E Dalmatians August 2011 Edition

Page 1

Volume 4 No. 7

E Dalmatians A Monthly Internet Publication

Aug 2011


No.1 Dalmatian Bitch

*all systems

Multi Group Winning BISS GCH Riversides The Sisters

“ Sister” Winner of 16 group Firsts 40 group placements 60 Best of Breeds

Our GREATEST win of all, . . the friendships & relationships built throughtout this experience! Owned by Wendell Sammet and Karen LeFrak Breeder / Co Owner: Richard Baker

Handled by Rick Krieger *Canine Chronicle Breed stats

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

E Dalmatians www.edalmatians.com E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861

www.edogmagazines.com junekrukenkamp@gmail.com

Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp

designers June Krukenkamp Larissa Clark Nicole Pollack Angie Henderson

Staff Writers Michele Wrath Karen McNamara

Staff Photographer Linda Davis

Our E DogMagazines are independent publications and not affiliated with any breed club. We are breed specific and available only on the internet. There is no printed version of our E DogMagazines. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight & other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to all our E DogMagazines is FREE. They can be viewed 24/ 7 on their own websites for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release & of any news and updates regarding our E DogMagazines. Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their own ads. Publisher cannot be responsible for the accuracy made in any advertisement. All ads approved by advertisers will be published & changes will not be made after approval. Any changes to ads after publishing are subject to additional fees. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any material submitted. All material on this site is copyright protected & cannot be used without the written consent of E DogMagazines. ©2011 All rights reserved.

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

on lty Show a i c e p S Best in Winning

3, 2011 1 b e F up 3 to a Gro

Judge RonnieElle

n Fischler

os . Madier J n h o J Judge



S. onnie

p Clap

oint P 5 h t le wi t i T p i ionsh p m a d Ch Gran

Finished Champion wit

Specialty Major - A ug 8, 2008

2010 , 8 1 c r - De o j a M

Leaping Dals Joy-Boy Jackson RE NP13626002 .

h 5 Point Major, 2nd


Sire: CH Storytym Never Done Page Dam: Bret D Belladona Owner/Handler: Denise Dawson E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com


The Real

Adventures of

AM/CAN CH GCH Tramac N Winstons Johnny Quest BIS Ch Tramac Trapped in Mystic x Satin N’Cimarron Hgh Sierra

Owners: Paul and Vickie Carleton Sammamish, WA vcarleton@hotmail.com 206-999-1028

Ch Thidwick Halo

Ch WhiteCap Dreamwork’s Prince Caspian

Breeders: M. Callea & P. Hodel & S. Skinner Professionally handled by Tony Carter



“This is a stately black and white dog who carries beautiful type, correct structure, handsome markings and ground-covering movement. Very well-presented by his handler, he showed me a commanding presence in the ring.”

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

See Sparks Fly!

” s k r pa


Turley Photo

CH* SpotsAfire Special Effects (L)

*pending AKC Confirmation

(GCH. NspirD SpotsAfire It’s A Wrap (L) “Joey” x CH. SpotsAfire NspirD By Xanadu “Gabby” CHIC #40036 (a Jag daughter and Jack granddaughter) CHIC #62653 OFA Hips: Excellent Elbows: Normal Cardiac: Normal BAER: Bilateral CERF: Normal, No ISD Thyroid and Patellas (OFA pending) DNA Data Bank

"Sparks " finished his Championship with a 3 point major

under Judge Thora Brown on July 10, 2011. Owner handled by Jenna Dell. He is 23 1/2”, 60 lbs. with dark chocolate liver spots, dark brown eyes, full dentition, and rock solid topline.

His movement will light your fire! E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Bred by: James & Sinclair Ryan & Teresa Bailey, California Owned by: Tibbie & Jenna Dell, Clifton Springs, NY chzane@fltg.net | 315-521-4559

GCH Mystic Woods Golden Fleece of Dapper - Dan Jason finished his Championship

at 18 months of age & his GRAND Championship 2 weeks after he turned 2.

`Jason `

Jason was handled by Cathy Wilcox andAaron Wilkerson. Jason is now attending Rally classes.

