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Lambeth Tigers Football Club
Lambeth Tigers Football Club was born of a desire to give all children the opportunity to participate and succeed in sport. It has grown to become the largest grassroots football club in the country, with its members going on to join national clubs such as Arsenal and Manchester United.
Growing up in Brixton in the 1990s, David Mariott knew he didn’t have all the advantages some other children had, but playing football with his friends was always a favourite pastime. Local father, Christopher Butler, soon recognised the importance of the sport for the children, and decided to start a football club for the black children of the neighbourhood, who he recognised didn’t have as many opportunities as some of their white peers, and so Lambeth Tigers Football Club was founded in 1995. A year later, the club opened to players of any race: “We wanted to be an equal opportunity club, for every race to just play together and enjoy football.”
The impact of the club and its founder cannot be understated: “... having someone like Christopher, he was a massive influence to me, he helped me with everything: being a man, knowing right from wrong, everything.”
Just a few years later, Christopher passed away with David at his bedside. “I never understood it at the time, but he obviously saw something in me. I left very confused and very angry, not knowing that he had a plan for me. I went away from that heartbroken.” In his grief, David turned to the streets and drug dealing. Not long after, David also lost his brother to gun crime. He says the shock and grief made him realise he needed to change his life: “I just knew one day that I needed to change, and the first thing was that I needed to do something that I know I’d love doing.”
Since then, the club has grown rapidly; they are now the largest grassroots football club in the country, working with over 500 children a week. The club has also received support from football industry leaders such as Joe Shields, who works in recruitment and talent for major football teams such as Arsenal and Chelsea, helping get their star players signed to teams across the country.

It’s not only the players who are supported by the Lambeth Tigers, but also the coaches. David and Jamahl have themselves taken on recruitment roles at the academies of national teams including Chelsea, Crystal Palace, Arsenal and Manchester United, allowing them to continue to provide opportunities for their community.
All those involved in the club are extremely proud of their ethos and everything they have achieved. David says that: “To develop youth in the community and give them opportunities, trying to prevent them from going down some of the roads that myself, people I know and my little brother went down, we do an amazing job.” However, additional funding is needed to continue their work, and David hopes that with it they will be able to offer homework clubs and training programmes to help young players get qualifications and continue to thrive.
MEGAN PAYNE Assistant Editor www.lambethtigersfc.org