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Includes more than 28 years’ GATE questions arranged chapter-wise

Detailed solutions for better understanding

Includes latest GATE solved question papers with detailed analysis

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Previous Years’

Solved Question Papers Electrical Engineering

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Syllabus: Electrical Engineering xi

Important Tips for GATE Preparation xiii

Detailed Analysis of GATE 2018 Papers xiv-a

Solved Papers 2018 xiv-b

Detailed Analysis of GATE 2017 Papers xv

Solved Papers 2017 xvi

Detailed Analysis of GATE 2016 Papers lxxix

Solved Papers 2016 lxxxiii

Detailed Analysis of GATE 2015 Papers cxxv Solved Papers 2015 cxxviii


Unit 3: Electric Machines

Unit 4: Power Systems

Unit 6: Electrical and Electronics Measurements

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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is one of the primarily tests for various undergraduate subjects— Engineering/Technology/Architecture and postgraduate level for Science. The GATE examination pattern has undergone several changes over the years—sometimes apparent and sometimes subtle. It is bound to continue to do so with changing technological environment.

GATEPreviousYears’SolvedQuestionPapers for ElectricalEngineering acts as a practice material for GATE aspirants to strengthen their conceptual understanding and application skills. The book includes more than 23 years, GATE questions segregated topic-wise along with exam analysis which is provided at the beginning of every unit. This book helps the GATE aspirants to get an idea about the pattern and weightage of questions asked in GATE examination.

Owing to multifaceted opportunities open to any good performer, the number of aspirants appearing for the GATE examination is increasing significantly every year. Apart from giving the aspirant a chance to pursue an M.Tech. from institutions such as the IITs /NITs, a good GATE score can be highly instrumental in landing the candidate a plush public sector job, as many PSUs are recruiting graduate engineers on the basis of their performance in GATE.

Salient Features

☞ Includes more than 23 years’ GATE questions arranged chapter-wise.

☞ Detailed solutions for better understanding.

☞ Includes latest GATE solved question papers with detailed analysis.

☞ Includes free online mock test based on GATE examination pattern for practice.

Despite of our best efforts, some errors may have inadvertently crept into the book. Constructive comments and suggestions to further improve the book are welcome and shall be acknowledged gratefully.

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Syllabus: Electrical Engineering

Electric Circuits

Network graph, KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis, Transient response of dc and ac networks, Sinusoidal steady state analysis, Resonance, Passive filters, Ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Twoport networks, Three phase circuits, Power and power factor in ac circuits.

Electromagnetic Fields

Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law, Divergence, Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Effect of dielectric medium, Capacitance of simple configurations, Biot Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Curl, Faraday’s law, Lorentz force, Inductance, Magnetomotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuits, Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations.

Signals and Systems

Representation of continuous and discrete time signals, Shifting and scaling operations, Linear Time Invariant and Causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, Sampling theorem, Applications of Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform and z-Transform.

Electrical Machines

Single phase transformer: equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open circuit and short circuit tests, regulation and efficiency; Three phase transformers: connections, parallel operation; Auto transformer, Electromechanical energy conversion principles, DC machines: separately excited, series and shunt, motoring and generating mode of operation and their characteristics, starting and speed control of dc motors; Three phase induction motors: principle of operation, types, performance, torque-speed characteristics, no-load and blocked rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting and speed control; Operating principle of single phase induction motors; Synchronous machines: cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, starting of synchronous motor, characteristics; Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines.

Power Systems

Power generation concepts, ac and dc transmission concepts, Models and performance of transmission lines and cables, Series and shunt compensation, Electric field distribution and insulators, Distribution systems, Perunit quantities, Bus admittance matrix, GaussSeidel and Newton-Raphson load flow methods, Voltage and Frequency control, Power factor correction, Symmetrical components, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis, Principles of over current, differential and distance protection; Circuit breakers, System stability concepts, Equal area criterion.

