Auto Accidents Often Cause Lasting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Injuries caused by an auto accident aren’t always immediately evident, and they’re not always physical. A car crash can be a harrowing experience, and many accident victims suffer posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of auto accidents. Men and women who have suffered emotional distress and financial loss as a result of post-traumatic stress from an auto accident need a skilled auto accident lawyer to assert these claims. In 2011, there were about 2,006 deaths and more than 10,000 serious injuries from auto accidents in Canada, according to the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators. According to recent studies, auto accidents are the most frequent traumatic event experienced by males. They’re the second most frequent traumatic event experienced by females. In addition to physical injuries and property damage sustained in an auto accident, victims often sustain harder to identify harms, such as depression, post-traumatic stress, and anxiety. This is particularly true of accidents where severe injury or death occur. Studies show that about 9 percent of car crash victims suffer post-traumatic stress disorder. A large number of accident survivors who seek mental health treatment after a wreck seek it for post-traumatic stress. Many of these have another disorder such as depression or a phobia of driving. PTSD from an auto accident often exists alongside chronic pain conditions such as a chronic pain disorder, somatoform disorder or fibromyalgia. The psychological impact of an auto accident can have a major effect on a car accident victims’ personal life and financial well being. The accident may leave them fearful of driving, cutting into their work and social opportunities. Stress, anxiety, and depression may also create problems at work, home, or school. The cost of treating the psychological impact of an auto accident can be costly. Years of cognitive therapy and medication may be necessary. Victims suffering financial losses as a result of these disorders need the help of a car accident lawyer to recover funds they are entitled to. Proving post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain in court cases involving auto accidents poses a challenge to many plaintiffs, however. Many victims do not seek treatment for these problems until months after an accident, as they may often manifest slowly. This delay may undermine plaintiffs’ arguments that the wreck was the cause of their problem. Victims also face significant bias. Even today, many jurors and judges are skeptical of PTSD and similar claims. Unfair biases against fibromyalgia and sleep disorder claims may make these cases an uphill battle for plaintiffs suffering from these accident-related conditions. Plaintiffs making these cases need the services of an experienced auto accident lawyer. Edson Legal is a General Toronto area law firm experienced in personal injury lawsuits. The car accident lawyers at Edson Legal understand the lasting impact an automobile accident can have
on victims, and they have the litigation experience and connections with respected medical experts to help establish these facts in a Ontario court of law.