJoye Larry Ch u GHBTC

is offer

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to make


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for 4 major Judges



Housto r all breed shows: n KC Leste Beau Galvesto mont KC- Arlen r Mapes n KC- Br e adford Czech Dunn (pr ov.)


HEALTH CL Contac INIC on Sat. wyndso t Debbie Kil July 23rd for pa CERF, BA ngcock ers@ho trick for sche ER, CA du tmail.co RDIAC, m or 28 ling at: MICRO plans fo 1 328.8 CHIPPIN r May 7811 G & PA 11, 2012 TELLAS when GH . The 20 BT 12 BTCA C will be ho ldi NATIO NAL SH ng TWO back OW !!! to back shows and ho sting



Come join us for a great time!

For Ca

talog ad muzoff@ vertising co ntac sbcglob al.net or t Maxine Uzoff 713 56 9.9190 at:

E Bosto

n Terrier

s | www.

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Some of th


E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

H Spe cia



** You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service**


b’s 34T



(Clubs need to send us the photos & results to be represented)

Contact us today. Happy Holidays!

ier Clu

Thursd ay July 21, 2011 ction wi Reliant th the Reliant Park, Ho Park W orld Se uston, ries Texas

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If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want your specialty represented, the rate is $40.00 /page.

on Terr


Your chance

Be sure

We continue to offer GREAT discounts for Clubs. $40.00/ 1 month insertion $90.00/ 3 months

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Held in

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s | www.

n Terrier

E Bosto

All Breed

~ Boston Stats ~ Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2011 up to & including Oct 31, 2011

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Ad Submission Information

All our ads are in color & created in a “widescreen view” equivalent to a 2 page spread. This allows more room for your ad material & appears larger & “seamless” on our electronic magazine viewer.

g 15” Wide g g g


Step 1)


2 Winners

Twice the FUN!

Email us & tell us what type of ad you want (Dog ad, litter ad, Club ad, classified listing, etc.)

Thank you Judge Ms. Sharon Lyons for this BOB win from a very competitive lineup!

Thank you Judge Mr. Geoffrey Kill for the thrill of this Group 2 placement!

9” High

Step 2)

Send us all your ad info. CH Kennedy’s Poetic Justice For Brickhouse

GCH Ch Kennedy’s Noble Reign Of Good Will


9” High


OCTOBER 8 & 9, 2011 AT THE CHICOPEE DAYS INN 450 Memorial Drive, Chicopee, Massachusetts

Step 3)

Pay for your ad Pay on line at : www.edogmagazines.com/payment.html or send us a check. We must receive payment along with ad submission.


Owned and Loved by Kelly Feickert, Sarah Kennedy and Margaret Noble Presented by Pamela Freeman & Margaret Noble

g 15” Wide g g g

2 Brothers

Owned and Loved By Thomas & Margaret Noble and Sarah Kennedy Presented by Margaret Noble

Bred By Vicki & Sarah Kennedy E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FULL PAGE DOG AD What we need if you are placing a Dog ad: 1) Color photo(s) of your dog at High Resolution (150 dpi or higher) We prefer no more that 2 photos per ad (limited to 4). 2) Text to include for your Dog: -Registered name -Call name -Sire & Dam -Breeders -Owners -Contact info (email/ kennel name &/or Phone number) -Kennel Logo if you want it included on ad

If you are submitting a finished ad, please use our correct Specs:

Submit final ad in PDF format , 300 dpi or greater Use the page dimensions 15.0” W by 9.0” High

Email Address:


Mailing Addess:

E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908

Saturdays Judges: Karen Billings (conformation) Ann Celiba (Sweeps) Sunday Judges: Lois Sanford (conformation) Marlene Dunbury (Sweeps)

We look forward to seeing everyone at our shows.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

FULL PAGE CLUB AD What we need if you are placing a Specialty Club Ad: 1) Club logo 2) Text copy for the ad & must include: -Club giving the Specialty & Date of Specialty -Location of Specialty -Superintendent & closing date -Judges 3) Results & any candid photos from the Specialty if you would like a follow up collage/ coverage of your Specialty (this is included for free in the price of the Club ad )

