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Why choose an independent primary education?
Advice from Alton School
Whilst modern parents are lucky to be met with an abundance of options when it comes to choosing their child’s education, it can also be wildly overwhelming. These are some of our top reasons for considering the independent education route.
Small class sizes
Educational studies show that the smaller the class size, the higher the average grade a pupil achieves. This is helped by the favourable teacher-pupil ratio, but ultimately it comes down to a teacher’s understanding of each child’s innate needs. This includes not just their academic
TURN TO PAGES 54-55 to read about the benefits of single-sex or co-ed schools needs, but also investing time in really getting to know them: their likes, dislikes, favourite school lunch or hobbies they excel in.
Like most independent schools, our average class size of 12 to 15 with one teacher and often a teaching assistant means we really know our children and are in the best position to support them both academically and emotionally, ensuring they become the best version of themselves.

There are many restrictions placed on teachers within the state sector. In the independent sector, we have the unique opportunity to go ‘off-piste’, not restricted by the boundaries of the national curriculum. This freedom allows our team of highly qualified individuals to enthuse our pupils and explore their interests further.
Proactive pastoral provision - rather than reactive - is absolutely key to a happy school environment. Pupils need to know that they have been heard and that their opinions are valued and appreciated. This includes celebrating individual skills and qualities, building pupil confidence and allowing them to be proud of their achievements.
School community
The bond with home is vital - parents and teachers working together make for a happier child and an enjoyable experience for everyone.
A good school is, by its very essence, a community with close connections between staff, pupils, parents, governors and the local community. We find that our parents really enjoy being part of our community and share with us the importance of looking outwards, whether that be singing at the local care homes, hosting community woodland walks, fundraising for local charities or welcoming local schools to share our facilities.

Longer school days and breadth of opportunity
A holistic school day ensures that the broader extra-curricular opportunities are as important as the excellent academic provision and are embedded within school hours.

I’m constantly amazed at the amazing array of extracurricular activities on offer