1 minute read The final matrix for the ESIA

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It shows the cause and effect of the impact considering its direction, the impact could be direct,

indirect or primary, if the impact was direct then the EF will be (4), and if it was indirect or secondary then


the EF will be (1) (Ras Gharib Wind Energy Company, 2017).

The Frequency (PR)

The PR shows the consistency of the impact’s occurrence, whether it occurs repeatedly, irregularly

or it is constant. If it was constant then the PR will be (4), if it was repeatedly daily then the PR will be (2),

and if it was irregular then the PR will be (1) (Ras Gharib Wind Energy Company, 2017).

The scoring of the impacts (I)

The equation for calculating the importance of each impact category will be as follows:

I = ± (3IN + 2EX + MO + PE + RV + AC + EF + PR + MC), and the ranks are shown in figure 1

Figure 14 Importance of The Impacts

The following figure shows the Matrix developed for the Environmental and Social impact


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