3) Any text copy you want on the ad

Important information you need to know about our ad policy: 1) All our ads are designed for free. Additional design fees may apply as listed below. 2) Once we have completed your ad, we will send you a proof for review. 3) We will need to know within 48 hours of receipt of your ad proof ad if we need to make any changes /corrections. 4) Free design fee includes up to one revision/ change to your ad if needed and any further changes after that will require additional design fees (except for correcting any errors on our part). 5) Your ad will be considered approved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours. 6) Once your ad is approved, no changes can be made without additional design fees. 7) No further ad material or text changes can be accepted after the deadline.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Advertise in our Classifieds in 2012

Classified Advertising

For Juniors Only

- List your kennel -Advertise a litter or planned breeding.

A great place for merchants to advertise their good & services.

Half Page Ad

(7.5” by 4.5”) $50.00/ per insertion

Premium Kennel Listing Color +Logo/ photo (3.5” by 2.0”) $25.00/ year

We support our Junior Handlers !

Double Buisness Card Size Color Ad

Any Juniors out there who would like to be seen in E Boston Terriers???? Send us your photos & brags & we will include you in our FREE Juniors collage.

(3.5” by 4.0”) $50.00/ year

Basic Kennel/ Breeder Listing B&W, No Photo or Logo (3.5” by 1.0”) $10.00/ year

Premium Litter/ Breeding annnouncement (50 words or less +1-2 photos in color) (7.0” by 2.0”) $25.00/ per insertion

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Junior section is FREE!!!

Easy & affordable E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E Boston Terriers Classifieds

http://www.chrimasobostons.com/ http://www.thepawsmahal.com

Chicago, Illinois

Cynthia L. Pagurski M.S (773) 463-4923 (773) 416 7871 di_amores@att.net www.diamores.com

Kelly Estes 2895 SW 187th Ave Aloha, OR 97006 503-642-5209


Boston Terriers Bred for Type, Health & Temperament

Bramley Kennel Reg. Ann Lord 15 Giddens Rd Leverville, New Brunswick, Canada E5A2H6 506-466-2922 mailto:bramley@xplornet.ca http://pnwbostons.com/bramley.html

Jani Martin 509-216-6002 Newman Lake, WA Info@EQBostons.com www.EQBostons.com



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• Pay-Per-View of past shows (see website)

Also visit our classified page on line to learn more at: http://www.edogmagazines.com/Classifieds.html

Need a Classified AD? For all your training, grooming & nutrition needs.

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Need a Classified AD?

820 Harold L Dow Highway (rte236) Eliot, Maine 03908

Best Bestof of Luck LuckTo to All All Exhibitors Exhibitors and and Fanciers Fanciers in in 2011 2010!

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

Visit us if you are in the area or catch us on line at:


E Boston Terriers Classifieds KATBIRD BOSTONS

Suzanne “MAXINE” Uzoff Houston, Texas 713 569 9190

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E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

E BostonTerriers www.ebostonterriers.com

E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861

www.edogmagazines.com junekrukenkamp@gmail.com

Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp

designers June Krukenkamp Larissa Clark Nicole Pollack Angie Henderson

Staff Writers Michele Wrath Karen McNamara

Staff Photographer Linda Davis

Our E DogMagazines are independent publications and not affiliated with any breed club. We are breed specific and available only on the internet. There is no printed version of our E DogMagazines. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight & other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to all our E DogMagazines is FREE. They can be viewed 24/ 7 on their own websites for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release & of any news and updates regarding our E DogMagazines. Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their own ads. Publisher cannot be responsible for the accuracy made in any advertisement. All ads approved by advertisers will be published & changes will not be made after approval. Any changes to ads after publishing are subject to additional fees. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any material submitted. All material on this site is copyright protected & cannot be used without the written consent of E DogMagazines. Š2011 All rights reserved.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Have you been be Naughty or Nice this year? Wishing Everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday Season

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