2 minute read

Homes and lives, like nature, go through seasons

Embracing the autumn at home

As we enter autumn, we regroup and gather the discarded leaves of the previous seasons, in order to better slow down and hibernate before we can emerge in the spring full of cleared, renewed energy.

In our homes, it is essential that we respect such rhythm, giving ourselves a chance to make the most of what we have, cull what no longer serves us and instil a fresh outlook on our space and our life. That is particularly important when we go through a major life transition – be it a new addition to the family or children leaving the nest, retirement, separation, divorce or loss of a partner. We can find ourselves stuck in time, paralysed by familiarity and overwhelmed. We can easily get stopped, daunted by the perspective or scale of change we fear is needed to make a difference, when it can actually be broken down into smaller steps. Each can, in and of itself, have a significant impact on the bigger picture and a forward-looking mindset.

The very first step entails taking stock. Start by taking photos of your space (you can start with one room or even a specific area, as a testing ground) from all angles. Look objectively at the pictures, as if the space belonged to someone else. Take your time: observe it all dispassionately. How does that space make you feel now?

Now, give yourself the space and time to think freely about your needs, your aspirations and wishes for this new life. Choose three to five words to describe how you would like your space to make you feel.

Going back to the pictures, objectively assess your space and take note of everything that jumps out – the good, the bad and the meh (what isn’t quite good enough, was temporary yet is still there, doesn’t fit, belong or bring you joy). Be bold, decisive and remove the bad and the meh - that can mean repurposing, recycling, refurbishing and/or reusing items elsewhere.

In the newly cleared space, consider the good: how do you make it great, and what is missing? Does a piece of furniture need reupholstering or simply a brightening accent? Does the window need a lovely new treatment to modulate the light? Should there be low as well as high-level lighting? Could the large room use a warming rug to define an area within it? Could the art finally be hanging? Could a filing cabinet or shelving unit allow all the files, books, papers and pictures to be sorted and put away?

Having identified these avenues and options, choose an object or colour as an accent. Make it the focus of the room and tie it all in. Pick out and echo the colour within accessories or soft furnishings (cushions, blinds/curtains, a rug). Create a backdrop to enhance your chosen focal point (a contrast paint or wallpaper, a hanging tapestry, a lovely frame or display/shelving unit, an improvised jungle of potted plants and trees).

Identify a budget and timeline you can work towards for the transformation. It may be that you need to phase out the work and/or the purchases to make it more manageable, logistically and emotionally. Do not underestimate the pride, satisfaction and empowerment of incremental steps in implementing this process – steps that you have identified, scheduled, committed to and put into motion. Make it happen.

Now, take new pictures of your space from all angles and compare. Sit in this new reality with your favourite beverage and take in what you have undertaken and achieved, in all its imperfection and room for improvement (for the next phase!). In all its beauty and the freedom it brought you.

Enjoy your work and your new, best life - looking forwards, not backwards. (Re)discover your space and yourself.

MARIE-NOËLLE SWIDERSKI Galuchat Design www.galuchatdesign.com

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