Summer 2013 Continuing Education Catalog

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Custom classes. Custom training. Just for you. UNLV Continuing Education can create any type of high-quality educational offering for you or your organization. And it’s done with flexibility in delivery, location, scheduling, and pricing.

Flexible We will design the training specifically for your group size, schedule, and location. The courses are created just for you and others with similar interests.

Cost-Effective We will maximize your budget and time by giving you exactly the training you need. Technology and adaptable learning environments allow you to learn in person, online, or both.

Outcome-Driven Company-specific criteria are established for measuring success and return on investment. Courses are evaluated to measure quality of instruction and course content. Additional benefits include receiving a UNLV Certificate of Completion and Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

To find out how we can customize classes or training for you, please call 702-895-3394 or email or visit

D i re c t o r’s L et t er

Table of Contents

We at Continuing Education are committed to providing top-quality professional development training, personal enrichment courses, and educational travel opportunities for our community.

Business & Finance . . . . 3

The UNLV Sommelier Academy tops this summer’s list of exciting new offerings. Whether you work in the food and beverage industry and want to improve yourself for professional advancement, or you want to impress your friends at the dinner table, Vine to Wine: The Fundamentals is the perfect place to start. Information about advanced sommelier training will be posted online as it becomes available. Customized training is another growing focus for us. Our curriculum experts can work with you to personalize and customize any class to your exact specifications. Contact us at 702-895-3394 or to explore the possibilities! We hope to see you here as part of our Continuing Education community soon. Sincerely,

Certificate Programs . . . . 6 Health & Fitness . . . . . . 21 Language Arts . . . . . . . 23 Leisure Activities . . . . . . 27 Technology . . . . . . . . . . 36 Additional Educational Opportunities . . . . . . . 38 Registration & Contact Information . . 45 Location Legend. . . . . . 48

Emmanuel (Meni) Sarris Director of Continuing Education

Now Seeking Qualified Instructors Continuing Education is always looking for ways to expand the educational opportunities we offer to the community. If you enjoy teaching and have a skill set that can be turned into a dynamic professional development or personal enrichment course, contact us at 702-895-3394 or

The Continuing Education Catalog is published three times a year in November, April, and August by the Division of Educational Outreach, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451019, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1019. Postage paid at Las Vegas, Nevada. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Catalog, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451019, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1019. Volume 35 • Number 3 UNLV is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Committed to Achieving Excellence Through Diversity. Students with Disabilities If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center to coordinate necessary academic accommodations. The Disability Resource Center is located in the Reynolds Student Services Complex in Room 137. The phone number is 702-895-0866.

New & Noteworthy For Summer 2013 Continuing Education’s commitment to your learning needs is evident in the diversity of classes we offer. All new and modified courses in the catalog are designated with an icon . New and noteworthy classes not to miss in this catalog include:

with this FREE seminar.

ASH MEADOWS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE: STREAMSIDE TRAILS & WILDLIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 Take a daytrip to experience how springs and seeps bring the Mojave Desert to life.

VINE TO WINE: THE FUNDAMENTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 Our new introductory sommelier curriculum builds a strong foundation of wine knowledge for beverage professionals as well as wine aficionados.

HOMEMADE PIZZA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32 Forget delivery—making a perfect pizza from scratch is fun and flavorful! SIMPLY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NON-PROFIT SECTOR. . . . . . . . page 10 Get on the right track as you begin your new role within the non-profit sector

WORDPRESS - LEVEL I . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 Harness the power of the WordPress content management system to build modern, easy-to-navigate websites. To keep up with demand and emerging trends, we are continuously adding new programs during the semester after our catalog has been published. Go to our website,, to see our latest offerings!

2 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how n iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit managemen I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci s planning because I got my communication in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the mysteri cial media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got icate in non-profit portfolio, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then ed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special even ing because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social med arned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events entrepreneurship because I got my certifica -profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, th a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brush the benefits of stock market and learned how to use an job search, then I took a primer in special even ing because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social med arned how to use an iPad, then I took a marketing in special events planning because I got my stock mark t management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I to

Bu s in es s & F in an ce Communications �������������������������������������������� 4

Entrepreneurship �������������������������������������������� 4

Financial Planning ������������������������������������������ 5

Job Search ���������������������������������������������������� 5

Radio & TV Voice-Over ������������������������������������ 5

Business & Finance

Com m u n i c a ti o n ACCENT REDUCTION FOR INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONALS Precise articulation is essential for effective presentations, motivating employees, and inspiring customer confidence. Even if you are proficient in English grammar and vocabulary, a strong regional or foreign accent can still make clear communication difficult in the workplace. Take this opportunity to develop the skills you need to correctly pronounce the sounds of American English so your accent is no longer a business liability. The required textbook, Mastering Effective English Communication: The Vowel System of American English, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Katia Abou-Haidar, M.A. Linguistics Mon & Wed | May 13-Jun 3 (6 sessions) | 6-8:30pm | $215 PAR Room 400 | 132CX1113 | (No class May 27)

COMMUNICATE WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE WITH TACT & SKILL Analyze types of difficult behavior and practice constructive ways to communicate with difficult people in your professional and personal life. Learn ways to help you deal with directors, entertainers, and analytical types of people, as well as angry and abusive people. Roger I. Burgraff, Ph.D. Sat | Jun 8 | 1-4pm | $69 PAR Room 300 | 132CX1106

HOW TO DEAL WITH DISAGREEMENTS, CONFLICT & CONFRONTATION Do not let disagreements, conflict, or confrontation undermine your personal or professional life. Reduce the stress and fear often associated with conflict by learning to distinguish between disagreements and misunderstandings, following rules for fighting fair during conflict, and knowing how to face an angry person. Roger I. Burgraff, Ph.D. Sat | Jun 8 | 9am-noon | $69 PAR Room 300 | 132PG1191

PUBLIC SPEAKING BOOT CAMP Become a poised and powerful public speaker. Opportunities to speak in front of a group provoke anxiety for many people, yet the benefits of being a confident speaker can be enormous. Presentation skills help you to lead, persuade, motivate, educate, and manage others. Course topics include overcoming nervousness, planning your presentation, effective delivery, using humor, visual aids, answering questions, and handling difficult situations. After this one-day crash course you will know the key elements of a powerful presentation and understand how to make a positive and lasting impact on your audience. Includes course workbook.

E n t repren eu rs h ip BOOKSTORE 110: WAR IS HELL! EXPLORING THE WORLD OF MILITARY SERIES FICTION Well-written military fiction provides the best of two worlds: absorbing fiction and superb historical fact. When these tales are poorly written, however, they are not worth the space they take up on your bookshelf. In this advanced Bookman seminar you will explore the best examples of this genre and gain awareness of the authors and characters to avoid. Extensive out-of-class work is required. Class materials will be provided. Prerequisite: Bookstore 101 and Bookstore 103 or instructor permission. Phil DeFlumear Tue | May 21-Jun 18 (5 sessions) | 7:15-9:15pm | $85 PAR Room 111A | 132EN1153

BOOKSTORE 200: OH MY GOD! RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY FOR THE ADVANCED BOOKMAN Man does not live by bread alone. All human progress has come about by study and thought - thus the study of philosophy, both good and bad. A strong belief of a prime mover or supreme being can be traced back to the beginning of humankind. This need for “something to believe in” drives religion. This advanced Bookman seminar focuses on the best of both fields. Extensive out-of-class work is required. Class materials will be provided. Prerequisite: Bookstore 101 and Bookstore 103 or instructor permission. Phil DeFlumear Tue | Jul 9-Aug 6 (5 sessions) | 7:15-9:15pm | $85 PAR Room 111A | 132EN1148

SELL YOUR STUFF ON eBAY Join us for a step-by-step guided course on selling through eBay. Walk through every step of the process, from setting up an account, to posting your items, to final payment and shipping. The course will cover safety and security of online monetary transactions using eBay and PayPal, as well as eBay’s policies and customer guarantees. Come prepared with an active online email account, plus a flash drive with a photo or two and a written physical description of the item you wish to sell. Jessica Kennedy Sat | Jun 8-22 (3 sessions) | 12:30-2:30pm | $95 PAR Room 123 | 132EN1122

Roger I. Burgraff, Ph.D. Fri | Jun 7 | 9am-noon & 1-4pm | $139 PAR Room 107 | 132CX1109

4 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

Jo b Search



Invest in historically proven growth stocks, which tend to gain value even during a recession. Learn how to bypass your broker and keep the profit for yourself. Explore current trends in our economy and stock market, and find out how to use this knowledge to improve your own finances. Bobbie & Eric Christensen Sat | Jun 8 | 9am-noon | $59 PAR Room 511 | 132PF1134

FINANCIAL STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Get the most from your investments, Social Security, and retirement plans. The typical American will work more than 90,000 hours earning a living and building a nest egg, yet many spend fewer than ten hours preparing for a successful retirement. The information you receive at this seminar will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Ron A. Purvines Wed | May 1-22 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $69* PAR Room 302 | 132PF1113 *$89 at the door. Bring your spouse or guest at no additional charge.

STOCK MARKET INVESTING-FUNDAMENTALS Explore the basics of stock market investing with the guidance of an experienced stockbroker. You will learn how the market functions, the strategic use of orders, and the variety of investment alternatives the market offers. You will gain experience interpreting information sources, and learn to identify features within a company indicating potential profit. Do not wait for retirement; enhance capital gains and maximize investment income now! Jerry L. Hays Wed | Jun 5-26 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $115 PAR Room 302 | 132PF1109

Business & Finance

Fi nanc i a l P l a n n i ng

Find a more meaningful career by exploring your unique interests, abilities, values, and personality strengths. Discover hidden barriers preventing you from achieving your goals. Develop a customized guide to finding your ideal job. Katharine Johnson, M.Ed. Sat | Jun 22 | 9am–noon | $69 PAR Room 300 | 132PG1129

Radio & TV Voice-Over RADIO & TV VOICE-OVER WORKSHOP Thrive in the competitive and evolving voice-over industry. Learn to read a script and make it sound like you are not reading. Explore the business side of the voice-over industry including landing jobs and working with clients. The Internet has opened the doors to job opportunities for all voice actors, no matter where you live. Alice Whitfield Select one four-week class: Tue | May 21-Jun 11 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $350 Session I: 132CX4171A Tue | Jun 18-Jul 9 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $350 Session II: 132CX4171B Tue | Jul 16-Aug 6 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $350 Session III: 132CX4171C Tue | Aug 13-Sep 3 (4 sessions) | 6:30-9pm | $350 Session IV: 132CX4171D Recording studio near Buffalo & Lake Mead

5 Register online at

n iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit managemen I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci s planning because I got my microsoft in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the mysteries l media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got icate in non-profit fashion, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then ed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special even ing because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social med earned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events optician because I got my certificate rofit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed e benefits of social media and learned how to use an medical billing, then I took a primer in special even ing Internet design certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social med earned how to use an iPad, then I took a paralegal in special events planning I got my certificate in no management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took

C e rt ificat e P ro g ram s Business & Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Animal Massage & Care Provider (AMCP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Fashion Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Human Resource Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Public Relations Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Non-Profit Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Protective Services Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Computers & Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Microsoft Office (not certificate program). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Internet Design & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Print Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

ed2go - Online. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing & Coding. . . . . . . . 16

Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing &

Coding + Medical Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Medical Billing & Coding + Medical Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chartered Tax Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Optician Certification Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Project Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Food & Beverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

UNLV Sommelier Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Legal Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Paralegal Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Paralegal Program – Online. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Paralegal Specialist – Online. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Cooperative Parenting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Medical & Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Medical Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Bus i ne ss & In d us t r y Use the power of touch to nurture optimal animal health, strengthen the human-animal bond, and produce happier, healthier pets. IPTouch’s Animal Massage and Care Provider (AMCP) Certification is ideal for anyone who interacts with animals—including pet owners, vet techs, groomers, trainers, pet sitters, and equestrians. Next AMCP program will start in Fall 2013.

ANIMAL MASSAGE & CARE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE INFORMATION SESSION Strong hands and a warm heart can work together to keep the animals under your care healthy and happy. Gain a better understanding of the Animal Massage and Care Provider (AMCP) curriculum and find out if the program is right for you. Explore possibilities for integrating AMCP practices into your current work with animals, or find out how to build an independent AMCP business. Instructor will share her experience and answer your questions. Amy Herzlich Tue | Jun 25 | 1-2:30pm | No charge PAR Room 300 | 132PT2106

Step into a rewarding career as a fashion designer, i l l u s t r a t o r, s e a m s t re s s , m e rc h a n d i s e r, m o d e l , photographer, or costume maker. You will learn about both the creative and technical sides of the fashion industry through hands-on activities, demonstrations, special events, and field trips. Fashion Design students also participate in fashion shows, award competitions, and networking opportunities.

Certificate Programs



BASIC SEWING Learn basic garment construction, pattern reading, and enhancement. Instruction will include how to take proper body measurements, how to read and use master patterns, how to alter garments for a perfect fit, and how to properly select fabrics, threads, and notions. You will learn to operate a sewing machine and be introduced to the serger machine. Project: Design and construct top, pants, and skirt. Maria Bruce Sat & Sun | Jun 8-23 (6 sessions) | 10am-3:25pm | $325 PAR Room 401 | 132FD2102 | 3.2 CEUs

BASIC SEWING 2-STITCH IT Build your skills and learn exciting approaches to garment design through this advanced sewing class. Students will master techniques including button holes, zippers, Velcro, shoulder pads, interfacing, waistlines, fabrics, and embellishments. You will learn to design a Dolman jacket and zippered skirt, with your very own unique embellishments.


Projects: One jacket, one skirt.

Be prepared in the event of a pet accident or medical emergency. Learn pet CPR and choking management, pet bandaging techniques, and how to build a pet first-aid kit. This workshop is open for all animal lovers and is hands-on, using stuffed animals to simulate theories and pet emergencies. Please do not bring your pet to class. This is part of the AMCP program.

