Istanbul report

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Pre-­‐Minutes of the 55th EDSA Meeting 12th to 18th of April 2015 Istanbul, Turkey Agenda of the meeting: Monday 13th April 2015 Session 1 – 9:00 – 12:30 Chairperson: Marco Mazevet 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Presentation of the program Marco Mazevet 3. Executive Committee members’ Report + apologies for absence President: Marco Mazevet GS: Azize ipek Yetisti VP: Olivia J. King Treasurer: Eamonn Donohoe Magazine Editor: Miha Pirc Web editor: Luka Banjsak 4. Coffee Break 5. EDSA Visiting Program (EVP), Diana Beatrix Velicu i. EVP´s in last 6 months 5 evp; Amsterdam-­‐Zagreb Bratislava -­‐Amsterdam Zagreb -­‐Bratislava EVP Lyon Timisuara-­‐ Amsterdam ii. Presentation of new EVP brochure 6. EDSA Partnership, Ivan Separovic The main sponsor P&G Curaprox W&H GSK Colgate Portfolio EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

7. EDSA Volunteer Work AMCHI: Jacob Curtis PAMOJA: Olivia Johnson King & Andrew Kalli (Scientific officer of Pamoja) Tanzania research 8. EDSA Training, iTop Curaprox and EDSA Cooperation – Reports of -­‐ iTop Prague, November, 2014 -­‐iTop Project April,2015 Collaboration ESCD-­‐EDSA Local iTop projects which will take place in Turkey, Romania and Spain 9. EDSA Research, Muge Muezzinoglu Summer Research Program Yeditepe University Monday 13th April 2015 Session 2 – 14:00 – 17:30 Chairperson: Azize ipek Yetisti 10. Country delegates’ report/adoption of minutes Croatia: Maria, Dubrovnik summercamp 5th Virtual Congress in May Prevention program with small children, otis France: EVP Lyon Ireland:EVP from Yeditepe university A new delegate arrives Italy: Emilio, Latvia: replaced Noel; Muhammed.. Macedonia Netherlands: Ana, ACTA, 3 EVPs, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania Promoting EDSA on ACTA, write down reports on their local magazine 300 EUROS FOR VWP AMCHİ AND PAMOJA They attended EVP Norway, EVP Lyon Promoting VW, Fundrasing Portugal : Marco and ıvan attended their national meeting They are organising 57th edsa meeting Organising evp New delegate: his first meeting EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Romania: Toma, Bucherest : promoting edsa in their national congress EVV lyon and Amsterdam Serbia, Spain: Nina, Prevention program EVP lyon Barcelona Meeting Slovakia; Slovenia: In march they organised national meeting, promotion edsa Two students attended EVP Lyon new delegate arrives Sweden, Turkey, organising meeting 360 euro for amchi and pamoja 2 students attended evp lyon UK: AMCHI project fundraising Promoting edsa, new delegates New countries: Hungary Germany

11. New members: i. Szeged, Hungary Zsofia (17 votes for yes) ii. Tallinn, Estonia : Absent Erik Zalutski couldn’t manage to come iii. BdZM, German Dental Students’ Association, Germany, Arne (17 votes for yes) 12. Coffee Break 13. Presentation of Workgroups i. EVP; Valentin Garyga, Diana Beatrix Velicu ii. Communication Luka and Miha iii. VWG; Olivia Johnson King, Jacob Curtis iv. Introduction to EDSA; Miha Pirc, Luka Banjsak EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Tuesday 14th April 2015 Session 3 – 10:00 – 13:30 14. Summer Camps i. Dubrovnik Luka Bansjak 15. Colgate Presentation The history of colgate Cochrane reviews are known for their high quality and strict standarts For further information: Pro-­‐argin technology, Colgate comes up with this idea. Caries management beyond fluoride Oral health programs for children 16. Dr. Carlo Ghezzi ‘’The use of microscope in the treatment of multiple gingival recession’’ For further information www.meg-­‐ 17. Coffee break 18. Next EDSA Meetings i. 56th EDSA Meeting Szeged, Hungary, Zsofia ii. 57th EDSA Meeting Coimbra, Portugal, Renato 19. Partner Associations; i. TDSA – Tanzania Dental Students’ Association ; Ismail Amon; the president of TDSA MUHAS is only dental faculty in Tanzania ii. EMSA – European Medical Student’ Association, Safa Canisi Faculty based organisation A fast growing network of local students organisations Amee: an international association for medical education; teddy bear projects for children TNT: 2 spots for EPSA, 1 spot for EDSA Their office takes place In Brussels iii. IADS – International Association for Dental Students; Sina Saygılı Local-­‐>National-­‐>International levels Fundraising-­‐ Volunteer works Research Trainings Exchange EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Meetings Joao Pres is the coordinator of Europe region of IADS 20. Professor. Damien Walmsley The President of ADEE Closing date for abstracts for poster 15th April 2015 Tuesday 14th April 2015 Session 4 – 14:30 – 17:30

