Knowsley Challenge March 2011

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Issue 287 March 2011


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Mother of James Bulger to run first fundraising event


RACE FOR JAMES ames Bulger's mother Denise Fergus is in training for the first major fund-raising event in support of a new charity dedicated to the memory of her murdered son.


The 5k "Race for James" is being held in the week that should have marked James' 21st birthday. And around five hundred runners are expected take part in the event staged on 20th March in the grounds of Knowsley Hall. Mother-of-four Denise admits she is not an experienced runner or fitness fanatic but is determined to complete the full course to help raise cash for the James Bulger Memorial Trust. Launched just weeks ago the charity has already won the support from both Liverpool and Everton FC and Denise jumped at the chance to visit the Blues' training camp at Finch Farm where she was given some useful running tips from the manager David Moyes. Denise, 42, said: "I have never been one for exercising in the gym or going out jogging, so this running game is a new experience for me. The last time I ran more than a few yards was when I was at school, so you can imagine how this is a new experience for me. "We have had tremendous support from both both soccer clubs - Liverpool and Everton. "So when David Moyes and the staff at Finch Farm were kind to invite me along to give me some running tips, was delighted to get the inside track from a real experts in physical fitness. "They told me to build-up with regular • Continued on Page 2








2 The Challenge March 2011

2011 CENSUS Every ten years, a census is carried out to learn more about the people who live in England and Wales. The next one is on 27th March 2011, when every household will receive a questionnaire in the post. Completion of the census is a legal requirement. You can complete it on line or by post. It will ask all kinds of questions about households, work, nationality, and more - which will help paint a true picture of today’s society and identify the services people need in their neighbourhoods. The Government uses the information to decide how much money to give to local councils to provide services, so it’s important you complete and return the forms. To find out more, visit

RACE FOR JAMES • Continued from Page 1 practice runs, to do a good warm-up before any exercise and to pace myself through the Race for James "I've surprised myself how enjoyable running can be and now I'm really looking-forward to the race and seeing so many people turning-out to support me, to enjoy themselves and to remember James at the same time." Cash raised from the event which will provide holidays for young victims of crime or bullying and will make awards to children who display exemplary good behaviour or make a positive contribution to society. David Moyes said: “It was


CANCER SUPPORT A new evening cancer support group will be starting at Lyndale Knowsley Cancer Support Centre, 40 Huyton Lane Huyton on the 19th April 2011. The group will be offering support to people affected by Cancer. For further details please contact 0151 489 3538

Denise Ferguson with Everton manager, David Moyes

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a terrible thing that happened and for the family it will never go away. I have met Denise a few times and the strength and dignity she always shows never fails to impress me. "I hope as many people as possible back this fun run and I send my best wishes to everyone involved.” The Race for James begins at 11am on Sunday 20th March in the private grounds of Knowsley Hall and will be followed by a "Toddler Trot" for mums and children. Entries for the events remain open. Full details and a registration form are available at

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Knowsley’s Adult and Children’s Social Care services provide an out of hour’s team to help with emergencies. You can contact the service on 0151 443 2600 between 5pm and 9am every weekday, all weekends and public holidays. What happens when I call out of hours? You will be asked for your contact details and the nature of your request. This information will then be passed on to the duty social worker. The duty social worker will contact you and give advice and guidance on how to deal with the problem and either: • Provide advice and guidance. • Give you the contact details for a more appropriate agency. • Refer the matter onto another social services team the next day. • Visit you or the person with the problem.




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If you are part of a voluntary, resident or community group, a business, school or church and would like to participate in this years Kirkby Festival on the 16th July Email: .uk or phone 07900 450 388

AGM Millbrook Park Millennium Green Trust will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the Centre 63, Old Hall Lane Kirkby L32 5TH starting at 5.30pm. All residents are welcome to attend.

The Challenge March 2011 3 (L to r) Olivia Arnold, Olivia Cuckson, Joe McKay and Lauren Devlin – the winners of the St Anne’s primary sign design competition to get motorists to slow down.

The Huyton Suite The Kirkby Suite For every occasion


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SLOW DOWN AND STAY SAFE MESSAGE A Huyton primary school has launched a campaign to encourage motorists to slow down and stay safe around a local housing estate. The pupils of St Anne’s Primary are spearheading the campaign to get motorists to keep their speed to 20 miles per hour on the Paramount Estate. They have designed signs to warn drivers of the limit as part of a wider traffic calming scheme in the area, which includes speed humps and the wider-topped speed tables. The eye catching winning entries were reproduced and added to the 20 miles per hour road signs outside the school. The winners were Olivia Arnold, Olivia Cuckson, and Lauren Devlin from Year 4 and pupil Joe McKay from Year 5 and

their prizes included gift vouchers and goody bags. Pupils were also asked to come up with a slogan to head up the campaign and the Year 4 children came up with the winning phrase “Safety is Paramount”. The traffic calming scheme is a joint initiative between the Council’s Travel Plan and Road Safety Team and the Network Management and Development Team. “The pupils have really enjoyed getting involved,” said Maggie Keating, Head Teacher at St Anne’s. “Designing the signs and coming up with the slogan encourages them to think about their safety and the physical environment around the school”.

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The Challenge March 2011

STUDENTS CAPTURE THEIR WORLD IN EXHIBITION Students across Knowsley have been working together to focus on their lives in the borough, resulting in a photo exhibition in the ‘StART Space Gallery’ in Kirkby Library. The My World photo exhibition, which runs in the Gallery until 24th April, is a project that seeks to challenge students through creativity and photographic imagery and by doing so provide them with a renewed focus and an opportunity to learn, practise and celebrate new skills. My World is supported by Advantage and The Big Deal. It brings together young people from secondary schools across Knowsley, promoting the development of cross community and cohesion. Mike McNally, 14, said: “The My World project was ‘boss’. It got me out of the classroom but still taught me loads. It showed me how to use a camera and gave me the opportunity to take lots of pictures from all over the city. I tried to get my images to say something about the world I live in – I hope you enjoy them.” Jessica Jones said: “The My World project let me see into the lives and world of other people. It also helped me think about what I want to do with my life.” Cllr Graham Wright, Cabinet Member for Children & Family Services, said: “I fully applaud the My World project which has helped bring students together from across Knowsley, giving them an opportunity to gain new skills and confidence in themselves. The exhibition of their work is truly inspiring.”

Pictured above: students from different schools with Dominic Spillane from DCFS Access and Learning and Viv Murray, Service Director for the Youth Service. Pictured Right: Michael McNally with Cllr Graham Wright and Viv Murray, Viv Murray, Service Director for Knowsley’s Youth Service.

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The Challenge March 2011

20% OF CHILDREN LIVE IN POVERTY Save the Children is calling on the Chancellor to draw up an emergency plan to tackle severe child poverty as new figures from the charity reveal the number of children living in the deepest poverty remains unacceptably high at 1.6 million. For the first time Save the Children has provided a local authority breakdown of the figures, with Knowsley in one of the highest 25 areas in the UK with 20% of all children living in severe poverty. Manchester has the highest proportion of children living in severe child poverty in the UK, with the London borough of Tower Hamlets a close second. In 29 local authorities across the country more than one in five children lives in severe poverty. Of the UK nations, Wales has the highest proportion of children living in severe poverty nationwide (14%), followed by England (13%) then Scotland and Northern Ireland (9% each). With increasing unemployment and cuts in welfare payments, Save the Children fear that even more children will be forced in to severe poverty in the coming months without urgent and concerted action. Sally Copley, Save the Children’s head of UK policy said: “Children up and down the country are going to sleep at night in homes with no heating, without eating a proper meal and without proper school uniforms to put on in the morning. No child should be born without a chance. It is a national scandal that 1.6 million children are growing up in severe poverty.” The charity is calling on the Chancellor to announce an emergency plan in the next budget to channel new jobs into the poorest areas, as well increase financial support for low-income families, for example, by paying for more childcare costs enabling parents to work. Save the Children also wants to see

the Government adopt its pioneering measurement of severe child poverty, which combines both income and material deprivation. According to Save the Children, a lone-parent family with one child aged under 14 in severe poverty is living on an income of less than £7,000 and a couple with two children under 14 is on less than £12,500. At present, the government has no official way to measure how many children are caught up in severe child poverty, or to estimate the impact of their policies on this most vulnerable section of the population. Sally Copley continued: “If the government is to fulfil its commitments on child poverty, it must find a way of counting these children in greatest need. At the moment, these children are hidden from official view, and their plight unrecognised. If these children are to have a future, we must acknowledge their desperate need and urgently target government help towards them.” A spokesperson from Knowsley Council, said: “Knowsley is working hard to eradicate child poverty in the borough and has introduced a range of initiatives to address the issue. Knowsley fully supports Save the Children's nationwide call for child poverty impact assessments to be part of all local decisions, with Cabinet recently endorsing the Knowsley Child and Family Poverty Needs Assessment. “As the lead authority for Liverpool City Region Child and Family Poverty, a Liverpool City Regional Child and Family Poverty Needs Assessment has been completed and endorsed by each of the local authorities’ Cabinets. This Needs Assessment has also been presented at the Liverpool City Region Child and Family Poverty Commission which is chaired by Frank Field, Labour MP for Birkenhead.

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The Challenge March 2011

Challengehealth MARCH DOWN TO THE CANCER IVAN THIS MONTH Cancer can be a scary topic, but there are things we should know about the illness to reassure us or help us to recognise any symptoms. If you have any questions about cancer, would like to talk about any symptoms you might have or would just like to know a bit more about the disease and how to reduce your chances of getting it, then the Cancer iVAN can help. The iVAN will be visiting Knowsley during March. No appointment is necessary and people can talk to one of the Cancer Information Specialists or a Cancer Specialist Nurse face-to-face. It’s free and completely confidential. The van will be at: • Kirkby Town Centre, Thursday 3rd March,10am-3pm • Stockbridge Village, Friday 4th March,10am-3pm • TESCO Prescot, Friday 25th March, 10am3pm If you cannot visit the iVAN when it comes to Kirkby, Stockbridge Village or Prescot, but need help or advice about cancer, the Knowsley Cancer Information and Support Service (KCISS) hold drop in sessions across the borough: • The One Stop Shop, Halewood, every Monday 10am – 3pm • Lyndale, Cancer Support Group, Huyton, every Tuesday 10am – 3pm • The One Stop, Kirkby, every Wednesday 10am – 3pm KCISS is a free, friendly, confidential service and provides information and support to anyone affected by, or living with, cancer. The service can be used at any time from diagnosis, during treatment, or even after treatment has finished. People looking for more information about cancer can also pop along to their local library. Under the NHS Knowsley and Knowsley Council ‘Know Cancer in Knowsley’ scheme, all Knowsley libraries have special areas dedicated to cancer information materials which are free to borrow for all Knowsley residents.

HAVE A SAY Most of us like a chance to have our say about the things that are important to us. And Knowsley people looking to have a say about their GP Practice can do so by joining their Practice Patient Group. A Practice Patient Group (PPG) is made up of local people who meet regularly at their GP practice to talk about local health and wellbeing issues. The groups give patients the chance to: • Have a say about their GP practice • Ask questions and share their views • Meet the people who commission NHS and Social Services in Knowsley • Influence decision making and be involved with the planning and delivery of health and wellbeing services • Meet other local people Speak to your GP Practice Manager for more information about how you can join your Practice Patient Group. For further information about PPGs and their achievements, please contact Knowsley Health & Wellbeing Engagement and Involvement team on 0151 244 3457.