Control Systems

Mathematical modeling and representation of systems, Feedback principle, transfer function, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs, Transient and Steady state analysis of linear time invariant systems, Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist criteria, Bode plots, Root loci, Stability analysis, Lag, Lead and Lead Lag compensators; P, PI and PID controllers; State space model, State transition matrix.

| Syllabus: Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Bridges and Potentiometers, Measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; Instrument transformers, Digital voltmeters and multimeters, Phase, Time and Frequency measurement; Oscilloscopes, Error analysis.

Analog and Digital Electronics

Characteristics of diodes, BJT, MOSFET; Simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifiers; Amplifiers: Biasing, Equivalent circuit and Frequency response; Oscillators and Feedback amplifiers; Operational amplifiers: Characteristics and applications; Simple active filters, VCOs and Timers, Combinational and Sequential logic circuits, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Schmitt trigger, Sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters, 8085Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing.

Power Electronics

Characteristics of semiconductor power devices: Diode, Thyristor, Triac, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT; DC to DC conversion: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters; Single and three phase configuration of uncontrolled rectifiers, Line commutated thyristor based converters, Bidirectional ac to dc voltage source converters, Issues of line current harmonics, Power factor, Distortion factor of ac to dc converters, Single phase and three phase inverters, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.

Important Tips for GATE Preparation

The followings are some important tips which would be helpful for students to prepare for GATE exam

1. Go through the pattern (using previous years’ GATE paper) and syllabus of the exam and start preparing accordingly.

2. Preparation time for GATE depends on many factors, such as, individual’s aptitude, attitude, fundamentals, concentration level etc., Generally rigorous preparation for 4 to 6 months is considered good but it may vary from student to student.

3. Make a list of books which cover complete syllabus, contains solved previous years’ questions and mock tests for practice based on latest GATE pattern. Purchase these books and start your preparation.

4. Make a list of topics which needs to be studied and make priority list for study of every topic based upon the marks for which that particular topic is asked in GATE exam. Find out the topics which fetch more marks and give more importance to those topics. Make a timetable for study of topics and follow the timetable strictly.

5. An effective way to brush up your knowledge about technical topics is group study with your friends. During group study you can explore new techniques and procedures.

6. While preparing any subject highlight important points (key definitions, equations, derivations, theorems and laws) which can be revised during last minute preparation.

7. Pay equal attention to both theory and numerical problems. Solve questions (numerical) based on latest exam pattern as much as possible, keeping weightage of that topic in mind. Whatever topics you decide to study, make sure that you know everything about it.

8. Try to use short-cut methods to solve problems instead of traditional lengthy and time consuming methods.

9. Go through previous year papers (say last ten years), to check your knowledge and note the distribution of different topics. Also analyze the topics in which you are weak and concentrate more on those topics. Always try to solve papers in given time, to obtain an idea how many questions you are able to solve in the given time limit.

10. Finish the detail study of topics one and a half month before your exam. During last month, revise all the topics once again and clear leftover doubts.

Detailed Analysis of GATE 2018 Papers

Number of Questions: 65

GATE 2018 Solved Paper

Electrical Engineering Set – 1

Total Marks:100.0


General Aptitude

Number of Questions: 10

Q.1 to Q.5 carry 1 mark each and Q.6 to Q.10 carry 2 marks each.

Question Number: 1

Question Type: MCQ

The three roots of the equation f (x) = 0 are x = {–2, 0, 3}.

What are the three values of x for which f (x – 3) = 0?

(A) –5, –3, 0 (B) –2, 0, 3 (C) 0, 6, 8 (D) 1, 3, 6

Solution: f (x) = 0 for x = –2, 0 and 3.

∴ f (x – 3) = 0

⇒ x – 3 = –2, 0 or 3

⇒ x = 1, 3 or 6.

Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 2

Question Type: MCQ

For what values of k given below is k k + ( ) 2 3 2 an integer?

(A) 4, 8, 18 (B) 4, 10, 16 (C) 4, 8, 28 (D) 8, 26, 28

Solution: () k k + 2 3 2 = kk k 2 44 3 ++ = kkk k 2 37 21 25 3 −+ −+ = k + 7 + 25 3 k

K – 3 has to be a factor of 25.