21. EDSA Representatives; i. EHSAS – European Healthcare Students’ Associations Summit Marco Mazevet, Luka Banjsak and Diana Velicu A short information about EHSAS and the collaboration between us ii. CED – Council of European Dentists iii. JAOHWPF/FDI iv. Alliance Caries Free Future v. EDSA-­‐TDSA MoU; Olivia Johnson King 22. Constitution Updates GA 23. How can we encourage people to be more involved in EDSA? What does an official delegate exactly do? How can they convince students to become active in the association? Do official delegates read our emails? At least why they don’t answer? Latvia; They are not Latvian, Noel, Muhammed and Johannes are trying to make them exciting about EDSA however no one is interested Norway; Karen also published article about EDSA Birmingham;Andrew Hungary Italy Romania 24. CED Presentation ; Policy Officer of CED, Alexandra Sanac How is the CED operated? President, Board Members, Brussels office, ?? What does they do? Working groups and future tasks Working in another EU country 25. Professor. Damien Walmsley The President of ADEE Treat patient not teeth EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

26. Virtual Congress; Ivan Separovic 27. Coffee Break 28. Working Groups i. How to organise an event? Diana Velicu ii. EMSA ‘’Leadership in Associations’’ Leader-­‐ they don’t get paid Manager-­‐ they get paid money is the main difference Situational of leadership theory : 4 different approaches Directing: Coaching: Supporting: like family, a step back, push the people Delegating: giving someone responsibility, they can also approach you, you trust in this person iii. Competence requirements for educators (ADEE); Damien WalmsleyEuropean Legislation in dentistry (CED); Alexandra Sanac 29. 14:30-­‐17:30 WORKSHOPS take place in Dental Faculty and in the campus at the same time Wednesday 15th April 2015 Session 5 – 9:00 – 12:45 30. Summer camp Malta 31. Introduction of roundtable 32. EDSA Prevention Program ‘’Smile’’ Daniel Pazi 33. Coffee Break Room 1 EDSA Meeting 34. Round Table; European Demographic with CED Aleksandra Sanac, ADEE Damien Walmsley, EDSA Marco Mazevet, EMSA Safa Canis If I want to move in another country? Eu-­‐ the website You can write down there where you want to go to work You can see the demographic, ratio, questions, EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Mobility in Europe Every profession has same problem. CED and ADEE work together on this issue, difficulty of working field of dentistry CED; a short brief about CED. They established more than 50 years ago, 28 members in EU, Use the possibilities of EU, what says law, what is the difficulties of dental field to work abroad? Italia, Emilio, asked what they have problem in their country. There are so many dentists but not enough patients. Even sometimes their clinics are empty. Damien, Everybody wants to work in London, Manchester or Birmingham, big cities. However government wants to put them to smaller cities which exactly need it. CED, what is the ratio dentist/patients We know technical stuff, but maybe we don’t have good enough education about how to speak with patient. To inform them and so on Marco asked, how we can improve education on private schools and public schools, Damien, it should be same across Europe. The best way to learn to find yourself, you have to study all lifelong, have to keep updating. We are responsible from this. They are people, we have to treat people not only teeth. Safa asked, do you see any difference between heath care and the other fields such as engineering Valentin asked, how we can have standardization on dentistry education CED, there is no such a specific answer, what is the motivation for you? Who took the chance for Erasmus it is not about the educational success about it. It is much more than that. Global EU, you loose you 1 semester but you win more than that. As medical students it is tough, if you go you may loose time, you cannot continue where you were before. You cannot measure the benefit of long term friendship. Marco, when we loose dental education and scientific to the private schools? CED, in Italy there is also another issue, dental hygienist, technicians, they are working as dentist illegally. You cannot do that with weekend courses. Dental treatment needs education for years. Even hygienist education is for 4 years. It is so long according to him master, bachelor is not necessary. Damien, is disagree. CED as long as the leader of the team is dentist. Not without dentist supervisor. Luka, mobility has language barrier, what about the negative effect of mobility. For instance, economy faces the problem using mobility, on the other hand, they go abroad, in order to influence our countries to open new faculties. CED, they are member associations, they cannot effort country to do sth. It is the decision of creation government Azize asked that does a guideline exist which includes a list of circumstances to open a new dental faculty in Europe? CED there is guidelines but it is not easy to follow all faculties, they have working group on it. Damien, it is so difficult even have a proper curriculum because technology is changing day by day. Even you revise it, you have to keep updating all the time. Mohammed Latvia asked? 85dk EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Damien, has ratio about his lecturer skills. Ivan asked, maybe there can be the regional (like local) team, which includes fi.5 countries. CED it is EU so this is the standard, not possible. The education has to be same all around the world. European idea is a little bit different, so not possible. CLOSING EMSA: EHSAS It is so valuable to be here and listen to our problem. They are quite similar and we need to collaborate more in health field CED; they are always ready to meet and help us out. They are looking for our collaborations ADEE; they think that it is always important to come together with young people. EDSA; this is the first roundtable, we hope there will be more.