Prerequisite: Basic sewing skills, sufficient to operate a sewing machine. Maria Bruce Sat & Sun | Jul 13-27 (5 sessions) | 10am-2:25pm | $259 PAR Room 401 | 132FD2151 | 2.2 CEUs

Amy Herzlich, MT, PTA Tue | Jun 25 | 3-8pm | $89 PAR Room 300 | 132PT2284


See also Canine Good Citizen on page 35.

Projects: Create a graff design on muslin fabric and a T-shirt.

Create markings, slogans, and drawings, and then apply them directly to fabric. Graff designs have exploded into the fashion world—they are featured on clothing and accessories, and utilized by fashionistas, models, and the film and music industries.

Maria Bruce Sat & Sun | Aug 3-17 (5 sessions) | 10am-2:25pm | $259 PAR Room 401 | 132FD2141 | 2.2 CEUs

7 Register online at

Certificate Programs



Stay up to date with emerging trends and regulations in human resources. Whether you are a seasoned human resource professional or just entering the field, UNLV has courses to expand your understanding of current, relevant issues. Human resource course work may be taken as stand-alone classes or as part of a certificate program.

Roger Bishop Wed | Jun 26 | 9am-4pm | $295 PAR Room 302 | 132CP6128 | .6 CEU

Earn a certificate in Basic or Advanced Human Resources Management to demonstrate a broad understanding of HR disciplines including benefits, compensation, organizational and employee development, diversity, employee relations, and staff management. Basic Certificate: • Complete Essentials of Human Resource Management plus any additional courses adding up to 2.4 CEUs. Advanced Certificate: • Complete requirements for Basic Certificate plus an additional 3.6 CEUs.

BUSINESS WRITING Clear, well-organized writing makes a positive impression in the workplace. This course will review key aspects of business writing including sentence and paragraph structure, grammar, and correct formatting for business letters, memos, reports, and emails. You will create writing samples, participate in reviews, and edit/revise your work. Christine Cutler, MFA Mon | Jun 24-Jul 29 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $260 PAR Room 400 | 132GB6133 | 1.8 CEUs

THE CENTRAL ROLE OF HR IN ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS™ As an HR professional you may be asked to develop a code of conduct, interpret conflict of interest issues, handle harassment or hostile workplace complaints, investigate fraud, or handle paid-time-off abuses. Course will address these and other topics of organizational ethics and give you tools to identify, document, and resolve ethical breaches within your organization. Sylvia Schaerer, SPHR Fri | Jul 12 | 9am-4pm | $295 PAR Room 302 | 132CP6132 | .6 CEU

DOCUMENTATION, DISCIPLINE, & TERMINATION Follow consistent policies for documentation, discipline, and termination when an employee does not live up to expectations. Do not wait until you have to go to court before you learn how to handle these essential management tasks correctly! Find out how to utilize the disciplinary process to improve employee behavior, document relevant facts during the review and discipline process, conduct fair and thorough investigations, and, if necessary, prepare for a termination.

Effectively manage human resources within your small business. This class covers recruiting and screening applicants so you get the best new members for your team, plus workplace conduct issues and strategies for resolving conflict. Also provided are tips on compliance issues so you can steer clear of common problems.

MANAGING & SUPERVISING TODAY’S WORKFORCE Efficiently and effectively manage your workforce. This highly-interactive skilldevelopment workshop builds management skills for first-time supervisors and managers, and trains them on the basics of effective 21st century workplace communication, motivation, coaching, and performance evaluation. Sylvia Schaerer, SPHR Thu & Fri | Aug 15-16 (2 sessions) | 9am-4pm | $625 PAR Room 511 | 132CP6164 | 1.2 CEUs

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: THE ROLE OF HR A well-trained, highly-committed workforce gives your organization an advantage in today’s intensely competitive and changing global marketplace. HR professionals can be partners in the execution of a company’s strategic plans by providing critical input on training programs, organizational structure, strategic hiring, and employee retention programs. Walk away with tips and tools you can put to use immediately. Sylvia R Schaerer, SPHR Fri | Aug 2 | 9am-4pm | $295 PAR Room 302 | 132CP6110 | .6 CEU

WHAT THE EEOC EXPECTS FROM EMPLOYERS Gain clear understanding of the purpose and expectations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) so you can be proactive about preventing harassment or discrimination in the workplace. Know the processes involved if someone files a complaint of discrimination against your company. Become familiar with EEOC guidelines for subjects including discriminatory practices, charge processing, investigations, enforcement, vicarious employer responsibility for unlawful harassment by a supervisor, applying the laws during recruitment and hiring, and defending your business against employment discrimination charges. Gary Cottino, SPHR Fri | Jul 19 | 9am-4pm | $295 PAR Room 302 | 132CP6121 | .6 CEU

PHR/SPHR Exam Preparation will be offered again in Fall 2013.

Gary Cottino, SPHR Fri | Jun 14 | 9am-4pm | $295 PAR Room 302 | 132CP6125 | .6 CEU

8 Register by phone at 702-895-3394


To obtain the Certificate in Public Relations Skills, you must complete six required courses and four elective courses from those listed below, and present a portfolio demonstrating public relations skills acquired from your course work and/or workplace. Required Courses: Take All • Crisis Communications...........................(offered on a rotating basis) • Ethics in Public Relations.......................(offered on a rotating basis) • Fundamentals of Public Relations...........(offered on a rotating basis) • Media Relations.....................................(offered on a rotating basis) • Public Relations Practice: Putting It All Together............................................(offered on a rotating basis) • Writing for Public Relations....................(offered on a rotating basis) Elective Courses: Take Four (These courses are listed throughout the catalog under their specific category)

Explore audience-based communications and develop writing samples to be used in a campaign for a local non-profit. You will conduct research and produce a variety of pieces, including media materials, a donor outreach brochure, newsletter, employee profiles, speeches, and an op-ed piece. Learn to adapt writing for online and social media platforms. The course will include lectures, guest speakers, and challenging in-class and takehome assignments.

Certificate Programs

Pursue employment or advancement in employee communications, media relations, advertising, community relations, or special events with UNLV’s Certificate in Public Relations Skills. Practical skills-oriented courses are taught by knowledgeable public relations practitioners with both academic credentials and years of experience in their fields. Courses may also be taken individually.


Nancy Syzdek, M.A., APR Tue | May 21-Jun 25 (6 sessions) | 5:30-7:30pm | $199 PAR Room 400 | 132PR6106 | 1.2 CEUs

BUSINESS WRITING Clear, well-organized writing makes a positive impression in the workplace. This course will review key aspects of business writing including sentence and paragraph structure, grammar, and correct formatting for business letters, memos, reports, and emails. You will create writing samples, participate in reviews, and edit/revise your work. Christine Cutler, MFA Mon | Jun 24-Jul 29 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $260 PAR Room 400 | 132GB6133 | 1.8 CEUs

EDITING & PROOFREADING YOUR WORK Make a positive impression with clear, concise, grammatically correct personal or business correspondence. This half-day program will focus on essentials such as content, flow, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation. You will leave this workshop with several editing exercises you may use to self-test and practice the skills you have learned. Richard R. Becker, ABC Fri | Jun 7 | 1:30-4:30pm | $75 PAR Room 300 | 132WR1150

• Adobe Dreamweaver CS6–Level 14 • Adobe InDesign CS6–Level 14 • Adobe Photoshop CS6–Level 15 • PowerPoint 11 • Advanced Writing for Public 9 • Business 9 • Editing and Proofreading Your 9 Refund Policy: If you are unable to attend a course, please feel free to substitute another person. If you have to cancel your registration, cancellations must be received in writing (email is acceptable) no later than three (3) business days prior to the start date of the course in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. All refunds will be minus a $10 administrative fee per course.

9 Register online at

Certificate Programs

NON-PROFIT MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Build the foundation of knowledge every non-profit professional should know, no matter what position he/ she holds. Certificate candidates take four core classes plus eight one-day elective courses. Electives offer a chance to specialize in an area of interest such as finance, programming, or marketing. Courses may also be taken individually to expand your skill set. All Non-Profit Management courses have moved to the Historic Fifth Street School in downtown Las Vegas, 401 S. Fourth Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101.

A NON-PROFIT BOARD’S ROLE & RESPONSIBILITY TO ITS AGENCY & THE COMMUNITY A healthy, effective board is central to achieving your non-profit’s mission. Attendees will be educated on the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of board membership, create a framework for non-profit leadership, and understand the importance of an engaged and focused board. This session is a great orientation for any board and its members, but will particularly benefit new board members, new organizations, or organizations without paid staff. Becky Day-Swain, MBA, MscD Fri | Jun 7 | 12:30-3:30pm | No charge Session I: 132NP3143A Fri | Aug 21 | 12:30-3:30pm | No charge Session II: 132NP3143B Historic 5th Street School Suite 140

SIMPLY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NONPROFIT SECTOR Whether you are heading a fledgling non-profit, have just started a job at a local non-profit, have accepted a board position, or are investigating the sector for employment or consulting, this introduction will ensure you get off on the right foot. Discover why the sector exists, how non-profits focus on their responsibilities to the community, and how they measure success in terms of impact delivered rather than stockholder profits. Becky Day-Swain, MBA, MscD Fri | Jun 7 | 9am-noon | No charge Session I: 132NP3151A Fri | Aug 2 | 9am-noon | No charge Session II: 132NP3151B Historic 5th Street School Suite 140

BEYOND GRANT WRITING: CREATE RESULTS BASED ON STRATEGY, REVENUE MODEL & YOUR FUTURE The role of executive director is so much broader than simply fundraising. Take four hours to learn about building collaborations, positive networking, choosing and driving a funding model, and using a results-based strategy to assist in making difficult decisions. Be prepared to review your operating structure, funding model, program delivery strategy, current community impact, and other agencies in the community. This guided assessment will help you set a course for your non-profit’s future. Becky Day-Swain, MBA, MscD & Scott Emerson, CEM Tue | Jun 18 | 9am-1pm | $70 Historic 5th Street School Suite 140 | 132NP3142 | .4 CEUs

ETHICS IN NON-PROFIT GOVERNANCE Examine the values embodied in philanthropy and voluntary action such as stewardship, service, and civic engagement. You will explore codes of conduct, ethical decision-making, executive leadership, mission and vision statements, and the role, creation, and ongoing development of non-profit boards. Dana Serrata, M.S., NCC & Scott Emerson, CEM Thu | Jul 11-Aug 1 (4 sessions) | 9am-1pm | $230 Historic 5th Street School Suite 140 | 132NP3116 | 1.6 CEUs

MAJOR GIFT FUNDRAISING: STRATEGIES FOR LANDING THE BIG GIFT Cultivate major gift donors, involve board members in “making the ask,” and better understand what motivates donors to make big gifts. You will learn about gift solicitation models, giving vehicles, and the importance of donor recognition. Rosemary West, M.S. Wed | Jun 12 | 12:30-4:30pm | $70 Historic 5th Street School Suite 140 | 132NP3105 | .4 CEUs

PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Protective Services Professional Certification (PSPC) is an intensive, weeklong training program designed exclusively for executive protection, corporate security, military, and law enforcement professionals interested in learning how to provide lower visibility personal security for high net-worth or “at risk” individuals in permissive to semi-permissive environments. The curriculum is delivered using a blended-learning format of interactive classroom instruction, field training, case studies, subject matter expert speakers, and practical exercises. Program will be offered May 13-19 and October 7-13. Visit for additional information.

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Co m p u te r s & Technol o g y MICROSOFT OFFICE

To get the most from these courses, you should have a working knowledge of Windows and the Internet, including creating, opening, saving, and printing files. Although we provide the required software programs in our computer labs during instructional times, you will also need access to the software at home or at work to complete exercises, assignments, and projects. Refund Policy: Cancellation of registrations must be received in writing (email is acceptable) no later than three (3) business days prior to the start date of the course in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. All refunds will be minus a $10 administrative fee per course.


Build your Excel knowledge and take advantage of the program’s versatility. Gain additional experience implementing functions, consolidating worksheets, auditing data, working with collaboration tools, and using macros. The required textbook, Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Comprehensive, which is used in both Excel courses, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisite: You must have successfully completed Excel 2010 – Level I or have similar working knowledge and experience. Sharon Fry Wed | Jul 24-Aug 21 (5 sessions) | 6-8pm | $265* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8138 | 1 CEU *$215 when you register by Jul 17

POWERPOINT 2010 Tell your story or make your sale with a dynamic multimedia PowerPoint presentation. You will design and create slides, implement design themes, apply transitions and animations, insert a variety of graphic files, insert charts, work with masters, and package/distribute a presentation. Assignments outside of class will provide you with a variety of presentation experiences to enrich your PowerPoint skills. The required textbook, Exploring Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 Comprehensive, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Sharon Fry Mon | Jul 22-Aug 19 (5 sessions) | 6-8pm | $239* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8167 | 1 CEU *$189 when you register by Jul 15

Manage cells, columns, rows, worksheets, and workbooks in Excel. Additionally, learn to apply functions, create charts, filter and sort data, and create pivot tables. Assignments outside of class will provide you with a variety of spreadsheet experiences to enrich your understanding of Excel. The required textbook, Exploring Microsoft Excel 2010 Comprehensive, which is used in both Excel courses, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisite: You should have computer experience and a solid understanding of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, including using a mouse. Sharon Fry Mon & Wed | May 20-Jun 12 (5 sessions) | 6-8pm | $265* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8163 | 1 CEU *$215 when you register by May 13 | (No class May 27, Jun 3 and 5)

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Certificate Programs

Take advantage of the many tools available in Microsoft Office and improve your efficiency and effectiveness in your work.


Certificate Programs

INTERNET DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Prepare for career opportunities in Internet design and development. All certificate candidates will build a strong foundation with core classes in web and graphic design technologies. Next, focus your skills with electives to suit your career interests. Complete and present a comprehensive interactive media project in a final capstone class. You may enroll in individual courses without the intent of completing the certificate program. If you have taken any of these courses previously at UNLV, they may apply toward the certificate program. Our labs are equipped with Windows PC and Mac computers (Adobe courses). Although we provide the required software programs in our computer labs during instructional times, you also need access to the software, if applicable, at home or at work to complete exercises, assignments, and projects. Certificate Requirements: Complete seven required courses plus 3.6 CEUs of electives. There is no limit on how many courses you can take during each semester. If you were enrolled in this program prior to Fall 2012, you may follow the old requirements or apply your CEUs towards the new certificate program requirements.

