NGSA 2021 - Study Package - Language Arts

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Grade Six Study Package


Week 1& 2 TOPIC: Synonyms FACT/TIP:

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning. Examples: Words


abbreviate impeccable

shorten flawless

cold deadly dangerous hoax

frigid fatal hazardous trick

ON YOUR OWN Write a word similar in meaning to the underlined word. 1. The robust man effortlessly lifted the bookshelf across the room. ________________________ 2. The recreation hall can only accommodate twenty persons for the party.________________________ 3. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. ______________________ 4. It is an offence not to wear a seatbelt while driving. __________________ 5. A putrid odour emanated from the dump across the road. _______________________ 6. The teacher monitored the talkative children at the back of the class. _____________________ 7. Shawn mustered the courage to tell his mother that he broke the window. _______________________

8. The loquacious girl became a nuisance with her excessive talking. ________________________ 9. The callous attack on the pastor left everyone speechless since robbery seemed to have been the motive. _______________ 10. The workers evacuated the building after a bomb threat was received. _______________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ARTS WEEK 3 VOCABULARY TOPIC: ANAGRAMS FACT/TIP: An anagram is a new word formed by rearranging the letters in a word without adding or taking away any of the letters. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Read each group of words and check to see if they are made up of the same letters. 1. listen - silent

2. brag - grab

3. inch - chin

ON YOUR OWN Rearrange the letters in these words to form a new word. night - ________

save - _________

evil - _________

Rearrange the letters in these words to form a new word. act- ____________________ top- _____________________ mile- _____________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ARTS WEEK 4 & 5 TOPIC: Alphabetical Order FACTS/TIPS Alphabetical Order 3rd Letter- Alphabetical order is also known as ABC order. The word whose first letter appears in the alphabet comes first in alphabetical order. If the first letters are the same, the second letters are compared. This pattern continues if the third, fourth or fifth letters are the same. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Arrange these words in each group in alphabetical order. Words

Words arranged in Alphabetical

Order clown, club, clay, clever

clay, clever, clown, club

drink, drug, drain, drown

drain, drink, drown, drug

plot, plug, plate, please

plate, please, plot, plug

Note: In the examples above the first 2 letters are the same so the third letter was compared. ON YOUR OWN Write these words in alphabetical order. 1. live` old play bed _______________________________________________________________

2. family boy girl friend _______________________________________________________________ 3. bleed




______________________________________________________________ 4. moth




___________________________________________________________________ 5. treat track troop trip ___________________________________________________________________ 6. glue gloss glam glide ___________________________________________________________________ 7. string stop step start ___________________________________________________________________ HOMEWORK 1. drop drug drill drain ____________________________________________________________________ 2.





_____________________________________________________________________ 3.





____________________________________________________________________ 4. wipe window wild wide ____________________________________________________________________ 5.






MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ARTS WEEK 6 & 7 VOCABULARY Suffixes FACTS/TIPS *A suffix can be added to the root word to form a new word. *A suffix is a letter or a group of letters added at the end of a word. * When suffixes are added to words their meanings are changed. Here is a list of suffixes: s, ed, es, ing, ful, or, less, ly *We can add a suffix to some words from the interrogative sentences above. Study the table with the root words and suffixes. Root Word


New Word


s, ing, ed

works, working, worked


ly, s

monthly, months


es, ing

does, doing


ing, s, ed

tasting, tastes, tasted

Build as many new words as you can by adding a suffix from the list below. ing




love ______________________________________ go _____________________________________ month_____________________________________


night____________________________________ Choose the correct suffix to add to each underlined word to make each sentence complete. ful



1. Suzy was so care …….. that she broke mother’s vase. 2. We are very thank …… for the help we received. Add a root word to each suffix to make a new word. 1. –er ______________ 2. –ly


3 - ing ______________ The suffixes: ment, ly, less, ness or ful to the following words. Word care amaze hope extreme encourage advertise taste spite

Word with suffix added

ON YOUR OWN Add the suffixes: less, free, or ful to form the opposites of the words below then write their meanings. Meaning Word


Opposite Word


Opposite Word



Word Opposite


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ARTS WEEK 8 & 9 HOMOPHONES VOCABULARY TOPIC: Homophones FACTS/TIPS: Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation, different spelling and different meaning. Some homophones are: aid- aide



weather- whether



PRACTICE EXAMPLE: Read these sentences. Choose the correct form of the homophone write or right to complete each sentence.

1. After the stop sign, we had to take a right turn but instead we took a left and got lost. 2. Auntie Paula gave you a gift, so please write a thank you note. 3. I am going to write a letter to the president sharing my ideas. 4. I researched the answer to your question, and it turns out I was right.

ON YOUR OWN: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1. I can’t ( wait, weight) to receive your letter in the ( male, mail). 2. We ( ate, eight) lots of (meet, meat) for dinner. 3. We watched an eagle (sore, soar) through the sky. 4. Tomorrow we are going to the (beech, beach) 5. My uncle always has a good (tail, tale) to tell. 6. What is the (sum, some) of two plus two? 7. Eat that last green ( been, bean) on your plate. 8. I got a new bat and (bawl, ball) last week.

9. Can you (close, clothes) the door to your bedroom. 10. The new (site, sight) has been picked for a school.

HOMEWORK: Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence. 1. a.

Lamar could ___________ the sound of the ocean when he held the seashell to his ear. here b. hear

2. a.

Mary spotted a _____________ in the woods. deer b. dear

3. a.

“Be careful, Julius.” I shouted, “Don’t ___________ the eggs.” brake b. break

4. a.

I’m so hungry I could eat a ____________ pizza! whole b. hole

5. a.

Brandon wasn’t _______ to eat dessert until he had finished his dinner. aloud b. allowed

6. a.

I’m so hungry I could eat this _________ pizza! hole b. whole

7. a.

Mary spotted a ___________ in the woods. dear b. deer

8. a.

Mary cut her ____________yesterday? hear b. here c. hair

9. a.

The bowman puts the ____________ on the boat. sale b. sail


Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning to other words.

PREFIXES Some prefixes that make word opposites are: ir, il, un, im, dis, non, in, and mis. Many antonyms are formed by adding the prefix (un) to an existing word. The prefixes: mis-, dis-, in-, ir-, im- and il- are used instead of un- with some words to create antonyms. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Words










ON YOUR OWN Complete the table below Words order manage visible polite



Use the words below to complete the following sentences. impatient



1. My mother gets very _______________________when she has to stand in a long line. 2. It is ________________________ for drivers to go up a one-way street. 3. We cancelled the picnic because we were _______ about the weather conditions.

TOPIC: Antonyms FACTS/TIPS: When prefixes are added to words to form their opposites their meanings are changed. Knowing the meaning of the prefix helps in understanding the meaning of the word. ON YOUR OWN Circle the best prefix to add to the base word. Write the word on the line then write its meaning. Prefix pre mis un re re mis pre un un mis

Base word heat read lead view spell

New word


HOMEWORK Use a prefix and a base word to write a word for each definition below.

1. To teach something before. ____________________________ 2. To read a text over and over again. ________________________ 3. To put something in the wrong place. ________________________ 4. To write something again. ________________________ 5. Not afraid. ___________________________ 6. To do the opposite of lock. ______________________ ON YOUR OWN Prefixes:

ir, il,

im, in, dis

Use each word from the bracket with a suitable prefix from above to complete each sentence. (convenient polite


honest regular correct


1. I’m afraid buses here are very ____________________. I sometimes have to wait an hour. 2. This information is ___________________. The train leaves at 3:10 am not 3:20 am. 3. The use of certain dangerous drugs is _______________. It’s against the law.

4. His house isn’t near the shops, transportation or his work. It’s in a very _________________ place. 5. She didn’t say please or thank you. She was very ____________________. 6. It’s not a special occasion. Just wear ordinary, _______________ clothes. 7. She steals. She tells lies. She’s completely __________________. HOMEWORK Use suitable prefixes from below to add to the words in the column to form their opposites. (ir







in) Opposite

legitimate plausible competitive logical available affordable negotiable

partial Choose any two words and write their meanings before and after the prefix was added. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 11 VOCABULARY: HOMOGRAPHS FACTS/TIPS Homographs are words that have the same spelling but have different meanings. Sometimes the words sound the same and sometimes they sound a little different. PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Give the meaning for the homograph in bold print. 1.

Mother goes to the bank to get money. (a place to save or borrow money)


My brother swam to the river bank. (area around a river)


Mother will buy a watch for me. (device used to tell time)


I watch television all day. (observing someone or something)

ON YOUR OWN Use these homographs to complete each sentence. light, pen 1.

I like writing with my black ink ___________________.


The chicks were chuckling in the _______________________.


The _____________________ in the kitchen shines brightly.


The paper is as ___________________ as a feather.

HOMEWORK Read the sentences below. Circle the homographs in each. 1.

She has tears in her eyes as she tears old photos.


My peer told me to peer through the window at our teacher.


How long will the live fish live without food?


The band will record a new record.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 12 VOCABULARY: TOPIC: CHIPPED WORDS FACTS/TIPS: A chipped word is a short word formed from a longer word. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Read the word below. Make five small words from that word. strutting 1. strut

2. ring

3. sting

4. sin

5. sing

ON YOUR OWN Read the word below. Make as many small words as you can from that word. Masculine _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 13 VOCABULARY TOPIC : Similes FACTS/TIPS A simile is a comparison between two things that are unlike in most ways but alike in one special way. The words ‘as’ and ‘like’ are used to make the comparison. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Complete these similies. 1. as cool as a cucumber 2. as easy as ABC 3. as stubborn as a mule. 4. as smooth as velvet/ as smooth as silk ON YOUR OWN Complete these similies. 1. as agile as a ______________ 2. as brave as a _____________ 3. as fit as a ___________ Write a simlie for each description below. The first one was done for you. 1. A person who always refuse to do what they are told. As stubborn as a mule. 2. Someone who is not afraid of anything. _______________________________________________________ 3. Someone who can run and jump with great ease. ________________________________________________________ 4. A task that is very simple to perform. _________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 14 & 15 ACRONYMS: FACTS/TIPS Acronym is a shortened form of a word. The acronym formed is pronounced as a word. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Write the meaning for these acronyms. GPL – Guyana Power and Light GTT- Guyana Telephone and Telegraph GPHC- Guyana Public Hospital Co-operation. ON YOUR OWN Write the acronyms for the underlined words. 1. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund made a donation towards the fight against the deadly disease.


2. The National Centre for Educational Resource Development will be providing materials for offline teaching. ______________________ Write the meaning for these acronyms. 1. CSEC- _________________________________________________ 2. CAPE- _________________________________________________ 3. NARI - _________________________________________________ 4. CANU - ________________________________________________ 5. GAWU – _______________________________________________

6. GINA- __________________________________________________ 7. AIDS- __________________________________________________ Write the acronyms for the underlined words. 1. Children who wrote the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate examination were not pleased with their results. _________________

2. The Pan American Health Organisation is concerned about the spread of the corona virus disease. ________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 16 &17 TOPIC: ABBREVIATIONS FACT/TIP: An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Give the meanings for these abbreviations. 1. G.P.O.C – Guyana Post Office Corporation 2. G.T.T.- Guyana Telephone and Telegraph 3. G.P.L.- Guyana Power and Light. ON YOUR OWN

Give the meanings for these abbreviations. 1. km ______________________________________________ 2. G.P.H.C. _________________________________________ 3. Dept. ____________________________________________ 4. Dr. _______________________________________________ HOMEWORK Give the meanings for these abbreviations. 1. L.C.M. _________________________________________________________ 2. O.T.C. _________________________________________________________ 3. P.T.A. __________________________________________________________ 4. G.R.A ._______________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 18 & 19 VOCABULARY TOPIC: ANALOGIES FACT/TIP An analogy is a comparison of features or qualities of different things, or of the relationships between things. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Complete each of these analogies 1. author is to book as sculptor is to statue 2. dog is to kennel as chicken is to coop 3. older is to younger as senior is junior ON YOUR OWN Complete each of these analogies 1. cow is to beef as pig is to _______ 2. orange is to __________ as banana is to skin 3. laugh is to happy as cry is ________ 4. rifle is _________ as bow is to arrow TOPIC: ANALOGIES FACT/TIP Symbols can be used to make analogies instead of words. PRACTICE EXAMPLE dish is to fruit as vase is to flowers can be written as dish : fruit vase: flowers

ON YOU OWN Complete each of these analogies 1. chair :






2. foot

: __________ :: hand

: __________

3. dog


: __________

puppy :: bear



MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART READING WEEK 1 SIGHT WORDS Below are some sight words. Read each word carefully. Underline the root word in each. Read your root words to someone in your home. The first one was done for you. 1. knocking 2. sweetly 3. houses 4. playful


Syllables are single speech sounds, made up of one vowel sound. Whenever a word has a double consonant and there is a vowel before and after each consonant, divide the word between the double consonant. PRACTICE EXAMPLES family = fa/ mi/ ly = 3 syllables visit = vi/sit= 2 syllables

church=church= 1 syllable Double consonants words dinner= din/ner supper= sup/per soccer = soc/cer Note the vowels before and after the double consonant ON YOUR OWN: Complete the table below. Words

prepare mosquito pattern hopping

Syllabicated Words

Number of Syllables

Syllabicate these words 1.
























MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEKS 3 & 4 READING TOPIC: INFLECTIONAL ENDINGS-d, -ed FACTS/TIPS Inflected endings are a group of suffixes that indicate tense (smiled, walked, walking, walks)

and number (cats, boxes). Read these words. books










Read the text below. Books are fun to read. I once read a book about a pair of pears that could talk. It was very funny to read about fruits talking. I later found out that made up stories are called fiction and stories about real events are called non-fiction. Last Saturday, I visited my friend, Sally. I shared with her the story that I read. She and her brother laughed loudly. She told me about Seeta’s son who got a cold from playing in the sun. ON YOUR OWN Read these words. Circle the words that have an inflectional ending. smile, smiled, walk, walked, walker, cared, played, tape

ON YOUR OWN Read the sentences below. Circle all the words with an inflectional ending. 1. Lily enjoys her walk to school. 2. Mother washes the dishes while Daddy prepares dinner. 3. The family plays outdoor games together.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART READING TOPIC: INFLECTIONAL ENDINGS -d -ed FACT/TIP Inflectional endings are word parts added to the end of a word to change its meaning. For example: -s, -es, -d, -ed, -er, -est Let us read these words. 1.wanted

2. walked

3. asked

4. waved

5. noticed

ON YOUR OWN Add the inflectional ending /-d/ or /ed/ to each word to make a new word. The first one is done for you. Word number pave agree touch


Inflection ed __________ ___________ ___________


New word numbered ___________ ____________ ____________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 5 READING FACTS /TIPS TOPIC: Consonant Digraph - /sh/ *A digraph is two letters coming together to produce one sound. *Therefore, a consonant digraph is two consonants coming together to produce one sound. *Some digraphs can be found at the beginning, middle or ending of a word. Here are some examples of consonant digraphs. sh






ON YOUR OWN Write as many words as you can that contain the consonant digraph below. sh

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Read the text fluently. Circle all the words which have a consonant digraph ‘sh’. Read your words to a relative. One day, shy Shane went shopping. He bought a new pair of shoes and a shirt. After shopping, shy Shane went home to shave. He put on his new shoes and shirt and went to the shore. Shane saw his short friend, Shawn, at the shore with a bag. Shawn was picking up shiny shells. Shane picked up shiny shells too. Shawn picked up more shells than Shane. “We have to wash these shells before we put them on a shelf.” said Shane. ‘Let me see who will finish first, said Shawn. The boys washed the shells. They looked out into the ocean and saw a ship passing by. The boys left the shore. On their way, they bought fresh cherries and fish and chips from a shop. ‘I will share my fish with my brother, Charles,’ said Shane.


Here are some examples of other consonant digraphs. ch





Some examples of words beginning with the consonant digraphs /ch/ are: children


chips Charles

cheap cherries chocolate

Look at each picture below. Say their names and insert the missing letters to complete the

name of each picture.

____ ______erries

______ ______ ips

______ _____ocolate

Read the text fluently. Circle all the words which have a consonant digraph /ch/. Read your words to a relative.

One day, shy Shane went shopping. He bought a new pair of shoes and a shirt. After shopping, shy Shane went home to shave. He put on his new shoes and shirt and went to the shore. Shane saw his short friend, Shawn, at the shore with a bag. Shawn was picking up shiny shells. Shane picked up shiny shells too. Shawn picked up more shells than Shane. “We have to wash these shells before we put them on a shelf.” said Shane. ‘Let me see who will finish first, said Shawn. The boys washed the shells. They looked out into the ocean and saw a ship passing by. The boys left the shore. On their way, they bought fresh cherries and fish and chips from a shop. ‘I will share my fish with my brother, Charles,’ said Shane. Write as many other words that you know below which begin with /ch/. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 7 READING TOPIC: Consonant Digraph /ph/ FACT/TIP /ph/ makes the sound /f/ Let us read these words 1. phonics

2. Phillip

3. pharmacy

4. pharmacist

5. photographs

6. physically

ON YOUR OWN Use the words from the boxes below to complete the cloze passage. phone




Phil is always on his _____________ . He takes his phone everywhere and snaps _______________ of interesting things he sees. When Phil gets older he would like to be a ________________ and work in a _______________ .













ON YOUR OWN Make a list of all the words that begin with /st/. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Match the following pictures to its correct name. star




ON YOUR OWN Write the name for each picture. Each name must end with –nk.





ON YOUR OWN Write the name for each picture. Each name must end with -st.






WEEK 10 READING TOPIC: SILENT LETTER ‘l’ as in calm FACTS/TIPS Remember: Silent letters are letters that cannot be heard when the word is spoken. The word calm is pronounced /cam/. The /l/ sound is not heard. Let us read these words. calm




salmon engineer


would chef


Read the text below. Mr. Singh is a fifth-grade Literacy teacher. He enjoys teaching children to read graphic organisers and writes very interesting stories which he calls narrative essay. He is always very calm when he has a stick of chalk in the palm of his hand, and when he talks, everyone listens. He always tells us if we work hard we can be anything we want to be. We have children in our class who would like to be engineer, nurse, doctor, chef and many other occupations. Mr. Singh enjoys watching wrestling in his free time. He enjoys hearing the sound of the referee’s whistle. Last Christmas we thought we should surprise him, so we presented him with a brush with yellow bristles and prepared a meal of salmon for him.

ON YOUR OWN Read the words below. Complete each sentence using a suitable word. calm



1. Mike’s _________ was very sweaty because he was nervous. 2. Even though the dog looked frightening, Peter remained ________. 3. Everyone I know enjoys a meal of _____________. Write three words with the silent letter /l/. Use your words in sentences 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 11 READING TOPIC: SILENT LETTER /g/ as in /gnaw/ FACTS/TIPS The sound /g/ is not usually pronounced when it comes before the letter ‘n’. The word /gnaw/ is pronounced /naw/. The /g/ sound is not heard. The word /champaign/ is pronounced /champain/, the /g/ is not heard. Let us read these words.

1. gnome

2. gnat

3. gnaw

4. those

5. that

6. this

Complete these words by inserting the silent /g/. Read the words. 1. _ nash

2. forei _ n

3. _ nat

4. rei _ n

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 12 READING TOPIC: SILENT LETTER /k/ as in /knife/ FACTS/TIPS The sound /k/ is not usually pronounced when it comes before the letter ‘n’. The word /knife/ is pronounced /nife/. The /k/ sound is not heard. Let us read these words. 1. Knight

2. knock

3. knit

1. knead

5. knees

6. Knife

Select a suitable word to complete each sentence. Read your sentence knead



1. I __________ he would regret his decision. 2. The man tied a _________ to secure the hammock. 3. I always help my mother to ____________ the bread.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 13 &14 READING TOPIC: Words ending with -/ough/ FACT/TIP There are many ways to pronounce /ough/ o as in go

oo as in too

off as in offer

uff as in suffer

ow as in cow









although dough



PRACTICE EXAMPLES Read the words in the box below. Select the words best suited to complete the sentences that follow. although








1. Leon could not find enough shells to make his chain. 2. The glazed dough nuts were very tasty. 3. The tractor will plough the field for the rice farmers.

ON YOUR OWN Read the words in the box below. Select any three words and write three sentences. although








1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 15 READING TOPIC: Words ending with /ought/ FACT/TIP /ought/ makes the sound /awt/ PRACTICE EXAMPLES Complete these words using /ought/ brought










Read the words above carefully, then select a suitable word to complete each of the sentence below. 1. Mother _________ some juicy oranges from the market. 2. Franky _________ back tears of joy at his son’s graduation ceremony. 3. The children ___________ the new game was funny.







Add as many words you can to the list above. Use any five of your words in sentences. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEKS 17&18 READING TOPIC: FLUENCY FACT/TIP Fluency is the ability to read words correctly at a good rate with the correct expression. Read these words. 1.troupe

2. swarm

3. dancers

4. bees

5. practicing

Read the text below fluently. A troupe of dancers will be performing at the Easter concert, which will be held at the park. Every afternoon, a crowd of spectators would gather to watch them practice. One day as they were practicing, a group of boys was making kites. One of them tried to get some gamma-cherries to paste the kites. He used a long stick to pull the gamma - cherries but a swarm of bees came flying out of their hive. The dancers tried to remain silent and lay on the ground as the bees flew away. The boys and the dancers were all shaken by the experience. They left the park with racing hearts.

ON YOUR OWN: Ask a relative to listen and use the fluency checklist below to assess your reading, as you reread the text above.

Fluency Checklist

I read the words correctly.

My reading was not too fast or not too slow. I matched my voice to the feeling of the sentence.

I observed all punctuation marks.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEKS 19 & 20 TOPIC: READING FACT/TIP Reading comprehension is the ability to understand what you are reading. Read these words. 1.skinny

2. rake

3. brave

4. lion

5. jumpy

6. flea

Read the extract below. Susan and Betty are best friends. Susan is as brave as a lion. One day as the girls were going on their usual Sunday afternoon stroll in the Botanical Gardens, a strange man came up to them. He was as skinny as a rake. He shouted at them to hand over their gadgets. Susan looked him in the eyes and told him that he has two seconds to leave them alone before she shows him what she can do. The man left as quiet as a mouse. Betty, who was jumpy as a flea praised Susan for her bravery. The girls then continued their stroll as they chatted and sipped on their juices.

PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Answer these questions. 1.Where does the story take place? The story took place in the Botanical gardens. 2.What was the man compared to? He was compared to a rake.

ON YOUR OWN: Answer these questions. 1.Where were the girls going? __________________________________________________________________ 2.Who was very brave? __________________________________________________________________ 3.How often do the girls go for their stroll? __________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 1 GRAMMAR PUNCTUATION MARKS: -COMMA, EXCLAMATION MARK FACTS/TIPS: Punctuation marks are used to indicate to readers where to pause and the tone to use. Here are some ways, punctuation marks are used:

Comma (,)

Exclamation mark (!)

-to separate words in series.

-is used at the end of a sentence to show surprise or strong feelings.

-to separate direct words spoken by someone.

-in addresses, salutation and dates.

PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Read the sentences below and observe how the punctuation marks are used. 1. That was a great meal! 2. Don was born April 15, 1999. 3. We will go to the supermarket to purchase biscuits, sodas, bananas and nuts.


Read the sentences below then, insert the missing punctuation marks. 1. Mercury Venus Earth Mars and Jupiter are five planets of the solar system. 2. That is my toy, Jason cried 3. My house is on fire 4. Thief, thief

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 2 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Plural Nouns FACTS/TIPS Nouns name persons, places, animals or things. Singular means one. Plural means more than one. The plural of most nouns ending with s, sh, ch, x, o, z and ss are formed by adding ‘es’. Practice Examples Singular (one)

Plural (more than one)







ON YOUR OWN: Write the plural nouns shown in the pictures below.




