1 minute read
When is it needed most?
Samaritans Step by Step service has many years of experience in supporting schools, colleges and universities in the aftermath of the death by suspected suicide of a student or member of staff. Support has also been provided for school communities following the death by suicide of a parent – and has also been given to a range of youth groups. Many headteachers and senior leaders, even experienced ones, have never found themselves in this circumstance before. The service aims to support whoever is managing the situation, by being available by phone, e-mail, Zoom or in person to answer questions, give advice and hold debrief sessions. This usually involves discussions on issues such as: “How, when and where is it best to break the news to staff, students and parents?”, “how do we do all that we can to prevent contagion (copycatting)?”; “what is the best way to make support available to students and colleagues who are deeply affected by what has happened?”; “what about liaison with the family of the deceased?”; “how do we deal with enquiries from the media?”; “is it appropriate to establish some sort of memorial?” All these – and many more – questions can be responded to by Samaritans experienced and specially trained team of Step by Step Advisors. The service, which is free of charge, can be contacted on 0808 168 2528 by any educational establishment.
Key Samaritans facts
Every day, Samaritans volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help.
Samaritans has 201 local branches across the UK and Ireland.
In 2020 Samaritans volunteers spent over one million hours responding to calls for help.
It’s the public’s kind donations and more than 20,000 volunteers than mean Samaritans is always there offering non-judgemental support for anyone struggling to cope.
We work in communities, prisons, schools, hospitals, at festivals, and with partners to support people.
Anyone can contact Samaritans FREE any time from any phone on 116 123, even a mobile without credit. This number won’t show up on your phone bill.
Or you can email jo@samaritans.org or visit www.samaritans.org