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Inspiring Our Early Years For an Unknown Future

Tadpoles Nursery emphasises the art of play to ensure the next generation flourishes

It is our belief that if we want the world to change we must begin with the teaching in the very young. This is the moment where our minds are the most open and the most receptive, where we see the world around us without judgement, and where we are able to ask questions without fear or embarrassment. Ecology and Climate Change, Equal Thinking, Care and Kindness within our communities – the list goes on – will only be positively affected if we educate our children from the beginning, giving them the imagination, tools and skills at an early age.

Neil Postman wrote: ‘Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.’ It is this exact sentiment that we need to keep in our minds when looking at how we approach every area of our children’s early education. If we give them the skills to question, to problem solve, to recognise and celebrate their differences, to listen to and to respect their different opinions, to understand and value their different emotions and realise that all emotions are equally valid – rather than pushing the emphasis on constant happiness – we will be giving them the skills that will help them to prepare for the future with resilience. We believe that the most inspiring way of teaching these invaluable lessons is not through ‘forced learning’ but through the art of play. This was recognised in ancient times by Plato: ‘Do not keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play.’ Children’s play has an imaginative and creative flow which leads to discovery and problem solving. The forced learning of phonics and numbers can kill the joy of literature and numeracy. The use of stories, songs, rhymes, drama all the time, even for daily requests, will enthuse a child with a love of words – and the exciting environment around us with all its rich mathematical content, can stimulate a love of and show the child the necessity of numbers.

It is the children who will mould the future of our world, but it is for us to inspire them with the skills to create that future.

BY FRANCESCA SHORT, Registrar at Tadpoles Nursery www.tadpolesnursery.com

TURN TO PAGE 9 to read about the new reception at Falcons Prep, Twickenham

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