In conjunction with

Kirkby quitter takes first driving lesson with cash saved from the ciggies

STUB OUT ON NO SMOKING DAY On No Smoking Day (Wednesday 9th March) Knowsley Health & Wellbeing revealed the smoking habits of the borough and how one dad of four has stubbed out cigarettes for good. The latest figures released by Knowsley Health & Wellbeing show that smoking prevalence in the borough has decreased by two per cent since 2006 and now 24.1 per cent[i] of the local population smoke. Thanks to its innovative smoking cessation services, Knowsley topped the North West’s league for the smoking quit rate last year[ii] and this year more than 1,350[iii] local people have already kicked the habit. Dad of four, Terry Navin, 36, from Kirkby, is one local resident who has quit smoking following the support of Fag Ends, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing’s free stop smoking service. Terry had smoked ten cigarettes a day since he was 16 and stubbed out his last cigarette 28 weeks ago. He said: “I’d smoked steadily for about 19 years and had tried to give up

smoking before, but my mother sadly passed away from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in 2007 so that was the kick start I needed to quit smoking. “I then attended the weekly Fag Ends groups and thanks to the support from the smoking advisors and encouragement from other quitters, I’ve been able to give up for good. Stopping smoking really has changed my life, I don’t run out of breath as easily now, I’m much fitter and have started to lead a much healthier lifestyle for the sake of my family. But I’ve also saved lots of money too. The cash I would have spent on ciggies has been put towards learning to drive and last week I took my first driving lesson!” “Stopping smoking was hard at first, particularly the first month but it was important not to give up and I’ve never looked back. It shows there are great health as well as financial benefits for quitting,” he said. Sue Drew, Director of Public Health in

Knowsley said: “Terry is one example of the large number of smokers turning to a smoke-free lifestyle. Most smokers tell us they want to quit as they are well aware of the big problems they could face, such as COPD, lung cancer and heart disease. “We find people need support at all stages of their quit journey, so our programmes use a range of techniques. These are tailored for each individual, including face to face contact with stopsmoking advisors, regular text messages and phone contact to help keep up the motivation”. The What Sort of Quitter Are You roadshow is touring the borough in March and can be visited at: • Kirkby Market, 14th March • Huyton High Street, 15th March • Kirkby Town Centre, 16th March • Tesco, Prescot, 17th and 18th March • Huyton High Street, 19th March For more information about free stop smoking services, please visit

GETTING ENGAGED IN HALEWOOD ON ST VALENTINE’S DAY! Around 200 people attended a public engagement event in Halewood on St. Valentine’s Day. The event was a chance for local people to find out more about Knowsley Health & Wellbeing services, get involved in volunteering opportunities, become Community Champions and win fantastic prizes! Community Champions are trained volunteers who help spread the word about what health and wellbeing services, initiatives and facilities are available in their local community. More than 70 Halewood people who attended the event signed up to get more involved with their local Health & Wellbeing services. Around 40 people also took advantage of the ‘Know your Blood Pressure’ campaign and had a free blood pressure check courtesy of the Stroke Association. People interested in stopping smoking were able to speak with Roy Castle Fag Ends advisors and there were free health checks for people aged between 40 and 74 years. The Knowsley Health Trainers were on hand to offer lifestyle advice and Alcohol Services Knowsley (ASK) advisors spoke with local people about safe drinking levels and how to measure units of alcohol. The Cancer Information Van (iVan) was also present to offer local people free and confidential information, advice and support about any aspect of cancer and cancer prevention.

Local people were also able to speak with representatives from: Knowsley Older People’s Voice; the Lesbian and Gay Foundation; Chest, Heart and Stroke Support Group (CHASS); Knowsley Ethnic Minority Support Group (KEMS); LINks; LINked-Up; Patient Participation Groups; CVD Community Champions; Health Forums; Expert Patient Tutors and Carers Looking After Me Tutors to find out about their organisations and how to get involved. The winners of the days prize draws were:

1st Prize - Nintendo Wii - Miss Lynsey Phillips 2nd Prize - iTunes Voucher - Mrs Angela Potter 3rd Prize - iTunes Voucher - Mrs Winifred Curry 4th Prize - 1 month free leisure centre pass - Mr Vincent Stewart 5th Prize - 1 month free leisure centre pass - Mr John Baybell 6th Prize - Fruit & Vegetable Hamper Mrs June Comerford 7th Prize - Fruit & Vegetable Hamper Miss Louisa Knox

The Challenge March 2011

NEW NHS DENTAL SERVICE GETS KNOWSLEY RESIDENTS SMILING A new NHS dental service has opened its doors to up to 3,500 patients in the borough this year thanks to a new scheme to increase access to dentists. New NHS practice, Origins Dental Centre, has launched as part of Knowsley Health & Wellbeing’s work to improve access to dental care and is now accepting patients at Whiston Primary Care Resource Centre. The new service has been funded by the Department of Health’s Dental Access Programme which aims to enable more people to see a dentist. Oral health in Knowsley is significantly poorer than the national average, particularly amongst the borough’s younger population. The launch of this new offering comes following the latest NHS research* which revealed that 56 per cent of 12-year-olds in Knowsley have at least one tooth which is decayed, missing or already has a filling. Origins Dental Centre will provide a full range of high street dental services including the core NHS service as well as a range of private treatments. The practice will also provide frequent early morning and late evening appointments for patients in the borough. The new service is to be headed up by General Dental Practitioner Dr Ravi Gollapudi, who applied for the Department of Health’s Dental Access funding to launch the new service in Knowsley. Dr Gollapudi said: “I am delighted to be able to offer thousands of Knowsley residents the opportunity to access services provided by this brand new NHS practice as we know local people have been struggling to gain access to NHS dental

services in the borough. I will be working alongside former Knowsley GP Dr Sudhakar Khandavalli and his local knowledge will help us to provide the best service possible to residents. “We are really focussing on preventative care as well as improving extended hours access to benefit local people and we hope to provide a good quality, friendly and flexible service which will help to bring Knowsley’s oral health in line with the national average.” Sue Drew, Knowsley Director of Public Health said: “Oral health is a priority for Knowsley Health & Wellbeing. Although good progress has been made in the borough over the past few years, there is still room for improvement and I am delighted that we can dramatically improve access to dental services in Knowsley with the launch of this new practice.” For more information about how to register at Origins in Whiston contact 0151 426 4066.

BOTTOMS UP TO BEAT BOWEL CANCER How much attention do you give to your bottom? Probably not a lot, but why not spare it a thought, it could save your life! April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and throughout March and April Knowsley Health & Wellbeing are aiming to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer and encourage people to act on them. Signs and symptoms of bowel cancer include: • Bleeding from your bottom • Unexplained, extreme tiredness • Bloating, swelling or abdominal discomfort/pain • Lump in your abdomen • Change in normal bowel pattern to diarrhoea or constipation Regardless of your age, if you have any these symptoms go and see your doctor. Most symptoms do not turn out to be bowel cancer, however, if caught early, bowel cancer is treatable. Eight out of ten people who get bowel cancer are aged over 60, so bowel cancer screening kits are automatically sent to all Knowsley residents registered with a GP who are aged 60 to 69 years. People aged over 75 who would like to be tested can call freephone 0800 707 6060 and request a kit. The test is quick, can be carried out in the privacy of your own home and can find early changes that could lead to bowel cancer, before any symptoms develop. Knowing the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer and taking part in the bowel cancer screening programme are two important steps in making sure that bowel cancer is detected and treated as early as possible. People looking for more information and advice on Bowel Cancer, or any other type of cancer, can pop along to the Cancer iVAN which will be at TESCO Prescot on Friday March 25th. No appointment is necessary and people can talk to one of the Cancer Information Specialists or a Cancer Specialist Nurse face-to-face. It’s free and completely confidential. During March and April, Bowel Cancer awareness postcards, leaflets and posters will also be on display in health centres, GP surgeries, libraries, and other community venues, highlighting the signs and symptoms of Bowel Cancer and providing information on the bowel cancer screening programme. All Knowsley Libraries have a Bowel Cancer Screening DVD which people can get out on loan for FREE. The DVD was developed to give people information about the bowel cancer screening programme and how to complete the screening kit. The DVD is available in English, English subtitles, British Sign Language, and a number of other languages. Contact your local library for more information.

DOCTOR CHRIS With Dr Chris Mimnagh Knowsley Health & Wellbeing Medical Director

Busting those smoking myths Eat healthy, don’t smoke, stay out of the sun, drink less, yodel while standing on your head for 10 minutes a day... It seems like every day there’s a new health story doing the rounds telling us what we should, or shouldn’t, be doing with our lives. The thing is, when people feel they’re being bombarded with health messages, they can just stop listening. Smoking is a prime example of this. Wednesday March 9th was No Smoking Day. I won’t bore you by harping on about all the health reasons why you should quit, we all know that smoking is bad for us. Instead I’d like to talk about some of the myths about smoking which could be stopping people from even trying to quit...

more than I’d recommend occasionally swimming with hungry crocodiles! Even if you only light up now and again it can still be dangerous and leave you at higher risk of heart attacks and most cancers.

I’ve already tried quitting and I couldn’t do it. I bet you couldn’t ride a bike the first time you tried either! If you’ve tried before you will probably have learnt lessons that might make it easier for you this time. Many people try a few times before they succeed, if you want to stop smoking, don’t give up, it’s worth trying again.

Smoking never did Aunt Gladys any harm... We’ve all heard the one about good old Uncle Tommy or Aunt Gladys who smoked 60 a day, drank a bottle of whisky every night and lived to the ripe old age of 103 without suffering a moment’s ill health! Alas, for every Uncle Tommy or Aunt Gladys, there are thousands more smokers who die younger, sicker and sadder as a result of smoking. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ll be the lucky one and escape the effects of smoking, because the odds really aren’t in your favour.

It’s not as if I’m a heavy smoker, I only smoke sometimes. I wouldn’t recommend occasional smoking any


I have been smoking for so long it is not worth giving up. It’s always worth quitting, no matter how long you have been smoking. Within a year of quitting your risk of health problems, like cancer and heart disease, reduces and your life expectancy goes up. You’ll have more money as well, the money which you used to spend on cigs can quickly add up!

Smoking helps with stress The physical side of nicotine addiction makes some people believe this one but smoking does not relieve stress! You were born able to cope with stressful situations and, non-smokers or exsmokers who have gotten past the ‘withdrawal phase’ of quitting actually have lower stress levels. Life won’t be any fun without smoking Giving up smoking doesn’t mean your life will suddenly become grey and drab. Non-smokers don’t all sit around talking about stamp collecting or algebra you know! You associate smoking with pleasure because it eases your nicotine withdrawal symptoms, not because it makes you happier. Fear of the unknown and worry about doing without cigarettes are natural and understandable when you’re thinking about stopping for good. If you’re serious about quitting smoking, there is plenty of help out there. Call Roy Castle Fag Ends on ph: 0800 195 2131, they can offer help in a variety of ways to suit everyone.


