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Looking for a way out?
Childline’s advice for young people thinking about running away
Everyday, Childline hears from children and young people who are thinking of running away or have already made a decision to leave.
Last year, Childline delivered 761 counselling sessions to young people who were thinking about running away from home, and 677 sessions to young people who had run away from home.
We know that people might want to run away for different reasons and doing so can be the result of a long build up or a quick decision.
We understand that where you live isn’t always a home or a safe place, and young people can often feel like they need to escapewhether that’s a house, a school or a hospital. We would never encourage a young person to run away, but we understand that for some, this can feel like their only option.
Before making that decision to leave, there are a few things to consider:
To help manage your feelings or difficulty coping where you are, could you practice distraction or coping techniques, like listening to music or drawing? Have you considered looking at your legal rights in your situation or what you want for your future? Is there a safe adult in your life that you can talk to about your feelings, such as an adult at school, Childline or a family friend?
If you do make the decision to leave, we would encourage you to consider:
Making a safety plan and identifying a safe place you could run to
Taking things with you that will keep you safe immediately, like medication, money and a phone Trying to keep to areas that contain streetlights or are able to shelter you from the weather, for example shops and cafés Being mindful about accepting any form of help from someone you don’t know Calling 999 or going to a police station or officer when you don’t feel safe
Whatever you decide to do, it’s really important for you to look after yourself, both physically and emotionally. It can take some time for you to process your thoughts and feelings, and it can be just as difficult to make that decision to return home if you do run away. You can always reach out to Childline to talk.
Adults who are faced with a child thinking about running away or who have left can reach out to the NSPCC’s Helpline by email at help@nspcc.org.uk (24/7) or by phone on 0808 800 5000.

SARAH PICKSTONE Real Life Stories Manager at NSPCC www.nspcc.org.uk