EDUCATION AT ILLINOIS University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
20 16 IMPACT
A land grant institution established in 1867, the University of Illinois has a long record of commitment to public engagement and to the discovery and application of knowledge. In 2017 we will mark the sesquicentennial anniversary of the University of Illinois. Several events will be held between February 2017 and May 2018 to celebrate the Sesquicentennial.
COLLEGE LEADERSHIP L-R: Lisa Denson-Rives, Associate Director of Alumni Relations & Stewardship Christopher Span, Associate Dean for Academic Programs Susan Michaels, Assistant Dean for Administration & Communication Service Yoon Pak, Acting Head, Education Policy, Organization & Leadership Chris Roegge, Executive Director, Council on Teacher Education Rosa Milagros Santos, Interim Head, Special Education James D. Anderson, Interim Dean Denice Ward Hood, Director of Online Programs Daniel Morrow, Chair, Educational Psychology Barbara Geissler, Executive Assistant Dean for Business Operations David E. Brown, Interim Head, Curriculum & Instruction
Not pictured: Kathy Ryan, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs; George Reese, Director, Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education; and Gabrielle Allen, Associate Dean for Research.
WELCOME TO THE 2016 IMPACT REPORT Education at Illinois is flourishing in an environment of inter- and cross-disciplinary research that is producing transformative tools for teaching and learning, while impacting educational policy worldwide.
A MESSAGE FROM INTERIM DEAN JAMES D. ANDERSON As a 47-year veteran of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign—many of those years spent as a professor and leader in the College of Education—I believe I have a unique and historical perspective on where our College has been and where it is headed. And from where I stand, Education at Illinois is flourishing. Our faculty are leading important research projects, and granting agencies have taken notice. Eight National Science Foundation and two Institute of Education Sciences grants have been awarded, with more pending. We recently added a new Ed.D. option to our online programs. There are now 13 different program concentrations in which learners worldwide can advance their education online and off-campus through the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership. The Department of Curriculum & Instruction welcomed a new faculty member—Luc Paquette—who specializes in data mining, just one area of exploration within the department that will provide improved learning outcomes. Dr. James. D. Anderson, Interim Dean and Edward William and Jane Marr Gutsgell Professor of Education
And we’re pleased to note that our Counseling Psychology Program is ranked No. 1 on the College Choice list for “Best Master’s in Counseling Psychology, 2016.”
Special Education scholars are bridging the STEM gap for students with disabilities—most recently through an NSF grant that helps make computer science education academically accessible for students with disabilities.
Our biennial Youth Literature Festival takes place this year, and we look forward to expanding our reach to local schools as we celebrate and share the importance of literature in young people’s lives. And finally, the University is coming up on its 150-year anniversary. Over the past 150 years, our faculty, staff, and students have transformed the social and economic landscape of our world. As a leading institution of higher learning, we will continue to expand our global presence by supporting public policies that address the grand challenges of a global society, leading advancements in information and technology, and spurring economic development. Please join us in celebrating and embracing the mission of the University of Illinois as we continue to shape the future through teaching, research, and service.
Mary Kalantzis 10 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP 2006-2016
LEADING THROUGH SERVICE Mary Kalantzis’s journey so far has been an unlikely one. The duck-chasing little girl who was born in a subsistence village in Greece has twice been an immigrant– first with her parents to Australia, where she grew up and became the first person in her family to obtain a college education, and then to the United States. During her career, Kalantzis has become a highly cited and well-respected scholar and assumed numerous leadership positions in education, both in Australia and most recently as one of the longest serving deans of the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kalantzis returned to her faculty position this August after 10 years of leading the College.
DRAWN TO ILLINOIS Becoming dean of the College of Education was a role Kalantzis never expected or sought, but Illinois sought her. She had an international reputation in new literacy studies, focusing on multimodality and diversity in contemporary communications. Kalantzis recalls her first encounter with a headhunter for Illinois: “I was happy as a dean and professor in Australia,” she says. “So I declined.”
But the university pursued her. She in turn asked to interview a range of campus leaders to understand with whom she would be working. Alignment of vision and purpose mattered to her beyond any career considerations. Reflecting on a visit that she and her husband, Professor Bill Cope, made to Urbana-Champaign, Kalantzis says, “How can anyone visit this university and walk away from a job offer? The University and the College of Education has been a major influence in the U.S. and the world. “I thought, if we want to make a positive difference, to build on what we had achieved in Australia, this College in this University was the place to be. You do not leave your country and family easily— it has to matter beyond yourself.”
MOTIVATED TO WORK WITH OTHERS Kalantzis’s style as a leader has never been to go it alone and direct from “on high.” She sees and values the strengths in others and casts vision based on how those strengths can meet the needs and mission of the College.
“What has always motivated me has been working with others to create the ideas, the tools, and the conditions that could deliver on the promise of education for all, across the lifespan and irrespective of background,” she says.
Kalantzis led two inclusive faculty-driven planning exercises—a 2006 strategic plan and a scenario-planning exercise in 2014. Out of these processes emerged initiatives aimed at improving STEM education, advocacy about the future of public education, and the exploration of ubiquitous learning. Along the way, three departments came together to form the intellectual powerhouse of the new department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, and shared services were introduced to streamline administration. Eighteen stellar new faculty members were recruited, adding new kinds of expertise and supplementing others across all academic units, which resulted in the doubling of research outputs. She championed and facilitated the Illinois Learning Science Design Initiative (launched in 2013), which has become part of a campus-wide effort led by the College of Education. “We want to invent and test new tools, rather than getting them from Apple or Pearson and massaging them for our purposes. This university can invent those tools, and finally our College is in that partnership.” The College has invested in cutting-edge new classrooms that are the envy of campus. Ties with alumni grew stronger. Kalantzis also brought to the forefront the value that the College must judge itself in part by the positive impact it has on the local schools and community. The Center for Education in Small Urban Communities has served nearly 15,000 students since its inception. It has fostered partnerships with local schools to enhance the performance of learners. In 2008, she founded the biennial Youth Literature Festival, which brings award-winning authors to area schools in a three-day event culminating in a celebration with author panels, activities for kids, and performances. “We work with all schools and libraries within a 70-mile radius, reaching 60,000 kids,” Kalantzis says.
A FRUITFUL 10 YEARS Indeed, Kalantzis’s 10 years are a long time in a field where change has proven to be the norm and transitions are swift. “In my 10 years, I’ve had 10 regimes in the form of different combinations of president, chancellor, and provost,” she says. Her tenure as dean, by comparison, was long—and it was fruitful. “To parachute in an outsider to lead a College is a risk for both sides,” she says. “But the University wanted an outsider, somebody who was going to take this iconic College and make it relevant for the future. That was the task.” This came with its own specific challenges, one of them being financial. “We have achieved extraordinary gains within a very difficult financial context,” she says. New metrics and financial frameworks for accountability, however, have meant that the College has had to absorb significant serial cuts over the past 10 years. “The College of Education is unique at Illinois because its graduate and undergraduate populations are roughly the same size. This of course has enabled it to have some of the highest-ranking programs in the University. We graduate more students of diverse backgrounds than any of our peer colleges. I worked on a number of fronts within the system, establishing the value of the College anew with each new leader, expanding collaborations across campus, and attracting alternative revenues through new program offerings.”
LEADING A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT IN CHANGE The changes that Kalantzis aimed for when she took the position have come about through persistent and Collegewide effort. “One of my proudest achievements is this change of culture toward wider collaboration beyond the College and in expanding meaningful interdisciplinary research,” Kalantzis says. “We have successfully collaborated with campus because we can’t solve the problems of education on our own.