Wednesday 15th April 2015 Session 6 – 14:00 – 17:30 35. We are voting in the 56th EDSA meeting in Szeged to change constitution about attending of official delegates 17 votes 36. Add to code of conduct Attendance obligatory Sanction 1. Not attended-­‐ no certificate 2. informing their association/ faculty 37. Presentation of Policy Workgroups i. Education; Marco Mazevet, Valentin Garyga ii. Prevention; Daniel Pazi, Nina Kosarevic, Azize İpek Yetisti iii. Public Health; Olivia Johnson King, Eamonn Donohoe 38. Honorary Lifetime Memberships and Alumni Honorary Lifetime Memberships Hassib: 9, 4 against 1 abstain Faro: 2 abstains 11 Emina 1 abstain, 1 against 15 Oana: 17 Tomas:17 Alumni Yazan 1 againts 16 39. Other Matters EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

40. Closing of the Meeting 41. 14:30-­‐17:30 WORKSHOPS take place in Dental Faculty and in the campus at the same time Thursday 16th April 2015 9:30 1. Galip Gürel ‘’Advanced Esthetic Smile design’’ 2. Nuno ‘‘Orthodontics’’ 3. Christopher Nevill ‘’Life Coaching’’ 4. Prothetic Dentistry with Microscope; Vlatko panduric-­‐ Marko Jakovac 5. Lunch


EDSA ExCo members reports: Dear EDSA members, It is with great pleasure that we are organising the first meeting of our term in the beautiful city of Istanbul. Almost 7 months have passed since our last gathering in Riga, many thing have changed in the association. The representation of European dental students amongst international institutions has taken a great leap forward, allowing the voice of our members to be heard throughought the world. By attending summits, general assemblies, student events and international conferences we have promoted the work of our association in the dental world. Many new contacts have been made, allowing us to create new and productive partnerships. This meeting will be focussed on the training of our associative leaders. We believe that by sharing knowledge and debating, we can improve our national and local associations, allowing hıgher standards in education as well as student's everyday life. Many workgroups on our different projects will be held, as well as "soft-­‐skills" trainings to improve your skill-­‐set as young leaders in the fıeld of dentistry. The EDSA has always promoted research and scientific programs, and based on the local organizing committee's impulse, lectures and workshops will be co organized during the meeting. This rich and varied program combines many teachers, international lecturers and researchers ready to share their extensive knowledge. The social program will, of course, will be up to the EDSA's traditions and this great city's reputation. After all, "If the world was a single state, Istanbul would be its capital". We sincerely hope you will enjoy your stay, Looking forward to working with you, Marco Mavezet EDSA-­‐President 2014-­‐2015 Dear delegates, I would like to use this opportunity to thank the members of the Local Organising Committee for all their hard work organising this meeting. EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