Required Courses: • Adobe Photoshop – Level I 15

Adobe 14

• HTML – Level 15 • Adobe Dreamweaver – Level 14 • HTML – Level 15 • Adobe Dreamweaver – Level 14 • Search Engine Optimization and Online Marketing..............................................(offered on a rotating basis) • Program Final: Putting it All 16 Elective Courses (select 3.6 CEUs): • Adobe Illustrator – Level 14 • Adobe Illustrator – Level 14 • Adobe InDesign – Level 14 • Adobe Photoshop – Level 15 • Adobe Photoshop: Restoring Damaged or Aged Photos 15 • Adobe Photoshop Workshop: Curves Demystified............................................(offered on a rotating basis) • Cascading Style Sheets 15 • Digital Video With Adobe Pro Tools - Level I...(offered on a rotating basis) • WordPress – Level 16 Refund Policy: Cancellation of registrations must be received in writing (email is acceptable) no later than three (3) business days prior to the start date of the course in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. All refunds will be minus a $10 administrative fee per course.

12 Register by phone at 702-895-3394


You may enroll in individual courses without the intent of completing the certificate program. Prerequisites: You must have a working knowledge of computer basics including navigating, creating, editing, and saving files and folders. Our labs are equipped with Windows PC and Mac computers (Adobe courses). Although we provide the required software programs in our computer labs during instructional times, you also need access to the software, if applicable, at home or at work to complete exercises, assignments, and projects.

Required Courses (6.3 CEUs): • Adobe Illustrator – Level 14 • Adobe Photoshop – Level 15 • Adobe InDesign – Level 14 • Designing Your Brand with Adobe Creative 15 Advanced Certificate Requirements: Complete six required courses plus at least 1.3 CEUs of electives. Designing Your Brand with Adobe Creative Suite must be the last class taken to complete the requirements of this certificate program. Required Courses (10.4 CEUs): • Adobe Illustrator – Level 14 • Adobe Photoshop – Level 15 • Adobe InDesign – Level 14 • Adobe Illustrator – Level 14 • Adobe Photoshop – Level 15 • Minimum of 13 hours (1.3 CEUs) of electives............................................... (offerings vary by semester) • Designing Your Brand with Adobe Creative 15 Refund Policy: Cancellation of registrations must be received in writing (email is acceptable) no later than three (3) business days prior to the start date of the course in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. All refunds will be minus a $10 administrative fee per course.

For home computing and mobile device classes, see Technology section on page 37.

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Certificate Programs

Build proficiency in the core print design software tools used in the commercial printing and graphic design industry. Basic Certificate candidates study the essential concepts of print design and the Adobe applications designers use to complete their projects. Advanced Certificate candidates expand their Adobe design skills and learn additional design theory and print communication concepts and techniques. The Advanced Certificate is suitable if you are crossing disciplines, such as web design to print design, or if you are responsible for marketing and designing materials in your current employment but have no formal training and experience in graphic design.

Basic Certificate Requirements: Complete four required courses. Designing Your Brand with Adobe Creative Suite must be the last class taken to complete the requirements of this certificate program.

Certificate Programs



Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 is an indispensable tool for any web designer. Learn the basics of this software as well as essential practices for professional web design and site development. Course covers how to use the Dreamweaver UI (User Interface), manage site files, insert text and images, set up tables, link pages together, and incorporate/apply basic CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to font elements. Make your website an interactive experience by utilizing JavaScript rollovers and forms. The required textbook, Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

Generate crisp, scalable, vector-based artwork in Adobe Illustrator CS6. Beginners and those with slight experience will learn principles of good graphic design as they create and transform shapes, draw with the pen tool, work with typography, and color and paint in Illustrator. Illustrator is a designer’s go-to tool for illustrations, logos, business cards, signs, ads, and much more. The required textbook, Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

Prerequisite: HTML/XHTML-Level I or have similar working knowledge and experience. Rebecca Perry Wed | May 22-Jun 26 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8113 | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by Jun 19 | (Wed 5:30-6:30pm, Jun 26 only)

ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS6 – LEVEL II Further develop your Dreamweaver CS6 power-user skills with professional tips and techniques including advanced use of external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to control layout and font consistency as well as utilizing JavaScript behaviors and Spry widgets to transform static pages into more dynamic and interactive ones. Learn how to manipulate the CSS and make your web production process more efficient by creating templates, library items, server-side includes, and downloadable extensions. This class is for users ready to elevate to more advanced methods to create professional websites. The required textbook, Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisites: Dreamweaver-Level I and HTML/XHTML-Level II or have similar working knowledge and experience. Rebecca Perry Thu | Jul 11-Aug 1 (4 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $289* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8114 | 1.2 CEUs *$239 when you register by Jul 4

ADOBE FIREWORKS CS6 Accelerate web design and development with Fireworks CS6, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and for rapidly prototyping websites. Learn how to use vector tools for special effects and color correction, modify graphics and photos using masks and filters, and optimize your web graphics to decrease file size and download time. The required textbook, Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

Jessica Kennedy Tue | May 21-Jun 25 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8121 | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by May 14 | (Tue 5:30-6:30pm, Jun 25 only)

ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS6 – LEVEL II Intermediate users will build upon their Illustrator knowledge and skills by working with layers and artboards, blending shapes and colors, working with custom brushes, working with styles and effects, working with symbols, and integrating projects with other Adobe applications. The required textbook, Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisite: Adobe Illustrator- Level I or have similar working knowledge and experience. Jessica Kennedy Tue | Jul 2-Aug 6 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8100 | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by Jun 25 | (Tue 5:30-6:30pm, Aug 6 only)

ADOBE INDESIGN CS6 – LEVEL I Easily lay out catalogs, brochures, posters, and other publications with InDesign CS6. Work with tools, menus, and palettes to create documents, define typesetting features, work with images, and create files for print. Inclass exercises will reinforce your understanding of page set up attributes, master pages, guides and margins, color definition, graphic formats, and file management. The required textbook, Adobe InDesign CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Alex Frazier Wed | Jul 10-Aug 14 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8106 | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by Jul 3 | (Wed 6-7pm, Aug 14 only)

Rebecca Perry Mon | May 20-Jul 1 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8111 | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by May 13 | (Mon 5:30-6:30pm, Jul 1 only. No class May 27)

14 Register by phone at 702-895-3394



Create, design, and manipulate print-based artwork, web-based graphics, and digital photography with Adobe Photoshop CS6. Students will learn to perform basic tasks in Photoshop, including color correction, retouching, creating composite images, using masks, resizing images, adding text, and creating art from scratch. This course targets advanced beginners who use Photoshop for personal and professional projects and wish to broaden their knowledge and skills in this program. The required textbook, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

Control the appearance and layout of your website by separating the visual presentation from the actual content with standards-compliant CSS. This course builds on the curriculum covered in the HTML courses and will help you expand your CSS hand-coding skills and techniques.

Sat | Jun 22-Aug 3 (6 sessions) | 9am-noon | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8122B | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by Jun 15 | (Sat 9-10am, Jun 22 only)

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 – LEVEL II Harness the more powerful elements of Adobe Photoshop CS6 to elevate the quality of your photographic and graphic design projects. This course targets intermediate users who wish to broaden their skills and get updates on the latest available features. Explore advanced layer functions and compositing, advanced retouching and masking, and prepare files for both print and web output. The required textbook, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop-Level I or have similar working knowledge and experience. Krystal Hosmer Thu | Aug 8-29 (4 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $289* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8123 | 1.2 CEUs *$239 when you register by Aug 1

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6: RESTORING DAMAGED OR AGED PHOTOS Digitally restore cherished family photos. Using actual photos from the instructor’s family archives, you will learn to seamlessly repair tears, creases, fading, poor contrast, and water stains, as well as replace missing sections of images where possible. You will gain a better understanding of the mechanical aspects of such repairs, which tools and techniques to use, and how to plan out the process of the actual repairs in Photoshop. Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop Level I and II or have similar working knowledge and experience. Krystal Hosmer Tue | Aug 20-Sep 10 (4 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $289* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8170 | 1.2 CEUs *$239 when you register by Aug 13

Adrian Navarrete Thu | Aug 8-29 (4 sessions) | 6-8pm | $229* PAR Room 123 | 132WM8169 | .8 CEU *$179 when you register by Aug 1

DESIGNING YOUR BRAND WITH ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE Harness the seamless integration of Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign to create brand and marketing media. Weekly projects will provide you with experience creating company logos, business cards, postcards, and brochures. Through group discussions and critiques of projects in class, you will create and refine a comprehensive brand identity for a company. Prerequisite: Working knowledge and experience in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. This course must be the last class taken to complete the requirements of the Basic or Advanced Certificate in Print Design. Krystal Hosmer Mon | Jul 8-Aug 12 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8pm | $329* PAR Room 123 | 132WM8156 | 1.5 CEUs *$279 when you register by Jul 1

HTML – Level I HTML allows web designers to hand-code web pages for smooth transition into XML while still remaining compatible with current web browsers. Apply the concepts, foundations, syntax, and structure of HTML as you code basic pages by hand. The course will include an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). All pages created in the class will be validated using the W3C validation service. The required textbook, Head First HTML with CSS, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Adrian Navarrete Thu | May 23-Jun 20 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $309* PAR Room 123 | 132WM8105 | 1.3 CEUs *$259 when you register by May 16 | (Thu 6-7pm, Jun 20 only)

HTML – LEVEL II Augment your web design skills by learning intermediate HTML concepts such as designing table-less layouts, using forms to collect data, and controlling web page format and design using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). By the end of the class, you will be able to design and code enhanced websites. The required textbook, Head First HTML with CSS, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Prerequisite: HTML-Level I or have similar working knowledge and experience. Adrian Navarrete Thu | Jun 27-Aug 1 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $309* PAR Room 123 | 132WM8104 | 1.3 CEUs *$259 when you register by Jun 20 | (Thu 6-7pm, Aug 1 only. No class Jul 4)

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Certificate Programs

Krystal Hosmer Thu | May 23-Jun 27 (6 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $339* PAR Room 125 | 132WM8122A | 1.6 CEUs *$289 when you register by May 16 | (Thu 5:30-6:30pm, Jun 27 only)

Prerequisite: HTML-Level II or have similar working knowledge and experience.


Certificate Programs

This course must be the last class taken to complete the requirements of the Internet Design and Technology Certificate Program. You will demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have acquired in the program by completing a conceptual comprehensive written exam as well as working on a practical in-class project redesigning an outdated website to take advantage of the latest technologies and tools. Rebecca Perry/Staff Wed | Aug 21-28 (2 sessions) | 5:30-8:30pm | $89 PAR Room 125 | 132WM8124B | .6 CEU

WORDPRESS – LEVEL I WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) available today. Harness the power of WordPress CMS to build modern, easy-to-navigate websites. Learn how to install, set up, and publish websites using the core functionality of the WordPress platform. Gain familiarity with customizing themes, building e-commerce shops, and implementing basic search engine optimization into your WordPress website. Prerequisites: HTML-Level I and CSS or have similar working knowledge and experience. Carl Araneta Tue | Jun 4-25 (4 sessions) | 6-9pm | $289* PAR Room 123 | 132WM8171 | 1.2 CEUs *$239 when you register by May 28

ed2g o —On lin e Online Workforce Training Programs Develop professional expertise and prepare for industry certification exams with UNLV Continuing Education and ed2go (formerly Gatlin Education). Ed2go integrates interactive web content with access to instructors who can respond to your questions. You will love the quality as well as the convenience of anytime, anywhere learning. Once you register you have 7-day, 24-hour access; you may start at any time. Visit to view detailed course outlines, learning objectives, instructor biographies, FAQs, prerequisites, materials included, and sample an actual course demo. If you have additional questions about a course, please call ed2go student admissions at 877-221-5151. Registration and Logistics: Carefully review the information on the ed2go website prior to registering. Directions for accessing the online course will be sent directly to you via email three to five business days after the registration has been processed. Materials including textbooks will be mailed directly to you. You have six months to complete your program. Please note, once you access the ed2go online system with your login, including orientation and online materials, no refunds can be processed–no exceptions. Financing Options: Visit for details on ed2go’s 12-month financing plans. Information on Sallie Mae Smart Option Loans can be found at

ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL SPECIALIST WITH MEDICAL BILLING & CODING Master skills to become an asset in a wide variety of health care settings. Learn all the administrative tasks performed in a typical medical office including appointment scheduling, patient check-in, registration and check-out, accounts receivable and payable, bookkeeping, and office management. Gain hands-on, practical experience in medical billing and coding, managing medical records, and filing insurance claims. $1,995 | 132OL2103 | 30 CEUs


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ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL SPECIALIST WITH MEDICAL BILLING & CODING + MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Augment your Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing & Coding program with a 60-hour Medical Terminology course. You will learn the correct terms and spelling for all of the body systems, major pathological conditions, disorders, treatments, medications, and more. $2,495 | 132OL2156 | 36 CEUs

CHARTERED TAX PROFESSIONAL Start working and earning money while completing course work with this innovative, nationally recognized online Chartered Tax Professional (CTP®) Certificate Program. After successfully completing the first two of six modules in the CTP® certificate program, you will be qualified to prepare individual tax returns for most U.S. taxpayers. While you apply what you have learned and earn money as a tax preparer, you will continue your studies in advanced individual tax preparation and learn how to prepare returns for small business corporations, partnerships, and more complex sole proprietorships. As you complete the CTP® program, you can accumulate the required 500 hours of experience to qualify for Chartered Tax Professional designation. $1,895 | 132OL2151 | 18 CEUs


MEDICAL BILLING & CODING + MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY The Medical Billing and Coding + Medical Terminology program includes both the complete Medical Billing and Coding program and the 60-hour Medical Terminology course. $1,995 | 132OL2155 | 30 CEUs


OPTICIAN CERTIFICATION TRAINING Train for employment as an entry-level optician in a retail or medical setting. Topics of study include ocular anatomy, eye diseases and conditions, frame styling and adjustment, eyewear selection, contact lens selection, prescriptions, and the equipment and mathematical formulas used in opticianry. Prepare for American Board of Opticianry (ABO) certification, which is required by many states including Nevada. $1,895 | 132OL2167 | 15 CEUs


PROJECT MANAGEMENT Be the leader your employer trusts to take projects from concept to completion. Ten modules cover the essentials of project management. For each, you will work with real-life scenarios and learn to handle a wide variety of situations and problems effectively. This course will help prepare you for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam. $1,695 | 132OL2142 | 4 CEUs


Whether you work in the food and beverage industry or you simply want to impress friends at the dinner table, the UNLV Sommelier Academy is the perfect place to learn about wine. Vine to Wine: The Fundamentals meets the needs of wine enthusiasts or wine collectors as well as early-career beverage professionals. At the end of the course, you will be able to recommend wines with confidence. The Advanced Sommelier Program targets wine professionals seeking career advancement, detailed knowledge, and a broad exposure to the world of wine. Information on the Advanced Sommelier Program will be posted online as it becomes available.