The Challenge March 2011


BUDGET 2011/12 Knowsley Council’s Cabinet has put forward plans to achieve the final phase of the Authority’s £23.6m savings targets for 2011/12. The proposals will be considered by the council at a meeting on 2 March 2011. The Cabinet has proposed a budget for next year which would protect front-line services and freeze council tax. It would also be delivered without the need for compulsory redundancies to permanent council staff. In the wake of a 20% reduction in Government funding, the council is asked to set a budget of £171m having made a huge range of savings to meet a budget shortfall of £23.6m in 2011/12. The Cabinet has worked extremely hard to protect front-line services and make sure that facilities like libraries and children’s centres remain open. Instead, the majority of savings are proposed to be made in the following areas:• £4.3m from senior management posts • Approximately 430 permanent staff posts deleted through voluntary severance, managed redeployment and early retirement • Reduced and redesigned back office

and support services • Further efficiencies across the council Despite those immense challenges, careful planning and sound financial management has enabled the Cabinet to commit to a number of key projects for the benefit of residents in 2011/12:• Town centre regeneration plans for Kirkby and Stockbridge Village would continue as planned • Plans to revitalise Prescot town centre would be developed • Eligibility criteria for adult and children’s social care would be maintained • The replacement of street lighting across the Borough would go ahead • The planned investment into leisure facilities across the borough will be delivered, with new facilities in Stockbridge Village, £1.4 million

investment in Prescot and a state of the art Leisure & Culture Park on Longview drive, Huyton. • Key street scene service levels would be maintained for streets, highways, town centres and parks In addition, the Cabinet suggests freezing council tax for the first time to help residents. Cllr Ron Round, Leader of Knowsley Council, said: “The harsh cuts imposed on us by the Government mean that this is undoubtedly the most difficult budget we have ever had to set. “We have had to take some incredibly tough decisions to meet our huge budget shortfall, but we have remained firm in our belief that we must not cut frontline services. “Our vision is to improve the lives of people in Knowsley and, although our resources are severely diminished, we are continuing to invest in projects which will have a positive impact on our residents and communities. “I am particularly pleased that we have been able to manage the reduction in our staff numbers through voluntary means. Around threequarters of our employees are Knowsley residents, which means that any staffing reductions will have a



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major impact on our communities, so I am grateful to our staff and trade union colleagues for their support and co-operation. “However, I must stress that there are still major challenges ahead and we are already working on ways to meet the further Government cuts anticipated over the next three years.” Cllr Norman Keats, Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and IT, said: “The scale of cuts imposed by this Government is completely unprecedented and the front-loading of those brutal cuts has made our 2011/12 budget incredibly difficult. “We have lobbied successfully to retain some protection, but our grant settlement from the Government was still incredibly poor, with a reduction in funding of 20% from last year. “We have only been able to reach this point because of our careful planning and sensible financial management, which meant we anticipated these cuts and began preparing for them last year. “The next few years will not be any easier, as we are already looking at ways to meet a budget shortfall of around £30m over the three years from 2012/13.”

The Challenge March 2011

EXCITING THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN STOCKBRIDGE VILLAGE! £25 million Stockbridge Regeneration Project now well underway to provide a brand new school (opening September 2011) and new supermarket, swimming pool, gym, health and other neighbourhood and leisure facilities

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Partnership working reduces overall crime by 20% between January 2010 and January 2011 North West In Bloom 2010 Bronze Award in Best Urban Regeneration plus 13 Neighbourhood Awards 87% of residents are satisfied with the area as a place to live* and 89% satisfied with the services from Villages Housing** Excellent transport links: on Junction 3 of M57, less than 30 minutes to Liverpool city centre and 20 minutes from Liverpool Airport

Grade ‘A’ Tenants Extra Support Scheme team

If you would like to be a part of the future of Stockbridge Village then contact us! We have a range of properties from 1 to 4 bedrooms to suit everyone NO DEPOSIT NEEDED! Just call us on 0151 480 1313 or go on to our website * From SBV Tracker Survey 2010 ** From VHA Status Survey 2010



The Challenge March 2011

Not making claims. Just winning them. At Canter Levin & Berg we like to let our results do the talking; after all, with over 40 years’ success handling accident at work claims, we must be doing something right. Highly professional but friendly and straightforward, our approach is built on a belief in providing each client with one dedicated point of contact, allowing us to really understand your situation, and you to stay fully informed at every stage of the case’s progress. For further information, call Mark Flynn on

0151 292 8181or visit:


What’s On Guide

Saturday 19th March Conservation Task Day Stadt Moers, 10am – 1pm Help improve your local green space, have fun and get fit outdoors. Duke of Edinburgh groups welcome. Contact: Rangers on 0151 489 1239 Saturday 19th March Kite Making Stadt Moers, 1-3pm 0151 443 3114 McGoldrick Park, 10-12pm 0151 443 3114 Sunday 20th March Court Hey Park, 1-3pm 0151 443 3114 Henley Park, 1-3pm 0151 489 1239 Sunday 27th March Halewood Park, 1-3pm 0151 488 6151 Learn how to make your own kite and have a go at flying in the park. Let’s hope we get windy weather! For more information contact the relevant venue Sunday 20th March Hedgerow Survey Huyton Wetlands, 10-12noon Discover what lives in a hedge, learn how to undertake a survey, identify flora and fauna and contribute to biodiversity data for the Merseyside region. Contact North Huyton Ranger on 0151 443 2431 Sunday 20th March Spring Clean Up Ten Acre Pits, 2-4pm Join the rangers on a practical task to tidy up and improve your local green space. Please wear sturdy footwear and suitable clothing. All tools and other equipment provided. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3114 or 07771550843 27th March Bliss Wedding Shows at Croxteth Croxteth Hall and Country Park Wedding Show In association with Bliss Wedding Shows 11.00am - 4.00pm Catwalk show times 11.00am and 2.30pm Free admission. Complimentary goody bag for brides, sponsored by Lush handmade cosmetics. Over 30 of the leading wedding specialists will be showcasing everything you could need for your perfect day! For more information (would-be brides need to register to benefit from offers), please visit the Bliss Croxteth Hall Wedding Show website or contact Joanne or Rachel on 0151 227 9179 27th March Cycle into Spring Starts 2.00pm at Rainford Junction train station. The final ride as part of Merseytravel's 'Cycle into Spring series of guided longer distance cycle rides. Catering for all abilities and fitness levels, each ride has a shorter and longer route, enabling you to choose which is most suitable for you. Friendly trained leaders will ensure a leisurely pace is kept to. Unders 14s must bring an adult with them, and under 6s are best on a tag-along or seat. Monday 4th April Hedgerow Survey King George V Dell, 10-12pm Discover what lives in

a hedge, learn how to undertake a survey, identify flora and fauna and contribute to biodiversity data for the Merseyside region. Contact: Ranger on 0151 443 2431

Tuesday 5th April Easter Egg Hunt Court Hey Park, 1-3pm Wednesday 6th April Sawpit Park, 10-12noon 0151 443 3114 Saturday 9th April Copthorne Community Centre, Kirkby, 1-3pm 07810 054159 Wednesday 13th April Huyton Wetlands, 10-12noon 0151 443 2431 Thursday 14th April Halewood Park, 1-3pm 0151 488 6151 Friday 15th April Henley Park, 1-3pm 0151 443 1239 Saturday 16th April Stadt Moers Park, 1-3pm 0151 443 1239. An event for children and families; you are invited to use your map to hunt down the clues, solve the puzzle and claim your Easter surprise! All children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact the relevant venue. Wednesday 6th April Easter Egg Rolling Jubilee Park, Huyton, 1-3pm Thursday 7th April Alt Park, 10-12noon 0151 443 2431 McGoldrick Park, 1-3pm 0151 443 3114. Have a go at egg decorating and rolling. Please bring your own hardboiled egg. Prizes for the best decorated egg and race winners. All children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact the Rangers on 0151 443 3114 11th April – 17th July Held Exhibition Huyton Gallery Stress busting, creative ways to relieve anxiety and tension are illuminated by animations, ceramics, light boxes, paintings, mosaics, textiles and sculptures at this unique exhibition. Contact: Arts and Heritage Service on 0151 443 5617 Saturday 16th April Conservation Task Day Stadt Moers, 10am -1pm Help improve your local green space, have fun and get fit outdoors. Duke of Edinburgh groups welcome. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 1239 Saturday 16th April Gladstone Roots Talk

The Challenge March 2011

Court Hey Park, 1-3pm The Friends of Court Hey Park will be providing a wonderful insight into this substantial archaeological project, revealing fascinating facts about the many discoveries on site. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3114 Saturday 23rd April St George’s Fun Day McGoldrick Park, 12-4pm Come and join the St Gabriel’s network for an afternoon of fun, with something for the whole family. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3114 Saturday 23rd April Spring Clean-up Mill farm, Kirkby, 1-3pm Join the rangers on a practical task to tidy up and improve your local green space. Please wear sturdy footwear and suitable clothing. All tools and other equipment provided. Contact: Rangers on 07810054159 Saturday 7th May Scarecrow Making Jubilee Park 10-12pm Come along and make your own miniscarecrow. All materials provided. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 2431 Sunday 8th May Bowls Taster Session Jubilee Park, 10-12pm Compete against your friends and family, or just have a go yourself. Crown Green Bowling is a fantastic sport for all to enjoy. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 2431 9th May – 17th July Hands On Exhibition Kirkby Gallery This exhibition celebrates the ‘Hands On’ project, which brought new creative skills to staff and people with learning disabilities through workshops with artists, who not only taught them to use new skills and techniques but inspired them to look creativity at materials and experiences instead of end products. The exhibition is the culmination of the work created through the workshops, which took place between November 2010 and April. The project was delivered by the organisation ‘Access to Heritage’. Contact: Arts and Heritage Service on 0151 443 5617 Saturday 14th May Conservation Task Day Stadt Moers, 10-1 Help improve your local green space and have fun and get fit outdoors. All equipment provided Contact: Rangers on 0151 489 1239 Saturday 14th May Discover Nature Walk Stadt Moers, 1-3pm Join in with this ranger led event and discover the flora and fauna of this valuable wetland. Contact: Rangers on 0151 489 1239 Sunday 15th May Discover Nature Halewood Park, 1-3pm Join us on a journey of discovery around the park looking at the many different habitats that provide homes for all kinds of wildlife. Contact: Rangers on 0151 488 6151

Sunday 15th May Active Knowsley Challenge Knowsley Hall Knowsley Hall once again provides the ideal backdrop for this fabulous event; providing a great fun opportunity to get active in 2011. There are five events on the day which encourage people of all ages and abilities to get active. For further information contact Michelle Gilmurray on 0151 443 5894 or E-mail or visit for an entry form. Saturday 21st May Henley Park Fun Day Henley Park, 12-4pm An afternoon of fun for all the family including a climbing wall, circus skills, face painting, information stalls plus much more. Contact: Rangers on 0151 489 1239 Sunday 22nd May Tea Dance Sawpit Park, 1-3pm Come along for an afternoon of song and music. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3114 Saturday 28th May Elizabethan Fayre and Farmers Market Prescot Town Centre The fayre will transport visitors back to the 14th century where they can enjoy traditional crafts such as weavers, potters and thatchers, as well as birds of prey, church tower tours, creative workshops and much more! Come along and browse through the farmers market in Eccleston Street, were you will find a delicious selection of local produce to choose from, ranging from fruit and vegetables to homemade delights. The market will be open from 9.00am and the festival from 9.30am – 2.00pm and admission is free; So step back in time and experience Prescot as it transforms into its original form. Contact: Prescot Museum on 0151 430 7787. Thursday 2nd June In at the Deep End Halewood Park, 1-3pm What weird and wonderful things lurk in the murky depths of the pond? Let's get dipping and find out! All dipping equipment provided. Contact: Rangers on 0151 488 6151 Friday 3rd June Mini Beast Hunt Halewood Park, 1-3pm Join the ranger for a rummage through the undergrowth to discover the many creepy-crawlies hiding there. All bug hunting equipment provided. Contact: Rangers on 0151 488 6151 Sunday 5th June Knowsley Green Fair National Wildflower Centre Court Hey Park, 11am – 5pm. A free fun family big green day out with Eco activities, craft stalls live music, circus, arts workshops and lots of environmental information and advice. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3682 or 0151 738 1913 Saturday 11th June Bowls Taster Session McGoldrick Park, 1-3pm Compete against your friends and family, or just have a go yourself. Crown Green Bowling is a fantastic sport for all to enjoy. Contact: Rangers on 0151 443 3114

Making an impact after a collision. When it comes to road traffic accident claims, no law firm makes a bigger impact than Canter Levin & Berg. With over 40 years’ experience in the field, our friendly but highly professional approach is built on a belief in providing each client with one dedicated point of contact throughout the claim process, allowing us to really get to know your situation, and you to stay fully informed at every stage of the case’s progress. For further information, call Mark Flynn on

