The challenge july 2013

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Issue 314 July 2013



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he bedroom tax is having a devastating impact in one of the poorest areas of the country and is failing to achieve the Government’s ambition of freeing up extra social housing, a new report has revealed. Less than 100 days into the policy’s implementation, thousands of families in Merseyside are spiralling into debt for the first time and are facing an impossible dilemma – to pay the bedroom tax and face financial hardship, or to try to downsize despite there being a huge local shortfall in smaller homes. Based on new figures collected by the National Housing Federation from 18 housing associations across Merseyside that collectively own more than 130,000 properties in the area, The Bedroom Tax in Merseyside: 100 days on has revealed that: • During the first four weeks of the bedroom tax coming into force more than 14,000 Merseyside households fell into arrears with their rent. For nearly 6,000 it was the first time they had ever spiralled into rental debt. • Nearly 26,500 households in Merseyside are being impacted by the bedroom tax yet due to a shortage of smaller homes only 155 managed to downsize into housing association properties in April 2013. • More than £22 million which could be used to build desperately needed new homes across Merseyside will be lost this financial year as a result of the financial impact on housing associations of the bedroom tax. Disabled people are bearing the brunt of the changes, with an estimated 19,055 disabled people in Merseyside losing over £13 million a year due to the bedroom tax.

Many of these residents live in homes that have been adapted to meet their needs, a time consuming and costly process, and may now have to move. Meanwhile, Government support to help vulnerable people affected by the bedroom tax through Discretionary Housing Payments is proving a short-term fix, with some Merseyside residents receiving grants for just three months. The Government hopes the cut to people’s housing benefit will encourage under-occupying families to look for smaller homes. The idea is that they swap homes with those needing more space – and so reduce overcrowding. Yet across the North West the number of households who will be hit by the bedroom tax outnumbers families living in

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“Housing associations warned the Government from the start that the bedroom tax would not work and that families would face financial hardship” over-crowded accommodation by more than four to one. This raises the prospect of tens of thousands of families being forced to try and find a smaller property to avoid the bedroom tax despite there being no local reason for them to do so. Research by the Merseyside housing associations shows that families want to stay near their local support networks and relatives. But due to a shortage of smaller • CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

2 July 2013


■ The Stop Loan Sharks Cup Final winners The Famous Green Grapes FC celebrate with mascot Alfie Whittick, six, and Patrick Goodison of KMBC.

Organisations in Knowsley have joined together with local football teams to help kick out loan sharks from their neighbourhoods. Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT), Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC) and Villages Housing have secured funding from the Illegal Money Lending Team which they will use to sponsor Halewood Town FC and Stockbridge Village’s The Famous Grapes FC.


The teams will display the Illegal Money Lending Team’s (IMLT) ‘Stop Loan Sharks’ logo and a helpline number on their kits to promote awareness of the dangers of loan sharks and the support that is available. The ILMT, operated by Trading Standards, uses funds confiscated from prosecuted loan sharks under the Proceeds of Crime Act to invest in community-led projects such as this that tackle illegal lending. KHT has worked with the IMLT in a number of high profile awareness weeks, but this particular project is designed to target men – the IMLT knows that men are less likely than women to seek help when illegal loans become unmanageable. Andy Coulson, Social Responsibility Coordinator at KHT, which is part of the First Ark Group, said: “This will be a really effective way of getting

the message out there to men specifically that they don’t have to get caught in the cycle of debt and intimidation from loan sharks – there are people that can help. “Using one of the area’s great passions – football – we will reach not only the men who play in these two teams but also the men in the other teams they will play and their supporters.” In addition, the first ever ‘Knowsley Stop Loan Sharks Cup’ was held between the two teams where the players, coaches and their supporters received information about the dangers of loan sharks and advice about the support available and the other affordable credit options such as credit unions. The match was played in great spirits and The Famous Green Grapes won through penalties despite an initial Halewood Town FC lead. Billy Friday, Halewood Town

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FC coach, said: “A few seasons ago one of our team members had to move out of the city because of harassment by a loan shark who he had borrowed £250 from. “Hopefully through the kit sponsorship more people will know about the help that is available and won’t make the mistake of borrowing money from illegal lenders.” The North West has particularly high levels of loan shark activity according to the IMLT. There have been several high profile convictions of loan sharks operating in KHT neighbourhoods – including one who dealt loans to 145 people with APR rates ranging from 886% to 131,000%. Loan sharks are renowned for harassing, assaulting and threatening. Andy Coulson added: “We know our tenants are facing some of the most financially

challenging times in recent years and it can be tempting to get ready cash from loan sharks, especially if traditional sources of credit are closed to them. “But it will cost more in the long term, both financially and in the distress and fear caused by these lenders, and there are safer alternatives when money is tight. “KHT can offer support in using credit unions, bringing down household bills and managing budgets, benefits and debts. “Through projects like this we aim to rid our communities of the menace of loan sharks.” Nationally the Stop Loan Shark Project has secured over 212 prosecutions for illegal money lending and related activity, leading to 134 years worth of custodial sentences. They have written off almost £40 million worth of illegal debt and helped over 18,000 victims.

Three men arrested and a quantity of money and drugs seized in Kirkby Merseyside Police can confirm three people were arrested and an amount of cash and drugs seized following the execution of a warrant in Kirkby in June. Officers executed a Misuse of Drugs Act warrant at the Village News store on Glovers Brow. Following a search of the property officers recovered an amount of cash and an amount of, what is believed to be, cannabis resin. A stun gun was also recovered from the premises. The men, aged 18, 21 and 22, were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class-B drugs in connection with the find. The 18-year-old was also arrested on suspicion of possession of a section five firearm (stun gun). All the items recovered are in the process of being examined. The three men arrested have been interviewed by detectives and have been bailed pending further enquiries. Inspector Tami Garvey-Jones, of Kirkby Neighbourhood, said: “This was an excellent result and thanks to community intelligence we have been able to take a significant amount of drugs off the streets of Merseyside. “We take all reports of illegal

drugs activities in communities extremely seriously and will take robust action to put an end to the criminal behaviour of those involved in the drugs trade. “We will seek to bring offenders to justice by putting them behind bars and stop them from bringing misery to the lives of other residents”. Anyone with any information about drugs in their area can call Merseyside Police on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Activities for older people Do you run a regular activity aimed at older people in the borough? Knowsley Older People’s Voice is on the lookout for activities that are taking place so they can help raise awareness amongst older people and encourage them to attend. If you have an activity that you would like Knowsley Older People’s Voice to promote, please ring 490 3194 or email

July 2013 3

VIDEO LAUNCH RAISES AWARENESS OF HATE CRIME Local celebrity Marcus Collins has joined forces with Merseyside Police and Dominique Walker, whose brother Anthony was murdered in a racist attack in Huyton in 2004, to raise awareness among young people about hate crime. Marcus, 25, from Sefton, was subjected to racial and homophobic abuse and physical assault by three men as he walked his dog through a local park last October. He reported it to Merseyside Police and the force’s anti-hate crime unit, known as Sigma, successfully investigated the attack. Ben Shields, aged 22, from Litherland was arrested and charged with racially aggravated common assault and sentenced to four months at South Sefton Magistrates Court and given a five-year restraining order. Recently, a video featuring Marcus, Merseyside Police’s Chief Constable Jon Murphy, Dominique Walker, and members of various anti-hate crime organisations was shown for the first time to pupils at Sacred Heart school in Crosby, where Marcus once studied. It will also be given to local councils across Merseyside to be shown in other schools as well as to the other emergency services, NHS organisations, charities and support groups in a bid to raise awareness of what a hate crime is and how someone can report it. The Force’s You Tube page will also play it and Marcus intends to tweet a link to it to his thousands of followers. Chief Constable Jon Murphy, said: “Merseyside Police takes hate crime extremely seriously. We have speciallytrained officers with experience in dealing with all types of hate crime. “Hate crimes are under-reported but I want to reassure victims that reporting it doesn’t mean you will have to go to court - there are other ways to deal with it. There is a great deal of support and advice available - please don’t suffer in silence.” In the video, Marcus, who came 2nd in the 2011 X-Factor show, tells viewers: “I have been a victim of hate crime. I was discriminated against because of the

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■ Dominique Walker, sister of murdered teenage Anthony Walker colour of my skin and my sexuality. This should not be happening. It’s 2013. We’re here to make a positive change and raise awareness that this is no longer acceptable. We are all equal.” Dominique Walker, whose brother Anthony was murdered in a racist attack in Huyton in 2004, adds: “Anthony’s murder devastated my family. We went to the police and they helped us obtain some sort of justice. “Hate crime can be anything from physical attacks or intimidation to offensive graffiti and damage to your property or even bullying at school or in the workplace. “I would encourage people to report it, if it happens to them. If you don’t want to tell the police straightaway, you can report it to the Anthony Walker Foundation or Crime stoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. Don’t be afraid - there are people out there who can help.” Other speakers on the video include Dave Kelly, managing director from Daisy UK, a disability equality charity, Rahma Odita-Sani, an education tour guide from the Mulgrave Street mosque in Toxteth, and Penelope, from the Merseyside Independent Advisory Group (MIAG), which advises the police on issues affecting minority groups. To view the Merseyside Police Anti-Hate Crime Video log on to:

Primrose Club blossoms The Knowsley based New Primrose Club have recently been going from strength to strength but are still looking for new members to further blossom. Club co-ordinator, Marie Cashman, said: “We meet at Nutgrove Villa, Huyton Village on Tuesday afternoons between 1pm and 3pm. We entertain ourselves with a weekly bingo, monthly quiz, line dancing once a month and always a friendly chat with tea and biscuits. “We recently gained some new members after an appeal in The Challenge, but we still have a few places left that we would like to fill. “We also have occasional days trips out and we are very grateful to Merseytravel, who have been very kind in inviting us to apply for a grant towards our transport costs last year and again this year. This money is invaluable in helping us pay for coach hire as, like all organisations such as ours, we are also feeling the effects of rising prices”.

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4 July 2013

The New Voice of Stockbridge Village Stockbridge Village has a number of famous voices that have emerged over the years, including Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s ‘Paul Rutherfood’ and the Farms, ‘Peter Hotton’ and the next rising star from the area is Judith Guobadia. Judith, a member of local music group Enchord, has been singing about how much she loves living in Stockbridge Village on a new track aimed at encouraging residents of Merseyside to move to the area. Together with local radio station ‘Juice FM’ Villages Housing has been in the studio creating a great new sound for their campaign. “It’s where I live, It’s where I love” is the name of the track and it won’t be long before residents of Merseyside start humming the tune. Judith recorded the track in LBS studios, Manchester and really impressed the music producers who compared her to Whitney Houston. Residents in Stockbridge Village have always been proud of where they live and Judith was keen to be part of the campaign

saying “When my family and I moved to Stockbridge Village we were made so welcome. It’s a great place to live with so many things for young people like me to get involved in. I am proud to have been part of the campaign and can’t wait to hear it on the radio”. Sarah Bevan, initiatives director at Villages Housing spotted Judith singing at the local community awards in May and asked her to sing on the track. Sarah said: “Villages Housing is always looking at new ways we can involve the community in promoting Stockbridge Village to the wider area. Judith is an amazing singer and the track sounds great”.

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n The winning road safety posters with their designers. Back row L-R: Lily Roberts, Rica Castillo. Front L-R: Alexa Martindale, Olivia Whitehead and Grace Quinton.

STEPPING OUT FOR ROAD SAFETY Pupils in Huyton took to the streets for a record breaking attempt – all in the name of safety. Nearly 1,000 pupils from St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Infant and Junior schools on Pilch Lane, Huyton, stepped out to take part in a Giant Walking Bus as part of a national event organised by road safety charity BRAKE. The aim of the day was to promote safe walking to school, teaching the children about both road safety and the health benefits of walking, and encouraging motorists to be more considerate of young pedestrians. Before the record attempt, the St Margaret Mary’s pupils took part in a competition to make road safety placards, the winning designs by Olivia Whitehead, Grace Quinton, Lily Roberts, Alexa Martindale and Rica Castillo being proudly displayed during the walk. The Giant Walking Bus was the latest initiative at the schools to encourage pupils to walk to school safely. Both the Infant and Junior schools have bicycle and scooter storage on site and a monthly Walking Bus is supervised by school staff. There is also a WoW scheme where children are rewarded with badges if they walk to school every Wednesday. Headteacher of St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Infant School, Jayne Dunn said:

“The children have really enjoyed the build up to this record breaking attempt and have learnt a lot about road safety and the benefits of walking to school. “Hopefully we will see even more families leaving the car at home and choosing to make their journeys safely by foot, bike or scooter.” The walk took place with support from Merseyside Police. More information about BRAKE can be found at

Kirkby Festival 2013 Kirkby’s biggest one day event the ‘Kirkby Festival’ will be taking place at the Millbrook Park Millennium Green next to St Chad’s Church on Saturday 13th July from 12 till 4pm. There will be free arts and crafts workshops, face painting, circus skills, sports, music, dance and lots more. You can also get information and advice from the emergency services, local education and career organisations. There will also be information on how you can find out about and join community groups. This is a great day out for all the Family. If you need any information about the festival or would like to help out on the day ring 07900 450388. Sorry, No car parking available on site.

July 2013 5

CHARITY MATCH IN AID OF HALEWOOD SOLDIER A charity football match will be held in memory of a Halewood soldier killed in Afghanistan. Corporal Simon Hornby, 29, was killed in an explosion while on foot patrol in the Nad-e-Ali area of Helmand in 2009. On July 13 his family and friends will hold a football match in his memory at The Hollies Playing Fields, Halewood. Sister-in-law Tanya Hornby said: “We’ve done this event for the last few years but it has got bigger every year and this time it will be a full fun day with stalls and face painting. “Soldiers who used to serve with Simon in the Duke of Lancaster come down and play against people who went to school with Simon and grew up with him.

“It is a really lovely way for everyone to remember him and it’s great for his mum and dad, Julie and Joe, to see that everyone is still thinking about him and they still care. “He would be so proud to see everyone come together for something like this”. The annual event is held to raised money for the Duke of Lancaster injured soldiers charity.

Tanya, who is married to Simon’s brother Adam, said: “It’s definitely a charity that’s close to all the family’s hearts. “Simon served with the Duke of Lancaster and often it’s the injured soldiers you don’t really hear about so it’s important for us to raise awareness too.” Cpl Hornby, who was described as a “hero” by wife Holly after his death, had previously served in Iraq where he was awarded a commendation for spotting a roadside bomb before it struck his patrol. The football match will kick off at 2pm. In the evening the fundraising will continue in Hollies Hall where there will be food, a DJ and a raffle.


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Knowsley Flower Show 2013 The ever popular Knowsley Flower Show is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. It’s on Sunday August 4 in Court Hey Park in Huyton. The centrepiece, as always, will be the floral marquee that should be full of exhibits. There are classes suitable for anyone, every age and ability and some special classes for children and teenagers. The show runs from 11am-5pm and is the largest free horticultural show of its kind in the North West. There’ll be a community and charities marquee and groups are invited to take a table at a cost of £40. Craft stalls are also welcome. There will also be a Food for Thought marquee sponsored by the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. This will include lots of advice and recipes to encourage people to cook from scratch and not waste food. There will also be a Change 4 Life stand, where there’ll be lots of tips on how to lead a healthier lifestyle. For advice on entering the Knowsley Flower Show and what to grow, call Christine Yates on 0151 480 8666. There is limited car parking on site but the organisers are offering a free bus shuttle service covering the Knowsley borough. Two buses will be running from Huyton Interchange calling at Bowring Park Golf course and Court Hey Park starting at 10.30am with the second bus leaving at 10.45am, buses will then run every 15 minutes with the last bus leaving Court Hey Park at 5.15pm. Buses from Halewood will run every hour and leave from the Ravenscourt bus facility calling at Higher Lane, Mackets Lane and Belle Vale, starting at 11.00am and finishing

at 5.30pm. A double decker bus will be running from Kirkby town centre, running every hour starting at 11.00am and finishing at 5.30pm. From Knowsley Village via Stockbridge Village, running every hour, starting from Knowsley Lane, opposite the Post Office to Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Centre, Neighbourhood Centre Hillside Avenue and Hillside Road/Hazel Road starting at 10.15am and finishing at 5.05pm. From Whiston and Prescot, starting at Whiston Village at 11.00am to Prescot us Station finishing at 5.30pm. For further information check the website on: For general information about running a stall or trade stand there, call Carla Simkin at Knowsley Council on 0151 443 5353.