∴ K – 3 = 1, 5, 25 or –1, –5, –25 i.e., K = 4, 8, 28 or 2, –2, –22. Among the options only 4, 8, 28 occur.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 3

Question Type: MCQ

Functions F(a, b) and G(a, b) are defined as follows:

F(a, b) – (a – b)2 and G(a, b) = |a – b|, where |x| represents the absolute value of x. What would be the value of G(F(1, 3), G(1, 3))?

Section Marks: 15.0

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 36

Solution: F(a, b) = (a – b)2,

F(1, 3) = (3 - 1)2= 4

G(a, b) = ab

G(1, 3) = 2

∴ G(4,2) = 2.

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 4

Question Type: MCQ

“Since you have gone off the _____, the _____ sand is likely to damage the car.” The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

(A) course, coarse (B) course, course (C) coarse, course (D) coarse, coarse


Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 5

Question Type: MCQ

“A common misconception among writers is that sentence structure mirrors though; the more ______ the structure, the more complicated the ideas.”

(A) detailed (B) simple (C) clear (D) convoluted


Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 6

Question Type: MCQ

A class of twelve children has two more boys than girls. A group of three children are randomly picked from this class to accompany the teacher on a field trip. What is the probability that the group accompanying the teacher contains more girls than boys?

(A) 0 (B) 325 864

(C) 525 864 (D) 5 12

Solution: Let the number of boys be b and number of girls be g,

As per problem b = g + 2 (1) and also b + g = 12 (2)

Solving (1) and (2) we

∴Number of boys b = 7

Number of girls g = 5

probability of selecting a boy Pb = 7 12

probability of selecting a girl P g = 5 12

Assume that three students are selected randomly one after another with replacement. The favorable cases that the group consists girls more than boys is (i) all are girls (ii) Two girls and one boy

Case I:The probability that all are girls is 5 12 5 12 5 12 125 1728 =

Case II:The probability that two girls and one boy in the group is 5 12 5 12 7 12 xx

∴ The probability = 3 5 12 5 12 7 12 xxx = 525 1728

Required probability = 125 1728 525 1728 + = 650 1728 325 864 =

Hence, the correct option is (B)

Question Number: 7

Question Type: MCQ

A designer uses marbles of four different colours for his designs. The cost of each marble is the same irrespective of the colour. The table below shows the percentage of marbles of each colour used in the current design. The cost of each marble increased by 25%. Therefore, the designer decided to reduce equal number of marbles of each colour to keep the total cost unchanged. What is the percentage of blue marbles in the new design?

Solution: If we assume the total number of marbles be 100n. Then the number of blue, black, red, yellow marbles will be 40n, 25n, 20n, 15n

The price of each marble increased by 25% (to 5 4 its original value.) Therefore, the number of marbles has to reduce to 4 5 so that the cost remains unchanged. It has to be 80n, i.e., it has to reduce by 20n. As the number reduced for all the colors are equal, the number in each color has to reduce by 5n.

The number of blue, black, red, yellow marbles in the new design are 35n, 20n, 15n, 10n. The percentage of blue marbles in this new design is 35/35 + 20 + 15 + 10, i.e., 7/16, which is 43.75%

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 8

Question Type: MCQ

P, Q, R and S crossed a lake in a boat that can hold a maximum of two persons, with only one set of oars. The following additional facts are available.

(i) The boat held two persons on each of the three forward trips across the lake and one person on each of the two trips.

(ii) P is unable to row when someone else is in the boat.

(iii) Q is unable to row with anyone else except R. (iv) Each person rowed for at least one trip.

(v) Only one person can row during a trip.

Who rowed twice?

(A) P (B) Q

(C) R (D) S

Solution: On the first trip Q and R will travel, with Q rowing the boat. R will return alone and take P along with him. R will row the boat this time as P can not row when come one is with him. P alone will come back and take S along with him. S will row the boat this time. Only R rowed the boat twice.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 9

Question Type: MCQ

An e – mail password must contain three characters. The password has to contain one numeral from 0 to 9, one upper case and one lower case character from the English alphabet. How many distinct passwords are possible?

