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A stressed and exhausted workforce: Results of our latest Teacher Wellbeing Index survey
2022 marked the 6th year of our annual Teacher Wellbeing Index survey, As usual, the survey was conducted over the summer via an online survey of education staff drawn from YouGov’s panel. A total of 3,082 education staff answered the survey, from a wide cross-section of roles and settings in the education sector.
Some of the disturbing results are highlighted here. But overall, what we’re seeing is that things are certainly not improving for education staff. Indeed in some areas, the situation is becoming much worse.
The challenges
75% of all staff are stressed (84% of senior leaders, 72% of school teachers)
47% of all staff always go into work when unwell (61% of senior leaders, 45% of school teachers)
42% of all staff consider their organisation’s culture has a negative effect on their wellbeing
59% of all staff are not confident in disclosing unmanageable stress or mental health issues to their employer
48% of all staff feel their organisations do not support employees well who have mental health and wellbeing problems (51% of senior leaders, 48% school teachers)