Limited car parking on site. Please use FREE shuttle buses. You can find bus timetables on our website below

Sunday 4 August 2013, 11am to 5pm Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton L16 3NA

0151 443 5749 Presented by Knowsley Council in partnership with Whiston Gardening Club, Roby Horticultural and Gardening Society, Cuper Crescent and Bowring Park Allotment Associations and Friends of Court Hey Park.

6 July 2013

Summer reading challenges The Summer Reading Challenge asks children aged four to 11 to read at least six books from their local library over the summer holidays. This year’s challenge is based on ‘The Creepy House’ and is all about frightful reads that thrill children without being scary. However, children can read any six books they like. There are plenty of rewards to encourage children along the way, including bookmarks, wristbands, keyrings and notebooks. Each child who completes the challenge will be presented with a certificate and entered into a prize draw. The Summer Reading Challenge runs from Saturday 6 July to Saturday 14

September. Running alongside is Reading Rewards, which challenges young people and adults to read eight books from a variety of categories. Those who complete the challenge will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 high street voucher. Bookstart Bear Club is encouraging parents and carers to visit the library and share books with their children under four. Pick up a special challenge card from any Knowsley library and have it stamped each time you visit with your child. After six visits, your child will be presented with a special certificate. For more information on any of the challenges, please contact your local library.


Knowsley welcomes back The Tour of Britain Final preparations are underway as Knowsley welcomes back the UK’s biggest professional bike race – The Tour of Britain – on Tuesday 17 September. Knowsley will be hosting Stage 3 of the event, which is an individual time trial. Over one hundred of the world’s top cyclists will be competing against the clock along a 10-mile circuit in the borough, starting and finishing at Knowsley Safari Park. The time trial will help to celebrate 10 years of The Tour of Britain, so this really is a race not to be missed! More details regarding the race route can be found by logging on to the tour website at Further details about how you can help to celebrate The Tour coming to Knowsley, including community events, will be available on the council’s website soon.



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Seven budding entrepreneurs from All Saints Catholic Centre for Learning in Kirkby won two of the four prizes when they represented Merseyside at the Young Enterprise North West final recently at Manchester Airport – with the implicit support of HRH the Prince of Wales. The team called themselves “Royal Heart Design” after Prince Charles inspired the students through his support of the school on a visit to Jaguar Land Rover, with whom All Saints has a partnership. The year 9 students from All Saints are already the most successful team from Knowsley to enter the contest in the last 50 years: they are also the youngest group in the Young Enterprise finals. Recently they were awarded “Best Trade Stand” as well as “Best Customer Service” at the competition; the only school from Merseyside to ever win two accolades. Young Enterprise is a national competition which encourages entrepreneurial talent in schools by incorporating enterprise into the curriculum. Students entering the competition are tasked with setting up and running a real firm for a year, and are judged on the success of their business plan. Throughout the academic year, the students at All Saints CCfL have been working hard on their business development while keeping up their school studies. Royal Heart Design specialises in high quality personalised printing service for gifts, events and corporate promotions. It supplies a variety of products including mugs, bags, key rings and hoodies. The Kirkby youngsters developed and created products, raised capital, marketed their company and kept their accounts. They sold products at school as well as taking orders from outside customers including Knowsley Housing Trust and a local primary school. For the regional final, the students were

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put through their paces in a process based on the BBC’s Dragons’ Den. Royal Heart Design showcased everything they had learnt in the last year by creating a branded trade stand and making a formal presentation to judges. They also had to impress the judges by answering questions on their company’s business plan, product range and profit margins. A spokesperson at the school said: “I am so proud of Royal Heart Design who did the double at the Young Enterprise North West Competition. “This is by far the strongest team we have had. Hard work, branding and exceptional dedication proved a recipe for success. Prince Charles’ visit was a real highlight and the company have had a brilliant year and visited some fabulous businesses on their journey.”

Your chance to get involved Prescot Town Council is looking for community involvement in this year’s Prescot Carnival. The carnival will take place on Sunday 1 September from 12 noon to 4pm, on Browns Field off Carr Lane and Wood Lane. It will feature the usual funfair, stalls, games and entertainment. The town council will be reviving a muchloved tradition by having a Alder Springs Ltd is a private business based in Cronton that sources its water from the catchment area of St Anne’s Well. Will Cook, Chairman of Cronton Parish Council, said: “We are delighted to be working with Alder walking parade this year. It will be led by the Mayor of Prescot and is scheduled to start at Cables Retail Park at 11.30am and arrive at Browns Field by 12 noon to officially open the carnival. If you are part of a community group who would like to join the parade, the town council would love to hear from you. Ring 443 4796 or email:

July 2013 7

Another success story from Knowsley Community College Congratulations to Emma Russell: I studied a BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design here in 2008. This course provided me with many life changing opportunities, great support and inspiration from my tutors. During my time at Knowsley Community College, I felt like I was treated as an adult. The course helped me gain knowledge and understanding within many different aspects of art and design and helped me further my education to gain a place at Loughborough University where I went on to study a BA(hons) in Multi-Media Textile design in 2009. This also opened more doors for me as I was able to complete a sandwich course year out during my degree, which gave me some exciting opportunities during work placements in London. These opportunities have helped me gain a National Diploma in professional studies and a 2:1 in my degree. These opportunities would not have been possible without the support I received from

Knowsley Community College. Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages to read more about why students love studying with us. Plus, keep an eye out for some famous faces in the next few weeks, filmed working with our students in our forthcoming Knowsley Community College video set to go viral!

ENJOY GOLDEN YEARS AT NORTHWOOD There is a new group for the over 55s in Northwood. The Golden Years group meets at Northwood Community Centre every Thursday between 11am and 1pm. There are a range of activities on offer including chair-based exercise, bocce (similar to bowls), kurling, pool, music and much more. Golden Years is the latest initiative launched by the IKAN team who also run the Happy Hours group at Tower Hill Community Centre.

THE REAL IMPACT OF THE BEDROOM TAX • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 homes they would be forced to move potentially hundreds of miles away. This would separate families and move people further away from their places of work. If just 10% of households affected by the bedroom tax requested a smaller home, social housing waiting list figures in Merseyside would rise by 5.6%. One in 13 households would be stranded on the housing waiting list. Housing associations across Merseyside are doing all they can to lessen the blow. They are visiting residents, helping them get back into work and look for ways to downsize or finding better ways with which they can manage their money. Yet despite this support they have reported significant increases in indicators of poverty, such as foodbanks, across Merseyside. David Orr, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, said: “Housing associations warned the Government from the start that the bedroom tax would not work and that families would face financial hardship and struggle to make ends meet. “The fact is there aren’t enough smaller social homes in Merseyside for people to

avoid the bedroom tax even if they wanted to move. If they rented in the private sector, where costs are higher, this would more than likely increase the benefit bill – which raises questions on why they have been asked to move in the first place. The reality is that many people will stay in their homes and will be forced to live on less money in a country where living costs and utility bills are rising. “The bedroom tax is hurting the most vulnerable people in Merseyside. It is time to face the facts and repeal this unfair policy now.”

VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR BUCKET COLLECTIONS Throughout the year the Woodlands Hospice require volunteers to help with bucket collections and bag packing events. This is an important means of raising funding for the hospice and helps to secure the services to patients, their families and carers, which are provided free of charge. If you feel you could spare a few hours and would like to assist please ring Christine Peach, Community Fundraising Manager on 0151 529 8117 or email at to register your details.

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8 July 2013


Fun Day at Croxteth Country Park Slimming World have teamed up with our SMILES charity partner Cancer Research UK to launch a brand new Body Magic inspired event called Race at Your Place – it’s your chance to take part in your very own mini Race for Life. Bring all the family along to this fun full, action packed, body magical event and each and every one of you are invited to take part. They will be meeting at Croxteth Country Park, at 12noon Sunday 28 July for two hours of body magic fun. £1 entry per person, juice and light refreshments will be provided and you and all the family will be able to take part in your very own race for life activities. Please feel free to bring any sporting equipment along with you ie hula hoops, skipping ropes etc and also a picnic if you want to make a full day of it.


As part of National Volunteer Week 2013, KDC recently held an event in appreciation of their volunteer’s dedication, support and inspiration. Volunteers where invited to The Old School House, Huyton to share their experiences, enjoy some lunch whilst ‘catching up’ with their fellow volunteer colleagues and have their hard work and dedication acknowledged and celebrated. KDC is a small community based charity operating in Knowsley and the surrounding boroughs since 1992, delivering advocacy services through trained volunteers. They support and assist people with disabilities and their families through a number of projects designed to assist disabled people gain choice and take control of their lives. Over 22million people are involved in volunteering in the UK every year and Volunteers’ Week is an opportunity for organisations to publicly recognise the work of their volunteers. It also aims to raise the awareness of the benefits of giving time, inspiring a new generation of volunteers. Joyce Duckworth, KDC’s CEO said: “Last year’s event was a great success and showcased the invaluable contribution that KDC’s volunteers make to our community here in Knowsley. We wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ again to all of the people who have given up their time and have worked so hard over the past 12 months. “KDC is a remarkable organisation and I am very proud of being part of a team of people that really do make a difference to people’s lives. This would not happen without the support of our fantastic volunteers.

It’s Game on at new Prescot Soccer and Leisure Centre! The pitches at Prescot’s new centre are set to open on 15 July and will offer a football experience that is unrivalled in the area. The centre offers state-of the art third generation (3G) pitches which have all the characteristics of playing on grass. Whether you manage a junior team, want to be part of a league, or just fancy a kickabout with your workmates, they have everything you need. There are seven five-aside pitches, which are fully surrounded by rebound boards to ensure that the ball is always in play. They also have a full-sized astro-turf pitch for 11-a-side matches. With floodlit pitches and free on-site parking, Prescot Soccer and Leisure Centre is the place to be. The leisure facility with a fitness suite, changing facilities and a fully licensed bar and cafe will open in October. Cllr Eddie Connor, cabinet member for leisure, community and culture, at Knowsley Council, said: “This is a fantastic facility with the latest pitches and will be a real asset to the area. We hope that the local footballing community will be delighted with the quality

of facilities on offer – and we believe it represents great value for money. “Knowsley has a great footballing pedigree, having produced some of the country’s top players, and we hope this facility will help to develop future football stars, as well as providing local residents with a fun and affordable way to keep fit”. The centre will be open every day and pitches are available to book now. Discounts are available to FA affiliated teams – call 0151 443 2200 or visit

Congratulations to all St Laurence Primary school runners who took part in the Knowsley Active Challenge Run recently at Knowsley Hall. St Laurences School, Kirkby had a large number involved including nearly 40 members of staff, lots of children and some parents. The staff ran in memory of Mrs Mottram Foster wearing red t-shirts with her motto “Be the best you can be”! All who took part made us extremely proud. A special well done to one of their staff teams who won the Knowsley Corporate Cup and a special well done to Stephen Franklin, a past pupil, who won the under 16 race. It was a lovely evening.

STILL TIME TO NOMINATE YOUR GOOD NEIGHBOUR! Residents in Knowsley are being reminded that there is still time to nominate their good neighbour for this year’s Good Neighbours in Knowsley Awards. The awards are organised by The Knowsley Partnership and recognise the special people who go that extra mile to help their neighbour, or who work to make their community a better place to live. Now in their fourth year, the Good Neighbours in Knowsley Awards highlight the importance of everyone playing their part to make their community a better place to live. A small gesture to help a neighbour can go a long way in building relationships and strengthening the local community. Anyone who lives in Knowsley can be nominated for a Good Neighbours Award, and nominations are being sought for people both young and old. A winner will be chosen from each of the six areas in the borough, with an overall

winner being selected for Outstanding Contribution to their Community. Nomination forms are available in each of the council’s One Stop Shops and libraries. You can also nominate your Good Neighbour online through the council’s website,

APPEAL FOR MISSING SNAKE Merseyside Police is advising the public about a pet snake that has been reported missing from a house in Parbrook Road, Huyton. The snake is a four-year-old Boa Constrictor; it is approximately 5 feet long with black and green camouflage markings and yellow underneath. Whilst the snake is non venomous and described as normally very placid, it may become aggressive if it feels threatened and the public advised not to approach the it but to contact Merseyside Police on the non emergency 101 number.

July 2013 9

10 July 2013


Stay safe in the sun Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays on a sunny or even overcast day can cause sunstroke, sunburn and in some cases can lead to skin cancer. With the arrival of the warmer weather, follow these tips to help you stay safe in the sun: • Seek the shade between the peak sun hours of 10am and 4pm • Cover up with clothing, a broadbrimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses • Use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher every day • For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher • Reapply sunscreen often, especially after swimming, perspiring or using a towel • Check your skin from head to toe every month for new or changing moles. See a doctor if you spot any changes • Keep newborn babies out of the sun, and use sunscreen on children over six months old • Avoid tanning booths of all types as they can have the same effects as the sun’s harmful rays • Keep well hydrated - drink plenty of water and soft drinks For further advice, visit


‘Ignite Your Life’ on Wednesday 10 July with a funpacked afternoon of hands-on activities designed to boost your mental health and wellbeing. The free-to-attend event is open to the public and is hosted by Knowsley’s local specialist mental health, learning disability services and community services provider 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. “Our Annual Members Meeting begins at 9.30am at Walton Hall and Gardens in Warrington – giving our current and prospective members an opportunity to meet their local Member Councillor; feedback on the service improvements they’d like to see and help us to recognise and celebrate the contributions staff, service users and carers made to this Trust over the past 12 months,” says Bernard Pilkington, Chairman of the Trust. “We’ll also be presenting our Annual Report containing our Quality Accounts and Financial Accounts to our membership. ‘Then at 12noon, it’s time for ‘Ignite Your Life’ and the chance to browse our arts and crafts exhibitions, and try your hand at everything from African drumming and flower arranging to creative writing!” Refreshments will be provided and service users, carers and volunteers can reclaim their travel expenses. Walton Hall and Gardens is accessible via the A56 from junction 11 of the M56, or on the Arriva X30 service or Halton Transport number 62 service from Warrington bus station. For further information on the Annual Members Meeting or becoming a member, contact the Trust’s Membership Manager Gemma Watts on 01925 664869. For details about ‘Ignite Your Life’ contact Katherine Earlam/Adrian Barrowdale on 01925 664450 or email ‘Ignite Your Life’ is just one of a number of events taking place in the build-up to the main Disability Awareness Day event which takes place on Sunday 14 July.