Kalantzis welcoming the new class of freshmen at the College of Education, August, 2015.
REMAINING FOCUSED ON THE MISSION Kalantzis’s role may have changed, but her energy and enthusiasm for learning, teaching, and leadership haven’t. She is teaching an online master’s course. She is taking American history classes this fall from Jim Anderson and Chris Span. “I was trained as a historian,” she says. “I want to see how great American teachers teach in this domain so I can join them.” Kalantzis and Cope, with a series of teams, will continue working on the challenges that traditional assessment presents for curriculum and learner pathways. Together they have raised over $7 million in research and development grants from the Institute of Educational Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and the Gates Foundation to create and test new digital spaces that enable “Assess-As-You-Go” solutions. This morphed into the Scholar platform that now has nearly 150,000 users around the world, from grade four to higher education. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, Kalantzis and Cope also have published two books since coming to Illinois: first and then second editions of their books, New Learning (Cambridge University Press, 2008/2012) and Literacies (Cambridge University Press, 2012/2016).
“We can’t lose sight of our land-grant mission,” Kalantzis concludes. The land-grant universities are jewels in this country. They are engines of prosperity, engines of inclusive sociality, and engines of innovation. Their mission is unique.” It’s this mission, in part, that drew Kalantzis to Illinois. And it is this mission that continues to motivate her.
BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Middle Grades Education Special Education
Learning & Education Studies Secondary Education Teaching Minor
GRADUATE PROGRAM AREAS:* Curriculum & Instruction
2017 U.S. News & World Report RANKINGS
College of Education
#7 Educational Psychology #10 Curriculum & Instruction #10 Special Education #15 Elementary Teacher Education #20 Education Policy
• • • • • • • • • •
Curriculum, Aesthetics, & Teacher Education Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching, & Agency Early Childhood Education Plus Teaching Licensure Elementary Education Plus Teaching Licensure Language & Literacy Mathematics, Science, & Engineering Secondary Education: English Plus Teaching Licensure Secondary Education: Mathematics Plus Teaching Licensure Secondary Education: Science Plus Teaching Licensure Secondary Education: Social Studies Plus Teaching Licensure
Educational Psychology • • • •
Child Development Cognitive Science of Teaching & Learning Counseling Psychology Quantitative Methodology, Measurement, and Evaluation
Special Education • • • •
Special Education Infancy & Early Childhood Special Education Learning Behavior Specialist I Learning & Behavior Specialist II in Multiple Disabilities
Education Policy, Organization & Leadership
• • • • • • • • • •
Diversity & Equity in Education Educational Administration & Leadership/Principal Preparation Global Studies in Education Higher Education History of Education Human Resource Development Learning Design & Leadership Philosophy of Education School Executive Leadership | Superintendent Endorsement Social Sciences & Education Policy
Teacher Leader Specialization
*We offer Certificates of Advanced Study, Master of Arts, Doctorate of Education, and Doctorate of Philosophy degrees.
Bachelor’s Degrees: 116 Secondary Ed Minors: 67 Master’s Degrees: 209 Doctoral Degrees: 71
• • •
• • • •
• • •
Master’s Degree Programs and Concentrations: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Executive Human Resource Development Diversity & Equity in Education Diversity & Equity in Education with an emphasis in Human Resource Development Educational Administration and Leadership/ Principal Preparation, off-campus only Foundations of eLearning in Higher Education Global Studies in Education Human Resource Development Human Resource Development with an Emphasis in International Education LDL Bilingual and ESL Education International Education Administration & Leadership Learning Behavior & Specialist II in Multiple Disabilities Learning Design & Leadership Management of eLearning for Workplace Learning & Training New Learning Teaching Biology Teacher Leader Specialization Technology Specialist
Doctoral Degree Programs and Concentrations: • • • •
Diversity & Equity in Education Diversity & Equity in Education with an emphasis in Human Resource Development Executive Human Resource Development Foundations of eLearning Higher Education
391 355
Global Studies in Education Human Resource Development Human Resource Development with an emphasis in International Education Administration & Leadership International Education Administration & Leadership LDL-Bilingual & ESL Education Learning Design & Leadership Management of eLearning for Workplace HRD-Learning & Training LDL-New Learning LDL-Technology Specialist School Executive Leadership, off-campus only
Certificate Programs and Concentrations: • • • • • • • •
• • • • •
Executive Human Resource Development LDL-Bilingual & ESL Education Diversity & Equity in Education Diversity & Equity in Education with an emphasis in Human Resource Development Foundations of eLearning in Higher Education Global Studies in Education Human Resource Development Human Resource Development with an emphasis in International Education Administration & Leadership International Education Administration & Leadership Learning Design & Leadership Management of eLearning for Workplace Learning & Training New Learning Technology Specialist
Endorsement Programs and Concentrations: • • •
Bilingual & ESL Education School Executive Leadership/ Superintendent Endorsement Technology Specialist
Curriculum & Instruction
CREATING THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION The Department of Curriculum & Instruction has long been a leader in exploring complex issues of educational practice, with research that translates into improved teacher preparation and learning outcomes in schools and other educational contexts.
As part of the department’s mission to share valuable research, they organized panel discussions in Spring 2016, and invited students and colleagues into conversations about complex issues of educational practice that focused on four specific areas of research: testing and evaluation, learning environments, equity and access, and teacher education. These panel discussions drew interest from across the College and campus as well as from the local community.
INVIGORATING TEACHER PREP WITH A SOLID FOUNDATION IN RESEARCH “A lot of what people talk about in teacher education comes from here,” says David Brown, interim department head and associate professor. Brown adds that the current faculty is both drawing on the achievements of the past while continuing to forge the department’s legacy. “Most of our faculty are internationally known for their research,” he says. That research contributes strongly to the department’s ranking of 10th in the nation in 2016 by US News & World Report. David Brown, Interim Department Head
LUC PAQUETTE: DATA MINING RESEARCHER JOINS C&I Luc Paquette is a new assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. He completed his Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Sherbrooke, where he studied the design knowledge representations for intelligent tutoring systems and the use of those representations to automatically generate pedagogical content. Paquette also worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he used educational data mining techniques and knowledge engineering techniques to study the behavior of students using digital learning environments.
Photograph by Brian Stauffer
“Those are areas the whole department sees as having strengths,” Brown says. “We didn’t know how much interest we would draw, but all four were standing-room only in the largest room in the College, and for a couple we had an overflow room with streaming video.” The four panels were: Should Testing Be Abolished? Sarah Lubienski, Sarah McCarthey, Patrick Smith Moderated by William Trent What Will the Learning Environments of the Future Look Like? Liora Bresler, Robb Lindgren, Emma Mercier, Karla Möller, Luc Paquette Moderated by Michael Twidale Do Schools Really Treat Black, Latin@, and Immigrant Lives as if They Matter? Eurydice Bauer, Liv Thorstensson Dávila, Stafford Hood, Luz Murillo, Stephanie C. Sanders-Smith Moderated by James Anderson How Did Teachers and Teacher Education Lose the Profession, and How Do We Get It Back? Gloriana González, Rochelle Gutiérrez, Marilyn Parsons Moderated by Christopher Higgins “We don’t shy away from problems,” he says. “We ask the hard questions and then we find research methods that will help us address those hard questions so we can make teaching and learning better,” he notes. “That’s the strength of C&I.”