0151 292 8181or visit:



The Challenge March 2011

PRESCOT LEISURE PROPOSALS Knowsley Council has developed proposals for a new community leisure facility in Prescot. As part of the process, residents and businesses will have the opportunity to view the proposals and formally submit their comments on the outline proposals. The council is committed to investing in and revitalising Prescot and the £1.4 million investment in leisure provision in Prescot is part of that plan. The proposals for the Warrington Road site include a fitness suite, multi-purpose area and changing facilities. The football and hockey pitches will remain at the site and will not be affected. The proposals are available to view on the council’s website – and at Scotchbarn Leisure Centre on Scotchbarn Lane and the One Stop Shop in Prescot, within the main shopping centre. The public now have until Wednesday 23rd March 2011 to submit any comments or objections in writing to the council. All views relating to the proposals must be submitted in writing to the council to be valid. This can be by letter or email:Write to: Leisure proposals in Prescot Nutgrove Villa Westmorland Road Huyton L36 6GA Email:

HOUSING SCHEMES GET GREEN LIGHT Knowsley Council has successfully ensured that affordable housing schemes worth £16m will go ahead across the borough. Funding for a number of programmes was under threat as the Government reviewed developments supported by the Homes and Communities Agency. However, Knowsley has taken action to make sure that existing schemes will be maintained and new schemes will be approved to provide affordable housing. The Council has worked closely with neighbouring authorities across the Liverpool City Region to agree which schemes should be supported. The schemes which will go ahead are:• A 34-unit Extra Care facility on the site of the former Holly Vale, Kirkby with Cosmopolitan; • A 42-bed homeless hostel on Field Lane, Kirkby with Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT);

• 12 supported living accommodation units in Leathers Lane, Halewood with LHT; • 19 new build semi-detached properties in Richard Hesketh Drive, Kirkby with LHT; • 25 rented and intermediate rented properties in Quarryside Drive, Kirkby with Plus Dane Housing; and, • Five rented properties in Phase Two of The Gate in Huyton with Knowsley Cllr Dave Lonergan Housing Trust. The various schemes are on schedule, with work already is a top priority for the Council. under way on a number of the We firmly believe that the sites. Work will start on the delivery of these schemes is an others by the end of March extremely positive step for the 2011. borough and necessary to meet Cllr Dave Lonergan, Knowsley the needs of local people. Council’s Cabinet Member for “We all know that the Council Regeneration, Economy and is being hit extremely hard by Skills, said: “I’m delighted that the funding cuts imposed on us all of our hard work has paid off by the Government, but we and we have been able to remain committed to the protect more than £16m worth delivery of new homes because of investment in housing we believe it will help to schemes which will benefit the improve the lives of our people of Knowsley. residents by providing “Providing affordable housing increased housing choice.”

The Challenge March 2011



The Challenge March 2011


YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A FAMILY TICKET TO SEE JOSEPH AT LIVERPOOL EMPIRE JOSEPH IS COMING…. AND IT’S KEITH! COMING TO LIVERPOOL and The Challenge has two family tickets (that’s four persons per ticket) up for grabs in our fantastic competition to give our readers the chance to be there on Tuesday 29th March at 7.30pm When producer/director Bill Kenwright brings his renowned production of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT to theatre across the UK, audiences will undoubtedly recognize the young man in the leading role… KEITH JACK was one of the most popular finalists in the hit BBC series Any Dream Will Do. Watched by millions every Saturday night, the show was produced to find a leading man for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new West End production, and Keith, chosen from tens of thousands of wannabees, charmed audiences week after week with his vocal talents, finally coming in a close second. He went on to play the Narrator in the UK tour of Joseph and returned in 2010 to tour in the lead role which he continues through 2011. Having enjoyed sensational reviews, Bill Kenwright’s ‘AMAZING’, ‘SUPERB’, ‘WONDERFUL’ and ‘BRILLIANT’ production of TIM RICE and ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER’s sparkling family musical continues to enjoy huge success across the country with standing ovations at every performance. This colourful retelling of the biblical story about Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colours sings out to young and old alike with a score which is wall to wall hits - including Close Every Door and Any Dream Will Do. To win a family ticket just answer the following question: How many brothers did Joseph have? Send you answer on a postcard to: The Challenge Joseph Competition, 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Please include your name and address and a day time contact number. The competition closes at 5.00pm on Monday 21st March. We will contact the winners and you can pick up your tickets at the LIverpool Empire on the evening of the performance. The show runs from 29th March to 3rd April. Tickets are available by calling 0844 847 2525

MAN JAILED FOR FIREARM POSSESSION A 39-year-old man from Stockbridge Village has been jailed for firearms offences. Mark Jones, of Brandearth Hey, was sentenced to three years and nine months at a Newton hearing at Liverpool Crown Court after pleading guilty to possession of a firearm. Officers from Merseyside Police’s Matrix team and the local neighbourhood team had executed a warrant at the home address of Jones last September 29, where they discovered a loaded shotgun with ammunition. He was subsequently arrested and charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition and possession of a firearm without a licence. Acting Detective Inspector Graeme Robson said: “Today’s sentence shows we will not tolerate any unlawful activity involving firearms in Merseyside and that anyone found in possession of such a weapon will be put before the courts to face time in jail. “We work hard to take guns off the streets of Merseyside and ask anyone with any information about firearms to contact us so we can take action and ensure Merseyside is a safe place for everyone”.

Know Your Blood Pressure If your blood pressure is above 140 / 90 then you have high blood pressure which could put you at risk of heart disease or stroke.

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of all strokes could be prevented if people with high blood pressure were identified and treated

The Challenge March 2011

Susan Fallace decided to set up her own debt collecting agency in June this year. She said “I am actually a qualified teacher who diversified into debt collecting some five years ago; I was surprised when I found out that I was very good at providing a solution to bad debts and late payers.” ‘My company Clear Collections is licensed with the Office of Fair Trading and operates on a no win no fee basis for businesses and individuals; we have built our reputation by offering a quick turnaround combined with excellent results. ‘In the main we work for medium and corporate clients who often choose to outsource all, or, part of their collection activities, however, we are very keen to help the growing band of small businesses who in general pursue debt as far as they possibly can before engaging the services of an agency. Clear Collections’ affordable pricing allows the proprietor to take early intervention and frees them up to get on with the more important day to day issues. ‘Personally I enjoy running my own business there is something very satisfying about taking total responsibility for a job well done and being the master of your own destiny. I took advice and support from Knowsley Council’s Fresh Start Gateway and Train2000. Contact Clear Collections on: Tel No. 0151 289 0061 Email Address:

Want to start your own business in Knowsley and looking for free support?

Starting a new social enterprise or community interest company in Knowsley?

Looking for affordable studio space in Knowsley for a creative business?

Have you been trading for more than 2 years and are now ready to grow or diversity your business?

Interested in business workshops?

To start your new small business contact Knowsley’s Fresh Start and Business Liaison Team on Telephone: 0151 477 4000



The Challenge March 2011

POPPY CALLS TO HELP THE EX-FORCES COMMUNITY Ex-service personnel in Liverpool are now eligible for help and support from The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Calls service. Designed to help members of the ex-Forces community to remain more independent in their own homes, Poppy Calls offers help with those awkward jobs around the house, such as minor repairs, or fitting essential devices such as smoke detectors and community care alarms. The Legion's David Murray, County Manager Cheshire & Merseyside said: “4.4 million elderly people in the UK are eligible for the Legion’s support, meaning they are ex-Service. Many of these people find it difficult to maintain the lifestyle they once did in their own homes and Poppy Calls enables those people to feel safe and secure. “A service like Poppy Calls is great value to our beneficiaries, especially during economically testing times. It will go from strength to strength as it continues to be rolled out in Liverpool. Poppy Calls is offered to beneficiaries who qualify for assistance under The Royal Charter, which includes those who have served in the Armed Forces and their widows or dependents. Further information on the service can be obtained by calling its centralised call centre on 0800 032 0306.


NEW NUMBER In the last issue of The Challenge we ran a story about Knowsley single mum, Yvonne Deboe and her new company Marrisanya, a mobile nail and beauty business. Please note that Yvonne has a new telephone number 0786 950 4061. You can still contact Yvonne by email on:

Learning mentor Emma Taylor was delighted when her national lottery bid for new playground equipment at St Joseph’s Primary School Huyton was accepted. Emma is pictured with pupils enjoying the new equipment.


Experience the taste of Greece Fantastic Authentic Greek Cuisine in a warm and friendly family restaurant Extensive menu offering an excellent selection of fish, meat and vegetarian meals Fully licensed Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 4pm-11.30pm Sundays 2pm-10.00pm

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The Challenge March 2011


18 The Challenge March 2011


Dear Editor, Barnardo’s would like to say a BIG thank you to all the under-fives in Knowsley, who took part in the Barnardo’s Big Toddle 2010. 14,058 amazing toddlers from Merseyside (along with half a million others from across the UK) took part in a short sponsored walk, and raised a fantastic £68,054 for vulnerable under-fives. The funds raised by each toddler are vital for supporting children in the North West including those with physical and learning disabilities, autism and behavioural problems. Barnardo’s would love to see more local tots registering for the Big Toddle in 2011, it’s a great day out and this year is set to be a roaring success – as toddlers are being encouraged to dress up as their favourite safari animals! Registrants can attend the Big Toddle being held by Barnardo’s at Knowsley Safari Park on 23 June 2011, ask their local pre-school, playgroup or nursery to organise a Toddle, or host their own with family and friends - any time, any place! To register or find out more, visit or call 0845 270 9900.

Work to transform a village centre is well underway with the framework of a new school and family centre beginning to take shape. The new primary school is the first phase of a multi-million pound regeneration scheme for Stockbridge Village, Knowsley, which will include a new Neighbourhood Centre, swimming pool, state-of-the-art gym and leisure facilities, learning resource centre and police access point. To mark the progress on site, local pupils and dignitaries took part in a steel signing event while they enjoyed their first sneak preview of the new facilities. The new building will house both a primary school and a children and family centre, opening in September. It will provide state of the art educational space including breakout spaces and a main hall as well as exciting outdoor features such as a large play deck, timber shelters for outdoor teaching, sensory gardens and horticulture / growing areas. After enjoying a tour of the new building, pupils from Nine Tree and Brookside Community primary schools (which will come together as Stockbridge Village Primary in the new premises) along with representatives of the council and contractors Morgan Sindall signed the steel girders that will form the skeleton of the new school. “I think this is excellent,” said seven-

(Left to right) Sarah Tomlinson, 11, (Nine Tree primary) Lewis Cass, 7, (Brookside primary) Jill Albertina, the head teacher of Stockbridge Village Primary, Edward Anderson, 11, (Nine Tree primary) and Paige Rimmer, 10, (Brookside) signing the steelwork at the new school site.

year-old Lewis Cass, who is currently at Brookside school and was among the four children who signed the steel posts. “It will be great to have a new school – and this one has got an upstairs – I’ve never been to a school with an upstairs before.” Paige Rimmer, who’s 10 and also goes to Brookside, said: “It’s great – we’ll

have loads of room and we’ll get to play in a rooftop play area.” Alongside the primary school will be a nursery for three to five-year-olds and a Children’s Centre offering provision for youngsters aged up to five-years-old. There will also be community facilities and direct access to the Learning Resource Centre (library).