Celebrating National Volunteers Week

Volunteers working at St Helens and Whiston hospitals have been celebrated as part of National Volunteers Week. Over 600 people volunteer across the two hospitals, helping in a number of ways such as visiting and spending time with patients, meeting and greeting visitors, supporting hospital staff and assisting the spiritual care team. The Trust held a coffee morning to thank volunteers and show its appreciation for the valuable part they play in providing excellent standards of care. Ann Marr, Chief Executive said: “The smooth running of the hospitals would not be possible without the involvement of our wonderful volunteers. They generously give their time to help the Trust provide excellent care and services and on behalf of our patients, visitors and staff I would like to sincerely thank each of them.” The national campaign week is also an opportunity to raise awareness of volunteering and inspire more people to make a difference in their local community. The Trust’s Voluntary Services Department held a display at Whiston Hospital to raise awareness and encourage people get involved. For more information on how to volunteer contact the Trust’s Voluntary Services Department on: 0151 430 1874

Nursing at the centre of the community We are committed to nursing you where you most want to be – in familiar surroundings with your friends, family and creature comforts close at hand. More than 70 of our dedicated District Nurses work in 12 teams across North, Central and South Knowsley – visiting patients 24-hours a day and delivering patient-centred care when they need it most.

referrals from anyone who is registered with a Knowsley GP. Simply telephone 0151 676 5427 between 8am and 8pm or 01744 673801 out of hours and we’ll explain how best we or our other healthcare colleagues can support your nursing needs in the comfort of your own home.

Moreen Corbett, Clinical Operational Manager at Bluebell Lane Primary Care Resource Centre says: “Whether it’s providing antibiotics intravenously to prevent delayed discharge from hospital; dressing and treating leg ulcers or providing compassionate and respectful end of life care that involves the patient and their carers, we believe in supporting people to remain in their own homes at the most difficult and distressing times of their lives. ‘We understand that being at home matters to you; you and your care matters to us.”

We look forward to receiving your call.

What our patients say about our District Nurse Service: “Brilliant, they do all kinds. They’re always friendly and ask how you are. I’m very happy with service. They are a great group of nurses”

In order to make accessing our District Nursing Services as easy and inclusive as possible, the team welcome

July 2013 11

STOCKBRIDGE PUPILS ON PARADE UK Military School recently facilitated an Activity Day at St Brigid’s Catholic Primary, Stockbridge Village. The day was aimed at a cohort of 30 mixed Year 6 learners. The day was delivered with a military theme which focused on raising individual self esteem, team building and encouraging self confidence. Some of the activities the learners participated in included command tasks such as ‘Camouflage & Concealment’ and ‘Shelter Building’. As a reward for such an interactive fully engaged team, they also managed to fit in time for some fun on the inflatable assault course! The team have worked with a variety of schools, pupil referal units, after school clubs and holiday schemes across the North-West, delivering a variety of courses and interventions to pupils of different ages and abilities. In addition to gaining qualifications, pupils benefit from a bespoke packages of learning activities ensuring they remain engaged in learning and make a successful transition into continued education, employment or training. The prime directive is to ensure our pupils agree to adhere to the expected behaviour and enjoy the rewards of achieving their goals.

Say thank you to unsung heroes Residents in Knowsley will be able to celebrate unsung heroes in their communities and say thank you to those that go the extra mile. Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT), part of the First Ark Group, is once again holding its annual Community Achievement Awards and nominations are now open. Nominations could be for anyone that has made a positive impact in their communities – volunteers, someone who has raised money for charity, a sporting coach or athlete, a wannabe Lord Sugar, a young person who goes the extra mile, or an organisation which makes a real difference to people’s lives. Four new categories have been added for this year’s awards: Best Kept Garden, Sport Achievement, Entrepreneur of the Year and the Creative Achievement award. There are now 12 categories in total: • KHT Resident Association of the year • KHT Halewood Resident of the year • KHT Huyton Resident of the year • KHT Kirkby Resident of the year • KHT Prescot & Whiston Resident of the year • Best Kept Garden (inc allotment) • Green Living – Champion or Project of the year • Knowsley Community Organisation of the year • Sport Achievement • Entrepreneur of the year – sponsored by Vivark • Creative Achievement award • Young Person of the Year The closing date for nominations is Friday, July 26, 2013. The finalists will be invited to a special awards evening on September 25 at Huyton Suites. Bob Taylor, Chief Executive of The First Ark Group, said: “Our Community Achievement Awards are always an inspiring evening with some truly humbling stories of the many different ways people go above and beyond to make a positive contribution to their neighbourhoods. “This is a great way to say thank you to all those people and we look forward to another sensational evening.” To nominate visit, or email To enter the Best Kept Garden category, please send a photograph of your garden to or by post to Marketing, Lakeview, Kings Business Park, Prescot, L34 1PJ. Nominations for Young Person of the Year must be aged 18 or under. For more information on all categories visit

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12 July 2013

WILDFLOWER SCARECROW COMPETITION 2013 The National Wildflower Centre recently announced the winners of their 5th Annual Scarecrow Festival. This year the theme was ‘Traditional Twist’ with Judge’s looking for a traditional looking scarecrow with a great ‘character’ all of it’s own! The judges Alan Birkett and Andy Rogers from the Knowsley Challenge had to tackle the difficult job of judging the entries to our competition. The Scarecrows were all created by local schools and community groups from across Merseyside and went on display at the Annual Scarecrow Festival that took place at the weekend. The day also included free workshops which included mini scarecrow making and Welly Dancing. The weekend included small selection of craft and vintage stalls selling everything from nappy cakes to vintage china and included a demonstration from Steve Green with his rescued bird of prey.

Winners Under 7’s - Sparkle the 25th Anniversary Scarecrow Childwall CE Primary Bethan Badger, teacher from Childwall CE Primary said: “We really loved constructing our Scarecrow, the children thought very carefully about what they wanted to use to make their recycled scarecrow. Lots and lots of good fun was had by both staff and pupils”. Under 12’s - Geoffrey Giraffe Whiston Willis CP School Year 3/4 Best Effort - Winderella Crown Street Resource Centre Highly Commended Under 7’s - Gary the Gardener Mosspits Lane primary School

Sparkle the 25th Anniversary Scarecrow

Geoffrey Giraffe


Gary the Gardener

Thor the Viking Warrior

Panna Scouse

Under 12’s - Thor the Viking Warrior Melling Primary Best Effort - Panna Scouse MAD - Making a Difference Huyton Parish Church

Outdoors with The Hairy Gardener Hi, my name is Peter Frances a.k.a. the Hairygardener At this time of year, Ruis is abundant,Ruis is the fifteenth letter of the Ogham alphabet. The Ogham alphabet is sometimes called the Celtic Tree Alphabet based on a high medieval tradition ascribing names of trees to the individual letter. So we finally work it out that Ruis is known to us as Elder. The Elder teaches us to honour the cycle of death and rebirth, that in all endings there is always a new beginning. It is a tree of regeneration, as it regrows rapidly from any part. This small tree gives so much to human-kind and was known as the Queen of Trees, the Witches Tree, honoured for its powerful presence and abundant gifts. All parts of the tree are used medicinally, the berries and the flowers can also be used in a variety of ways, for drinks, jams and chutneys. The flowers can be harvested from May onwards, you can infuse them for a daily tonic. Elderflowers will clear excess mucus from the head or lungs helping any catarrhal inflammations. The flower heads can be dipped in batter and deep fried but the main product people I know make from Elder is Elderflower champagne, cordial or wine. There are many recipes available and modesty stops me from telling you mine that and you might try and not like it but once you have tried one you will look forward to this time of year so you can replenish your stocks. The leaves of the elder if bruised and sniffed will help clear a blocked nose or another use is to bruise and rub on the skin to stop mosquitoes, midges, flies and other insects landing on the skin, the leaves should be gathered at mid-summer when they are most potent The berries can be picked and used fresh or dried and made into a decoction. Hot elderberry wine or juice has long been used to promote perspiration. So there you are Elder a truly helpful tree to mankind. Happy gardening

July 2013 13


andlife National Wildflower Centre has been awarded additional funding to extend its successful Great Outdoors, nature and health community programme. Based at the National Wildflower Centre, in Court Hey Park, Great Outdoors connects people with nature, encourages local people to get more active using Knowsley’s great parks and greenspaces and promotes the Centre itself as a ‘healthy hub’. Using Landlife’s own locally grown wildflower seed, we create new wildflower areas and inspiring, nature-rich places for healthy living. Great Outdoors is leading on new programmes such as Nordic Walking, Get Growing edible gardening, supports a cycle hub at the Centre and runs Creative Nature workshops and events. The programme’s positive impact and success in improving health and wellbeing in the community, gave Landlife beacon project status from 2011. We have now been awarded new funding for one year from Knowsley Public Health and until May 2015 from the Big Lottery Target: Wellbeing. “We are really inspired by the offer of extended funding from our health and wellbeing partners. It means we can continue, strengthen and expand our community programme both at our National Wildflower Centre and in communities across Knowsley. We have been achieving very positive outcomes for physical activity and healthy eating, getting people more active outdoors and growing their own. This new funding means we can also focus on the serious issues around mental health. It helps us to keep our activities free or low-cost and accessible to as many Knowsley residents as possible. Our thanks also to Merseyside Sports Partnership for their added support.’ Annick Laroque, Great Outdoors Project Officer. Learn Nordic Walking New for Knowsley, Nordic Walking is a specific training technique designed to target 90% of body muscle. It reduces pressure on knees and joints and is great for those with back, neck or shoulder problems. The specially designed poles make it easier to work harder without muscle fatigue. Working with partners we have started a regular programme of training to get started with the techniques. Walkers must first complete their four week block of training. All the walks are free (Knowsley residents have priority), the specialist poles are provided and we even offer a complimentary tea/coffee at the end of each walk. Booking is essential, contact Court Hey Park, Huyton Thursday 11th July Thursday 18th July Thursday 25th July Thursday 1st August Cronton Tuesday 10th September Tuesday 17th September Tuesday 24th September Tuesday 1st October



1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm

FREE, BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Must attend all 4 sessions to learn correct techniques.


Workshops are FREE but entry charges to the Centre may apply. Staycation passes available from 26th July – 31st August, only £10 allowing unlimited entrance to the Centre for up to 6 family members! JULY Wed 10th 10am - 3pm

Walk on the Wild Side

Booking essential

Sat 13th 11-12.30

Family Forest School

Booking essential 07826 847320

Thur 18th 11am - 12.30

Herb Walk and Talk

Sat 20th 11-12.30

Family Forest School

Booking essential 07826 847320

Thur 25th July

Wear your wellies trail


Sat 27th 11-12.30

Family Forest School

Booking essential

Mon 29th 10am 4pm

Wear your wellies trail


Mon 29th July 1-3pm

Go wild about plants

Booking essential 07826 847320

AUGUST Thur 1st

Tree ID walk

Fri 2nd 1-2.30

Family Forest School

Sun 4th 11am – 5pm

Knowsley Flower Show Great Outdoors activities in our Walled Garden

Wed 7th 1-3pm

Seeds under the microscope Drop-in

Thur 8th 1-3pm

Herb Walk and Talk

Fri 9th 1-2.30

Family Forest School

Sat 10th 12-3pm

Community Celebration at Woolfall Heath Meadow, Huyton, with North Huyton Neighbourhood Network

Sun 11th Aug 1-3pm

Mini Beasts

Booking essential

Tue 13th 11-3pm


drop-in drop-in

Booking essential 07826 847320

Thur 15 Aug



Fri 16th 1-2.30

Family Forest School

1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm 1pm – 2.30pm

Booking essential 07826 847320

Mon 19th 10 - 4pm

Wear your wellies trail


Tue 20th 11-3pm



Fri 23rd 1-2.30

Family Forest School

Booking essential 07826 847320

Mon 26th 10 - 4pm

Wear your wellies trail


Tue 27th Aug 1-3pm

Mini Beasts & crafts


Fri 30th 1-2.30

Family Forest School

Booking essential 07826 847320

Creative Nature for better Mental Health We are using our Creative Nature programme to support people with mild mental health conditions. We welcome medical referrals as well as groups and individuals. We use nature as a tool to support health and wellbeing. Our next workshops are using the theme of Wildflowers and Winged Insects to create a series of clay tiles looking to nature for inspiration. This course will run through September 2013 on Thursday mornings at the National Wildflower Centre and is free for participants from Knowsley. We offer a safe and inspiring venue, with the Cornflower café on hand for healthy meals and facilities.

Mini Beasts

Booking essential 07826 847320

For more details and up to date information on our Great Outdoors Community Programme, including Nordic Walking, Creative Nature for better mental health and Get Growing volunteering places, contact For Summer Holiday events and general enquiries contact Tel: 738 1913. Check our website You can also follow us on facebook and twitter ave



W wsle Our Summer ‘It’s Great Outdoors’ Programme SS: o PRE for Kn ur Get n P Highlights: STO laces join o eam o p n T to • Bushcraft sessions, led by Kate Collins from My Outdoor two ents nteer nick o n id Volu s A e t r Classroom. Fun family activities to learn and get active g ac . win 3 ont Gro ays. C 8 191 outdoors. Booking is essential. 3 d i 7 Fr • Welly dancing is a new fitness activity, led by Kevin Paton of Positive Energy. Based on South African Gumboot dance, you’ll learn how to make percussion with your welly boots whilst keeping active outdoors. Don’t forget to bring your wellies!! • Herb Walk and Talk led by Medicinal herbalist, Sue Sprung. Walking…cycling…making…bushcraft…wildflowers…observing nature…gardening…5 ways to wellbeing…it’s Great Outdoors at the National Wildflower Centre.

The National Wildflower Centre opening hours are 10am – 5pm, 7 days a week, March to September. The Cornflower Café stocks a delicious array of cakes Fair Trade drinks and healthy light meals. Book our conference facilities and meeting places, special celebrations and kids parties. You can find us at Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton, L16 3NA

14 July 2013

Out & About JULY MONDAY 8 JULY ARNCLIFFE CENTRE YOGA CLASS 10:00 – 11:30 Arncliffe Sports and Community Centre, Arncliffe Road, Halewood, L25 9PA. Yoga class for relaxation exercise, breathing, stretching and feeling good. For teens and adults. Please contact for costs. Contact: June Baxter, 0151 486 3874, c/o Arncliffe Sports and Community Centre, Arncliffe Road, Halewood, L25 9PA HUYTON CHILDREN'S THEATRE 17:00 – 18:45 Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning, Seel Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6DG. Huyton Children’s Theatre is a group for children aged 7 11 who want to develop drama skills, have fun, work with others and create new and exciting theatre productions. Each year the group create 2 performances that are showcased to parents, friends and family. Session costs £1 per week. Contact Altu for more information 0151 443 0333 GUITAR CLUB 18:00 – 20:00 Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, Halewood, L26 1UU. Monday - Play chords (Intermediary level) Wednesday (Beginners level) No music required. For ages 16 -100 yrs. Cost £5. Contact details: Chris Vernon, 0151 477 8830, Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, Halewood, L26 1UU. HUYTON KUK SOOL WON 18:00 – 18:50 Huyton Arts and Sports Centre for Learning, Seel Road, Huyton, L36 6DJ. Kuk Sool is a traditional martial art set in a safe and friendly environment, for all the family to join in. Classes consist of body conditioning, breathing exercises, kicking techniques, self defence and much more. Monthly Charge £40. This is for two classes a week. If you wish to only take one class a week the monthly cost up to yellow belt is £25. For ages: 6 -14yrs Contact details: Richard Casey, 0151 222 2864, 07583035975,, Huyton Arts and Sports Centre for Learning, Seel Road, Huyton, L36 6DJ YOUTH CLUB ACTIVITIES 18:15 – 20:45 Ace Youth Club, Stockbridge Neighbourhood Centre, The Withens, Stockbridge Village, Merseyside. L28 1AB. Young people supported to design their own programmes e.g. residentials, arts, crafts, sports, computer suite, accreditations plus much more. Contact Rose Spellacy 07810054134 or email: HUYTON YOUTH THEATRE 19:00 – 21:00 Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning, Seel Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6DG. Huyton Youth Theatre is an inclusive youth theatre, producing challenging, exciting work in collaboration with other youth theatre groups in the area. The group is for anyone aged 12 - 21. No experience necessary - just the desire to get involved, have fun, work hard and be creative! Session costs £1 per week. Contact Altru for more information - 0151 443 0333 TUESDAY 9 JULY HALEWOOD YOUTH THEATRE 18:00 – 20:00 Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, Wood Road, Halewood, Merseyside, L26 1UU. Halewood Youth Theatre is an inclusive youth theatre, producing challenging, exciting work in collaboration with other youth theatre groups in the area. The group is for anyone aged 12 - 21. No experience necessary - just the desire to get involved, have fun, work hard and be creative! Session costs £1 per week. Contact Altru for more information - 0151 443 0333 ONCE UPON A TIME IN KNOWSLEY.... 14:00 – 15:30 Huyton Library, Civic Way, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 9GD. Knowsley Library

