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ii Preface

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Main, M. (Michael), 1956–

Data structures and other objects using C++ / Michael Main, Walter Savitch.-- 4th ed. Includes index.

ISBN 978-0-13-212948-0 (pbk.)

1. C++ (Computer program language) 2. Data structures (Computer science) 3. Object-oriented programming (Computer science) I. Savitch, Walter J., 1943–II. Title.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10--CRS--14 13 12 11 10

2009049328 CIP

ISBN 10: 0-13-212948-5

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-212948-0


This book is written for a second course in computer science, the CS 2 course at many universities. The text’s emphasis is on the specification, design, implementation, and use of the basic data types that normally are covered in a second-semester course. In addition, we cover a range of important programming techniques and provide self-contained coverage of abstraction techniques, object-oriented programming, big-O time analysis of algorithms, and sorting.

We assume that the student has already had an introductory computer science and programming class, but we do include coverage of those topics (such as recursion and pointers) that are not always covered completely in a first course. The text uses C++, but our coverage of C++ classes begins from scratch, so the text may be used by students whose introduction to programming was in C rather than C++.In our experience, such students need a brief coverage of C++ input and output techniques (such as those provided in Appendix F) and some coverage of C++ parameter types (which we provide in Chapter 2). When C programmers are over the input/output hurdle and the parameter hurdle (and perhaps a small “fear” hurdle), they can step readily into classes and other object-oriented features of C++. As this indicates, there are several pathways through the text that can be tailored to different backgrounds, including some optional features for the student who comes to the class with a stronger than usual background.

New to This Edition

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) plays a larger role in our curriculum than past editions, and we have added selected new material to support this. For us, it’s important that our students understand both how to use the STL classes in an application program and the possible approaches to imple- iii

menting these (or similar) classes. With this in mind, the primary changes that you’ll find for this edition are:

•A new Section 2.6 that gives an early introduction to the Standard Template Library using the pair class. We have been able to introduce students to the STL here even before they have a full understanding of templates.

•An earlier introduction of the multiset class and STL iterators in Section 3.4. This is a good location for the material because the students have just seen how to implement their first collection class (the bag), which is based on the multiset.

•We continue to introduce the STL string class in Section 4.5, where it’s appropriate for the students to implement their own string class with a dynamic array.

•A new Section 5.6 that compares three similar STL classes: the vector, the list, and the deque. At this point, the students have enough knowledge to understand typical vector and list implementations.

•A first introduction to the STL algorithms appears in Section 6.3, and this is now expanded on in Sections 11.2 (the heap algorithms) and 13.4 (expanded coverage of sorting and binary search in the STL).

•A new Section 8.4 provides typical implementation details for the STL deque class using an interesting combination of dynamic arrays and pointers.

•A discussion of hash tables in the proposed TR1 expansions for the STL is now given in Section 12.6.

Most chapters also include new programming projects, and you may also keep an eye on our project web site,, for new projects as we develop them.

The Steps for Each Data Type

Overall, the fourth edition remains committed to the data types: sets, bags (or multisets), sequential lists, ordered lists (with ordering from a “less than” operator), stacks, queues, tables, and graphs. There are also additional supplemental data types such as a priority queue. Each of these data types is introduced following a consistent pattern:

Step 1: Understand the datatypeabstractly. At this level, a student gains an understanding of the data type and its operations at the level of concepts and pictures. For example, a student can visualize a stack and its operations of pushing and popping elements. Simple applications are understood and can be carried out by hand, such as using a stack to reverse the order of letters in a word.

Step 2: Write a specification of the data type as a C++ class. In this step, the student sees and learns how to write a specification for a C++ class that can

implement the data type. The specification includes prototypes for the constructors, public member functions, and sometimes other public features (such as an underlying constant that determines the maximum size of a stack). The prototype of each member function is presented along with a precondition/postcondition contract that completely specifies the behavior of the function. At this level, it’s important for the students to realize that the specification is not tied to any particular choice of implementation techniques. In fact, this same specification may be used several times for several different implementations of the same data type.

Step 3: Use the datatype. With the specification in place, students can write small applications or demonstration programs to show the data type in use. These applications are based solely on the data type’s specification, as we still have not tied down the implementation.

Step 4: Select appropriatedatastructures, and proceed to design and implement the datatype. With a good abstract understanding of the data type, we can select an appropriate data structure, such as a fixed-sized array, a dynamic array, a linked list of nodes, or a binary tree of nodes. For many of our data types, a first design and implementation will select a simple approach, such as a fixed-sized array. Later, we will redesign and reimplement the same data type with a more complicated underlying structure.

Since we are using C++ classes, an implementation of a data type will have the selected data structures (arrays, pointers, etc.) as private member variables of the class. With each implemented class, we stress the necessity for a clear understanding of the rules that relate the private member variables to an abstract notion of the data type. We require each student to write these rules in clear English sentences that we call the invariant of the abstract data type. Once the invariant is written, students can proceed to implementing various member functions. The invariant helps in writing correct functions because of two facts: (a) Each function (except constructors) knows that the invariant is true when the function begins its work; and (b) each function (except the destructor) is responsible for ensuring that the invariant is again true when the function finishes.