Complete the table below

Singular bus quiz tomato reflex match bush



MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 3 GRAMMAR POSSESSIVE NOUNS-SINGULAR FACTS/TIPS: A possessive noun shows ownership. It is formed with the use of an apostrophe (’) and ‘s’. PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Write the possessive form for the phrases given below. No Phrase

Singular Possessive form of the phrase


The father of Paul

Paul’s father


The bat belongs to Rick

Rick’s bat


The coat belonging to the

The man’s coat


ON YOUR OWN: Write the possessive form for the phrases given below. 1. The book belonging to the teacher __________________________________________________________ 2. The ears of the dog ____________________________________________________________ 3. The bicycle belonging to Peter ____________________________________________________________ 4. The bottle belonging to the baby ____________________________________________________________


Singular Possessive form of the phrase


The bat belonging to James

James’ bat


The book belonging to Reis

Reis’ book


The hammer belonging to

Charles’ hammer


ON YOUR OWN Rewrite the following sentences to show possession. The first one was done for you.


The ship belonging to Columbus is very durable. Columbus’ ship is very durable.


The class belonging to Mr. Evans was very rowdy. _____________________________________________________________


The shopping bag belonging to Santos was stolen. _____________________________________________________________

Underline the correct possessive noun to complete each sentence.


The (ducks, duck’s) home is in the lake.


Peter found (Mark, Mark’s) notebook.


The family was pleased with the (chef’s, chefs) cooking.

Rewrite each sentence below to show its possessive form.


The babysitter searched for the toy belonging to Jonas. _____________________________________________________________


The police searched the home belonging to Dennis. ____________________________________________________________


Jack borrowed the pencil belonging to Lucas. _____________________________________________________________



Plural Possessive form of the phrase


The mothers of my friends

My friends’ mothers


The dresses of the ladies

The ladies’ dresses

ON YOUR OWN Rewrite each sentence to show its possessive form. 1. The books of the students were being corrected. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. The handbags for ladies were on sale.

3. The entry tickets for the players were collected by the door.

4. The parents of the boys took them on a picnic. _______________________________________________________________________________

FACT/TIP For plural not ending with‘s’ or ‘es’- add apostrophe s (‘s) to show their ownership. PRACTICE EXAMPLES No


Plural Possessive form of the phrase


The boots of the men

The men’s boots


The uniforms of the children

The children’s uniform


The hats of the women

The women’s hats

ON YOUR OWN Rewrite the following phrases to show possession. 1. The nets of the fishermen ________________________________________ 2. The cheese of the mice _________________________________________ 3. The beaks of the geese ________________________________________

Rewrite these plural nouns to show its possessive form. The first one was done for you. 1. sheep–sheep’s

2. men-

3. women-

4. mice-

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 7 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Subject and Verb Agreement – Singular Subject /Singular Verb FACTS/TIPS Subjects and verb must agree in number. A singular subject takes a singular verb. Singular verbs end with ‘s’. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Choose the correct verb from the bracket to complete each sentence. 1. The dog singularsubject 2. She

growls at the stranger. (growl, growls) singular verb has the correct answer. (has, have)

singular subject singular verb 3. Daddy

was happy when he heard the news. (was, were)

singular subject

singular verb

ON YOUR OWN Choose the correct verb from the bracket to complete the sentences. 1. Mother ___________ to work every day. (drive, drives) 2. The farmer _________ all the tools for the job. (has. have) 3. Rohan Khanai _________ a famous cricketer, (was, were) 4. The child _______ to his mother. (creep creeps) 5. My sister ________ around the park every morning. (run, runs) 6. The car ________ stolen from the garage. (was, were)

TOPIC: Subject and Verb Agreement – Plural Subject/Plural Verb FACT/TIP A plural subject, takes a plural verb. Plural verb does not end with‘s’ PRACTICE EXAMPLES Choose the correct verb from the brackets to complete the sentences. 1. The children play in the park. (play, plays) 2. Mark and Jason have a pet parrot. (has, have) 3. The teachers were happy with their increase in their salary. (was, were)

ON YOUR OWN Choose the correct verb from the brackets to complete the sentences. 1. The nurses __________ to bring awareness of cancer. (march, marches) 2. Mother and father ___________ please with my grades. (was, were) 3. They _________ five dollars altogether. (has, have)

Fill in the blanks with a verb of your choice. 1. The children ____________ at the party. 2. Mr. Singh ______________ Literacy. 3. She ____________ to school. 4. Sunil and Simon __________ fast bikes.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 8 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Subject and Verb Agreement – Two subjects joined by ‘and’ FACT/TIP If two subjects are joined together by the word ‘and’, whether the subjects are singular or plural, they usually require a plural verb.

PRACTICE EXAMPLES Select the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. The cows and horses are grazing in the pasture. (is, are) 2. Brandon and Chad swim well. (swim, swims) 3. The green team and the blue team have a competition. (has, have)

ON YOUR OWN Select the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. The parents and teachers _________ every Tuesday. (meet, meets) 2. The printer and computer __________ well. (works, work) 3. My cousin and his sister _________ track meets. (enjoy, enjoys) 4. Vegetables and fruits _______ good for our diet. (is, are) 5. Answering the phone and taking a message _________ up a lot of my time. (take, takes) 6. Saidy and Kitty _______ for a walk in the park every morning. (go, goes) 7. George and Tamara ________ want to see that movie. (doesn’t, don’t) 8. The dogs in the pound and their owners _________ reunited. (was, were) 9. Region 4 and Region 10 ________ the most people. (has, have)

10. Members of the swim club and the dance club ________ once weekly. (meet, meets). 11. The children and their parents _______ in the choir. (sing, sings) 12. The coach and his team ________ three miles every day. (run, runs) 13. The singers and the dancers _________ happy with turnout. (was, were) 14. Sandals and towels ________ beach gears. (is, are) 15. The man and woman _________ not like to hear loud music. (do, does) 16. Annie and Pammy __________ reading and writing. (enjoy, enjoys) 17. The girls and their teachers __________ bikes to school. (ride, rides)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 9 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Subject and Verb Agreement - Pronouns FACTS/TIPS: Everyone is one word when it means everybody. ‘Every’ and ‘one’ are two words used separately to mean each one. Everyone is followed by an ‘of’ phrase. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Complete the sentences using the correct verbs. 1. Everyone has done his or her homework. (has/have) 2. Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her work. (is/are) 3. Does anyone know you are here? (Do/Does) Complete the sentences using the correct verbs. 1. Everybody in our family ________ planning a trip last year. (was, were) 2. Each of us __________ a different hobby. (has, have) 3. Everyone in the class______ going to pass their examination. (is, are) 4. ___________ anyone informed you of the new rules? (Has, Have) 5. Every one of the chickens _______ gone. (is, are) 6. Each of them ________ taking his or her own motorcycle. (are is) 7. Anyone wanting to enter the contest ____________to complete a registration form. (need, needs) 8. Nobody ____________ the choice that the judges made. (approve, approves) 9. Everybody ____________ shocked that the contestant chose that song. (was, were)

10. Neither of my friends ____________ to go. (want, wants)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 10 GRAMMAR Subject and Verb Agreement – Pronouns – ‘I’ and ‘you’ FACT/TIP The pronouns ‘I’ and ‘you’ take a plural verb in the present tense. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Select the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. I travel to work in a car. (travel, travels) 2. You write well. (write, writes) 3. I have many friends. (has, have) ON YOUR OWN Select the correct verb to complete the sentences below. 1. I ___________ past the shop every morning. (walk, walks) 2. You ___________ the best roti. (make, makes) 3. I ___________ to church on Sundays. (go, goes) 4. I ___________ very happy to see my grandfather. (was, were) 5. If I ________ with him, that would not have happened. (was, were) 6. You _________ happy to see your mother. (was, were)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 11 GRAMMAR TOPIC: PARTS OF SPEECH -Coordinating Conjunctions FACTS/TIPS A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases or sentences together. Conjunctions can be grouped. Coordinating conjunctions join words or a group of words that perform the same function. Group # 1 For And Nor But Or Yet So for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so They are called coordinating conjunctions. The word FANBOYS will help you to remember the coordinating conjunctions. Each letter stands for a conjunction.

PRACTICE EXAMPLES Below is a list of conjunctions. Underline the coordinating conjunctions. after






ON YOUR OWN Below is a list of conjunctions. Identify the coordinating conjunctions and write them on the line provided. Remember: FANBOYS. nor that yet if

wherever or but so


for while though before

that and because once

Read each pair of sentences below and observe how the conjunctions are used. 1. Bert sat next to Lisa. He listened carefully. 1. Bert sat next to Lisa and listened carefully. 2. I am hungry. I will get something to eat. 2. I am hungry, so I will get something to eat. 3. My friend enjoys writing compositions. She hates doing mathematics. 3. My friend enjoys writing compositions but hates doing mathematics. 4. I do not like to waste water. It is life 4. I do not like to waste water, for it is life. 5. Would you rather have an egg sandwich? Would you rather have a cheese sandwich? 5. Would you rather have an egg sandwich or a cheese sandwich? 6. I am allergic to dogs. I have two. 6. I am allergic to dogs, yet I have two. 7. Father does not like squash. He does not like corilla. 7. Father does not like squash, nor does he likes corilla. ON YOUR OWN Read these sentences below then join them by using suitable coordinating conjunctions. nor






1. Mother went to the market. She bought vegetables. 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. I am late for school. I will stop at the shop. 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. My brother dislikes cook up rice. He likes chowmein. 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. I do not like driving. I do not like riding. 4. ____________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 12 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Subordinating Conjunctions FACTS/TIPS A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases or sentences together. Conjunctions can be grouped. Subordinating conjunctions make one part of the sentence dependent on the other. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Here is a list of some commonly used subordinating conjunctions. Read them. although than since until

unless before where as

after because as soon as whenever

while that once if

PRACTICE EXAMPLES Read each sentence below, then insert the correct conjunction. where



1. Father peeled the potatoes while I fried them. 2. She does not know where her son went. 3. Use your phone light since there is a power outage.

ON YOUR OWN Read each sentence below then insert the correct conjunction. after





1. Rick saved his money so ___________ he could buy a new bicycle. 2. This car is much larger ____________ the one we have. 3. I did not join the zoom class ____________ I was unwell. 4. We went to the market ______________ we left the movies. 5. Our dog barks _______________ there is someone at the gate.


WEEK 13 GRAMMAR TOPIC: POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS FACTS/TIPS Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership or possession. Some possessive pronouns are: mine, hers, theirs, yours, its, his, ours. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Underline the possessive pronouns in these sentences. 1. I have a book. It is mine. 2. You have a book. It is yours. 3. They have books. It is theirs. ON YOUR OWN Underline the possessive pronouns in these sentences. 1. Hers has a red ribbon. 2. Sam wanted to use ours. 3. The black bag is his. 4. Theirs came from India. 5. The prettiest bag is mine. 6. Can I borrow yours? 7. The children have taken ours.

Complete each sentence with a suitable possessive pronoun.

1. The dog wagged ____ tail to show how happy he was. 2. The book is ________, but you are welcome to borrow it. ON YOUR OWN 1. Ali has a new bicycle. It is __________________. 2. My uncle gave me a pen. It is ____________________. 3. The ball is our ball. It is ___________________________. 4. Melly has a blue ruler. It is _______________.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 14 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Verbs – Main and Helping Verbs FACTS/TIPS When two or more words make up a the verb in a sentence, the word that tells the action or state of being is the main verb. The other words are the helping verbs or auxiliary verbs. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Circle the main verb and underline the helping verb(s) 1. The bird has been

2. Teacher Angela will




worms all morning.

children Spanish.