Owned by Mary Bright Parker Aiken, SC mbparker285@bellsouth.net

( CH Dapper Dan’s Dancer of Blackthorn X CH Mystic Woods Rising Star Clint )

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com


GCh. Troika Twilight Bret D (GCh. Bret D’s Sergeant Major X Ch. Troika Serendipity)

* Bella *

Bella completed her Grand Championship in 9 shows with 5 major wins! Pictured here winning Best of Breed over 11 specials for 5 point major to finish her Grand Championship. under Judge Mrs. Elaine J. Lessig at the South Hills Kennel Club

Owned by Marti Schneider martisabby@earthlink.net Bred & Co owned with Michele Markoff troikadalmatians@cs.com

Superbly handled by Katie Shepard

Co Owned with Marie D. Zink bretddals@aol.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

ship hampion c C K A is nished h 4, 2011 Dallas fi 1 a on M y jor point ma ert 3 a g in winn . Kolb thleen B a K . s r M under earn ent on to w n e ! th He ed Wins e r B f o t 3 Bes k to back c a B t n e c arned re e 2011 He has e eed wins in Jun r lub Best of B Kinley Kennel C c at the M nton, Ohio. in Ca

Ch Melody Texas Troubadour


ou ju y k n a h T

Owner handled by Karen K. Fatula St. Clairsville, Ohio

Owners: Karen K. Fatula & Marabeth S. White Breeder: Sherryl L. Corder

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

[ Spanner Smoke Showin’ II X Spanner’s Minuet Boogie ]


A Spectacular 4th of July Weekend as


bids farewell to the puppy classes going Best of Breed Brooksides The Price is Right Thursday Reserve Raymond Filburn Friday WD/BOS Jacqueline Stacey Saturday Reserve Marge Calltharp Sunday BOW/B Dr Robert Indeglia

ChTuckaway Indian Run X Ch Starseekers Brookside D-Havlnd

Handled by Rick & Jenny Krieger

Owned by Sandy Lajoie Karen McNamara Virginia Simpson

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

[ Ch. TNG’s Flightplan X TNG’s Entrapment ]



Bred & owned by June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. Tng Dalmatians www.tngdalmatians.com

Watch for Wyatt in 2011 E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Samant ha & Duke


...a perfect match!

Samantha Stafford & her best friend Duke (GCH Pokatalica Southern Chic Bret D) have been heating up the Juniors scene! After just 3 weeks of getting Duke for a Juniors dog, Samatha trained & showed Duke at this years DCA National Specialty & won

Best Junior Handler!

This winning team also earned a cut in the Best of Breed Competition. After just 10 shows, Samantha & Duke have earned 9 BOB and 3 Group placements. Duke finished his Grand Championship within 2 months of showing with Samantha and is currently a Top Twenty Dalmatian (all breed)! Samantha is currently #2 Dalmatian Junior Handler #19 Non Sporting Junior Handler as of June 30, 2011.

Duke was bred by Debbie Zink (Bred D) & Michelle Jarus (Pokatalica ) He is is owned & loved by Samantha Stafford (Enchanted Hart) Paula Jenkins (Southern Chic) & Michelle Jarus (Pokatalica)

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

1 2 Time to Set By Laurie C. Williams CPDT-KA

Your Doggie Paddle There are few forms of exercise as

equivalent to a 5 mile run. Unfortunately,

effective as swimming. It’s completely

unless you have a swimming pool in your

non-impact, requires the swimmer to use virtually every muscle and joint in the

own backyard, finding a place to safely

body, and comes with built in resistance

swim your dog may be a bit challenging,

to movement. As a result, a 5 minute is

but well worth it!


E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Get in with your dog. With you by his side, your dog will have more confidence and trust that he will be safe.

Never use force. Besides being plain cruel, if a fearful dog is tossed in the water and forced to swim, it can kill his enthusiasm in the future. Allow him time to acclimate to the water gradually..

Use the buddy system. A dog is much more likely to get in the water when he sees another dog already in and having a great time.

4 5 6

7 Use a life vest. A dog can panic if he goes under and can’t feel the bottom. A life vest will help him stay afloat.

Stay connected. If there’s a current, make sure you stay close and prevent your dog from straying too far away from you. The current can quickly take your dog farther out than he is ready for.