The Challenge March 2011

Shop Local With new and old traders within the centre Inshops in Huyton has a lot more to offer and with the current economic climate it is time to support your local trader. All our traders offer the best in quality, prices and customer service that you would not find on the high street chain stores as well as advice on the product or service. Now open: Huytech Computer Sales and

Potential4Skills Want to update your skills in English or Math’s? What about doing a computer course to update your skills? Come and talk to our Friendly team at Potential4Skills. 0151 329 2116 All courses fully accredited

Repairs. Now open: Babs and Bobs Arts and Crafts Shop. Everything from cards to jewellery, come and speak to Lindsey and Lorraine. Born2Crawl for Nursery Goods and bedding made to your design and colours. Price cuts for White Goods reconditioned and graded washing machines, fridges and freezers. Opening this month: Fish Pedicure - you have seen them in Liverpool and Manchester now it is the turn of Huyton. look out for our opening offers. All this under one roof - maybe it is time to look again at what Inshops in Huyton has to offer. Look out for great deals on the adverts below. Why not be the next trader - we can offer a retail unit from as little as £15 a dey (terms and conditions apply). Ring 07814 250 407 and speak to James. Huytech Profile:

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20 The Challenge March 2011

I NEED A HERO! The heroic efforts and achievements of local young people to support the work of Knowsley charities and organisations was celebrated at a superheroes themed night, complete with live music and dancing from local groups. The event was organised by vInvolved Knowsley, a project hosted by Knowsley CVS, to encourage and develop youth volunteering in the borough. It was supported by their Youth Action Team, a group of young people who volunteer to assist the project with its work, and who compered the evening. Awards were presented by Colin McKeown, TV/Film Maker & Producer of Independent Production Company LA Productions, who said “the most valuable thing any one of us can give one another is time and what was most impressive about all of the volunteers at the vInvolved awards ceremony is that they gave their time unstintingly to help others. They should all be very proud of that fact.” The themed event was presented by young volunteers dressed up as their favourite superheroes, and prizes were awarded for best costumes. A caricaturist was on hand to offer free portraits of attendees, and entertainment at the ceremony was provided by the Kirkby based dance group Performance Studios. KCC Live FM radio station, which is largely run by volunteers, provided technical support and music, and a set was performed by local band Major Major and R&B artist Jay Norton. Over one hundred young people received certificates, and nine young people were honoured as Volunteers of the Year. Chief Executive of Knowsley CVS, Jackie Davies, said “the nominations received

Pictured above: The Volunteers of the Year and pictured right: Sophie Bold

for Volunteer of the Year were so strong we felt that every one of them deserved an award”. One of the recipients of the award, Sophie Bold, volunteers weekly at Halewood Arts Association. Their Vice Chair, Carol Trenaman, said: “Sophie undertakes everything with the same high quality and enthusiasm. She takes the lead and enthuses and inspires other volunteers to aspire to better things. Nothing is too much trouble for her...her attitude has reinvigorated my own work”. After receiving her award, Sophie, aged 21 and from Halewood, said “It was lovely to see all of the volunteers gain recognition for all the hard work we all do. It was great to get my award”. The vInvolved project will be ending on 31st March following government funding cuts. Knowsley CVS will build upon the work achieved by the team with its Volunteer Centre and BASIS Team supporting local volunteers and organisations.

CHRISTINE’S COMMUNITY WORK AWARDED A Whiston woman who has spent 42 years helping her community has picked up a prestigious award. Christine Doyle was named Tenant of the Year at the TPAS – or the Tenant Participation Advisory Service – awards for the North West in Manchester recently. The Knowsley Housing Trust tenant was put forward by the housing association for her dedication over the last four decades. The awards recognise and celebrate tenants who go the extra mile, making communities safer and more desirable places to live. Christine, 69, of Haslemere Road, said: “It made my day that the KHT officers I work with thought enough of me to even nominate me. “It only hit me what a big deal it was when we got to Manchester. I was thrilled to win - I still can’t believe it.” Christine has been a champion for local residents, setting up community groups and organising activities. She sits on KHT’s tenant board for her area and was Mayor of Whiston in 2002. She is also a member of the Four Seasons Resident Association in Prescot which received the prize for Resident Association of the Year at KHT’s Community Impact Awards in September. Christine, who has two children, said: “My family are very proud. My daughter tells me I should put my feet up but

once you start voluntary work it gets in your blood. You are always looking out for the next project. “It started when I was 26 with two young children and there was nowhere for mums and kids to go to get out of the house. I spoke to my dad, who did a lot for the community, and he said ‘get off your backside and do something about it’. So I did.” From there Christine worked with other young mums in Whiston and Prescot and approached the local council for help. They provided the use of premises one day a week and Christine begged and borrowed to scrape together some toys and games. There has been no stopping Christine since and she has been involved with countless community projects. One of Christine’s biggest achievements was to take 90 disadvantaged children on holiday with lottery funding nine years ago, after her third bid for money was accepted. And she recently trained as an Eco Champion with help from KHT and can now advise other tenants on the best utility tariffs that could save them money. She said: “If you really want something you have got to go out and get it. If someone tells you something can’t be done and you accept it, then you shouldn’t be a volunteer. It’s about proving them wrong. “Working with KHT has been

Christine receives her award from Wates Living Space's business development manager, John Feddon

fantastic. They have provided training and support for everything I do. The KHT officers work so hard for the community, they deserve recognition as well.” She will now head to London for the national finals later this year. Terry Bonner, Operational Director of Landlord Services at KHT, said: “It is

through the efforts of residents like Christine that our streets and houses become communities. “We are very proud that Christine has won. She deserves the recognition for all she has done and we hope she inspires others to get involved in their local area.”

The Challenge March 2011

Want to buy your own home? Tudor Avenue, Huyton

Artist’s impression

Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT) are launching a new scheme to help first time buyers purchase their own home in Huyton. KHT are launching their Rent to Buy scheme which can help buyers get onto the property ladder by paying less than market rent as they save towards owning their own home. Five plots are due for completion at the end of March 2011 on Tudor Avenue which is our new build development at Princess Park, Huyton. The properties will comprise of two and three bedroom houses and each property will include gas central heating and a modern bathroom and kitchen. The properties have been designed to ensure that homes are energy efficient and kind to the environment and have been fitted with solar hot water systems. The spacious new build houses will be built to a very high standard to suit a modern lifestyle. Each property has off road parking. This is an excellent central location in Huyton that has much to offer with local shops and amenities close by with an abundance of schools and has excellent transport links to Liverpool city centre with the nearest train station being in Huyton.

For more information, please call KHT’s Development team on 0151 290 7000 The above artist’s impression is subject to change


22 The Challenge March 2011


Halewood Youth Zone

This month The Challenge met Knowsley Youth workers, Donna Hall and Claire McNevin to find out about the Halewood Youth Zone which is based at Halewood Centre for Learning. The youth Club runs every Friday evening and is gaining popularity each week. We asked Donna to explain what the Youth Zone is all about: “Halewood Youth Zone is a place were young people can come on a Friday night to try out lots of various fun activities including football, dance, kickfit, Djaying, art and crafts, wheelchair basketball and much more. “It is a multi-partner agency run scheme led by Knowsley Youth Service, Connexions, Sports Development, Arts and Heritage and Merseyside Police PCSTO’s, to name just a few who are involved involved, and basically anyone who links in with the age group 13 to 19. How did the Halewood Youth Zone come about? “The Youth Zone came about after the Halewood Centre for Learning was opened it was felt that we needed to use their facilities to target young people who might be open to anti-social behaviour, to give them activities and keep them off the streets. “Its success has been proven through the fact that two further Youth Zones have opened, one in Kirkby Sports College and another in Huyton Sports and Arts Centre. Why are so many groups involved? “Given the financial pressures across all the different services the partnership link is a key thing for the Youth Service, we felt it would be better if all groups could link up and be more able to focus on the rise in anti-social behaviour, especially in certain areas of the borough, we felt there was a need to fill this youth provision available across the whole borough and to encourage young people to be somewhere safe and in a comfortable environment. Claire McNevin said: “You could say that the Youth Zone is a modern day youth centre, with the links of the multi partner agencies we are able to offer a vast array of activities, on the evening.” The Challenge visited the Halewood Centre for Learning to find out just what are young people

were able to try, we found amongst the activities available were drum tuition, guitar tuition, modelling, hair dressing, table tennis, games, football and all activities were subject to strict but very friendly supervision. Claire continued: “The youth workers present also try to engage with the youngsters and give them any help or advice on any issues that may affect them, they are also on hand to give talks on issues such as substance abuse, alcohol misuse and sexual health and how people youngsters can think about other aspects of their life. What is your target audience? Donna said: “The Halewood Youth Zone is aimed at 13 to 19 yearolds and at present have a well balanced male to female ratio, an average Friday evening can see around 70 people attending but word is spreading fast. “Youth Zone also look for ideas of what the young people would like to see at their centre and we regularly evaluate the activities with them, we are also in the process of starting up a committee so young people can come along and get involved in the meetings and give their feedback of what is going well and what is not. “Feedback from young people demonstrates that they really value the events and activities listed and have started to sign up to Knowsley’s Facebook page”. If you are 13 to 19 years of age and looking for something to do on a Friday night get down to the Halewood Centre for Learning, register and pay £1 and take part in any of the activities on offer, you may have a chance to try something new. The Youth Zone also advertise events on the Plings Website at in which you can find out what events they have planned for the night.

Youth worker Claire McNevin joins in the fun

The Challenge March 2011


Young film makers from De La Salle Academy, Croxteth celebrated winning first prize for a hard-hitting movie about gangs and gun crime. They were awarded the prize by Merseyside Police Detective Superintendent Richie Davies at a special presentation recently. Pupils from De La Salle Academy beat Kirkby Sports College in the competition run by Merseyside Police to produce a three-minute film using video cameras to dissuade their peers from joining gangs and highlight the dangers of carrying and using a gun. The competition was part of a campaign to raise awareness among young people across Merseyside and will be posted on the Merseyside Police website and You Tube. Judges said were impressed by the students’ creativity and noted that entries were of a consistently high standard. The Academy’s Year 11 team included Jak Flanagan, Daniel Coleman, Ellis Brice, Michael Doyle, Michael Windle and Connor Green, who chose a hard-hitting storyline in their video titled ‘A Price to pay’. They receive £200 for their school and get to keep the video equipment they used for the project. All the entries were judged on content, creativity, effectiveness and distribution. Academy Principal Patrick Ferguson said: “We are proud of our young filmmakers who showed great dedication in creating these hard-hitting and compelling films with a serious message for all young people across Merseyside.” Student film-maker Callum Green added: “The film was important for teenagers like us because it gives out a message that violence can escalate over the smallest of things - making it very easy to be pulled into gun crime.” The Academy has a Media specialism and the films produced will contribute to the students’ Media Studies GCSE coursework. “This is an example of how Media can be used to engage young people in education and communicate important issues that affect us all,” added Mr Ferguson.

Student Connor Day said: "Making this film gave me a greater understanding of the processes involved. I'd like to develop these Media skills at 6th form and university.” The viral video schools competition is part of a wider Merseyside Police Gun Crime campaign and the videos produced by the schools were aimed at young people under the age of 18. Acting Assistant Chief Constable, Tony Doherty said: “This project has been a great success. I was overwhelmed by the high quality of both videos and the innovative, hard-hitting approaches used by the students to get key messages about gun crime across to their peers.

Using groups of young people to act as role models to influence other young people is invaluable. It was evident that a lot of hard work and effort had been put into the project and feedback from the pupils who were involved was very positive”.

SAL4KIDS SAL4KIDS the speech and language support group are holding play sessions on Saturdays at Christ the King Centre for Learning in North Huyton between 11.30pm and 3.30pm. Their support groups are held weekly throughout the Knowsley area and details can be found out by contacting 07709 245770. They are also be found on facebook just log on to Facebook@SAL4KIDS

RECORD FAIR There will be a Mersey Records CD & DVD Fair at Prescot Leisure Centre Warrington Road (A57) Prescot, on Saturday 26th March 2011, from 9am to 3pm. Stalls cost £12 – to book a stall phone Ian 0151 289 8800. Free parking, admission 60p held in aid of the Mayor of Prescot Charities.