ON YOUR OWN Circle the main verb and underline the helping verb(s) 1. The fierce dog was snapping at my leg. 2. Grandma will read her novel from beginning to end. 3. Jason is refusing to learn his poem for the concert. 4. The cows were grazing in the field. 5. The library will be closed on Saturday. 6. The young boy is watching his favourite show on television.

Complete the following sentences by using a helping verbs.

1. They _____ been playing cricket for two hours. 2. Why _____ you buy that?! It's ugly! 3. How long _____ you been working for this company?

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 15 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Verb Tenses FACTS/TIPS Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now. The past tense is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). The future tense describes things that are yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now). PRACTICE EXAMPLES Present Tense

Past Tense

Future Tense

I study English.

I studied English.

I will study English.

I eat pizza every day.

I ate pizza yesterday.

I will eat pizza for lunch.

ON YOUR OWN Identify the tense of the sentence by writing present, past or future at the end of each. 1. He sprays his animals with water. ____________ 2. That morning, he prayed for his dog to be strong again. ______________ 3. Mommy will go to the market to buy fruits and vegetables. ________________ Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the word in brackets 1. The Prime Minister _______ (speak) on the news last evening. 2. I _______ (turn) down the radio’s volume when the telephone rang. 3. The motorcycle _________ (break) down when the engine overheated.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 16 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Verb Tenses – Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect FACTS/TIPS The present perfect tense refers to something that was just completed in the recent past. Past perfect is used for an action that was completed before another took place. It is usually used with words like ‘when’ and ‘after’. Future perfect tense refers to something that will be completed before a future time. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Present Perfect Tense

I have just finished writing my essay.

Past Perfect Tense

I had just finish writing my essay when the show started.

Future Perfect Tense

I will write my essay before next Friday.

ON YOUR OWN Read the sentences below and write tense on the line. 1. When I had done my homework, I watched television. ____________ 2. I had eaten my dinner when the show started. ______________ 3. I have been absent since last Friday. ______________ 4.










Fill in the blank with the present perfect tense of the verbs in the bracket. The first one was done for you.


1. She ______ (lost) her life. She has lost her life. 2. She ___________ (open) the letter. __________________________________________________________________ 3. We ___________ (work) for five hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The students __________ (write) their essay ___________________________________________________________________ Form the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Gary _____________ (drive) for six hours before arriving home. 2. When the team _______________ (arrive), they all promised to support each other. 3. Her father ___________ (buy) her cat for her birthday.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 17 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Subjects and verbs must agree with each other in number for a sentence to make

sense. What Are the Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement? Subjects and verbs must agree in number. 1. Singular subject takes a singular verb that is the verb ends with‘s’ or ‘es’. The dog growls when he is angry. Plural subject takes a plural verb that is the verb has no‘s’ or ‘es’ The dogs growl when they are angry. 2. If two subjects are joined by "and," they require a plural verb form. The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon. 3. The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by "and" refer to the same person or thing as a whole. Red beans and rice is my mom's favourite dish. 4. If one of the words "each," "every," or "no" comes before the subject, the verb is singular. No smoking or drinking is allowed. Every man and woman is required to check in.

5. If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words "or," "nor," "neither/nor," "either/or," or "not only/but also," the verb is singular. Either Jessica or Christian is to blame for the accident. 6. The only time the object of the preposition decides plural or singular verb forms is when noun and pronoun subjects like "some," "half," "none," "more," or "all" are followed by a prepositional phrase. Then the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb.

All of the chicken is gone. All of the chickens are gone. 7. The singular verb form is usually reserved for units of measurement or time. Four quarts of oil was required to get the car running. 8. If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words "or," "nor," "neither/nor," "either/or," or "not only/but also," the verb is plural. Not only dogs but also cats are available at the animal shelter. 9. If one subject is singular and the other is plural, and the words are connected by the words "or," "nor," "neither/nor," "either/or," or "not only/but also," use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the verb. Either the bears or the lion has escaped from the zoo. Neither the lion nor the bears have escaped from the zoo. 10. Indefinite pronouns typically take singular verbs (with some exceptions). Everybody wants to be loved. 11. The exceptions to the above rule include the pronouns "few," "many," "several," "both," "all," and "some." These always take the plural form. Few were left alive after the flood. 12. A collective noun, such as "team" or "staff," can be either singular or plural depending upon the rest of the sentence. Typically, they take the singular form, as the collective noun is treated as a cohesive single unit. The herd is grazing in the pasture.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEKS 17 GRAMMAR TOPIC: ADJECTIVES FACTS/TIPS An adjective is a word that describes a noun (the name of a person, animal thing or a place). EXAMPLE Mia is a beautiful girl. (the word beautiful describes the noun, girl) The most common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these and those. EXAMPLE The demonstrative adjective in a sentence will come just before a noun or pronoun. It refers to a particular noun. They include: this, that, those, these, such and some. EXAMPLE That van belongs to my father. (that refers to the van, and it also comes just before the noun) Place these books on the shelf. (these refers to the books, and it also comes just before the noun)

An interrogative adjective describes a noun that is used in a question. Interrogative adjectives include the following words: what, which, whose. EXAMPLE Which pet is hers? (Which is used just before the noun ‘pet’ to ask a question.

ON YOUR OWN Select the best interrogative adjective to fill in the blank.

1. car will she borrow? Sally's or Fred's? a. Which b. Whose c. What 2. of the specials would you like to try? a. Which b. Whose c. What 3. type of pizza do you want? a. Which b. Whose c. What 4. house is the party at? a. Which b. Whose c. What 5. type of pencil do you prefer: mechanical or standard? a. Which b. Whose c. What 6. colors do you want on your cake? a. Which b. Whose c. What 7. road should I take to get to the park? a. Which b. Whose c. What 8. Do you know a. which b. whose c. what 9. I don't know a. which b. whose c. what

sweater this is?

time I'm supposed to be there.

10. Can you tell me a. which b. whose c. what

seat is mine?

Complete the sentences with ‘’this”, “that”, “these”, “those’’ 1. Can I introduce you? Sandra, _______ is John. John, _______ is Sandra. 2. “Is _______ Peter over there?” ‘No, ___________ is Tim.’ 3. Are_______ bananas in the bowl? 4. Is _______ a kitten over there? 5. “Sorry, is _______ your pencil case?” “Oh, yes. Thank you.” 6. Good morning! _______ is Mark Williams speaking? 7. Who are _______ tall men over there in front of the newsagent? 8. “Excuse me! Is _______ seat free?” “No, it isn’t.” 9. “What are _______ over there? Are they owls?” “Yes, they are.” 10. “I’m sorry I’m late.” “ _______ is all right. Come and sit.”

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 18 GRAMMAR TOPIC: COMPARING ADJECTIVES FACTS/TIPS Comparative Adjectives are used to compare one noun to another noun. In these instances, only two items are being compared. For example, someone might say that "the blue bird is angrier than the robin." Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more nouns. They're also used to compare one thing against the rest of a group. Superlative adjectives demonstrate a higher level of comparison between entities. For example: She's the prettiest princess among them all. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Positive hot happy long beautiful

Comparative hotter happier longer more beautiful

Superlative hottest happiest longest most beautiful

In most cases if a word has more than two syllables, more or most is used to make the comparison.

ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. My sister is _____________ my brother. (intelligent) 2. The blue whale is ____________ animal. (big) 3. Iceland is the ___________ country in Spain. (cold) 4. This is ___________ book I’ve ever read. (good) 5. My neighbour is _________ person I know. (lucky) 6. Friday is the __________ day of the week. (busy) 7. These trainers are much ____________ than those. (cheap) 8. Frank works the __________ than most people. (hard) 9. I’m __________ at English than you. (good) 10. Today has been the _________ day of the year. (hot) 11. This is the __________ CD I’ve ever listened. (bad) 12. English is __________ than Japanese. (easy) 13. Which mountain is the ___________ in the world. (high) 14. John is _________ than his brother. (tall) 15. English is _________ than Latin. (useful) 16. What is the ___________ word in English? (common) 17. The Nile is the ___________ river in the world. (long) 18. This is my __________ brother. Mary is their _________ daughter (old, old) 19.That skyscraper is one of __________ buildings in the city. (tall) 20. The first exercise was easy but this one is ________. (difficult) 21. Our journey took __________ we expected. (long) 22. Charles is __________ student in the school. (noisy) 23. Madrid’s population is _________ Santander’s (large) 24. Nothing makes me _________ waiting on the phone. (angry) 25. Five years ago I was _________ I am now. (fat)


A negative sentence is a sentence that states that something is false. In English, we create negative sentences by adding the word 'not' or ‘no’ after the auxiliary, or helping, verb. Some other negative words are nor, neither, never, nobody, nowhere, nothing and no one. For example: • •

David is not a happy person. The clouds were not blocking the sun's rays.

These are examples of negative sentences because the word 'not' changes the sentence to a false statement. Notice that the word 'not' is placed after 'is' and 'were', which are auxiliary verbs.

ON YOUR OWN Using the list of sentences below, re-write each sentence into a negative sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I am going to the grocery store today. It is cold outside today. We are going to the movie theater. Ben was taking a nap. Lily and Fred were playing soccer at the park. Sarah walks to school everyday.

Homework 1. It was a traditional Christmas last year.

2.I did eat the tasty meal prepared.

3.I spent time in the presence of the one I love. 4. I like apples. _______________________________________________________________________________

Select two negative words from the list and write two sentences. no




_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ARTS WEEK 10 & 11 GRAMMAR TOPIC: Adverbs of Time FACTS/TIPS Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened, for how long, and how often. Adverb of time answers the question, When? PRACTICE EXAMPLES Underline the adverbs in the sentences

1. I will see you soon. (When will I see you? soon) 2. You should always be polite. (When should you be polite? always) 3. I visit my grandparents yearly. (When do I visit your grandparents? yearly)

ON YOUR OWN Underline the adverbs in the sentences

1. I drink water hourly. 2. I go to the gym daily. 3. I am going to the market now. 4. I completed my work earlier. 5. Raul got his payment recently. 6. It often rains in Bartica.

TOPIC: Adverbs of Place FACTS/TIPS Adverbs of place tell us where an action occurs. The most common adverbs of place are ‘here’ and ‘there’. We use the adverbs somewhere, everywhere, anywhere, and nowhere to refer to unspecified places. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. Mr. Jones, your nine o’clock appointment is here. 2. Where’s my pen? Ah, there it is! 3. The documents are somewhere. ON YOUR OWN Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. I’ll sit here, and you can sit there. 2. There is my coat, on the back of the chair. 3. The socket is there, under the window.

TOPIC: Adverbs of Degree FACTS/TIPS Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or extent of something. Adverbs of degree are usually placed before the adjective or verb that they modify, although there are some exceptions. Adverbs of degree answer the questions: 1. how much? 2. to what extent? PRACTICE EXAMPLES Underline the adverbs in the sentences. 1. He is very intelligent. (The word ‘very’ tells the extent of the boy’s intelligence) 2. Pamela was totally confused. (The word ‘totally’ tells us the extent of Pamela’s confusion) 3. The shirt cost too much. (the word ‘too’ tells us the extent of the cost of the shirt) 4. Eddy Grant is a good singer. He's absolutely fantastic. (absolutely, very) 5. That boy of yours is extremely lazy. (absolutely, extremely) 6. Kaieteur Falls is a rather interesting place. (quite, rather)

ON YOUR OWN Complete each sentence with ‘very’, ‘too’ or ‘enough’. 1. The boy is big ________ to carry the heavy basket. 2. The room was _______ small to hold all the furniture. 3. The sea water is ______ cold for the swimmers.

Underline the adverbs in the sentences below. 1. I am fairly certain it will rain tomorrow. 2. You should really pay attention in class. 3. I am almost certain I will get a perfect score in Language. 4. I really enjoy playing cricket. 5. Tom is rather quiet. 6. Are you warm enough? 7. Danny’s new hairstyle looks really good. 8. Poor people rent the most expensive places. 9. “Call me when the food is nearly ready”. 10. You did very well in that exam. 11. I almost got bitten by a snake. 12. Mr. Jones is too old to drive a car. 14. Do you have enough money to pay for lunch? 15. I am quite excited about my interview tomorrow.