(A) 6,760 (B) 13,520

(C) 40,560 (D) 1,05,456

xiv-d | GATE 2018 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – I


∴ Number of passwords = 10(26) (26) (6) = 40560.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 10

Question Type: MCQ

In a certain code. AMCF is written as EQGJ and NKUF is written as ROYJ. How will DHLP be written in that code? (A) RSTN (B) TLPH (C) HLPT (D) XSVR

Solution: The code for the given words will be

So the code for the given word will be:

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Electrical Engineering

Number of Questions: 55 Section Marks: 85.0

Q.11 to Q.25 carry 1 mark each and Q.26 to Q.65 carry 2 marks each.

Question Number: 11

Question Type: MCQ

A single – phase 100 kVA, 1000 V/100 V, 50 Hz transformer has a voltage drop of 5% across its series impedance at full load. Of this, 3% is due to resistance. The percentage regulation of the transformer at full load with 0.8 lagging power factor is (A) 4.8 (B) 6.8 (C) 8.8 (D) 10.8


∴% X = %(%) ZR ( )2 2 = 522 3 = 4%

∴ % voltage regulation

= % R(cos f2) + % x (sin f2) (for lagging P.F)

= 3 × 0.8 + 4 × 0.6 = 4.8%

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 12

Question Type: MCQ

In a salient pole synchronous motor, the developed reluctance torque attains the maximum value when the load angle in electrical degrees is (A) 0 (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 90

Solution: We know that P

If δ = 45° then Preluctance is maximum. Hence, the correct option is (B)

Question Number: 13

Question Type: MCQ

A single phase fully controlled rectifier is supplying a load with an anti – parallel diode as shown in the figure. All switches and diodes are ideal. Which one of the following is true for instantaneous load voltage and current? +

io L


(A) v0 ≤ 0 & i0 < 0 (B) v0 < & i0 < 0 (C) v0 ≥ 0 & i0 ≥ 0 (D) v0 < 0 & i0 ≥ 0

Solution: No negative ripple appear in the output because the freewheeling diode is connected at output section, therefore

∴ V0 ≥ 0

Current flows only from Anode to Cathode because the given bridge is Thyristor based bridge.

∴ i0 ≥ 0

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 14

Question Type: MCQ

Four power semiconductor devices are shown in the figure along with their relevant terminals. The device(s) that can carry dc current continuously in the direction shown when gated appropriately is (are)

(A) Triac only (B) Triac and MOSFET (C) Triac and GTO (D) Thyristor and Triac

Solution: only TRIAC allow bidirectional current flow. Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 15 Question Type: MCQ

Two wattmeter method is used for measurement of power in a balanced three – phase load supplied from a balanced three – phase system– If one of the wattmeters reads half of the other (both positive), then the power factor of the load is (A) 0.532 (B) 0.632 (C) 0.707 (D) 0.866

Solution: Given, w2 = w1/2 power factor P.F = cos f


Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 16 Question Type: MCQ

Consider a lossy transmission line with V1 and V2 as the sending and receiving end voltages respectively. Z and X

are the series impedance and reactance of the line respectively. The steady – state stability limit for the transmission line will be

(A) greater than VV X 12 (B) less than VV X 12

(C) equal to VV X 12 (D) equal to VV X 12 13 5


If Resistance of the transmission line = 0


(1) is always less than (2). Hence, the correct option is (B)

Question Number: 17 Question Type: MCQ

The graph of a network has 8 nodes and 5 independent loops. The number of branches of the graph is (A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14

Solution: ℓ = b – n + 1 5 = b – 8 + 1 b = 12

Hence, the correct option is (B)

Question Number: 18 Question Type: MCQ

In the figure the voltages are v1(t) = 100 cos(ωt), v2(t) = 100 cos(ωt + p/18) and v3(t) = 100 cos(ωt + p/36). The circuit is in sinusoidal steady state, and P < < ωLP1, P2 and P3 are the average power outputs. Which one of the following statement is true?