Assistant Professor Robb Lindgren (R) pictured with graduate student Shuai “Sam” Wang who took part in a study that compared the impact of the immersive mixed-reality version of MEteor with a version that students used on a standard desktop computer.
TEACHING MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS ASTROPHYSICS THROUGH MIXED-REALITY COMPUTER SIMULATION Researchers in the College of Education hope to inspire greater numbers of young people to become astronomers—or at least to embrace learning science—with a new computer simulation that engages children’s bodies as well as their minds in learning about how objects move in space.
Mixed-reality simulations such as MEteor merge virtual reality with the physical world so that participants interact physically with digital objects, according to Robb Lindgren, the principal investigator on the project and an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction.
MEteor is a mixed-reality computer simulation that teaches middle school students concepts of physics, such as planetary motion and gravitational acceleration, by having students physically act the part of an asteroid traveling through space.
“There’s a lot of potential with these types of experiences to motivate students to pursue science education at the primary, secondary and university levels and to undertake science careers,” said Lindgren.
While experimental studies are important in educational research, these assume the relevant variables are welldefined and able to be controlled, as often neither of these is the case in the complex contexts faculty study. C&I researchers often use alternative methods that allow them to examine the complexities of the situation and tease apart important issues. For example, C&I Professor Sarah Lubienski’s in-depth analyses of national, large-scale data and local classrooms illuminate how home, school, and affective factors relate to gender and race/ethnicity-related disparities in mathematics outcomes. In a recent Forbes article, Lubienski responded to the controversy surrounding NAEP, considered our “Nation’s Report Card,” asserting that in the U.S., math education is getting better. The data reveals “we have increased Main NAEP scores without losing ground on the more traditional Long Term Trend measure of math proficiency,” however, “there is still room for improvement, as well as for greater equity in the distribution of high-quality mathematics instruction in the U.S.,” said Lubienski.
INFLUENCING POLICY, SHAPING EDUCATION The research produced and shared through C&I plays a role in influencing policy and shaping how teachers teach in Illinois and nationally. “While one book or one study isn’t going to change the world,” Brown says, “it can get the ball rolling. The more we can advocate for ideas that genuinely make sense, as opposed to some kneejerk political actions that a lot of times influence policy, the better off we will be.” The department advocates in many ways, including through courses for educators, through research findings, and through sharing ideas and potential solutions to problems with a variety of stakeholders.
“We will continue to promote high-quality research and continue to hire high-quality researchers who deal with complex issues of educational practice,” Brown says. “We look at the big picture of what’s happening in schools, what’s going on in learning environments that have a lot of complex issues that interact, and how we can think about those and come up with ways of teaching and learning that are genuinely going to be transformative for teachers and students,” says Brown.
THE POWER OF APPLYING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Gloriana González, associate professor in Curriculum & Instruction, was granted a $711,000+ CAREER award from the National Science Foundation to study how teachers can discern and use students’ prior knowledge in problem-based instruction. That prior knowledge affects how students work through problems.
“We’re talking not only about prior knowledge of math, but also of the context and of practices—things that people do that are mathematical but are not really school-related,” says González. The problem-based approach involves introducing a problem first and, through the process of trying to solve the problem, students discover the main mathematical concept. Teachers like the approach, González says, but many might not know how to apply it, and fewer still understand the value and necessity of understanding students’ prior knowledge in applying it. With problembased instruction, teachers are constantly assessing how students are solving problems and adjusting the problems and instruction as necessary to propel learning.
SELECT RESEARCH MISSION The Department of Curriculum & Instruction addresses critical issues of learning, teaching, and social justice at local and global levels, emphasizing preparation and continuing professional development of teachers and teacher educators. Faculty explore research on contexts of learning and teaching, sharing and furthering these insights with colleagues and students in rigorous programs of study. One of the key strengths of the department is the selection of its academic offerings—all designed to prepare undergraduate and graduate students to successfuly address the challenges of education.
BY THE NUMBERS Our faculty are internationally known for their research. That research contributes strongly to the department’s Top 10 ranking in 2016 by U.S. News & World Report.
18 90% 90%
PROGRAM AREAS IN CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Curriculum, Aesthetics, and Teacher Education
Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching, and Agency (DELTA)
Language and Literacy
Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education (MSE)
Students and faculty are committed to interdisciplinary, integrated approaches to education, looking at inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning to teach as they examine international and global issues. DELTA focuses on the creation and research of digital environments for learning and teaching in both formal and informal settings. Students explore the broad issues facing language and literacy education today and delve deeply into an emphasis area (bilingual/ESL education, writing studies, early literacy through secondary English, or children’s literature).
MSE prepares scholars who raise and address vital questions about mathematics, science, and engineering education. The program promotes interdisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships, and MSE graduate degrees help establish connections between research and practice.
Robb Lindgren and David Brown have a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a study entitled “Embodied Explanatory Expressions for Facilitating Science Reasoning and Enhancing Interactive Simulations.” Lindgren also has two other NSF grants, one for $1.3 million to research crosscutting concepts in STEM, and another for $764,000 to study metaphorbased learning of physics concepts through whole-body interaction. Professor Emeritus Art Baroody received $1.38 million from NSF to fund a 4-year project that will refine and norm the electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN), previously developed by Baroody, to assess early numeracy for children 3-8 years of age. Barbara Hug has an $853,000 grant from the NSF to study an integrative approach to late quaternary climate change. She also has a $265,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to research global climate change, evolution, and societal well-being. Emma Mercier and Luc Paquette received a $1.35 million NSF Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies grant for a study that will explore how tools to manage the teaching of collaborative activities can be developed and used to support problem-solving in core engineering courses. Sarah Lubienski (along with Chris Lubienski) received a PROSE Award from the Association of American Publishers Professional and Scholarly Excellence for Best Book in Education Theory.
Educational Psychology
‘USE-INSPIRED’ RESEARCH THAT CUTS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN The Department of Educational Psychology is highly regarded for research and preparation of practitioners that address socio-emotional and educational problems through applied science combining methodological approaches and cross-disciplinary expertise.
Dan Morrow originally came to the University of Illinois to join the Human Factors faculty at the Institute of Aviation, but when the institute moved in 2010, he found that the Department of Educational Psychology was a good fit for his research interests. Professor and chair of the department, Morrow speaks passionionately about the research of the Ed Psych faculty.
“I would call our research use-inspired theoretical research, a term coined by the political scientist Donald Stokes,” Morrow says.
Daniel Morrow, Department Chair
“We do work that is both guided by and contributes to theory, and is also inspired by practical issues and problems. I see our niche as an incubator for translational research that applies basic principles of psychology to produce innovative practices and tools in education and, more importantly, for use-inspired research that aims for an understanding of the nature of learning and human development.”
Helen Neville, Counseling Psychology Division Chair Our Counseling Psychology Program ranked #1 by College Choice for “Best Master’s in Counseling Psychology, 2016”
INVENTING NEW AND BETTER METHODS The department is known for its strong reputation in the areas of large-scale, school-based interventions to promote positive school climate and violence reduction. Areas of strength include: •
cognition and learning through the lifespan
social dynamics, attitudes, and behaviors that contribute to safe environments in education and the workplace to promote social justice
language and literacy
quantitative methods and evaluation that make rigorous research possible.
