Catholic Pic July 2018

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Issue 166 July 2018


Welcome to Ministry INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

A gift to help faith flourish at Our Lady’s, Litherland

Peter McGhee Secondary Headteacher of the Year

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contents Issue 166 July 2018

Welcome This month we have a number of people to welcome to the Archdiocese. Our main feature celebrates with the SyroMalabar community who have now inaugurated Our Lady, Queen of Peace church in Litherland as their centre, a spiritual home for them. Tony Downes, Chris Housbey and Anil Lukose were ordained as permanent Deacons by Archbishop Malcolm in the Cathedral on Sunday 10 June and on the previous day the Archbishop ordained Rev Seth Reuben Phipps to the priesthood at St Mary’s Shrine, Warrington, to serve with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. We welcome them all to ministry in our Archdiocese. In just two months’ time we will celebrate the national Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage: ‘Adoremus’ here in Liverpool from Friday 7 to Sunday 9 September. Delegates will be coming from all over England and Wales and it will be our privilege to welcome them to the Archdiocese. There is a full programme for the Congress and also many parallel events taking place, more details in our August edition. Next Saturday, 7 July, Archbishop Malcolm will ordain Philip Carr, Anthony Kelly and Carl Mugan to the priesthood in the Metropolitan Cathedral. Please remember them in your prayers.

From the Archbishop’s Desk It’s funny how the number of letters and emails I receive reduces considerably at this time of year. All those seemingly urgent issues that had to be dealt with urgently have disappeared as our thoughts turn to holidays, or if we cannot afford a holiday, at least a time of reduced pressure and some relaxation.


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Contents 4

Main Feature A gift to help faith flourish


News From around the Archdiocese

14 Sunday Reflections Liturgy and Life 15 Profile Peter McGhee Raising expectations at St John Rigby College

I am notoriously slow at answering my mail, and I am constantly worried about not answering it promptly. This can be because I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume, or sometimes it is because I want to give a letter more thought before I reply and then I forget about it, but I have to admit that quite often it is simply because I don’t like doing it. So, with a superhuman effort I will take advantage of the lull in correspondence and try to catch up before I go on the archdiocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.

16 What’s On Whats happening in the Archdiocese

Then, when I go to Lourdes, I will be relatively burden free. I won’t be carrying too many worries with me, and those that remain I will have time to put under God’s gaze in prayer in order that I may find a way forward. Pilgrimages always help me get my life into perspective; my priorities get readjusted and I am re-centred on the things that really matter. After Lourdes I have a holiday with an old school friend and his wife so that body as well as soul is refreshed. But I know it won’t be long before I am back to a heap of unanswered correspondence – but that’s life

21 Animate My Lourdes Journey

Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP Archbishop of Liverpool

Editor Peter Heneghan

Copy deadline August 2018 13 July 2018

Editorial Catholic Pictorial Magazine Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 1AA Tel: 0151 522 1007 Email:

Publisher CPMM Suites 3 & 4 Pacific Chambers, 11-13 Victoria Street, Liverpool L2 5QQ

Advertising Sales team 0151 709 7567 Pictures, Julian Hamilton

CPMM Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced copied or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publishers written permission. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published, Catholic Pictorial Ltd. can accept no responsibility for the veracity of the claims made by advertisers.

19 Nugent News 800 Group Awards Success for Nugent

25 Cathedral Record From the Archives ‘Where are we’ 26 Pic Extras Mums the word News from the KSC 28 Pic Life Sunshine and sadness on our walk of life 30 Justice and Peace The Pope’s guide to understanding our mission 30 Letter from Rome ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8)

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A gift to help faith flourish The Syro-Malabar community in Litherland have inaugurated their own church thanks to the ‘generosity and hospitality’ of the Archdiocese By Simon Hart or one Catholic church in Litherland, the feast of Our Lady, Queen of Peace this month will hold a special meaning.


This, after all, will be the first feast day at the eponymous church since its inauguration as a centre of worship for the area’s Syro-Malabar community. The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church originated in the state of Kerala in southern India and 12 May brought the inauguration of Our Lady’s as only its second church in this country – a gift from the Archdiocese of Liverpool. ‘It is purely down to the generosity and hospitality of the Archbishop and all of the priests,’ said a grateful Father Jino

Arikkatt, who is based there, in the wake of the inauguration Mass, which he concelebrated with Bishop Joseph Srampickal, the senior Syro-Malabar cleric in Britain, as well as the Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon. Bishop Tom Williams and Father Mark Madden were among the concelebrants Archbishop Malcolm said: ‘I was delighted to be able to give Bishop Joseph Srampickal and the Syro-Malabar community the Church of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, in Litherland to use as their centre in the Archdiocese. This is only their second permanent home in England following the opening of the Cathedral of St Alphonsa in Preston. ‘It was a privilege to be present at the inauguration,’ he added, ‘and to be able

to formally welcome the community to the archdiocese. With over 200 families in the area they now have a home which will help them greatly in their worship and spiritual life.’ According to Father Arrikkatt, the presence of so many families means as many as one thousand people could use the church, which had previously been amalgamated with English Martyrs in Litherland. In his homily Archbishop Malcolm said the faith would flourish again at Our Lady’s which, as Father Arrikatt explained, will continue to host ‘three English Masses a week’. Its church and presbytery both underwent renovations ahead of the inauguration and Father Arrikatt added: ‘Work is now being done on the parish club. Every year we have festivals and on 8 July we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady, Queen of Peace so we have a special Mass on that day and a social gathering.’ It was in July 2016 that Pope Francis established the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Great Britain – only the third eparchy, or diocese, outside of India. The Cathedral of St Alphonsa in Preston was consecrated and Bishop Srampickal appointed. There are more than four million followers of the Syro-Malabar Church – with over 30 priests in this country celebrating Masses in local parishes with large Indian communities. Father Arrikatt, from the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, is grateful for the welcome he received when he first came to Liverpool – and the support from the Archdiocese that has been ongoing up to now. ‘I’ve been here the last two and a half years and when I came here to Liverpool it was Vincent Malone, the emeritus auxiliary bishop, who came to pick me up at the railway station,’ he explained. ‘I was staying at St Joseph’s Convent with Myles


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The SyroMalabar tradition

Dempsey, of the Prince of Peace community, who has just sadly passed away. With the help of the Archbishop I was then given accommodation in St Leo’s presbytery in Whiston.’ Detailing the process that led to his community gaining their new church, he added: ‘During this time I was requesting a church for ourselves and in March 2017, the Archbishop called me to express his will to give us this church as a gift and it took us around a year to complete the process. I remember also the help of Bishops Tom Williams and Vincent Malone, the chancellor Canon Aidan Prescott, financial secretary, Father Sean Kirwin and the archdiocesan solicitor Mrs Veronica Clarke. We would like to extend our thanks to all of them. ‘When we came here to Litherland, Father Mark Madden was here and was so happy

to welcome us.’ Father Madden was one of the priests who – following the Indian tradition – lit a lamp at the 12 May inauguration Mass, which also featured the confirmation of 10 schoolchildren. Father Arrikatt added: ‘After lighting the beacon, we had the message from our head, Cardinal George Alamchery, and then we started the installation of the relics of saints and then the Mass. During the Mass the homily was given by the Archbishop. The Archbishop said it was not his generosity but his responsibility to give us a church of our own. The church would have closed but it’s now a home for the people here to come every day for Mass, so through giving us this church it has kept the Church alive.


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The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church is said to owe its origins to St Thomas the Apostle, who landed at Kodungallur in Kerala, India in 52 AD and established Christian communities in different parts of India prior to his martyrdom 20 years later. In full communion with the Apostolic See in Rome, it is one of 23 Eastern Catholic Churches – second in size only to the Ukrainian Catholic Church – and follows the East-Syrian liturgy which dates back to the third century. The newly inaugurated church at Our Lady, Queen of Peace in Litherland can expect a sizeable congregation according to Father Jino Arrikatt, who said: ‘We have more than 200 families which means around 1,000 people.’


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Ordination of Deacons On Sunday 10 June Archbishop Malcolm ordained three men to the Permanent Diaconate in the Metropolitan cathedral. Deacon Tony Downes will serve at Christ the King and Our Lady, Liverpool; Deacon Chris Housbey will serve at Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs and St Swithin, Croxteth and Deacon Anil Lukose will serve at St Edward’s, Wigan.