(A) P1 = P2 = P3 = 0 (B) P1 < 0, P2 > 0, P3 > 0

(C) P1 < 0, P2 > 0, P3 < 0 (D) P1 > 0, P2 < 0, P3 > 0

Solution: As we know that

V1(t) = 100 cosωt

V2(t) = 100 cos ω π t + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 18

V3(t) = 100 cos ω π t + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 36

L R L P1 P2 P3 V1(t) V2(t) V3(t) + + + –––

from the given data

V1 = V m ∠ 0

V2 = V m ∠10°

V3 = V m ∠5°

So V2 leads V1 and V3

P2 > 0, P1 and P3 < 0.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 19 Question Type: MCQ

Match the transfer functions of the second – order systems with the nature of the systems given below

Transfer function Nature of system

P. 15

515 2 ss++ I. Over damped

Transfer function Nature of system

Q. 25 10 25 2 ss++ II. Critically damped R. 35 18 35 2 ss++ III. Under damped

(A) P – I, Q – II, R - III (B) P – II, Q – I, R – III (C) P – III, Q – II, R – I (D) P – III, Q – I, R – II

Solution: P: 15 515 2 SS++

ξ = 5 215 = 0.2581 → underdamped system

Q : 25 525 2 SS++

ξ = 10 215 = 1 → Critically damped system.

R: 35 18 35 2 SS++ = 1.521 → over damped system

P – III Q – II R – I.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

Question Number: 20 Question Type: MCQ

A positive charge of 1 nC is placed at (0, 0, 0.2) where all dimensions are in metres. Consider the x – y plane to be a conducting ground plane. Take ∈0 = 8.85 × 10–12 F/– The z component of the E field at (0, 0, 0.1) closest to (A) 899.18 V/m (B) –899.18 V/m (C) 999.09 V/m (D) –999.09 V/m

Electric field intensity due to point charge

The Z – component of E at P(0, 0, 0.1) due to point charge (+1nC) and due to its image (–1 nC) is given by EEa

E z ≈ - 999.09 v/m

Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 21

Question Type: MCQ

Let f be a real-valued function of a real variable defined as f (x) = x2 for x ≤ 0, and f (x) = –x2 for x < 0. Which one of the following statements is true?

(A) f (x) is discontinuous at x = 0

(B) f (x) is continuous but not differentiable at x = 0

(C) f (x) is differentiable but its first derivative is not continuous at x = 0

(D) f (x) is differentiable but its first derivative is not differentiable at x = 0

Solution: The given function is f (x) = xx xx 2 2 0 0 for for ≥ −< ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪

function f (x) is continuous at x = 0

′ = fx()

Gradient of the given function

∇= ++ ++ + φ () () () yzxixyzjyzxk22 2 22 2

∇= −+ φatijk (,21,) 1 53 2

We know that Pijk =+ + 22

∴ ˆ n P P ijk == ++ ++ 22 122 22 2 = ijk ++22 3

∴ ˆ nijk =+ + 1 3 2 3 2 3

directional derivative of f (x, y, z) in the direction of the vector P is ∇⋅ ϕ ˆ n =− +⋅ ++ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ () 53 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 ijkijk = 5 3 2 4 3 −+ = 1

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 23

Question Type: MCQ


20 xx xx for for ≥ −< ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

Also at x = 0; LHD = RHD for f (x)

Therefore function f (x) is differentiable at x = 0 as well as ′ fx() is continuous at x = 0 ′′ = fx()

At x = 0; ′′ ≠ ′′ −+ff ()00()

The value of the integral z z dz C + ∫ 1 4 2 in a counter clockwise direction around a circle C of radius 1 with centre at the point z = –2 is (A) πi 2 (B) 2p i (C) πi 2 (D) – 2p i


20 for for x x ≥ −< ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

so, ′ fx() is not differentiable at x = 0

Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 22

Question Type: MCQ

The value of the directional derivative of the function Φ (x, y, z) = xy2 + yz2 + zx2 at the point (2, –1, 1) in the direction of the vector p = I + 2j + 2k is (A) 1 (B) 0.84 (C) 0.93 (D) 0.9

Solution: The given function is f (x, y, z) = xyyzzx 22 2 ++

Solution: The given integral is I Z Z dZ c = + ∫ 1 4 2

Z = ± 2 are the singularities of Z Z + 1 4 2 , of which Z = – 2 lies inside C and Z = 2 lies outside C.