Vine to Wine: The Fundamentals Take your appreciation and knowledge of wine to the next level. Explore the wine making process, major types of grapes, and the different conditions affecting the world’s primary wine regions. Enjoyment of a wine is enhanced by exceptional presentation, so we will also cover essential service skills employed by the pros. Guest speakers will offer fresh perspectives on all aspects of the wine industry. Students will typically taste about twelve different wines each class day. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify key wine characteristics in a blind tasting. Successful completion of Vine to Wine: The Fundamentals will prepare you for the advanced course of study or give you confidence to make informed personal purchase decisions. Heath Hiudt Sun | Jun 2-Sep 22 (13 sessions) | 10:30am-5:30pm | $1,595 132WS6100 | 9.1 CEUs Total Wine & More, Summerlin Class will meet at Total Wine & More’s Henderson location on Jun 2 and Aug 11 | (No class Jun 30, Jul 7, Aug 4, and Sep 1)

Travel Opportunity: The Napa Experience! California’s picturesque Napa Valley is one of the world’s premiere wine production regions. Join Heath Hiudt, UNLV Sommelier Academy instructor, on a two-day visit to the Napa Valley for a guided exploration of some of his favorite vineyards and wineries. This is a unique opportunity to see wine production from an insider’s point of view. This travel program is in the development stages, so please check the Continuing Education website frequently for updates and information.

17 Register online at

Certificate Programs


UNLV So mmelier Academy

Leg al

Certificate Programs

LEGAL SECRETARY CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work as a legal secretary, providing essential support to an attorney or legal department. Our expanded Legal Secretary Certificate now features additional online resources for maximum learning. Plan to attend an information session to learn more about the program. Program will be offered in Fall 2013.

PARALEGAL STUDIES PROGRAM Paralegals work alongside lawyers in private law firms, corporations, government, real estate, and financial institutions—any setting where legal work is performed. Earn your Paralegal Studies Certificate through UNLV’s nationally recognized program and launch yourself into this growing but competitive career field. The program teaches the research, investigation, writing, and documentation skills paralegals use daily. Students have the option of enrolling in the on-site program, which blends traditional class meetings with comprehensive online support, exceptional texts, and access to LexisNexis and Westlaw legal research databases, or completing their studies online with a course facilitator and the same great support system.

PARALEGAL CERTIFICATE INFORMATION SESSIONS Attend an information session before you enroll in UNLV’s Paralegal Certificate program. Information sessions cover topics including paralegal job responsibilities, employment potential, financial assistance, and the UNLV Paralegal website. These sessions will help you decide whether online or on-campus instruction best suits your needs. Day Sessions: Mon | Apr 22 | noon-1pm | No Charge PAR Room 302 | Session II: 132PL6134B Thu | May 9 | noon-1pm | No Charge PAR Room 511 | Session III: 132PL6134C Tue | May 28 | noon-1pm | No Charge PAR Room 107 | Session IV: 132PL6134D Evening Sessions: Mon | Apr 22 | 5:30-6:30pm | No Charge PAR Room 302 | Session II: 132PL6128B Thu | May 9 | 5:30-6:30pm | No Charge PAR Room 511 | Session III: 132PL6128C Tue | May 28 | 5:30-6:30pm | No Charge PAR Room 107 | Session IV: 132PL6128D Register online or call 702-895-3394 to reserve space.

PARALEGAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Acquire the tools to be successful in the field of law with this fast-paced, skill-based, comprehensive program. Core curriculum includes terminology, court structure, legal ethics, evidence and investigation, citations, trial preparation, litigation, motions, notices, briefs, and Nevada practices and procedures, plus a strong emphasis on research and writing. In addition, you will complete two substantive topics: Tort and Contract Law. Participants will be assigned a unique client case file and will complete documents for the client throughout the class. The program includes substantial Internet work as well as in-class time. Margaret Pickard, J.D. & Alan Beckman, J.D. Tue & Thu | Jun 11-Sep 26 | 9am-noon | $6,195 PAR Room 302 | DAYTIME SESSION: 132PL6101 | 25 CEUs Law Library dates & times determined by instructor Alan Beckman, J.D. Tue & Thu | Jun 11-Sep 26 | 6-9pm | $6,195 PAR Room 302 | EVENING SESSION: 132PL6131 | 25 CEUs Law Library dates & times determined by instructor $1,000 re-sit fee for this class $350 technology fee includes Essential Skills textbooks and access to LexisNexis and Westlaw. Students must pay the technology fee online at one week prior to class start. Students should budget about $150 for Tort and Contract Law textbooks, available at the UNLV Bookstore.

18 Register by phone at 702-895-3394



Margaret Pickard, J.D. or Alan Beckman, J.D. Online Delivery | $6,995 plus a $525 shipping & technology fee 132PL6149 | 25 CEUs 7-day, 24-hour access; register and start at any time Includes substantive classes $1,000 re-sit fee for this class

CONTRACT LAW Gain a comprehensive understanding of Contract Law including how to form effective legal contracts, how contracts are performed, the remedies for non-performance or breach of contract, and third-party contracts. You will view many different kinds of contracts and draft a contract as a part of the course work. Fifteen hours will be in class and you will complete additional hours online.

Coo perat ive Paren t in g COOPERATIVE PARENTING: SHIELDING YOUR CHILDREN FROM CONFLICT Divorced or separated parents can improve communication, reduce conflict, and redefine their parenting partnership using Cooperative Parenting skills. Your facilitator will guide you through group discussions and practical conflict resolution activities as you explore issues common to many two-household families. Margaret Pickard, J.D. Sat | Jun 22–Aug 10 (8 sessions) | 9-11am | $299 PAR Room 107 | Session I: 132PL6105A | 1.6 CEUs Tue | Jun 4–Jul 30 (8 sessions) | 7-9pm | $299 PAR Room 107 | Session II: 132PL6105B | 1.6 CEUs

Alan Beckman, J.D. Thu | Jul 25-Aug 22 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $295* PAR Room 302 | 132PL6107 | 2.4 CEUs *$225 re-sit fee for UNLV Paralegal graduates

TORT LAW Study intentional and strict liability torts including personal injury, products liability, defamation, and more. Defenses to tort claims, contemporary issues, and landmark cases will also be carefully examined. Students will be provided exercises, web support, mock exams, and other extensive subject matter support. Fifteen hours will be in class and you will complete additional hours online. Alan Beckman, J.D. Thu | Jun 13-Jul 18 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $295* PAR Room 302 | 132PL6102 | 2.4 CEUs *$225 re-sit fee for UNLV Paralegal graduates | (No class Jul 4)

PARALEGAL SPECIALIST CERTIFICATES-ONLINE Define your career path and increase your value to employers by enhancing skills and knowledge within a specialized field of law. A self-paced, online format allows students to master course work through an innovative learning portal which offers exercises, quizzes, lecture notes, reviews, and research databases, plus web-based and instructor support. View Paralegal Specialist options online at In order to register, you must submit unofficial transcripts or copies of certificates and history of work experience. For more information, call 702-895-3394 or email Margaret Pickard, J.D. or Alan Beckman, J.D. ONLINE $1,995 per class | 7.2 CEUs 7-day, 24-hour access; register and start at any time You have four months to complete each program.

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Certificate Programs

Interactive exercises, lecture notes, paralegal perspectives, and research and writing labs provide an integrated and dynamic educational platform for UNLV’s online Paralegal Studies Certificate. Core curriculum includes terminology, court structure, legal ethics, evidence and investigation, citations, trial preparation, litigation, motions, notices, briefs, Nevada practices and procedures, plus tort and contract law. Online students have up to six months to complete the program and are assigned an instructor directly responsible for responding to questions and facilitating learning.

Certificate Programs

Med i ca l & He a l th Ca re MEDICAL ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM UNLV’s Medical Assistant program leverages the university’s facilities, instructors, and reputation to provide its graduates with an unparalleled hands-on training experience. In just six months you will be ready to enter the medical field knowing the latest technologies and skills. The curriculum combines classroom lectures and discussions with hands-on lab experiences and extensive online support. Call 702-895-3394 to register or visit for more information including a schedule of upcoming program start dates. All Medical Assistant courses are held at UNLV Shadow Lane Campus, 1001 Shadow Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89106.

MEDICAL ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE INFORMATION SESSION Find out how you can develop the technical skills, knowledge, and work habits required for an entry-level position in the medical assisting field. Attend a free information session to meet instructors and learn about class format, curriculum, facilities, online support, financial assistance, and employment outlook. Dan Barber & Program Coordinator Thu | May 16 | 5:30-6:30pm | No Charge PAR Room 511 | Session I: 132ME6102A Thu | May 30 | 5:30-6:30pm | No Charge PAR Room 401 | Session II: 132ME6102B Call 702-895-3394 to reserve your seat today.

MEDICAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM Prepare for a career working with patients or supporting the administrative functions of a medical office. The curriculum covers a wide variety of tasks frequently assigned to medical assistants including scheduling, reception, bookkeeping, insurance billing and coding, maintaining medical records, preparing patients for examination, assisting with physicals, performing screening tests, preparing medical equipment, and more. Training includes an optional externship, which will provide you with real-world experience. Sammie Nix Mon-Thu | Jul 8-Jan 16 | 6-9pm | $5,995 plus tech fee (see below) Shadow Lane Campus | 132ME6130 | 50 CEUs $995 tech fee covers books, scrubs & materials, online student chat room, interactive study guides, support website.

20 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

en I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci ents planning because I got my cpr in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the mysteries of social med d learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate n-profit dance, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took imer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on t nefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning becau got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned ho use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events golf because I got my certificate in non-profit managemen en I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci ents planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of soci edia and learned how to use an first aid, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got rtificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use ad, then I took a fly fishing in special events planning because I got my certificate in meditation managemen en I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci ents planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits cial media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got rtificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the yoga of social media and learned how to use

H ealth & F itn es s CPR/AED, First Aid ����������������������������������22

Dance ������������������������������������������������������22

Sports & Wellness ������������������������������������22

CPR/AED, First Aid

Sport s & Welln ess



Learn lifesaving skills and what to do until emergency care arrives in this combined CPR/AED for adults and children. Subjects taught include adult and child CPR and AED, cardiac arrest, choking, and treatment for shock. Each participant will have his/her own manikin and a face shield for CPR practice. The two-year American Heart Association certification is accepted by teaching institutions, medical institutions, and many other occupations.

Practice the fundamentals of golf including chipping, putting, woods, irons, and rules of the game. Novice players will gain confidence and skills to get out on the links quickly. Equipment will be provided. Dress code is required for Black Mountain Golf Course. Please wear only soft spike golf shoes or tennis shoes.

Health & Fitness

Bill Bigham, Certified American Heart Association Instructor Wed | May 8 | 9-11am | $49 PAR Room 512 | 131HE1100C Includes certification upon successful completion of course; text loaned.

D ance BEMOVED BeMoved inspires participants to embrace dance as a lifelong path to health, joy, and fulfillment. Experience various genres of dance including Bollywood, gospel, swing, Latin, and disco. Intensity and movements can be modified to match your fitness level. Chairs will be used for support. No previous experience necessary. Richard Havey Wed | May 8-Jun 5 (5 sessions) | 1:15-2:15pm | $39 PAR Room 133 | 132SR4150

NIGHTCLUB TWO-STEP In this fun class you will practice step patterns and partnering skills to the easy rhythm of Nightclub Two-Step. Not to be confused with the Texas Two-Step, Nightclub Two-Step is a completely different style and can be danced to top 40s, R&B, and more. This dance was invented by Buddy Schwimmer, father of Lacey and Benji Schwimmer of Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. Singles and couples welcome. Couples will not change partners; singles will change partners. Kim Sakren Tue | May 28-Jun 18 (4 sessions) | 6-7:30pm | $89 per person Backstage Dance Studio | 132SF1121

SCENT OF A WOMAN (ARGENTINE TANGO) Learn the dance from “Scent of a Woman.” In the movie Al Pacino, portraying a blind retired Army Ranger Lieutenant Colonel, leads Gabrielle Anwar, a restaurant patron casually waiting for her date, onto the dance floor in a dramatic tango to the song “Por una Cabeza.” You will learn the moves and choreography of this passionate dance scene. If you are getting married it could be a memorable first dance. Class is open to couples only.