Jubilarians Celebration On the Feast of the Sacred Heart Archbishop Malcolm celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for the priests in the archdiocese who are celebrating Jubilees this year. In total 11 archdiocesan priests are celebrating 540 years of service with one platinum, one diamond, five golden and four ruby jubilees Pictured: (l to r) Canon Chris Fallon, Monsignor Stephen Alker, Archbishop Malcolm, Fathers Francis Ball, Thomas Gagie, Francis Ferns 6

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News diary If you’ve got any news from your parish that you’d like featured e-mail us with the details at:

St Patrick's, Wigan, revive their May Celebrations For the first time in exactly fifty years, St Patrick’s Church, Wigan, hosted a May Procession and Crowning Service. Hundreds lined the route from school to church to watch clergy, parishioners and the children of St Patrick’s Primary School process with banners from the last such occasion in 1968. Children walked with their specially created art work – each class producing their own piece on one of Our Lady’s titles - and a statue of Our Lady, which was carried adorned with traditional May flowers. The Service involved the Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s statue; Marian hymns and devotions; and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The celebration then concluded with Benediction for children. Remaining true to tradition, Lauren Simm, the 2018 May Queen, wore a beautiful blue train which was worn by 1957 May Queen, Christine Campbell. Refreshments followed in the school hall with people sharing fond memories as they watched footage of historic St Patrick’s May celebrations. The return of this much loved and missed celebration was the idea of a group of parishioners, who worked tirelessly to prepare for the event, supported by newly appointed Parish Priest, Father Ian O’Shea, and Head Teacher, Mrs Lisa Hobden. More pictures of the celebration can be found by searching for ‘St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Wigan’ on Facebook.

Ordination at St Mary’s, Warrington by Józef Łopuszyński On the Feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, at St Mary’s Shrine Church, Warrington Archbishop Malcolm McMahon ordained Rev Seth Reuben Phipps to the Sacred Priesthood in front of a full congregation. The celebration was special because it was only the second time that there has been an ordination in the traditional rite in England in the last fifty years or so. The previous time was last year, when at the same church Archbishop McMahon ordained two priests using the same traditional rite. All three priests and the Shrine belong to the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) which will celebrate its 30th anniversary on 18th July next year. After his ordination, Father Phipps gave a first blessing to those who wished to receive one, and for whom it was possible (if in a state of grace) for the recipient to help a soul out of Purgatory. 8

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news diary Cyclists needed for Jospice Nightrider team

A challenge to become what we receive In the last of his series of reflections in preparation for Adoremus, the National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage, Father Joe Kendall offers the ‘challenge to become what we receive’. The parish was blessed once again with good weather this year. As it had been a couple of weeks before for the May Procession, so on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord the day dawned bright and the sun might even have been said to be blazing as we began our Corpus Christi procession out of church and through the grounds. That morning we had been fed in the celebration of Mass with God’s Word and his Sacrament, and now we continued to be nourished by that Word as we stopped at four points to adore Christ’s wondrous presence in this Blessed Sacrament. But by our movement in this procession we did even more than that. In receiving Holy Communion at Mass that day and in saying ‘Amen’ to the declaration that this was the Body of Christ, we had accepted the challenge Saint Augustine told us this was: to become what we received. We walked as a body of people with Christ at its head and centre, showing us the way. We walked as a body of people in which each played a part. Yes, the servers, the singers, the musicians and readers all did what they needed to do to make our celebration so special. But so did the people who helped others who struggled to walk. So did others who supported those who felt weary under the burdens of life or who struggled in other ways. We each played our part. We each helped each other and especially with prayer. We walked together as one body in

which each part was needed and each valued. All of that was true not just of ourselves in that one place on that one sunny afternoon. Our procession that afternoon symbolised our acceptance of the challenge on a much wider scale. We processed as a body that was not limited just to those present but rather encompassed, not even just our parish, but the Church in its entirety across the world. We processed as people who are called together to be the Body of Christ to the world not just on the sunny and joyful days but also when times are dark and sad. We processed as the people Saint Teresa of Ávila would tell us are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today having received the challenge to become what we had received.

Hundreds of cyclists will spend the Saturday night of 14/15 July riding around Liverpool’s famous landmarks to raise money for great causes as part of the Liverpool Nightrider event – and St Joseph’s Hospice (Jospice) has charity places available in its team. Laura Smith, community fundraiser at St Joseph’s Hospice, issued this invitation to potential team-mates: ‘If you enjoy cycling and are looking for a different challenge then this is for you! Why not get together with friends or colleagues and join the St Joseph’s Hospice Liverpool Nightrider team with one of our limited charity places? We’ll give you support to help you fundraise.’ Nightrider is run by charity challenge company, Classic Challenge, and the route will be fully sign-posted. With a well-earned breakfast and medal on offer at the finish, in addition to regular breaks throughout the ride, Laura added: ‘Liverpool Nightrider is a fun, social ride so there’s no timing or racing. It’s just about having a good time, soaking up the atmosphere and supporting each other.’ There are three choices for the ride. The first is a 50km loop beginning through the Mersey Tunnel (closed to traffic!) to the Wirral Peninsula, and including highlights such as Royal Liverpool Golf Club, West Kirby and Port Sunlight, plus spectacular views across the river. The second loop, also 50km, takes in landmarks like Liverpool’s historic waterfront, Albert Dock, Echo Arena, Cavern Club, Empire Theatre, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Knotty Ash, Goodison Park and Anfield. Alternatively, you could choose both routes in one incredible 100km ride. To take part in Liverpool Nightrider, visit and go to the events page to complete a short registration form. Registration costs £39 plus a minimum sponsorship of £175 for the hospice. For more information, call the fundraising team on 0151 932 6044 or email

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news diary

West Derby Learning Network Mass Father Ian McParland celebrated the annual West Derby Learning Network Mass for the Catholic Primary schools in West Derby, along with their feeder secondary schools Cardinal Heenan and Broughton Hall, at the chapel in St Vincent’s School for Sensory Impairment. The theme of the Mass this year was ‘We are the Body of Christ’ to tie in with the Adoremus Eucharistic Congress in September. Each school completed a piece of a picture which was processed forward during the opening hymn and put together to make a six-foot representation of the bread and wine. They will all receive a copy of the completed picture to display in school next academic year. It was a wonderful celebration and a great opportunity for the schools to come together as a family, with each having an active role in the Mass: from reading, to writing prayers, and providing the music. The schools involved were: Broughton Hall, Cardinal Heenan, St Cecilia’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools, St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools,

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, St Paul and St Timothy’s Catholic Infant School, St Paul’s Catholic Junior School,

Runnymede St Edward’s Junior School, St Sebastian’s Catholic Primary School, and St Vincent’s.

Summer Concert at St Ambrose, Speke Mersey Wave Music was founded in 2012 by St Ambrose parishioner and professional opera singer Kathryn Rudge and the choir’s musical director/pianist Jason Ellis to create an opportunity for the local community to participate in live music events. The concerts have now been popular at

St Ambrose Church for the past six years. The St Ambrose Summer Concert 2018 takes place on Friday 6 July 2018 and will include performances from the Mersey Wave Choir and Young Singers aged 7-19 years and Kathryn also performs as soloist on the evening. Mezzo-Soprano Kathryn Rudge said ‘I

Mersey Wave Young Singers and Mezzo-Soprano Kathryn Rudge at St Ambrose Church. Picture: Malcolm Spargo / Mersey Wave Music


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first began singing at St. Ambrose when I was 7 years old with Parish Priest, Father Ed Cain, and I still love singing there at weekly masses when I am back home in Liverpool. There is always such a great atmosphere at the concerts at St Ambrose and it is always so exciting to welcome new audience members into the beautiful church, I feel very privileged to be a part of it all. We are so grateful to Father Ed for all of his support in enabling us to bring together so many people to take part and enjoy live music being made in the church.’ The Mersey Wave family events offer people from the local community the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of music from opera arias and musical theatre to pop songs. All of the funds raised go back into future community music activities and also to St Ambrose to support their Youth activities including the Lourdes Pilgrimage. The annual Mersey Wave Summer Concert will take place at 7.00 pm Friday 6 July at St Ambrose Church, Speke. Tickets are available on the door, prebook Tel: 0151-558-1255 or online at