I Z Z dZ c = + ∫ 1 4 2

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 24

Question Type: MCQ

In the logic circuit shown in the figure, Y is given by

Solution: Consider the circuit given below

(A) Y = ABCD

(B) Y = (A + B)(C + D)

(C) Y = A + B + C + D

(D) Y = AB + CD

Solution: Consider the logic GATE given below

The output voltage will be

Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 25

Question Type: MCQ

To op – amp shown in the figure is ideal. The input impedance v i in in is given by

Hence, the correct option is (B)

Question Number: 26

Question Type: MCQ

A continuous – time input signal x(t) is an eigen function of an LTI system, if the output is (A) kx(t), where k is an eigen value (B) kejωtx(t), where k is an eigen value and ejωt is a complex exponential signal

(C) x(t)ejωt, where ejωt is a complex exponential signal. (D) kH(ω), where k is an eigenvalue and H(ω) is a frequency response of the system


Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 27

Question Type: NAT

Consider a non-singular 2 × 2 square matrix A. If trace(A) = 4 and trace (A2) = 5, the determinant of the matrix A is _____ (up to 1 decimal place).

Solution: Given A is a 2 × 2 non-singular matrix.

Let λ1 and λ2 be the eigen values of A

⇒ λ 1 2 and λ2 2 will be the eigen values of A2

Trace (A) = 4 ⇒ λ1 + λ2 = 4

Trace (A2) = 5 ⇒ λ 1 2 + λ2 2 = 5

Now (λ1 + λ2)2 = λλ λλ 1 2 2 2 12 2 ++

⇒ 42 = 5 + 2λ1λ2

⇒ λ1λ2 = 11 2 = 5.5

Hence, the correct answer is 5.5

Question Number: 28

Question Type: NAT

Let f be a real-valued function of a real variable defined as f (x) = x – [x], where [x] denotes the largest integer less than or equal to x. The value of fxdx () 025 125 ∫ is ______ (up to 2 decimal places).

Solution: Real-valued function is given as

Integrating both sides we get

Hence, the correct answer is 0.5

Question Number: 29

Question Type: NAT

In the two – port network shown, the h11 parameter (where, h11 = V

, when V2 = 0) in ohms is _____ (up to 2 decimal places).

Solution: Consider the circuit diagram given below

Applying source transform to given network and short circuiting the second port.

I h 1 1 11 05 == Ω

Hence, the correct answer is 0.5

Question Number: 30

Question Number: 20

short the Vx = I1 2 But VVx 1 1 = I1 V1 + 0.5I1 = I1 V1 = 0.5I1 V I 1 1 == h11 05 . Ω

Question Type: NAT

Question Type: NAT

Question Number: 32 Question Type: NAT

A 1000 × 1000 bus admittance matrix for an electric power system has 8000 non – zero elements. The minimum number of branches (transmission lines and transformers) in this system are ______ (up to 2 decimal points)

Solution: Number of transmission lines = Number of non zerooff diagonalelements

. If the

The series impedance matrix of a short three – phase transmission line in phase coordinates is ZZZ ZZZ


The series impedance matrix of a short three-phase transmission line in phase coordinates is

Number of non-zero off diagonal elements

positive sequence impedance is (1 + j10) Ω, and the zero sequence is (4 + j31)Ω, then the imaginary part of Zm(in Ω) is _____ (upto 2 decimal places).

the positive sequence impedance is (1 + j10) Ω, and the zero sequence is (4 + j31) Ω, then the imaginary part of Z m (in Ω) is ______ (upto 2 decimal places).

Solution: Z s – Z m = 1 + j10

Z s + 2Z m = 4 + j31

2Z s – 2Z m = 2 + j20

Z s + 2Z m = 4 + j31

3Z s = 6 + j51

Z s = (2 + j17) Ω

2 + j17 – 1 – j10 = Z m Z m = j7 + 1

= 8000 1000 2 = 3500.

Hence, the correct answer is 3500.

Question Number: 33 Question Type: NAT

The waveform of the current drawn by a semi – converter from a sinusoidal AC voltage source is shown in the figure. If I0 = 20A, the rms value of fundamental component of the current is _____ A (up to 2 decimal places)

Imaginary part is 7. Hence, the correct answer is 7 to 7.