“The whole field of cognitive science was in part developed right here in the 1970s and 1980s,” Morrow notes. “All kinds of eminent people who have had wonderful careers were working here. Today the person who’s best known on this campus for that is Dick Anderson, who is emeritus but still has students and is still going gangbusters. He helped put together the Reading Center in the ‘70s. Dick’s work and all of the people who were here essentially developed cognitive science around educational issues, which is one reason why we are known so well—it’s a strand of historical significance in the field of educational psychology.” Professors Jennifer Greene and Tom Schwandt have produced important
scholarship on quantitative methods and evaluation. “Greene has literally written the book on mixed methods,” Morrow says, “on how you intelligently combine qualitative things like interviews with quantitative things like analysis of numeric data.”Bob Stake, who is emeritus, is very well known across the world for his single-case qualitative methods.” Morrow also mentions Lee Cronbach, who is considered to be one of the most influential educational psychologists of all time; Cronbach made many contributions to the field in psychological testing and measurement throughout his career at Illinois.
Jennifer Greene, Professor “We like data. We believe that it can help teachers better undertand each child’s skill profile.” Jennifer Greene and Tom Schwandt received a $300,000 grant from the Spencer Foundation to study elementary school teacher collaborative data use to improve use, training, and understanding.
Collectively, the research in the Department of Educational Psychology can have a significant impact on learners both young and old.
The Department of Educational Psychology is focused on these five areas:
“I think the work we’re doing here helps us understand how to improve societal outcomes, such as health and income, by improving the quality of education,” Morrow says. “One of the most basic facts of social science is the relationship between socioeconomic status and health and health outcomes. By improving educational outcomes, we are hopefully improving people’s trajectories in terms of work and health throughout the lifespan, and that’s going to have an impact on how society allocates resources efficiently.” The department excels in studying and understanding particular phenomena, such as factors that predict children’s readiness for school, the factors that influence who gets bullied and why, and the factors that impact how we can successfully age. That is part of what sets Ed Psych at Illinois apart from other departments of educational psychology. Our scholarship is vital to our doctoral training and teaching missions. Our graduate courses are taken by doctoral students from across campus, and our graduate students are trained as teachers as well as scholars Students work with faculty to teach several large courses taken by undergraduates across the college and campus, including four general education courses. As a result, our graduate students are typically fully funded while in the program. We offer an Applied Learning Sciences concentration in the College’s new Learning and Educational Studies undergraduate major.
1. G rowth Invest in the growth of the department and its programs by hiring topnotch faculty in the field. 2. A cademic Excellence Prioritize resources to continue providing strong doctoral training and a rich interdisciplinary education in the cognitive science of learning that prepares undergraduate students for graduate school or careers in education, business, medicine, or other professions. 3. B ridge Developmental Sciences and Counseling Psychology Areas Take advantage of the shared focus on social and community development and practice by creating links between the developmental sciences and counseling psychology. 4. L ife-wide Learning Expand life-wide learning around digital learning to impact education in a variety of spaces such as health care. 5. Interdisciplinary Work Build capacity to expand our interdisciplinary research by further integrating the department and the College and the campus.
“Our Ed Psych department is outward-looking in terms of engagement with community and students. We care about what happens to our research,” he says. “Publishing is just a stepping stone to trying to solve problems.”
JENNIFER CROMLEY RECOGNIZED AS TOP 20 MOST PUBLISHED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST WORLDWIDE “It’s great to be recognized for excellent research, and especially for the work I have done with doctoral students over the years.” A 2016 article published by the journal Educational Psychology Review ranked Associate Professor Jennifer Cromley in the Department of Educational Psychology as one of the top 20 most published educational psychologists in the world. Cromley’s research focuses on two broad areas: 1) reading comprehension of illustrated scientific text, and 2) cognitive and motivational predictors of STEM students’ achievement and retention.
Study and apply psychological principles to develop educational interventions that affect behavior, learning, and achievement in educational contexts; and to research approaches to educational inquiry and develop quantitative, qualitative, and evaluative methodologies that underpin the development of evidence-based, policy-relevant studies.
Carolyn Anderson is a world-renowned expert in sophisticated quantitative methods for data analysis. Recent work includes research on formulations of latent variable models.
BY THE NUMBERS The Educational Psychology program is ranked in the Top 10 by U.S. News & World Report. Our Counseling Psychology Program is ranked #1 by College Choice for “Best Master’s in Counseling Psychology, 2016”
50% of IU's Taught to undergrads in colleges across campus
Cognitive Science of Teaching & Learning
School safety and bullying; early mathematics learning; the role of the home environment, stress, and motivation in learning.
Learning across the lifespan and cognitive aging; learning and cognition in health care; science and math learning, problem-solving, and the nature of expertise in science; language learning and comprehension.
Counseling Psychology
Bullying prevention and intervention with youth; vocational interests; racial and ethnic identity.
Quantitative Methodology, Measurement & Evaluation
Developing new statistical analyses; improving educational assessments; evaluating programs and policies; thinking philosophically about the nature of education and evaluation.
Applied Learning Sciences (AppLES)
Preparing undergraduate students for graduate school or careers in education, business, medicine, or other professions.
undergraduate concentration
Kristen Bub’s work focuses on the impact of family and community on children’s readiness for school and later academic achievement in school. Hua-Hua Chang is studying computer adaptive testing for language learning and contributing to theories of learning assessment. Jennifer Cromley is researching how high school and college students can benefit from diagrams and graphs in textbooks on STEM topics. Kiel Christianson is studying language comprehension and learning, looking at the listening and reading strategies that people use. He is also interested in how people learn second languages. Jennifer Greene’s work is in quantitative and qualitative methods related to evaluation. Chad Lane is interested in informal learning— including how kids learn in everyday life. Lane looks at gaming and how to leverage the technological digital products to promote learning in museums and other lifewide contexts that relate to informal learning. Jose Mestre is doing work that helps college students get more out of introductory physics courses, providing them a better foundation for
taking advanced courses in science. Dan Morrow is looking at how age-related changes affect learning in health care contexts. Saundra Nettles investigates the impact of neighborhood environments on social and intellectual development of children. Helen Neville explores ethnic and race relations and social justice and is in the process of developing a cross-cultural, binational participatory action research project with young women at the University of Dar es Salaam and young women at Illinois. Michelle Perry researches on the acquisition of mathematical and other STEM concepts, especially among young learners, and the contexts, including instruction, that support their acquisition. New work examines STEM learning online among students underrepresented in STEM. Jim Rounds is focused on how students make career choices and how that plays out across the lifespan. Liz Stine-Morrow is focused on fundamental mechanisms in reading comprehension and strategies for improving comprehension, with much of her work geared to changes across the lifespan. Jinming Zhang is working on psychometrics of assessment measures and testing in computer environments.
Special Education
DEFINING EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH, TEACHING, AND SERVICE The Department of Special Education has long been a leader in research that promotes effective, inclusive outcomes for individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. Faculty and students pursue research, teaching, and service activities that improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Rosa Milagros Santos interim head in the Department of Special Education, acknowledges that her department is small by research-focused universities standards, but size does not equal impact in this case.
“I’d say we’re a ‘small but mighty’ department,” Santos says. “We continue to be ranked highly by U.S. News & World Report, in part because of our ability to access external research funds. We do innovative research, and we historically have been on the cutting-edge.” “When people talk about the history of special education in the United States, Illinois is very prominent because of the
many faculty and researchers who have done some of their pioneering work here,” Santos explains. “Sam Kirk is considered the father of special education. Bob Henderson, Merle Karnes, Jim Halle, and Jeanette McCollum all were here, and all are pioneers in special education.”
choose, their doctoral students. “They are vital to our work because they are the next leaders in the field,” Santos notes. “They, along with our younger faculty, are the ones who will set the tone for the future.”