In the last six months I represented EDSA in Barcelona and focussed on improving international collaborations with other student associations. I have as been working on EDSA’s new Volunteer Work Project – the Pamoja Programme. In September following the EDSA meeting in Riga, Latvia I was invited by the American Dental Education Association to attend and represent EDSA at their International Women’s Leadership Conference in Barcelona. This was a fantastic opportunity to put EDSA on an international platform as I presented our association to several deans and representatives from international dental schools. I have also been in contact with other European student associations. We are currently in the final stages of producing a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and with this in place we plan to collaborate on training and prevention events that will be open to students from both associations. One of the highlights of the past six months has been the collaboration with the Tanzania Dental Students’ Association who we are working with for EDSA’s new Volunteer Work Project – the Pamoja Programme. The concept for this project has developed since my first visit to Tanzania in September 2013 and I look forward to presenting the project to you all at the meeting. I will be returning to Tanzania this summer to lead the project’s first official mission and am excited to lead the team of dentists and dental students from Europe and Tanzania. I hope you all enjoy the meeting! Best wishes Olivia Johnson King EDSA Vice President 2014-­‐2015 Dear EDSA Family, Welcome to the most unique and the only city in the world to sit across two continents, Istanbul. Before anything else, I would love to thank the Local Organising Committee for doing such a great job for organising EDSA meeting here in Istanbul. In the last 7 months, Executive Committee’s members have done their best to move EDSA forward. Thanks to the whole team, continuous support and encouragement kept our motivation at the highest level. In November (2014), I had been to Belgrade to attend Informal Forum of International Student Organisations (IFISO) meeting where, 16 international student organisations were participating. It was so valuable to experience how other organisations run their associations and their will to share with other EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

disciplines. Other than that, Marco, Ivan and I were in International Dental Show in Cologne, Germany last month to convince new partners for (the future of) EDSA. Besides all of these, EDSA is not only about dentistry, but also about friendship, professional life, travelling, learning new cultures; at the end of the day, lifelong gains and experiences. I hope each day more European dental students will be involved and have a chance to be a part of this huge EDSA family. Enjoy your stay in Istanbul Azize Ipek Yetisti EDSA General Secretary 2014-­‐2015 Dear friends and delegates, Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone, new and old, to this meeting. It's great to be here at another meeting and I would like to thank all of you for making the effort in travelling to Istanbul. I would also like to thank the LOC for doing a fantastic job at organising this greatly anticipated EDSA meeting here in Istanbul. The long process of organisation and planning is over and it is now time to relax and enjoy this occasion. In the last meeting in Riga I took over the role of treasurer, taking over from Tomas Ryan. Tomas ensured a smooth transition from the old to the new treasurer and for that I am grateful. So what have I been doing the past seven months? It goes without saying that my role as treasurer in the EDSA revolves around money. The EDSA has several initiatives which require regular funding, such as the research programme, which entails frequent bank transfers is carried out by yours truly. There have been some changes in the banking system in Ireland recently which involve moving to a more electronically based system. The days of painful amounts of paperwork are, for the majority of the time, behind us This does not however eliminate trips to the bank completely! These changes have lead to a more efficient system for transferring and receiving money for the EDSA. EDSA gave me this opportunity to get involved and I would encourage everyone here today to try and get involved in some aspect of EDSA. Finally I would like thank my fellow EXCO members for all their efforts and making the last few months an enjoyable process. EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

Enjoy Istanbul! Eamonn Donohoe EDSA Treasurer 2014-­‐2015 Dear everyone, First of all I would like to welcome you to the 55th EDSA Meeting! The last meeting in Riga seems ages away and a lot has happened since then. Shortly after the election the whole team of officers and executive committee started with planning and the work started. As the whole program is planned for a longer period of time we started with the basics and a lot remains undone. As a magazine editor I made a first plan of the magazine in September and started contacting potential authors and people that I wanted to participate in the spring issue of the EDSA Magazine. Most of them were eager to participate and some of them promised to participate in the summer issue. While choosing the articles and authors I tried to focus on the themes, that you all expressed the most interest in and regarding the authors the ones that are in my opinion very interesting and inspiring and will give us all even more motivation. As all the articles came together the designing procedure started and that took me all of my spare time in the last month so I hope you’ll enjoy reading the new magazine. In the beginning of December I visited Brussels where EHSAS was established and I can say that it was one of the most fruitful discussions that I’ve participated in. You can read all about at the report that was sent to you couple of months ago or you can find it on our webpage. In the middle of December EPSA had a gathering weekend in Ljubljana so I visited them shortly just to see the evening teambuilding activities and they were more than happy that EDSA is finally showing more interest in participation in Brussels and by that also gaining more credibility. Meanwhile I was also supervising Müge Muezzinoglu, current EDSA research officer and wrote an article about EDSA for a German magazine. Apart from that I was also an official delegate for Slovenia until December so I presented EDSA activities to the local student association and tried to get as many people as possible to come to the meeting in Istanbul.


Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the whole LOC in Istanbul who have been working very hard to organize a perfect EDSA Meeting. I wish us all an amazing Meeting, Miha Pirc EDSA Magazine Editor 2014-­‐2015 Dear EDSA members, During the time from the time I got elected for the Web/Media Editor position in EDSA ExCo I have participated in the main functioning of the association. The main gem of my personal engagement is the new and redesigned website:go check it out at The administration of the network infrastructure, setting up the new email addresses and managing the all new delegates mailing list. The newsletter has been switched to the website, Facebook page and group, twitter page and so on… Concerning the Facebook page, we’ve switched to it from the group in order to ensure better and easier data delivery. 5000likes have been reached so far thanks to the promotion of EDSA, over the website and twitter. I’ve also been a part of the EHSAS project, attending the meeting in Brussels. Concerning that matter we’ve reached a minor breakthrough; the connection has been made, now the development awaits. I’m currently working on integrating and accomplishing the continuity of the data distribution to all delegates because EDSA’s priority is including more and more people from Europe connect to our network of informations. Wish you all a very productive meeting! Luka Banjsak EDSA Web and Media Editor 2014-­‐2015 My dear EDSA friends, 8 months few by so fast and I can’t believe that the EDSA 55th Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey is already here! It seems like only yesterday we were voting in Belgrade for Yeditepe University to host the 2015 Spring Meeting!


Since the last EDSA meeting in Riga, Latvia so much has happened. I have graduated and successfully entered the postgraduate program in Periodontology in Bucharest. This has taken a lot of my time meaning I was not able to be as involved in the EDSA activities as the previous years. However, the association was not influenced by this as I knew it was in great hands. The new EDSA Executive Committee has successfully taken over their duties from the previous exco and definitely lived up to the expectations. They have worked so hard to continue the great growth of the association and to improve all the programs and collaborations. My main activity in the last months has been to help whenever I was needed and mainly advice the new exco. I continued to attend the monthly online exco meetings and I have also written an article from the Spring EDSA Magazine. Even though I am no longer a student I still wanted to be part of this EDSA Meeting in Istanbul and I am very excited to see all of you again. This will actually be my 10th EDSA Meeting and it will definitely be a memorable one for me!!! I want to congratulate the Local Organizing Committee for working so hard to make this meeting happen and I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience for everyone attending it! Overall, I think the past months have been productive for EDSA as numerous projects have been put into action, and I am happy and thankful that I had the chance to meet and collaborate with enthusiastic and hardworking dental students and professionals from all around the world. I wish you all an amazing and fruitful EDSA experience in Istanbul!

Alina Rizea EDSA Immediate Past President 2014-­‐2015 EUROPEAN DENTAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ESTB. 1988

It is a great pleasure and honour to present the companies that stood by EDSA side and supported us:

Platinum sponsors Bronze sponsors



Each country has to report a delegate to the Executive Committee Attendance of ALL voting delegates is mandatory during ALL EDSA Meeting Sessions in order to maintain a quorum If more than one faculty is present for each country, a representative per faculty has to be reported to the Executive Committee; The countries with more than one faculty have to chose a main representative for the meeting (who will vote on behalf of the country) ONLY EDSA full member countries have the right to vote during EDSA sessions Each EDSA full member country has the right to ONE vote (irrespective of their number of faculties); the vote will be expressed by the country’s main representative One person speaks at a time; the Chair of the session decides who that person is. During EDSA sessions mobile phones have to be turned off or put on “Silent mode” Strict punctuality is expected at all sessions Throughout the meeting, professional attitude is required The official language for all EDSA sessions is English

Thank you very much for your support! th Enjoy the 55 EDSA Meeting!


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