EDSA ExCo Report - April and May 2010

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European Dental Students’ Association Dublin Dental School and Hospital, Lincoln Place, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland Web: www.edsaweb.org – Email: info@edsaweb.org

Executive Committee Report April - May 2010 EDSA Events The 46th EDSA Meeting and 36th ADEE Annual Meeting will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between the 22nd and 28th of August 2010. The meeting will be held at the brand-new ACTA building equipped with dental simulators and the main topic will be "Digital Dentistry". It will be the place to learn more about development of technology in dentistry as well as current and potential new EDSA projects. During the 36th ADEE Annual Meeting in Amsterdam EDSA members will coordinate three working groups: Dental Ethics, Student & Staff Mobility and Common Problems of the European Dental Students. Besides lectures and discussions there will be fun social activities and you will have the chance to network, to see old friends and make new ones. More information on the events and application forms can be found on the event's official website www.edsa2010.com. The Deadline for Registration is July 15th. Air France and KLM Global Meetings are the official carriers of the 46th EDSA Meeting in Amsterdam and EDSA participants can now benefit from discounted flights by booking online at: http://w9.traveldoo.com/mice/connect.jsf?eid=10424AF. The 2nd EDSA – GC workshop in Composite Gradia Direct and Glass Ionomer Cements took place in Leuven, Belgium on April 9 and 10, 2010. Seventeen students from seven different countries took advantage from the great opportunity GC and the European Dental Students’ Association gave to them – to make new friends and to learn how to make the best restorations using GC restorative materials. EDSA was represented by its Vice President, Plamen Nenkov.

EDSA, Maxillo-Faziale Forschungsgesellschaft mbH and Hager & Meisinger company are organizing an international student training course in dental implantology which is an excellent opportunity for gaining a deeper insight into procedures in dental implantology and improving students' surgical skills. The training course will take place in Seebruck am Chiemsee, Germany from September 22nd - 26th, 2010. At the moment the course is sold out and MFF is already about to find a date for the next International Student Training in 2011! EDSA Projects EDSA started collaboration with YMCA Cameroon and Partnership for Productivity Foundation on a volunteer work project after receiving the invitation to participate in the mission trip in Cameroon in 2011 from Rev. Lawrence Kang from Maryland, USA, director of the partner organizations. The mission trip will be organized in the English speaking part of Cameroon in Summer 2011. All dental students and doctors who are willing to do volunteer work as a part of this mission, please contact Maja Sabalić at majasabalic@yahoo.com for more information and request an application form. The European Pharmaceutical Students' Association (EPSA) and the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) are also willing to collaborate with EDSA on the project and to offer EDSA members the chance to participate in their humanitarian projects. EDSA Volunteer Work officer, Lucy Monk contacted two UK charities eager to get EDSA students involved in volunteer work, Christian Relief Uganda and Dentaid. Dentaid is one of the leading oral health charities in the world that equips rural health workers, establishes prevention programmes, initiates training schemes and carries out basic dental care in remote communities. They would like to get EDSA members involved in a project they are setting up especially for students and launching in September. If you would like get involved in EDSA Volunteer Work, please feel free to contact Lucy Monk at monkl@cardiff.ac.uk. Volunteering is a rewarding way to share your professional skills to make a difference to people who live in tough conditions and have no access to health care. Now you can also join EDSA Volunteer Work - Working Group on Facebook.

EDSA launched a new survey on the topic "Common Problems of the European Dental Students". The project started as a special interest group during the ADEE 35th Annual Meeting in Helsinki where students and educators discussed current dental students' situation and ways to improve it. We invite you to participate in the online survey by answering 15 questions on the following link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/commonproblemsoftheeuropeandentalstudents Please also promote the survey among your colleagues. Results of the survey will be presented during the ADEE 36th Annual Meeting 2010 in Amsterdam in front of ADEE members, Deans and academic staff of European dental schools.

Students from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and UK who took part in EDSA Annual Theme project received their copies of eHuman Dental Anatomy and 3-D Interactive Tooth Atlas, a revolutionary educational tool for use by dental students and practitioners. After collecting students' responses and opinions on this interactive digital educational tool from the online survey, the results will be presented in Amsterdam as a part of "Digital Dentistry" programme.

ADEE Turkey 2011 Meeting Theme will be "Research and its impact on dental education" this will also be the focus of the New EDSA Annual Theme. EDSA counts on the delegates' creativity and readiness to propose and coordinate or actively participate in the new Annual Project for 2011.