Step 5: Analyze the implementation. Each implementation can be analyzed for correctness, flexibility (such as a fixed size versus dynamic size), and time analysis of the operations (using big-O notation). Students have a particularly strong opportunity for these analyses when the same data type has been implemented in several different ways.

Where Will the Students Be at the End of the Course?

At the end of our course, students understand the data types inside out. They know how to use the data types, they know how to implement them several ways, and they know the practical effects of the different implementation choices. The students can reason about efficiency with a big-O analysis and

argue for the correctness of their implementations by referring to the invariant of the class.

One of the important lasting effects of the course is the specification, design, and implementation experience. The improved ability to reason about programs is also important. But perhaps most important of all is the exposure to classes that are easily used in many situations. The students no longer have to write everything from scratch. We tell our students that someday they will be thinking about a problem, and they will suddenly realize that a large chunk of the work can be done with a bag, or a stack, or a queue, or some such. And this large chunk of work is work that they won’t have to do. Instead, they will pull out the bag or stack or queue or some such that they wrote this semester—using it with no modifications. Or, more likely, they will use the familiar data type from a library of standard data types, such as the C++ Standard Template Library. In fact, the behavior of the data types in this text is a cut-down version of the Standard Template Library, so when students take the step to the real STL, they will be on familiar ground. And at that point of realization, knowing that a certain data type is the exact solution he or she needs, the student becomes a real programmer.

Other Foundational Topics

Throughout the course, we also lay a foundation for other aspects of “real programming,” with coverage of the following topics beyond the basic data structures material:

Object-orientedprogramming. The foundations of object-oriented programming (OOP) are laid by giving students a strong understanding of C++ classes. The important aspects of classes are covered early: the notion of a member function, the separation into private and public members, the purpose of constructors, and a small exposure to operator overloading. This is enough to get students going and excited about classes.

Further major aspects of classes are introduced when the students first use dynamic memory (Chapter 4). At this point, the need for three additional items is explained: the copy constructor, the overloaded assignment operator, and the destructor. Teaching these OOP aspects with the first use of dynamic memory has the effect of giving the students a concrete picture of dynamic memory as a resource that can be taken and must later be returned.

Conceptually, the largest innovation of OOP is the software reuse that occurs via inheritance. And there are certainly opportunities for introducing inheritance right from the start of a data structures course (such as implementing a set class as a descendant of a bag class). However, an early introduction may also result in juggling too many new concepts at once, resulting in a weaker understanding of the fundamental data structures. Therefore, in our own course we introduce inheritance at the end as a vision of things to come. But the introduction to inheritance (Sections 14.1 and 14.2) could be covered as soon as copy constructors are

understood. With this in mind, some instructors may wish to cover Chapter 14 earlier, just before stacks and queues.

Another alternative is to identify students who already know the basics of classes. These students can carry out an inheritance project (such as the ecosystem of Section 14.2 or the game engine in Section 14.3) while the rest of the students first learn about classes.

Templates. Template functions and template classes are an important part of the proposed Standard Template Library, allowing a programmer to easily change the type of the underlying item in a container class. Template classes also allow the use of several different instantiations of a class in a single program. As such, we think it’s important to learn about and use templates (Chapter 6) prior to stacks (Chapter 7), since expression evaluation is an important application that uses two kinds of stacks.

Iterators. Iterators are another important part of the proposed Standard Template Library, allowing a programmer to easily step through the items in a container object (such as the elements of a set or bag). Such iterators may be internal (implemented with member functions of the container class) or external (implemented by a separate class that is a friend of the container class). We introduce internal iterators with one of the first container classes (a sequential list in Section 3.2). An internal iterator is added to the bag class when it is needed in Chapter 6. At that point, the more complex external iterators also are discussed, and students should be aware of the advantages of an external iterator. Throughout the text, iterators provide a good opportunity for programming projects, such as implementing an external bag iterator (Chapter 6) or using a stack to implement an internal iterator of a binary search tree (Chapter 10).

Recursion. First-semester courses sometimes introduce students to recursion. But many of the first-semester examples are tail recursion, where the final act of the function is the recursive call. This may have given students a misleading impression that recursion is nothing more than a loop. Because of this, we prefer to avoid early use of tail recursion in a second-semester course. For example, list traversal and other operations on linked lists can be implemented with tail recursion, but the effect may reinforce wrong impressions about recursion (and the tail recursive list operations may need to be unlearned when the students work with lists of thousands of items, running into potential run-time stack overflow).

