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Experiencing a new culture
You'll soon be immersing yourself in a different culture – tasting new foods, uncovering unique traditions and making new friends. We're here for you all the way.
Discovering another culture
Culture is a mix of beliefs, customs, art and language that define a society or population. It’s learned from family, teachers and friends, knowingly and unknowingly. Your culture determines how you perceive yourself, the way you relate to others and what you consider important.
It shapes your identity – and makes it easy to connect with people from your country. Behaviors and practices are easy to see, but our attitudes and core values aren’t as simple to pinpoint. Immerse yourself in a new culture by reflecting on what you’re most excited to try or learn about your destination’s culture.
Conquer culture shock
Culture shock can begin as the initial excitement of your destination subsides. You may feel uneasy or homesick, which leads to identifying drawbacks of the new country. It’s not uncommon to experience physical symptoms like trouble sleeping or losing your appetite. Typically, it takes a number of weeks to get used to a new environment. Rest assured that this period of adjustment will pass. Don't hesitate to contact the EF staff in your school if you need further support or advice.
Take steps towards understanding a new culture:
Make friends from countries other than your own.
Keep busy –from studying to playing a sport.
Adjust Decisions are best made after you’ve adjusted to your destination.
Set goals. You’ll be reminded of your Language Course’s purpose.
Remember that you’re growing every day –don't give up!