ON YOUR OWN Complete these sentences by using the correct verbs. 1. ___________ anyone informed you of the new rules? (Has, Have) 2. Every one of the chickens _______ gone. (is, are) 3. Each of them ________ taking his or her own motorcycle. (are is)

TOPIC: Pronouns - Interrogative Pronouns FACTS/TIPS: Some words are used to ask questions about a person or thing. These words are called interrogative pronouns. Some interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, which, what, whose, whoever, whomever and whatever. Note: For these words to be interrogative pronouns, they must be followed by a verb. Pronouns



Asks a question about people (subject)


Asks questions about people (object)


Asks questions about animals and objects


Asks questions about possession


Asks questions about places


Asks questions about time


Asks questions about reason


Asks questions about things


Asks questions about manner

PRACTICE EXAMPLES Underline the interrogative pronouns in the sentences below. 1. Whose is this? 2. What is the time? 3. Which is better? 4. Whose is this? 5. Whom did you see?

ON YOUR OWN Underline the interrogative pronouns in the sentences below. 1. To whom am I speaking? 2. What was the best part of your Christmas vacation? 3. Who will be your study partner this year? 4. Whose is it? 5. Whom did the audience like best? 6. What should I say to my new teacher? 7. Who is it yelling outside? 8. Whom did the teacher call? 9. Which of the readers are you cheering for? 10. What is your name? 11. Which of the girls are you supporting? 12. Whose are these? 13. Who sent you a gift? 14. Whom did the police arrest? Use a suitable interrogative pronoun to complete each sentence. 1. _________ took you to the park? 2. __________ was his answer? 3. ___________ of the bags do you want?

QUOTATION MARKS/INVERTED COMMAS FACTS/TIPS: Quotation marks also called inverted commas are used to show the exact words of a speaker. Opened quotation marks (“) are placed in front of the first word spoken. This word begins with a capital letter. Closed quotation marks (”) are placed after the punctuation mark after the last word of the speaker. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Read these sentences below, then insert quotation marks (“). 1. Samuel shouted, It is Sunday.

Samuel shouted, “It is Sunday.”

2. Jack said, There are thirty days in the month of April.

Jack said, “There are thirty days in the month of April.”

3. Wash your hands after using the toilet, reminded mother.

“Wash your hands after using the toilet,” reminded mother.

ON YOUR OWN Read these sentences below, then insert quotation marks (“). 1. Where is my rabbit? asked Rick. 2. My favourite song is, Oh Beautiful Guyana. 3. My teacher said , Be there at 8:30hrs. 4. I’m next! She whispered. 5. My mom asked, When do you want to go to the movies?

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPOSITION WEEK 1 TOPIC: Descriptive Writing Someone I Admire FACTS/TIPS: A descriptive essay asks a pupil to describe something, such as a person, object, place, experience, emotions and many others. A good descriptive essay has sensory details (appeals to the senses of the reader such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste (when appropriate), figurative language and careful organisation. WORDS TO DESCRIBE A PERSON face square oval round triangular eyes large small round bright

build slim plump chubby chin

nose straight long pointed small

hair long short straight wavy



short tall medium height average height

young old teenager middle-aged

mouth thin lips full lips

Note: There are many other words (adjectives) that can be used to describe a person. Practice Example There are many people around us who we admire and respect. Think of one such person and create a plan to write an essay about such a person. (Someone I Admire)

On your own Young children admire and respect their parents, teachers, community leaders and many other persons. Think of someone who you admire and respect. Create a plan to write a descriptive essay about that person. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 2 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Descriptive Writing - There are many people around us whom we admire and respect. Think of one such person and write an introductory paragraph’. (Someone I

admire) FACTS/TIPS: In writing the introductory paragraph, begin with a ‘hook’. This will hold your readers’ attention and make them want to read on to find out more. The hook can be a statement or a question. Make sure your readers see, hear and feel what you are describing. The description should be lively and interesting. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Below is an example of an introductory paragraph. My grandmother is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. She has short, silver hair and dark brown eyes that always seem to twinkle. When my grandmother smiles, her pearly white teeth are a beautiful sight to behold. Her straight, pointy nose fits beautifully on her pearshaped face. Even though my grandmother is middle- aged, her chocolatey brown skin is as

smooth as silk. ON MY OWN ‘There are many people around us whom we admire and respect. Think of one such person and write an introductory paragraph’. Remember to look back at your plan and list of descriptive words. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 3 COMPOSITION FACTS/TIPS: Figurative devices such as similes and metaphors can be used to make our writing more exciting. Simile: A comparison between two things using ‘as’ or ‘like’ Example: My role model is as strong as a lion. Metaphor: A metaphor states that one thing is another. It does this not because they are the same, but for the sake of comparison. Example: My role model is a knight in shining armour when someone is in distress. Practice example: Below is an example of what paragraph two may look like. Honest, hardworking, loyal and funny are just a few qualities that I respect and admire about my grandmother. She is also as fit as a fiddle. Many times I am amazed by her ability to just listen to me and give me advice when I am struggling. One of my favourite experiences with grandma was when she bought me a bicycle for my birthday. That gift made me feel as though she was my knight in shining armour. Grandma took time off from her knitting every afternoon to teach me to ride my bicycle. I fell down a few times, but after a while I became a very good rider. I was even able to ride my bicycle to and from school.

‘There are many people around us who we admire and respect. Think of one such person and write the second paragraph’. Remember to look back at your plan and list of descriptive words. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


FACT TIP: There are many people around us who we admire and respect. Think of one such person and write the third (final) paragraph. (Someone I admire) Your conclusion should tie all the thoughts in your essay together. End your conclusion with a strong final sentence. Practice Example There are several reasons why I love and admire my grandmother dearly. She is an incredibly sensitive person who helps everyone in need. Yet, she never seeks a reward for her kindness. In addition to that, I love her generosity and loving nature. She always encourages me to tell the truth and be the best I can be. There is no one else in this world that I admire and love more than my sweet grandmother. She is the most important person in my life. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________


FACTS/TIPS: Revising and editing are the stages of the writing process in which you improve your work before producing a final draft. During this process you take a second look at the words and sentences you used to express your ideas and correct any grammatical mistakes, punctuation, and sentence construction. Publishing is sharing your story with others. The table below shows what revising and editing involve

Publishing: This is the final stage of the writing process this is where you share your story with others. ON YOUR OWN Follow the steps above and edit, revise and publish your essay.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART NARRATIVE WRITING WEEKS 6 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Narrative Writing FACTS/TIPS: A narrative tells a story. Stories are told to inform, entertain and to relate an experience. When you have to select a topic for this type of writing choose a topic that is familiar to you. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Read the topics below. Underline the one that is best suited to write a story (narrative) about. 1. How to make cheese sandwich. 2. My best friend. 3. An unforgettable experience. ON YOUR OWN Read the topics below. Underline the one that is best suited to write a story (narrative) about. 1. The best day of my life. 2. How to prepare Chowmein. 3. Someone I admire.

HOMEWORK Think about what you know about narrative writing. Write two topics that you can use to write narrative stories. 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________


WEEK 8 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Narrative Writing - Setting FACTS/TIPS When writing a story, the author has to decide when and where the story will take place. Many descriptive words should be used to create the setting for a story. The time when the story is happening must also be decided. This may be in the past, present or future. The verbs used in the story must reflect this. PRACTICE EXAMPLE I would like to write a story about an unforgettable experience I had. Since this has already happened, I will write my story using past tense. I have decided that my setting of my story will be on a beach. Here is a list of words I will used to create the setting of my story. cool


salty water


rough waves

clear blue skies





ON YOUR OWN Think about an unforgettable experience you have had. What tense will you use to write your story? ____________________ When and where will the story take place? ___________________ HOMEWORK Think about an unforgettable experience you have had. Make a list of words you will use to create the setting for your story.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 8 TOPIC: Narrative Writing - Characters FACT/TIP Characters are the people or animals in a story. The main characters need to be fully developed (lots of details). Details must also be given about other characters. Descriptive words should be used to make the characters feel real to the readers. PRACTICE EXAMPLES I would like to write a story about an unforgettable experience I have had. Here is a list of characters who will be in my story and some words I will use to describe the different characters. •


My mother

My uncle






curly hair

bright eyes

well - built










ON YOUR OWN Think about an unforgettable experience you had. Write a list of words you will use to describe the characters in your story. HOMEWORK Write a list of words you will use to describe the main character(s) of your story.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 9 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Narrative Writing - Plot FACTS/TIPS The plot is the main events that take place in the story, including problems and resolutions. Some questions to ask when planning the story are: What is the point of the story? Why are you writing the story? What do you want your readers to know about the topic? It is also important that you sequence the ideas so that the reader can understand. One idea should lead to another and everything is linked to express complete thoughts. There must be a beginning, a middle and an end.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE I would like to write a story about an unforgettable experience I had. Here are some events that I will include in my plot. My family and I are on vacation. We got lost. We were very happy. We went shopping down town. We saw a tour bus. The tour guide helped us to find our way back to the hotel.

After reading my ideas, I realise they need to be sequenced for them to express complete thoughts.

Here is how I will sequence my ideas My family and I are on vacation. We went shopping down town.


We got lost. We saw a tour bus.

Middle (Problem)

The tour guide helped us to find our way back to the hotel.

End (resolution)

We were very happy.

ON YOUR OWN Think about an unforgettable experience you would have had. Write at least four events you would include in your plot. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ HOMEWORK Re-read the points you wrote for your story. Write your points in sequence. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


WEEK 9 COMPOSITION Narrative Writing – Point of View FACTS/TIPS A story (narrative) can be told from different point of views. First Person – The writer is directly involved in the story and tells the story using the first person ‘I’. The writer tells the reader exactly what the main character is feeling and thinking in first person narrative. Third Person – The writer tells the story as an outsider looking on. The writer also allows the reader to form their own opinions of the characters in the story. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Complete the table to show the writing of the first of third person narrative. First Person Narrative

Third Person Narrative

Sonia and I were walking along the Sonia and Judy were walking along the pavement, when suddenly a bus driver pavement, when suddenly a bus driver lost control and was heading towards us.

lost control and was heading towards them.

I got into the car with my shoes and socks Sandra got into the car with her shoes and in my hands. I was late again and father socks in her hands. She was late again was upset.

and father was upset.

ON YOUR OWN Complete the table to show the writing of first person or third person narrative. First Person Narrative

Third Person Narrative The boy got his test paper back. He has failed his test. He has to explain what happen to his mother.

I won a computer in the raffle. I was the happiest girl in school. Homer and Marge wanted to get a pet for Lisa.