In part because of the department’s legacy, they have been able to recruit high-caliber doctoral students. Success builds upon success. “Our strong foundation and solid history excites people to come here,” Santos says. “We are often approached by people who ask, ‘Are you going to have an opening?’ The work that we have done and are doing is very attractive to faculty and doctoral candidates.” That legacy, she adds, helps the department to recruit globally for, and selectively
The groundwork for that future is happening now through the work of both younger and older faculty who have received numerous grants through the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. “As money gets tighter, it speaks well of our faculty to put together strong grant proposals that matter and that will have a strong impact,” Santos says.
Interim Department Head, Rosa Milagros Santos, standing in front of an Illinois campus landmark that recognizes the work Samuel A. Kirk did at the College of Education. Kirk is known as the father of “special education.�
A COMITTMENT TO SCHOLARSHIP, TEACHING, AND SERVICE “We’re a community,” she says. “One of our strengths is we’re collegial, we collaborate with each other. We really try to find a balance between scholarship, teaching, and service. Research universities lean heavily on scholarship, and as a consequence some students don’t see the value of teaching or the value of doing service for your field. Our department thrives on our ability to help our students do a good job with their research, with their teaching, and with their service. That’s key for us.” Santos notes that many faculty are editors of peerreviewed journals or are leaders in national professional organizations, and many are active in the local community through service-learning projects, think tanks, and other means. That service extends to other campus units as well. “The Division for Rehabilitation Services came to us because many faculty didn’t know how to deal with students who have autism or Asperger’s,” Santos says. “So Stacy Dymond and Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky came up with a project to provide that support.”
“If there’s anything that we’re proud of in our department, it’s our students,” Santos says. They’re the ones who go out there and put into practice the things we study.” Illinois is a research-focused university, and undergrads are learning directly from faculty who are doing the research. “What we teach our students is current and evidence-based,” she says. “Many of them have opportunities to be involved in research in their classes.”
SETTING THE STANDARDS Research and practice by faculty and students is focused on meeting the needs of students who require accommodations so they can have the same access to resources and opportunities as their peers.
“We continue to advocate strongly for individuals with disabilities and their families by setting the standards for what good practice looks like in classrooms, in community settings, and in programs for families in their homes,” says Santos.
And that focus on teaching pays dividends for the students. “I know our colleagues across the country say that our graduates have really strong research and teaching experience when they complete the program,” Santos says. “They come out with the ability to teach in college and the ability to do the research they need to do.”
CREATING SUPERSTARS IN THE FIELD The young faculty, Santos says, are picking up where the pioneers such as Kirk, McCollum , and Karnes left off. “Our young faculty members are hitting their strides,” she says. “They are the superstars that our field needs.” And it’s not just the faculty who are making an impact; as doctoral students graduate and go out into the field, they are causing a ripple effect. “When we graduate one doctoral student, and they start working at another university, they impact undergrad and grad students there, and those students then make an impact on so many children and families. It is a ripple effect,” Santos says.
“And of course our undergrads who become teachers—year after year they are having an impact on lives of students they teach. That’s what makes us proud, and it keeps us visible.” The ripple effect is felt worldwide, as numerous former students teach internationally—many of them returning to their homelands of Korea, China, or Taiwan to share what they learned at Illinois, while others become expat teachers.
Phillip C. and Beverly Kramer Goldstick
The Goldstick Initiative for the Study of Communication Disorders was established in 2005 to recruit and train future faculty in the area of communication. Phillip C. and Beverly Kramer Goldstick generously endowed a sustainable training and research program in the area of communication disorders in the Department of Special Education. Each year the initiative, along with the Goldstick Family Lecture, provides information on new methods and practices to families and professionals to ensure that children with a range of abilities have the opportunity to live as independently as possible in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities.
BY THE NUMBERS MISSION The Department of Special Education embraces a threefold mission of teaching, research, and service. Within this mission, faculty address issues that face special and general education in our rapidly changing world.
placement for undergrads 2016-17
125 62 27
undergraduate STUDENTS ENROLLED FALL 2015
undergraduate ACT score
95% 100%
SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLAR RECEIVES NSF FUNDING Maya Israel, an assistant professor in the Department of Special Education, is the principal investigator of a research project funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation for $599,829. Cinda Heeren, a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, and George Reese, director of the Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, will be co-principal investigators on the project. The 36-month project, “CS for All: Engaging Struggling Learners in Computer Science Instruction,” will center on making computer science education academically accessible to elementary and middle school learners who struggle, with a focus on students with disabilities and students at risk for academic failure. Israel’s team will investigate the challenges that students with disabilities and others at risk for academic failure face during computer science instruction. Their objective is to develop interventions to address those challenges according to research-based practices from other content areas. Israel said computer science traditionally has been out of reach for many students with disabilities and requires complex problem solving, persistence, and intentionality.
“Our early research points toward strategies that increase the likelihood that students with disabilities will experience success,” said Israel. “When this happens, students feel empowered and excited to be technology creators, not just consumers. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to explore these strategies in an in-depth way over the next three years so that more students can experience that success.”
The Department of Special Education has long been a leader in research that promotes effective, inclusive outcomes for individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. and is annualy ranked in the Top 10 by U.S. News & World Report.
SELECT RESEARCH & AWARDS A few highlights of awards received and grant work currently undertaken by faculty and doctoral students: Meghan Burke is investigating ways to help families become better advocates for their children in special education.
to provide training and professional development to early childhood personnel in Illinois and worldwide.
Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky is developing an app to help families support their children in communication.
Stacy Dymond is coordinating multiple grants preparing future leaders and teachers who have a focus on service learning and working with older students with significant disabilities.
Jim Shriner is partnering with school districts in Illinois and other states to train teachers to develop individualized education plans using online tools. Amy Santos, Burke, and Meadan-Kaplansky are collaborating on a leadership grant to prepare doctoral students and post docs to understand and address the experiences that many families of individuals with disabilities face specific to individualization, mobility, poverty, adversity, culture, and trauma. Micki Ostrosky is working in partnership with colleagues nationwide to study motor development of young children with disabilities. Santos and Ostrosky are continuing to team up on multiple grants designed
Mary-alayne Hughes’s recently funded grant is helping prepare teachers to work in inclusive early childhood settings that support dual language learners with disabilities. Micki Ostrosky and doctoral candidate Jenna Weglarz-Ward were nominated and selected to receive the 2016 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Mentoring Award and Doctoral Student Award.
Education Policy, Organization & Leadership
LEVERAGING THE STRENGTHS OF AN INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CULTURE Drawing upon traditional strengths in social foundations, education leadership, higher education, and human resource development—graduate students and faculty collaborate to address the most critical issues in education. The department fosters an interdisciplinary understanding of education policy and practice across traditional divides among philosophers, historians, social scientists, organizational theorists, policy analysts and education administrators.
communities, families, and nonprofit organizations. We’re delving into forms of identity development at the micro level. It’s also about the larger critical understanding of inequality and inequity at the global and localized levels. At the heart of it all is our approach to the study of the range of human diversity.”