Gene Munk, PGA Professional Sat | Apr 27-Jun 8 (6 sessions) | 11am-12:30pm | $115 Session I: 131SF1104C | (No class May 25) Sun | Apr 28-Jun 9 (6 sessions) | 9:30-11am | $115 Session II: 131SF1104D | (No class May 26) Sat | Jun 15-Jul 20 (6 sessions) | 8-9:30am | $115 Session III: 132SF1104A Sun | Jun 16-Jul 21 (6 sessions) | 9:30-11am | $115 Session IV: 132SF1104B Black Mountain Golf & Country Club

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION Improve mood, decrease stress, and increase mental focus with Mindfulness Meditation (MM) techniques. You will learn to focus your thoughts with breathing and meditation, and to stay open to emotions instead of ignoring or denying them. We will explore the kindness/healing (metta) side of MM, where visualizations and imagery are used to open the heart and heal the mind, body, and spirit. Walking and eating meditations will be included. Linda Rohacek, B.S. Psychology Sat | Jun 1-22 (4 sessions) | 11am-1pm | $95 PAR Room 400 | 132PG1189

YOGA: MIXED LEVEL Elevate your yoga practice with this Hatha Yoga class for advanced beginner through intermediate practitioners. You will explore more advanced yoga poses, flows, and breathing techniques, and improve your balance, flexibility, strength, and relaxation. All About Yoga is equipped with yoga mats, blocks, straps, bolsters, and more. Dorothy Guy, RYT 500 & PRYT Wed | May 29-Aug 14 (12 sessions) | 5:45-6:45pm | $145 All About Yoga | 132SF1123

Kim Sakren Tue | Jun 25-Jul 30 (6 sessions) | 6-7:30pm | $129 per person Backstage Dance Studio | 132SF1164

22 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how n iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit managemen I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in speci s planning because I got my esl in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the mysteries of social med earned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate rofit chinese, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took r in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on t its of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning becau my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learn o use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events screen play because I got my certificate in non-prof gement, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took r in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on t its of social media and learned how to use an italian, then I took a primer in special events planning becau my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned ho e an iPad, then I took a proofreading in special events planning because I got my certificate in spani gement, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took

L an g u ag e Art s English as a Second Language (ESL) ���������� 24

Foreign Languages �������������������������������������� 24

Reading �������������������������������������������������������� 25

Writing ���������������������������������������������������������� 25

En g l i s h A s A Seco nd L a n g u a g e (ES L) ESL BASIC Begin learning English language skills, focusing on everyday conversation at work, at home, and in the community. Emphasis will be on speaking, listening, reading, and writing in a fun and relaxed learning environment. We will discuss work, activities, and abilities, and express likes, dislikes, interests, and opinions. ESL Basic is divided into two, 10-week semesters. Units 1-14 will be covered in the beginning semester followed by units 15-28 in the continuing semester. The required text and workbook, WorldView I, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Cecilia P. Ordinario, M.Ed. Sat | Jun 8-Aug 10 (10 sessions) | 9am-12:15pm | $229 UNLV Campus | 132LA2125

Fo rei g n L a n g u a g e s Language Arts

CHINESE: BEGINNING LEVEL China’s economic rise means the world has a new second language— Mandarin. Learn practical and daily conversational Mandarin Chinese for use in travel or business. You will be introduced to Chinese customs and culture and have the opportunity to speak Chinese at every class. By the end of the course you should be able to initiate conversations and answer questions in Chinese. The required textbook and CD, Learn Chinese with Me–Student’s Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

ITALIAN: BEGINNING LEVEL Communicate better with the Italian-speaking people in your life or prepare for a more enjoyable trip to Italy. This class will include basic language structure, correct pronunciation, and vocabulary for simple phrases and sentences. The required textbook, Learn Italian the Fast and Fun Way, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. L. Lipari Tue & Thu | May 21-Jun 13 (8 sessions) | 6-9pm | $185 PAR Room 511 | 132LA1106

JAPANESE: BEGINNING LEVEL Explore basic Japanese conversation and culture. Learn how to introduce yourself, understand telephone numbers and schedules, how to inquire about prices and locations, and many other daily activities. Your instructor will use roma-ji, the English alphabet, during this beginning class. Japanese characters will not be introduced. The required text and workbook, Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Dai 2-Han Honsatsu, main textbook Romanized version with CD, (Second Edition), is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Takako Hasegawa Mon & Wed | Jun 10-Jul 10 (10 sessions) | 6-8:30pm | $185 UNLV Campus | 132LA1113

SPANISH: BEGINNING LEVEL Knowledge of Spanish phrases and sentences is helpful in the workplace or while traveling. Learn simple conversation and vocabulary to use in everyday situations. We will include enough grammatical study for an understanding of the language structure. The required textbook, Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way, 3rd Edition, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. Diane Orgill, M.A. Tue & Thu | May 28-Jun 27 (10 sessions) | 6:30-8:30pm | $179 PAR Room 403 | 132LA1104

Xiaowei Hunt, M.A. Sat | May 11-Jul 13 (10 sessions) | 9am-noon | $189 UNLV Campus | 132LA1112

FRENCH: BEGINNING LEVEL Begin your French instruction with an accomplished English/French speaker and teacher. Basic grammar, common conversational phrases, and everyday vocabulary will be our starting point for building conversations. A quick look at French culture will be included in our study. The required textbook, Learn French the Fast and Fun Way, is available at the UNLV Bookstore. L. Lipari Mon & Wed | May 20-Jun 17 (8 sessions) | 6-9pm | $175 PAR Room 511 | 132LA1107 | (No class May 27)

24 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

Read i n g

Writ in g

Summer Reading Skills Programs


Poor readers can become good readers, and good readers can become great readers! UNLV is again partnering with the Institute of Reading Development to offer five-week summer reading skills programs. All programs are designed and taught by instructors from the Institute of Reading Development. Programs are offered on campus as well as locations throughout Las Vegas. For more information or to register, call 1-800-979-8980. Three Programs for 4-Year-Olds through Entering 2nd Graders

Phonics • Comprehension • Independent Reading Your child will become a fluent independent reader, build confidence, and become more successful in school by focusing on phonics, sight vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

Make a positive impression with clear, concise, and grammatically correct personal or business correspondence. This program will focus on essentials such as content, flow, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation. You will leave the workshop with several editing exercises you may use to self-test and practice the skills you have learned. Richard R. Becker, ABC Fri | Jun 7 | 1:30-4:30pm | $75 PAR Room 300 | 132WR1150

HOW TO WRITE A NOVEL Expand your understanding of novel writing by exploring character development, theme, story structure, scene construction, and plot. Advice will also be offered on practical factors such as page and word count for different genres, the commercial marketplace, literary agents, and the publishing world. John Hill Wed | Jun 5-Jul 10 (6 sessions) | 7:15-9pm | $185 PAR Room 400 | 132WR1122

Tuition: $269; Materials Fee: $34

Two Programs for Entering 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders

Fluency • Comprehension • Long-Word Decoding

Tuition: $349; Materials Fee: $34

Two Programs for Entering 6th–8th & 9th–11th Graders

Screenwriting is an art, a craft, and a business. Learn to balance intimate human emotions with conflicts large enough to justify the big screen. Fundamentals to be covered include format, dialogue, characters, and theme, with special training on how to plot. Writing for the independent film world will be discussed, as will pitching to the Hollywood studio system. John Hill Mon | Jun 3-Jul 8 (6 sessions) | 7:15-9pm | $185 PAR Room 403 | 132WR1141

Speed Reading • Comprehension • Study Skills Students will make substantial gains in comprehension, double their reading speed, and develop study skills needed for middle school and high school success. Your son or daughter will complete homework assignments quickly and easily, get better grades, and become a more motivated student. Tuition: $349; Materials Fee: $34

Adults, College Students, & Entering High School Seniors

Speed Reading for Work, School, & Pleasure Double or triple your reading speed, plus recall more of everything you read. Comprehension, concentration, and retention techniques will enable you to remember more and cut down on re-reading. A lifetime instruction privilege allows you to repeat the program at any time—for free! Tuition: $349; Materials Fee: $34

Online Reading Skills Programs Now Available Online reading skills instruction programs are now available for students of all skill levels. These individualized summer programs include support from a professional reading teacher, effective materials, independent reading in great books, and engaging online instruction.

25 Register online at

Language Arts

Enrolled students learn to read more fluently and rapidly, tackle unfamiliar words with confidence, and make significant gains in comprehension. Your child will complete reading assignments more quickly and easily, be more successful in school, and become a strong, enthusiastic reader.


WRITING, PUBLISHING & MARKETING YOUR BOOK: DAYLONG WRITERS’ CONFERENCE This daylong writers’ conference will take you from writing to publishing to marketing your book! Each session can be taken independently or you can sign up for two or more sessions at a substantial discount. To receive the discount students must call 702-8953394 to register. Discount cannot be processed online. Bobbie Christensen

WRITING YOUR 1ST BOOK (OR 7TH!) Complete your book, either fiction or non-fiction, in as little as two months by following the instructor’s own 10-step writing method.

Discuss key differences between traditional publishing and selfpublishing regarding time, money, control, and profits. Learn about ISBN, copyrights, Library of Congress, and IRS issues. Find out how to operate your own writing and/or publishing business. Sat | Jun 8 | 3-4:45pm Session II: 132WR1161B

MARKETING YOUR BOOK Discover how to make a profit before your book is even printed, how to set up local and nationwide book signings for maximum sales, how to set up and present a seminar to earn rave reviews, how to write news releases to promote your work, and much more. Sat | Jun 8 | 5-6:45pm Session III: 132WR1161C PAR Room 511 | $44 when registering for one session, $35 each when registering for multiple sessions.

Language Arts

Sat | Jun 8 | 1-2:45pm Session I: 132WR1161A


26 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

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L eis u re Act ivit ies Acting ���������������������������������������������������������28 Arts & Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Exploring & Travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Food & Beverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Historic & Artistic Works Conservation. . . . 33

Home & Gardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Pet Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35



Acquire the foundational skills actors need to prepare and perform a monologue with basic scene study and character development. Class is ideal for both beginner actors and individuals interested in developing greater confidence, spontaneity, and imagination on stage. Train in professional voice and body exercises including Linklater voice work, Grotowski physical theatre, View Points ensemble practices, and The Expressive Actor techniques. Study basic stage and theatre vocabulary to enhance your understanding of the industry vernacular and strengthen your communication skills. A final showing of students’ work will take place on the last class.

Acrylic paints share some similarities with both watercolor and oil painting, yet they also offer their own beautiful and unique characteristics. Course will cover brush and non-brush work, color mixing, transparent and opaque application, textural and collage options, composition, creative aids, simple special effects, and critiques. Supply list will be provided.

Shelley Lynn Mon & Wed | May 29-Jun 26 (9 sessions) | 6-8:30pm | $119 MPE Room 506 | 132AT1100

Work through a number of exercises designed to train the eye, hand, and imagination to work as a team. Learn about shapes, shading, contour drawing, and negative space. This class provides a step-by-step introduction for people who have not drawn before or who would like a refresher class. Supply list will be provided.

THE EXPRESSIVE ACTOR: 5 & 8-DAY SUMMER TRAINING INTENSIVE The Lugering Method is an innovative and practical approach to training the “total actor,” fusing acting, movement, and voice into a unified approach. Your performance will become more expressive, human, and adaptable when you work in this method. Beginning and experienced actors, directors, dancers, teachers, performing artists, and other interested individuals are invited to attend the 5-day Expressive Actor course. Participants in the 8-day Teacher Training Intensive take the 5-day Expressive Actor course, and then spend three days learning to incorporate the principles and practices of the Lugering Method into their own classroom. Teaching methods, practices, and strategies for developing an integrated voice, movement, and acting curriculum will be discussed. Participants registering for teacher training need not be accepted into the Expressive Actor Teacher Certification Program. Additional information is available at

Leisure Activities

Art s & Craft s

Michael Lugering, Master Teacher 5-Day Acting Intensive Mon-Fri | Jun 10-14 (5 sessions) | 10am-5pm | $550* HFA Room 124 | 132CO1122A *$500 when you register by May 1 8-day Teacher Training Intensive Mon-Tue | Jun 10-18 (8 sessions) | 10am-5pm | $850* HFA Room 124 | 132CO1122B | (No class Jun 15) *$800 when you register by May 1

See also Radio & TV Voice-Over on page 5.

Gae ‘Gabbie’ Hirsch Sat | Jun 8-Jul 13 (5 sessions) | 1:30-4:30pm | $115 PAR Room 512 | 132AR1121 | (No class Jun 29)


S. C. Jones Wed | May 22-Jun 19 (5 sessions) | 6-8:30pm | $115 PAR Room 300 | 132AR1130

FACE FIRST: INTRODUCTION TO PORTRAITS Explore freehand portraiture through simple exercises and explanations of proportions, anatomy, angles, and how to individualize features. Drawing experience is helpful, but not essential if you are motivated. This class is an excellent foundation for paint or pastels. Supply list will be provided. Gae ‘Gabbie’ Hirsch Sun | Jun 2-Jul 14 (6 sessions) | 1:30-4:30pm | $139 PAR Room 300 | 132AR1132 | (No class Jun 30)

MIXED-MEDIA COLLAGE Immerse yourself in mixed-media collage as a form of autobiographical narrative. Each richly-textured visual poem will be a personal exploration. Using acrylic medium along with your own mementos, fabric scraps, and pictures, you will blend elements from your life into an artistic collage. Class time will be split between instruction and studio time. Beginners to advanced students are welcome. Supply list will be provided. Suzanne Silk Sat | Jun 15-Jul 6 (4 sessions) | 1-4pm | $89 PAR Room 300 | 132AR1125

STONE CARVING Work with the natural shape of the stone as you learn the use of carving tools, practice finishing techniques, and experiment with 3D design. Use of studio tools is included. Bring protective eyeglasses or safety goggles to the first class. Expect to pay approximately $70–$100 for a stone. No previous art background is required. Sharon Gainsburg Sat | Jun 1-Aug 10 (10 sessions) | 9:30am-12:30pm | $350 Sharon Gainsburg Studio | 132AR1114 | (No class Jun 29)

28 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

WATERCOLOR BASICS Embrace watercolor’s luminosity and versatility as an art medium. Start from scratch discussing materials, tools, techniques, color, composition, creative aids, and simple special effects. At each class instructional time is followed by studio time, where you will transfer techniques and theories onto paper. Prior experience is not required. Supply list will be provided. Gae ‘Gabbie’ Hirsch Wed | May 22-Jun 19 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $115 PAR Room 107 | 132AR1140

WATERCOLOR BASICS CONTINUED Continue your experimentation with watercolor as you gain experience with shadows and lighting, water, reflective and transparent surfaces, and different types of perspective. You will explore opaque watercolors and mixed media options. Build on the skills you learned in the Watercolor Basics course or expand on your prior experience in art. Supply list will be provided. Gae ‘Gabbie’ Hirsch Wed | Jul 10-Aug 7 (5 sessions) | 6-9pm | $115 PAR Room 300 | 132AR1141

WOODWORKING: BASIC Understand how to set up, use, and maintain all major woodworking tools including the table saw, jointer, planer, drill press, band saw, and stationary belt sander. Classes meet in a well-equipped woodshop, featuring a SawStop table saw, two jointers, 24” planer, wide board sander, and much more. Participants complete three projects designed to teach practical use of the tools. Upon completion, feel confident enough to not only use all of these tools, but to make wise purchases of your own tools.

