EF International Language Centers
Language Travel
Boston - USA
Bound for Boston Why choose Boston? Johanna tells us about her experience in this student city...
“As America’s ‘Academic Capital,’ the Boston area has tons of colleges
and universities so it’s always buzzing with students. And with so many young people in one place, there was no shortage of friends to meet who
were all like me - interested in learning and exploring the city’s worldclass museums, theaters, shopping and restaurants.”
Historic New England
With a rich history rooted in America’s earliest settlers, Boston and its surrounding area is the cultural center of historic New England. Walk Boston’s Freedom Trail and you’ll see traces of the American Revolution at every turn. From the shops at Faneuil Hall to the steeple of the Old North Church, the historic buildings and
cobblestone streets tell a fascinating story of colonial America. With so much interesting history there is always something to see and do!
E n jo y p ic t u re s q ue v ie Bo s t o n ’s w a t w s of e rf r o n t s k y li ne
A home away from home
Based a short distance from Boston, our course allows you to enjoy a blend of the big city with the comforts of a fully equipped
campus in the country. Your accommodation includes staying in a university residence hall in a double, triple or multi-bedded room s le af y ca m pu lo ca ted at a is e s. se nc ur de si co E F’s re e to yo ur to n an d clos ou ts ide Bos
with shared bathroom and laundry facilities. You’ll love the
community atmosphere of our campus BBQs, movie nights and sports tournaments where you get to see all of your new friends.
Included excursions
Average summer tem per atu re in Bos ton: 25 ˚C
Enjoy a full day of sightseeing and explore some of Boston’s most treasured
landmarks, which may include the Boston Common, USS Constitution, Fenway Park,
Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market and more! There are half-day study visits each week as well, taking students on trips to local museums, monuments, and cultural events.
Examples of study visits include exploration of Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston City Hall, and local fire and police stations.
fu n la ng ua ge is mo re L ea rn ing a new ou nded by fr ien ds! rr wh en yo u’re su
Extra activities and excursions
- M ake the most of your proximity to New York City by going on a three day (two night) trip to the ‘Big Apple’. Your guided tour will take you places like Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, and South Street Seaport, to name a few.
- S pend an additional full day in Boston and go on a Duck Tour, where you will see some of Boston’s best sites, which may include the New England
Aquarium in Boston’s wharf, Beacon Hill, the Old State House, the Bunker Hill Monument, and more!
are su nn y, Bo st on su mm er s ! nc so br ing su reen
Things to remember:
- Our program is suited for all students aged 14 - 19. - We recommend $250.00 a week for pocket money.
-V oltage across the United States is 120V; students should bring an adapter and/or a converter to match the voltage plug sizes.
- The meal plan includes breakfast and lunch (Mon-Fri).
It’s grea t wh en yo u ca n bu ild yo ur co nfiden ce by us ing yo ur ne w la ng ua ge sk do ev er yd ay ill s to th ings, lik e a sk ing lo ca ls to ta ke yo ur pict ure.
EF International Language Centers
Language Travel
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