POWERED BY DIVERSE INTERESTS AND EXPERIENCES Diversity, Pak adds, is one of EPOL’s strengths—perhaps even its brand. “We are diverse,” she says. “This is who we are. We’ve never faltered from that. The department has made a concerted effort to recruit, retain, and ensure that all students succeed, especially students from
Yoon Pak, an associate professor and acting department head, provides a sense of the range of EPOL research, which originates from all five of its divisions. “We do so many different things—leveraging our diverse expertise,” says Pak, who has been with the department since 1999 and has been director of doctoral graduate programs since 2012. “We work directly in the schools to think about better, more effective delivery of teaching, leadership, and policy. We research workforce training and what education means from the standpoint of
Yoon Pak, Acting Department Head
WOOJEONG SHIM JOINS HIGHER EDUCATION DIVISION Assistant Professor Woojeong Shim joined the Department of Education Policy, Organization, & Leadership in Fall 2016. Shim earned her PhD in Higher Education from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 2013 and her areas of expertise include college student development, diversity in higher education, international higher education, and learning outcomes assessment. Dr. Shim previously served as Associate Research Fellow at the Korean Educational Development Institute in Seoul, Korea and as an assistant professor at Seoul Women’s University.
underrepresented backgrounds and first-generation college attendees.” EPOL’s track record is impressive. Over the past 30 years the department has recruited and graduated top AfricanAmerican and Latino students who have gone on to great success as provosts, deans, endowed chairs, and worldrenowned professors. “They’re also parts of NGOs, nonprofit organizations; they start their own schools,” Pak says. “They’re at the state and federal levels working in policy. They are also good teachers in our schools, good principals, and superintendents.” EPOL’s diversity comes in part from the melding of different departments a few years back to form the department, which now consists of five divisions (see “Divisions of Study in EPOL”).
“We have world-renowned faculty,” Pak says. But more important than the research they conduct and the policies they help shape, she says, is the fact that they are available for students. “We care about how students experience their graduate education on this campus,” she notes. “They can look to our alumni base to see how well we’ve been doing things.” You can also look to the faculty and the divisions to see how well they’ve been doing things. For example, the Educational Administration & Leadership division recently became a partner organization of the Chicago Leadership Collaborative. “That’s a gateway into principal certification for Chicago Public Schools, which is a huge coup for us in many ways,” Pak says. “It also shows there’s a demand by the Chicago Public Schools for the University of Illinois brand.” Don Hackmann and Anjale Welton have been instrumental in spearheading this initiative. Welton is nationally recognized in education administration for her research and focus on social justice leadership and culturally responsive practices in schools. Faculty also work directly within the local communities to impact the young and old. Rebecca Ginsburg directs the Education Justice Project, which offers college credit for incarcerated males at the Danville Correctional Center.
In 2016, Ginsburg was recognized for her innovative outreach with an Excellence in Public Engagement Award from campus. EPOL faculty serve as editors of top-tier journals in areas of expertise such as the history of education, philosophy of education, and human resource development. This work is greatly enhanced by the assistance of talented graduate students in journal operations. Faculty also serve as directors of centers and institutes centered on assessing and advocating for educational improvement at P-16 and beyond.
DIVISIONS OF STUDY IN EPOL Educational Administration & Leadership
Prepares students to reform and continuously improve PK-12 education through training for effective school leadership, broadly defined.
Education Policy & Foundation
Prepares graduates to analyze policy agendas, processes, and to examine relevant conceptual and theoretical developments in history, public policy, diversity, and philosophy.
Global Studies in Education
Prepares graduates who have a broad set of interests in theories of globalization, post-coloniality, identity, and the politics of representation, culture, and education and the emerging role of international, and nongovernment organizations to develop and evaluate educational policies.
Higher Education
Prepares graduates for positions at all levels in postsecondary education from student affairs to policy development and to evaluate the effectiveness of programs designed to assist in the school-to-college pipeline.
Human Resources Development
Prepares graduates to engage in impactful and rigorous research, highquality teaching, and informed service and outreach activities relevant to today’s workforce needs.
Numerous professors in the department have joint appointments or collaborate with professors from other departments and colleges—resulting, Pak says, in a deep and balanced perspective. For example, in studying the issue of higher education attainment levels for underrepresented students, Pak says, “We look at it from a sociological perspective, from a historical perspective, and from various perspectives that help us gain an understanding on the issue.”
EPOL continues to attract top graduate students and highly respected professors. And the icing on the cake for Pak, and for many others, is the atmosphere in which all of this research, teaching, and work takes place. “One of our grad students said it best,” she recalls. “He said it feels like a family atmosphere here. And it does. I couldn’t imagine not being able to work with our grad students. They’re the best.”
She notes that the Educational Policy & Foundations division comes at issues from disciplinary training in history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and economics. “We look at education from those backgrounds,” she says. Collaborations with other units on campus place the research in a broader and deeper context, Pak says. An important example of this comes from Chris Higgins’s recent National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) award for the Summer Institute for College and University Teachers on “The Centrality of Translation to the Humanities: New Interdisciplinary Scholarship.”
NEW EDD PROGRAM OFFERED ONLINE EPOL has the bulk of College of Education online offerings. Its latest offering is a big one: the department is now offering its Ed.D. program online. “At the heart of that is equalizing opportunities,” Pak explains. “Generating revenue is fine, but it’s what can we do to help bring the Illinois brand and faculty expertise to a larger audience, who for various reasons don’t have access to come to campus physically?” Pak notes that the department is also developing an online master’s of education degree, which will “provide the College with different pathways in teaching and research.”
SELECT RESEARCH & AWARDS Jennifer Delaney’s research grant from AERA investigates “promise” financial aid programs on postsecondary institutions. In 2015 Delaney received a “Scholarly Paper Award” (co-authored with T.D. Kearney) from the Journal of Education Finance on guaranteed tuition. Anne Haas Dyson received the 2015 David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research from the National
Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). She is the only person in the organization’s long history to have won twice (the other award was in 1994). She was also awarded the NCTE’s Outstanding Educator of the Year for her major contributions to the field of English language arts. Eboni Zamani-Gallaher received a grant from the Illinois Community College Board to look at pathways to community colleges and the experiences of
MISSION Drawing upon traditional strengths in social foundations, education leadership, higher education, and human resource development, EPOL’s mission is to foster a new generation of researchers differently and better to address issues in educational policy and practice.
29 674 13
underrepresented students Peter Kuchinke’s body of research earned him the 2015 Academy of Human Resource Development Outstanding Scholar Award. Bill Cope’s and Mary Kalantzis’ research in literacy multimodalities and in developing online courses and programs is funded through an NSF grant: “Assessing Complex Epistemic Performance in Online Learning Environments.” This is a joint project between Education, Computer
Science, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine at the U of I. Don Hackmann received a $391,000 grant from the Chicago Board of Education for the Principal Preparation Program for Chicago Leadership Collaborative. Stanley Ikenberry and George Kuh received a $3 million, Lumina Foundation for Education, Tracking and Mapping Institutional Use of Frameworks for Enhancing Student Learning through NILOA.