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news diary A golden jubilee for Our Lady Queen of Martyrs By Sandra Ryan Among the many ways that Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Croxteth, celebrated its Golden Jubilee on Thursday 31 May was to dedicate its new peace garden to Our Lady herself. After a special evening Mass, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon led a procession to the outside grotto with parish priest Father Kenny Hyde and parishioners. As those gathered sang the traditional Marian hymn 'Bring Flowers of the Rarest', members of the congregation – including clergy who had served at the 50-year-old church and parish (now merged with St Swithin's), founder members and Salesian sisters – laid flowers in the beautiful prayer space. Archbishop George Andrew Beck had opened the church on 31 May 1968, feast of the Queenship of Our Blessed Lady, and the parish wanted to mark the milestone anniversary with joy and devotion. It certainly gave parishioners an opportunity to look back and reflect, and in his homily Archbishop Malcolm spoke of the dedicated witness of Christ lived out in the church for five decades, and thanked the faith community for their strength of Christian love and adoration of the Eucharist. Over the past half-century Our Lady Queen of Martyrs has welcomed various priests and deacons, and present at the Mass were Bishop Tom Williams, Bishop Vincent Malone and Bishop John Rawsthorne who served as priest in

Croxteth for a year. Also concelebrating were former parish priests Father Sean O'Connor, Father Philip Inch, Father Malcolm Prince, Father Chris Fallon and Father Nick Wilde. Monsignor John Butchard , originally from St Swithin's , was present too, while Monsignor John Furnival, Father Peter Morgan and Father Andrew Unsworth sent good wishes. Parish Deacon Malcolm Fletcher and Chris Housbey – subsequently ordained deacon in June – also celebrated the joyous occasion. With the many altar servers they planted jubilee roses in the garden in honour of Our Lady and the parish birthday. Salesian sisters, who the

previous week had provided parishioners with prayer, prosecco and pasta, joined in the festivities. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs' celebrations will continue for several months, incorporating too the Archdiocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes in July. Father Kenny Hyde said: 'It's a privilege to be parish priest of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and St Swithin. I give thanks daily for the wonderful people who continuously surprise me with their gifts, hard work, enthusiasm, warmth, friendliness and devotion. Thanks to the parish council and all who have helped make the anniversary so special.'

ACN walks for Iraq En route from Salford to Liverpool Caroline Hull and Bridget Huddleston from the North West Office of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) stopped off at St Mary’s, Lowe House as part of their walk to five North West Cathedrals to raise awareness and funding for Iraq’s Christians as they return to the Nineveh Plain. The next stage of their journey will see them arrive at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Friday 6 July. To sponsor Bridget and Caroline call ACN’s North West Office Tel: 01524 388739 or email

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news diary Liverpool Seafarers Centre: a vital support act A Liverpool maritime charity is stepping up efforts to deliver church services on board vessels after reporting a rise in demand for spiritual support from crew members. The Liverpool Seafarers Centre, which offers wide-ranging support including church services, sacraments and blessings to 50,000 seafarers passing through the river Mersey annually, expects an especially busy period for its outreach ministry during the cruise season and is appealing for financial help. Speaking ahead of Sea Sunday 2018, the annual celebration held the second

Sunday of July when Christian churches of all denominations pray for seafarers, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon recognised 'the invaluable work of the Liverpool Seafarers Centre in providing spiritual,

emotional and practical support for the needs of those who are far from home and often are in port for only a few hours. The work of the centre merits prayerful and practical support.' The LSC dates back to the 19th century and is a partnership between the Catholic Apostleship of the Sea (Liverpool) and the Anglican Mersey Mission to Seafarers. It is funded by donations from churches as well as general donations and a new port levy. For further information, contact John Wilson on 0300 800 8085 or email

Family Group Movement (England and Wales) ‘This is a time of a new awakening for the Church in England and Wales to explore the Family Group Movement. There is a network of experienced and really committed parish leaders across the country who are ready to help parishes to get going, with a tool kit containing lots of practical guidance that is written in a friendly and practical manner. From my own experience, the Family Movement brings warmth and enrichment to the life of the parish and provides a wonderful opening for people who are new or wish to engage afresh with the parish. True to its motto, it is truly a “family for all”.’ Father Pat Munroe – Chaplain of the Family Group Movement (England and Wales) Bernard Keyworth shares his experience of setting up a family group at St Teresa’s Upholland. The St Teresa’s Focus Team were visited by Maureen O’Brien, the Coordinator for Marriage and Family Life from LACE, in January 2016, who introduced the idea of Family Groups and left us to consider whether Family Groups was something that would be part of our parish vision for the future. We decided that the idea of people getting together, socially, to get to know each other better was certainly something the parish would be interested in. The idea also fitted with our vision of looking outwards from the church, the thought that it is much easier to invite someone along to a BBQ or an afternoon walk than to a Sunday Mass – ‘clever evangelism’ we christened it. The introductory video showing the success of family groups was very


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inspiring, lighting a spark that is still burning bright. A parish co-ordinator was appointed to work closely with members of the national steering team who gave up their time to plan and provide information and literature for our big parish launch in September. Prior to this launch, a cheese and wine evening was organised in June, with personal invitations given to those whom the Focus Team thought would make good leaders. This was a very successful evening, with three leaders and three deputies recruited. The weekend of the parish launch, sixty parishioners signed up forming three Family Groups with 20 in each group. As the Family Group website says, ‘The concept of Family Groups is simple. Groups meet every four to six weeks for a variety of activities decided by their members. These include quizzes, film nights, games, parties and anniversary celebrations, walks, music, themed events, fundraising, house Masses and lots of shared meals. The groups can become a valuable source of parish outreach as well as offering invaluable support and fellowship to their own members. The groups need the commitment and

encouragement of their parish priest to thrive but are run by volunteer group leaders and parish coordinators.’ This has all happened for us and Family Groups at St Teresa’s have gone from strength to strength. I hope this short summary of the Family Group experience at St Teresa’s, Upholland, will inspire other parishes to consider Family Groups as a way of bringing love, friendship and outreach. My hope is that all parishes can have the satisfaction of hearing the words, ‘I don’t know what it is that you lot have, but I know I want some of it’. As Bishop Peter Doyle has said, ‘The Family Group Movement seeks to create a true sense of community in fulfilment of Jesus Christ’s command for love, friendship, and companionship in the lives of his disciples, and as experienced by the early Christian communities.’ Read Bernard’s full account at: If you would like to start Family Groups in your parish or you want further information please contact Maureen O’Brien Tel: 0151 522 1044 or email:

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news diary Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Northern France

At the end of May the Wigan Lourdes Association organised a pilgrimage to the Shrines of Northern France. Thirty pilgrims visited St Therese’s shrine at Lisieux; St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Laboure at Rue du Bac, Paris; St Bernadette Soubirous’ shrine at Nevers and the pilgrimage

concluded with Mass in the Sacre-Coeur Basilica. Pictured at Nevers are (from left to right) Gladwin Thankan (altar server), Father John Johnson, Father Dominic Risley (who led the pilgrimage), Father Matthew Jolley, Canon Pat MacNally and Deacon Bob Smith.

Soccer-star-turned-priest Father Chase inspires Aintree parish The parish of Blessed Sacrament, Aintree, and nearby schools have been blessed with a visit from Father Chase Hilgrenbrinck, the former US Major League Soccer player who quit professional football in order to become a priest. Father Chase flew in from Chicago in mid-May to inspire parishioners and young people alike with what one Blessed Sacrament parishioner termed 'energy, vitality and charisma reminiscent of the Holy Spirit's effect on the disciples'. The 36-year-old former United States youth international came for the weekend of Pentecost – 18, 19 and 20 May – and spoke at all three Masses of the Solemnity at Blessed Sacrament. After the Saturday-evening service Fr Chase gave a presentation and took part in a Q&A during a special reception in the parish centre. Here the Diocese of Peoria priest, currently serving as assistant chaplain at Saint John's Catholic Newman Center in Champaign, Illinois, discussed his faith journey, while his parents cum travel

companions for the trip, Mike and Kim, talked about their experience of his vocational journey. Fr Chase also gave his testimony to young people at school assemblies in Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College, Savio Salesian College and Blessed Sacrament Primary School. He made a powerful impact at all three schools on the Friday of his visit – describing how he had left behind a contract with MLS club New England Revolution to study for the priesthood at a seminary in Maryland. Given his previous career, the ex-defender also directed a football training clinic for Savio and Archbishop Beck pupils. On the Saturday, before he presided and preached at the Pentecost Masses, he led a youth rally held at Blessed Sacrament Primary for local youngsters which culminated in an open-air Mass. It was during Fr Chase's successful spell

in Chilean soccer with Ñublense – a team he helped win promotion to Chile's top division – that he heard a small inner voice telling him 'Be my priest'. It was a call he resisted for two and a half years until he finally accepted the Lord's invitation. On his subsequent flight home, Fr Chase wrote a message to the parish community and another to the youth of Blessed Sacrament, highlighting how he had arrived as a perfect stranger and was leaving deeply impressed by the life he had shared with them. He also encouraged the young people to start a revolution that would set a precedent for young adults practising their faith.

