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To change your profile icon in Microsoft 365, go to office.com and log in. Click on your profile icon in top right corner.

Step 4

Click on +Upload to add a new photo. Use one of the below profile icons or a retouched head shot. Then click Apply.

Server Location: ProductionBRANDS - 22/

Special Photos/2022 Headshots/Ring

Central Icons

Step 1

To change your profile icon in Zoom, open the Zoom application. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.

Step 3

Click on Profile in the left hand navigation, then hover over your profile icon.

Step 4

Click on Change Picture to add a new photo. Use one of the below profile icons or a retouched head shot. Then click Save.

Server Location: ProductionBRANDS - 22/

Special Photos/2022 Headshots/Ring

Central Icons

Click on Add Photo, then Upload Photo to add a new photo.

Use one of the below profile icons or a retouched head shot. Then click Save Photo.

Server Location: ProductionBRANDS - 22/

Special Photos/2022 Headshots/Ring

Central Icons

To change your email signature, go to the Microsoft Outlook application. In the top left corner, click on Outlook, then Preferences.

Step 5

Paste the copied signature template and edit each of the fields (Name, pronoun, title, Ring Central phone number).

Then click on the floppy disk save icon on the top.

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