SELECT EPOL GRADUATES LEADING THE FIELD OF EDUCATION A small selection of the talented leaders that the Department of Education Policy, Organization, & Leadership has produced:
Barbara Brandt, Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education; Associate Vice President for Education, Academic Health Center
Randy Dunn, President of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Freeman Hrabowski, President University of Maryland Baltimore County
Kayleen Irizarry, Chief Management Operations Officer, Education Cluster Department of Education
Seung-Ming “Alvin” Leung Dean of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ronald Rochon, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, University of Southern Indiana
Traki Taylor, Dean, College of Education, Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University
Dawn Williams, Interim Dean, Howard University School of Education
Andy Hibel, Founder,
24 24
hen Jim Anderson was working on his M.Ed. and Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, he was the only African-American graduate student in the Department of History and Philosophy of Education (later EPS). When he returned to Illinois and the College of Education in 1974, after a three-year stint at Indiana University, he was the only scholar of color in the then Department of Educational Policy Studies (now EPOL)—and he remained so until 1983, when Bill Trent was hired. If that makes the College sound like a setting where diverse ideas go to die, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Anderson returned to Illinois precisely because of the openness in the College to diverse ideas. “I knew the support I received as a graduate student. I knew how open they were to different ideas,” he says. AHEAD OF THE DIVERSITY CURVE Anderson saw what the College was trying to do and how ahead of the curve it was on the issue of diversity. And he saw a white leadership that championed diversity long before others did. He decided to join in. Even so, it was an uphill battle for many years, one that was turned around ever so slowly by recruiting black and Latino students.
“Right about the time that Bill came, around 1983, Paul Violas, my adviser when I was a graduate student, had the bright idea to go to many of the historically black colleges and bring bus tours of the students to this campus,” says Anderson, interim dean of the College of Education, and an Edward William and Jane Marr Gutsgell Professor of
Dr. James D. Anderson, 1975
talented, high-achieving undergraduates who were interested in graduate school. The key thing was for our faculty to be their mentors over the summer.” Anderson, with Trent, who also is a professor in EPOL, mentored numerous students involved with SROP. Students who came were primarily from historically black colleges and from the West Coast, and SROP helped them prepare to apply to graduate school. “We also went to the University of Puerto Rico, where we tapped into a literal gold mine of students who became successful in STEM,” Trent says. “So we began to get a strong Latino population from Puerto Rico.” Thus, the pipeline of black and Latino students began. In addition, Trent says, the College has a legacy of students from Korea and from other Asian countries. “That connection began after the end of the Korean conflict,” Anderson explains. “Some members of our department, Harry Brody in particular, went to Korea to help the new government plan its new educational system. So students from South Korea started to come here for graduate school, and that built over time. There was a point in the mid-‘80s when about a third of our graduate students were from South Korea.”
Education. “We had at least 100 or so students who
came up, and we didn’t get a single application!”
While on the surface little diversity could be seen when Anderson began as a professor at Illinois, he saw the seed that was planted, and by the mid-‘80s it was beginning to sprout.
GAINING TRACTION But the College slowly gained traction in this area through contacts and began to attract more and more AfricanAmerican students, many of whom have gone on to become highly renowned professors (including Stafford Hood, who is the Sheila M. Miller Professfor in Curriculum & Instruction and director of the Center for Culturally Relevant Evaluation and Assesment.) “We started with a group of students who went on to very successful careers,” Anderson says. “And they started to recruit at national conferences. Another thing that helped was three years later when campus initiated the SROP program—the Summer Research Opportunity Program—bringing in hundreds of
That seed was planted by a number of leaders in EPOL, Anderson says. They included Joe Burnett, who later became dean; Clarence Karier; Paul Violas; and others. “Sometimes people attribute the push for, and increase in, diversity to me, and sometimes to both Bill and me, but the support they gave us, the leadership they gave us, was the critical ingredient,” Anderson says. “They brought me back here specifically for this effort. Not to take it on by myself, but to be one of the pieces of the puzzle. You need broadbased support from all the faculty. I knew in coming here I wouldn’t have to start from scratch and sell them on the
importance of having a diverse faculty. They already had and promoted those ideas. So I came into a context where we were ready to go to battle. And we did, and we won.” Anderson notes that early proponents for diversity, such as Violas and Karier, faced discrimination for their Greek lineage and German farmer heritage, respectively. “So they were well aware of the issues we would have to grapple with in order to create this kind of environment where students are welcomed and feel included and supported,” he says. “We may not have had exactly the same experiences, but we had experiences that were similar enough that we could talk to each other and we could understand across boundaries. That was the context that made it possible for a lot of things to happen in this department.”
SIGNIFICANT GROWTH IN DIVERSITY And a lot has happened in the department—so much so that Anderson says they no longer keep track of the number of scholars of color within. He guesses that at least half of the EPOL faculty is of color. (The department also has gone from one woman in the department when Anderson arrived to about half of the faculty being women.) “We’ve been extremely successful in attracting a high number of scholars from diverse backgrounds in part because our students have been very successful,” Anderson says. “They’ve gone on to become deans and provosts and endowed chairs. We have graduated people who go forth and carry our values and their ideas across the country. It’s what our students have done since they’ve left here that has had the greatest impact.”
AN ENRICHED INTELLECTUAL ENVIRONMENT The idea of diversity boils down to listening to and considering different viewpoints and voices. Living out that idea has become the hallmark of EPOL, as typified by Trent’s classes. “I went to an undergraduate school that was all white,” Trent says. “I had an opportunity to learn how to listen to voices that are different. Most students today still don’t get to experience that. So I make sure my classrooms are safe places where students can begin to have that experience of learning to listen across boundaries.” “A part of that has to be intentional. So here we have an opportunity to create research teams that are gender mixed, race and ethnicity mixed, age mixed even. So on top of the normal academic rigor, you also have this subtle type of learning that’s going on where they can call on each other.”
A benefit of diversity, Anderson points out, is the dynamic development of an enriched intellectual environment. “Students learn that whatever sacred beliefs you come in with, they’re likely to be disrupted by someone who has had a very different experience and very different beliefs,”he says. “And that disruption compels everybody to think more complexly about matters. It shakes them out from any comfortable beliefs that they have.” ILLINOIS AND THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION: ‘A PLACE TO EXPERIENCE’ The University of Illinois does not have an ocean or mountains. It does not have the bright lights and glamor of New York City or LA. “Illinois is not a place to imagine,” Anderson says. “It’s a place to experience. When you come and see what it’s like to be here, you see we have something that other places don’t have. Once people come here, we have no problem closing the deal. They know this is a special place. They know it through our current faculty but even more so through our graduates. So we remain one of the most attractive places in the country. “What’s going on at Illinois has been building for decades,” he adds. “This was not done overnight. We knew it couldn’t be done overnight. But it developed, and it took off. Now students know our legacy. They know that black and other students of color have come here and been successful, and they want to follow in their footsteps.”
Dr. William Trent meets with Professor James Ward, EOL (middle) and Professor Paul Thurston, EOL (right) in 1985.
RECRUITING AND GRADUATING SCHOLARS FROM UNDERREPRESENTED BACKGROUNDS IS A MORAL IMPERATIVE AND WAY OF LIFE In a 2016 piece for The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, Christopher M. Span, associate dean for academic programs and an associate professor in EPOL, noted the diverse talent that annually comes from the College of Education at Illinois. This spring, 12 African-American women—known as the “Talented 12”— earned doctorates in EPOL; one African-American woman earned a doctorate in Curriculum & Instruction; one African-American woman earned a doctorate in Special Education; and six African-American men and 11
26K+ alumni
Total inclusive of graduates from EPOL’s HRE, EPS, and EOL divisions, as well as graduates from VOTEC, and AHCE.
Latina/o students earned doctorate degrees in the College this year.
