E uropean Dental Students’ A ssoc i at i on Dublin De n tal S c hool and Hospi tal, Li n coln Place, T r ini ty College Dublin , Du blin 2, Irelan d
Web: w w w.ed sa we b.o rg – E m a i l : info@ed sa we b.o rg
EDSA Executive – Committee Report November – December 2009 The 45th EDSA Meeting & 8th EDSA Congress, 7th-14th of March 2010, Bucharest – Romania Reasons to participate You get to be a part of the most important dental students’ event of the year in Europe You make yourself known to the European dental community You establish connections with your future colleagues You have the chance to meet the European Dental students’ opinion leaders You will meet the current leaders of the European dental associations will be attending the event You can be the first to find out what’s in store in the dental market You have the opportunity of meeting the future dental researchers This is your chance to experience the dental community in a friendly, yet professional environment More information available at www.edsa2010.com . Magazine – Spring 2010 issue Over the last few months, the Magazine WG has been very active and have been working really hard. They started having regular meetings in early October and have a designated section of the magazine each to work from and collect the articles for our allocated section. They had the majority of the articles ready by the end of November (with a few exceptions!) which has given enough time to edit the articles. Some examples of the articles you will expect to see in the next edition of the magazine include; - The 46th EDSA meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands 22nd-25th August 2010 by Aron Kharbanda (EDSA Minutes) - Anaesthetic and Postoperative Analgesic Effects of 4% Articane with Adrenaline (1:100,000) used for the Implacted Lower Third Molar Surgery: A Multi-centre study, by Aleksander Jakovljevic (EDSA students in science winner) Congratulations dear Alex! - The Tromso Model (EDSA presentation) - First EDSA President story- Jean-Luc Bueno (EDSA Legends) At present, we are at the stage of sending the articles off to the designer, Antonio, in order to get the magazine ready and to comply to following deadlines so that we get the magazine completed in plenty of time and ready in time for the Bucharest meeting. The magazine group has been working extremely hard and hopefully this will be shown in the next edition. Newsletter – EDSA Uncovered A new issue of the online publication was launched in December and you can find the content on the EDSA home page. If you are ready to promote and share the events organized at your local or national level, please write an article, add some pictures and send it to majasabalic@yahoo.com by 1st of February 2010. You have the chance to get published in one of the EDSA’s publication. EDSA Membership Over the past weeks we have been communicating with a number of dental students from Ukraine, Germany, Romania, Hungary, Russia, UK, Bulgaria, Portugal, and Japan who were interested in EDSA projects and events and who will hopefully join us for the next meetings. We are looking forward to receive you guys in the big EDSA family! If your Dental School is not and EDSA member we would strongly recommend you to take position and contact our General Secretary in order to join us. Dental Guide Manual The information for all countries has been updated. All files have been sent to ADEE to verify the content in order to avoid further political issues. As soon as we get the approval from ADEE the guide will be printed and we will start the distribution. The manual will be distributed together with a poster that will announce the presence of the guide in the libraries. Annual Theme Project Ehuman has created one user name for the participants of the project, the amount of participants will be 5 students per year, so a total of 25 participants of 5 year programme and 30 participants of 6 year programme. Some delegates sent the list of participants, but not all, so we are kindly asking the rest to submit their team as well. All the participants will fill in an online survey and the results will be complied and presented during the 36th ADEE Annual Meeting.
E uropean Dental Students’ A ssoc i at i on Dublin De n tal S c hool and Hospi tal, Li n coln Place, T r ini ty College Dublin , Du blin 2, Irelan d
Web: w w w.ed sa we b.o rg – E m a i l : info@ed sa we b.o rg
Volunteer Work Since the working group in Helsinki, we are gradually developing the EDSA Volunteer Work Projects that members discussed. We continued the discussions with the contacts in Majorca (Spain) to set up a Volunteer Work Project. Unfortunately, the Majorca Dental Public Service would not allow our students to operate in the clinics, however, not wanting to lose this potential collaboration, they have given EDSA students the opportunity to observe and assist in the clinics of the dental public service for a month this summer, 2010. This is a fantastic opportunity for EDSA students who are in the early years of their dental education, that do not get much experience on clinic. Also, it will be a good chance to find out about dental health care in another country. EDSA is currently in the process of signing a Co-operation Agreement with the Public Health Department of Majorca but will soon have more information for you to promote the project at your universities. Please get in contact with us if you think the students at your university will be interested in taking part in this project. As we discussed in the working group the cost of the stay will be kept to an affordable price for all students. After EDSA successfully became a member of the FDI, they have approached EDSA to participate in a new volunteer project scheme that they are developing, based on their current project ‘Live. Learn. Laugh’. This will be a great opportunity for all EDSA students. The FDI commence with the development of this project from January 2010 and EDSA look forward to participating. Setting up a volunteer work project in Rio, Brazil was also discussed in Helsinki. We are still working on the negotiations with FDI on topic. We really need your support and ideas. If anyone has any contacts or would like to help out please contact Lucy Monk (monkl@cardiff.ac.uk). Prevention Programme During last period our Prevention program is really heating up! Our Leeds delegate Deema Marzouq had meeting with manager from P&G and we finally have some starting point. P&G confirmed their participation in the programme and 2010. will start in Prevention manner. Dental school in Leeds will be the first one to break the ice and start pilot programme and many schools will join in next six to eight months (France, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, Greece, Croatia). So, the EDSA Smile programme was disscussed in terms of 4 stages: 1- Raising awareness of the programme among students 2- Student attendance of booths to complete the form expressing their interest 3- Student attendance of the appointment 4- Review appointment to evaluate student's oral hygiene progress. P&G will support us with promotion material, freebies and any other material we might need. The project will be implemented with