WOODWORKING: CUTTING BOARDS-ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Functional can be beautiful. Master advanced cutting board construction techniques including end grain boards, confetti boards, sculptural boards, and more. There will even be an opportunity to mass produce some boards, so start taking orders from your friends and family now! Prerequisite: Basic Woodworking. Jamie Yocono Mon | May 13-Jun 24 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $340 Wood It Is! | 132AR1136 | Price includes $90 in materials | (No class May 27)

WOODWORKING: INSTANT GRATIFICATION Refine your woodworking skills as you make a series of six one-night projects. Sometimes you don’t want to start a huge project—you just want to sharpen your skills and make a few things for friends, family, or co-workers. These projects are all designed to help you hone your technique and create quality items to share with others. Projects include clipboards, hand mirrors, cheese boards, clocks, and more. You will also practice new finishing techniques to round out your woodworking education. Prerequisite: Basic Woodworking. Jamie Yocono Tue | Jul 9-Aug 13 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $335 Wood It Is! | 132AR1124 | Price includes $85 in materials

Jamie Yocono Tue | May 21-Jun 25 (6 sessions) | 6-9pm | $335 Session I: 132AR1190A Mon | Jul 8-Aug 12 (6 sessions) | 11am-2pm | $335 Session II: 132AR1190B

Leisure Activities

Wood It Is! | Price includes $85 in materials Refund Policy: Cancellations for Woodworking: Basic must be received in writing (email is acceptable) no later than five (5) business days prior to the start date of the course in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. All refunds will be minus a $10 administrative fee per course.

29 Register online at

Exp l o ri n g & Tr a v e l ASH MEADOWS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE: STREAMSIDE TRAILS & WILDLIFE Butterflies, birds, and flowers, oh my! Explore Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge near Pahrump, Nevada. Over 50 springs and seeps create enchanting marshlands, streams, and ash/mesquite groves in the middle of the Mojave Desert alkali flats. Ash Meadows has the greatest concentration of endemic species in the United States; meet some of the 26 plant and animal species found nowhere else on earth. Expect to walk two to three miles on boardwalks and maintained trails. Enjoy spectacular mountain and desert views, and see wildflowers, birds, butterflies, and dragonflies. You will net, study, and release some of these native insects. Bring water, lunch, and good walking shoes. Transportation provided. Bruce Lund, Botanist, Biologist Sat | May 25 | 8:30am-4:30pm | $95 Departs from PAR back parking lot | 132EX1160 | Includes transportation

DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE: MOUNTAIN TRAILS, ROADS, & WILDLIFE Explore Desert National Wildlife Refuge, the largest national wildlife refuge in the lower 48 states. Located just north of Las Vegas, the refuge was established in 1936 for the protection of the desert bighorn sheep. Begin the day with easy walking trails near the Corn Creek Visitor Station and its wetland habitat restoration. Spend the remainder of the day on a spectacular drive on back roads up and over the Sheep Mountains. View mountains, desert, and forests with stops for stretches and close looks at indigenous plant life, birds, and, quite possibly, bighorn sheep. Bring water, lunch, and good walking shoes. Transportation provided.

Leisure Activities

Bruce Lund, Botanist, Biologist Sat | Jun 15 | 8:30am-4:30pm | $95 Departs from PAR back parking lot | 132EX1227 | Includes transportation

EXPLORE THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS & QUITO Join Dr. Margaret N. (Peg) Rees and artist Sharon K. Schafer on an expedition to Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Spend two evenings in Old Town Quito, the first city to be declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, before departing on an incredible eleven day Galapagos experience on board a privately chartered first-class, 16-person catamaran. Cruise to pristine islands and walk among colonies of animals and birds unfazed by your presence. Observe magnificent Galapagos marine iguana, experience up-close encounters with nesting flightless cormorants, watch the magnificent frigate bird in its courtship display, and snorkel amid tropical fish, sea turtles, and sea lions. The Galapagos Islands and Quito adventure is for active travelers. Quito is located at 9,100 feet above sea level, and when exploring the Galapagos Islands, you should be able to comfortably climb in and out of small rubber rafts. Dr. Margaret N. (Peg) Rees, Vice Provost for Educational Outreach Sharon K. Schafer, Skydance Studio Apr 26-May 8, 2014 | 141EX1241 Early bird registration: Register by Aug. 15, 2013 at a $350 discount! Register by Aug 15: $7,489 (Per person, double occupancy) Register after Aug 15: $7,839 (Per person, double occupancy) A $2,700 deposit will hold your spot until Nov 29, 2013 when balance in full is due. To view the full itinerary and trip details, visit http://continuingeducation. or contact Charlee Zingraf at or phone 702-895-5224.

Coming soon: The Napa Experience! California’s picturesque Napa Valley is one of the world’s premiere wine production regions. Join Heath Hiudt, UNLV Sommelier Academy instructor, on a two-day visit to the Napa Valley for a guided exploration of some of his favorite vineyards and wineries. This is a unique opportunity to see wine production from an insider’s point of view. This travel program is in the development stages, so please check the Continuing Education website frequently for updates and information.

Ash Meadow boardwalk. 30 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

In The Planning Stages:

Antarctica – DEC. 2013/JAN. 2014 Join an expedition to the very ends of the earth, Antarctica. This land of glittering ice, majestic peaks, and dazzling beauty is a haven for migratory birds, whales, seals, and other marine mammals who come each summer to feast in is food-rich coastal waters. We will be visiting during the Antarctic summer (our winter) when temperatures are mild, generally hovering just above freezing. Your UNLV expedition leaders both have extensive experience in the Antarctic. UNLV geologist Margaret N. (Peg) Rees, Ph.D. was funded by the National Science Foundation to conduct geological research in the Transantarctic Mountains for 8 field seasons. For her research and service she was awarded the U.S. Congressional Polar Medal for Scientific Service in Antarctica and an Antarctic mountain was named in her honor. Nevada artist and naturalist Sharon K. Schafer has worked extensively in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Islands as an artist-in-residence, photographer, and videographer. Her paintings and photographs of the Antarctic region have been exhibited in museums across the country. For more information as it becomes available please contact Charlee Zingraf at or phone 702-895-5224.

Adults from across the country converge for a week of adventures, presentations, and extracurricular activities related to Las Vegas. Your registration fee includes all activities, hotel accommodations, and meals. If you do not require hotel accommodations because you reside in Las Vegas, enjoy a discount on the registration fee. Locals can save the cost of airfare and take a “staycation” with an exciting and dynamic Road Scholar program through UNLV. To register or get additional information, call Road Scholar Participant Services at 877-426-8056, or go online at and enter the program number. Listed below are the Summer/Fall 2013 program offerings: Summer: Crime Scene Forensics Mon-Fri | Jun 3-7 Section I: 12156RJ

Fall (continued): Organized Crime Mon-Fri | Oct 21-25 Section III: 17297RJ

Fall: That’s Entertainment Sun-Fri | Oct 6-11 Section I: 1662RJ

Crime Scene Forensics Mon-Fri | Nov 11-15 Section IV: 12156RJ

Crime Scene Forensics Mon-Fri | Oct 14-18 Section II: 12156RJ

Crime Scene Forensics Mon-Fri | Dec 2-6 Section V: 12156RJ

Leisure Activities

31 Register online at

Fo o d & Be v e r a g e A TASTE OF CRAFT BEERS Craft beers, also known as microbrews, are typically produced by small, independent, traditional brewers. Today, the United States has more beer styles and brands to choose from than any other market in the world. Discover some of these craft brewers as you taste and compare their different styles. Course also covers suggestions for pairing craft brews with cuisine. You must be 21 to enroll in this class. Chef Les Kincaid Wed | Jul 10 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Total Wine & More | 132HA1180

ESSENTIAL KNIFE SKILLS Become a more successful, efficient, and safe cook by mastering proper knife techniques. Observe and practice proper knife handling and sharpening, learn how to slice, dice, and chop, and discover the art of cutting up a chicken. If you have them, bring your own knives to class for hands-on practice. Chef Les Kincaid Tue | Aug 20 | 6-8:30pm | $39 PAR Room 300 | 132HA123

HOMEMADE PIZZA Don’t call for delivery; make pizza at home! Discover how easy it is to make a perfect pizza from scratch using basic equipment and common ingredients. Experiment with new toppings to bring out the very best flavors. You will leave class with a collection of recipes including basic pizza dough, pizzas with tomato sauce, white pizzas, and other variations.

MARTINI MADNESS Shake it. Stir it. Make it dry or dirty. Impress your guests when you make the perfect gin or vodka martini. We will discuss essential equipment and key ingredients for a typical martini, then experiment with some innovative and popular variations. You must be 21 to enroll in this class. Chef Les Kincaid Wed | Jun 12 | 6-8:30pm | $59 Total Wine & More | 132HA1163

SALAD DRESSINGS & VINAIGRETTE BASICS Discover how healthy and easy it is to make your own dressings and vinaigrettes at home. Once you master a few of Kincaid’s simple techniques, you will have the opportunity to add variety and boost flavor with your own fresh quality ingredients. Also discuss what type of salad greens go best with these dressings and vinaigrettes. Chef Les Kincaid Tue | Aug 6 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Ferguson Enterprises | 132HA1146

SALADS When you prepare a salad as an accompaniment or as an entrée, always use high-quality, fresh ingredients for the best results. Join Chef Kincaid to discuss and taste several types of main dish and side salads. Numerous fresh vegetables and a giant selection of lettuces are abundant this time of year. Transform them into glorious dishes which are healthy, tasty, and relatively easy to prepare. Chef Les Kincaid Tue | Aug 13 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Ferguson Enterprises | 132HA1165

Chef Les Kincaid Tue | Jun 18 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Ferguson Enterprises | 132HA1147

Leisure Activities

LIGHT VEGETARIAN MEALS Enjoy fresh and colorful vegetarian ideas for creating a satisfying, delicious meal. Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, or simply want to diversify your cooking, get inspired with these new, easy recipes to add to your repertoire. Chef Les Kincaid Tue | Jul 2 & 9 (2 sessions) | 6-8:30pm | $98 Ferguson Enterprises | 132HA1171

32 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

Sauces, Rubs & Marinades: Grilling And Barbecuing Series These three classes will give you the tools you need to make your summer grilling and barbecuing experience a delight for you and your guests. Chef Les Kincaid Ferguson Enterprises

SAUCES, RUBS, & MARINADES Get some great information to make your summer grilling and BBQ experience a breeze. Undecided when to use a sauce, rub, or marinade when grilling or barbecuing? Join Chef Kincaid as he shares easy recipes to enhance your outdoor cooking. And of course, tasting is included. Tue | May 21 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Session I: 132HA1139A

GRILLING Learn the proper method of grilling everything from fish and seafood, to meat and vegetables in this new class with Chef Les Kincaid. Find out the difference between grilling and barbecuing. Taste everything we prepare in class! Tue | May 28 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Session II: 132HA1139B

BARBECUING Let Chef Les Kincaid show you the proper methods of barbecuing including using direct and indirect smoking. Once you unravel the mysteries of BBQ, you’ll see just how easy it is! As always, you’ll have the chance to sample what is prepared in class. Tue | Jun 4 | 6-8:30pm | $49 Session III: 132HA1139C

BASIC HAND BOOK-BINDING Hand bind a personal journal worth bragging about! In this hands-on workshop for non-professionals, you will use high-quality materials and supplies to achieve professional looking results. Explore a variety of artistic book bindings, try your hand at hot-stamping, and gain experience with book finishing. A recommended $23 tool kit will be available for sale. Michael Frazier Sat | Aug 3-17 (3 sessions) | 1-5pm | $195 LLB | 132AR1127

Safeguard your own personal collections and treasures from natural disasters by following models developed by museums, archives, and libraries. Designed for non-professionals, this workshop will walk you through the disaster planning process. You will see how a little advance planning can go a long way toward preventing or minimizing a major catastrophe. Lecture will be followed by hands-on demonstrations for salvaging artifacts from fire and flood. Michael Frazier Sat | May 4 | 1-5pm | $45 LLB | 131AR1128

PAPER MAKING BASICS Make beautiful sheets of handmade paper for stationery and art projects once you master this artistic way to recycle. Hands-on instruction will cover the basics of pulp making and sheet forming, plus you will experiment with integrating various garden plants and fibers into your paper. Paper making is fun and forgiving, and you will end up with beautiful papers to utilize in your future projects. All supplies will be provided. Michael Frazier Sat | Jun 1 & 8 (2 sessions) | 1-5pm | $145 LLB | 132AR1102

PAPER MAKING STUDIO FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS Re-visit and augment your paper making skills by spending the day working and experimenting under the guidance of your instructor. Formal instruction and demonstrations will be minimal, but the instructor will be on hand for advice and to help you to produce your best work. All supplies will be provided. Prerequisite: Paper Making Basics. Michael Frazier Sat | Jun 15 | 10am-5pm | $95 LLB | 132AR1118

PAPER MARBLING BASICS Marbled paper is often used for the end leaves in fine book-binding, but is also an art unto itself. Transform a plain sheet of paper into a vibrant piece of art with intricate, fluid patterns of color. Learn and practice the basic principles of paper marbling in this hands-on two-day workshop offered via UNLV Special Collections. All supplies and tools will be provided for you to create your own samples and art work. Michael Frazier Sat | Jul 13 & 20 (2 sessions) | 1-5pm | $145 LLB | 132AR1152

PAPER MARBLING STUDIO-FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS Paper Marbling Studio allows prior students to practice and expand their understanding of paper marbling techniques. Formal instruction and demonstrations will be minimal, but the instructor will be on hand for advice and to help you produce your best work. All supplies and tools will be provided. Prerequisite: Paper Marbling Basics any time in the past two years. Michael Frazier Sat | Jul 27 | 10am-5pm | $95 LLB | 132AR1163

Register online at


Leisure Activities

Historic & Artistic Works Conservation


Hom e & G a rd e n i ng

Mu s ic



Add color, seasonal interest, and dimension to your yard or patio with container gardening. Discuss the correct soil, planting methods, types of containers, and proper watering for pots. Beginners will learn some easy plant combinations; seasoned green thumbs will add interest with alternate plants and more complex combinations.