email your events to: Story Circle celebrating the spoken word..... Come to take part or just to listen. If you have a story to tell or a poem or short story to read aloud, please let us know. For more info, contact Tracey Collins on 443 4296 or email HAPPY HOURS CHAIR EXERCISE AND SOCIAL GROUP 10:30 – 12:30 Towerhill Community Centre, Towerhill, Kirkby, Merseyside, L33 8YD. Chair Exercise, Pool, Social Activities for over 55 year olds. Cold Lunch £2 subs. Contact: Wendy Ferguson 07717 301 444 KIRKBY GIRLS GROUP 18:30 – 20:30 Westvale Community and Youth Centre, Richard Hesketh Drive, Kirkby. L32 0TZ. Girls group project based at Westvale Youth Centre for 11 to 19 year olds. Contact Michelle Forrester, 0151 443 4168, WEDNESDAY 10 JULY THE CHOICES PROJECT 17:30 – 19:30 New Hutte Neighbourhood Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, Merseyside, L26 1TT. The Choices project provides an inclusive and challenging service for disabled children and young people aged 13-19 yrs. The project will be delivered by working directly with disabled young people in the local community. It aims to build self esteem and to engage participants in life changing opportunities. Contact: Michael Salkeld, 0151 702 0700,, Merseyside Youth Association, The Door, 65-67 Hanover Street, Liverpool, L1 3DY CENTRE 63 YOUTH CLUB 16:30 – 20:30 Centre 63 Youth Club, Church of England Youth Centre, Kirkby, Merseyside, L32 5TH. The Youth club in Centre 63 is open access for all young people aged 8 - 25 living in Knowsley The Youth Club focuses on giving Young People a safe and friendly environment to come and socialise with their peers, develop social skills, community awareness and participate in positive projects and activities, including a chance to take part in new activities and experiences. AFTER SCHOOL CLUB 16:00 – 18:30 Vee’s Place, Zion Independent Methodist Church Hall, 74 Kemble Street, Prescot, L34 5SH. After School Club for 1016yrs olds, Games, Sport, Art, Crafts, Music, Karaoke, Workshops, Outdoor area, Volunteer work. Registration fee Youth £3. Parents need to sign consent forms. Subscriptions (per activity) £2.50 includes refreshments. Registered Charity 1093064 Contact: Vee Rhodes, 0151 289 3602,

WALK ON THE WILD SIDE 10:00 – 15:30 National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L16 3NA. Free - Take a walk on the wild side with a unique guided tour of the National Wildflower Centre followed by a ‘Magical Mystery’ coach trip out to see the project sites in Knowsley where we have introduced wildflowers to the urban landscape. Packed lunch and seeds are included for this full day event. Places are limited to 20 and must be pre-booked. For more information please contact us on 0151 7381913 or email ZUMBA CLASS 18:30 – 20:00 Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT. Zumba Class for all ages, cost £3 per session. Contact: Mark Nelson, 0151 486 2865, Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT

KIRKBY CHILDREN’S THEATRE 17:30 – 18:30 Kirkby Sports Centre for Learning, Bracknell Avenue, Southdene, Kirkby, Merseyside, L32 9PP. Kirkby Children’s Theatre is a group for children aged 7 - 11 who want to develop drama skills, have fun, work with others and create new and exciting theatre productions. Each year the group create 2 performances that are showcased to parents, friends and family. Session costs £1 per week. Contact Altru for more information - 0151 443 0333 NORTHWOOD YOUTH CLUB 18:45 – 21:15 Northwood Community Centre, Gilescroft Avenue, Kirkby L33 9TW. Youth Club activity for 11 to 19 years. Contact: Lyn Pye, 0151 443 4466, THURSDAY 11 JULY CREATE 16:00 – 17:30 St Brigid’s Space Building, St Brigid’s Primary School, Stockbridge Village, Merseyside, L28 7RE. Create is a children's creative arts group, which caters to a range of disabilities. Over the last year we have had a considerable amount of experience working with children with autistic spectrum Condition. As well as providing a safe environment with experienced workers Create allows parents that much needed ‘me’ time. Age group: 5-12 (based more on ability than age range), all children need to be booked into this activity - please contact: Colette 07855 555743,, KIRKBY THinK CLINIC 15:00 – 18:00 Kirkby Health Suite, Cherryfield Drive, Liverpool Area, Liverpool L32 9PA. 13 to 19 years sexual health service. Contact Jason Cole, 0151 443 4168, TOWERHILL YOUTH CLUB 18:45 – 21:15 Towerhill Community Centre – Youth Club, Ebony Way, Kirkby, L33 1XT. Youth Club activity for 11 to 19 years Contact: Joey fogg, 0151 443 4347, JUNIOR ATHLETICS SESSIONS 17:30 – 18:45 Kirkby Sports College, Bracknell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 9PP. Junior Athletics Coaching at Kirkby athletics track. Ages 7-19. Free to attend. No booking required just turn up. Contact Peter Green 443 5648, 1982 (HUYTON) SQUADRON AIR CADETS 19:00 – 21:30 Air Cadet Hut, The Park, Rydal Road, Huyton, L36 5UX. The RAF Air Cadets is a youth organisation for 13-18 year olds in the South Liverpool area, offering Flying, Gliding, Shooting, Duke of Edinburgh, Sports, Adventure training and BTEC's plus much more! Cost £12.50 a month (first month free). Contact: General Enquiries, Tel: 01514493012, Mobile: 07766810695,, Air Cadet Hut, The Park, Rydal Road, Huyton, L36 5UX FRIDAY 12 JULY ADAPTED ZUMBA AND LINE DANCING 11:00 – 13:00 Towerhill Community Centre, Towerhill, Kirkby, Merseyside, L33 8YD. Adapted Zumba and Line Dancing for over 55 year olds. Tea/Coffee £3. Contact: Wendy Ferguson 07717 301 444 INDOOR SHORT MAT CARPET BOWLS 13:30 – 14:30 Towerhill Community Centre, Towerhill, Kirkby, Merseyside, L33 8YD. Indoor Short Mat Carpet Bowls. Over 55 year olds. Contact: Wendy Ferguson 07717 301 444 SATURDAY 13 JULY MULTI SPORTS SESSION 10:00 – 12:00 St Brigid’s Primary School, Waterpark Drive, Stockbridge Village, Merseyside, L28 7RE. Multi Sports sessions for children and young people with additional needs, delivered by fully qualified coaches. Ages Reception - Year 10. Cost £1 per session. Siblings welcome based on space. Contact Joe Gibbons (Extended Schools and Children's University Team) on 0151 477 8586 or 07827 257 418

SMILE PRODUCTIONS THEATRE SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY 10:30 – 12:30 Huyton Arts & Sport Centre for learning, Seel Road, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 6DG. We offer a quality bespoke training tailored to fit the individual & group needs of Children with a learning disability. With Dance, Drama & Singing being at its core, we recognise and embrace diversity developing confidence & self esteem for Children and young people age 5 to 18 years. Cost £20 for a fully supported 2 hour session. Contact Sharon Collins on 07977468488 FAMILY FOREST SCHOOL 12:00 – 14:15 National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L16 3NA. Free 12-2.15pm Family Forest school aims to engage and inspire families and children through nature in the community promoting positive outdoor experiences. Places are limited so booking is essential - please call Kate on 07826847320 or email to reserve your place. MONDAY 15 JULY HUYTON CHILDREN’S THEATRE 17:00 – 18:45 Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning, Seel Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6DG. Huyton Children’s Theatre is a group for children aged 7 - 11 who want to develop drama skills, have fun, work with others and create new and exciting theatre productions. Each year the group create 2 performances that are showcased to parents, friends and family. Session costs £1 per week. Contact Altru for more information 0151 443 0333 MUSIC SESSIONS 17:30 – 20:30 Southdene Community Centre, Broad Lane, Kirkby, L32 9PQ. Music Sessions with qualified music and lyrical coach. Singing, Piano, Guitars and Percussion. For ages 5 years teens £3 per session (Includes drinks and snacks) Contact details: Jane Close, 07803987324,, c/o Southdene Community Centre, Broad Lane, Kirkby, L32 9PQ THURSDAY 18 JULY PARENTS AND TODDLER SESSIONS 13:00 – 15:00 Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT. Parents and Toddler Sessions - Cost 50p! For age group 1-5 yrs. Contact: Mark Nelson, 0151 486 2865, Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT FRIDAY 19 JULY YOUTH CLUB FOR AGES 12+ 18:30 – 21:30 Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT. Youth club for ages 12+ Cost 50p per session Contact: Mark Nelson, 0151 486 2865, Halewood Youth in Community Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TT YOUTH CLUB ACTIVITIES 18:15 – 20:45 Ace Youth Club, Stockbridge Neighbourhood Centre, The Withens, Stockbridge Village, Merseyside. L28 1AB. Young people supported to design their own programmes e.g. residentials, arts, crafts, sports, computer suite, accreditations plus much more. Contact Rose Spellacy 07810054134 or email: YOUTH SESSION 19:00 – 21:00 The Youthy, Woolfall Heath Avenue, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 3YE. Youth setting for young people aged between 11 and 19, Monday and Wednesday times are 6.15pm to 8.30pm, Friday 7pm to 9pm. Cost is 25p per session. For more details contact Chrissy McGowan on 0151 443 5333.

July 2013 15 SATURDAY 20 JULY ARNCLIFFE JFC 09:00 – 10:00 Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, Halewood, Merseyside, L26 1UU. Local F.A. Charter Standard football Club providing football training for 3-6 year olds every Saturday from 9-10am at Halewood Centre For Learning. Contact: Coach Craig Macfetters, 07837114431, Website:


SUNDAY 4 AUGUST KNOWSLEY FLOWER SHOW Court Hey Park, 11am-5pm The ever popular Knowsley Flower Show is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.

MONDAY 22 JULY MAKE IT MONDAYS 13:00 – 16:00 Prescot Museum, The Activity Room, Prescot Shopping Centre, Aspinall Street, Prescot, Merseyside, L34 5GA. Make it Monday's are all about making things..... on a Monday! You will be working with an artist who will provide all the materials you need. The workshops are free and no booking required. All children aged 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Tina Ball 0151 443 5617 for further information. TUESDAY 23 JULY TRY SOMETHING TUESDAYS 13:00 – 16:00 Kirkby Gallery, Newtown Gardens, Kirkby, Merseyside, L32 8RR. Fun holiday art workshops for all the family making something creative to take away - every week will be different. You will be working with an artist who will bring lots of exciting materials. No need to book and its all free. All children aged 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Tina Ball 0151 443 5617 for further information WEDNESDAY 24 JULY TRAIL RACE 2 19:00 – 20:00 Stadt Moers Park, Pottery Lane, Whiston, Merseyside, L35 3RG. Come along and take part in any of the three races across undulating terrain; 2k, 3, 8k. Starts from 7pm. An excellent way to keep fit on a summery evening. Cost: Members of an Athletic club - Race 1 (2k) £1, Race 2(3k) £1, Race 3 (8K) £2. Non members £3 per entry. Contact the Rangers on 0151 489 1239 SATURDAY 27 JULY FUNKY ROLLER DISCOS - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! 14:00 – 16:00 Knowsley Leisure & Culture Park, Longview Drive, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6EG. Includes skate hire and two hours skating to funky music! 2-4pm – Families (all ages) 5-7pm Families (all ages) 7.30pm - 9.30pm - Over 18s (licensed bar facilities available) All tickets £6, including roller skates. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Adults can watch free of charge as long as they are not skating. Limited places so don’t be late, get your tickets now to roller skate! Tickets available at Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park or by calling 0151 443 2200. For further details, please contact 0151 443 5749. MONDAY 29 JULY SUMMER CRAFT AFTERNOON 13:00 – 15:00 St Michael's Family Worker Project, St Michael’s Church Hall, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 7SA. There will be a £1 charge per child but there will be at least 14 crafts to make and take away. Contact: Angela 0151 482 6042 Please note that services are primarily for families in the Bluebell, Mosscroft, Bakers Green and Longview first before the rest of Huyton. SUMMER HOLIDAY BONANZA 11:00 – 15:00 St Edmund Arrowsmith CFL, Cumber Lane, Whiston, Merseyside, L35 2XG. Quick fire 30minute sessions in Cricket, Penalty Shootout, Tennis, Basketball, rounders, American Football, Athletics and Table Tennis £5 per day, contact Chris Royle on 07500765197 or for booking details

KNOWSLEY CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY – HEALTHY HEROES CAMP 09:30 – 14:30 Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, Halewood, Merseyside, L26 1UU. For children aged 5-11 years. Camps are treated/booked on a first come first served basis so to avoid disappointment please book places as early as possible. For camps run by Healthy Heroes please contact Mike directly on 07553 065 342 If your child attends one of our linked schools the cost of a camp will be £20 (or £5 per day). If your child attends any other school in Knowsley (or a school outside the borough) the cost will be £32 (or £8 per day). Please contact us to check. Matthew Vaudrey – 07799 895 189, John McBride – 07825 677 113, Joe Gibbons – 07827 257 418 TUESDAY 30 JULY CIRCUIT TRAINING 12:00 – 13:00 St Edmund Arrowsmith CFL, Cumber Lane, Whiston, Merseyside, L35 2XG. An all over body workout and conditioning session, book in advance £2 per session Contact Chris Royle on 07500765197 or for booking details SATURDAY 3 AUGUST MCGOLDRICK PARK FUN DAY 12:00 – 16:00 McGoldrick Park, Rydal Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 5UX. An afternoon for fun for all the family including H&M Dog display team, circus skills, fairground rides, birds of prey, face painting and more. For more information contact the Ranger 0151 443 3114 or 07771 550 843 TUESDAY 6 AUGUST KNOWSLEY CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY – MULTISPORTS AND ARTS ACTIVITY CAMP 10:00 – 15:00 Malvern Primary School, Willoughby Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L14 6XA. If your child attends one of our linked schools the cost of a camp will be £20 (or £5 per day). If your child attends any other school in Knowsley (or a school outside the borough) the cost will be £32 (or £8 per day). Please contact us to check. Matthew Vaudrey – 07799 895 189, John McBride – 07825 677 113, Joe Gibbons – 07827 257 418

TUESDAY 20 AUGUST ARCHERY SKILLS AND BOW MAKING 11:00 – 15:00 Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L16 3NA. Try your hand at bow making, bushcraft or archery. Only suitable for children over seven years of age. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Ranger 0151 443 3114 or 07771 550 843 SCAVANGER HUNT 13:00 – 15:00. Stadt Moers Park, Pottery Lane, Whiston, Merseyside, L35 3RG. See what natural and unnatural things you can find while you stroll through the park. Cost: Free Contact the Rangers on 0151 489 1239

16 July 2013

POLICE LAUNCH SCRAMBLER BIKE OPERATION Officers across Merseyside will be putting the brakes on the criminal and anti social use of scrambler bikes in a six-week summer crackdown across the county. In the last year it has become increasingly apparent that many of the riders of these bikes have a complete disregard for decent, law-abiding members in their communities. And with summer round the corner and the arrival of light nights there is a likelihood that riders of these bikes may be tempted to ride them more often, causing further disruption and misery to our communities. Operation Brookdale will centre on areas across Merseyside where communities have suffered from the illegal and anti social use of scrambler and quad bikes. Particular attention will be paid to roads, parks and any land to which the public have access and identified by communities as hotspots for riders involved in the illegal, or anti social use of scramblers.