the support and help of the ADEE (Association for Dental Education in Europe). EVP (European Visting Programme) The recently elected EVP Officer – Mihovil Bajza collected all the information on the topic so a complete overview will be arranged in order to present the project to the European Commission. The purpose is to get it funded and for the students to easily be able to join it. A meeting with a consultant is being arranged and more information will be provided soon. In the academic year 2009/2010, official application forms will be introduced and further promotion of European Visiting Programme will be done during and after the meeting in Bucharest. Some of the EVPs already arranged for the ongoing academic year are Athens-Bucharest, Varna-Zagreb, and the second part of Bucharest-Zagreb (the first one being held in December 2008). All the delegates are kindly asked to make and/or update the EVP Packages for their cities/schools and send them until February 12, as we need to have all of them ready for the meeting in Bucharest. You can find an example on how the Packages should look like on our web page. Don't make them bigger than 10 slides and they should be in PowerPoint or PDF format. Also please take care that they don't exceed 5 MB in file size. For any additional information, feel free to contact Mihovil Bajza at miha.bajza@gmail.com. Dental Ethic Days The WG in charge agreed that the Dental Ethic Days would be organized in April 2010. There will be 7 countries and dental schools involved: Varna (Bulgaria), Zagreb (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia), London/Leeds (UK), Lyon (France), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Stockholm (Sweden). A group of 10 local students will be in charge of running the project at their dental school. We would have 2 days and it would be as follows: 1st Dental Ethics Day: Posters about the project and FDI's Manual would be in dental hospitals and schools/faculties, brochures with short parts from the Manual would be given to students to attract further reading, FDI's Dental Ethics Manual would be given to those interested in further reading. 2nd Dental Ethics Day: Introduction presentation about the FDI's Dental Ethics Manual and the project will be given to students, presenting the goals and desired outcome. After the presentation, we planned 4 working groups that would be concentrating on 4 main topics discussed in the Dental Ethics Manual: dentist-patient, dentist-society, dentists-colleagues and ethics-research. After working groups are done, we would join them together and make the final discussion where conclusions from each working group would be presented. The project has received the full support of FDI, and we are really thankful for sharing with us their good thoughts and experience in order for the project to be a successful one.
E uropean Dental Students’ A ssoc i at i on Dublin De n tal S c hool and Hospi tal, Li n coln Place, T r ini ty College Dublin , Du blin 2, Irelan d
Web: w w w.ed sa we b.o rg – E m a i l : info@ed sa we b.o rg
EDSA Partners • Students’ associations We had an invitation for the BEST round table (Board of European Students of Technology) in Lviv, Ukraine. EDSA was represented by our new Partnership Officer – Ms Elpida Samara. The communication with IADS has been revived and a letter was sent to their association trying to strengthen our relations. Both associations are going to send representatives at each other meetings from the spring as mentioned in the MOU and a suggestion to share some projects was addressed to the IADS Board. The possibility of developing common projects is still on the table and is going to be discussed in the near future. The cooperation with ASDA (American Student Dental Association) is growing so EDSA representatives are expected to participate at the ASDA events: Students’ Lobby Day (February 2010 – Washington DC) and the 40th ASDA Annual Session ( March 2010, Baltimore). We also agreed on exchanging articles for the publications and an ASDA representative will be welcomed at the next EDSA event. IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Association) sent us a survey, aiming to define the aspects of our work which will lead to future common projects. Unfortunately no one from IFMSA Board will be able to attend 45th EDSA Meeting because their meeting is at the same time. The European Commission is interested in getting youth/student organizations actively involved in the wider EU health arena and especially in the "European Youth Network on Tobacco Control", and they are doing everything to include all the students from medical field to join the HELP programme. In order to enhance student participation within the campaign HELP-For a life without tobacco, Kristin Deibert, coordinator of the program, was invited to present this campaign to EDSA members on Bucharest meeting 2010. Furthermore, Help is planning a Student Network Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, at the late January or February this year, and they would like to welcome EDSA members interested in the project itself. You can find more about the project on http://www.help-eu.com/ . • Scientific associations The cooperation with scientific associations is an important point on the EDSA Agenda . We are continuing the discussions with ADEE ( Association for Dental Education in Europe), FDI, EFP ( European Federation of Periodontology) and will be honnoured to welcome their representatives at the next EDSA event as follows: Prof. Dr. Uros Skaleric – President of EFP, Prof. Dr. Winfried Harzer - President of ADEE, Prof. Dr. Damien Walsmley – Treasurer of ADEE, Dr. Gerhard Seeberger - President of FDI – ERO. Discussions about a future partnership are held with representatives of IADR (International Association of Dental Research) and ABSTD (Association of Basic Science Teachers in Dentistry). EDSA has received an invitation for the last association Annual Congress. • Dental companies - workshops During the last period the partnership with the dental companies has taken a serious place in the EDSA strategy and more and more companies are ready to step in and work with us. At the beginning of December in Leuven, Belgium it was the first training on restorative dentistry organized together with the GC Europe company. About 25 students from all over Europe participated in the training and had the chance to expand their knowledge on class II and class IV dental restorations and find out more information about the glassionomer cements, and of course make new friendships with other dental students' from Europe. A new edition of the training is being prepared so please get ready for it. Maja Sabalic (EDSA General Secretary) has been arranging Meisinger hands-on workshop in implantology for the European dental students. She was representing EDSA at the Meisinger training in Germany, met company's representative in Zagreb and published two articles on the topic to promote the event among students. The exact dates for the hands-on training will be announced soon.
It is a great pleasure and honour to present the companies that stood by EDSA side and supported us:
Platinum sponsor
Bronze sponsors