HOMEWORK Complete the table to show writing of the first person or third person narrative. First Person Narrative

Third Person Narrative

I have no idea how I would react to such bad news. A lady was running up and down the beach screaming her lungs for someone to help her son. Your father sent me to tell you that he would be home late.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 9 COMPOSITION Narrative Writing – An Unforgettable Experience. FACT/TIP Planning helps you to see the overall picture, so you know where to add details to make an interesting story. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Here in my plan to write my narrative essay on the topic: An Unforgettable Experience. An Unforgettable Experience. SETTING When: Saturday

Where: At the Beach CHARACTERS

Main (major) Characters:

Minor Characters:

me, mother, father, thief

fishermen, tourists

PLOT Event 1(Beginning)

Event 2 (middle)

Event 3 (end/resolution)

Visited the beach to

Attacked by a thief

Fought the thief and



ON YOUR OWN Use the chart to plan your story on the topic: An Unforgettable Experience SETTING When:


CHARACTERS Main (major) Characters:

Minor Characters:

PLOT Event 1(Beginning)

Event 2 (middle)

Event 3 (end/resolution)

Narrative Writing – An Unforgettable Experience FACTS/TIPS When writing a story, begin by introducing your characters and setting. This should be followed something interesting (hook) that will hold your readers’ interest. The beginning of a story is very important, because it can grab or lose the reader’s interest.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE Look back at your plan, and write your introductory paragraph. SETTING When: Saturday

Where: At the Beach CHARACTERS

Main (major) Characters:

Minor Characters:

me, mother, father, thief

fishermen, tourists

Here is how I will write my introductory paragraph. The sun was out in all its glory in our beautiful village of Nurney. I longed to go for a refreshing swim at the majestic Sixty-Three Beach. Since it was Saturday, I decided I would charm my mother up by helping her in kitchen. I know this would make her very happy and I would be able to get my way. As soon as I was finished, I strolled over to my father who was reading the newspaper. Before I could ask him anything, he looked up and smiled and told me to go and pack my swim clothes. I was as happy as a lark. We got to the beach in no time. We decided to enjoy the view before taking a dip. My father and I were chatting, when I felt something cold pressed again my back. ON YOUR OWN Look back at your plan, and write your introductory paragraph. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Read the following sentences. Circle the ones that would make you want to continue reading. 1. Jason and his brother Pete, were playing near the edge of the river, when the little boy fell over the edge and into the water. 2. Once upon a time, Jason and his brother Pete, were playing near the edge of the river when the little boy decided it was time to go home. 3. Splash! Peter jumped into the water. The water was cold and deep and Peter did not know how to swim. Give a reason for your choice(s). _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 10 TOPIC: Narrative Writing – An Unforgettable Experience FACTS/TIPS The middle – is the meat of the story. It explains the topic, gives important key details, and holds the reader's attention, but most importantly it is where we reach the climax or turning point of the story. If the middle is good, it will start the reader thinking about how the story is going to end. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Look back at your plan, and write the second paragraph of the story. (middle) PLOT Event 1(Beginning)

Event 2 (middle)

Event 3 (end/resolution)

Visited the beach to

Attacked by a thief

Fought the thief and



Here is how I will continue my story. The coldness on my back sent shivers down my spine. I look over to my father. I tried to speak, but no words came out. I felt as though I was stifling. The fear that gripped me, made it seem as though time was standing still. As I was trying to pull myself back to reality, I heard a strange voice saying, move one inch and you’re dead. It took me a while to compose myself. Just then the thief yanked my father’s wedding ring from his finger and his chain from his neck. I glanced around the beach to see if I could get the attention of the tourists. They were all in their own little world having a great time. A sad felling came over me. I thought to myself, this was how I was going to die. I would never see my family again…

ON YOUR OWN Look back at your plan, and write the second paragraph your story. (middle) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ You can end your story with a wish, a dream, a reflection or even a lesson learnt. Think about how you want your story to end. Make a note of this. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 11 COMPOSITION Narrative Writing – An Unforgettable Experience FACTS/TIPS The conclusion or ending of a story is the most exciting part. This is where the problem faced by the characters are resolved. The ending can be happy, sad, disappointing or even shocking. The writing may close with a lesson that was learnt, a funny thought, an opinion, advice or a moral. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Look back at your plan, and write the last paragraph of your story. (conclusion) Here is how I will conclude my story. As quickly as that scary thought came to me, it left. This was the time I had to be brave. As if on cue, my father and I made eye contact. At the moment my father stamped as hard as he could on one of the bandit’s foot. I elbowed the other one with all the strength I could find. He screamed out in pain. Dad grabbed the cold object that was placed to our backs. To our surprise, what we thought was a gun, turned out to be a small piece of steel. By this time the tourists, were rushing to see what was happening. Someone had already called the police who arrived very promptly and took the thieves away. At that moment I felt as proud as peacock for being such a brave boy. I made a vow to myself to always protect my family, whom I love so much. ON YOUR OWN Look back at your plan, and write your last paragraph. (conclusion) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ HOMEWORK Rewrite your three paragraphs and then use the checklist below to edit and revise your essay. Re-read your completed essay to make sure that all your sentences flow and express complete thought. Characters/Setting Did you describe your characters? Did you describe your setting using descriptive language? Did you describe the relationship between the characters? Did you check your spelling and grammar? Main Body Did your character(s) experience an interesting problem? Did you describe your characters’ feelings? Did you explain how the characters tackle the problem? Did you write in paragraphs? Did you check your spelling and grammar? Conclusion Did your characters resolve the problem in a realistic way? Did you describe your characters final feelings? Did you leave your reader with strong feeling or message from the story? Did you check your spelling and grammar?

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 12 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Narrative Writing – Picture Study FACT/TIP We can use the same skills learnt in narrative writing to write about pictures. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Study the picture below and create a plan to write a story.

Here is my plan for my story Title of Story: An Accident Main Other Characters Traffic policeman, passersby Characters me, car driver, bus driver Setting: When: Monday

Where: Regent Street

Beginning Middle (Problem) (Introduction) Witnessed an accident

End/Conclusion- Solution The ambulance came and took the injured people away.

Going to the store

ON YOUR OWN Use the format below to plan your essay (story). Give your story a title. Title of Story: Main Characters

Setting When: Beginning (Introduction)

Other Characters

Where: Middle (Problem)

End/Conclusion- Solution

HOMEWORK Think of the following and make notes: What point of view will the story be told in? ________________________

What descriptive words will be used to describe the scene? _____________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 13 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Narrative Writing – Picture Study FACTS/TIPS Things to remember about a narrative writing • • •

Narrative writing tells a story. Narrative writing can be fiction or non-fiction. Narrative writing must have characters, a plot, conflict, setting, and a point of view.

PRACTICE EXAMPLES Look back at your picture and your plan and write your story. Here is a sneak peek of my story. Finally, the long school day came to an end. Mondays always seem very long and neverending to me. As I strolled down Regent Street on my way to the bus park, I thought about all the homework I had to get done that evening. Suddenly, I heard a loud crashing sound. My heart stopped beating and I froze for what seemed like an eternity. I finally gathered my thoughts together and began to observe what was happening around me. By this time a crowd had assembled. I rushed over. What I saw shocked the daylight out of me. Mr. Barrow’s car and a bus had collided. There was blood and broken glasses everywhere…….. ON YOUR OWN Look back at your picture and your plan and write your story. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 14 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Expository Writing- Explaining a Process FACTS/TIPS Expository writing explains, describes, informs, clarifies, defines, or instructs how to complete a process to get a finished product. Use transitional words or phrases to connect your sentences or paragraphs so that they flow smoothly. Some transitional words and phrases are: 1. as

6. first

11. at first

2. in

7. second

12. eventually

3. on

8. third

13. after that

4. by

9. while

14. at the same time

5. next

10. then

15. the next step

A process essay is written either to explain how something works, or to guide a reader through the process of completing a particular task. Example: How to quit smoking. It follows in chronological order (the order of time). The topic sentence identifies the process you are going to outline. Example: - Writing a book review is easy once you know the steps. - Here is how to have fun outdoors and grow the best carrots you have ever eaten.

Body Sentences Include exact details for each step so that your audience would not make a mistake. Be sure to include all important details. Make sure your steps are in order. Use transitional words e.g., first, next, then, finally. Example:

Without exact details cut the string and tie the cut halves together.

With exact details cut the string into four six-inch long pieces. Tie the strings through the holes of the cut halves so one-half hangs from the other.

The concluding sentence makes a comment on the process, issues a caution, makes a judgement, or restates the topic sentence somewhat differently. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Here is an example of an expository paragraph that explains a process. The topic and concluding sentences are in italics. The transition words are bolded. Use these three steps to treat minor wounds. First, clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water or an antiseptic. Next, apply an antibiotic cream to the affected area. Lastly, cover the wound with an antiseptic bandage, if it gets dirty, clean the wound once more and apply new cream and a new bandage. Keep the wound covered until it heals. These steps will prevent infection and promote fast healing.

Steps Clean the wound.

Materials water, soap, antiseptic

Apply antibiotic cream. Cover the wound.

antibiotic cream antiseptic bandage

Details Clean wound thoroughly with soap and water. Apply antibiotic cream to the affected area. Cover the wound with an antiseptic bandage, if it gets dirty, clean the wound once more and apply new cream and a new bandage. Keep the wound covered until it heals.

ON YOUR OWN: Expository Writing Topic: Imagine that you are entertaining a friend on a rainy day. What indoor game or activity do you think the child could learn? Write the instructions for the game or activity. Title: How to play my favourite game?




HOMEWORK Write the instructions for doing a science experiment that you have done before. Include materials and safety information.

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Steps Materials



WEEK 15 COMPOSITION Expository Writing Topic: Imagine that you are entertaining a friend on a rainy day. What indoor game or activity can you teach him/her? Write the instructions for the game or activity. FACTS/TIPS: Transitional Words You can include transitional words (e.g., first, second, next) in your writing to show the order in which things happen. Anytime you are asked to describe an event or process in chronological (time) order, these words can help you. Examples of transitional words. and, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, besides, then, too, also, both-and another, equally important, first, second, etc., again, further, last, finally, not only-but also, as well as, in the second place, next, likewise, similarly, in fact, as a result, consequently, in the same way, for example, for instance etc.

Title: How to play my favourite game? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 16 COMPOSITION TOPIC: Letter Writing Letter of Invitation (friendly letter) Your family is going on a trip to Splashmin’s Fun Park to spend the day next Saturday. You were given permission to invite one friend. Write a letter inviting your friend to this outing. FACTS/TIPS: All letters have parts, when writing a letter, we must ensure that all parts are used correctly. Friendly letters are written to people we know well.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE Below is a sample of what a friendly letter of invitation may look like. 12 West Watooka, Wismar, Linden. December 17, 2020. Hi Stacy, How was your day at school today? Well, my mom made my day. When I got home from school today, she told me that our family will be going to Splashmin’s Fun Park, next Saturday and I can invite one of my friends. Guess what! I am writing this letter to invite you to join my family on the outing. We will pick you up at 9 am, please be ready. Walk with a change of clothing, your bathing suit, body cream, a towel, and your deodorant. We can dress alike. I will be wearing a red jersey and black jeans with a red sandal; if you have another idea on what we should wear just let me know. Mother will prepare fried rice and pastries for us. Dad has already cleaned the barbeque grill; he plans to barbeque chicken when we arrive there. You do not have to walk with any money, my parents will take care of all your needs on that day.

I will walk with my cricket ball and bat. We will play cricket in the sand on the beach, my brother is excited to play with us. Mom and dad have also promised to join in the fun too. I know one of your favourite games is monopoly so I will walk with it so we can all play together. I cannot wait to acquire the most houses and hotels and be rich! Of course, we will go into the water to swim and play under the supervision of my parents and elder brother. You will be home by 6 pm the latest. Please ask your parent’s permission. My family and I will be elated, to have your presence on this trip. This trip will not be the same without you. Please reply as soon as possible. Your friend, Mavis. ON YOUR OWN Your family is going on a trip to Splashmin’s Fun Park to spend the day next Saturday. You were given permission to invite one friend. Write a letter inviting your friend to the outing.

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________


Formal letters are letters written to a bank, a government office, newspapers company, to people we do not know and many other organisations. We may write to ask for a donation, say thank you for something, complain about something or apply for a job and many other reasons. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Insert these headings on the template of a formal letter below. 1. Your address 2. Date 3. Heading 4. Greeting 5. Body 6. Closing 7. Name 8.Signature 9. The title and address of the person you are writing to

Your address Date

Title and Address of the person you are writing to The Manager Greeting Dear Ms. Paul

Body of the Letter Details of the Letter Closing Yours truly, Signature M.C. Tanner Name Mary Tanner

ON YOUR OWN Insert the numbers of these headings on the template of a formal letter below. 1. Your address 4. Greeting 7. Name

2. Date 5. Body 8. Signature

3. Heading 6. Closing 9. The title and address of the person you are writing to

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 18 COMPOSITION TOPIC: FORMAL LETTERS FACTS/TIPS When writing formal letters, avoid the use of contractions and chatty language. Use ‘Dear’ in the greeting. If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use Dear Sir or Madam.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE There has been no water in the washroom for the past week. Write a letter of complaint to your head-teacher about this matter. (For this lesson we will compose the addresses, greeting and introduction.)