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sunday reflections On a liturgical note I will seek him whom my soul loves Our proclamation of the Risen Christ must be rooted in first having encountered Him in our own lives, through prayer, through reflection on the Scriptures and through the Sacraments. On the 22nd of this month we keep the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, she who stood at the foot of the Cross, who went to anoint the body in the tomb and to whom the Risen Lord appeared on the Easter Morning, sending her to ‘ tell my brothers’ that He would meet them in Galilee. Pope Francis, in 2016, raised this day to the level of a feast day precisely to highlight the Magdalene’s vocation as ‘apostle to the apostles’ or, as Archbishop Arthur Roche, put it ‘an example of true and authentic evangelisation; she is an evangelist who announces the joyful central message of Easter.’ The Scripture which is given to us in the Liturgy of the feast is a beautiful text from the Song of Songs of the Old Testament which is all about searching and finding and meeting –

Sunday thoughts Do you remember the days when we used to speak about the ‘jet set’? There was a glamour attached to air travel in those days. Air passengers were greeted like royalty at the check-in desk and were cosseted throughout their flight. Those were the days… Now we are all members of the jet set. Any trace of glamour has gone. All share in the ritual humiliation of going through security checks, removing our belt and shoes, and having someone rummage through our personal belongings to confiscate items they believe to be a threat to survival. We can pay extra for priority boarding, but what’s the point? We all take off together anyway. The ultimate irony comes when the captain ends his customary pep talk with the words ‘Sit back and enjoy your flight’ – fat chance when we’re herded like cattle and strapped into narrow seats with no leg room. Don’t we all bristle whenever we are

Canon Philip Gillespie

and surely that lies at the heart of the story of The Magdalene. Her encounter with Jesus transforms her life in such a way that she becomes one who is sent to others, even to the Apostles themselves, to be a herald of the Resurrection. We do not claim to yet have full and perfect knowledge (‘Now we see in a glass darkly’ 1 Corinthians 13:12) or indeed all the answers to all the questions, but what we do have is a certainty, founded in our personal experience, that the meeting with the Risen Christ, the Christ who has promised to be with us always, enriches our lives in so many ways and gives a depth and value to our days. In one of the parishes in which I have served over these past 30 years they sang a hymn at the end of the school term, the chorus of which was ‘Unless you are a seeker, You'll never be a finder’ How very true!

Mgr John Devine OBE

treated as if we don’t matter? The rich and the famous and the powerful always matter. And they are the people who are least sensitive to those who don’t. If those who don’t matter complain, they are dismissed as whingers. The Hillsborough and Grenfell Tower disasters demonstrate that the death of people who don’t matter doesn’t matter. Campaigners for justice have a simple message: ‘We matter!’ The readings for Sunday 15 July speak of how each of us is special in God’s eyes. Amos felt he was nothing special, a shepherd who looked after sycamores. But the Lord took him from herding the flock and made him a prophet. And Paul in his letter to the Ephesians puts it even better: ‘Before the world was made, He chose us, chose us in Christ, to be holy and spotless, and to live through love in His presence.’

Weekly Reflections are on the Archdiocesan website at


Catholic Pictorial

Love one another I have just returned from the Holy Land. One day I was wandering around the old city of Jerusalem when I witnessed something extraordinary. An elderly Palestinian woman slipped on the cobbles and before I could get to her, two Jewish men had rushed to her side, lifted her to her feet, and made sure she was alright before going on their way. In a place of such polarisation between peoples, where hatred and anger are often the energies that govern much of what happens, it was an amazing thing to witness. Whenever I see something like that, I am reminded of St Paul’s letter to the Galatians in which he writes: ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’ It seems to me that this is one of the basic truths of our faith yet most of us pay lip service to it. While we might not find ourselves in a situation as polarised as that of the Holy Land, we still divide and separate into good and bad and right and wrong. We still find it difficult to live with difference. Most of us fail to recognise God’s presence in those who live, think and act differently than we do. At times we are not very gracious in our attitude towards them. It is this unwillingness to love ‘that which is different’ which is at the centre of many of our planet’s problems. The basis of war, violence and indeed all hatred is the reluctance to look at another person and recognise the presence of God – regardless of their colour, creed or sexuality. At the centre of the Gospel of Christ is the mandate to love, even that which is other than we are. When we celebrated Pentecost this year, my prayer was that the spirit of God would enlighten my mind, broaden my vision and help me to be more welcoming than I might otherwise be. Wherever we are on our journey in faith, maybe this could become our prayer so that in our own hearts we might live at peace with our brothers and sisters and reach out to those who are different from us. Father Chris Thomas

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800 Group Awards Success for Nugent Nugent helps out at Botswana Primary School

The 800 group Community Volunteer Awards took place on 7 June at The Shankly Hotel in Liverpool and Nugent and our volunteers triumphed yet again. Nugent was awarded Charity of the year for the third year running, whilst our amazing volunteers: Theresa McPoland, John McCormick and Sam Williams received the Winners Awards, voted by the 800 Group organisation’s staff and service users. John McCormick also picked up the Volunteer of the Year Award for his 37 years service at The Bootle Group, a social club for adults with learning disabilities. John balances his full-time job, family life and the group with never ending energy and a smile on his face. Members describe John as an ‘inspirational, hardworking and a friend who is truly passionate about making sure people with learning disabilities are included and involved with their local community’. At Nugent we currently have over 150 volunteers who give their time free to support people across our services. What connects all our volunteers is their dedication and commitment to so many vulnerable people and this is invaluable in supporting Nugent’s services in their communities.

We currently have volunteering opportunities in our Charity Shop on Allerton Road to get in involved in all aspects, from sorting stock to taking payments. We are also looking for volunteer collection drivers, to take our van round Liverpool picking up donations for the shop. If you think volunteering is for you and you have something to give, even if it’s just your time, we’d love to hear from you. For more information contact Colin Pryor, Volunteer Coordinator. Tel: 0151 261 2041 / 07909 925594 Email: Below: left to right: Mike Blackwell, Mma Hitlang (Teacher), (School Secretary), Mma Segolodi (Headteacher), Hayley Blackwell

In June, I had the opportunity to travel to Botswana with my family (wife Diana and son Chris) to see my daughter Hayley, who has been working in Botswana’s Makgadikgadi National Park for the last two years with an elephant conservation charity, Elephants for Africa. ( ). Hayley also spends some time assisting with science classes at the Mogolokwane Primary School in the village of Phuduhudu. She had noticed that the School was lacking in basic resources such as pens and simple teaching aids, and as a family, we decided that we wanted to help. I obtained a supply of Nugent branded pens and linen bags from our Marketing and Communications Department. Diana, who is a Teaching Assistant, bought some books and mathematical aids. We visited the school during our trip and were given a very warm welcome by the staff and pupils. The school is in a rural area where resources are scarce, and very little infrastructure exists. However, we were impressed by the enthusiasm and manners of the children. They all wore school uniform, stood up as soon as we entered the classrooms, and seemed bright, happy and engaged. The Reception class were keen to sing songs for us and showed off their English language skills. We left feeling that, despite the relative level of deprivation compared with the UK, the young children of Botswana were getting a good start in life, with a little help from Nugent. Mike Blackwell Assistant Director of People and Development

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what’s on Thursday 5 July Classical Guitar Concert by John O’Connell. 1.00 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Admission free. Friday 6 July St Ambrose Summer Concert with the Mersey Wave Choir and Young Singers and Soloist: Kathryn Rudge 7.00 pm at St Ambrose church, Speke, L24 7RS. Tickets available on the door, pre-book Tel: 0151-558-1255 or Saturday 7 July Ordination to the Priesthood of Philip Carr, Anthony Kelly and Carl Mugan Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP. 1.00 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

Archdiocese of Liverpool Marriage and Family Life Department Recovery from Divorce and Separation The next series of meetings begins on Wednesday 19 September 2018. Meetings are in small groups and are free, confidential, informative and affirming. The course if for any person who is going through, or who has gone through, a relationship breakdown. Topics will cover: facing the effects of what has happened; communication and conflict resolution; letting go; managing other relationships; legal matters and being single and moving forward. Details of times and venue Contact: Maureen O’Brien Tel: 07967 753371 or Jacqui Selleck Tel: 07793 825815.