Keep it fun! If your dog likes to retrieve, bring his favorite toys and toss them short distances allowing him to swim out and retrieve. Progress gradually and don’t throw too far too quickly.

8 9

Don’t forget fresh water. Take fresh water with you and offer it to your dog often. A dog can get sick if he ingests too much salt or chlorinated water, and fresh water streams and ponds can contain microorganisms and parasites that can make your dog sick as well. If your dog has vomiting or acute diarrhea after a swim session, be sure to have him checked by your veterinarian.

10 Don’t forget sun protection. Yes, there are sunscreens and sunblocks on the market for dogs now! Water reflects and intensifies the sun’s rays, and dogs can get sunburn just like humans.

Keep swim sessions short and don’t let your dog get too exhausted. Dogs don’t always know when to quit and count on us to set the limits.

No matter what you do, some dogs just don’t like the water (it’s sad when it’s a Labrador Retriever), and that’s okay. On a really hot day even those dogs will stand in a kiddie pool. Practice good grooming. Sand can get trapped in your dog’s fur and between his toes, and wet coats hold onto bacteria. Rinse your dog thoroughly after a swim session and if he has a long coat, remember to brush and comb him out to keep his hair from matting and tangling.

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Laurie Williams is a published author, television and radio personality and nationally-recognized dog trainer. She can be reached at onesmartpooch@aol.com. Originally published on July 13, 2011 for the Stafford County Sun

Whoever said Dalmatians are not water dogs?!

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

“The Dalmatian is a distinctly spotted dog” Is it their markings, or their ability to coach?

With the recent

The standard says it should be both.

tance. Movement is steady and effortless. Balanced angulation fore and aft combined with powerful muscles and good condition produce smooth, efficient action. There is a powerful drive from the rear coordinated with ex-

The Dalmatian standard describes The Dalmatian as a distinctively spotted dog; poised and alert; strong, “gait and endurance are muscular and of great importance” active; free of shyness; intelligent in exprestended reach in the front. sion; symmetrical in outline; The top line remains level. and without exaggeration Elbows, hocks and feet turn or coarseness. Spots are neither in nor out. As the round and well-defined, the speed of the trot increases, more distinct the better. They there is a tendency to sinvary from the size of a dime gle track. to the size of a half-dollar. The dictionary describes “He should move with a They are pleasingly and “essence” as steady and effortless gait evenly distributed. The less essentially, basically, funand have great endurance. the spots intermingle the betdamentally, primarily, There should be extended ter. Spots are usually smaller principally, chiefly, prereach and powerful drive on the head, legs and tail dominantly, substantially; from the rear.” than on the body. Ears are above all, first and forepreferably spotted. most; effectively, virtually, The standard puts 25 Gait to all intents and purposes; In keeping with the Dalmapoints on “colour and intrinsically, inherently. tian’s historical use as a markings So what would we consider coach dog, gait and endurthe essence of a Dalmaance are of great imporIf you go to a dog show tian?

controversy about registering the LUA dogs there has been a lot of conversation about the “essence” of the Dalmatian.

and look at the Dalmatians in the ring you see a wide variety of types. Tall, short, long, heavy boned, fine boned, long legged, short legged. You see elegant necks and thick necks but the one thing they all have in common are their spots. Spots make the dog but how many spots make the dog? At our recent national I saw a lot of dogs that should have been considered poorly marked based on the standard.

the judge do when a dog is well marked on the non show side but not so great on the show side? I have seen both extremes; dogs that were almost black, but good moving and very sound being put up for points and perfectly marked dogs that were not able to reach and drive around a ring also being awarded winners.

tian was bred to be a working dog and that the majority of sporting and working standards talk about reach, drive, balanced level top lines, when the dogs move, elbows and hocks should not turn in or out. Dogs are well balanced and there is a tendency to single track as speed increases.

