Beckett College

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Beginner Level The Beginner General English Language Course is an entry level course designed to provide beginners with basic general English language skills and knowledge, including basic words and key phrases used in everyday situations; the ability to follow simple instructions, listen to short conversations, read short basic texts and hold basic conversations. Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Understand and use simple everyday expressions and very basic phrases  Introduce themselves and others and ask and answer simple questions about personal details such as where they live, the people they know and the things they have  Engage in basic conversations

Course Content: 1. Grammar and Structure: Basic Grammar, Simple Sentence Structures, Basic Spelling, Pronunciation, Reading Short texts, Writing Sentences, Basic Conversations. 2. Vocabulary: Describing Classroom Language, Greetings, Describing Yourself, Describing People, Daily Routines, Making Arrangements, Buying Common & Everyday Items, Talking About People and Places

Elementary Level The Elementary General English Language Course is designed to build upon the prebeginner/beginner course and provide elementary level general English language skills and knowledge, including key words and phrases; and the ability to follow simple instructions, listen to short conversations, read and write short texts and hold simple conversations. Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases  Introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has; and  Interact in a simple way Course Content: 1. Grammar and structure: Basic use of present, past and future tenses; writing short letters about present and past experiences; 2. Vocabulary: Building of different topics such as: describing people, family, cities, jobs, every day routines, holidays

Pre-intermediate Level The Pre-intermediate General English Language Course is designed to build upon the elementary course and provide pre-intermediate level general English language skills and knowledge; improving fluency and using English grammar more effectively; developing accuracy in speaking and writing and learning how to self-correct; becoming more independent in English language learning Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Write personal letters describing impressions, feelings and experiences and to write simply about familiar topics.  Understand the main points of radio programmes on current affairs and familiar topics when the speech is clear and slow, and to be able to understand clear speech on subjects such as work, school and leisure.  Talk about familiar topics and to give explanations and reasons for opinions, past actions and future plans. Also to recount the story of a book or film and deal with most situations in an English-speaking environment.  Revise grammar and extend all previous grammar points plus passives, relative clauses, future forms, used to, active and state verbs  Extend vocabulary Course Content: 1. Grammar and structure: More complex use of present, past and future tenses; comparisons; first and second conditionals; basic use of passive voice and reported speech. Expanding the vocabulary range. Focus on paragraph writing and story telling. 2. Vocabulary: Extend vocabulary connected with leisure, work and employment, entertainment, travel, home, and money. Adjectives to describe character, relationships, feelings. Opposites and negative adjectives.

Intermediate Level The Intermediate General English Language Course is designed to help students develop a more complex use of spoken and written English structures, grammar and vocabulary, as well as higher level conversational skills, so that students can use and understand more complex ideas and texts. Students will be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers across a range of social situations. Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Participate in and contribute towards a higher level of formal and informal English conversations with increased confidence  Demonstrate a higher level of communicative competency across all four integrated skills across a range of formal and informal communicative scenarios and events  Produce a range of formal and informal texts, such as letters and CVs, as well as be able to use and complete application forms.  Successfully use a range of English medium resources for a variety of purposes, such as written and spoken news and reviews.

 Integrated and stand-alone reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary suitable for more complex social interactions  Accuracy, fluency and good basic text organisation are focused on at this level.

Course Content: 1. Grammar and structure: More complex use of tenses, modals, third conditional, reported speech 2. Vocabulary: Media and Communications; Reading and discussing News; Presenting information; Dreams and Ambitions; Discussing Personal Qualities; Possessions; Opinions and Suggestions; Speculating about Change; Personal Qualities; Use vocabulary connected with sports and leisure, art, music and literature, weather, travel as well as formal and informal vocabulary. Additional social expressions, and informal language, taking telephone messages and making suggestions.

Upper-intermediate Level The Upper - intermediate General English Language Course is designed to facilitate understanding of the more complex ideas and texts, as well as allowing learners to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that helps regular interaction with native speakers across a range of social situations. It will also develop more complex use of spoken and written English structures; idiomatic use of phrases and phrasal verbs; well-structured composition and article writing; developing critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Understand and recognise implicit meaning  Express themselves fluently and spontaneously  Use language flexibly and effectively across a range of formal, informal and more complex social and work related functions, situations and events.  Show controlled use of written and oral structural and organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Course Content: 1. Grammar and structure: Integrated and stand - alone reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. 2. Vocabulary: Talents and Skills, Learning & Teaching, Negotiating Misunderstandings, Virtual Worlds, Critical Incidents, How Things Work and World of Discovery, Education and Training, Landmarks, Talking About Local History & Knowledge, Art, Architecture and Design, Crime and Justice, Problem Solving, Discoveries, Presenting Opinions and Reasons, Discussing Alternative Approaches, Negotiating and Compromises.