Sunday 8 July Sea Sunday

St Mary’s College, Crosby ‘Proms in the Park’ 7.30 pm on the Blundell Park playing field on Little Crosby Road. Compere: Roger Phillips (BBC Radio Merseyside). Conductor: Andrew Byers (St Mary’s Director of Music). Tickets: £17.50 (adult), £10.00 (children and students), free (under 5s). Details: Tel: 0151 924 3926, or

Tuesday 10 July Time Out on Tuesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. An opportunity for quiet time, away from the daily rush of life. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email: Metropolitan Cathedral Chapter Mass 12.15 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Wednesday 11 July ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website:

A Summer Afternoon Cream Tea for Bereavement Groups, Funeral Ministers and Dementia Champions 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm at LACE. Speaker on mental health: Kathy Devlin (Clinical Manager Beacon Counselling Trust). Details: Maureen Knight Tel: 0151 522 1046 Email: UCM bi-monthly Mass 7.30 pm at St Bede’s church in the parish of St Wilfrid, Appleton Village, Widnes, WA8 6EL. Friday 13 July Night of Testimony with Sean Booth – Imprisoned for a Crime he did not commit. (‘If the Son sets you free then you will be free indeed’ John 8:36). 7.00 pm at Sandymount House and Retreat Centre, 16 Burbo Bank Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool, L23 6TH. Tel: 0151 924 4850.

Sunday 15 July Summer Baroque’ with the singers and players of the Liverpool Bach Collective directed by Philip Duffy. 7.30 pm at St Faith’s Church, Crosby Road North, Liverpool, L22 4QQ. Tickets £10 (concessions £7) at the door. Email: Friday 20 July to Friday 27 July Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP

Saturday 14 July Beethoven Symphony No.9 with the Metropolitan Cathedral Orchestra Conductor: Stephen Pratt and the Cathedral Cantata Choir, Director: James Luxton. 7.30 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral. Tickets and details Tel: 0151 707 3525 or Email:

website at 16

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july Friday 20 July to Monday 23 July ‘Faith to Move Mountains’ Retreat led by Father Pat Collins at at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Freshfield, Formby, L37 1PH. Bookings (non-residents welcome to attend each day): Tel: 01704 875850. Email:

Saturday 28 July Quiet Day 10.30 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. Time to be quiet, reflect and

pray. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). No booking required. For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email:

Saturday 21 July to Saturday 28 July ‘Thinking Faith’ Study week and holiday for Catholics in their 20s to 40s at Boarbank Hall, Cumbria. A rich experience of community life, based on shared prayer, hospitality and friendship with a chance to think seriously about our faith. Speakers include: Father Luis Ruscillo, Diocese of Lancaster Director of Education; Joshua Dixon, Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Liverpool and Sarah Burrows, Cafod. Details and costs: Sister Margaret Atkins Email: Tel: 015395 32288 Boarbank Hall, Grangeover-Sands, Cumbria, LA11 7NH. Wednesday 25 July ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website:

More Mullarkey

Looking ahead:

From Johnny Kennedy The young curate is a law-abiding chap and he was quite unsettled by a brush with the boys in blue last Tuesday.

August 2018

‘I was pulled up by the police today’ he told Father Mullarkey as they had a cup of tea in the kitchen. ‘I was driving along at a reasonable speed when I saw the police car in the mirror. I don't know what it is about police cars but as soon as I saw it I felt like a bank robber and got all flustered.’ ‘Bank robbers don't get flustered’ said Father Mullarkey. ‘What?’ ‘Nothing’ said the auld fella. ‘The policeman stopped me and said I was doing 35 in a 30 mile an hour area. He gave me a lecture and said I was lucky not to get a ticket.’ ‘Something like that happened to my Uncle Dan in Galway’ said Father Mullarkey. ‘He was pulled up by a policeman who told him he was doing 50 miles an hour. “I can't be” said Uncle Dan “I've only been out ten minutes!”’

Friday 10 August to Friday 17 August Pilgrimage to Banneux led by Monsignor Canon John Furnival. £575 for 8 days. Details: Tommy England Tel: 01704 540162 or Ernest Diggory Tel: 0151 924 1854. Monday 10 September to Friday 14 September Fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine £599.00per person sharing. Price includes flight from Liverpool or Birmingham with 10kg hand luggage, all taxes, luxury transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening. All entertainment, excursions and guided tours included. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms at supplement of £100. Groups and Individual bookings welcome. Details: Patricia Tel: 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557. Email: Knock Pilgrimages is a member of the Travel Trust Association and is fully protected by ATOL T7613.

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Nazareth Nazar re eth Hou House use – Residential H Home ome Nazareth Care Nazareth Care Charitable T rust is a Trust Christian run rresidential esidential home pr omoting ou ur promoting our cor e values: justice, core compassion, rrespect, espec ct, love and hospitality hospitality.. Our home welcomes are service users who ar e funded by Social Serv ices Services and privately paying.

Nazareth N Nazar eth Hou House use Residential Hom Home me

Nazareth Care Charitable Chharitable Trust Tr ust is a Christian Christian run r un residential residenttial home promoting our core values: justice, justice , compassion,, respect,, love love and hospitality. hosspitalityy. welcomes Our home w elcom mes service ser vice users user s who are funded by by Social So ocial Services Ser vices and privately pr ivately paying. payying. Services offer: site,, secure garden area wit with Ser vices on off fer e : Chapel on site th full disabled disabled access, hairdresser, activities,, hairdress ser,rr,, optician, chiropodist,, lifts to all oors, oor s, s, large larrgge car park. par k.

Services on of offer: fffer: Chapel Ch hapel on site, secur secure e garden garden area area access, hairdresser, optician, with full disabled acce ss, activities, hair dresser, opticia an, chir  large car park. chiropodist, opodist, lifts to all oors, Nazareth House, Liver Nazareth Liverpool rpool Road, Cr Crosby, osby, L23 0QT Tel: T el: e 0151 928 3254 Email: reception.cros sbyuk@nazarre

Nazareth Naza areth House, House, Liv Liverpool erpool Road,, Cr Crosby, osby, L23 L 0QT

Tel: T el: e 0151 928 3254

Email: Emai il: reception.crosbyuk@nazarethca

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Peter McGhee Raising expectations at St John Rigby College By Simon Hart When Peter McGhee is asked to explain the success story that is St John Rigby College in Wigan, he states the first of the college’s core principles for teaching and learning: ‘There is no ceiling to achievement.’ As a demonstration of how this principle is supported by all teaching and support staff, he shares three images of the college’s sports hall, all taken on the same day, and each involving a different activity which required reorganising the lay-out of the hall. It is an example, he says, of a place where things get done. ‘There is very much an attitude of “how do we make this happen?” rather than a starting point of “that´s not possible”.’ It is a philosophy that has borne fruit since his arrival as principal in 2010. Last year the college was judged ‘outstanding’ in every category by Ofsted’s inspectors. It was named the ‘Most Inspirational 16-18 Education provider’ in last November’s Educate Awards. ‘We’d just become the highestperforming Catholic sixth-form college in the country for A Level progress,’ explains Peter, who was himself the recipient of the Secondary Headteacher of the Year prize at the Archdiocese of