After verifying the content of EDSA Dental Guide Manual and receiving the approval from ADEE, partner on the project, printing of the publication started. Soon the Dental Guide manual will be distributed to the European dental schools.

EDSA Partners

The first meeting of the National Dental Student Organization Officer Meeting was held during ASDA’s Annual Session in Baltimore on March 20, 2010. Representatives from seven dental student organizations, including EDSA, were in attendance to exchange ideas of how the associations can work together. The EDSA President, Irina Dragan, proposed a common project for all of the student organizations in attendance. The new project would enable European students to go for an exchange or spend up to a month doing research at universities in the United States. European dental schools would offer such opportunities to American students. Learn more about American Student Dental Association at www.asdanet.org

As a part of recently intensified collaboration between the European Pharmaceutical Students' Association and EDSA, one EDSA executive officer was invited by the EPSA President, Dr. Tomaso Piaggio, to attend the 33rd Annual Congress of the European Pharmaceutical Students' Association that took place in Krakow, Poland between April 26th and May 2nd, 2010. This was the first time EDSA was represented at a pharmaceutical students' congress. The program of the event included Symposium Day, Science Day during which students present their scientific works, workshops, trainings, General Assembly and Alumni weekend. EDSA General Secretary Maja Sabalić participated in the congress together with other 300 students from 29 countries. The International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation was represented at the congress by its President, Mohamed Sultan who was as well as EPSA interested in partnership and collaboration on projects with EDSA. In the following months EPSA and EDSA will contribute to each others publications and plan to arrange details on the common project. Full report on the congress can be found at www.edsaweb.org.

On April 17th, 2010 EDSA President, Irina Dragan represented EDSA at the 5th European Meeting of ABSTD (Association of Basic Science Teachers in Dentistry) in Bucharest, Romania. Main topics of the meeting were profile and compentences for the graduating european dentist, teaching apllications in dental and craniofacial research and continuing professional development. Learn more about ABSTD at www.abstd.org.

EC ‘Help’ Student Network Meeting took place in Riga from 5-7 May 2010. 87 participants (including 2 EDSA representatives) representing 59 EU youth and student organizations from 24 EU Member States drafted a youth declaration based on the Help experiences and recognizing the steps undertaken by European and national bodies in the field of tobacco control but urging EU institutions, national authorities as well as NGOs to follow their recommendations concerning the problems associated with tobacco addiction. The ‘HELP’ Youth Declaration on Tobacco Control can be found at http://sv-sv.help-eu.com/pages/images/HELP-Youth-Declaration-on-Tobacco-Control.pdf

During the 2010 Annual World Dental Congress in Salvador from September 2nd – 5th., 2010 a Forum on the Quality assurance in Volunteer work will be held. FDI is keen on having students and young dentists present at the congress and the hotel package with discount for students who wish to attend the programme was prepared. For more information on the students' hotel package please write to info@edsaweb.org. More information on the congress is available at www.fdiworldental.org. EDSA Publications EDSA Magazine Editorial Board has received many interesting articles that are ready to be published, but the Board had to keep its progress on hold whilst the situation with sponsorship is resolved. There is a possible uncertainty of the relationship between Wiley & Blackwell and EDSA. Wiley & Blackwell agreed on two pilot editions of publishing the EDSA Magazine, which has successfully been achieved. Despite the great effort and results attained by editors Marija Begovic and Andrew Sullivan, Wiley & Blackwell have not generated the expected income, which means publishing the magazine at a loss. As a result, EDSA are working hard to keep this collaboration by trying to free up sponsorship to help fund the magazine, as well as Wiley & Blackwell working hard to find more sponsorship. EDSA and Wiley &Blackwell are still in talk on the possible solutions for the future of the magazine. Hopefully, through hard work and determination, a successful outcome will be accomplished.

The new edition of EDSA Newsletter is going to be published in a few weeks and the editorial board would like to invite EDSA friends and all Delegates who did not submit any article to contribute to the Summer Edition. The EDSA Newsletter is a short bulletin consisting mainly of reports on activities of students at local level. A preview of some issues in the past is available at http://www.edsaweb.org/publications/edsanewsletter.html. All articles for inclusion in the Summer Edition should be submitted no later than June 20th 2010 at majasabalic@yahoo.com. Thank you very much for

EDSA has recently renewed sponsorships with Colgate & GABA, W&H, GC and Planmeca. EDSA extends a big "Thank you!" to its sponsors. Platinum:


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