SPRING SHOW Whiston Gardening Club will be holding their Spring Show at Whiston Town Hall, Dragon Lane, Whiston on Saturday 9th of April 2011. All are welcome doors open at 2.00pm


PASTOR COMES HOME A pastor who left England at four-yearsold has come back home to start up a new branch of his church in Melling. The Amazing Grace Baptist Church will be officially opened this month. James Mansfield moved into the area with wife Andrea and their four sons,aged one to four, at the start of the year. He preaches Free Baptist and Evangelical teachings based on the Bible. Pastor Mansfield, 35, was born in Swindon but moved to Canada at four. He became a born again Christian when he was 26 and went to Bible College in America. He told The Challenge: “We looked around the Melling area and there seems to be a need for a Bible-based family orientated church. “We are an independent church with the Bible as the sole authority for our faith and practice - the Bible governs us, not an organisation or body”. They have organised two ‘Get acquainted’ meetings which will be held on Thursday evenings, March 17th and 24th, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Following that, the grand opening takes place with a service on Sunday 27th March at 10.30am. All church meetings will be held at the Scout Hall on Waddicar Lane, Melling. Pastor Mansfield added: “The initial Thursday meetings gives people a chance to come and find out what the church is about. “We have plans of purchasing land for the building of a church as our membership grows”.

It’s New It’s Exciting Find out for yourself James Mansfield - Pastor

Attend one of our two (2) “Get-Acquainted Meetings” THURSDAY EVENINGS - 6:30p.m. - March 17 and 24. They will be informal and informative. This is not a church service, it’s simply a time you can see what our new church is like. We want to tell you about it and answer any questions you might have. There will be an activity for the children and refreshments for everyone afterwards.

Meeting at: Scout Hall, 146 Waddicar Lane Melling, L31 1DZ

Grand Opening Sunday 10:30 a.m. 27th March For more information ring 07580 163959 Family Oriented - Friendly - Bible Based

A Free Baptist Church

24 The Challenge March 2011


Fashion • Health • Food • Interests - we have it all

Special Silver Gifts For Mother's Day

Jewellery with an intrinsic meaning makes a memorable, lasting gift for Mother's Day. Touch her heart with symbolic designs that will inspire and delight. The irresistible 'Yummy Mummy Mojo Bangle' features a Scarlett Mojo. A lovely gift for mum and child alike (the spinning Mojo bead will keep baby entertained!) Create a bespoke bangle with different Mojos ‘Sugar & Spice’ for a little girl and you guessed it, ‘Slugs & Snails’ for a little boy. Or how about ‘Soul Mates’ or ‘Cherished’ from Hubby. Bangle RRP £65 The ‘Spoons’ Collection is inspired by the spooning effect of adults embraced around one another and their child. Expressing family devotion, the ‘Mother & Baby Necklace’ makes an enchanting gift to commemorate a new bump! RRP £65 matching earrings £35. The Scarlett collection is sterling silver with a sprinkling of 9ct gold, making it an affordable statement. The symbolism is expressed by the meaning cards tucked inside the box. She'll love the attention to detail and the personal messages behind the designs. Everything is beautifully gift wrapped and can be sent for next day delivery. Preview the collection online:

Ben Cohen is the new face of High And Mighty England Rugby World Cup winner Ben Cohen has been signed up as a brand ambassador for plus-size retailer High and Mighty. Gill Politis, Managing Director, High and Mighty, said: "We're delighted to announce the partnership with Ben. As well as being a World Cup winner and MBE, he is also a qualified helicopter pilot! His achievements on and off the pitch mean that he is a great ambassador for our brand. At 6'3" and with a 46" chest, he is truly High and Mighty."

LOSING WEIGHT IS AS EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3 Diane, who joined Slimming World in September 2010 says: “losing weight was the best thing that ever happened to her, it’s really important to choose an eating plan that works and fits in with your life style. “So many of the weight loss plans on offer involve complex calorie counting and portion measuring or are faddy and unsustainable. But that’s definitely not the case at Slimming World. By staying to group every week I have learnt so much from other members that I can choose from hundreds of delicious foods, ranging from pasta, potatoes to lean meat, fish, fruit and veg, that can be enjoyed freely – so I can eat as much as I like to satisfy my appetite. And with Slimming World’s eating plan and group support you can have all these choices. “Even slimmers who start with the best of intentions can come unstuck as life gets in the way and people revert back to old eating habits. Whether you’re struggling for time or cash or simply aren’t very skilled in the kitchen, the eating plan is as simple as 1,2,3 most Slimming World members lose between 1-2lb a week.” Diane says she still enjoys her currys, spaghetti bolognese, chilli & rice even a tasty lemon cheesecake and trifle, and has never eaten so healthily which has stopped her feeling depressed and insecure. Since Diane joined Slimming World and lost her weight of 2 stone it has given her the confidence to now open her own group and become a Slimming World Consultant. Diane will be opening her group in the George Howard Centre, Lickers Lane, Whiston on Thursday the 14th April 2011 at 7.30pm for more details contact Diane on 0151 426 7095.

The Challenge March 2011


ChallengeFood Easy Vegetable Balti Whether you're a curry novice or more of an expert, you'll love this tasty vegetable curry. At only 131 calories per portion, it makes a great healthy alternative to takeaways Serves: 4 Prep time: 20 mins Cooking time: 20 mins Total time: 40 mins Ingredients Use sweet potato and carrots if you don’t have squash and parsnips. 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped 3 tbsp balti curry paste 2 parsnips, peeled and cubed 500g (1lb) butternut squash, peeled and cubed 400g can chopped tomatoes 500ml (16fl oz) vegetable stock 8 small cauliflower florets 60g (2oz) French beans

Method 1. Heat the oil in a wok or balti pan, add the onion and cook for a few mins. Add the balti curry paste and cook for a min. 2. Add the parsnip, squash, tomatoes and stock. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 mins. 3. Add the cauliflower and cook for 5 mins, then add the French beans and cook for 5 more mins, until all the vegetables are tender. Serve with rice, if you like.

Health & Fitness With Emma Armstrong of Zest Fitness ave you ever been on a diet lost 7lbs in one week only to then give up and put it all back on and then some? If so, you like many others have found out that crash dieting does not work. You don’t get much satisfaction in the end when you are half a stone heavier than you started out. As painful as it is to hear there is no quick fix when it comes to dieting and the only way you will succeed in the long run is to do it the healthy way, eat well and exercise. However daunting it may seem, eating healthily is actually a lot easier and tastier than crash diets and won’t result in the negative side effects people suffer from such as spots, mood swings and generally feeling horrible. When eating healthily for weight loss you will be instead feeling energised, enthusiastic with a natural zest for life. There is more to life (and dieting) than calorie counting. The most important part of healthy eating is knowledge. Actually knowing what is, and what should be on your plate. When buying foods it is important to look at the labels. Fat contains 9 calories per gram while carbohydrates and protein contain 4. By cutting down on your fat intake and swapping it for carbohydrates and proteins will subsequently reduce your calorie intake. Water is extremely important our bodies and it is important to get enough. Not only does it have a huge array of functions in the body, but it can also combat hunger. A lot of time people think they are hungry when they are thirsty. Try having a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal to avoid unnecessary overeating . Fibre is a major part of any healthy diet and most people do not get enough. It is important to get enough in your diet to keep a healthy gut and aid digestion. Foods full of fibre generally take longer to digest and therefore keep you fuller for longer and reduce the chances of snacking between meals. Exercise is a great way boosting your weight loss without having to significantly reduce your calorie intake. It tones you while increasing circulation and mood leaving you with a healthy glow. Exercise also has massive health benefits. It strengthens your heart as well as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol which if chronically high can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Incorporating exercise into your daily life can be done relatively easily and does not necessarily mean getting a costly gym membership. Exercise can just be walking the dog or doing some much needed housework. Anything which means you are a bit more active than usual will mean you are burning extra calories and therefore faster on your way towards your weight loss goal. When it comes to your weight loss think not only about the calories and the lbs, but also think about how you are feeling. Your body needs fuel to run, if eating healthily you will achieve your weight loss goal whilst your body reaps the benefits, giving you the zest for life. Email: Website: Phone: 07505820993


New Consultant New Group From Thursday 14th April 7.30pm George Howard Centre Lickers Lane Whiston Diane 426 7095

Monday Huyton The Huycap Centre Rupert Road 6.00pm Joanne 254 1298 Tuesday West Derby The Crown Inn Leyfield Road 9.30am, 11.00am, 4.00pm, 5.30pm & 7.00pm Marji 548 0018 Kirkby Centre 63 Old Hall Lane Next To St Chads 9.30am & 11.00am Eileen 548 0658 Speke The Metal Boxonions Sports And Social Club Speke Boulevard 5.00pm & 6.30pm Clare 07950 631858

Huyton The Old School House St John’s Road, Huyton 6.30pm Jo 546 5213 Wednesday Prescot Prescot Leisure Centre Warrington Road 9.30am & 11.00am 4.30pm & 6.00pm Lynn 480 1665 Dovecot St Margaret Mary’s Social Club (Behind Church) Pilch Lane 9.30am & 4.30pm 6.00pm Julie 449 1074 Halewood The Arncliffe Centre Arncliffe Road Wednesday 6.30pm Lorraine 07889 161137 Huyton The British Legion Archway Road Opposite Old Asda Car Park 5.30pm & 7.00pm Lisa 01704 222988

Thursday Huyton Yew Tree Health Centre 21 Berryford Road, off Finch Lane 6.00pm Jean 290 0034 Huyton The British Legion, Archway Road Opposite Old Asda Car Park 1.00pm & 6.00pm Lisa 01704 222988 Friday Dovecot St Margaret Mary’s Social Club (Behind Church), Pilch Lane 9.30am Julie 449 1074 Saturday Huyton The Huycap Centre, Rupert Road 10.00am Joanne 254 1298

26 The Challenge March 2011

COMPANY INVEST IN FUTURE TECHNOLOGY The iphone app its new its free to down load on a iphone, ipod, ipad, itouch you can book a taxi for now or book it for the future. The Knowsley based A1 Taxi company have brought out the A1 Taxis app that will tell you when a A1 driver has accepted your booking and the make of car, registration and colour and you can even track it on a map, you will get a ring back when they are outside. If you are lost and don’t know were you are you can book your taxi by your gps position. Once you have booked your taxi from your location it store is for next time you use it. It’s safe it’s easy it all logged for your safety its free

ADULTS NEEDED FOR NEW DRAMA GROUP Knowsley Arts and Heritage Service are teaming up with professional theatre company Altru Drama to launch a new and exciting project for adults aged 19 and over. This is an exciting opportunity for adults who enjoy performance arts and want to meet new people and learn new skills. The drama group will meet weekly to take part in fun drama sessions which will result in a celebratory production in early July in Knowsley. The sessions start take place on Wednesdays, 11.30am – 1.30pm at St Brigids Space for Sports & Arts, Waterpark Drive, Stockbridge Village, Knowsley, L32 7RE. For more information contact with Altru Dram on 0151 443 0333 or Leanne at Knowsley Arts & Heritage Service on 0151 443 5618 /

POLICE WARNING OF TELEPHONE SCAM Residents are being alerted to a telephone scam taking place across the borough. Some council taxpayers have received a telephone call advising them that their council tax band has been reduced, and requesting bank details and dates of birth to process the refund. Please be advised that Knowsley Council would not contact council taxpayers to ask for this information. Residents must never give out such personal details over the phone. If you do receive such a call contact the police on 0151 709 6010. If you have a query relating to your council tax banding, more information is available on the Council Tax pages on their website –

BIG BABOON GOES BOROUGH WIDE A comedy club launched in Huyton this year is setting up a second home in Kirkby. The Big Baboon Comedy Club – named for Knowsley’s most famous residents at the safari park – started out in the Huyton Suite after a customer complained there wasn’t much happening in the area at night. Staff at the civic suites - run by Knowsley Council - took up the challenge and opened the comedy club at the end of January. The format of an experienced compere, two established comedians and an up and coming stand up plus a hot scouse or curry supper proved popular and the club has become a monthly fixture at the Huyton venue. Now staff are keen to see if the club’s success can be repeated at its sister venue in Kirkby, with the first event planned for July 1, when a club will run in both the Huyton and Kirkby Civic Suites. Sales and Marketing Manager Sarah Jane Leydon said she hoped the club would attract new customers to the suites. “The suites are known locally as venues for hire for parties, weddings and similar events, but people are starting to realise we are promoting our own events too. As well as the comedy club we hold regular cabaret nights, with a great party night planned in Huyton for St Patrick’s weekend this month, and a Pink Floyd tribute coming to the Kirkby Suite in June” she added. The next Big Baboon Comedy Club is at the Huyton Suite on Friday 8 April and features a terrific line up.