As breeders we need to ask our“Spots are round and selves, There is a well defined” are we lot more to looking While color and markings a Dalmatian than just pretty at the complete picture or are 25 points, there are still spots. 75 points to be exact. are we focusing on just parts 75 points to apply to other of the dog when we choose aspects of the breed. Are judges making their our pick of the litter. There is choices based on markings no perfect dog but what are The standard also mentions alone or are they looking at we willing to sacrifice? color and speaks to depth the complete package? by Karen McNamara of pigment, so can we say that markings are 12.5 % Now we certainly can’t and color is 12.5%? Do expect every judge to remarkings then get split member every nuance of again to 6.25% for each the standard but we should side of the dog? And since expect them to consider the Dalmatian is a distinctly more than the spots and to spotted dog what does remember that the Dalma-

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

The Greater Denver Dalmatian Club (GDDC) 14th Annual Specialty Shows Island Grove Regional Park Greeley, Colorado

BackFriday, to Back Specialties August 19, 2011 We continue to hold our Specialty in conjunction with the Greeley all-breed shows. It is a wonderful opportunity to compete in 4 different shows in 3 days . We look forward to welcoming our exhibitor friends, both old and new. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided by the Greater Denver Dalmatian Club on Friday between the morning and afternoon Specialty Shows and held in the cool comfort of the Bunkhouse at Island Grove Park. Don’t forget about our After Show Dinner Party ! Please visit our website for details, deadlines and sign-up/payment information at: http://greaterdenverdalmatianclub.web.officelive.com/SpecialtyInfo.aspx Trophy sponsorships by exhibitors, past winners and friends of our club are always welcomed and very much appreciated. Please e-mail Kevin O’Connell, Club Secretary to sponsor or inquire about trophy sponsorships. kevin.w.oconnell@gmail.com

Our exciting Panel of Judges! GDDC Specialty SHOW 1 Friday Morning – August 19, 2011 Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Dawn Maul Regular & Non-Regular Classes & Junior Showmanship Ms. Elaine Lindhorst GDDC Specialty SHOW 2 Friday Afternoon– August 19, 2011 Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Sheila Wymore Regular & Non-Regular Classes & Junior Showmanship Mrs. Diana Skibinski

Our 2011 Specialty Shows and the Greeley All-Breed Shows will be dedicated to the memory of Susie Wilson-Carroll, one of our longtime active members that was taken from us too soon in November 2010.

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows (www.onofrio.com) All shows close on Aug 3, 2011.

Late Summer Majors anyone ?? Join us at the

37th & 38th Annual St. Clairsville, Ohio Kennel Club , Inc. shows Saturday, August 20, 2011 & Sunday, August 21, 2011 James E. Carnes Center Belmont County Park 45300 Roscoe Road St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950 http://www.jamescarnescenter.com

Judges for Dalmatians Saturday-Mr. Luc Boileau Sunday-Mr. David R. Miller

Our wonderful features

- Non sporting breeds judged indoors in our air conditioned building. - Cheese and cracker table for Groups and Best in Show each afternoon. - Complimentary gift for exhibitors who participate in our “Meet & Greet The Dogs� media event Saturday - Free gift for each junior handler entrant courtesy of Diamond T Siberian Huskies - Discounts from area restaurants. Entries close at NOON Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Superintendent: MB F http://www.infodog.com/clubs/2011258301.HTM Sponsored by Annamaet Pet Foods http://annamaet.com (215) 453-0381 and JST Pet Supplies (740) 733-7585 Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/stcohiokennelclub

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Belmont County Ohio wants you to,

Discover the Possibilities! We are located in Southeastern Ohio nestled in between rolling hills, along the Ohio River. We are just 8 minutes from Wheeling, West Virginia, 70 minutes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 120 minutes from Columbus, Ohio and 190 minutes from Cleveland , Ohio. Located off I-70 exit 213 Enjoy shopping, dining, golf and historical attractions

Affordable, enjoyable, friendly, Belmont County. http://www.belmontcountytourism.org/

The Dalmatian Club of Southern New England Cordially invites you to attend our Fall Specialties & Supported entry on beautiful Cape Cod. September 16 -18, 2011

Friday 9/16 Specialty

Conformation Judge: JoAnn Nash Sweeps Judge: Jim Nash

Saturday 9/17 Specialty

Conformation Judge: Jeanette Neider Sweeps Judge: Barbara Barrett

Sunday 9/18 Supported Entry Conforation Judge: Roland Pelland Sweeps Judge: Christine Calcinari


skets a b e them . l a r e Sev to raffle Barnstable County Fairgrounds 1220 Nathan S. Ellis Hwy Falmouth, MA 02536

Lunch will be available for purchase. E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

MBF Superintendent www.infodog.com Closes August 31, 2011

Dalmatian Club of Greater New York Invites you to attend their Fall Specialty

Held in conjuction with the Somerset Hills Kennel Club North Branch Park, 355 Milltown Road Bridgewater, New Jersey

September is a beautiful time of the year in the Garden State!