126 First Street Annandale Village East Coast Demerara. October 1, 2020.

The Headteacher Lusignan Primary School 126 Nandy Street Lusignan Village East Coast Demerara.

Dear Miss Barton, No running water in the washrooms. My name is Mary Tanner and I am a pupil of Grade 5 Rose. I am writing this letter to inform you about a serious problem in the washroom that is affecting the girls. Over the past week there has been no running water in the washroom.

ON YOUR OWN It has been one month since the garbage bins in the school’s compound have not been emptied. Write a letter of complaint to your head-teacher about this matter. Compose the addresses, greeting and introduction. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________

HOMEWORK Read the statements below. Circle all that are true about a formal letter. 1. A formal letter has two addresses. 2. Formal letters are written to people we do not know. 3. We use chatty language when writing formal letters.


WEEK 19 COMPOSITION: TOPIC: LETTER OF COMPLAINT FACTS/TIPS Formal letters are written to people who are very busy. As such, this type of letter should be written using simple language, be clear and to the point. PRACTICE EXAMPLE There has been no water in the washroom for the past week. Write a letter of complaint to your head-teacher about this matter. (For this lesson we will compose the body of the letter.) Here is how I will continue after my introduction. Lack of running water in the washroom has caused it to always be dirty and very smelly. This is affecting our health. The people living nearby are also complaining about the stench. I would like to recommend that the Parent Teachers’ Association raise funds to fix this problem at the earliest possible time. However, in the meantime barrels filled with water can be provided for us to wash our hands and flush our toilets. ON YOUR OWN It has been one month since the garbage bins in the school’s compound have not been emptied. Write a letter of complaint to your head-teacher about this matter. Compose the body of the letter. Review the work from Week 10 to ensure that your thoughts and ideas are connected. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________

HOMEWORK Place a tick (√) next to the statements that are true about formal letters. 1. Simple language should be used. 2. Get to the point. 3. Formal letters are difficult to read. 4. Formal letters should be very wordy.


WEEK 20 COMPOSITION TOPIC: FORMAL LETTER-LETTER OF COMPLAINT FACTS/TIPS: Some ways of closing a formal letter are: 1. Yours respectfully 2. Yours sincerely 3. Yours truly 4. Best regards PRACTICE EXAMPLE There has been no water in the washroom for the past week. Write a letter of complaint to your headteacher about this matter. (For this lesson we will close and sign our letters.) Here is how I will close my letter Yours respectfully, M. Tanner Mary Tanner Pupil

ON YOUR OWN It has been one month since the garbage bins in the school’s compound have not been emptied. Write a letter of complaint to your headteacher about this matter.

Close and sign your letter. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

HOMEWORK Compile all the parts of your letter to make one complete letter. Revise and edit your letter by following the steps for editing and revising done in week 5. Publish your letter. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


WEEKS 1 NATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEKS 2&3 TOPIC: Making inference or drawing conclusions FACTS/TIPS: An inference is a conclusion that a reader makes when reading or after reading. The conclusion is based on what the reader knows outside of the text or picture that is presented in the picture or text, like a guess. You use facts or details to help you figure out what is not said.

What I already know.


What I learnt from reading.


What I infer.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE 1: Observe the picture clearly. What do you think will happen to the young girl? Make an inference?

What I know: Parents do not like their children coming into their clean homes muddy and wet or encourage them to play in the mud.

What I observed from the picture: The girl’s mother is upset; she is warned sternly. The girl is wet and muddy water is also dripping on the floor. Inference: The little girl will be punished for getting wet and dirty.


Why is the boy crying?

He fell off his bike and hurt himself.

How did you know this?

Let us look for clues…

There is a bicycle on the road, and he has on a helmet. This probably means that he was riding his bicycle.

What can I infer from this? My previous knowledge tells me if someone falls off a bicycle he/she can be hurt.

ON YOU OWN: How do you think the woman is feeling? Give two reasons for drawing such a conclusion.

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ What is happening in the picture? Circle your best guess.

The chef is happily cooking a spaghetti for dinner.

The chef is preparing breakfast for the family.

The plane is taking off from the airport.

The plane is landing after a fourteen hour flight.

The bird returned to its nest with food.

The bird is preparing to fly in search for food.

The fisherman returned the fish to the sea.

The fisherman caught a fish for dinner.

The man dug up the old tree.

The man planted a breadfruit tree.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 4 TOPIC: Inference FACTS/TIPS: An inference is a conclusion reached based on evidence and reasoning. It is an educated guess based on observation and background knowledge.

PRACTICE EXERCISE Read the passage and then respond to the questions. Each question will ask you to make a logical inference based on textual details. Explain your answer by referencing the text.

Kyle ran into the house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch. After six hours of playing, Grand Theft Auto, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage and arranged loose pieces of trash over it. As he plopped on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller.

1.(a) Why is Kyle distraught? Kyle was distraught because he performed poorly in his exams.

(b) How do you know this? I knew this because he balled up the report card and hid it in a soup can. He was also distraught.

2.(a) Why does Kyle put the report card in the soup can? Kyle put his report card in the soup can because he did not want his parents to see it.

(b) How do you know this? I knew this because he turned the soup can upside down and placed pieces of trash over it. He obviously did not want anyone to see it.

3.(a) What can you say about Kyle’s performance? Kyle’s performed poorly because he did not study, he just played games.

(b) How do you know this? I knew it was bad because he was not happy, so he hid the report card in an empty soup can in the rubbish bin. He did not want anyone to see it.

ON YOUR OWN: Read the passage and then respond to the questions. Each question will ask you to make a logical inference based on textual details. Explain your answer by referencing the text. Anastacia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully, and her clothing was disheveled. In between gasps and sobs, Anastacia cried out a name: “Oh …. John….” And then her phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart flattered. The text message was from John. She opened the message and read the few bare words. “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastacia threw her head in her arms and continued sobbing.

1.(a) What relationship do you think John and Anastacia have? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (b). Why do you feel this way? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.(a) Why is Anastacia sad? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (b). How do you know this? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

HOMEWORK Read each sentence below and make an inference about what hobby each person or group of people have.

Example: The people run three times a week. Inference: The people’s hobby is running.

1. The boy likes to ride on his skateboard. Inference: ____________________________________________________

2. The man loves to garden outside. Inference:______________________________________________________

3. The boy loves to hit the ball with his two hands over the net. Inference:_______________________________________________________

4. The man loves to purchase cars. Inference:_______________________________________________________

5. I go to school around this time. Inference: ______________________________________________________ 6. I studied hard for the exam. Inference: ______________________________________________________

Make an inference about who is the person. 1. I cook food in a restaurant. Inference: _____________________________________________________

2. I respond to emergencies that deal with fire.

Inference: _____________________________________________________

3. I practice law and must prosecute and defend people. Inference: _____________________________________________________

4. I mow lawns, rake leaves and trim bushes. Inference:______________________________________________________

Study the picture carefully, then answer all the questions. Read your responses aloud to someone in your home. Pay attention to your pronunciation and tone.

1. What occasion is being celebrated? _____________________________________________________________

2. Write two clues from the picture that you can use to make this inference. _____________________________________________________________


3. How do you think the people in the picture are feeling? ____________________________________________________________

4. Which clue(s) did you use to make the inference at 3? _____________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEKS 5&6 TOPIC: Sequencing FACTS/TIPS: This is the ability to order sentences or pictures so that they tell a story. Identifying sequence in a text or using pictures simply means to identify the beginning, the middle and the end.

Example of Sequencing Write the numbers to sequence the story. Write one sentence for each picture.







1. Tom was asleep on his comfortable fluffy bed. 2. As the sun pierced through his bedroom window and burned his face he awoke, yawned and stretched. 3. He got out of bed, washed his face and brushed his teeth. 4. Tom sat at the dining table and had cornflakes and milk with some orange juice that his mother had prepared.

5. He had a bath and sat on his bed and dressed in his football clothing. 6. After putting on his clothes he went into his backyard and played football.

ON YOUR OWN Write the numbers to sequence the story. Write one sentence for each picture.

Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. The Hungry Caterpillar Once there was a very tiny caterpillar. She inched her way up a tree looking for food. When she reached a leaf, she took a small bite. Then she took a bigger bite. Then she took an even bigger bite! Soon, the leaf was gone, and the caterpillar moved to the next leaf. She ate that leaf, and the leaf beside that, and the leaf beside that, and she grew bigger and bigger and bigger. One day, though, the caterpillar stopped eating. She hung from the tree and spun a cocoon around herself, and went to sleep. For many days she slept. Then one day, she awoke and came out of the cocoon. Only she was no longer a caterpillar — she was now a beautiful butterfly!

Put the story events in order/sequence, using numbers 1,2,3,4,5, 6 and 7.

_______The caterpillar takes a small bite of a leaf. _______The caterpillar stops eating. _______The caterpillar takes a bigger bite. _______The caterpillar inched up a tree, looking for food. _______The caterpillar spins a cocoon. _______The caterpillar eats a whole leaf. _______The caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Place a tick (⇃) next to the simple sentences and an (x) next to the sentences that are not simple. 1. The cat stretched. ______ 2. My parents and I went to a movie. ______ 3. Jacob stood on his tiptoes. ______ 4. The car turned the corner. ______ 5. Jenny opened all the gifts she received for her birthday. ______ 6. Kelly twirled in circles. ______

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 7&8 TOPIC: PREDICTING OUTCOMES FACTS/TIPS Making Predictions - The word prediction comes from the root word predict- which means to say. The prefix (pre) means before. Therefore, to predict means to say what you think might happen in an event before it does. PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Look at the pictures below. What do you predict will happen? In order to make a prediction, you must think about the details. 1. The boy might stumble and fall. 2. The girl might fall backwards. 3. The chewing gum might burst. In order to make a prediction, you must think about the details. 1. The boy might stumble and fall.

2. The girl might fall backwards.

3. The chewing gum might burst.

ON YOUR OWN: Read each statement. Match it to the correct prediction. 1. Carl was cold.

a. We put on sunglasses.

2. The sun came out.

b. Soon we will eat.

3. It started to rain.

c. He put on a jacket.

4. The phone rang.

d. I need an umbrella.

5. Mother is cooking.

e. I answered it.

Read the text below. Write one sentence to predict what will happen. I worked all morning on a flawless dark clay model of myself. This model also has all the things I like. I carefully rolled the lumpy mud to place all of the names of the ripe juicy nutritious fruits, indoor and outdoor games and dazzling colours that I like. I also placed the name of my favourite movie there too. I then used bright coloured papers to cut out images of each of my loving members in my nuclear family. I gently placed the model onto a board in my room for Mom to see. As I walked back, I saw Jake, my brother and three of his friends running from the room, bouncing a ball. Slowly, I entered the room and looked down at the floor where I left my work. I was so crushed.

HOMEWORK Study each picture.


COMPREHENSION WEEK 9 Topic: Retelling Story - Main Idea The main idea is the most important point or what the text or pictures are mainly about. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Read the text below. My grandmother is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. She has short, silver hair and dark brown eyes that always seem to twinkle. When my grandmother smiles, her pearly white teeth are a beautiful sight to behold. Her straight, pointy nose fits beautifully on her pearshaped face. Even though my grandmother is middle- aged, her chocolatey brown skin is as smooth as silk. What is the main idea? Ask yourself, “What is the most important point?” This is found in the first sentence- My Grandmother Therefore, the main idea of the passage is- My Grandmother

ON YOUR OWN Read the following passage and write one sentence stating the main idea. Did you know your lungs are the second largest organ in your body? You have two lungs that work together with various other parts of your body. The lungs work together with your heart to draw in oxygen, which is carried by red blood cells across your body. A large muscle called the diaphragm works with your lungs to get air in and out of your body. It rests just below your lungs, near the upper part of your belly. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Read the paragraph below, then write one sentence stating the main idea. Satellites are objects that circle planets or other bodies in space. Some satellites are natural. The Earth’s moon is one of these. The moons that orbit other planets are also natural satellites. Other satellites are artificial. They are made and put into orbit by humans. The main idea in the paragraph above is ___________________________________________________________________________ .