Liverpool school awards in May. For the 53-year-old, the raising of expectations has been key to the improved performance of the A Level students at a college catering for some 1,400 young people. ‘We identified that we had a lower percentage of highly qualified students in terms of GCSE grades than is the norm within sixthform colleges and we challenged ourselves whether that should influence our expectations,’ he says. ‘We came together as a team and agreed we should not adjust our expectations of students but provide them with the framework to excel, so they could meet and go beyond those benchmarks.’ Aspiration is not just about exam results. An Elective Programme established at St John Rigby enables pupils to give thought to their future careers. ‘Time at college isn’t just about gaining qualifications but also thinking about their next steps,’ Peter continues. ‘We’ve got an extensive Elective Programme where students can follow a course for being a future engineer, or a future lawyer or an aspiring artist or journalist or entrepreneur, or even a future leader. Hopefully there’s something there to engage everybody

and assist them in meeting their goals and aspirations.’ For the 53-year-old, his own road travelled has included a spell as senior manager at Loreto Sixth Form College in Hulme, where he was part of a team who established ‘a post-16 Catholic outreach provision in the north of Manchester because all of the Catholic sixth-form provision was on the south side of the city.’ This involved working with an FE college – now Manchester College – to establish sixth-form teaching on the site. ‘They opened a new sixth-form centre in Ardwick in Manchester. It felt like a vocation for me to lead this development and I was fortunate to be appointed as Head of Centre.’ From there, he spent time as deputy principal at Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College. Today the Manchester City-supporting father of three passes on his experience as a national leader of further education, a source of advice and support to other colleges in a scheme established by the Department for Education. Further evidence, if it were needed, that in Mr McGhee, St John Rigby College is in the safest of hands.

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Issue 163 April 2018





Catholic Pictorial

Peter Woods appointed High Sheriff

Celebrating marriage and family life

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youth ministry

My Lourdes journey Ahead of this year’s Archdiocesan pilgrimage, Thomas from Animate’s gap year team explains what Lourdes means to him. Later this month over 1,000 people from Liverpool Archdiocese will be heading down to southern France for our annual pilgrimage. This number will include some 500 young people, together with assisted pilgrims, priests, doctors, nurses and Hospitalité members. People from all walks of life travelling together for the same purpose: to experience the joy that comes from a pilgrimage to Lourdes. Our Lady first appeared to Saint Bernadette at the grotto in Lourdes in 1858. My first experience of Lourdes came 150 years later in 2008. At the time I was 15 and though I had heard of Lourdes, I had little idea what it was all about – and no desire to actually go. So imagine my surprise when one day my mum told me that she had signed me up to travel to Lourdes on one of the nine youth coaches: Coach 2, the Knowsley coach. I didn’t want to go. In my mind I’d conjured up an image of young people pushing wheelchairs around all day and then being forced to go to excessively long and dull services. It seemed boring to me, yet everyone who had already been to Lourdes had nothing but good things to say. I

was curious (and didn’t want to let my mum down), so I decided I would go. It was the best decision that I’ve ever made. Nothing could have prepared me for that first week in Lourdes. All my preconceived notions were obliterated during the Mass of welcome. I actually had fun! I thought to myself, ‘Maybe faith doesn’t have to be boring’. By the end of the week, I realised that it never had been boring; it was only my attitude that had made me think so. My faith had been waning and the Lourdes pilgrimage was exactly what I needed. The things I experienced during that week in 2008 will stay with me for the rest of my life. I remember thinking that we young people were all so different, that it was likely we never would have spoken to each other outside of Lourdes. Yet here we all were: working together, praying together, laughing together. One memory that stands out is of my first torchlight procession – I turned around and saw behind me a sea of yellow t-shirts, all holding candles and singing. I remember too my first visit to the grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette. Although the place is surrounded by thousands of pilgrims, inside it is so still and I was filled with such a sense of peace. Being able to see the spring from which Our Lady

commanded us to drink was incredible. Of course, the biggest part of our pilgrimage is the help we give to the assisted pilgrims. Throughout the week we spend so much time together, going to Mass, going shopping, having a cuppa and a chat. We’ll share stories, jokes, and generally just have a great time together. After my first experience of Lourdes in 2008, I immediately knew that I’d be going back. And so the following year I was back with Coach 2 doing it all again. In total I spent seven years on Coach 2, with each year somehow being even better than the last. In 2015, I was finally too old for the coach and so joined the St Frai team – now the St Bernadette team – working even more closely with the assisted pilgrims, which I will be doing in Lourdes this year. This year will be my tenth time in Lourdes. It’s remarkable how such a small, insignificant town in the foothills of the Pyrenees has had such a massive impact on my life and the lives of so many people around the world. To any young person reading this who is unsure about going to Lourdes, I strongly advise you to go for it. You won’t regret it. Finally, I ask you to pray for me and for everyone else travelling to Lourdes this month. Pray that we experience the joy of pilgrimage, and that we find comfort and healing there. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St Bernadette, pray for us. The Lourdes Departure Mass takes place on Sunday 1 July at St. Mary’s Lowe House, WA10 2BE, starting at 6.30pm.

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Monday 10 September to Friday 14 September

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Where are we? Cathedral Record Canon Anthony O’Brien – Cathedral Dean We look forward in July to a festival of celebrations with everything from ordinations to jubilees, graduations to retirements with a full programme of events in between.

It represents a rural scene that you would be forgiven for not recognising, and not just on grounds of age. The rough-hewn plank fence and featureless sky suggest an almost prairie-like solitude. The stone-built church with its brick presbytery attached seems to represent solidity and permanence. Yet the building, fairly new at the time of the photograph, didn't survive much beyond its taking. And as for the priest who gave permission for the photo, he simply vanished – or did he?

There is a strange absence of human activity in the photo, with any parishioners who might have wanted to give a sense of scale probably shooed out of the way to allow for the lengthy exposures necessary in the infant art of photography, which favoured things that didn't move. People did, however, encroach on the church as Bootle expanded massively during the next decades. Constructed beside a canal, St James's fell victim to the march of progress. As the railways superseded canals in the Industrial Revolution, the L and Y Railway Company claimed the land for an embankment and the church was knocked down in the 1880s. The £20,000 compensation didn't quite pay for the new church which was built a little distance away and still stands on Chesnut Grove. This was also designed by Charles Hadfield, though he died shortly before it opened in 1886.

Bootle was only a village in the 1840s, but a new mission was established to save local Catholics from having to walk into Liverpool where the nearest church was St Anthony's, Scotland Road. Thus in 1845 St James's Church was built, and that is the one in this image: a 'very neat edifice', designed by Sheffield architect Charles Hadfield, according to a directory of the time.

As for the other mystery, meanwhile, the photographer 'Herbert' had set up his camera with the blessing of Rev Thomas Spencer: that allows us to date it to around 1860, as he resigned in 1862. The archives don't mention him after that, though a recent enquiry showed that he went to South America before returning to serve in parishes in Dorset and Devon.

by Neil Sayer Archdiocesan Archivist This photograph, with its faded sepia tones and the slight foxing caused by chemicals in the paper, is one of the oldest in the Archdiocesan archives. It also encompasses two mysteries.

Monsignor Stephen Alker, now retired from military chaplaincy will be celebrating his ruby jubilee at a Mass in the Cathedral on 1st July. Later that week on Saturday 7th Archbishop Malcolm will ordain three men to the priesthood. They are Carl Mugan, Philip Carr and Anthony Kelly. The last ordinations to the priesthood of diocesan clergy in the Cathedral took place about fifty years ago so it will be a memorable and historic occasion. Please remember to pray for these three men as they begin their priestly ministries in St Helens, Widnes and at the Cathedral. Saint Francis Xavier College are having a whole school Mass in the Cathedral on 11th July to mark the end of term and the retirement of their deputy head teacher. Also during this week and the following fortnight we will be inundated with graduation students from the Universities having celebratory receptions in the Crypt. Hope University are traditionally the last of three Universities to hold their graduation ceremonies and they will take place within our Cathedral on 17th, 18th and 19th July. We are due to have a brief visit from the Archbishop and a group of diocesan priests from Barcelona at the end of the month. They want to stay here in Liverpool for a few days and then go on to Ampleforth for a brief retreat. It is an opportunity for them to have some time together and find out about the Catholic Church in this country and no doubt it will be a chance to hear about their Diocese in Spain. The month ends with an International gathering of Scouts in Liverpool who will be holding a number of celebrations within the Cathedral.

