LUST&LÄRA Friskolan Lust&Lära kommer att starta höstterminen 2009. Vi tog lite bilder under inflyttningen, dagarna före skolstarten. Skolan är centralt belägen på Nyhedsbacken (Gamla sjukhuset) i Bollnäs. Verksamheten bedrivs i nyrustade, arkitektritade lokaler, som utformats och planerats i tätt samarbete med skolans pedagoger. Collegeborden i elevsalarna var i björk med rödlackerade stativ. Stolar Sensa likaså i rött och björk. En del möbler var specialanpassade enligt önskemål. Bl a fanns mobila skåp med en skiva i röd laminat som ska fungera som ståpulpeter. l l
150 elevplatser + samlingsrum och lärarrum Inredare: Koneo/Workzone
Friskolan Lust & Lära will start the fall semester 2009th We took some pictures during the move, days before they start school. The school is centrally located in Bollnäs. Operations are conducted in the newly equipped, architect-designed rooms, designed and planned in close collaboration with school teachers. College tables in birsch with red painted stand. Chairs Sensa also in red and birch. Some furniture was custom-made according to customer requirements. Among others were mobile units with a top of red laminate to act as teachers desk. l l
150 pupil places and the teachers' room + lounge Interior Designers: Koneo / Work Zone
AB EDSBYVERKEN, BOX 300, SE-828 25 EDSBYN, TEL +46 271 275 00,