So, in our second-semester course, we emphasize recursive solutions that use more than tail recursion. The recursion chapter provides three examples along these lines. Two of the examples—generating random fractals and traversing a maze—are big hits with the students. In our class, we teach recursion (Chapter 9) just before trees (Chapter 10), since it is in recursive tree algorithms that recursion becomes vital. However, instructors who desire more emphasis on recursion can move that topic forward, even before Chapter 2.

viii Preface

In a course that has time for advanced tree projects (Chapter 11), we analyze the recursive tree algorithms, explaining the importance of keeping the trees balanced—both to improve worst-case performance, and to avoid potential runtime stack overflow.

Searching and sorting. Chapters 12 and 13 provide fundamental coverage of searching and sorting algorithms. The searching chapter reviews binary search of an ordered array, which many students will have seen before. Hash tables also are introduced in the search chapter. The sorting chapter reviews simple quadratic sorting methods, but the majority of the chapter focuses on faster algorithms: the recursive merge sort (with worst-case time of O(n log n)),Tony Hoare’s recursive quicksort (with average-time O(n log n)), and the tree-based heap sort (with worst-case time of O(n log n)). There is also a new introduction to the C++ Standard Library sorting functions.

Advanced Projects

The text offers good opportunities for optional projects that can be undertaken by a more advanced class or by students with a stronger background in a large class. Particular advanced projects include the following:

•A polynomial class using dynamic memory (Section 4.6).

•An introduction to Standard Library iterators, culminating in an implementation of an iterator for the student’s bag class (Sections 6.3 through 6.5).

•An iterator for the binary search tree (Programming Projects in Chapter 10).

•A priority queue, implemented with a linked list (Chapter 8 projects), or implemented using a heap (Section 11.1).

•A set class, implemented with B-trees (Section 11.3). We have made a particular effort on this project to provide information that is sufficient for students to implement the class without need of another text. In our courses, we have successfully directed advanced students to do this project as independent work.

•An inheritance project, such as the ecosystem of Section 14.2.

•An inheritance project using an abstract base class such as the game base class in Section 14.3 (which allows easy implementation of two-player games such as Othello or Connect Four).

•A graph class and associated graph algorithms from Chapter 15. This is another case where advanced students may do work on their own.

C++ Language Features

C++ is a complex language with many advanced features that will not be touched in a second-semester course. But we endeavor to provide complete coverage for those features that we do touch. In the first edition of the text, we included coverage of two features that were new to C++ at the time: the new bool data type (Figure2.1 on page37) and static member constants (see page104). The requirements for using static member constants were changed in the 1998 Standard, and we have incorporated this change into the text (the constant must now be declared both inside and outside the class definition). The other primary new feature from the 1998 Standard is the use of namespaces, which were incorporated in the second edition. In each of these cases, these features might not be supported in older compilers. We provide some assistance in dealing with this (see Appendix E, “Dealing with Older Compilers”), and some assistance in downloading and installing the GNU g++ compiler (see Appendix K).

Flexibility of Topic Ordering

This book was written to allow instructors latitude in reordering the material to meet the specific background of students or to add early emphasis to selected topics. The dependencies among the chapters are shown on pagexi. A line joining two boxes indicates that the upper box should be covered before the lower box.

Here are some suggested orderings of the material:

Typicalcourse. Start with Chapters 1–10, skipping parts of Chapter 2 if the students have a prior background in C++ classes. Most chapters can be covered in a week, but you may want more time for Chapter 5 (linked lists), Chapter 6 (templates), Chapter 9 (recursion), or Chapter 10 (trees). Typically, we cover the material in 13 weeks, including time for exams and extra time for linked lists and trees. Remaining weeks can be spent on a tree project from Chapter 11, or on binary search (Section 12.1) and sorting (Chapter 13).

Heavy OOP emphasis. If students cover sorting and searching elsewhere, there will be time for a heavier emphasis on object-oriented programming. The first four chapters are covered in detail, and then derived classes (Section 14.1) are introduced. At this point, students can do an interesting OOP project, based on the ecosystem of Section 14.2 or the games in Section 14.3. The basic data structures are then covered (Chapters 5–8), with the queue implemented as a derived class (Section 14.3). Finish up with recursion (Chapter 9) and trees (Chapter 10), placing special emphasis on recursive member functions.

Acceleratedcourse. Assign the first three chapters as independent reading in the first week, and start with Chapter 4 (pointers). This will leave two to three

x Preface

extra weeks at the end of the term, so that students may spend more time on searching, sorting, and the advanced topics (shaded on pagexi.)

We also have taught the course with further acceleration by spending no lecture time on stacks and queues (but assigning those chapters as reading).

Earlyrecursion / earlysorting. One to three weeks may be spent at the start of class on recursive thinking. The first reading will then be Chapters 1 and 9, perhaps supplemented by additional recursive projects.

If recursion is covered early, you may also proceed to cover binary search (Section 12.1) and most of the sorting algorithms (Chapter 13) before introducing C++ classes.

Supplements via the Internet

The following supplemental materials for this text are available to all readers at

•Source code. All the C++ classes, functions, and programs that appear in the book are available to readers.