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Mums the Word

News from the Liverpool Province of the Knights of St Columba

A Century of Service – Wirral members mark feast day with cathedral Mass

Members of the Liverpool branch of the Union of Catholic Mothers have filled two of the most senior positions on the national committee. At this year’s national council and AGM on 14-16 May, Margaret McDonald from the foundation at St Paul’s, West Derby was inducted as national president, responsible for overseeing our 3,500 members nationwide, while Margaret Kerbey from St Thomas of Canterbury took up the office of national treasurer. It is a wonderful feather in the cap of Liverpool Archdiocese to have two of the three senior positions in the UCM filled by members from our area. We congratulate the two Margarets (pictured above) and wish them every success. It is not the first time that women from our diocese have filled senior posts – and long may our talents continue to flourish and be recognised. The UCM’s national pilgrimage to Walsingham has come around again (2-4 July). We wish everyone who is taking part a holy and happy time, and feel sure that all pilgrims will pray for their fellow members who are not fortunate enough to be going. • The next Bi-monthly Mass will be celebrated by St Wilfred's foundation at St Bede's, Widnes (WA8 6EL) on 11 July at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there. Madelaine McDonald Media Officer


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Saturday 9 June was the feast day of our patron, St Columba. All members of the order make a particular effort each year to make it a memorable occasion and the Wirral Knights did just that by holding their Mass for St Columba in the Columba Chapel of the Metropolitan Cathedral. This took place at 11am on the 9th and was arranged and celebrated by Father Bernard Forshaw, Council 51 chaplain and parish priest at St Anne’s, Rock Ferry and St John’s, New Ferry. He was assisted by Deacon David Cottrell of St Joseph’s, Upton. We are grateful to them both for providing such an uplifting spiritual experience in the private and tranquil setting of the Columba Chapel. They are pictured (above) at the altar at the end of Mass. We also thank Brothers John Hamilton and Charlie Newport for leading the hymn singing and providing the musical

accompaniment. Our thanks go also to the members of other councils, and their families, who gave their support to this unique event. The help of the Cathedral staff was also much appreciated. • Other councils in the Liverpool area celebrated the feast with Mass at St Columba’s, Huyton where members and their families always receive a very warm welcome from the parish priest, Father Chris McCoy, and his congregation. Father Chris kindly provided us with a room on the parish premises to hold our quarterly meeting following the Mass. • For the Isle of Man council, there was a Mass at St Columba’s, Port Erin followed by a buffet in the parish hall. Websites: and Email:

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education news St Julie’s receives glowing Ofsted report A Liverpool secondary school has been praised by Ofsted for ‘rapid improvement’ over the last two years which has seen it graded as ‘good’ overall, with ‘outstanding’ leadership and management. Ofsted found that St Julie’s Catholic High School in Woolton had quickly set about tackling issues identified during its inspection in 2016 when it was judged as “requires improvement”. They praised headteacher Tim Alderman and the governors for having “skilfully managed” the transformation, which they found “remarkable” given that at the same time they were overseeing the construction of their £20 million new school on the same site. Teachers and teaching assistants are praised for being “committed to improving teaching” and grasping new ways of working . Improvements in maths and humanities are particularly singled out for praise. The school has recently gained the Liverpool Counts Gold Award, from School Improvement Liverpool, the highest accolade for developing students’ numeracy across the curriculum. The inspectors found that students are being “well educated” and the school’s work to promote their personal development and welfare is “outstanding”, with students showing great respect for each other and staff

and a positive attitude to learning. The curriculum is described as “very good and balanced”, matching the interests of all students and leading to successful learning. The report concluded that the school’s sixth form is helping students “gain access to highquality courses and training”. Headteacher Tim Alderman said: “A tremendous amount of hard work has gone into addressing the issues identified in our previous Ofsted inspection and it is hugely gratifying to see that reflected in this latest report. “Everyone associated with the school, from the governors, leadership team, teachers, teaching assistants, students and parents have played their part in

getting us to where we are today. “We will continue to review all areas of the school and are absolutely determined to deliver the highest quality provision for our students, aided by the fantastic new facilities that we have in our new building.” Inspectors say the progress of disadvantaged children has improved considerably, as have the achievement levels of pupils with special educational needs. Other areas for development include further stretching the most able pupils by encouraging them to excel and think more deeply about their learning, and making sure teachers consistently help students with their spelling and grammar.

Liverpool teacher honoured with national teaching award A Liverpool teacher has scooped a Silver Teaching Award for ‘Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School’. Selected from thousands of nominations, Jay Bradley of The Academy of St Francis of Assisi (ASFA) is one of just 65 winners who was being celebrated on ‘Thank A Teacher Day’, as the national Pearson Teaching Awards marks its 20th year of celebrating excellence in education. Staff, governors and students gathered at ASFA for an assembly to surprise Jay and hand over his coveted trophy. The heart-warming moment saw a surprised Jay receive his trophy while the whole school community cheered him on. Head of music Jay Bradley joined the Academy over three years ago and has transformed the music department. Students have the opportunity to try projects such as bodypercussion, beat boxing, film music, samba band and a range of school choirs. He is described as a truly inspirational teacher and a fantastic role model for students. Head of school Tracey Greenough handing over the Silver Teaching Award to a surprised Mr Bradley! Tracey said: “Jay has been teaching at the Academy for almost four years and is a real asset to our school community. He is an outstanding teacher who inspires every student that enters his classroom. “His creative approaches to teaching and learning, along with his passion and enthusiasm brings lessons to life. He’s not only

totally transformed the music department but is transforming our students’ lives daily. Jay is a worthy winner of this coveted national award.” Jay will now join fellow Silver Award winners at the 20th UK Ceremony of the Pearson Teaching Awards, a glittering ceremony held in central London on 21st October. There they will find out which of them has won one of just 12 Gold Plato Awards, the UK’s “Oscars for Teachers”. The October ceremony, titled “Britain’s Classroom Heroes”, will be filmed and broadcast by the BBC as a showcase of excellence in education.

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PIC Life

Greeting Cards from Carmel

Sunshine and sadness on our walk of life By Moira Billinge There was a record-breaking temperature for this year’s Right To Life sponsored walk in the Ribble Valley. Participants have previously become accustomed to waterproof clothing and muddy shoes but on this occasion sun hats and sun cream were the order of the day. Among our special guests on 28 May were Lord David Alton of Liverpool and the wonderfully entertaining comedian Jimmy Cricket. Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly, meanwhile, had fully intended to take part in the walk, but unfortunately had to pull out beforehand. Monsignor John Corcoran, parish priest of Our Lady of the Valley, which was hosting the event for the ninth time, read out a message from Archbishop Kelly which he had sent so he could be present in spirit if not in person. Moreover, with his customary kindness and generosity he undertook instead to earn his sponsorship money by praying and walking around Southport marina with Monsignor Richard Atherton. Sadly, the gift of the glorious weather and perfect panoramic views of the surrounding Clitheroe countryside and valleys did little to ease the distress of the walkers who had seen the results of the Irish referendum on abortion. A very sombre Lord Alton spoke to the gathering of 90 people before the walk. In his address he said that our walk to raise funds for the Right To Life charity was a chance to express solidarity with the three-quarters of a million Irish people who had voted against removing protection for the unborn child from the Irish constitution. He said that they had campaigned under the slogans ‘Both lives matter’ and ‘Love Both’ – mother and child – and this should remain the clarion call of the pro-life movement. Lord Alton added that ‘no-one ever said 28

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this would be an easy fight paved with victories but every life saved, every mind changed, is how we must measure success.’ Lord Alton, whose late mother was a native Irish speaker has, along with his children, Irish as well as British citizenship and he reflected that anyone who loved Ireland and its people would inevitably ‘feel dispirited and distressed by this outcome’. He added: ‘Every abortion is a tragedy. With one abortion in England every three minutes, Ireland will come to regret following the British law – a law that allows abortion up to and even during birth in the case of disability – leading to the death of 90 per cent of babies with Down’s syndrome. ‘It was bordering on the obscene to watch people celebrating an event that will lead to the ending of innocent life. Ireland will become like Ramah, where Rachel was found weeping and mourning the children that are no more. ‘The spectacle of crowds gathering in Castle Yard in Dublin, where mobs once gathered to cheer the public execution of prisoners, was distasteful in the extreme.’ Lord Alton said that ‘time and time again those in favour of abortion, embryo experimentation, coercive overseas abortions, and euthanasia have relentlessly campaigned to change laws that since Hippocrates crafted the Hippocratic Oath – with explicit condemnation of abortion and euthanasia – have served society well. There is no such thing as a safe abortion for the baby in the womb. In Britain and now Ireland this is the most dangerous time in history to be an unborn child. For now we weep and stand with Rachel but, as the baton passes to the next generation, we will redouble our efforts until we change hearts, minds, attitudes, culture, and laws.’

