3 minute read
Does my bum look big in this ad?
The importance of body image for teens
This is the sort of book I would have liked to have read when I was a teenager so, essentially, an adult me wrote the book for a younger version of myself.
Prior to writing the book, I’d already spent several years working in the advertising, marketing and media space (plus two university bachelor degrees in business communications and media), so had a fair idea of what went on ‘behind the scenes’ so to speak, to get the finished product that we see in the media. However, at the time of writing, teens were less aware of these sorts of things. Today with the increased use of social media filters there is more awareness.
As a result of poor media literacy and just not knowing what really went on to make the content picture perfect, teens might think (as teenage me did) that the skin of the person in the magazine really was that flawless in real life.
At this point I could make countless other examples of where bodies are manipulated to create an ideal and if the person consuming this content doesn’t know it is happening, it can play havoc with their self-esteem and self-worth.
Fortunately, I never had to navigate the moral dilemma of having to advertise products that required me to manipulate women’s bodies in this way. But I was still completely aware that it was going on elsewhere.
When I acquired my disabilities, I left advertising agencies but continued consultancy work. I also began speaking about my own story. I didn’t like the way people with disabilities were being stereotyped and wanted to offer an alternative narrative. I was working, dating, living by myself and getting on with life. Nothing extraordinary. Just my life.
I spoke with the teens about self-esteem, body confidence, media literacy and all the things that were done to an image before they saw it.
Again, my inspiration for this was wishing my younger self could have known.
Importantly, the book acts as an educational tool empowering teens to critically analyse what they see and hear in the media and understand it on a different level. It was also put together with the combined efforts of advertisers, educators and psychologists.

LISA COX, Author
www.alcagency.com/ product/does-my-bum-lookbig-in-this-ad/