Formed in January 1987, the UNLV Community Concert Band is among the oldest community instrumental groups in the Las Vegas area. The 70plus members range in age from high school to seniors. The band plays a wide variety of music including marches, show and film scores, and classic and contemporary wind arrangements. Concerts are scheduled at on-campus and off-campus venues each semester.

Amy Zeldenrust Fri | Jun 7 | 2-4pm | $35 PAR Room 302 | 132HA1145

ENJOY FOUR SEASONS OF COLOR & FRAGRANCE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR Take your Las Vegas yard from blah to beautiful with desert-hardy trees, shrubs, and vines. Get ideas for plants and placement for year-round success in our sometimes challenging climate. Soon you will be enjoying four seasons of fragrance and color right outside your door.

Players should be relatively proficient on their instrument and have at least one year or more of high school playing experience. There is no formal audition procedure. Tony LaBounty, UNLV Dept. of Music, Concert Band Conductor Wed | May 15-Jun 26 | 7-9:20pm | $15 BMC Room 160 | 132MU1102 The class dates also include dress rehearsal on Mon, Jul 1 and the “Helping Hands”/St. Rose Dominican Hospitals benefit concert on July 3.

Amy Zeldenrust Fri | Jun 14 | 2-4pm | $35 PAR Room 300 | 132HA1144

GROWING & USING HERBS FROM YOUR YARD You can grow herbs all year in Las Vegas. Join Master Gardener and plant consultant Amy Zeldenrust to learn which herbs will grow in your garden and how to use them for easy hors d’oeuvre and cooking ideas. We will experiment with fresh herbs and different recipes which you will be able to sample in class. Amy Zeldenrust Fri | May 31 | 2-4pm | $35 PAR Room 302 | 132HA1109

Leisure Activities

GROWING SPRING & SUMMER VEGETABLES Know precisely where your food comes from when you harvest nutritious, flavorful produce from your own backyard garden. Learn how to create a raised bed for your vegetables, discuss what plants will grow through the spring and summer in Las Vegas (there are lots!), and understand how to water and care for your garden from planting through harvest. Amy Zeldenrust Fri | May 17 | 2-4pm | $35 PAR Room 302 | 132HA1108

34 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

Pet Tr a i n i n g

Ph o t o g raph y



Eliminate problem behaviors and establish a lasting bond with your dog through proper control on and off a leash. Your canine companion will learn heel, automatic sit, sit-stay, down, down-stay, come, no, drop it, leave it, and okay. You will learn how to deter jumping, barking, house soiling, and more. The first class is taught in the classroom without your dog and will be 1.5 hours long. All remaining classes will meet in the grassy, fenced-in field behind the Paradise Campus with your pet. Bring proof of shots. A supply list will be discussed at the first class meeting. Dogs should be at least 16 weeks old with some socialization skills.

Get more creative with your digital photographs. You will review the functions and modes of your digital camera, and then utilize them to achieve creative results. Depicting motion, freezing motion, and painting with light will be demonstrated and practiced in class. Students should bring a digital “point and shoot” with modes or digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera to class.

Sonya Hersh Sun | Jun 2-Jul 7 (6 sessions) | 7:30-8:30pm | $99 PAR Room 511 | 132DO2186

CANINE GOOD CITIZEN Canine Good Citizen (CGC) is a certification program testing dogs in everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. The purpose is to ensure your favorite companion can be a respected member of the community who acts mannerly at home and in public places. Each week your dog will complete specific behavior assessments and tasks. The CGC test will be held on the last day of class. Dogs completing all steps will receive their CGC certification and can work in pet therapy. Some insurance companies offer discounts for homeowners with certified pets. Bring proof of shots and proof of participation in a basic dog obedience class to the first day of class, which will be held in a classroom. All remaining classes will meet in the grassy, fenced-in field behind the Paradise Campus with your pet. Sonya Hersh Sun | Jul 14-Aug 18 (6 sessions) | 7:30-8:30pm | $125 PAR Room 511 | 132DO2254

James Mahoney, BFA Sat | Jun 8 | 9:30am-noon & 1:30-3:30pm | $105* PAR Room 403 | 132PH1100

DIGITAL CAMERA BASICS II (Visual Communication) Tell a story with your images. You will learn the basics of composition, elements of design, and lighting to achieve creative results. Please bring your digital “point and shoot” with modes or digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera to class. James Mahoney, BFA Sat | Jun 22 | 9:30am-noon & 1:30-3:30pm | $105* PAR Room 403 | 132PH1141

DIGITAL CAMERA BASICS III (Focal Lengths & Filters) Experiment with different lenses and filters to create new visual effects in your digital photography. Create dramatic perspectives through the selection of lens focal length, from wide angle to telephoto. Next, use commercial and hand-made filters to enhance image quality and creativity. Bring your digital camera to class. James Mahoney, BFA Sat | Jul 13 | 9:30am-noon & 1:30-3:30pm | $105* PAR Room 403 | 132PH1125

THE DYNAMIC DIGITAL PORTRAIT A great deal of thought should go into a portrait before you click the shutter. Gain experience setting up, posing, and lighting portraits. Your instructor will also demonstrate digital techniques in retouching and image enhancements. Students must bring a digital single-lens reflex (SLR) or a 35mm SLR camera and be comfortable manually setting their camera’s F-stops and shutter speeds. Connie Palen Sat | Jun 15 | 8:30am-5pm | $95 Connie Palen Photoworks | 132PH1190

See also Adobe Photoshop Elements on page 37. See also Pet First Aid & CPR class on page 7. 35 Register online at

Leisure Activities

$89 each when registering for more than one session. To receive the discounted price, call 702-895-3394. Discount cannot be processed online.

certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned ho ad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit managem ushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in spe lanning because I got my computer in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the mysteries of so d learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning because I got my certifi rofit google, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I t in special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in special events planning beca certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned n iPad, then I took a primer in special events smart phone because I got my certificate in non-p ent, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I to special events planning because I got my certificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on of social media and learned how to use an ipad, then I took a primer in special events planning becau ertificate in non-profit management, then I brushed up on the benefits of social media and learned ho ad, then I took a facebook in special events planning because I got my certificate in mobile managem ushed up on the benefits of social media and learned how to use an iPad, then I took a primer in spe

Te ch n o lo g y Home Computing ���������������������������������������� 37

Mobile Devices �������������������������������������������� 37

Ho m e C o m pu ti n g

Mobile Devices



Instantly fix image flaws, add effects, make artistic changes, and resize images with the intuitive tools of Adobe Photoshop Elements. The program allows you to seamlessly organize and share images in print and online with photo books, prints, slideshows, and social media. The required textbook, Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Classroom in a Book, is available at the UNLV Bookstore.

Find the right smart phone to meet your needs today and evolve with your needs going forward. Discuss, compare, and explore different smart phone technologies including Blackberry, Android, and iPhone. There will also be an overview of the various service provider plans and how to choose which one best suits your needs. This course does not endorse any specific phone and/or manufacturer, nor any particular carrier and/or service plan.

Prerequisites: Basic computer skills are required. You should have Photoshop Elements at home for practice.

Jessica Kennedy Sat | Jun 29 | noon-3pm | $65* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8210 *$45 when you register by Jun 22

Jessica Kennedy Thu | Jul 11-Aug 1 (4 sessions) | 1-4pm | $219* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8102 *$189 when you register by Jul 4

COMPUTER BASICS This is a very basic class for those just learning how to use their computer and the Microsoft Windows operating system. Learn how to properly turn the computer on and off, understand the difference between single click, double click, left click, and right click on a computer mouse, use a simple word processing application, explore the Internet, and discover how to properly care for and maintain your computer through simple and easily accessible applications already on your computer. Jessica Kennedy Mon | Jun 3-Jul 8 (6 sessions) | 1-3pm | $179* PAR Room 123 | 132CW8193 *$159 when you register by May 28

FACEBOOK: GETTING CONNECTED Share information and connect with friends and family with Facebook (FB). Learn how to create, customize, and navigate your own personal account. Find out how to upload photos, add friends and family, use templates, post updates, and set privacy settings. Students should have working knowledge of computers, the Internet, and email before taking this class. Sign up for Session I if you have never had a FB page and want to get started. Sign up for Session II if you have a FB page and want to make better use of your personal page and the different FB applications. Jessica Kennedy Sat | May 18 | 12:30-2:30pm | $39 Session I: 132GI1111A-New to FB


Sat | Jun 1 | 12:30-2:30pm | $39 Session II: 132GI1111B-Have a Personal FB Page & Want to Learn More PAR Room 123

37 Register online at

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A dd it io n al Ed u cat io na l O p p o rt u n it ies Outsmart the SAT & ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Cannon Survey Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Division of Educational Outreach. . . . . . . . . 40

Public Lands Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

OLLI at UNLV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Online Education ���������������������������������������� 42

UNLV Foundation ���������������������������������������� 43

Summer Term ���������������������������������������������� 44

Policies & Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Location Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

O U T S M A R T T HE SAT & THE ACT • Spot hidden clues to instantly reveal the main idea in long reading passages! • Avoid the four sneakiest ways SAT and ACT grammar questions try to trick students! • Shortcut math questions that stump more than 90% of test-takers! • Compose a perfect-score essay, no matter what question the SAT asks! Catalyst’s SAT and ACT bootcamps are momentum-boosting weekend seminars that will arm you with go-to strategies for every question you will face on the day of the test. Catalyst’s programs are designed by instructors who have earned multiple perfect scores on the actual tests. You will receive a test prep book, self-study materials, and diagnostic tests, as well as copies of essays that have earned perfect scores on actual SATs. Contact Michelle Baker at for details on fall semester bootcamp dates or call 702-895-3394.

Cannon Survey Center Cannon Survey Center delivers high-quality, unbiased, and accurate data collection and analysis for the UNLV campus community, government agencies, and other regional and national clients. The center provides the management, staff, and facilities to conduct timely and cost-effective telephone, Internet, and mail surveys. The center’s trained and dedicated staff is comprised of sampling personnel, statistical experts, computer technicians, and interviewers—all certified by the Collaborative

Institutional Training Initiative in Human Subjects Research and Ethics. Services Available • Survey Design and Administration • Focus Group Design and Moderation • Data Collection, Entry, Coding, Analysis, and Management For more information, call 702-895-0486 or email Visit us online at

39 Register online at

LEARN EVERY DAY. EVERYWHERE. We offer a number of learning opportunities to explore—from working toward an online degree or enhancing your skills to learning a new language or traveling. Our focus is on you—whether you’re an adult or senior, in government or businesses, a military or part-time student, or someone unable to attend traditional campus-based credit courses and programs. LEARN ABOUT OUR: Online courses and degrees Accelerated credit courses Career enhancement/personal enrichment courses Customized training Study groups just for seniors Survey and research services

To learn more (literally), visit us online:

40 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

O s her L i fe l o n g Lear n in g Ins t i t u te a t U N LV ( OL L I at UNLV ) Where Mature Minds Bloom The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNLV is a membership-led organization that stimulates minds and forges friendships among people who are retired and semi-retired in Southern Nevada. Our days are filled with classes, discussions, talks, social events, and travel—but never exams. Offerings span a wide range of topics, including the arts, literature, sciences, history, and government. You do not need prior college experience, only a love for learning. This summer we will offer dozens of study groups at eight convenient

locations. The membership fee for the summer term is $40 and allows unlimited access to all of our courses. You can also sign up for a full year membership for only $150 which includes the summer term for free (call for details). Visit our website at Call 702-774-OLLI for information and to sign up for our catalog mailing list. Mon-Fri | May 20-Jul 26 | 10am-3pm | $40 Summer | $150 Annual PAR and satellite locations. See bottom of page. | 132EC9103A

OLLI at UNLV Satellite locations include: Las Ventanas, MacDonald Ranch, Sun City Summerlin, Sun City Anthem, Sun City Aliante, Merrill Gardens Retirement Community, and Humana Henderson 41 Register online at

Log on.


Nothing is out of reach. You’re just a click away from earning an online degree. Fully online degree programs:

• DNP in Doctor of Nursing Practice • Ph.D. in Nursing • Ph.D. in Nursing Urban Sustainability: Health • M.S.N. in Nursing • Master of Hospitality Administration (M.H.A.) • B.S. in Public Administration • B.A. in Social Science Studies • B.A. in Anthropology

Certificate Programs:

• Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing Education • Post-Master’s Certificate for Family Nurse Practitioner Call us at (702) 895-0334 or toll-free at (877) 895-0334

42 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

EXTENDING LEARNING, LIFELONG. The Division of Educational Outreach serves a community that exceeds 60,000 students. Many of our students return to refresh or refocus, while others embark on a specialized professional commitment through our certificate programs. You can provide support to directly impact our students. Student Scholarships We offer re-entry scholarships for returning and non-traditional students, such as members of the work force or military veterans, to attend for-credit classes in pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree. Scholarships range from $500 to $2,500. You can specify where your gift can do the most. Program Sponsorships We serve the community by creating classes and training for any age on all subjects. We provide survey and research services, and work with professionals to develop curricula that may be customized for a specific profession or passion—all dependent on the needs of our students. If there is a professional focus or specific service you would like to support, you can sponsor a student, a cohort, a project or a program. New Building We anticipate strong growth over the next 10 years and have a vision for a new building to provide cutting-edge educational facilities and innovative programs for our growing community. Your tax-deductible contribution will be the foundation from which we can build. For more information or to discuss, contact: Elizabeth (Liz) Baldizan, Ed.D. (702) 774-4626

Visit us online at

43 Register online at

SUMMER TERM 2013 Get ahead. Graduate sooner. Session I: Session II: Session III:

May 20–June 7 June 10–July 12 July 15–August 16


Continuing Education: Information, Policies & Procedures Who Takes Our Classes Continuing Education classes are open to anyone interested. Unless an age is specified in the class description, the minimum age to take a class is 18 years old. Individuals under the age of 18 will need their parent or guardian’s permission and approval from Continuing Education to register.