Imaginary part is 7. Hence, the correct answer is 7 to 7.

Question Number: 21

Question Number: 31

Question Type: NAT

Question Type: NAT

The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a 125 MVA, three-phase 15.5 kV, start-grounded, 50 Hz generator are j0.1 pu, j0.05 and j0.01 pu, respectively on the machine rating base. The machine is unloaded and working at the rated terminal voltage. If the grounding impedance of the generator is j0.01 pu, then the magnitude of fault

The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a 125 MVA, three – phase 15.5 kV, start – grounded, 50 Hz generator are j0.1 pu, j0.05 and j0.01 pu respectively on the machine rating base. The machine is unloaded and working at the rated terminal voltage. If the grounding impedance of the generator is j0.01 pu, then the magnitude of fault current for a b – phase to ground fault (in kA) is _____ (up to 2 decimal places)


Fault current will be

Base current

Now we have If (KA) = If (pu) × Ibase If = 31 4656 050 01 0050 01 30 01 ×× ++ + . .( .) = 73.5236 (KA)

Hence, the correct answer is 73.5236.

Solution: From the give figure we get IS1 = 4 2 I s π α cos IS1r = 22 20 15 17 40 x A π cos. =

Hence, the correct answer is 17.40.

Question Number: 34

Question Type: NAT

A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance

15-03-2018 16:44:41

R a = 0.05 Ω The field excitation is kept constant. At an armature voltage of 100 V, the motor produces a torque of 500 Nm at zero speed. Neglecting all mechanical losses, the no – load speed of the motor (in radian/s) for an armature voltage of 150 V is _____ (up to 2 decimal places)

Solution: For separately excited d.c. motor

∴ vEIR tbaa 11 1 =+ (1) Ekw ba 1 1 = ϕ Eb1 0 = (∵ ω1 = 0)

∴ From eqn 1,

100 = I a1 × 0.05

⇒ I a1 = 2000 A


4656050 30 01 .( .)

Type: NAT electric power number transformers) in this

\ From Equation (1),

100 =× Ia1 00 5.

⇒ Ia1 = 2000 A

Type: NAT semi-converter the figure. component of the s.151740 A

Type: VAT resistance constant. At an torque of mechanical losses, armature places).

Under no-load condition, no-load voltage drop is very small.

Under no-load condition, no-load voltage drop is very small.

\ Eb ≅ vt ⇒ vt 2 = Eb2

\ Eb2 = 150 V. Tem1 = kIaa φ 1

\ w2 = 150 × 4 = 600 rad/sec.

μω VrN I P 22 (B) μω IrNN V Ps 2 (C) μω VrN I P 22 2 (D) μω IrN V P 22 2

Solution: Flux(f) = MMF Reluctance

∴ Reluctance = MMF Flux() ϕ

Hence, the correct answer is 600.

Hence, the correct answer is (600).

Question Number: 25

Question Number: 35

Question Type: NAT

∴ In General, EMF induced EN d dt = ϕ

Question Type: NAT

Consider a unity feedback system with forward transfer function given by

Consider a unity feedback system with forward transfer function given by

G(s) = ++ ⋅ 1 ()12() ss

∴ f = 1 0 N Edt t ∫

∴ f = 1 0 Np Edt t ∫

The steady-state error in the output of the system for a unitstep input is ______ (up to 2 decimal places).

The steady – state error in the output of the system for a unit – step input is ______ (up to 2 decimal places)

Solution: transfer function is given as

G(S) = 1 ()12() SS++

Solution: G (s) = ++ 1 ()12() SS R (S) = 1 S

R(S) = 1 S

Steady – state error in the output of the system for a unit –step input will be

e ss = A KP 1 + KP = Lt S → 0 G(S) = 1 2

As per Lenz law E = -Vp

∴ f = 1 0 NpVpdt t ∫

∴ f = 1 0 Np vtdt t cos ω ∫

⇒ f = v Np t ω ω sin

∴ Reluctance = NpI V Npω ∵(IP=I sin ωt )

⇒ Reluctance = NpI V 2 ω

Q.26 to Q.55 carry two marks each.

