Student Code of Conduct and Medical Release Form for EF Junior Students Travel -- Be aware that you will travel either independently or in groups to the destination and live in Homestay or student residence accommodation selected and arranged by EF staff. After being shown the route, you will travel unaccompanied to and from the school and activities on a daily basis. -- Make sure you have a travel card or money for public transport. If you are unsure of how to get anywhere, always check with an EF staff member or your Host Family.
Course -- Attend all lessons and arrive on time -- Participate during lessons and complete the homework -- Keep mobile phones switched off during lessons -- Speak the language being taught as much as possible at all times
School -- Respect others -- If there is a problem, tell a member of EF staff -- Look after your own property -- Carry all important telephone numbers and addresses with you at all times -- Respect school facilities
Your safety -- Respect the curfew of your school (this is typically 22:00) and be home on time -- Do not accept lifts or go anywhere with strangers -- Do not give out personal information to people you do not now -- Never travel alone at night and always go out in pairs or groups
-- Stay in well lit areas -- Sit downstairs on the bus if on a double decker -- Do not carry large amount of cash on you -- Take care when crossing the road. Note that there is left hand traffic in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan and Malta -- Always keep the EF emergency contact number with you and call a member of staff if you need help -- When you are out and about, remember to be polite to local residents -- Do not jump queues and remember to say please and thank you. Be as quiet as you can when you return to your Homestay/Residence at night so you don’t disturb others.
Free time -- After lessons or activities have finished you should return to your Homestay or residence You are not allowed to leave the local area, visit pubs or bars, or go anywhere with strangers. Return to your Homestay or Residence well in time for dinner. -- After dinner you may attend an evening activity. If you wish to go out unsupervised you may do so, but you must seek permission from your host family, residence supervisor or group leader first and communicate where you are going and with whom.
Homestay -- Give your host parents a copy of your timetable -- Be polite and be a part of your Homestay family -- Always call your Homestay hosts if you are running late -- Keep noise to a minimum after 22:30
Residence -- Remember to sign in and out -- No guests are allowed in the room -- Do not allow strangers into the Residence -- Vacate the building when hearing the fire alarm -- Keep noise to minimum after 22:30 -- Follow Residence rules
Activities -- Activities are a part of your chosen program. They are considered compulsory and should be attended -- Arrive on time -- Listen to your leader and follow their instructions
The Law -- You must follow national and local laws. Breaking of the law will result in expulsion from the program. -- Do not buy/consume alcohol or tobacco. -- Do not buy, possess, use or sell drugs -- Do not steal -- Do not threaten, commit or take part in any act of violence
Health -- All students are obliged to carry insurance when going to the USA, South Africa, Singapore or New Zealand. For all other destinations you are strongly advised to take out insurance before you leave. -- If you have not already, you must inform an EF staff member of any medical issues before departure
Please note and confirm that you are enrolling in a program with zero-tolerance for alcohol and drugs. Additional rules and regulations may be given out at each campus which should be to owed accordingly. By signing this document you agree to allow an EF staff member or host family to authorize treatments and/or medical aid in the case of emergency. I/We the undersigned, hereby confirm that we have read and understood the EF Student Code of Conduct and Medical Release Form. I/We confirm that our son/daughter understands the need to comply with the above. I/We understand that breaking the code will result in disciplinary procedures, and in the worst cases, may result in the student being sent home at the parent’s/guardian’s cost with no refund of course fees. I, as a parent/guardian of: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ with Student Passport/ID No. _______________________________________________________ Date of expiry: ___________________________ a prospective student at EF International Language Campuses, understand the nature of the program as stated above. Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________________________ Signed: _________________________________
International Language Campuses