Class Locations Our classes are located throughout the Las Vegas Valley. Each class description will specify the class location. The UNLV Paradise Campus (PAR) is located at 851 E. Tropicana in Las Vegas (Southeast corner of Tropicana and Swenson).

How to Pay There are several ways to pay for our programs to make it as easy as possible for you. Take a look at our registration information and form on page 46 of this catalog.

Course Updates To keep up with demand and emerging trends, we are continuously adding new programs each semester after our catalog has been published. Go to our website, continuingeducation.unlv. edu, to see our latest offerings!

Parking Our Paradise campus offers student parking on site. There are both metered and permit spots for our students. Meter fees are $1 per hour. Permits are required Monday-Thursday 7am – 7pm and Friday 7am – 1pm. There are a variety of permits—daily, weekly, monthly or annually—available for purchase at Parking and Transportation Services on the main campus. Daily ($3) and weekly ($7) permits are available at the Information Desk at the Paradise campus. Visit for the most up-to-date information.

Disability Services Through an active and continuing affirmative action program, the university provides equal opportunity and treatment in employment, admissions, and all programs in an effort to avoid discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disability. If you have a documented disability requiring assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center to coordinate necessary academic accommodations. The Disability Resource Center is located on the main campus and can be reached at 702-895-0866.

Student Privacy In accordance with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas policy and the U.S. Family Education

Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), UNLV vigorously protects the privacy of student education records. UNLV does not release private records of individual students, such as grades and class schedules, without prior written consent of the student. As permitted under federal law, the sole exception to the above practice is the release of “directory” information considered to be public in nature and not generally deemed to be an invasion of privacy. At UNLV, the following categories are defined as “directory” information: name, address, email address, telephone number, dates of attendance, full-time/parttime status, academic major, college and grade level, heights and weights of members of athletic teams, academic honors, other academic institutions recently attended, participation in UNLV organizations, and degrees earned and dates attended.

Books and Supplies Unless otherwise noted in the course description, all books and class-specific supplies are included in your registration payment.

Class Cancellations We reserve the right to cancel class or make any changes to the schedule deemed necessary in order to provide our students with the best educational experience.

Refunds We recognize you may occasionally need to cancel a registration. Unless a separate policy is stated for a specific class or classes, the following applies to all cancellations and refunds: Prior to the first day of class 100 percent of the fee paid will be refunded minus a $10 administrative fee. If you wish to receive a refund, we must receive a written statement (email, fax, or postal mail) listing the course name and number, and giving the reason for cancellation. Requests for refunds can be emailed to, faxed to 702-895-4195, or mailed to Continuing Education, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451019, Las Vegas, NV 89154-1019. There will be no refunds issued after the first class. The complete refund policy can be found by visiting registration-policies.

Wait Lists All of our classes have a maximum number of seats available for registration. With our enrollments increasing and courses becoming more and more popular, we are seeing more classes than ever filling up. Once a class fills up, we will have to put you on a wait list. If a seat in the class becomes available or if we have enough people on the wait list to open a new section, we will contact you. Register early to assure yourself a seat in the class.

Register online at

CEUs A number of courses in this catalog offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The Continuing Education Unit is a standard unit of measure for quantifying continuing adult education and training activities. One CEU equals 10 contact hours of participation in an organized education/training experience under responsible, qualified direction and instruction.

Attendance Policy Attendance is required for all Continuing Education classes. Please communicate with your instructor on what to do if you need to miss a class.

Student Code of Conduct A detailed Student Code of Conduct policy is available on the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs’ website. Students are responsible for adhering to this code of conduct while participating in all UNLV programs and services.

Copyright Policy The university requires all members of the university community to familiarize themselves a n d t o f o l l o w c o p y r i g h t a n d f a i r- u s e requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fairuse laws. The university will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any responsibility for employee or student violations of copyright and fair-use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability as well as disciplinary action under university policies. To help you familiarize yourself with copyright and fair-use policies, the university encourages you to visit its copyright webpage.

UNLV Paradise Campus Customer Service Hours We are open Monday – Thursday 8am – 9pm, Friday 8am – 5pm, and Saturday 8am – 5pm. We are closed on Sundays and university holidays. Please visit for any alterations to this schedule.

Contact Us The Division of Educational Outreach information desk is located at UNLV Paradise Campus; 851 E. Tropicana Avenue; Las Vegas, NV 89119; 702-895-3394; edoutreach.unlv. edu; Email us at: For customer service hours, see above.


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a tino n RReg e g i si st rtr atio


Have you taken a class with UNLV Continuing Education? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Registrant’s Name _________________________________________ Address (street, city, state, zip) ___________________________________

Phone Number ___________________________________________

Date of Birth_______________________________ ❏ M ❏ F Course Information: Course Code

Course Name

BY MAIL — Make your check BY MAIL — Make your check payable to Board of Regents and payable to Board of Regents and send to: send to: UNLV Division of Educational UNLV Division of Educational Outreach Outreach 4505 S. Maryland Parkway 4505 S. Maryland Parkway Box 451019 Box 451019 Las Vegas, NV 89154-1019. Las Vegas, NV 89154-1019.

BY FAX — 702-895-4195 BY FAX — 702-895-4195 You may fax your registration You may fax your registration form if you pay by credit card or a form if you pay by credit card or a purchase order number. purchase order number.

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Payment Information: Your payment MUST accompany this form. Refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy listed on the previous page. Do not send cash.

❏ Credit Card—Please charge my ❏

Account No. ______________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________

Amount $ ______________

Cardholder’s Name ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________

BY PHONE — 702-895-3394 BYRegister PHONEby —phone 702-895-3394 8am–9pm Register by phone 8am–9pm Monday–Thursday, 8am-5pm Monday–Thursday, 8am-5pm Friday and Saturday. Friday and Saturday.

Course Fee

❏ Check—Please enclose check made payable to Board of Regents

ONLINE — ONLINE — Payment accepted by credit card Payment only. accepted by credit card only.

_________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________

Easy Ways Easy Ways to to Register Register

IN PERSON — Bring your IN PERSON — Bring your registration form to the UNLV Division registration form to the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach, Paradise of Educational Outreach, Paradise Campus, 851 E. Tropicana, Campus, 851 E. Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (Southeast Las Vegas, NV 89119 (Southeast corner, Tropicana and Swenson), corner, Tropicana and Swenson), 8am-9pm Monday-Thursday, 8am-9pm Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm Friday and Saturday. 8am-5pm Friday and Saturday.

46 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

In d ex A Non-profit Board’s Role & Responsibility to its Agency & the Community page 10 A Taste of Craft Beers page 32 Accent Reduction for International Professionals page 4 Acting 101: Monologues & Scenes page 28 Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing & Coding page 16 Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing & Coding + Medical Terminology page 17 Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 - Level II page 14 Adobe Dreamweaver CS6-Level I page 14 Adobe Fireworks CS6 page 14 Adobe Illustrator CS6-Level I page 14 Adobe Illustrator CS6-Level II page 14 Adobe InDesign CS6 - Level I page 14 Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Level II page 15 Adobe Photoshop CS6: Restoring Damaged or Aged Photos page 15 Adobe Photoshop CS6-Level I page 15 Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 page 37 Advanced Writing for Public Relations page 9 Animal Massage & Care Provider (AMCP) Information Session page 7 Antarctica Expedition, Planning Stages page 31 Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge: Streamside Trails & Wildlife page 2 & 30 Barbecuing page 33 Basic Hand Book-Binding page 33 Basic Sewing page 7 Basic Sewing 2-Stitch It page 7 BeMoved page 22 Beyond Grant Writing: Create Results Based on Strategy, Revenue Model & Your Future page 10 Bookstore 110 War is Hell! Exploring the World of Military Fiction page 4 Bookstore 200: Oh My God! Religion & Philosophy For The Advanced Bookman page 4 Build Your Financial Portfolio on $25 a Month (or less) page 5 Business Writing page 8 & 9 Canine “Good Citizen” Training page 35 Cannon Survey Center page 39 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) page 15 Central Role of HR in Organizational Ethics™ page 8 Chartered Tax Professional page 17 Chinese: Beginning Level page 24 Communicate with Difficult People with Tact & Skill page 4 Computer Basics page 37 Container Gardening For Las Vegas page 34 Contract Law page 19 Cooperative Parenting: Shielding Your Children From Conflict page 19 CPR/AED Adult & Child: American Heart Association page 22 Desert National Wildlife Refuge: Mountain Trails, Roads & Wildlife page 30

Designing Your Brand with Adobe Creative Suite page 15 Digital Camera Basics I page 35 Digital Camera Basics II (Visual Communication) page 35 Digital Camera Basics III (Focal Lengths & Filters) page 35 Disaster Planning: Protecting your Personal Treasures page 33 Documentation, Discipline and Termination page 8 Dog Obedience Training, Basic page 35 Drawing for Beginners page 28 Dynamic Digital Portrait page 35 Editing & Proofreading Your Work page 9 & 25 Enjoy Four Seasons of Color & Fragrance Right Outside Your Door page 34 ESL Basic page 24 Essential Knife Skills page 32 Ethics in Non-Profit Governance page 10 Excel 2010-Level I page 11 Excel 2010-Level II page 11 Expressive Actor: 5-day & 8-day Summer Training Intensive page 28 Face First-Introduction to Portraits page 28 Facebook: Getting Connected page 37 Fashion Graff page 7 Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement page 5 French-Beginning Level page 24 Galapagos Islands & Quito, Explore the page 30 Golf-Beginning page 22 Grilling page 33 Growing & Using Herbs From Your Yard page 34 Growing Spring and Summer Vegetables page 34 Homemade Pizzas page 2 & 32 How to Deal With Disagreements, Conflict & Confrontation page 4 How to Write a Novel page 25 How to Write a Screenplay page 25 HTML-Level I page 15 HTML-Level II page 15 Human Resources for Small Business: More Than Just Hiring & Firing page 8 I Still Don’t Know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up page 5 Introduction to Acrylics page 28 Italian-Beginning Level page 24 Japanese: Beginning Level page 24 Legal Secretary Certificate Program page 18 Light Vegetarian Meals page 32 Major Gift Fundraising - Strategies for Landing the Big Gift page 10 Managing & Supervising Today’s Workforce page 8 Marketing Your Book page 26 Martini Madness page 32 Medical Assistant Certificate Information Session page 20 Medical Assistant Program page 20

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Medical Billing & Coding + Medical Terminology page 17 Mindfulness Meditation (MM) page 22 Mixed-Media Collage page 28 Napa Experience!, The page 17 & 30 Nightclub Two-Step page 22 OLLI at UNLV page 41 Online Education page 42 Optician Certification Training page 17 Outsmart the SAT & ACT page 39 Paper Making Basics page 33 Paper Making Studio for Advanced Students page 33 Paper Marbling Basics page 33 Paper Marbling Studio for Advanced Students page 33 Paralegal Certificate Information Session page 18 Paralegal Certificate Online Program page 19 Paralegal Certificate Program page 18 Paralegal Specialist Certificates-Online page 19 Pet First Aid and CPR page 7 PowerPoint 2010 page 11 Program Final: Putting it All Together page 16 Project Management page 17 Protective Services Professional Certification page 10 Public Lands Institute page 40 Public Speaking Boot Camp page 4 Publishing Your Book page 26 Radio & TV Voice-Over Workshop page 5 Road Scholar page 31 Salad Dressings & Vinaigrette Basics page 32 Salads page 32 Sauces, Rubs & Marinades page 33 Scent of a Woman (Argentine Tango) page 22 Sell Your Stuff on eBay page 4 Simply an Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector page 2 & 10 Smart about Smart Phones page 37 Spanish-Beginning Level page 24 Stock Market Investing-Fundamentals page 5 Stone Carving page 28 Strategic Management-The Role of HR page 8 Summer Reading Skills Programs page 25 Summer Term page 44 Tort Law page 19 UNLV Sommelier Academy page 17 UNLV Summer Community Concert Band page 34 Vine to Wine: The Fundamentals page 2 & 17 Watercolor Basics page 29 Watercolor Basics Continued page 29 What the EEOC Expects From Employers page 8 Woodworking: Basic page 29 Woodworking: Cutting Boards - Advanced Techniques page 29 Woodworking: Instant Gratification page 29 WordPress-Level I page 2 & 16 Writing Your First Book (or 7th) page 26 Yoga: Mixed Level page 22


Lo cat i o n L e g e n d UNLV Paradise Campus (PAR) UNLV Carol Harter Classroom Building Complex (CBC) UNLV McDermott Physical Education (MPE) UNLV Ham Fine Arts (HFA) UNLV Lied Library (LLB) Special Collections UNLV Beam Music Center (BMC) UNLV campus maps are available online at All About Yoga, 601 Whitney Ranch, Bldg. C-16, Henderson, NV 89014 (702-458-8088) Backstage Dance Studio, 3425 Backstage Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702-547-1040) Black Mountain Golf & Country Club, 500 Greenway Road, Henderson, NV 89015 (702-565-7933) Connie Palen Photoworks, 3281 S. Highland Dr., Ste. 804, Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702-221-1653) Ferguson Enterprises, 4175 S. Grand Canyon Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89147 (702-368-2284, before 5pm) Historic 5th Street School, 401 S. Fourth Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101 – Conference Room Suite 140 Shadow Lane Campus, 1001 Shadow Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89106 Sharon Gainsburg Studio, 1039 S. Main Street, Las Vegas, NV 89129 (702-249-3200) Total Wine & More, 730 S. Rampart Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89145 (702-933-8740) Wood It Is! 2267 West Gowan, Suite 106/107, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 (702-631-1870)

UNLV Paradise Campus. 48 Register by phone at 702-895-3394

Division of Educational Outreach Box 451019 4505 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1019

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