September 10, 2011 Regular Classes (Including Stud Dog and Brood Bitch): Breeder Judge David G. Rogers Sweeps -- Puppy & Veterans: Sulie Greendale-Paveza Obedience (all classes): John K. Keenan Rally (all classes): Arthur L. Cartwright

New Cluster Special Attraction: Beginner Puppy (4-6 months) at 3 All-breed Shows. $100 prize for the Best Beginner Puppy in Show! (Judges to be announced)

3 more chances for Majors at the same location: Thursday, September 8, 2011 Non-Sporting Group Club of the Garden State Regular Classes: Linda Tilka Sweeps: Randy Kelly Best Puppy in Group: Toby B. Frisch Canine Good Citizen Test; No Obedience or Rally

Friday, September 9, 2011 Tuxedo Park Kennel Club

Regular Classes: Barbara Dempsey Alderman Obedience: Charles Marcantonio (Novice), Phyllis Broderick (Open A, Utility B, Graduate Open & Versatility), and Arthur L. Cartwright (Rally, all classes)

Entries close on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Superintendent: MB-F, inc. www.infodog.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Sunday, September 11, 2011 Westchester Kennel Club

Regular Classes: Kenneth M. McDermott No Obedience or Rally

Attention...Dalmatian Breed Clubs... Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Dalmatians & get FREE coverage the very next edition of your Specialty! We offer GREAT discounts for Clubs. $40.00/ 1 month insertion $90.00/ 3 months


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Get a 2 page color spread with photos & results of your specialty in the very next issue FOR FREE! (More than 2 pages require additional fee of $40.00/pg.)

e: ation Judg Conform oose Allen Sandra G

atians |

E Dalm

66th & 6

Near & Far




7th Dalma

tian Club of Oct 29 & Northern Californi a Specialt 30 2010 ies

Candids fr om the we ekend


** You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service** If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want your specialty represented, the rate is $40.00 /page.

Contact us today

Just send us the res & any can ults did photo s from the & WE’LL D show O THE RE ST!