•Errata.We have tried not to make mistakes, but sometimes they are inevitable. A list of detected errors is available and updated as necessary. You are invited to contribute any errors you find.

In addition, the following supplements are available to qualified instructors at Please contact your Addison-Wesley sales representative, or send email to, for information on how to access them:

•PowerPoint lecture slides

•Exam questions

•Solutions to selected programming projects

•Sample assignments and lab exercises

•Suggested syllabi

Preface xi

Chapter Dependencies

At the start of the course, students should be comfortable writing functions and using arrays in C++ or C. Those who have used only C should read Appendix F and pay particular attention to the discussion of reference parameters in Section 2.4.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapters 2, 3, and 4.1–4.4 Classes Container Classes Pointers and Dynamic Memory

Chapter 2 may be skipped by students with a good background in C++ classes.

Chapter 5 Linked Lists

Sections 4.5–4.6 Projects: String Class Polynomial

Sections 6.3–6.6 More Templates and Iterators

Sections 14.1–14.2 Derived Classes

Section 14.3 Virtual Methods

The shaded boxes provide good opportunities for advanced work.

Sections 6.1–6.2 Templates

Chapter 7 Stacks

Chapter 8 Queues

Section 11.1-2 Heaps

Chapter 9 Recursion

Chapter 10 Trees

Section 11.3 B-Trees

Section 11.4 Detailed Tree Analysis

Section 12.1 Binary Search

Sec. 12.2–12.3 HashTables (Also requires 6.1–6.2)

Chapter 13 Sorting (Heapsort also needs Sec. 11.1)

Chapter 15 Graphs


We started this book while Walter was visiting Michael at the Computer Science Department of the University of Colorado in Boulder. The work was completed afterWalter moved back to the Department of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, San Diego. We are grateful to these institutions for providing facilities, wonderful students, and interaction with congenial colleagues.

Our students have been particularly helpful—nearly 5000 of our students worked through the material, making suggestions, showing us how they learned. We thank the reviewers and instructors who used the material in their data structures courses and provided feedback: Zachary Bergen, Cathy Bishop, Martin Burtscher, Gina Cherry, Courtney Comstock, Stephen Davies, Robert Frohardt, John Gillett, Mike Hendricks, Ralph Hollingsworth, Yingdan Huang, Patrick Lynn, Ron McCarty, Shivakant Mishra, Evi Nemeth, Rick Osborne, Rachelle Reese, and Nicholas Tran. The book was also extensively reviewed by Wolfgang W. Bein, Bill Hankley, Michael Milligan, Paul Nagin, Jeff Parker, Andrew L. Wright, John R. Rose, and Evan Zweifel. We thank these colleagues for their excellent critique and their encouragement.

Thank you to Lesley McDowell and Chris Schenk, who are pleasant and enthusiastic every day in the computer science department at the University of Colorado. Our thanks also go to the editors and staff at Addison-Wesley. Heather McNally’s work has encouraged us and provided us with smooth interaction on a daily basis and eased every step of the production. Karin Dejamaer and Jessica Hector provided friendly encouragement in Boulder, and we offer our thanks to them. We welcome and appreciate Michael Hirsch in the role of editor, where he has shown amazing energy, enthusiasm, and encouragement. Finally, our original editor, Susan Hartman, has provided continual support, encouragement, and direction—the book wouldn’t be here without you!

In addition to the work and support from those who put the book together, we thank those who offered us daily interest and encouragement. Our deepest thanks go to Holly Arnold, Vanessa Crittenden, Meredith Boyles, Suzanne Church, Erika Civils, Lynne Conklin, Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, PaulEisenbrey, Skip Ellis, John Kennedy, Rick Lowell, George Main, Mickey Main, Jesse Nuzzi, Ben Powell, Marga Powell, Megan Powell, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Hannah, Timothy, and Janet.


Walter Savitch Boulder,Colorado SanDiego,California


1.1Specification, Design, Implementation3

Design Concept: Decomposing the Problem4 Preconditions and Postconditions6

Using Functions Provided by Other Programmers8

Implementation Issues for the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard8

C++ Feature: The Standard Library and the Standard Namespace9

Programming Tip: Use Declared Constants11

Clarifying the Const Keyword Part 1: Declared Constants12

Programming Tip: Use Assert to Check a Precondition12

Programming Tip: Use EXIT_SUCCESS in a Main Program14

C++ Feature: Exception Handling14

Self-Test Exercises for Section 1.114

1.2Running Time Analysis15

The Stair-Counting Problem15 Big-O Notation21

Time Analysis of C++ Functions23

Worst-Case, Average-Case, and Best-Case Analyses25 Self-Test Exercises for Section 1.225