“Working together with local people and partner agencies, we are determined to tackle riders who are blighting our neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood officers in all of the Basic Command Units (Liverpool North, Liverpool South, Wirral, Sefton, St Helens and Knowsley) will be supported by officers from the specialist Matrix team, Roads Policing Department, Vehicle Crime and the mounted and dog sections. During the operation the following activity will take place: • High visibility police patrols,including officers on scramblers and quad bikes,on roads, parkland and other public spaces • Plain clothes patrols • The use of locally gathered intelligence to target places where illegal bikers are known to ride • Enforcement of traffic law on the highway to restrict the activities of legal riders on our roads • Education in the schools about the dangers of these bikes and the laws surrounding their use

■ Chief Superintendent Mike Cloherty, Knowsley Area Commander Visits to petrol stations by officers and PCSOs. There are concerns that young people using these bikes illegally are able to get petrol to use the bike, and officers will be asking the petrol stations to support police in not allowing anyone under 16 to buy fuel Chief Superintendent Mike Cloherty, Knowsley Area Commander, said: “Merseyside Police will not tolerate the illegal, or anti social use of scrambler, or quad bikes. “Sometimes the riders of these bikes don’t understand the consequences for local communities and the harm that the use of these bikes can cause. “In the wrong hands these bikes are potentially lethal and people need to understand the legislation in relation to the legal use of these bikes, and the potential consequences of driving these bikes irresponsibly.” He continued: “Working together with local people and partner agencies, we are determined to tackle riders who are blighting our neighbourhoods. “Our communities should be reassured that Merseyside Police is working hard to take nuisance vehicles and the criminals who use them off our roads. “Anyone who takes to the roads illegally and poses a danger to pedestrians and other motorists on our roads, risks losing their licence and if their reckless driving results in injury or death they will face a prison sentence. “My message to these people is Ask yourself - is it worth the risk?”

Churches Together in Kirkby Town Centre Ten churches of different denominations are joining together to share God’s love with the people of Kirkby by forming a new expression of Church in the centre of the community. The churches in partnership with the In-Shops Traders, Knowsley Foodbank, T.A.N.G.O and specialist community groups will host a programme of weekly events that not only seeks to engage with issues facing the people of Kirkby, but also enables people of different ages and backgrounds to experience God’s love in both practical and spiritual ways. Family Fun Day and Treasure Hunt The Church in the Centre will be housed in multiple retail units provided free of charge by the In-Shops in Kirkby and recently held a family fun day. The family fun day include arts and crafts, candle-decorating, face-painting, balloon modelling, puppets, Gospel illusions and gift bags for the children. There was also be a treasure hunt around the In-Shops with a treasure chest full of prizes to be won! Daily Activities One of the units will be transformed into a ‘Sacred Space’ in which people can come to either pray or to simply spend some time in the presence of God. The Sacred Space will be quiet and reflective with members from the churches pastoral support teams available to

offer a confidential listening service and prayer if required. Another daily activity will be T.A.N.G.O (Together As Neighbours Giving Out) who will be running a low cost, high quality charity shop and lunch club. The church will also serve as a collection point for Knowsley Foodbank. Weekly Activities Contemporary All-Age Worship will take place each Saturday led by Rev. Jayne VanDenBerg – Owens, Curate of Kirkby Parish and the Mission Impossible Team. Throughout the week there will be regular activities provided by specialist community groups aimed at supporting local people in different ways. These activities will include: Computer skills - Debt Advice - Budgeting – Bread Making - Questions of Faith – Friends after Bereavement – Dealing with Depression – Relaxation Therapy – Music Workshop Children’s Ministry & Workshops.

Dog of the month Can you help Mika find her forever home? Mika, female, Staffy Cross, 3 years old Mika is an energetic puppy, who loves to play with her toys. She is a lovely girl, but can be a little nervous around new people until you have gained her trust. Once confident, she will shower you with love and kisses. She loves to chat with you, so can be a little vocal as she tells you about her day! Mika is looking for a stable and relaxed home life, with owners who can be patient with her. She is looking to be the only dog in the home, however would still love to socialise with her canine companions out and about. She can live with children over the age of 12 and is housetrained. If you think you could give Mika a home, please contact Dogs Trust Merseyside on 0151 480 0660 or drop into the centre at Whiston Lane Liverpool L36 6HP, United Kingdom Dogs Trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity and cares for over 16,000 stray and abandoned dogs each year through its network of 18 Rehoming Centres nationwide.

July 2013 17


KIRKBY SPORTS COLLEGE HEAD OFFICIALLY APPOINTED AS OFSTED REPORTS FURTHER IMPROVEMENT Kirkby Sports College (KSC) is continuing its mission to drive improvements after officially appointing a new headteacher who has delivered a second positive Ofsted report for the school. Bill Leyland has been named the permanent headteacher at the Knowsley college after an academy order was signed by Department for Education schools minister Lord John Nash. The news comes within days of a second positive Ofsted report which deemed the college to be making progress towards the removal of special measures applied in November 2012. The college is currently working alongside Wigan based Hawkley Hall High School - one of the best performing schools in the country - with a view to converting to an academy in September 2013, under the Rowan Learning Trust. Mr Leyland has been the college’s acting headteacher since the start of the year. In that time KSC has received two Ofsted monitoring inspections. The latest report, following an inspection on May 14 and 15, says effective steps are being taken to improve the quality of teaching, while student behaviour continues to improve. Furthermore, expectations of students’ performance have been raised by the introduction of robust systems for setting targets in each subject. The report also acknowledges that under the new leadership the college is emerging as a place of learning which students are increasingly proud of. “Kirkby Sports College is continuing to make great strides forward,” said Mr Leyland. “We have a clear and straight forward strategy to drive excellence in teaching standards as well as student behaviour and achievement. We are

with senior leaders and provide an appropriate balance of support and challenge, holding them to account for the standards achieved by students. “Senior leaders, the IEB and the local authority have worked together,

■ Bill Leyland - officially appointed as new head of Kirkby Sports College focussed on nurturing growth, unlocking talent and building a better future for our students and the wider community. I am delighted to have secured my role as the college’s permanent headteacher. Alongside the management team, teaching staff and students we are united in our mission to consistently drive improvements.” Commenting on new headteacher Mr Leyland, the report says: “In a relatively short time as principal you have inspired your colleagues and brought them to a realisation of what is possible in terms of high outcomes for students. You have united them behind your vision, which is encapsulated in the college’s mission statement of ‘Inspire, Believe, Achieve’.” Officials say the school’s overall development plan has been strengthened since the last monitoring visit in February. This is being overseen by an Interim Executive Board (IEB) which replaced the school’s governing body. The report adds: “The inclusion of appropriate milestones enables members of the IEB to monitor the progress the college is making towards achieving each of its targets. They hold regular meetings

Make it count for children The NSPCC is calling on primary and secondary school teachers in Merseyside to sign up and get number crunching to celebrate Number Day on 3 December 2013. Schools that have registered will receive their fundraising pack in October and will also be able to download additional teaching and fundraising materials including comprehensive, curriculum based resources, created with Oxford University Press, to help teachers deliver interactive and engaging maths lessons that are fun and raise money at the same time! Pupils and teachers can also get involved in activities such as ‘Dress Up For Digits Day’ where pupils make a small donation to wear an item of clothing with a number on it, or take part in quizzes such as ‘Who Wants to be a Mathionnaire’. Of course, schools are welcome to put on their thinking caps and create their own Number Day fundraising events too!

By being part of Number Day 2013, schools in Merseyside will be helping the NSPCC to protect children all year round through its projects and services including ChildLine – the UK’s free, confidential 24hour helpline and online service for children and young people in distress or danger. Local schools fundraising manager, Mel Holland said: “Number Day is open to all primary and secondary schools across Merseyside and is a fantastic, fun way to get children of all ages engaged in maths. “We’re keen for as many schools as possible in Merseyside to get involved, so whether you ‘Dress up for Digits’, or choose another number crunching activity of your own, getting involved in Number Day will help support the vital work of the NSPCC.” To register your school, visit where all curriculum based maths resources will be available to download from mid October.

effectively, to ensure the smooth transition of the college to academy status. Leaders and managers are wellprepared to assume their new roles as the college moves towards greater independence.”

Going green at Whiston Willis

Staff and Pupils at Whiston Willis Primary school have been very busy - and very green - recently with their major project for this year which has been the creation of a Eco garden. The children have been growing their own fruit and vegetables with Miss Corbett and Mrs Steele and using recycled materials where possible around the garden. They also have an Eco workshop where they hope to transform some of the things that would otherwise go to landfill. The school are also running an after school, eco/gardening club which has proved to be extremely popular. The garden has been a huge asset for the whole school, enabling the children to engage in some hands on learning which has supported our science and phse topics.

18 July 2013


HOLA! FROM KIRKBY Staff and pupils from St Laurences Catholic Primary, Kirkby recently celebrated a of everything Spanish as part of its annual themed curriculum week. This year’s theme was ‘All around the World’ and our children were given the opportunity to sample culture, food and dance from different countries. The activities and sessions arranged included; Spanish Flamenco dancing, La Vina Spanish restaurant workshops and Spanish language The week also took them to many parts of the world and included Indian Bollywood Dancing, African Gospel story telling, African artist, African drums, Chinese dragon dancing, French dancing and French language. Headteacher, Paul Cronin said: “It proved to be a very enjoyable week for all of our children and staff”.

■ Pupils try out their Spanish Flamenco skills

■ Pupils enjoy Chinese Dragon dancing

■ Pupils enjoy a bit of Gospel singing

North west Cadet and Youth Poppy Appeal Awards Nine pupils from All Saints Catholic Centre for Learning, Kirkby are celebrating after recently attending the North west Cadet and Youth Poppy Appeal Awards and were awarded the first Poppy Appeal Senior School award by Lord Lieutenant Sir Alan Waterworth. The pupils also met the Mayors of Sefton, Halton, Liverpool and the Lord mayor of Liverpool as well as high ranking Army/Navy/RAF officials who were all eager to talk to the first North West secondary school team! Those who attended the awards ceremony were: • Bradley Walsh • James McDougal • Calvin Kingsburry • Andy Gardner • Sam Fury

• Matthew Rutterford • Elliotte Cavana • Josh Bryant • Nathan Walsh

CHILDREN’S CENTRE NOW ONLINE Parents interested in finding out what’s on at Halewood Children’s Centre can now go online. The centre’s new website: has launched in time for parents wanting to find out about summer holiday activities. Details of services available to children and families in the Halewood area are also on the website.

July 2013 19

20 July 2013


EIGHT TIPS FOR HEALTHY EATING Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. It doesn't have to be difficult either. Just follow these eight diet tips to get started. The key to a healthy diet is to do the following: • Eat the right number of calories for how active you are, so that you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. If you eat or drink too much, you’ll put on weight. If you eat and drink too little, you’ll lose weight. The average man needs around 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules). The average woman needs 2,000 calories (8,400 kilojoules). Most adults are eating more calories than they need, and should eat fewer calories. • Eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you’re getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs. Get started To maintain a healthy diet, the eatwell plate shows you how much of what you eat should come from each food group These practical tips cover the basics of healthy eating, and can help you make healthier choices:

Adult fitness clasess in Huyton Monday: 10-11am Nifty 50’s - a low impact keep fit class for anyone aged 50+ 11.15-12.15 Yoga - an open yoga class for all ages and abilities Wednesday: 10-11am Line Dancing - a fun, friendly class open to everyone Thursday: 6-7pm Yoga - an open yoga class for all ages and abilities Everyone welcome - just come along in comfortable clothing

Huyton Gateway 115 Rupert Road 0151 489 4616 Rebound is a social enterprise, not for profit organization

er £3 p s cla s

Base your meals on starchy foods Starchy foods should make up around one third of the foods you eat. Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can: they contain more fibre, and can make you feel full for longer. Most of us should eat more starchy foods: try to include at least one starchy food with each main meal. Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram they contain fewer than half the calories of fat. Learn more in Starchy foods.

Eat lots of fruit and veg It’s recommended that we eat at least five portions of different types of fruit and veg a day. It’s easier than it sounds. A glass of 100% unsweetened fruit juice can count as one portion, and vegetables cooked into dishes also count. Why not chop a banana over your breakfast cereal, or swap your usual midmorning snack for some dried fruit? Learn more in 5 A DAY. Eat more fish Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at least two portions a week, including at least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish is high in omega-3 fats, which may help to prevent heart disease. You can choose from fresh, frozen and canned: but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt. Oily fish include salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, fresh tuna, sardines and pilchards. Non-oily fish include haddock, plaice, coley, cod, tinned tuna, skate and hake. Anyone who regularly eats a lot of fish should try to choose as wide a variety as possible. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar We all need some fat in our diet. But it’s important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat we’re eating. There are two main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease. Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, cakes, biscuits, sausages, cream, butter, lard and pies. Try to cut down, and choose foods that contain unsaturated rather than saturated fats, such as vegetable oils, oily fish and avocados. For a healthier choice, use a just a small amount of vegetable oil or reducedfat spread instead of butter, lard or ghee. When you're having meat, choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat. Learn more, and get tips on cutting down, in Eat less saturated fat.