Sweeps : Judge Laura Lig Best Jr./ hth Be Best Sr. st in Sweeps: MO older PR Best Ve OCTOR’S GO SAIC OSC AR ’S WILD teran: CH LD RUSH E RIDE ODYSE N HALL YS FOUR ABSOLUTELY WIRTH ST Breed: ON TH (Tom & Jud E FLOO RIKING IT RIC Lynn Ha H (Den WD/BO ge Sharon Lyon R BY DA llwirth nis & W: CO s ISYDOT ACHLIG RWD: (Kim He Michelle Collin ) FIACRE HT’S AL ss & Nico gwood) N VI WB: DJ le Owe ’S IT’S SH ESQUIRE’S TH N RAY JAMES n) (Sheila W EO THID OWTIM RWB: AN W ym E BOB: GC GELDOTZ W AT THE ROXIE ICK (Barbara Gr ore & Donna HE Gi (Debor N UW ah Jones eenspan & Caro llespie) BOS: CH H ROYALTY’S ISH UP ) SP O l Chase NS ) AOM: CH PIR D HOLL LASH OF TAYL N A STAR. (Ang YW O ela Steva Select Do BAY COLONY OOD LEGENDR (Walter & Pe nu ggy Polas s & Maureen N TUCK g: (Carrie Hugunin Select Bit CH DRIFTW ki) W Jor IN dan) SO FAR ) OO ch SO GO Stud Do : CH SUNNYO D PICOTEE O FREEST g: AKS SA YLE CD D ( Sarahanne Brood Bit CH NSPIR D IN Vanclee RE OA HOLLYW T FLORIAN ch: CH ve an MX LIT PR High in Trial: MO OCTOR’S AB OOD LEGEND TERI’S COMP J (Kathryn Blink d Judy Murray) ASS RO SOLUTE NTAGUE & Best Jun (Carrie Krist Bo SE (Lind io: Tiffan LY POSIT Jordan) wers) a Sexto y Owens DRIFTWOOD IV n & Dawn ONE HO ELY (Kim Hess) Mauel) SATURD T TAMA LE CD, RE OTCH Sweeps AY : Judge (B ec ky Luft) Marcel Best Jr./ Daign Be Best Se st in Sweeps: TR ault nior: FIA AM AC & SP CRE N Best Veter OTLIT ESQ an: CH DRIFTW UIRE’S TRUE LIE E’S PURE IMAG OOD PIC INATIO S (C N (Jenn OTEE FR arol Chase & Breed: ifer Meisc Ba Jud EESTYL h & Me E CD RE rbara Greenspa WD/BO ge Linda Lewin g Callea) n) OA MX W J (Kathry RWD: CO : FIACRE N ES n Blink & QUIRE’S Krist Bo WB: TR ACHLIGHT’S THEO TH AL wers) AM RWB: FIA AC & SPOTLIT VIN RAY JAME IDWICK (Barb ara Gree S (Sheila CRE N E’S PURE ns Wymor BOB: CH ESQUIRE pan & IMAGIN e & Do ’S nna Gille Carol Chase) BOS: CH SWEETSPOT HO TRUE LIES (C ATION spie) arol Ch NSPIR D T2 SP ase & Ba T BEST AOM: CH HOLLYW rbara Gr OOD LE BOTH WORL eenspan) AOM: CH BLACKFLASH DS GEND MI AOM: CH DAL DORADO DNIGHT STAR (Carrie Jorda n) . Select Do SUNNYOAK ’S ACROSS TH (Steve & Sharo S SAINT E UNIV n Nielsen g: CH TR ERSE (B FLORIA Select Bit & M K Sm AM AC ria N n ch: GC Brooks H ROYA N WINSTONS LITTERI’S CO & Patricia ith) MP LTY’S SP JO LASH O HNNY QUEST ASS ROSE (Lind Gibson) F TAYLO a R (Walt (Vickie & Paul Ca Sexton & Dawn er & Pe Mauel) ggy Polas rleton) ki)

E Dalm

atians |

www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Photos & result Joan Foses submitted by nberg dalmatia ns.com


All Breed

Dal Stats Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2011 up to & including June 30, 2011

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com


Next Edition of E Dalmatians is Sept 2011 Get your summer brags in & be seen! Deadline is Aug 20. Don’t miss it!

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Advertising WHERE / HOW TO SEND ADS & ARTICLES: E mail us to request an ad. We will respond quickly & work with you on all you need for your ad. All ads can be done electronically by sending us photos & information via email. If you need to send hard copies of photos or CD’s, we can accept them at our mailing address. INFORMATION WE NEED TO PROCESS YOUR AD 1) What type of ad you want (Full page/ Litter anouncement/ Club announcement, etc.) 2) Are you submitting a finished ad or do you need us to design your ad. 3) Payment for your ad. (We must receive payment before we begin your ad). INFORMATION WE NEED IF WE ARE TO DESIGN YOUR AD 1) Photo of your dog (high resolution of 300dpi or greater) 2) Information about your dog (registered name / Sire & Dam/ Breeders/ Owners). 3) Text/ copy for the ad. 4) Any additional info (logos, graphics, background requests, etc)

In our E Publications

5) Additional design fees are required for more than 1 revision or for custom designs (photo editing/ removal of backgrounds, special graphics, etc.)

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING We offer a special classified section of all our E Magazines. If you would like to have a small ad or a breeder listing run for the entire year, this is for you!

PHOTO /AD SPECS IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING A FINISHED AD Final ads must be submitted in PDF format & must also be >300dpi. Page dimensions for our full page widescreen ads is: 15.0”W X 9 0” H (submit as 1 pdf /landscape spread). Classified ads have various sizes Check our site for specific dimensions.

