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Welcome and thank you
Welcome to the latest edition of Education Supporter. What a dramatic few months it’s been.
As we start to emerge from the most stressful period that I can remember in my lifetime, I’ve been thinking how fortunate Education Support has been to have come through this relatively unscathed when you see the impact on so many UK charities and businesses. Really we have you to thank for that. We have been simply overwhelmed by the generosity of you all. You have taken meaningful action to ensure that education staff affected by the crisis have received the emotional and financial help they needed and made sure that we can continue to be there for them in the future. Our services are in more demand now than they’ve ever been. We’re having to adapt some of our services in line with advanced technology, so that we can deliver our services to more schools and places of learning throughout the UK. For example, our peer-support group Headspace is now available digitally and we hope that many more head teachers and senior leaders will be able to benefit from this in the near future.
I hope you enjoy reading this latest issue and once again, thank you so much for everything you’ve done. We simply could not continue without you. Warmest wishes,
Sinéad Mc Brearty CEO, Education Support
Welcome and thank you In the wake of the crisis The lives you’ve changed – Bernard’s story Where do your donations go? The lives you’ve changed – Margaret’s story Your voice The lives you’ve changed – Coronavirus Appeal Update & Julie’s story Research update Break–time
Donation form 2
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Keep in touch
Address Phone Helpline Email Website
40A Drayton Park, London, N5 1EW 0207 697 2750 (general enquiries) 08000 562 561 (Free, confidential 24/7 Helpline) fundraising@edsupport.org.uk educationsupport.org.uk