Spring 2021 UNLV Cotninuing Education Catalog

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Business Communications Classes ced.unlv.edu/communications Communicate with Difficult People with Tact & Skill

Discover, practice, and develop the skills to communicate effectively with difficult people. In this course, you will analyze types of difficult behavior and find out how to recognize and address situations in constructive ways to communicate with difficult people in your professional and personal life. Learn strategies, tools, and techniques to proactively communicate with peers, subordinates, and supervisors, as well as angry and abusive people in a way that preserves and maintains the relationship. Kimberly Virtuoso Th | Feb 4 | 9am-noon | $149 Online-Zoom | 211CX1106 | 0.3 CEU

Communication Strategies: The Art of Courageous Conversations

Gain the courage to talk to almost anyone about anything and change the way you personally respond to different moments to get different results. You will learn specific steps and skills to have candid and direct conversations about challenging topics in a kind and professional way that not only preserves but enhances the relationship. Courageous conversations are necessary both professionally and personally and are critical to lead organizations, teams, and individuals in an environment of trust and respect. Utilize your new skills for team building, performance management, conflict resolution, and problem solving. Courageous conversation techniques can also be applied at home to be a better parent, significant other, and friend. Kimberly Virtuoso F | Mar 12 | 9am-4pm | $289 PAR Room 101 | 211CP6393 | 0.6 CEU


Effective Speaking for International Professionals

Do you want to speak effectively? Do you want to communicate with clarity and confidence? Are you an international professional or student who wants to improve your speaking and communication skills? This class will help you acquire the aspects of effective speech delivery. You will learn organization of content, use of verbal and non-verbal language, and voice control including understandable accent, proper intonation, and better articulation. You will also master the techniques of pacing, pausing, and linking for delivering a smoother, clearer, and more concise speech. Improving your speaking skills will boost your self-confidence, and have a positive impact on your professional and social life. You will overcome your fear of speaking, and communicate ideas in a coherent and convincing manner. Required Textbook(s): Speech Communication Made Simple 2 (ISBN: 9780132861694) Katia Abou-Haidar, MAAL TTh | Apr 20-May 6 (meets 6x) | 6-8:30pm | $279 Online-UNLVGO and Zoom | 211CX1117 | 1.5 CEUs

How to Deal with Disagreements, Conflict & Confrontation

Effective conflict management is a critical skill, both personally and professionally. Learn the skills and techniques to recognize issues and discover how to productively navigate challenging situations with subordinates, peers, or supervisors. Master new ways to reduce the stress and fear often associated with conflict by learning to distinguish between disagreements and misunderstandings, following rules for fighting fair during conflict, and knowing how to face an angry person or difficult situation. Enhance your communication skills and feel confident you can apply these techniques in difficult situations to create a culture of constructive feedback and resolve conflict in a positive fashion. Kimberly Virtuoso Th | Feb 25 | 9am-noon | $149 Online-Zoom | 211PG1191 | 0.3 CEU

Register by phone at 702-895-3394

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