Question Number: 26

e ss = 1 1 1 2 2 3 + = = 0.6666

Question Type: MCQ

Hence, the correct answer is 0.6666.

Question Number: 36

Reluctance in terms of radius ⇒ 2 2 R rμ

∴ 2 2 R rμ = NpI V 2 ω

Question Type: NAT

A transformer with toroidal core of permeability m is shown in the figure. Assuming uniform flux density across the circular core cross-section of radius r << R, and neglecting any leakage flux, the best estimate for the mean radius R is:

A transformer with toroidal core of permeability μ is shown in the figure. Assuming uniform flux density across the circular core cross – section of radius r << R, and neglecting any leakage flux, the best estimate for the mean radius R is

∴ R = NpIr V 22 2 ωμ

Hence, the correct option is (D)

Question Number: 37 Question Type: MCQ

15-03-2018 16:44:44

A 0-1 Ampere moving iron ammeter has an internal resistance of 50 mΩ And inductance of 0.1 mH. A shunt coil is connected to extend its range to 0-10 Ampere for all operating frequencies. The time constant in milliseconds and resistance in mΩ of the shunt coil respectively are (A) 2, 5.55 (B) 2, 1 (C) 2.18, 0.55 (D) 11.1, 2

(I – I m) I 0 – 1A

Solution: L m Lsh R m Rsh

We know that meter time constant should be equal to shunt coil time constant in order to make the meter independent of frequency,. ττ τ τ mshsh m m sh L R =⇒ = × = = 01 50 10 2 3 .

To extend meter range to 10 A, I m R m = (I – Im)Rsh

⇒ 1 × 50 × 10–3 = 9 × Rsh Rsh = 5.55

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 38 Question Type: MCQ

The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a three phase generator are Z1, Z2 and Z0 respectively. For a line – to – line fault with fault impedance Zf , the fault current is If1 = kIf, where If is the fault current with zero fault impedance. The relation between Zf and k is (A) Z zz fk

( ) 1 21 + ( ) (B) Z


( ) 1 21 + + ( ) (C) Z zz k f k ( ) 12 1 + (D) Z zz k f k ( ) 12 1 + +

Solution: fault current without fault impedance

Hence, the correct option is (A)

Question Number: 39 Question Type: MCQ

Consider the two bus power system network with given loads as shown in the figure. All the values shown in the figure are in per unit. The reactive power supplied by generator G1 and G2 are QG1 and QG2 respectively. The per unit values of QG1 and QG2, and line reactive power loss (Qloss) respectively are.

(A) 5.00, 12.68, 2.68 (B) 6.34, 10.00, 1.34 (C) 6.34, 11.34, 2.68 (D) 5.00, 11.34, 1.34

Solution: P s = VV X sr sinδ

5 = 10 sinδ δ = 30°

S = V X V X Sr 2 90 sincos

QS = 10 – 10 cos30° = 1.33974

QR = –1.33974

(Receiving end supplies)

QLine = QLoss = QS – QR = 2.68 pu

QG1 = QLoad + QS = 6.34 pu

QG2 = 11.34 pu.

Hence, the correct option is (C)

If1 = 31 12 Ea ZZ + fault current with fault impedance If1 = 31 12 Ea ZZZf ++ If1 = KIf 1 12 12 ZZZ K fZZ ++ = + Z1 + Z2 = K (Z1 + Z2) + KZf Z1 + Z2 – K (Z1 + Z2) = KZf (Z1 + Z2) (1 – K) = ZfK Zf = 1 12 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + K K ZZ ()

Question Number: 40 Question Type: MCQ

The pre – unit power output of a salient – pole generator which is connected to an infinite bus, is given by the expression, P = 1.4 sin δ + 0.15 sin 2 δ , where δ is the load angle. Newton – Raphson method is used to calculate the vaue of δ for P = 0.8 pu. If the initial guess is 30°, then its value (in degree) at the end of the first iteration is (A) 15° (B) 27.48° (C) 28.74° (D) 31.20°

Solution: P = 1.4 sinδ + 0.15 sin2δ

δ o = 30°

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