Compere Vince Atta is known for his high-octane performances, flawless array of impressions and a broad, wonderful spectrum of material ranging from students, Spanish horses in a kitchen, psychotic London ex-girlfriends, pointless racial pride and the advantages of an alcoholic mother. Along with Peter Kay, Caroline Aherne and Jason Manford Vince is a past holder of the much-coveted 'City Life Comedian of the Year' Award.

Mark Felgate is a man with unique talents - startling abilities as a ventriloquist and a wickedly daft sense of humour. Performing without a dummy, Mark throws his voice to create side splitting routines on school life, freaking out drunks and pallbearers and the vagaries of censorship. His performances include a slew of silly voices, noises and vocal acrobatics. Matt Kirshen – described by The Scotsman as “a rollercoaster of comedy genius” and newcomer Mickey Sharma complete the lineup. Tickets for all the Big Baboon Comedy Club nights are available from 0151 443 3761 or online at

RUNAWAY BRIDES People from Merseyside are being invited to get on their marks for The Big Big Day, a wedding themed 5k fun walk to raise money towards the defeat of lung cancer - the UK’s biggest cancer killer. The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is calling on people of all ages and fitness levels to have a fun day out at this year’s Big Big Day taking place on Saturday 25th June 2011, at Croxteth Park from 11am. Registration is £5 per person with group discounts and free for under 12s. You will receive your Big Big Day planner, goody bag and fancy dress outfit. For more information about taking part, email or call 0151 254 7217.

CHOICE TAXIS ARE “DIGNITY CHAMPIONS” Choice taxis have joined forces with many other services throughout Knowsley and Merseyside and the company have become Dignity Champions. The company and their drivers believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and believe that all should put Dignity at the heart of everything that you do. Choice taxis provide NVQ qualified drivers. The qualification covers such things as disability awareness, customer service and equal opportunities. Choice taxis training and development Officer Chris Roddy made sure that the firm celebrated National Dignity day on 25th February 2011 . Chris put posters and leaflets up in local shops and gave out pens etc. Chris said “Its all about raising awareness nationally & within our local communities and promoting the dignity campaign” Our drivers have embraced the NVQ for taxi driving and have all done on site Safeguarding training, this is a testament about what our company and drivers values are about. Our drivers go above and beyond what is usually expected from taxi drivers and its great to be able to support campaigns such as Dignity in Care. The company know that the public feel more secure in the knowledge that a fully qualified driver is picking them up and they have had fantastic feedback from their passengers.

The Challenge March 2011




TOWN COUNCIL LEADER TO STAND IN BOROUGH ELECTIONS Terry Byron will be the Labour candidate for Whiston South in the local elections in May. As a long-standing Labour activist this will be the first chance he has had to stand for a Knowsley Borough seat. Recently retired, after 42 years employment with Knowsley MBC and previously Whiston RDC, he can now take the opportunity that was denied to him because of his employment with the Council. He feels the knowledge and understanding gained over these years and his role for 35 years as a trade union steward for UNISON, formerly NALGO, will stand him in good stead as a Councillor. As a Whiston Town Councillor, former Mayor and latterly Leader he has added significantly over the years to his Local Government experience. Asked about the current situation, with cuts taking place both in Knowsley and up and down the country, he said: ‘I am angry at the way the Coalition Government has dictated how massive financial reductions are to be achieved. It means an area like Knowsley has to bear the brunt of savage cuts. I know there could have been a much less painful approach in dealing with the problem, but an ideology has been forced on those Councils who have a high

percentage of economically disadvantaged people, resulting in a lower grant being awarded. The severity and speed of the cuts will inevitably bring real hardship to many residents. Our area has seen its manufacturing base suffer a serious decline so a large number of unemployed and benefit claimants will inevitably suffer the double whammy of drastic cuts’. Terry has said he will be fighting all the way and will highlight the Government’s mean streak in targeting urban areas particularly in Labour supporting Northern Towns. Terry says: ‘In some areas of deprivation residents have become totally disaffected with politics and apathy is the result. It is heartbreaking to see those who could gain the most becoming excluded from the democratic process.’ Unlike David Cameron Terry believes in Local Government and in making Councillors accountable for their actions. ‘The Tory leader has said he wants to open up Local Government and give Councils choice as to who provides the service. Labour considers this would dish out the work and profits to his supporters and backers. Profit as the only motive

During the World Cup last year NineTree School used supporting our national team as reason to have some fun and do some fundraising for the British Red Cross. Each Friday the children dressed up in football kits to donate money. Headteacher, Mr Blackburn, said: “Along with other fundraising events we have now raised a fantastic sum of £463.41 for the charity. It was a brilliant way to educate children about other countries and in some cases offer help and support. rejects any element of the “We were delighted this week to post a cheque to the British Red Cross from a care and compassion that small school in Stockbridge Village, Liverpool who really does 'CARE ABOUT THE is needed in looking after WORLD'.” the elderly and our schoolchildren. In the May elections we will decide on the Alternative Vote system. The only benefactor from electoral change would be the Liberal Democrats who will try to cobble together coalitions giving them a power base similar to what we now have. This may seem like Over the last month seedlings in the greenhouse have speeded up and the an attractive proposition picking out will occupy most of my time for there next few weeks. I have to their MPs but their already picked out Pansies, Lobelia Antirrhinums Alyssum Rudbeckia and membership in the Zinnia. My Sweet Peas have been pinched out and transferred to the cold country is resigning in frames to be planted out this month. droves and their support Most of us who are fond of gardening consider it to be a healthy rewarding in Knowsley is falling as and immensely popular hobby. Nearly every garden contains a wide range of they watch the leadership plants each one cared for to ensure that it will flourish, and most of us have betray all their principles.’ our favourites. Foe some people this mild favouritism is not enough. The The voters in Whiston selection, nurture and exhibition of a single genus become so absorbing that South gave their solid its cultivation is transformed into hobby in its own right. support to Labour at the Not all flowers lead themselves to such devotion they are simply not last elections in May challenging enough. Take Nasturtium as an example. These colourful 2010. The Coalition annuals light up window boxes and flower beds with their bright yellows and Government since then reds. Useful and attractive yes, but the number of varieties so limited that has consistently shown the gardener remains untested. At the other extreme is the Chrysanthemum that we would be far the plant I would like to know a lot more about. An ideal hobby plant. First of better off if these results all there is a bewildering multitude of varities form which to make your had been followed selection, each year a stream of new types are introduced. Many techniques nationally. have to be mastered if these plants are to be grown to perfection, something that I have not yet achieved. Stools are lifted up in the Autumn, and then there are cutting to store indoors at the beginning of the season. A variety of tasks such as soil preparation, planting, stacking stopping spraying, regular feeding and disbudding must be painstakingly completed. Along process especially for the novice.

Once again, I am the prospective Labour candidate for Whiston North Ward, in the forthcoming local elections. As a Whistoner born and bred I've been privileged to serve on both the Town and Knowsley Councils for 21 years. As part of a Labour team, our focus is always on local issues that are important to you, the Whiston resident, which, is why we always attend weekly surgeries at Whiston Library. Your Labour Councillors have been instrumental in achieving many successes, such as Residents Parking, AlIey Gates, the Whiston Greenway and local Play Schemes, all brought about with the involvement of local Residents Groups. At present, labour run Whiston Town Council is striving to support Higher Side Boxing Club, moving to better premises in Whiston. As part of Knowsley's Labour team I am delighted with the transformation and quality of our key local services. Just look at the superb new Whiston Hospital, the new Whiston Health Centre, and the fantastic new learning centre. Whiston residents also benefit from a Nationally acclaimed Refuse and Recycling service and award winning parklands. We, believe your services and amenities are worth protecting, and I will strive to do that, in the face of vicious attacks from the Liberal-Conservative AIIiance. Councillor Ron Gaffney

Vegetable of the month Broad Beans Broad Beans can be grown in single rows 1” apart but are more commonly grown in double rows 30” apart. The two rows of a double row should be 10” 12” apart Drills should be 2” deep seeds to be 8” apart. Sow a few seeds at the end of the row to fill in gaps later on. Some varieties will reach a height of 4” when they are heavy with pods they are liable to wind damage Make sure they are well supported. Always keep a sharp eye open for Black fly, the bane of the Broad Bean. They settle on the soft tips of the plant and should be sprayed at first sight . Nip out the top 3” of growing tips when the first pods start to form. Gather the beans while they are young and tender. These days there is no excuse for letting them go old and tough - Broad Beans freeze well.

28 The Challenge March 2011


Business Matters with Welcome to the fourth edition of business matters with Butterworth Barlow. This column provides general business advice and answers to your questions on a wide range of issues facing small businesses and individuals in Knowsley. At Butterworth Barlow, our experienced Partners are happy to offer a free one hour consultation to discuss all of your business, tax or accounting needs. Contact Us If you have a question for us or would like to arrange a meeting, then please email us at or call Barry or Gavin on 0151 493 9700. Question My business has grown over the last year and I need to start employing staff – what do I need to know? Prior to paying any wages, your business needs to register with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as an employer. This can be done either by telephone or on-line at You will be responsible for deducting tax and national insurance from your staff and paying this over to HMRC on either a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the size of your business. If any member of staff earns more than £110 per week there will also be employer’s national insurance payable. Avoid paying staff ‘cash in hand’ as you may be complicit in tax evasion and you could find yourself facing a bill for the tax that should have been deducted as well as penalties imposed by HMRC and interest charges. If you fund ‘cash’ payments out of your own pocket then you are paying it out of taxed income and are missing out on the tax relief obtainable by doing things properly. If you end up employing five or more staff then you must give them the opportunity to pay in to a pension scheme, although at present there is no obligation to make employer contributions. Finally, make sure that you comply with minimum wage legislation and ensure non EU foreign nationals have the appropriate paperwork in place. If you don’t, you could find yourself facing penalties imposed by the authorities. Disclaimer All advice given above is generic in nature. Professional advice should be sought in relation to your own individual circumstances.