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 10 TOPIC: Main Idea and Details FACTS/TIPS: The main idea identifies the topic, and states the most important idea about the topic. To figure out the main idea, ask yourself this question: What is being said about the person, thing, or idea (the topic)? The main idea can be found in different places within a paragraph. The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea. Facts and details are small pieces of information that tell more about the main idea.

FACTS AND DETAILS: Sentences that help explain the main idea are facts and details. They help you understand the main idea more completely and give more meaning to the main idea. They often tell about the- who, what, where, when, why and how of the main idea. Steps to finding facts and details: Look for sentences that provide information about the main idea. Look for sentences that explain the- who, what, where, when, why and how of the main idea. They often describe a person, place or thing; tell the order in which things happen, explain how to do something, share an experience, idea or opinion; help you picture where a story takes place, understand what characters are like.

PRACTICE EXAMPLE Identify the main idea in the paragraph below. Identify three main details and write them in the box. Summer is a wonderful time to spend at Splashmins. It is a beach with light- coloured, soft sand. The coastline goes on for a long way and many people enjoy walking along it. Children like to surf and walk along the rocks that are visible at low tide. This is a fun beach for people of all ages.




Main idea

It is a fun beach for people of all ages. Children like to play in the surf and walk along the rocks that are visible at low tide. It is a beach with lightcoloured, soft sand.

Summer is a wonderful time to spend at Splashmins Fun Park.

Follow the concept map of the cone and discuss the topic: Thunderstorms.

ON YOUR OWN Read the passage carerfully, then answer the question that follow. A continent is a large mass of land surrounded by water. It is made up of one country or a number of countries. The continents of the world are Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Antartica, South America and North America. Antartica is a frozen continent at the South pole. 1. What is the main idea of the paragraph? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

HOMEWORK Read the passage carefully then identify the main idea of the passage, give two supporting detail of the main idea. Most teenagers and young adults do not know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It is a big decision. There are a number of things you can do to narrow the choices. For example you can take an interest test, do some research on your own about a career, try volunteer work in the field in which you are interested, or “job-shadow”, in which you spend a day with a person who is working in a field that interests you. These are just a few helpful ideas as you begin to choose a career. Main Idea: 1. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 11 TOPIC: CAUSE AND EFFECT FACTS/TIPS Cause is the reason why something happen. Effect refers to what happen as a results of the cause. EXAMPLE

ON YOUR OWN Match the cause to the effect. Cause


1. The car ran a red light.

A. The horses were thirsty.

2. Ben stayed up late.

B. She fell down.

3. The students were quiet in class.

C. She was hungry at lunch.

4. It rained.

D. He was tired the next day.

5. Lydia skipped breakfast.

E. It boiled over.

6. It was very hot outside.

F. Everyone laughed.

7. Lucy’s shoes weren’t tied.

G. It sank.

8. The boat had a leak.

H. Chris got wet.

9. The puppy chased its tail.

I. The teacher rewarded them

10. The pot had too much water.

J. Another car hit it.

COMPREHENSION TOPIC: Graphic Representation: Medicine Label FACTS/TIPS A medicine label gives direction on how it must be taken, who should take it, how much should be taken and how often it should be taken. It is important to following instructions on labels so that we do not overdose ourselves which can lead to sickness or death. The label also tells of the expiration date (after this date it is no longer safe to use the medicine). Medicine comes in different forms. Sometimes a prescription is needed to purchase medicine from the pharmacy. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Study the medicine label, then answer the questions. 1. What is the name of the medicine? The name of the medicine is Gliclazide. 2. How should the medicine be taken? The medicine should be taken orally. 3. What special instruction is given for the use of the medicine? Georgetown Public Hospital 4567

Tel: 123-

It should be taken without meals.

ON YOUR OWN Study the medicine label, then answer the questions. 1. How often should the medicine be used? _________________________________ 2. When will be medicine no longer be useful? Georgetown Public Hospital 45676

Tel: 123-

_________________________________ 3. Under what conditions should this medicine be stored? ________________________________

HOMEWORK Look around your home for a medicine bottle. Read the label then answer the following questions. (If there is no medicine in your home, use the format above and create your own label) 1. What is the name of the medicine? __________________________________________________________________

2. How should the medicine be stored? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What will be done with the medication after it has expired? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Why is it important to follow instructions when taking medicines? ___________________________________________________________________

Study the medicine label below, then answer the questions that follow.

(A) What is the name of the medicine displayed? ___________________________________________________________ (B) For how long should the medicine be taken? ___________________________________________________________ (C) When should the medicine be thrown away? ____________________________________________________________ (D) What special instruction is given on how the medication should be used? ____________________________________________________________


READING COMPREHENSION Topic: Interpreting Text

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART READING COMPREHENSION WEEK 13 TOPIC: Graphic Representation – Timetable FACTS/TIPS: A timetable is a kind of plan that sets out times at which specific events are intended to happen. A timetable helps someone to be organised by using an easy- to- follow format for day-today activities. A timetable may be used in educational institutions (schools, colleges, university), in the home for studying, and at the harbour bridge to know when it will be open and close. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Study the timetable below, then answer the questions that follow.

1. How long does an English period last on Monday? An English period lasts for one hour and thirty minutes or ninety minutes. (The period starts at 9.00 and ends at 10.30) 2. How many days per a week is Mathematics being done? Mathematics is done three days per week.

ON YOUR OWN Study the timetable below, then answer the questions that follow.

1. How many subjects are shown on the timetable? __________________________________________________________ 2. Which two subjects are done the same number of days? __________________________________________________________ 3. List the days that no after school activities will be done. __________________________________________________________ 4. On which day will music be done? _________________________________________________________

Study the timetable below, then answer the questions that follow.

(A) How many subjects will be written for the National Grade Six Assessment? ___________________________________________________________ (B) At what time of the day will Science Paper 1 be written? _______________________________________________________________________ (C) How many days will it take for the National Grade Six Assessment to be completed? __________________________________________________________ (D) List two subjects that will be written during the morning period. _______________________________________________________________________ (E) How much time will a pupil get to complete Social Studies Paper 1? _______________________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 14 &15 TOPIC: READING COMPREHENSION FACTS/TIPS: Reading comprehension is understanding and interpreting what was read. Before you read, ask yourself: What do I know? What do I need to know? While you read, ask yourself: What has happened so far? What will happen next? After you read, ask yourself: Can I retell what I have read? What do I need to remember?

ON YOUR OWN: Read the information on the advertisement carefully, then answer the questions.

GADGET GIANT 10 Phone Street, Tablet Village E.C.D


April 03-05, 2021.

1. Name the items that are on sale? _________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is the store located? _________________________________________________________________ 3. How long will the sale last? _________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the percentage discount offered on the items? _________________________________________________________________

Read the text below, then answer the questions. A national award is a special honor which is given to persons who have contributed their services to nation building. National Awards were first given on February 23, 1970 on Republic Day. The ceremony at which national awards are given out is called the Investiture Ceremony. National awards are given out in the month of May every year. 1.What is the name of the ceremony where National Awards are issued? _________________________________________________________________ 2.When were National Awards first given? _________________________________________________________________ 3.What name is given to the day national awards were first given? _______________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 16 READING COMPREHENSION Topic: Skiming and Scanning Read the text below carefully, then complete the form which follows. Mary Johnson lives with her grandmother at 127 Apple Bottom Drive, Golden Town. Mary Johnson loves living there. She gets to play at the park, visit her favourite ice cream parlour and help Mr. Fry at the post office. She helps to sort out packages, print forms and assist customers. Mary Johnson always wanted to post a package to her favourite uncle, Roger Adams who lives at 155 Firefly Lane, Token Grove, England. Today, March 29, 2021, Mary Johnson will finally post her package but she needs your help to complete the form. Kindly help Mary Johnson fill this form.

Golden Town Post Office Cooperation

Sender’s Name

Surname Name

First Name

Surname Name

First Name

Sender’s Address Receiver’s Name Receiver’s Address


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART Week 17 TOPIC: Graphic Representation – Family Tree FACTS/TIPS A family tree is a chart showing family relationship in a tree structure form. These charts usually have lines to show how family members are connected. The head of the family is found in the first row. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Study the family tree below, then answer the questions that follow. The Simpsons’ Family

1. Who is married to Mona Simpson? The family tree above shows that Abraham Simpson is married to Mona Simpson. 2. How many children does Abraham and Mona have? 3. The have one child, who is Homer Simpson. (Note the line only connects Homer to Abraham and Mona)

ON YOUR OWN The Simpsons’ Family has now new members. Study the family tree below, then answer the questions that follow. The Simpsons’ Family

HOMEWORK Study the family tree below, then answer the questions that follow. 1. Who is Marge Simpson to Homer Simpson? ________________________________________________________________ 2. How many children does Homer Simpson have? ________________________________________________________________ 3. Margaret Simpson got married to Joel Cole. Draw to show this information on the family tree. 4. Draw a family tree to represent your family.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART WEEK 18 TOPIC: Graphic Representations – Road/Traffic Signs FACT/TIP Road signs are placed along the roads to guide road users on how to use the road safely. PRACTICE EXAMPLES Write the names of the road signs below.

ON YOUR OWN Use the words below to write the names of the road signs below. Pedestrian Crossing

Men at Work

No Stopping

No Parking

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 19 TOPIC: Graphic Representation- Advertisement FACT/TIP Some advertisements seek to get the reader’s attention so that a purchase will follow. PRACTICE EXAMPLE Study the advertisement carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

Free gift with every purchase. For more information contact Gail on 222-2323 1. What is the purpose of the advertisement? The purpose of the advertisement is to encourage the readers to buy toys. 2. Who will be hosting the ‘Toy Sale’? Independent Options will be hosting the toy sale.

ON YOUR OWN Study the advertisement carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

Sales will last for four days starting from Tuesday. Win a free cap with every purchase of ½ dozen shirts.

1. On what date will the sale be held? _____________________________________________________________ 2. How long will the sale last? ______________________________________________________________ 3. What will be the cost for three shirts? ______________________________________________________________ 4. Who do you think will most likely visit the sale? ______________________________________________________________ 5. How many shirts one must buy in order to receive a free cap? ______________________________________________________________

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GRADE 6 STUDY PACKAGE SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ART COMPREHENSION WEEK 20 TOPIC: Graphic Representation – Business Card FACTS/TIPS A business card is a small wallet-sized card that provides information about one’s business. These cards are a cheap way to advertise one’s business. PRACTICE EXAMPLES

Study the business card carefully, then answer the questions that follow. ALICIA’S HAIR AND NAILS BEAUTY SALON Facials, manicures, perms, braids, nails 12 Victoria Village East Coast Demerara Tel:222-0000 Opening hrs 10:00am- 5:00pm Appointments Only! 1. What type of business is being advertised? A beauty salon is being advertised. 2. Where is the business located? The business located at 12 Victoria Village East Coast of Demerara.

ON YOUR OWN Study the business card carefully, then answer the questions that follow. ALICIA’S HAIR AND NAILS BEAUTY SALON Facials, manicures, perms, braids, nails 12 Victoria Village East Coast Demerara Tel:222-0000 Email: Opening hrs 10:00am- 5:00pm Appointments Only!

1. Give two ways the hairdresser can be contacted. ________________________________________________________ 2. Name two services provided by the salon ________________________________________________________ 3. Sandra would like to get her nails done. What should she do? __________________________________________________________

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