There is a lovely sellection of greeting cards for all occasions on sale at Maryton Carmel, call to the shop or contact the Sisters at Maryton Grange, Allerton Road, L18 3NU. Telephone the card office on 0151 724 7102 or Email the Sisters at

Worth a visit

This month, spend some time remembering the suffragettes and others who worked for women’s electoral equality, writes Lucy Oliver. ‘Votes for Women’ at the Museum of London commemorates the centenary of the Representation of the People Act, which gave the vote to some women and paved the way for voting rights for all over 21 a decade later. The display includes a short informative film about the work of the suffragettes and how their militant behavior inspired and shocked. The collection features Emmeline Pankhurst’s hunger strike medal, and a number of pendants awarded to the women who were imprisoned and made extensive sacrifices for the cause. The ‘Shades of Militancy’ exhibit highlights specific individuals such as the arsonist actress Kitty Marion. By booking in advance on the Museum of London website, you could join a vintage bus tour of key sites in the suffragette movement, such as the rallies that took place, and learn more about the forgotten figures of the movement. While at the Barbican, enjoy exploring the permanent galleries for a taste of London’s history throughout the ages. To get there, travel to London Euston and take the Northern line to Barbican. Admission is free.

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catholic pic retreat Pilgrims enjoy tour of northern saints A group of very happy people left Liverpool one very bright morning on retreat to the Northern Saints led by Father Peter Morgan and accompanied by Deacon Francis Bowman and his wife Dorothy. We enjoyed a very pleasant journey stopping for lunch and arrived at Minsteracres Retreat House in the late afternoon. Minsteracres is owned by the Cross and Passion Order and is set in acres of beautiful land in Northumberland, the approach along the tree lined drive is simply amazing. Father Peter celebrated Mass for us that evening and talked to us about the Northern Saints, St Aidan who founded a monastic cathedral on the island of Lindisfarne in 635 and Holy Island where we were to visit the next day. Holy Island is awesome, rugged and beautiful, it is hard to describe the wonderful feeling of peace and quiet which comes over you. God is here and is asking us to return soon to this wonderful island which prompted author and poet Dorothy Nelson of St Joseph’s, Wrightington, who joined us on the retreat break to write these beautiful words which we present to you. Thank you Dorothy Follow the afternoon tide where a long straight road leads to the causeway and sloping fields stretch to the sea. Clouds are banked, giant white pillows, in a vast changing sky. Walk the grassy path to the edge of the sand where the water shimmers glassy in sunlight, and the spirit of the island embraces. A castle is mounted in stark silhouette. Behind you is the priory, blue sky beckoning between ruined walls.



I am here, too. There is peace and silence, save for a voice reciting a psalm. Walkers stroll by, heading towards the museum, but already the evening tide is rolling And so we must leave, resisting, eyes glassy, as the island calls… the island calls. We continued our Northern Saints visit at Durham Cathedral which is very beautiful and atmospheric, we prayed to Saint Cuthbert, St Oswald and Saint Bede and all the other northern saints - too many I am afraid to mention here. Friday our last day together we spent in York mostly in the beautiful Minster marvelling at the Arc relics and the beauty of it all. Our four days together went so quickly but we have learned so much and look forward to our next retreat break. Thank you Fr Peter for leading this retreat break and giving us such a wonderful spiritual experience that will never be forgotten.

A stunning rainbow over Lindisfarne Holy Island courtesy of Peter Delaney

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PIC AWAY DAYS 2018 Ness Gardens Departing 17th July 10am from Lime Street Enjoy a leisurely walk around the beautiful gardens, visit the shop and garden store and treat yourself to a lovely lunch in the restaurant.

Llandudno Departing 21st July 10am from Lime Street Enjoy a leisurely walk around the beautiful gardens, visit the shop and garden store and treat yourself to a lovely lunch in the restaurant.



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Letter from Rome By Joshua Dixon

‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8) June in Rome meant exam time for the seminary community. All of us are at different stages – be it in age, years in the seminary or attended universities, or, indeed, spiritual and personal growth. This year I completed the philosophy degree (PhB) at the Angelicum University. With the humidity rising and the sun beating down ever more intensely, we set about revision and exams. Since this was my last year of philosophy, I had to revise the past three years’ worth of study for a comprehensive final exam, as well as complete six other exams to finish the course. Aristotle, writing in ‘The Metaphysics’, says that ‘by nature, every human desires to know’. Whether it be in a practical knowledge or trade, such as carpentry or music, or a speculative knowledge such as philosophy or mathematics, everyone engaged in a certain field wants to develop their abilities and potential. The purpose of philosophy, which usually begins with a sense of awe and wonder, is to consider reality – the world and the universe. There is no reference to God or theology at first, but a critical and rational reflection on human experience looking at both the natural or ‘material’ world and those things called spiritual or ‘immaterial’. Philosophy is a love of wisdom, of true things, yet it also includes the great ideas of human history, touching the fundamental question of existence: why is there something rather than nothing? What is a human being? Does God exist and, if so, what type of God anyway? What does it mean to reason? The list is endless... Theology, on the other hand, picks up where reason leaves off, so to speak. There should never be a conflict between faith and reason, since both find their intelligible origin in God who is Life, Love and Truth. A basic principle is that two things cannot be said of the same thing, in the same respect and at the same time, so that they would contradict each other. God, for example, cannot be both loving and non-loving at the same time. The most coherent of philosophers recognised the need for a God who is the immaterial Sustainer of creation and who acts as the rational principle underpinning all rational thought. In the sending of His Beloved Son for our salvation, it is clearly revealed to us that God is not only loving but that He is love itself (1 John 4:8). In Jesus, we meet the unconditional Love of God personified. This is our creed and, it is fair to say, no human philosophy has ever come close to such an alluring truth, given to us, as it was, by God Himself in the flesh. 30

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justice & peace The Pope’s guide to understanding our mission By Steve Atherton, Justice and Peace fieldworker The last two months of this column have been about Pope Francis’ latest letter, ‘Rejoice and be Glad’ (Gaudete et Exsultate). Since then, I’ve read a copy of Bishop John Arnold’s recent address to the Catenians in which he explains the consistency of the pope’s message to us as it appears in his papal documents. Bishop Arnold says that Pope Francis is bit by bit explaining to us how we should be disciples. The first letter ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ (Evangelii Gaudium) reminds us that we are all ‘missionary disciples’. We can’t just leave it to the priests and the religious brothers and sisters. The Church must put the poor at the centre of its concern. We’ve got to sort ourselves out and be the Church for the modern world. In our parishes we’ve got to make sure that we pass on the faith and look after each other; being friendly will make us strong. Our parishes must look outwards because the mission of the Church is in the world and we are called to be missionary disciples. The second letter, ‘Care for Our Common Home’ (Laudato Si’) is known as the encyclical about the environment and climate change but it’s about much more than that. It’s about our common home and how we care for it. It’s about what makes our home good, how we treat our fellow creatures, how we build the places we live, the way we work and,

especially, how we care for the poor and the marginalised. It describes our missionary territory. The third ‘The Joy of Love’ (Amoris Laetitia) is known as the letter about marriage but it’s really about power of relationships, whether in marriage or with the old people or the children we look after. We are never alone. We are to cherish our relationships because that’s where the power of love builds and grows. That’s the sort of missionary disciples we are to be. Finally, in ‘Rejoice and be Glad’ (Gaudete et Exsultate), Pope Francis tells us how we are to find the strength to be these amazing missionary disciples tirelessly engaged with the world. It’s simple. Be holy! He tells us what to avoid and what to cultivate in order to develop individual holiness. It’s not by becoming Mother Teresa of Calcutta or Saint Francis of Assisi but by becoming more truly ourselves. We each have our individual mission that hasn’t been given to anyone else; we must love the world, our common home; we must love others; we must let God be active in all our relationships.

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