The Current State of eTexts for Education 1. Executive summary 2. eTexts a. Why it is important to know about them b. Features c. Advantages 3. The state of eTexts in education a. Student adoption rates and attitudes b. Research c. Trends 4. eText devices and software a. E-book readers b. Tablets and mobile devices Software i. CourseSmart ii. Kindle iii. Nook iv. Overdrive v. Ibis Reader 5. eText providers a. Textbook rentals i. CourseSmart ii. Chegg iii. CafeScribe b. Textbook publishers i. Kno ii. Pearson iii. VitalSource c. Open textbooks i. Flatworld Knowledge ii. College Open Textbooks 6. Finding and evaluating eTexts for a course a. b. Evaluation forms 7. Creating eTexts for a course a. Mixing parts of different books i. AcademicPub ii. Cengage b. Creating your own epubs i. Calibre ii. Tabletide iii. Sigil 8. eText initiatives a. Indiana University b. Daytona State College c. Georgia Institute of Technology d. Northwest Missouri State University 9. Setting up an eText initiative at ERAU a. Pricing models
b. Training c. Marketing d. Research and evaluation i. Sample eText survey 10. Conclusions a. Trends and predictions