For all your business needs contact the specialists Prescot House, 3 High Street, Prescot, L34 3LD Telephone: 0151 493 9700 Email:

PRIVATE LANDLORDS’ FORUM An event is being held in Knowsley to offer support, advice and networking opportunities for private landlords. The third private landlords’ forum is being held at the Gallery in the Huyton Suite on Wednesday 23rd March 2011 Among the topics being discussed at the event will be fire safety in rented properties, delivered by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, issues of Anti Social Behaviour in properties with Knowsley Council’s Anti Social Behaviour Team and an update on the imminent changes to Housing Benefits. Members of the council’s Strategic Housing Team will be on hand to answer any questions. Landlords will also be able to find out more about the council’s Landlord Accreditation scheme, which ensures that homes are of a good

quality, meet health and safety regulations and are well managed. Cllr Dave Lonergan, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Economy and Skills said: “The first two forums have proved to be extremely popular and useful for landlords across Knowsley. “It is an ideal opportunity for landlords to come along and find out relevant information to help them with their business. We look forward to welcoming as many landlords as possible and offering advice and support.” The forum is being held 5:30pm7:30pm on Wednesday 23 March 2011 in the Gallery at the Huyton Suite, Civic Way, Huyton. Landlords wishing to attend should telephone 0151 443 2287 or email


L – R: Gill Watson and Alison Storer from the National Wildflower Centre receive their pledge certificate from Cllr Eddie Connor, Knowsley’s Cabinet Member for Leisure, Community and Culture.

Knowsley businesses have been urged to pledge their support for Fairtrade. The council launched its Fairtrade Pledge scheme during Fairtrade Fortnight – 28 February to 13 March – which called on businesses and community groups to use or sell Fairtrade products wherever possible. And the first business to sign up to the pledge was the Cornflower Café at the National Wildflower Centre at Huyton’s Court Hey Park, which sells a wide range of Fairtrade products. The café – and all those making a pledge during the fortnight - have received a free Co-Op Fairtrade Tea Club Pack, full of Fairtrade goodies. The pack has been funded by The Co-Operative Membership. Knowsley Council in partnership with Fairtrade Knowsley, the local Fairtrade steering group, is working towards becoming a Fairtrade Borough. The pledge scheme launch follows the success of last year’s activity which saw the baboons at Knowsley Safari Park eating Fairtrade bananas – an event

which earned Fairtrade Knowsley a top national award. Cllr Eddie Connor, Knowsley’s Cabinet Member for Leisure, Community and Culture said: “We are working closely with Fairtrade Knowsley to become a Fairtrade Borough and have launched this pledge scheme as part of our commitment to recognise retailers who help to improve the lives of farmers and workers in developing countries by selling Fairtrade products. Businesses or community groups wanting to sign up to the pledge – and receive a certificate - can visit If you would like further information, please contact Kelly Paes, Directorate of Neighbourhood Services, 0151 443 2819 or email The council has also organised Fairtrade Markets at its one-stop shops in Huyton and Kirkby. The next one is at Kirkby One Stop Shop on Thursday 10th March from 11am – 1pm.

The Challenge March 2011


KNOWSLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE PLEDGES TO HELP SCHOOLS IN INDIA Staff from Knowsley Community College travelled to South East India, in February, as part of a new initiative to raise awareness of community education in the state of Andrha Pradesh. Although the state has hundreds of Engineering and Medical Colleges it does not have a Community College which meets the academic and vocational skill needs of people who are below level 2 (GCSE equivalent). The visit was arranged and paid for by Indian national and Liverpool John Moores Graduate, Arun Kumar Kamatham. Arun spent time as a teaching assistant at the College and was impressed with how the College opens up training and education opportunities from a low level (below GCSE) right up to foundation degree level, within the community of Knowsley. John Cope (Curriculum Director) and Robert Mbanu (Advanced Teaching Practitioner) visited educational establishments in the Indian state, which is the size of the UK and has a population of around 85 million. They

were the main speakers at the first conference to be held in Khammam, Andrha Pradesh, on community education. The conference was attended by influential Indian educationalists, businessmen and local politicians. As a result of this, it is hoped that community education will be developed in some of the most deprived areas of Andrha Pradesh. Another highlight was a visit to four very poor primary schools in the Khamman District. John and Rob took food bowls and school bags with them, purchased from donations by College staff prior to the visit. This was a humbling experience since many children had never owned a school bag before. Knowsley Community College also pledged to continue to sponsor the schools through fundraising activities organised by College students. Money raised will be sent over and directly benefit the education of the pupils within the four schools. John Cope said, of the trip: “It was a

John Cope and Robert Mbanu presenting gifts in a classroom at a rural primary school in the Khamamm District, SE India.

fantastic opportunity for Rob and I to see first-hand how education is organised and delivered in India across many different types of institutions. One of the highlights of our visit was the chance to go to four primary schools and meet pupils and local people who made us extremely welcome, even organising a banquet for the whole

village. It was also good to see how the money that Knowsley Community College raised was being put to immediate good use and I am really pleased that the College has pledged to continue to raise money to help these primary schools in the future. This will certainly be something that our students will relish and be proud of doing.”

FUTSAL LEAGUE FINISHES ON A HIGH The Knowsley Junior Futsal League finished the season a high with all of the teams receiving their trophies and having the opportunity to have their picture taken with the Champions League Cup. The League, which is played at Kirkby Sports College Centre for Learning, is the first in Merseyside and was started by Barry Lloyd the Football Development Officer, Knowsley Sports Development for Knowsley Council. Barry said: “The league was started for Under 12 age group, but from May it is expanding into U8 to U16. “Over the last couple of months when the weather has been really bad most junior teams have had their matches called off, but because of the game ‘Futsal’ is a indoor sport none of the games have been called off. One of the many advantages of Futsal. “The game is played between two teams of five players one of whom is the goalkeeper and matches are played on a hard court and played by lines and not walls like normal five aside, the ball is smaller with less bounce. We find that the game encourages creativity, technique and great ball control “Teams are still needed for the new league to start in May”. FC Liverpool won the league this season

30 The Challenge March 2011


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The Challenge March 2011 31

Challenge SPORT If you have got any sports news contact us on 0151 706 7411 or email:


Prescot Swimming Club swimmers shone at the Liverpool and District Championships with a total of 79 new Personal Bests, 32 new Lancashire qualifying time and 11 new North West Regional Times. The club also won 15 Gold, 11 Silver and 9 bronze medals as well as a further 41 pennants from 103 entries.

Leading the way was Simon Williams and Neil Wylie with five gold’s each, followed by Emily Gormley and Alex Dunk, each claiming two gold’s with a gold each for Cameron Dunk and Mathew Lamb. Our other medal winners were Finley Hampson, Chloe Middleham, Hannah Barton-Cooke, Laura Thurling and Jonathon Dandy.

Among the pennant winners were Tom Hughes, Hannah Deeley, Jake Simm, Daniel Cheshire and Emily Lowrie. The club capped off a great month with a fantastic team performance at the 3rd Merseyside and District Gala where they again came from behind to win and now have a 30 point lead in the league with only a single gala to go.

MORE SUCCESS FOR HALEWOOD Halewood Tae Kwon-Do celebrated further success at the 2011 South Midlands Championships, held in Hereford in February. This was the first tournament of the year and 12 of our students travelled down to Hereford to represent the club, earning 11 medals overall – six gold, two silver and three bronze. Their new 2011 champions include double gold medal winner Lauren Butler (8), who fought well to come out on top in both individual and team sparring events. Lauren’s brother Adam Butler (13) achieved a bronze medal in patterns as well as a gold in individual sparring, despite only just joining the heavyweight boys division and having some tough fights against bigger and older opponents. Also, 5-year-old Joe Clifton put up a determined fight in the tiny tots’ team sparring event, and was very proud to achieve his first tae kwon-do gold medal. Big sister Faye Clifton (8) added to the family’s success, taking silver in individual sparring and bronze in team sparring. Reece Crosby (11) achieved two medals, winning some tough bouts to take bronze in individual sparring and later earning a gold medal for team sparring. Team mate Josh Calland (12) won silver in the red belt patterns event, while senior student Stef Davies won gold in ladies black belt sparring.

ENTER RACE FOR LIFE IN KNOWSLEY ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY On International Women’s Day (8th March) organisers of Tesco and Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life are urging Knowsley women to become part of the biggest femaleonly team in the UK. International Women’s Day, which celebrates its centenary this year, is a global movement recognising women’s achievements. Event organisers hope it will encourage mums, daughters, sisters, grandmas and friends to ‘join the girls’ by entering Race for Life, the UK’s largest women-only fundraising event series where women of all ages, shapes and sizes join together to walk, jog or run 5k to help beat cancer. Race for Life started as one event in 1994 in Battersea Park, London, with just 680 participants. But thanks to the support of women throughout the North West and the UK, it has grown. Over the last 17 years, an incredible 5.4 million women have taken part and raised a staggering £362 million to fund Cancer Research UK’s vital work. Lisa Corkhill, Cancer Research UK’s Knowsley Race for Life event manager, said: “International Women’s Day focuses attention on women’s successes and highlights how much we can achieve together. We hope the day will spur Knowsley women on to enter Race for Life, where women unite in one cause, to help beat cancer. All women are welcome, regardless of whether they are taking part on their own or as part of a group. Lisa continued: “This year, Cancer Research UK needs more women than ever before to join the girls at Race for Life in Knowsley. We need our Race for Life regulars and women who took part years ago to join together with many new faces and help save more lives.” Race for Life in Knowsley takes place on Sunday, July 6th at Knowsley Hall. Organisers hope 2000 women will enter and help hit a fundraising target of £98,200. Last year, 1506 women took part and raised an amazing £61,670. TV presenter and broadcaster Gloria Hunniford, who sadly lost her daughter Caron Keating to breast cancer, is patron of Race for Life. She is encouraging women of all ages to enter their local event. Gloria Hunniford said: “Race for Life is very close to my heart and I know the same is true for so many people in Knowsley. Lots of women take part in memory or in celebration of loved ones whose lives have been touched by cancer, or to mark their own cancer journey. Their determination and passion creates a truly special atmosphere on the day which inspires everybody”. Women in the North West can enter Tesco and Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life at or by calling 0871 641 1111.


The Challenge March 2011

Challenge SPORT If you have got any sports news contact us on 0151 706 7411 or email:

TEENAGERS ON THE BALL FOR CHARITY Vulnerable teenagers from a Knowsley job-and-training project have shown they are really on the ball when it comes to charity fundraising. The young people from the Creative Routes to Employment programme organised a sponsored wheelchair basketball match at the Liverpool HQ of disability organisation Greenbank, raising £400 towards the charity’s work. The cash will help Greenbank to buy special padded wheelchairs that enable severely disabled people to play sports such as indoor hockey. Creative Routes is run by the Kirkbybased Knowsley Enterprise Academy, part of Knowsley Development Trust. It works with young people aged 16-20 who are not in education,

employment or training (NEET) and face a barrier to finding a job such as a learning difficulty. The project provides students with a range of confidence building, problem solving and communication skills activities. They also visit local companies to find out about the business world, and the sectors that interest them. Staff then work with the young people on a one-to-one basis, charting out a customised way forward to a job or training opportunity for each student. As part of this learning process, the project encourages students to use their new skills in a practical way, by raising funds for charity. Knowsley Enterprise Academy Manager, Sue Temple-Fielding,

commented: “The sponsored wheelchair basketball match was a great idea and our students did a really good job of organising all

aspects of the event. “I would like to congratulate them for raising such a significant sum for what is a very good cause”.

ACTIVE CHALLENGE The Knowsley Active Challenge will take place on Sunday 15th May and Knowsley Hall will once again provide the ideal backdrop for this fabulous event; providing a great fun opportunity to get active in 2011. There are five events on the day which encourage people of all ages and abilities to get active. For further information contact Michelle Gilmurray on 0151 443 5894 or E-mail michelle.gilmurray or visit uk for an entry form. Knowsley Challenge is a free community newspaper to serve the Borough of Knowsley. Circulation 30,000. Editorial Office: 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Telephone: 0151 706 7411. Advertising, Graphic Design and Typesetting by Mersey Mirror, 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Telephone: 0151 709 7567 Fax: 0151 707 1678 Printed by News International Newspapers Limited at Kitling Road, Prescot, Merseyside L34 9HN.

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