St. Lucie Public Schools, FL - Wellness Wednesdays 2025

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St. Lucie Public Schools

St. Lucie Public Schools’ Child Nutrition Services department is proud to be participating in Wellness Wednesdays celebrating & teaching kids the importance of nutrition education during National Nutrition Month!

Celebrating the importance of nutrition education!

Broccoli | Zucchini | Strawberries


Broccoli is a related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower & others.


2. Heading

Pronounced · fr· uhs


The word broccoli means “the flowering top of a cabbage. ”

Broccoli is a part of the brassica family.

All broccoli

Broccoli grows during the

Vitamin K

2 main forms of vitamin K: K1 and K2.

The body has the ability to create vitamin K on its own.

Vitamin K helps the body heal from wounds.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble which means… It absorbs better into the body when eaten with foods with some fat like olive oil or avocados

Vitamin K helps produce proteins bind themselves to calcium - this helps build strong bones

Vitamin K supports heart health.

Vitamin K is found throughout the body in the liver, brain, heart, pancreas & bones.

Vitamin K plays a role in proper blood function- specifically with clotting.


Zucchini are one of the most popular types of squash

Zucchinis have MORE potassium than a banana.

Zucchinis grow best in temperate climates.

1 zucchini plant can produce 3 - 10 pounds of zucchini.

More specifically, zucchini is a type of summer squash.

Zucchini are made water.

Zucchini are a type of “Courgette”

Zucchinis are in peak season from May - August.

edible and considered a delicacy.

The LARGEST zucchini ever grown was 69.5 inches long and weighed 65 pounds!


Fiber supports movement through the digestive system

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate body doesn’t digest; it simply passes through.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water…it helps regulate blood sugar levels and removes cholesterol from

Insoluble fiber is sometimes referred to as “roughage. ”

2 types of fiber:

1. Soluble fiber

Insoluble fiber

Fiber is ONLY found in plant foods.

Dairy & meat products do not have any fiber.

Fiber helps to regulate the body’s use of sugar.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water…it helps food move throughout the digestive system.

BOTH forms of fiber are important & beneficial to overall health.


Strawberries are a type of aggregate fruit a collection of ‘little fruits’ held together.

Strawberries are a part of the rose family.

Strawberries are the FIRST fruit to ripen in the spring.

Peak strawberry harvesting season is April - June.

1. June-bearing 2. Ever-bearing 3. Day-neutral strawberry has 200 seeds.

Strawberries are the ONLY fruit with seeds on the outside.

90% of the strawberries grown in the U.S. are from California.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the immune systemthe body’s defense against infections.

ENERGY booster!

Vitamin C is also referred to as “ascorbic acid.”

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances in the environment.

The body cannot make vitamin C on its own - it has to come from food.

Vitamin C helps keep you happy & healthy! What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight?

A Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for healthy gums & teeth.


“Hala Kahiki”

It can take up to 3 years for a pineapple plant to fully mature before it begins bearing fruit.

Then, it takes up to a year for the actual pineapple to grow.

Pineapples are in peak season from March - July.

Specifically, pineapples are considered to be a type of berry. 1/3 of the world’s pineapples are grown in Hawai’i.

Pineapples are a type of tropical fruit. of clusters of “fruitlets. ”

Some pineapple plants can live for 50 years. “Fruitlets” are basically small, individual berries.

ONE pineapple plant produces only ONE pineapple at a time.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A supports good immunity

see better at night more vivid colors during the day

How far can you read down this eye chart?

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties.

Vitamin A can help speed up the healing of cuts & scrapes.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin – which means it absorbs better into the body when eaten with foods with some fat like avocados!


Lafayette and Okeechobee are Florida’s leading dairy counties.


Most of the dairy cows in Florida are Holsteins (the black and white cows), and their spots are unique like a fingerprint!


Cows chew their cud 50 times per minute.

How many times can chew in a minute?!

Cows can SEE almost and SMELL up to 6 miles away!

Most Florida dairy herds range 150 -

Florida dairy farmers byproducts such as citrus pulp, brewers’ grain and whole cottonseed that are consumed by the cows instead of ending up in landfills.

A Florida dairy cow produces about 68 gallons of milk each day.


provides a powerful package of support your overall health?


Calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in dairy help build and maintain strong bones and teeth.


The high-quality protein found in dairy foods aids in building and repairing muscles.


B vitamins in dairy help convert food into fuel, ensuring you have the energy needed throughout the day.

Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast that includes dairy helps fuel learning!

Word Scramble









Let’s shake some BUTTER!

2 cups cold heavy whipping cream 1 ounce plastic cups with lids

Pour 2 tablespoons of heavy cream into each portion cup. Place the lid on each cup, and distribute to students.

Shake the container until butter forms a soft lump. Continue to shake until buttermilk separates out of the lump and the container contains a solid lump of butter and liquid buttermilk. The process should take 3 to 5 minutes.

To strain, pour off or drink the buttermilk, leaving only the solid butter.

OPTIONAL: Remove the lump of butter, and wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate until you are ready to serve.

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