1.3Testing and Debugging26

ChoosingTest Data26

Boundary Values27

Fully Exercising Code28


Programming Tip: How to Debug28

Self-Test Exercises for Section 1.329

Chapter Summary30

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises31


2.1Classes and Members34

Programming Example: The Throttle Class34

Clarifying the Const Keyword Part 2: Constant Member Functions38 Using a Class39

A Small Demonstration Program for the Throttle Class40

Implementing Member Functions42

Member Functions May Activate Other Members44

Programming Tip: Style for Boolean Variables44 Self-Test Exercises for Section 2.145


The Throttle’s Constructor46

What Happens If You Write a Class with No Constructors?49

Programming Tip: Always Provide Constructors49 Revising the Throttle’s Member Functions49 Inline Member Functions49

Programming Tip: When to Use an Inline Member Function50 Self-Test Exercises for Section 2.251

2.3Using a Namespace, Header File, and Implementation File51 Creating a Namespace51

The Header File52

Describing the Value Semantics of a Class Within the Header File56

Programming Tip: Document the Value Semantics57

The Implementation File57

Using the Items in a Namespace59

Pitfall: Never Put a Using Statement Actually in a Header File60

Self-Test Exercises for Section 2.362

2.4Classes and Parameters63

Programming Example: The Point Class63 Default Arguments65

Programming Tip: A Default Constructor Can Be Provided by Using Default Arguments66 Parameters67

Pitfall: Using a Wrong Argument Type for a Reference Parameter70 Clarifying the Const Keyword Part 3: Const Reference Parameters72

Programming Tip: Use const Consistently73

When the Type of a Function’s Return Value Is a Class73

Self-Test Exercises for Section 2.474

2.5Operator Overloading74

Overloading Binary Comparison Operators75

Overloading Binary Arithmetic Operators76

Overloading Output and Input Operators77 Friend Functions80

Programming Tip: When to Use a Friend Function81 The Point Class—Putting Things Together82 Summary of Operator Overloading85

Self-Test Exercises for Section 2.585

2.6The Standard Template Libary and the Pair Class86 Chapter Summary87 Solutions to Self-Test Exercises88 Programming Projects90


3.1The Bag Class97

The Bag Class—Specification98

C++ Feature: Typedef Statements Within a Class Definition99

C++ Feature: The std::size_t Data Type100

Clarifying the Const Keyword

Part 4: Static Member Constants104

Older Compilers Do Not Support Initialization of Static Member Constants105

The Bag Class—Documentation105

Documenting the Value Semantics107

The Bag Class—Demonstration Program107

The Bag Class—Design109

Pitfall: The value_type Must Have a Default Constructor110

The Invariant of a Class110

The Bag Class—Implementation111

Pitfall: Needing to Use the Full Type Name bag::size_type112

Programming Tip: Make Assertions Meaningful112

C++ Feature: The Copy Function from the C++ Standard Library116

The Bag Class—Putting the Pieces Together117

Programming Tip: Document the Class Invariant in the Implementation File117

The Bag Class—Testing121

Pitfall: An Object Can Be an Argument to Its Own Member Function121

The Bag Class—Analysis122

Self-Test Exercises for Section 3.1123

3.2Programming Project: The Sequence Class124

The Sequence Class—Specification124

The Sequence Class—Documentation127

The Sequence Class—Design127

The Sequence Class—Pseudocode for the Implementation130 Self-Test Exercises for Section 3.2132

3.3InteractiveTest Programs133

C++ Feature: Converting Input to Uppercase Letters134

C++ Feature: The Switch Statement138 Self-Test Exercises for Section 3.3138

3.4The STL Multiset Class and Its Iterator139

The Multiset Template Class 139

Some Multiset Members140 Iterators and the[...) Pattern140

Pitfall: Do Not Access an Iterator’s Item After Reaching end( )142 Testing Iterators for Equality143

Other Multiset Operations143 Invalid Iterators144

Clarifying the Const Keyword Part 5: Const Iterators144

Pitfall: Changing a Container Object Can Invalidate Its Iterators144

Self-Test Exercises for Section 3.4145

Chapter Summary146

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises146

Programming Projects149


4.1Pointers and Dynamic Memory155


Using the Assignment Operator with Pointers158

DynamicVariables and the new Operator159

Using new to Allocate Dynamic Arrays160

The Heap and the bad_alloc Exception163

The delete Operator163

Programming Tip: Define Pointer Types164

Self-Test Exercises for Section 4.1165

4.2 Pointers and Arrays as Parameters166

Clarifying the Const Keyword Part 6: Const Parameters That Are Pointers or Arrays171

Self-Test Exercises for Section 4.2173

4.3 The Bag Class with a Dynamic Array176

Pointer Member Variables176

Member Functions Allocate Dynamic Memory as Needed177

Programming Tip: Provide Documentation about Possible Dynamic Memory Failure181

Value Semantics181

The Destructor184

The Revised Bag Class—Class Definition185

The Revised Bag Class—Implementation187

Programming Tip: How to Check for Self-Assignment188

Programming Tip: How to Allocate Memory in a Member Function191

The Revised Bag Class—Putting the Pieces Together192

Self-Test Exercises for Section 4.3194

4.4Prescription for a Dynamic Class195

Four Rules195

Special Importance of the Copy Constructor195

Pitfall: Using Dynamic Memory Requires a Destructor, a Copy Constructor, and an Overloaded Assignment Operator196