Advanced Level The Advanced General English Language Course is designed to develop understanding and use of advanced level English language skills, allowing participants to interact fluently, accurately and spontaneously when talking with native speakers across a range of social situations. Students will become fluent and accurate speakers of the English language as well as becoming independent learners and therefore will be able to successfully identify and correct their mistakes. Learning Outcomes: When the learners have completed the course they will be able to:  Use and understand a range of complex and high level formal and informal written and oral sources in the English language confidently and effectively  Summarise and re-formulate information from a range of formal and informal written and oral sources  Deliver presentations and hold debates  Communicate successfully across a range of formal and informal social and work-related scenarios  Understand complex written and spoken texts.

Course Content: 1. Grammar and structure: All tenses, Cleft Sentences, Relative Clauses, Inversions, Negative Adverbials, Compound and Noun Phrases, Ellipsis and Substitution 2. Vocabulary: Child, Personality and the Self, Language and Literature, History, Technology, the World, News & Current Affairs, Health & Fitness, Marketing and Brands, Icons, Identity & Belonging, Climate and the Environment.

General English Courses We offer a range of General English courses for people of all ages, backgrounds and levels. We have courses from Beginner to Advanced/Proficiency. Our courses are designed to be fun, creative and inspiring using a wide range of flexible materials and resources in an enjoyable and supportive environment. You will practise all four skills: Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening. Your English language ability will improve and you will be able to communicate more fluently and confidently in English. The course includes elements of British culture and excursions making use of the numerous monuments and places of interest in the local area. Our teachers are fun, creative and experienced offering you a fantastic opportunity to lean English, make new friends and have a great time!

IELTS Preparation Courses The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an examination jointly assessed and run by Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IELTS Australia. Candidates are examined on their ability to communicate using the four main skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The exam is for people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. Most UK universities require a certain IELTS score for access to their courses. The IELTS Examination Preparation Course provides thorough preparation for the examination with highly qualified and experienced teachers. Small class sizes and individual teacher attention afford you the best opportunity to succeed. You will also learn all the tips and tricks to help you acquire a good result in your exam!

Cambridge Examination Preparation Courses The Cambridge Suite of examinations offers students a wide range of exams that provide a natural progression in English language learning. KET and PET are the initial exams, followed by FCE and CAE which are of a higher standard and more relevant for those within employment or looking to continue their studies at degree level. These are global exams that are used as a benchmark by many industrial, administrative and service-based employers. Our teachers have many years of experience in preparing students for their required exams through a diverse variety of lessons, resources, tips and activities. These are specifically designed with the goal of achieving a good grade!

Business English Courses The aim of the Business English Course is to enable students to communicate more effectively and confidently in business situations and use specialized vocabulary effectively. The course is designed to develop participants’ language and communication skills in management and business contexts. The courses focus on active speaking, writing skills and communication strategies. The course is designed to improve performance in international meetings and discussions, consultations on specific areas, presentations, interpretations and discussions of documents. During the course students will focus on case studies, negotiations, discussions and meetings. The course is designed to be innovative, creative and inspiring using real life news articles and case studies from The Economist and The Guardian for lively class debates and discussions.

Academic English and Pre-Sessional Foundation Courses The Foundation English course has been designed to provide students with intensive English language support before the start of further academic studies. We pride ourselves on a friendly and supportive learning environment, in which you will have the opportunity to improve your language skills, make friends and settle into life in the UK university system. If you have already met the English requirements for your academic programme but would still like to attend a course to improve your academic skills prior to your studies, we offer shorter pre-sessional courses that have been specifically designed to meet the necessary requirements. With a wealth of diverse resources and approaches, our teachers are able to deliver effective high quality courses.

English for Specialist Training and Occupational Purposes We offer both corporate executive and professional clients, as well as adult students a wide range of ENGLISH FOR SPECIALIST TRAINING & OCCUPATIONAL PURPOSES (ESTOP) courses. These are highly focused professional short courses designed to provide participants with the ability to operate effectively and successfully in a professional international English language environment. The courses focus on integrated skills including specialist vocabulary and grammar sessions. Soft skills such as presentations and debates also feature in the course as well as key professional & specialist concepts and knowledge. These courses employ both a communicative and task based approach to learning. Examples of ESTOP courses include English for Pilots & ATC, English for Engineering, Medical English and Technical English.

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