Most people in the UK eat and drink too much sugar. Sugary foods and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often high in energy (measured in kilojoules or calories), and could contribute to weight gain. They can also cause tooth decay, especially if eaten between meals. Cut down on sugary fizzy drinks, alcoholic drinks, cakes, biscuits and pastries, which contain added sugars: this is the kind of sugar we should be cutting down on rather than sugars that are found naturally in foods such as fruit and milk. Food labels can help: use them to check how much sugar foods contain. More than 22.5g of sugar per 100g means that the food is high in sugar. Learn more in Sugars and Understanding food labels. Eat less salt Even if you don’t add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much. About three-quarters of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups, breads and sauces. Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt. Adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt a day. Younger children should have even less. Learn more in Salt: the facts. Get active and be a healthy weight Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health. Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. Being underweight could also affect your health. Check whether you’re a healthy weight by using our Healthy weight calculator. Most adults need to lose weight, and need to eat fewer calories in order to do this. If you're trying to lose weight, aim to

eat less and be more active. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help: aim to cut down on foods that are high in fat and sugar, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Don't forget that alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down can help you to control your weight. You can find information and advice in Lose weight. If you’re underweight, see Underweight adults. If you're worried about your weight, ask your GP or a dietitian for advice. Physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss or be a healthy weight. Being active doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym: you can find ways to fit more activity into your daily life. For example, try getting off the bus one stop early on the way home from work, and walking. Being physically active may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. For more ideas, see Get active your way. After getting active, remember not to reward yourself with a treat that is high in energy. If you feel hungry after activity, choose foods or drinks that are lower in calories but still filling. Don't get thirsty We need to drink about 1.2 litres of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated. This is in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat. All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water, milk and fruit juices are the most healthy. Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks that are high in added sugars and can be high in calories and bad for teeth. When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more. Learn more in Drinks. Don’t skip breakfast Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Wholemeal cereal, with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

July 2013 21

Huyton St Aidan’s Club, Longview Lane, Huyton 9.30am & 11.30am Michelle 07940 181515

Dovecot Dovecot Labour Club Finch Lane Entrance 6.00pm Jean 290 0034

Huyton St Aidans Club Longview Lane 5.30pm & 7.30pm Michelle 07940 181515

Wednesday Dovecot St Margaret Mary’s Social Club (Behind Church) Pilch Lane 9.30am; 4.00pm & 6.00pm Julie 449 1074

Friday Dovecot St Margaret Mary’s Social Club (Behind Church), Pilch Lane 9.30am Julie 449 1074

Tuesday West Derby The Crown Inn, Leyfield Road 9.00am, 11.00am, 5.00pm & 7.00pm Marji 548 0018

Huyton The Royal British Legion Archway Road 5.30pm Ro 07709 956191

Kirkby Centre 63 Old Hall Lane, Next To St Chads 9.30am & 11.00am Eileen 548 0658

Thursday Whiston George Howard Centre, Lickers Lane, 5.00pm & 6.30pm Kathryn 07865 014437

Speke The Metal Boxonions Sports And Social Club, Speke Boulevard 5.00pm & 6.30pm Clare 07950 631858

Stockbridge Village Craigs Community Centre, Little Moss Hey 6.00pm Ro 07709 956191

Monday Huyton The Old School House, St John’s Road 6.30pm Kathryn 07865 014437

Prescot St James Church Hall St Helens Road (Near The Wellington Pub) 9.30am, 11.30am 4.30pm & 6.30pm Lynn 480 1665

Huyton The Royal British Legion Archway Road 1.00pm & 6.00pm Joanne 254 1298

Saturday Huyton The Huycap Centre, Rupert Road 8.00am & 10.00am Joanne 254 1298 West Derby The Crown Inn Leyfield Road, West Derby 8.30am & 10.30am Marji 548 0018 Prescot Parish Church Meeting Rooms (next to Deans House), Vicarage Place 9.00am Lynn 480 1665

22 July 2013

This Month with Jess Corcoran

“Can I quote you on that” T

here is something about the words of other people that I adore. Maybe it's because I sometimes struggle to sum up what I'm feeling into a sentence, or that occasionally it takes a person I’ve never met to change my perspective on a issue. I thought that this month I’d share with you some of the quotes that have inspired me and the situations that I’ve called upon them in, with the hope that they help you in some way, or at least make you think a little differently. There are quite a few but it took me an age to whittle them down.

ld “If the whole wor was blind how many people would you impress?” Boonaa Mohammed

Fashion is fun and taking pride in our appearance is great, but ultimately, it’s all superficial. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter what you look like if your a horrible person. Your generosity, compassion and kindness will ultimately say more then an ironic statement T-shirt ever will, regardless of the slogan. I like to take notice of this when I get caught up in materialistic things that mean so little.

“The reason we struggle with use insecurity is beca r ou re we compa es behind-the- scen se’s el ne yo with ever ” el re highlight Steven Furtick

How often do you compare yourself to others? I’m sure I won't be alone in throwing my hands up and admitting that sometimes I am far too guilty in wondering why other peoples lives seems so great, when I’m sitting at home bored. If you’ve any sort of social media like Facebook or Instagram you’ll probably be more prone to it, but this quote sums it up. What you see of other people’s lives is a edited representation of themselves looking their absolute best and it never ever is the full story. So stop being sad sitting in your onesie, makeup free and hair up. Because at some point someone will see a photo of you and wonder why they are not just like you.

e “No one can mak you feel inferior without your consent.” lt Eleanor Rooseve

This might just possibly be my favourite as there have been various situations I’ve thought of this in. In the past I’m met friends of friends that have made me feel stupid and less of a person because of the fact I wear lipstick and have a shoe weakness. There have also been times I’ve felt forced into a corner simply because someone saw themselves as better than me. This quote has often reinforced the fact it’s me that allows anyone to make me feel like that. I’m am intelligent, opinionated person and I will not allow anyone else to change that. So want if I watch Newsnight while painting my nails?

I love this. Don’t let the monotony of life get to you and bring you down. Take a step back and remember simply how much wonder and joy can be found in life itself. If this resonates with you then resolve to laugh more often, and keep in mind that its always darkest before the dawn.

“Never waste on opportunity to tell someone you love them.”

And I’ll leave you with this final one... I’d add show to this to. Life throws up many surprises so why waste time in letting people know how much they mean to you.

the “You can still be ach pe st ie ic ripest, ju t bu , ld or in the w g to there is still goin at th y od be someb hates peaches.” Dita Von Teese

u will “Promise me, yo h time uc m so d en not sp d an treading water head ur yo ep trying to ke at th s ve wa e th above much you forget, how loved to ys you have alwa swim.” son Tyler Knott Greg

“Maybe our ions favourite quotat us t ou ab e say mor than about the le stories and peop ” g. in ot we’re qu John Green

Knowsley’s Art Exhibition This is simple and important. No matter what, you just can’t please everyone. So if were talking metaphors then be the best peach you can be, and don’t aim to please those that like oranges and pears because you’ll end up making yourself unhappy.

Are you creative? Would you like to have your worked displayed in a professional, public exhibition? Knowsley’s Open Art Exhibition is taking place at Huyton Gallery from Monday 21 October to Saturday 25 January. The exhibition is open to all ages and abilities, with prizes for the most popular pieces. Young people (up to age 17) can submit their work for the Young Artists’ Exhibition. Entry forms are available in Prescot Museum and Kirkby and Huyton Galleries from August. You can also enter online through the council’s website. The deadline for applications is Monday 23 September. For more information, ring 443 5617 or visit the council’s website.

Health & Fitness - with Emma Armstrong of Zest Wellness

5 a day We all know we should get our 5 a day everyday but how many of us actually do? And why is it so important? For dieters loading up on fruit and vegetables can fill up tummies whilst adding relatively few calories. However, there are many more important reasons for why including plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet is highly important. The various health benefits that come from consuming fruit and vegetables include lower blood pressure, few digestive problems, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases including heart problems and stroke, as well as having a

positive effect on blood sugar levels and reducing the risks of some cancers! Eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day may seem a lot, however in comparison to other countries our goals are set low. In France the aim is 10 portions per day whilst in Japan standards are set much higher with the government recommending 13 portions of vegetables alone, complemented with 4 portions of fruit per day. Baring this in mind surely it must be quite easy to get our 5 a day, however according to data collected by the ‘Change 4 Life one year on’ report only 14% of us are achieving this target on a regular basis. Equally as worrying data from this report suggests only 52% of us want to get our fill of fruit and veg. So what makes them so special? Fruit

and vegetables contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals essential for human health. The amounts of which vary depending on the type of fruit or vegetable consumed. Because of this it is important to get a large variety in fruit and vegetables whenever possible to get. In addition to this, fruit and vegetables provide us with important soluble fibre. Soluble fibre, unlike insoluble fibre from in cereals and breads, is suggested to lower cholesterol levels and help control blood sugar levels. A good balance of soluble and insoluble fibre is necessary for good digestive health.

The power of fruit and vegetables is huge and should not be dismissed and more health benefits continuously being researched and discovered. Challenge yourself to get your 5 (or 17!) a day and soon you will be reaping the benefits. If you have any questions or need any hep or information you can contact me at:

July 2013 23



BIG LOCAL UPDATE Northwood’s Big Local programme is now open for business. After 18 months of planning, the area has now received £1 million of Big Lottery funding. The money will be spent over the next 10 years on a range of projects to make Northwood a better place to live. Current Big Local projects include initiatives to help with the impact of the Government’s welfare reforms, as well as ‘Community Chest’ grants of up to £250 for local projects. Residents can also visit a Big Local website: Facebook and Twitter for updates on the latest activity. Anyone wanting to get involved can contact Jeff on 443 4345.

WISHES GRANTED FOR ST ANNE’S WELL Cronton Parish Council and Alder Springs Ltd have signed a formal agreement to preserve and improve the local historical site of St Anne’s Well in Cronton. Alder Springs Ltd is a private business based in Cronton that sources its water from the catchment area of St Anne’s Well. Will Cook, Chairman of Cronton Parish Council, said, “We are delighted to be working with Alder Springs on a site of such local significance.” Sharon Morphet from Alder Springs added, “Giving something back to the community is important to us and is a vital part of our corporate social responsibility programme.”

MAKEOVER FOR VILLAGE HALL Jubilee Village Hall in Tarbock has been given a new lease of life after an all-over makeover! The transformation was carried out as part of Merseyside Probation Service’s Community Payback scheme. As well as painting both inside and out, major improvements have been made to the outside area. If you are interested in hiring the hall for a function, call Tarbock Jubilee Committee on 07746 123 855 or email:

VISIT PRESCOT’S HERITAGE Free Heritage Open Days are being held at St Mary’s Parish Church in Prescot from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September. Visitors will have the chance to admire the Jacobean ceiling and panelling, the Saxon front and the other unique architecture of the building. For more information, please ring 0151 426 8113.

Nine Junior Cadet from 1982 (Huyton) Squadron RAF Air Cadets, have been officially enrolled into the Air Cadet Organisation (ACO) at a ceremony held at their Squadron Headquarters in The Park, Huyton. The ceremony, which was presided over by Flying Officer Neil Osborne and Reverend Malcolm Rogers, welcomes

the Junior Cadets into the Air Cadet Organisation and signifies their completion of the three month recruit training programme. During their first three months the cadets are taught everything they would need to know to allow them to take part in the activities the ACO has to offer, everything from Map Reading and Expedition

FLETCHROSE SECURE NEW BUILD DEVELOPMENT Liverpool contractor Fletchrose has secured a new contract with housing association, Knowsley Housing Trust, building three new affordable homes over the next six months. While delivering the 2011/15 Affordable Homes Programme, the housing association identified a disused area of land on Kennelwood Avenue in Kirkby, on which to develop new houses for local people. The company has appointed Fletchrose as contractor to carry out the new build development, comprising of spacious bungalows with off road parking. The contractor employs a multi skilled team including bricklayers, joiners and mechanical and electrical technicians and can manage the entire build through to handover. The houses are set to be offered on an affordable rent basis and Paul Durose, Chief Executive of Fletchrose said: “As a local company, we’re pleased to be appointed by a large Merseyside based housing association who are happy for a local company to carry out the works. Steve Heverin, Director of Investment at KHT said: “We are delighted to be working with local company Fletchrose for the first time. It is important as a local registered provider of housing to provide high quality, affordable homes for local people, using a locally based firm.”

Training to Airmanship and Foot Drill. Squadron Training Officer, Sergeant Greg Jennings, commented; “I congratulate all of the newly enrolled cadets, over the past three months they have worked very hard and put maximum effort into everything they have taken part in; they truly are a credit to 1982 (Huyton) Squadron

and the Air Cadets Organisation as a whole.” Huyton Squadron Air Cadets covers part of the South Liverpool area and offers a host of opportunities to local youngsters aged 13 and over. To find out more about Huyton Air Cadets why not visit our website at or call the squadron 0151 449 3012

Witness appeal over accident on East Lancs Road Merseyside Police is appealing for witnesses after a road traffic collision in Knowsley on Tuesday 2 July 2013 in which a 39 year old local man received serious and life threatening injuries. Roads policing officers were called to the junction of the East Lancashire Road and Moorgate Road in Kirkby at around 8.15pm following reports that a Blue Citroen Saxo car had collided with a cyclist. On arrival, officers found the cyclist with severe injuries to his head and upper body. Paramedics removed the casualty to Aintree Hospital for treatment. He has since been moved to the Walton Centre where he remains in a critical condition. The female driver of the blue Citroen Saxo was uninjured and is assisting officers with their investigation. Officers from the Force's Roads Policing Investigation Unit are investigating the cause of the incident and are appealing for any witnesses who saw the collision to call them on 0151 777 5444.

Stockbridge Village’s Saturdays Children and young people in Knowsley are being invited to go along to Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Centre every Saturday to take part in their fantastic kids’ clubs. ‘The Safari Kids Club’ takes place from 10am to 3pm and is open to children under 11. The club offers fun activities including a giant bouncy castle, table tennis, badminton, face painting and arts & crafts. From 12 noon to 3pm, young people over 11 can join in the ‘Shout about Saturdays’ club, which provides a range of great activities including live music, dance and sports. The cost of each club is just £2 per child, with a discount of £1 for each brother or sister who goes along with them. Local residents run both of the clubs voluntarily, and there is a community café on site selling healthy food. For more information, please ring Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Centre on 443 5070.

24 July 2013



New video conferencing facility launched A Knowsley based firm, Step Up Security, has launched a new video conferencing facility for businesses. Managing Director, Kevin Richards, said: “This solution really cuts costs on travel, fuel and labour. Step Up Security provides an affordable video conferencing facility for businesses in Knowsley and the north west”. The video conferencing package is ideal for instant site meetings, and other benefits include: no site inductions required, no health and safety issues, no initial outlay, no minimum contract, document camera options and live presentation options If you are interested then please contact: Kevin.E.Richards, Managing Director, Step Up Security Tel: 0845 006 5050 (24h), or +44 151 548 7749 (outside UK), mobile: 07887 838 398.

NEW FIGURES SHOW FALL IN NORTH WEST WORKPLACE DEATHS Aintree-based Fletchrose Heat Team is expanding once again with ten new positions available for skilled tradespeople. Demand for the company’s specialist heat services continues to escalate through both private customers and those eligible for a free boiler under the national ECO scheme. New positions include eight Gas Safe Heating engineers and two fully qualified electricians. Fletchrose urges anyone who is interested to contact the company. Paul Durose Chief Executive of Fletchrose said: “The Heat Team has really taken off. We are only 8 months old and the level of growth has seriously surpassed all of our expectations. Customers recognise that while the Heat Team is still in its infancy, it does form part of the wider Fletchrose Group and therefore has the existing infrastructure, resources and financial stability. “We have a fantastic team already but we urgently need more extremely skilled staff. We want to be able to offer these positions to local people and keep the

business within Merseyside before we think of further expansion outside the area.” The company launched offering a £995plus vat deal on a fully installed A rated boiler with finance available, stimulating strong interest. This was followed by the introduction of a full 10 year Warranty on certain boilers. Expansion grew even further with the introduction of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme, which offers those eligible on pension credits or tax working credits, a fully fitted free boiler. Paul added: “These offers have really hit home. Fuel poverty is a massive issue for all of us – we see our gas prices rocket yet our incomes can’t meet these changes. A new boiler will reduce a typical household bills by around 30% so private customers will realise savings straight away while others may be able to benefit from a completely free install.” For further information regarding the Fletchrose appointments please contact Fletchrose on

The number of workers killed in Britain last year has fallen, official statistics published recently show. In the North West, the number of deaths fell to 15 in 2012/13 compared to 25 in 2011/12. Provisional data released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveals that 148 workers were fatally injured in Britain between April 2012 and March 2013, compared with 172 in the previous year. The overall rate of fatal injury has dropped to 0.5 per 100,000 workers, below the five-year average of 0.6. Britain has had one of the lowest rates of fatal injuries to workers in leading industrial nations in Europe consistently for the last eight years. Judith Hackitt, the HSE Chair, said: “These figures are being published in the same week as the 25th anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster, and are a reminder to us all of why health and safety is so important. Although the number of people killed at work has dropped significantly, last year 148 people failed to return home to their loved ones. “The fact that Britain continues to have one of the lowest levels of workplace fatalities in Europe will be of little

Knowsley MEP in lead on climate change battle A Liberal Democrat MEP has helped win a battle to put UK manufacturing on a more level playing field with European competitors. The European Parliament this week supported proposals to ‘backload’ the Emissions Trading System that sets a price on industrial carbon dioxide emissions in an effort to combat climate change. The UK’s own carbon price is set higher than that elsewhere in Europe, leaving UK manufacturers paying more for their electricity than their EU competitors. The new proposals are expected to bring the EU price closer to that in Britain. The hotly contested vote was widely seen as a test of support for Europe's efforts to reduce CO2 emissions at a time of economic crisis. Chris Davies said: “What should have been a modest regulatory adjustment has taken on huge importance and had divided

governments across Europe. “I welcome the decision but it is very clear that the appetite for measures to tackle global warming is now very small indeed. “Europe is at risk of losing its claims to leadership in fighting climate change. The need to develop a low carbon economy is being given little encouragement.” The Parliament's decision must now be matched by support from EU environment ministers. Conservative MEPs voted against the proposal including local representatives Jacqueline Foster and Sajjad Karim. Davies said, “Once again the poisonous atmosphere in the Conservative Party on the EU has caused their MEPs to vote against the best interests of the UK. “Fortunately Liberals from across the EU voted in favour of protecting both the environment and Britain while the Tories carried on squabbling.”

consolation to those who lose family members, friends and work colleagues. “HSE is striving to make health and safety simpler and clearer for people to understand so that more people do what is required to manage the real risks that cause death and serious injury. “We all have a part to play to ensure people come home safe at the end of the working day and good leadership, employee engagement and effective risk- management are key to achieving this.” The new figures also show the rate of fatal injuries in several key industrial sectors: • 39 fatal injuries to construction workers were recorded – a rate of 1.9 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 53 deaths in the past five years and a decrease from the 48 deaths recorded in 2011/12. • 29 fatal injuries to agricultural workers were recorded – a rate of 8.8 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 36 deaths in the past five years and a decrease from the 35 deaths recorded in 2011/12. • 10 fatal injuries to waste and recycling workers were recorded – a rate of 8.2 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 6 deaths in the past five years and an increase from the 5 deaths recorded in 2011/12. Across Great Britain: • 118 fatal injuries in England were recorded – a rate of 0.5 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 144 deaths in the past five years and a decrease from the 131 deaths recorded in 2011/12 • 22 fatal injuries in Scotland were recorded – a rate of 0.9 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 22 deaths in the past five years and an increase from the 19 deaths recorded in 2011/12. • 8 fatal injuries in Wales were recorded – a rate of 0.6 deaths per 100,000 workers, compared to an average of 12 deaths in the past five years and a decrease from the 19 deaths recorded in 2011/12.