Self-Test Exercises for Section 4.4197

4.5The STL String Class and a Project197

Null-Terminated Strings197

Initializing a String Variable198

The Empty String198

Reading and Writing String Variables199

Pitfall: Using = and == with Strings199

The strcpy Function199

The strcat Function200

Pitfall: Dangers of strcpy, strcat, and Reading Strings200

The strlen Function201

The strcmp Function201

The String Class—Specification201

Constructor for the String Class203

Overloading the Operator [ ]204

Some Further Overloading204

Other Operations for the String Class205

The String Class—Design205

The String Class—Implementation206

Demonstration Program for the String Class208

Chaining the Output Operator210

Declaring Constant Objects210

Constructor-Generated Conversions210

Using Overloaded Operations in Expressions211

Our String Class Versus the C++ Library String Class211

Self-Test Exercises for Section 4.5211

4.6Programming Project: The Polynomial212

Chapter Summary216

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises216

Programming Projects218


5.1A Fundamental Node Class for Linked Lists221

Declaring a Class for Nodes221

Using a Typedef Statement with Linked-List Nodes222

Head Pointers, Tail Pointers223

The Null Pointer224

The Meaning of a Null Head Pointer or Tail Pointer224

The Node Constructor224

The Node Member Functions225

The Member Selection Operator226

Clarifying the Const Keyword

Part 7: The Const Keyword with a Pointer to a Node, and theNeed for Two Versions of Some Member Functions227

Programming Tip: A Rule for a Node’s Constant Member Functions228

Pitfall: Dereferencing the Null Pointer230

Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.1230

5.2A Linked-List Toolkit231

Linked-ListToolkit—Header File232

Computing the Length of a Linked List232

Programming Tip: How to Traverse a Linked List235

Pitfall: Forgetting to Test the Empty List236 Parameters for Linked Lists236

Inserting a New Node at the Head of a Linked List238

Inserting a New Node That Is Not at the Head240

Pitfall: Unintended Calls to delete and new243

Searching for an Item in a Linked List245

Finding a Node by Its Position in a Linked List246

Copying a Linked List247

Removing a Node at the Head of a Linked List250

Removing a Node That Is Not at the Head251

Clearing a Linked List252

Linked-ListToolkit—Putting the Pieces Together253 Using the Linked-List Toolkit254

Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.2258

5.3The Bag Class with a Linked List259

Our Third Bag—Specification259

Our Third Bag—Class Definition259

How to Make the Bag value_type Match the Node value_type260

Following the Rules for Dynamic Memory Usage in a Class263

The Third Bag Class—Implementation264

Pitfall: The Assignment Operator Causes Trouble with Linked Lists265

Programming Tip: How to Choose Between Approaches267

The Third Bag Class—Putting the Pieces Together271

Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.3272

5.4Programming Project: TheSequenceClasswithaLinkedList275

The Revised Sequence Class—Design Suggestions275

The Revised Sequence Class—Value Semantics276

Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.4277

5.5 Dynamic Arrays vs. Linked Lists vs. DoublyLinkedLists277 Making the Decision279

Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.5279

5.6 STL Vectors vs. STL Lists vs. STL Deques280 Self-Test Exercises for Section 5.6282

Chapter Summary283

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises283

Programming Projects287


6.1Template Functions291

Syntax for a Template Function293

Programming Tip: Capitalize the Name of a Template Parameter293 Using a Template Function294 Pitfall: Failed Unification Errors294

A Template Function to Swap Two Values296

Programming Tip: Swap, Max, and Min Functions296 Parameter Matching for Template Functions296

A Template Function to Find the Biggest Item in an Array297 Pitfall: Mismatches for Template Function Arguments299 A Template Function to Insert an Item into a Sorted Array299 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.1301

6.2Template Classes301

Syntax for a Template Class301

Programming Tip: Use the Name Item and the typename Keyword303 Pitfall: Do Not Place Using Directives in a Template Implementation304 More About the Template Implementation File304

Parameter Matching for Member Functions of Template Classes309 Using the Template Class309 Details of the Story-Writing Program312 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.2312

6.3The STL’s Algorithms and Use of Iterators313 STL Algorithms313

Standard Categories of Iterators314 Iterators for Arrays316 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.3317

6.4The Node Template Class317 Functions That Return a Reference Type318 What Happens When a Reference Return Value Is Copied Elsewhere320 The Data Member Function Now Requires Two Versions320 Header and Implementation Files for the New Node321 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.4321

6.5An Iterator for Linked Lists328

The Node Iterator328

The Node Iterator Is Derived from std::iterator330 Pitfall: std::iterator Might Not Exist331

