EF International Language Centers
Language Travel
Oxford - UK
Oh my, it’s Oxford Choosing a destination for your E F trip? Here’s why Oxford is the place to be...
Oxford is a historic old city, famous all over the world for drama and for it’s university. The old cobbled streets,
incredible buildings and impressive libraries have been home to royalty and scholars for over 800 years, but today the city is modern and cosmopolitan, a place everyone should experience.
To the United K ingdom
Group travel is one of the great travel options you can choose and you’ll make loads of friends when you travel this way.
An E F L eader will meet you at the airport and you’ll fly to L ondon together with a group of E F students. Then, you’ll
mer A v er a ge su m e in t e m p er a t u r Ox f o rd: 2 0 ˚C
travel about two and a half hours, arriving at the
Oxford Global Village in time for a welcome party! Because it’s such a popular destination for study,
Oxford is packed with students all year round and from the moment you arrive until the dreaded day of departure, the E F school will constantly be
buzzing, busy and social.
o tt e r a rr y P H e r he S ee w w a s fi lm ed.
Oxf ord is th e ul ti m at e st uden t ci ty.
School’s out!
EF isn’t like school, you’ll learn in and
outside the classroom, explore and use your
new skills with people who natively speak the
language. You’ll pick up the language quickly while you check out plays, famous theaters or practice your English on an excursion.
ce al ex perien ug h cultur L ea rn th ro a. m ne us ic or ci thea ter, m
Sightseeing beyond the student town
At E F an important part of learning the language is also learning about the culture, and using your skills with local people in relevant situations.
Included in the course you will get a full day of sightseeing Pra ct ice E ng li
in L ondon and an excursion to the renowned hot springs in sh an d ta ke a
tr ip to hi st or
ic Bat h!.
Bath. Students on a three-week course also get the shopping experience of a lifetime, a day to visit a s many of the 40,000 shops and 83 markets across L ondon. Shop ‘till you drop!
EF Parties! The E F Disco rock s - there are loads of games and
competitions, so it’s always a bla st. You can count on
heaps of parties too, even a reunion party after the trip.
If you like being social, join the E F Crew to keep in touch with fellow students and continue to be part of E F.
d are kn ow n for Th e sta ff at Ox for an d she na nig an s. leg en da ry pa rties
Heading for Broadway? With E F Action Plus™ you learn English by concentrating
on a subject you enjoy, and in Oxford you can learn to speak English like Hugh Grant! The E F Action Acting course
consists of four, 40-minute practical/theory lessons per
the hometown Ac ting in Ox fo rd, e’ at so n -‘Hermion of ac tress Emma W
day, including stage vocabulary, auditions & culture, acting techniques, staging, costume and dress rehearsals. An
industry professional will mentor you and you’ll complete a group project. You’ll gain stage presence, confidence and you’ll return home with an E FC E L T Report.
Culture & traditions
Take advantage of the included study visits to learn even more English - and some British history. Visit the Pitt Rivers
Museum, the Museum of Oxford or the Ashmolean Museum, the
oldest museum in the world! Then, take the Oxford College Tour
and visit some of the 39 colleges and seven religious private halls.
Make sure you see the oldest and most famous colleges with your E F L eader on the walking tour!
T he Oxf ord sig ht
Extra E F Excursions
There are lots of additional trips and activities
you can buy at E F Oxford, such a s an excursion to Cambridge and a visit to Sir Winston Churchill’s birthplace, Blenheim Palace. Take a trip to ke to Th orpe Pa rk, ta Buy an ex cursion e th , ton igh Br to Sa lsa lesson s or go . L ondo n by the sea
Brighton, learn to Salsa dance or try all the
thrilling rides at Thorpe Park, one of Britain’s top amusement park s!
E F Homestay or E F Residence? E F Homestay is a great way to get to know the local culture in a caring, home environment. Or, if you go for an E F Residence, you’ll enjoy accommodation in a top location and more independent living.
Each accommodation type includes full board and
a shared room (with E F students of the same age).
Both E F Homestay and E F Residence are convenient and comfortable accommodation options. The best choice of accommodation is up to you.
vers ity ha s Oxford U ni : ou s students heap s of fa m ill B sident E x–U S Pre an Atk in so n ow R , on C lint ), the Actor (“Mr. Bea n” Aut hor & Hug h Gra nt he w rote ( en J R R Tolki the R ing s!) T he L ord of
tic ve s you an au then EF Homesta y gi ce. cultural ex perien
T hi ng s to re m em be r
- Oxf ord is ide al for more ind ependent stu den ts aged 1419 - The rec ommended poc ket money is £1 25 per wee k. - Hea ps of act ivit ies are inc luded like sig hts eeing tou rs, volleyb all and foo tba ll tou rna men ts, outdoo r games, walkin g tou rs, sho pping tri ps and E F Dis cos - to name just a few.
- Inc luded exc urs ion s are:
C h oo se Ox
f o rd f o r it ’s c u lt u re a n d b u z z in g st u de n t li fe!
L ondon Sig hts eeing (fu ll day ), a tri p to Bat h (fu ll day) and a full day sho pping tou r of L ondon (fo r stu den ts on thr ee-wee k cou rse). Oth er tri ps inc lude famous mu seu ms and college tou rs.
We loo k for wa rd to welcoming
you to E F Ox ford!
EF International Language Centers
Language Travel
Ox fo rd is a young to wn bu zz ing wi th langu age sc hool stu dent s as well as univers ity student s
d u d ie s s t rmer r e t o is M in t h e f ir r i m e lu d i n g n y B l a P K nc To 2 5 U x f o rd, i n i s t er i i n O im e M Pr
Che ck out our stu den t videos at ww w.e
f.c om/Ox ford or
vis it Fa ceb ook .co m/efOxfo rd