July 2013 25

26 July 2013


The Huyton Toothsnatcher One rainy night in April 2007, a 17-year-old girl named Amanda was startled from her sleep by strange sounds in the bedroom of her house on Huyton’s Dinas Lane. The young goth sat up in bed and looked around the darkened room, which seemed even darker because Amanda had recently painted the walls black. She could see no one, but she had heard what sounded like muttering and had definitely heard a certain creak near the right side of her bed, made by someone standing on a loose bare floorboard there. Amanda winced with a slight pain in her left canine tooth. It had been throbbing all day, and so she had tried to sleep off the toothache by going to bed earlier than normal, at 10pm. Once the teenager was satisfied that there was no one lurking in her bedroom (which she called her “Sanctum”) she cocooned the duvet around her petite body and drifted off into the realms of dreams. Even in her dreams, Amanda felt her toothache, and she dreamt she was deep in the heart of a forest, being pursued by a hunchbacked old woman all in black with grey hair tied up in a bun. The old woman wielded a pair of pincers, and Amanda knew that the elderly misshapen woman wanted to pull out her bad tooth. Amanda was naked, and when she ran off away from the old woman, she moved in slow motion. Every now and then, Amanda would see grotesque faces peering from behind trees at her in the wood, and at one point in the dream, one of these unearthly figures jumped out on Amanda and she awoke with a yelp, only to be confronted by something much more terrifying which has, so far, defied a rational explanation. An old woman with a heavily lined face, hooked nose, dark-ringed eyes and a pointed chin, was leaning over Amanda’s bed, with a pair of pincers in her hand, and a blood smeared tooth was held in those pincers. Amanda experienced an agonising pain in her mouth. She ran the tip of her tongue round her mouth and tasted salty blood – and the hole in her swollen gum where the left canine had been wrenched out. The old woman, who was hunchbacked, let out a hissing chuckle, and Amanda was so upset and distressed by the pain in her mouth, she slapped the old hag in the face, and the elderly weird stranger let out a yelp, then gave a wideeyed look of astonishment at the teenager. ‘Mum!’ Amanda screamed. ‘Dad!’ she also shouted as she got out of her bed and began throwing objects at the sinister tooth-snatcher. An old-fashioned alarm clock was the first missile aimed at the wizened intruder, and it bounced off her head. The old woman screamed something and then ran into the corner of the black-walled room, to a gap between the wall and the wardrobe, and at that moment the bedroom door burst open and Amanda's father came in and switched the light on. Amanda told her Dad what had happened and urged him to look in the niche between the wall and wardrobe, and he did, rather gingerly, but saw nobody there. ‘You obviously had a nightmare Mandy,’ he told his daughter, but Amanda said she certainly hadn’t – and she opened her mouth wide and showed her father the missing tooth. Amanda’s mother entered the bedroom and when she heard the eerie story, she suggested that Amanda had perhaps pulled her aching tooth out in her sleep. Amanda was furious at the suggestion. ‘I didn’t!’ she protested, and she pointed out the bloodstains on the duvet.

Amanda's father searched the floor, but there was no sign of the canine tooth. It was never found, and a few week later, Amanda had a false canine implanted in her gum by the dentist. What Amanda and her parents did not know, was that there had been similar incidents of toothsnatching in Huyton stretching back to the 1930s at least, and in 1978, in Lincombe Road – the neighbouring road to Dinas Road, there were two strange cases of nocturnal tooth-theft. In March 1978, a woman awoke one night to find a white-haired old woman in a long black robe, leaning over the bed of her 4-year-old daughter. The child was crying, and when the mother shouted out to the figure, it vanished. When the light was switched on, the four-year-old girl was sobbing with her hand to her mouth. Her front teeth had gone. Centuries ago, some witches stole the milk-teeth of infants to use in spells. In September of that same year, in the same road, the visiting grandfather of a family had a bit too much to drink at his grandson's 21st birthday, and retired to the guest bedroom at almost three in the morning. The old man, named Jeffrey, had a single tooth in his head, and was often mocked for this. His late wife had repeatedly asked him to have the tooth pulled and to get a set of dentures, but Jeffrey was terrified of the dentist, and needles in particular. Jeffrey was so drunk, he fell asleep on the bed without even undressing and settled into a welcoming sleep, but around half-past three he awoke with the sensation of an icy hand on his chest and cold bony fingers in his mouth, pulling at his single tooth. As he squinted into the darkness, he saw a white-haired woman, and she was engrossed in pulling at his tooth. Jeffrey tried to get up, but the old woman seemed to have superhuman strength, and she pinned him down on the bed with her left hand as her right hand grappled with the grand-dad’s tooth. Jeffrey tried to scream but his call for help was muffled by the old woman’s fingers in his mouth, and he felt a sharp agonising pain as he heard his tooth being wrenched from his jawbone. As the tooth was giving way, he felt the old woman jump up and down on him, and she squealed and grinned to reveal that she herself had only one tooth. Jeffrey spat in the old woman’s face, and saw that his spittle, as it impacted into the hag’s pale face, was tinged with blood. The grandfather somehow summoned the strength to push the entity off him, and he heard her land on the floor at the side of the bed before she let out an earpiercing scream. Moments later, the door flew open, and Jeffrey’s son and nephew came into the room. The light was switched on, and Jeffrey was stumbling forward from the bed with blood streaming from his mouth. He gave a garbled account of the old woman who had pulled his tooth out, but Jeffrey’s son could see that the tooth in question was still there, although it was loose and looked ready to fall out. Jeffrey gargled with mouthwash, took an aspirin, and then swigged two glasses of neat whiskey to deaden the pain from his dislodged tooth.

He laughed about the ‘strange nightmare’ - for that’s what his son convinced him the apparently-real incident was, and within the hour, Jeffrey was once again in the guest bedroom, sinking into sleep, full of fine whiskey and aspirin. Around a quarter-past five that morning, the old hag returned. Jeffrey felt the alarmingly familiar icy hand on his chest, steadying him as the bony cold finger and thumb of the other hand seized the grandfather’s loose tooth – and this time, wrenched it out in one go. Jeffrey cried out in pain. The aspirin and the whiskey had only fractionally dulled the agony of such a brutal extraction. The creepy old woman was surprisingly sprightly for her advanced age, and like a flash, she flitted in a heartbeat into the darkness of the room, but Jeffrey could hear her sniggering close by. He let out a scream that over-strained his vocal cords, leaving him unable to cry out again. Moments later, the door flew open, and Jeffrey’s 18-year-old grand-daughter Kerry came in, switched on the light, and hurried to her distressed grand-dad, who was getting up off the bed with his hand to his mouth. He tried to tell Kerry what had happened, but for some strange reason, the girl was trembling, and started pulling Jeffrey towards the door with so much force, he almost fell over. Kerry was met by other members of the family as she reached the doorway, and slammed the door of the guest bedroom behind her and then told them all. ‘She’s still in there! I saw her.’ Kerry’s father gave a quizzical look and went to open the door, but Kerry got in the way and said, ‘No, don’t Dad! She’s horrible!’ Kerry’s father (who was Jeffrey’s son) opened the door anyway, and made a search of the room. He could find no old intruder, dressed in a long black robe, as Kerry had described her, but there was a sickly sweet smell in the air that lingered in that room for days. Kerry said that as she had entered the room that morning after hearing her grandfather cry out, she had seen a scary-looking old woman of about only five-feet in height, in a long black robe, hiding between the wardrobe and a bookcase. Kerry had pretended not to see the old woman at first, but as she helped her grandfather out the room and glanced back, the old woman realised she had been spotted and screwed up her face in a grotesque way that gave Kerry nightmares for years. As in other cases of this sort that I have researched, the grandfather’s tooth was never found. Incidentally, Old Hag Syndrome incidents are currently on the increase across this region – sleep well tonight... • All of Tom Slemen's books are available in paperback and ebook form from Amazon.

July 2013 27


COLLEGE INVESTIGATES PROPOSAL FOR NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Knowsley Community College is working with Barratt Homes to investigate the release of surplus land for a new housing development. The proposals for Larch Road, Roby, involve developing the former playing field which has not been used for many years. The proceeds from the sale of the land will be invested into the College to improve the facilities for students and the local community. If planning permission is granted, Barratt Homes hopes to build around 140 quality houses on the site. The development will bring investment and jobs into the area as well as providing a range of much needed new family homes. Steve Logan, Principal of Knowsley Community College, said: “If the development gets the go ahead, we will be using the proceeds from the sale of the land to improve college facilities for the benefit of students and the local community. “If approved, the development will also create valuable job opportunities and Barratt Homes has already committed to work with the College on Apprenticeship and other education and training initiatives. I genuinely believe that the Barratt Homes development will enhance the attractiveness of the Roby area and provide much needed high quality homes for local people.”

The former playing field does not meet current standards and there are more accessible and better sports facilities nearby. The recent audit of playing pitches undertaken by Knowsley Council confirms that the field is surplus to local requirements. Jeremy Boyd, Land Director for Barratt Homes, said: “There is a shortage of good quality, market housing in Knowsley and the proposed Local Plan seeks provision of an additional 450 new homes per year focused in sustainable locations in existing urban areas. “This site is identified in the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment as being highly suitable for new housing and the development will bring jobs, investment and other benefits to the area. We are committed to consulting with local residents and we will be contacting them shortly to seek their views and ideas on the development proposals.” Barratt Homes also runs the Barratt Legacy programme aimed at working with communities and supporting local organisations. It is currently reviewing opportunities for Legacy initiatives in Roby as part of the redevelopment proposals. Further information about the proposals will be made available in due course and prior to the submission of a planning application.

Starter homes selling fast at Speakman Gardens Taylor Wimpey has released a block of apartments to meet the demand from firsttime buyers at its Speakman Gardens development in Prescot. The housebuilder is now offering these homes under the government backed Help to Buy scheme, where eligible purchasers can get a 20% equity loan, meaning they only need to pay a deposit of 5% and secure a 75% mortgage. Lynne Vogel, regional sales manager for Taylor Wimpey North West, says: “Sales at Speakman Gardens have been phenomenal these past few weeks. We’re delighted to be offering the new Help to Buy scheme on site, making it easier for young people to secure an affordable mortgage and get their first foot on the property ladder.” The new two-bedroom Hayle and Kingsbridge apartments include an open plan kitchen/dining/living room, a main bathroom, plus the master bedroom has the luxury of an en-suite. There is also allocated parking. Apartments start at £89,995 or £71,996 with Help to Buy, which equates to mortgage payments of £282.69 per month. Speakman Gardens is ideally located in popular Eccleston, just a short walk from the high street shops of Prescot. For more information visit

Looking for Rented Accommodation?

Vivark turns mud patch into splash of green A new community garden that has sprung to life in Prescot thanks to the team at Vivark is now vying for a regional environmental award. Vivark’s grounds maintenance team has transformed a patch of mud at Yates Court supported living scheme, managed by Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT), into a bright garden area for the residents to enjoy, and now they hope to win recognition in the North West in Bloom awards. Working in consultation with the tenants, Vivark Contracts Manager Dave Littler designed the garden and the team has brought it to life, complete with block paving, new turf and borders filled with a range of plants and flowers. Dave has also managed to secure some sections of guttering – donated by Travis Perkins – which he will fit to the fencing and fill with trailing plants to add even more greenery to the garden. The project has been entered into North West in Bloom, under the ‘Small

Neighbourhoods’ category which celebrates communities coming together to add a splash of green to where they live. The competition winners will be announced in October. Dave Littler said: “This project has been a pleasure to work on and it has been very rewarding to see the enjoyment the residents have gained from having this green outdoor space to socialise and relax in. “It will be extra special if we are successful in North West in Bloom but the team and the residents are just really happy to be taking part.” Knowsley-based Vivark, part of the First Ark Group, was launched in 2012 providing repairs and maintenance and facilities management services to customers across the North West. It launched its landscaping and grounds maintenance service earlier this year and is contracted by KHT to maintain and improve green areas and the environment in the social landlord’s communities.

For under £100 per week*, (including heating), you could rent a spacious 2 bedroom apartment in Stockbridge Village. Benefits include • Newly refurbished kitchen and bathroom • Parking facilities • Caretaking service • Excellent motorway links • Balcony - some with magnificent views • No deposit required • Access to brand new leisure facilities including library, gym and swimming pool Contact us if you are working, 2 individuals looking to share or a single adult/couple with child over 16 and we will do our best to help you. Please quote REF 01. Phone – 0151 480 1313 and ask for the Customer Services Team E-mail – Website – * based on 52 wk/year

28 July 2013

No increase in school CONGRATULATIONS TO LOUISE meals prices in Knowsley Local families are welcoming a decision by Knowsley Council not to increase school meals prices for the third year running. The council has agreed to freeze the price of school meals in the borough for the school year from September 2013. The prices - at £1.70 for a primary school meal and £1.75 for a secondary school meal – are among the cheapest on Merseyside and the rest of the country. The average cost of a school meal nationally is between £1.93 and £2 a day or around £10 – £12 a week. This means that Knowsley families could save between £1.50 and £3.25 per child per week on school dinners. School lunches in the borough include a hot or cold meal, drink and fruit or dessert – providing children with nutritious, tasty meals cooked fresh on the premises every day. Knowsley School Meals Service currently provides almost two million meals a year at Knowsley’s primary, special schools and Centres for Learning. Cllr Graham Morgan, Knowsley’s cabinet member for neighbourhood delivery said: “While the Council is facing significant cuts in Government funding and has to make some very difficult savings decisions, we know that it’s also tough for families trying to make ends meet. “We hope by freezing the price of our school meals prices for the third year

running, it will help more families provide their children with nutritious, tasty meals which are great value for money. “We are committed to healthy eating and providing a nutritionally balanced meal for every pupil in the borough. A healthy meal at lunchtime provides pupils with energy to concentrate throughout the school day and has a positive impact on young people’s behaviour. “This also provides children with the opportunity to learn the social skills that eating and interacting with others brings”.