The Node Iterator’s Private Member Variable331 Node Iterator—Constructor331 Node Iterator—the * Operator331 Node Iterator—Two Versions of the ++ Operator332 Programming Tip: ++p Is More Efficient Than p++334 Iterators for Constant Collections334

Programming Tip: When to Use a Const Iterator336 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.5336


6.6Linked-List Version of the Bag Template Class with an Iterator337 How to Provide an Iterator for a Container Class That You Write337

The Bag Iterator338 Why the Iterator Is Defined Inside the Bag339 Self-Test Exercises for Section 6.6339

Chapter Summary and Summary of the Five Bags347 Solutions to Self-Test Exercises348

Programming Projects350


7.1 The STL Stack Class353

The Standard Library Stack Class354

Programming Example: Reversing a Word355 Self-Test Exercises for Section 7.1356

7.2Stack Applications357

Programming Example: Balanced Parentheses357 Programming Example: Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions359 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions—Specification359 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions—Design360 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions—Implementation366 Functions Used in the Calculator Program367 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions—Testing and Analysis367 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions—Enhancements368 Self-Test Exercises for Section 7.2368

7.3Implementations of the Stack Class369

Array Implementation of a Stack369 Linked-List Implementation of a Stack373 The Koenig Lookup374 Self-Test Exercises for Section 7.3374

7.4More Complex Stack Applications377 Evaluating Postfix Expressions377 Translating Infix to Postfix Notation379 Using Precedence Rules in the Infix Expression381 Correctness of the Conversion from Infix to Postfix383 Self-Test Exercises for Section 7.4387

Chapter Summary387

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises387

Programming Projects389


8.1 The STL Queue394

The Standard Library Queue Class395 Uses for Queues395 Self-Test Exercises for Section 8.1397

8.2Queue Applications398

Programming Example: Recognizing Palindromes398 Self-Test Exercises for Middle of Section 8.2400

Programming Example: Car Wash Simulation401

Car Wash Simulation—Specification401 Car Wash Simulation—Design402

Car Wash Simulation—Implementing the Car Wash Classes405

Car Wash Simulation—Implementing the Simulation Function410 Self-Test Exercises for End of Section 8.2411

8.3Implementations of the Queue Class413 Array Implementation of a Queue413

Programming Tip: Use Small Helper Functions to Improve Clarity416 Discussion of the Circular Array Implementation of a Queue418 Linked-List Implementation of a Queue420

Implementation Details421

Programming Tip: Make Note of “Don’t Care” Situations423 Pitfall: Which End Is Which423 Self-Test Exercises for Section 8.3426

8.4Implementing the STL Deque Class426 Calling the Destructor and Constructor for the Deque’s value_type Items429

OtherVariations on Stacks and Queues430 Self-Test Exercises for Section 8.4430

8.5Reference Return Values for the Stack, Queue, and Other Classes430

Chapter Summary430 Solutions to Self-Test Exercises432

Programming Projects433


9.1Recursive Functions437

A First Example of Recursive Thinking437 Tracing Recursive Calls439

Programming Example: An Extension of write_vertical441 A Closer Look at Recursion442

General Form of a Successful Recursive Function445 Self-Test Exercises for Section 9.1446

9.2Studies of Recursion: Fractals and Mazes447

Programming Example: Generating Random Fractals447 A Function for Generating Random Fractals—Specification448 Design and Implementation of the Fractal Function450 How the Random Fractals Are Displayed451

Programming Example: Traversing a Maze453

Traversing a Maze—Specification453 Traversing a Maze—Design455

Traversing a Maze—Implementation456

The Recursive Pattern of Exhaustive Search with Backtracking458

Programming Example: TheTeddy Bear Game459

Pitfall: Forgetting to Use the Return Value from a Recursive Call459 Self-Test Exercises for Section 9.2460


9.3Reasoning About Recursion461

How to Ensure That There Is No Infinite Recursion463

Inductive Reasoning About the Correctness of a Recursive Function466

Self-Test Exercises for Section 9.3467

Chapter Summary468

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises468

Programming Projects470


10.1Introduction to Trees475

Binary Trees475

Binary Taxonomy Trees478

General Trees479

Self-Test Exercises for Section 10.1480

10.2Tree Representations480

Array Representation of Complete Binary Trees480 Representing a Binary Tree with a Class for Nodes483

Self-Test Exercises for Section 10.2485

10.3Binary Tree Nodes485

Pitfall: Not Connecting All the Links488

Programming Example: Animal Guessing489

Animal Guessing Program—Design and Implementation491

Animal Guessing Program—Improvements496

Self-Test Exercises for Section 10.3500

10.4Tree Traversals500

Traversals of Binary Trees500

Printing the Data from a Tree’s Node505

The Problem with Our Traversals506

A Parameter Can Be a Function507

A Template Version of the Apply Function509

More Generality for the Apply Template Function510

Template Functions for Tree Traversals511 Self-Test Exercises for Section 10.4512