CLUB SPECIALTY ADVERTISING We offer discounts for Breed club Specialty ads. Advertise your upcoming Specialty & send us photos & results and we will put together a multiple page photo spread in the very next month’s edition at NO cost! (You must advertise your specialty to get this free service) If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want photo collage pages, the rate is $40.00/page.

All photos to be used in ad layouts must be submitted with >300 dpi resolution in JPEG, TIFF or BMP format. A high resolution photo is necessary for proper viewing of your ad on the internet. TEXT ARTICLE SUBMISSION Text articles can be submitted as email attachments or in a .DOC file (Microsoft Word). We do not pay for articles . All articles (unsolicited & approved), we will publish at no charge.

SUBSCRIBER INFO You can subscribe for free directly on our website & receive the most recent news & information regarding our E Publications before the rest. If you have subscribed & are not receiving our monthly emails announcing our specials & new releases, check your Spam folder as our mail service may not be recognized by your email host & be filtered.

Deadlines & Publishing Schedule for our Current E Publications E Magazine

Date of Publish

E Dalmatians (monthly) E Boston Terriers (bi monthly E Boxer Dogs (bi monthly) E Yorkshire Terriers (bi monthly) E Bull Terriers (bi monthly)

1st of the month 1st of the month 1st of the month 15th of the month 15th of the month

Deadline 20th of the month prior 20th of the month prior 20th of the month prior 30th of the month prior 30th of the month prior

E Deadlines & publishing dates may be extended occasionally to accommodate Specialties & Nationals. We will note any changes to above schedules on each E Breed magazine site.

Where to Send your Ad Material Please send all ads electronically via email attachment Any printed photos or material on CD’s can be sent by regular mail to our mailing address. We will scan /copy all material & return all your ad material to you.

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Email Address:


Mailing Addess:

E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908

Pricing & Payment Pricing thru 2011

How to Pay for your Ad

Specials will be listed monthly on each breed’s website.

Full Page Ads:

We accept all major credit cards. You can pay on line using our secure site or use your Pay Pal account. Checks /money orders are also accepted by regular mail. Payment must be made at the time of Ad submission

$ 80.00 ( *Includes standard layout & design )

E Magazine of Publish Deadline Premium Pages: $ 90.00Date ( close to front , reservation required)

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E Dalmatians Classifieds Eleanor Winters, Breeder

Yankee Dalmatians Yankee Dalmatians Jeff & Joan Fosenburg Jeff & Joan California Fosenburg Brentwood, Brentwood, California Yankeedals@yahoo.com Yankeedals@yahoo.com www.yankeedals.com www.yankeedals.com

Quality AKC Show and Pet 800 365 5652 805 964 5911 www.fyrehousedalmatians.com

Dalmatian Art Prints


L Clark Photo Design.com

Canal Side Dalmatians Pauline & Helen Masaschi Sandwich, Mass. Canalsidedals@aol.com

Fine quality Giclee on Canvas www.lclarkphotodesign.com


“Brains and Beauty”

Chrissy Geisel & Lisa Adams Conway, South Carolina 843-457-7026 www.roseparkmanor.com

Donna York

Cookeville, Tennessee 38506 Phone: (931) 261-0139 www.xterradals.com

Spotted Gem Dalmatians

TNG Dalmatians

June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. South Berwick, Maine www.tngdalmatians.com

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South Overton Farm Dalmatians

Rose Park Dalmatians


Riverside Dalmatians Lee, New Hampshire


Carrie Jordan So. California

Over 35 Years of Breeding for Temperament and Conformation

Brian & Sue Marceau 109 Elm Street Pepperell, Ma 01463 978-433-5705 www.spottedgemdalmatians.com

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E Dalmatians Classifieds TRAINING SUCCESS WITH IMPOSSIBLE DOGS by Jane Killion

A must read for all!

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For all your training, grooming & nutrition needs. We offer a large variety of pet food, supplements & supplies. Out Training staff is highly skilled & we offer many behavioral classes as well as conformation handling classes. Visit us if you are in the area or catch us on line at: 820 Harold L Dow Highway (rte236) Eliot, Maine 03908



E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com


this Summer!

Photo by Linda Davis


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