A bumper harvest Green-fingered growers are looking forward to a bumper harvest of fruit and vegetables - thanks to a £5,000 funding boost. Delaware Allotments Group, members of the Hindu Temple in Southdene and St Michael and All Angels Community Garden have all benefited from the funding, which helped to buy gardening equipment and top soil to cultivate their plots.

A big thank you Willowbrook Hospice would like to thank everyone who donated to their collection day on the 1st of June in Huyton, they managed to raise £116.53 on the day which will go towards the Hospice.

Louise Gillespie, of Knowsley-based Jessie's Jewels, won the prestigious 2013 Woman of the Year Award. The event, held at the Crowne Plaza, on Friday 28 June, was attended by 450 guests. Jessie's Jewels has been a member of the Knowsley Chamber since 2011, and Louise an active member of their Women in Business Network. Knowsley also had cause for celebration in other categories with Fiona Smith, from Acorn Farm, and Sandra Nixon, from QVC, both being runners-up. A volunteer group, Memory Lane, from Halewood, won the Womens’ Group award. Louise said: “I am absolutely delighted to have won this award, and I will continue to develop my business further. My thanks to everyone who has supported me”. Jessie’s Jewels was set up by devoted mum Louise Gillespie and one of her main motivations behind this decision was to create a job for her teenage daughter. “Whilst my daughter Jessica was completing her GCSE’s, she wanted a parttime job while she studied and moved on to her A-Levels. Jobs are extremely difficult to come by at the moment, so I thought that if I had my own business then I could give her a job.” So, 39-year-old Louise set up Jessies Jewels – selling costume jewellery which she buys from suppliers in the UK and then sells at house parties, through a variety of events and on Facebook. Louise initially got the idea to set up the jewellery business when she was shopping with her daughter Jessica for costume jewellery. “I couldn’t believe how expensive it was” she said, “and, it just planted the seed in my head – I thought I could sell jewellery much cheaper than this and still make a profit.”

KNOWSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH SCHEME OF MEMBERS’ ALLOWANCES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, the Council of the Borough of Knowsley received a report and recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of a Scheme of Allowances for 2013/14 for the Authority’s Elected Members. In summary, the Panel recommended the following: (i)

That, for the 2013/14 financial year, the Basic Allowance be paid at the 2012/13 level but subject to any increase that may eventually be agreed for employees being reflected in Members’ basic allowances;


That, for the 2013/14 financial year, the Special Responsibility Allowances be paid at the 2012/13 level but subject to any increase that may eventually be agreed for employees being reflected in Members’ allowances. The rates would therefore be as follows: Basic Allowance Leader of the Council Leader of the Opposition Cabinet Member Chairman/Lead Member of Overview and Scrutiny Board Deputy Lead Member of Overview and Scrutiny Board Chairman of Area Partnership Board Vice-Chairman of Area Partnership Board Chairman of Planning Committee Vice-Chairman of Planning Committee Chairman of Licensing Committee Vice-Chairman of Licensing Committee Chairman of Human Resources Appeals Committee Vice-Chairman of Human Resources Appeals Committee Chairman of Appeals Committee Vice-Chairman of Appeals Committee Chairman of Governance and Audit Committee Vice-Chairman of Governance and Audit Committee Chairman of Town Centre (and Districts) Committee Vice-Chairman of Town Centre (and Districts) Committee Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority Representative

£ 8,825 26,475 6,619 13,238 6,619 3,309 6,619 3,309 6,619 3,309 6,619 3,309 4,413 2,207 4,413 2,207 4,413 2,207 4,413 2,207 882

(iii) That the car mileage rate remain unchanged and fixed at a flat rate of 45p in line with the HMRC tax free rate and the rate for motor cycles be fixed at a flat rate of 18.4p irrespective of engine size; (iv) That the maximum levels of subsistence which may be claimed by Elected Members where such expenditure has been incurred in the performance of an authorised duty be unchanged from the 2012/13 levels; (v)

That, in respect of the Council’s current practice of reimbursing the cost of telephone line rental and broadband, the maximum reimbursement for line rental should remain at £13.60 per month and the maximum reimbursement for broadband should remain at £17.99 per month;

(vi) That the scheme for childcare and dependent carers’ allowance remain unchanged. Following consideration of the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, the Council at its meeting held on 17 May 2013 noted and accepted the Panel’s recommendations. In addition, the Council noted the new role of Merseyside Police and Crime Panel Representative and the recommendations of the Remuneration Panel in this regard. The Council agreed that Knowsley’s Elected Member representative on the Police and Crime Panel be paid a special responsibility allowance, equivalent to 75% of the Basic Alowance, £6,619. At that meeting, the Council adopted a Scheme of Members’ Allowances for 2013/14 the main features of which are the above mentioned recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel. The 2013/14 Scheme of Members’ Allowances shall have immediate effect. A copy of the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report and the Council’s Scheme of Members’ Allowances, as amended, may be inspected at the One Stop Shop, Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton during office hours. For further information, please contact Yvonne Ledgerton, telephone: 0151 443 3609 or email: July 2013 Sheena Ramsey - Chief Executive Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton

July 2013 29

Public Exhibition SCHOOL PRESENTS CHEQUE FOR £1000 TO NUGENT CARE of Proposals Former Playing Fields to the South of Larch Road, Roby Knowsley Community College and Barratt Homes are holding a public exhibition to present their draft proposals for the development of the land. Introduction The former playing fields have not been in use for some years and a recent study commissioned by Knowsley Borough Council has confirmed that they are now surplus to local requirements. It is proposed to redevelop the site for residential development and draft plans have been produced which show it can provide around 140 new homes with landscaping and public open space. The proceeds from the sale of the land will be invested in the College facilities which will be accessible to the local community. Knowsley Community College and Barratt Homes want to ensure that local people are fully involved in this process and to hear your views. We recently distributed a leaflet to local residents to inform you of the initial development proposals and we thank you for the responses received to date. Public Exhibition The next step in the process is to hold a public exhibition to give you the opportunity to view the draft plans for the site in greater detail. This will be held on: Wednesday 17th July 2013 from 3pm to 8pm at Knowsley Community College, Rupert Road, Roby L36 9TD Members of the Knowsley Community College and Barratt Homes team will be on hand to answer any questions and to listen to comments. If you are unable to attend the event but would still like the opportunity to have your views heard, then please contact Concept PR by email at or telephone on 01704 549190.

St Michaels and All Angels Kirkby have raised £1000 for the Nugent Care Good Shepherd Appeal. The fundraising was led by Year 6 pupils who proudly presented a cheque to Marie Reynolds (Fundraising Manager at Nugent Care) and Phil Thompson (formally Liverpool and England football player and Nugent Care’s Patron). Marie and Phil led the assembly at the school on were Marie spoke about Nugent Care and all of the services the organisation is responsible for, Phil spoke about his work with Nugent Care and how he supports the charity at their events. He also spoke

Stockbridge in Bloom Residents in Stockbridge are gearing up for the "It's Your Neighbourhood" a Britain in Bloom Campaign. Community Group volunteers and tenants came together to create hanging baskets in preparation for the ‘in Bloom’ judging during July/August. Supported by Villages Housing local tenants and community groups have submitted close to 20 individual entries as well as the whole estate being entered into the Urban Community category. The RHS Neighbourhood Awards ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ is the non-competitive part of North West in Bloom, welcoming groups taking the first steps towards community regeneration. While entries are not judged against each other, they are visited by environmental and horticultural ‘in Bloom’ experts during July and August, who provide

valuable feedback and helpful advice on how to develop current activities and encourage on-going improvements. Over 40 hanging baskets have been planted, with a number of them being displayed at St Jude’s and St Albert’s churches. Barbara Murray, Community Development Officer at Villages said: “We have had a huge response to the initiative; we are really keen to take home an award this year. We are looking forward to welcoming the judges to Stockbridge and hearing their feedback.” It’s Your Neighbourhood has five levels of achievement which allows a genuine starting point for groups completely new to community gardening and more opportunities for progression. The winners will be announced at a ceremony in October.

CAR BOOT SALE SUNDAY 25th AUGUST The award-winning community radio station 99.8FM KCC Live has teamed up with Knowsley Community College to their 1st ever outdoor car boot sale. Set to take place at KCC Live, Roby Campus of Knowsley Community College, Huyton. They invite you to come see KCC Lives’ new studios, request your songs to be played live on-air and get to know the KCC Live team. KCC Live will have our own car boot plot giving away great prizes including various tickets. Sellers arrive at 8am, Buyers arrive at 9am. There is some onsite parking on site for buyers, but priority will be given to disabled badge holders. Free for buyers at it is their 1st Car Boot Sale. Each plot for sellers is £7, you will have to provide your own table. To avoid disappointment you can book a plot with us beforehand. There will be a variety of cuisine available. Full indoor toilets facilities including disabled facilities. For further information or to sign up for a sellers plot, call 0151 481 4602 or email or

about growing up in Kirkby and his extensive football career. Marie said: “The Nugent Care Good Shepherd Appeal was founded by Father James Nugent in 1902 and Nugent Care continues his work today providing services for the most vulnerable people living in the North West. “It is great to see how St Michaels and All Angels CP have taken up the challenge this year and raised such a considerable amount for our community services. Without the pupils and teachers support these services would struggle to run effectively so I would just like to thank everyone involved”.

30 July 2013

Challenge Classified Advertising Telephone: 0151 709 7567 • Email: • PUBLIC NOTICE LICENSING ACT 2003: MINOR VARIATION OF PREMISES LICENCE Take note that Francis Byrne has applied to Knowsley Licensing Authority for a Minor Variation of a Premises Licence in respect of The Old Bank, 601 Princess Drive, Huyton. CCTV to Merseyside Police specification Zero Drugs Policy Challenge 25/Incident Book A record of the application can be inspected by members of the public between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday at the office of the Licensing Authority of Knowsley MBC which is located at: Knowsley MBC Licensing Service 2nd Floor Yorkon Building Archway Road Knowsley Merseyside L36 9FB Please ring 0151 443 2300 to arrange an appointment


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July 2013 31

Sport If you have any sports news contact Daniel Mckeown on 0151 706 7411 or email:

KNOWSLEY SCHOOL WIN GIRLS DISABILITY FOOTBALL FINAL Originally planned to take place as part of the Winter Festival of the Merseyside School Games on 23 March, the Girls Disability Football county final took place on Monday 24 June at Greenbank Sports Academy, Liverpool. Altbridge School (Knowsley) took first place, West Kirkby Residential (Wirral) second and Bankview High (Liverpool) and Claremount (Wirral) took joint third place. The Fair Play Winner was West Kirkby Residential School. 1st 2nd and 3rd place teams all received medals and certificates of achievement. Involving four teams with 10 girls in each squad, the event for designed for girls in school Years 8, 9 and 10 and each squad played against each school team with points awarded for positions. Everton Football Club and Liverpool County Football Association were on hand to spot potential talent, to ensure that girls with the skills are given the opportunities to develop in local clubs.

Whiston Juniors U8s are on the look out for new players. There are lots of games, tournaments, regular training with Saturday and Sunday morning league football matches. Contact Jon - 07863 996889 for further information. Prescot Cables Under 18’s youth team, who currently play in the North West Youth Alliance Premier League, are now holding trials for the 2013/2014 season. For more information please contact Kenny on 07771 672221. Prescot & Odyssey Cricket Club are looking for new members, formed in 1854 the club are located at Burrows Lane, Prescot L34 6JW. A member of the Southport & District Amateur Cricket League; Premier League Champions in 2010 and 2012. They field two teams every Saturday and a Sunday team. Their junior section has teams at under 9 and under 11. For further information email:

Top marks for Halewood club Halewood Tae Kwon-Do Club were celebrating after several of their students achieved their 1st and 2nd Degree Black Belts in the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon-Do. Lauren Butler (11), Maira Malik (14) and Sian Tunstall (27) all train at Halewood Tae Kwon-Do Club under instructor Chris Davies (29), 3rd Degree Black Belt. They have been training especially hard over the last few months in preparation for the Black Belt Grading, which tests students on various aspects of Tae Kwon-Do, including sparring ability, technical skill and even Korean terminology. Students can be asked to demonstrate anything from the entire white-to-black belt syllabus, which takes a minimum of three and a half years of training to complete. The grading itself took place in May. Despite some slight nervousness, all three performed with confidence and proficiency, and were delighted to receive the news this week that they have successfully achieved their 1st Degree Black Belts. Maira actually achieved an ‘A’ (Advanced) Pass in the grading, highlighting that her performance was particularly outstanding. Lauren and Maira are now among the youngest black belts in their club, and have become an inspiration to other students, both young and old. Club member, Stef Davies, said: “The girls


are dedicated students, training up to four times per week, and regularly attending tournaments all over the country. Both girls are World Championships silver medallists, and they are now looking forward to testing their abilities against other black belts in future competitions. “The club also had four students aiming to achieve 2nd Degree Black Belt status. This required testing their knowledge and abilities even further, after approximately two years’ training at black belt level. ■ Lauren, Sian and Maira with their awards

“Darren Buckley (40), Eddie Calland (44), Lucy Sanders (31) and Jasmine Wahid (27) were all successful in achieving their 2nd Degree Black Belts. Lucy also achieved an ‘A’ (Advanced) Pass and was awarded the coveted ‘Best In Grading’ trophy for her outstanding performance. “The success of our Black Belt students is a reflection of their hard work and commitment to training, and their instructor and fellow students are very proud of their achievements”.

Knowsley’s BMX track and velodrome give you even more opportunities to get on your bike and enjoy the summer weather! Regular sessions are available on both tracks, which are located at Knowsley Leisure & Culture Park. You can now hire BMX bikes, helmets and safety equipment, as well as getting tips from experienced coaches at the BMX track. You can also hire the track and equipment for birthday parties. To find out more about times, costs, accreditation or track hire, visit or ring 443 3540. Are you over 55 and want to get involved in something fun where you can make new friends? Why not take part in this year’s Older People’s Fun O’lympics? With everything from badminton and table tennis to dominoes and scrabble. The fun O’lympic event will take place on Friday 27 September at Knowsley Leisure & Culture Park. For more information ring Peter King on 289 4317

32 July 2013

Sport If you have any sports news contact Daniel Mckeown on 0151 706 7411 or email:


289 9999 Local football team AFC Kirkby are celebrating after securing funding with the O2 shop in Kirkby. AFC Kirkby has been running for over twelve years and has won numerous trophies in its time playing in the Liverpool CMS league open age. The Club has actively supported local youth and residents of Kirkby from 16 years upwards to take part in grass roots football, but due to a lack of funding it was likely that 2013 would be its last season. John Cleary from O2 Kirkby approached the club secretary Mike Pugh and offered the financial assistance they needed, with a new team kit and funding for the upcoming

Knowsley Challenge is a free community newspaper to serve the Borough of Knowsley. Circulation 30,000. Editorial Office: 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Telephone: 0151 706 7411. Advertising, Graphic Design and Typesetting by Mersey Mirror, 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Telephone: 0151 709 7567 Fax: 0151 707 1678

2013-2014 season. This news delighted the team and with a cup competition fast approaching the team was challenged to reach the final, spurred on with the promise that their new kit would be ready to wear for it. The team not only reached the final on May 9, at the Dockers Club Anfield, they got to wear the kit, and after a thrilling game they won 3-1. John from O2 Kirkby said: “As a local business we are really keen to support the local community and found this team needing help. We’re really proud of their success this year and hopefully this is the start of a long and ‘cup winning’ partnership with AFC Kirkby”.

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