10.5Binary Search Trees518

The Binary Search Tree Storage Rules518

Our Sixth Bag—Class Definition522

Our Sixth Bag—Implementation of Some Simple Functions522 Counting the Occurrences of an Item in a Binary Search Tree523

Inserting a New Item into a Binary Search Tree524

Removing an Item from a Binary Search Tree525

The Union Operators for Binary Search Trees529

Time Analysis and an Iterator531

Self-Test Exercises for Section 10.5531

Chapter Summary531

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises532

Programming Projects534



The Heap Storage Rules540

The Priority Queue ADT with Heaps541 Adding an Entry to a Heap542

Removing an Entry from a Heap543

11.2 The STL Priority Queue and Heap Algorithms546

11.3 B-Trees547

Self-Test Exercises for Sections 11.1 and 11.2547

The Problem of Unbalanced Trees547

The B-Tree Rules548

An Example B-Tree549

The Set ADT with B-Trees550

Searching for an Item in a B-Tree555

Inserting an Item into a B-Tree557

The Loose Insertion into a B-Tree557

A Private Member Function to Fix an Excess in a Child560

Back to the Insert Member Function561 Employing Top-Down Design563

Removing an Item from a B-Tree563

The Loose Erase from a B-Tree564

A Private Member Function to Fix a Shortage in a Child566

Removing the Biggest Item from a B-Tree569

Programming Tip: Write and Test Small Pieces569

Programming Tip: Consider Using the STL Vector570

External B-Trees570

Self-Test Exercises for Section 11.2571

11.4 Trees, Logs, and Time Analysis572

Time Analysis for Binary Search Trees573

Time Analysis for Heaps573


Logarithmic Algorithms576

Self-Test Exercises for Section 11.3577

11.5 The STL Map and Multimap Classes577

Chapter Summary579

Map and Multimap Implementations578

Solutions to Self-Test Exercises579

Programming Projects582


12.1Serial Search and Binary Search584

Serial Search584

Serial Search—Analysis584

Binary Search586

Binary Search—Design587

Pitfall: Common Indexing Errors in Binary Search Implementations589

Binary Search—Analysis590

Standard Library Search Functions594 Functions for Sorted Ranges594 Functions for Unsorted Ranges596

The STL search Function596 Self-Test Exercises for Section 12.1598

12.2Open-Address Hashing598

Introduction to Hashing598

TheTable Class—Specification601

TheTable Class—Design603 Programming Tip: Using size_t Can Indicate a Value’s Purpose606 TheTable ADT—Implementation606

C++ Feature: Inline Functions in the Implementation File612 Choosing a Hash Function to Reduce Collisions612 Double Hashing to Reduce Clustering613 Self-Test Exercises for Section 12.2614

12.3Chained Hashing615 Self-Test Exercises for Section 12.3617

12.4Time Analysis of Hashing617

The Load Factor of a Hash Table617 Self-Test Exercises for Section 12.4620

12.5Programming Project: A Table Class with STL Vectors620 A New Table Class620 Using Vectors in the New Table621 Template Parameters That Are Constants621 Template Parameters That Are Functions621 Implementing the New Table Class622 Self-Test Exercises for Section 12.5623

12.6HashTables in the TR1 Library Extensions624 Chapter Summary624 Solutions to Self-Test Exercises625 Programming Projects628


13.1Quadratic Sorting Algorithms630





Programming Tip: Rough Estimates Suffice for Big-O 636 Insertionsort636


Self-Test Exercises for Section 13.1642

13.2Recursive Sorting Algorithms642

Divide-and-Conquer Using Recursion642 C++ Feature: Specifying a Subarray with Pointer Arithmetic643 Mergesort645

The merge Function646 Dynamic Memory Usage in Mergesort651 Mergesort—Analysis651 Mergesort for Files653 Quicksort653

The partition Function655 Quicksort—Analysis659 Quicksort—Choosing a Good Pivot Element661 Self-Test Exercises for Section 13.2661

13.3 An O(n log n) Algorithm Using a Heap662 Heapsort662 Making the Heap667 Reheapification Downward670 Heapsort—Analysis671

Self-Test Exercises for Section 13.3672

13.4Sorting and Binary Search in the STL672

The Original C qsort Function672

The STL sort Function673 Heapsort in the STL674

Binary Search Functions in the STL674

The Comparison Parameter for STL Sorting Functions675 WritingYour Own sort Function That Uses Iterators676 Chapter Summary677 Solutions to Self-Test Exercises678 Programming Projects679


14.1Derived Classes684

How to Declare a Derived Class686

The Automatic Constructors of a Derived Class687 Using a Derived Class688

The Automatic Assignment Operator for a Derived Class690

The Automatic Destructor of a Derived Class690 Overriding Inherited Member Functions691

Programming Tip: Make the Overriding Function Call the Original692

Self-Test Exercises for Section 14.1692

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