Graduate Student PROFILES VALUABLE RESEARCH, NEW FIELDS OF STUDY, AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH The 13 members serving on this year’s College of Education Graduate Student Conference (GSC) committee strove to put on an event that represented the varied departments in the College while expanding the conference to a campuswide level and attracting students from other universities. Their work during an eight-month span accomplished all of that and more, according to Shana N. Riddick, a doctoral student in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership (EPOL). Riddick co-chaired the committee with Mia Lavizzo and Brenda Nyandiko Sanya. “We had goals about expansion, wanting to highlight faculty and student research, which we were able to do,” Riddick said. “And then we continued a really strong subset of the conference, which has been professional development for graduate students.” Now in its seventh year and overseen by conference adviser Denice Ward Hood, associate professor in EPOL, the mission of GSC is to build networks among faculty members, colleagues, and graduate students within the field of education. Issues of educational access, equity,
Conference co-chairs, L-R, Mia Lavizzo, Shana Riddick, Brenda Nyandiko Sanya
and opportunities are addressed throughout the day-long event. This year there were approximately 50 presentations. Through the research submissions they received, the GSC committee members were exposed to studies and conversations they would otherwise have very limited access to, Riddick said. “One of the conference’s major strengths is that it’s Collegewide. It’s an interdisciplinary space that creates wonderful
opportunities for exposure to new fields of study,” she said. The theme of the conference was “Transformative Scholarship, Schooling & Society,” and topics included African-American education from a historical perspective; the structures of education and the power of agency; and emerging scholarship, social justice, and empowerment. The GSC is made possible through the generous support of alumna K. Patricia Cross.
KHALID EL-HAKIM, FOUNDER AND CURATOR OF THE BLACK HISTORY 101 MOBILE MUSEUM A former teacher with Detroit Public Schools and a doctoral student in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, el-Hakim has a collection of more than 7,000 artifacts, including slave chains, a bill of sale for a slave woman and her children, a copy of director Spike Lee’s script for his 1992 movie Malcolm X, and many original documents signed by prominent African-Americans, including Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks. “I have followed Mr. el-Hakim’s work with the museum for some time now,” fellow graduate student Shana Riddick said. “The audiences around the country that he is able to reach, as a result of the museum’s mobility, is amazing. He presents exhibits that showcase historical and contemporary aspects of black life and culture in the U.S. These are lived experiences and moments in time that many of us would not have such tangible access to otherwise.”
WHAT IS THE BLACK HISTORY 101 MOBILE MUSEUM? The Black History 101 Mobile Museum is a traveling tabletop exhibit depicting black memorabilia spanning slavery to hip hop. The museum has over 5,000 rare treasures among its collection, including original documents from historic black figures whose contributions helped shape the United States.
el-Hakim presents artifacts from black history at the Graduate Student Conference.
“My mission is to raise the consciousness of the human family by sharing artifacts that celebrate the contributions, achievements, and experiences of African Americans.”
Photograph by Brian Stauffer
projects that help her students expand their worlds. She has developed a sustainability-based curriculum that includes creating documentaries, writing to international pen pals, making videos, participating in online forums, and holding virtual conferences.
TATYANA MCFADDEN, ATHLETE AND AUTHOR Track and field athlete Tatyana McFadden, 27, has won 17 career Paralympic medals, including seven golds. She finished the 2016 Rio Paralympics with four gold medals and two silvers, a feat comparable to the eight gold medals Bart Dodson won at the 1992 Barcelona Paralympic Games. McFadden has also been unstoppable in wheelchair racing marathons, perhaps her best event. She won the Boston, London, Chicago, and New York races in 2013, 2014, and 2015. So far this year she’s finished first in marathons in Boston and London. When she’s not tearing up tracks worldwide, the star athlete also happens to be a graduate student in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Her 2016 autobiography, Ya Sama! Moments from My Life, relates how McFadden was born in Russia with spina bifida and eventually attained international success as a racer.
“Living with a disability does not limit one’s ability to excel in life,” McFadden wrote in an essay for The News-Gazette in 2015. “Let’s not let our society, or some element in it, clip our wings.”
GLOBAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION STUDENT MERINDA DAVIS Davis has been a teacher at Lakeridge Junior High School in Orem, Utah, since 2010. Through grants and fellowships she has visited Arctic Svalbard, Finland, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Poland, England, Belgium, France, Sweden, Estonia, and Denmark. The experiences have inspired her to create applied
This summer she traveled with Professor Cameron McCarthy and fellow online classmates to Santiago, Chile, an area of the world she’s never visited.
“The College of Education at the University of Illinois has really helped me take all of these international experiences to the next level,” she said. “I try to recruit others to Illinois who want to do grad school online.”
ILLINOIS COMPETES FOR PRESTIGIOUS SPR CUP This past spring, graduate students, (L-R) Jordan Davis, Gabriel “Joey” Merrin, Tyler Hatchel, Ashleigh Jones, and Lisa De La Rue (not pictured), faced off against teams from Arizona State University, Clemson, Florida International, Kent State, and UC Irvine for the Sloboda and Bukoski Society for Prevention Research Cup. Team members conducted a literature review, generated research questions and hypotheses, conducted analyses, and prepared for a multimedia symposium talk that summarized results and provided implications for policy and prevention. The Illinois team was one of only six qualifying squads nationwide.
The allure of street gangs is something Gabriel “Joey” Merrin knows firsthand, having grown up in lowincome neighborhoods in inner-city Chicago that are notorious for gang violence, crime and poverty. For youths living in these hardscrabble surroundings, “It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when you’ll be faced with an offer or pressure to join a gang,” said Merrin, who affiliated with a neighborhood gang for part of his youth. “I grew up very scared,” Merrin said. “I was surrounded by crime, drugs, and violence at a very young age. I was around older kids a lot, and I looked up to them. My mother was a single parent who was always gone, so I spent a lot of time in the streets. Many of my friends had been shot, killed, or arrested. I was searching for protection and a way out.” Currently a doctoral candidate in child development, his research focus is delinquency and
youth gangs. Merrin also is the lead author of a recently published study that examined the individual, peer, family, school, and neighborhood factors associated with young people who resist the magnetic pull of street gangs. While numerous studies have explored the risk factors associated with gang involvement, Merrin said he believes his study is just the second to explore the risk and protective factors associated with youths who were targeted for recruitment but resisted joining street gangs.
“Researchers don’t really talk about the individuals who have resisted membership as a way to better understand the youth gang phenomena, and that’s one of the things I’m really proud of about the paper,” Merrin said. “We know that some of these individuals who face similar risks as their peers choose not to join gangs, and I want to better understand these individuals and identify some key protective elements.”
In Spring 2016, Students from EDUC 202: “Social Justice, Schooling, & Society” presented their research at the College. Janae Capers is pictured above with her project titled, School to Prison Pipeline. Her researcher partners were Dicy Mulchrone and Julia Rush.
Undergraduate Student PROFILES NURTURING KNOWLEDGEABLE, COMPASSIONATE, AND EFFECTIVE EDUCATORS We are tremendously proud of our students. They come from all over the state of Illinois—from cities, suburbs, and small towns. Their backgrounds are diverse, but what they all have in common is a passion to make a difference in the world.
Education students learn in state-of-the-art classrooms that embed technology, cultural understanding, and research in coursework. Our programs give them the opportunity to interrogate the most pressing issues in the field of education. Research-based pedagogies, school and community practicum placements, and research symposiums provide students with the experiences and tools they need to succeed—whether they are studying to be a special education teacher, a diversity recruitment manager, an e-learning specialist, or a physics teacher. And because we feel strongly that studying abroad is crucial to developing the cultural understanding necessary for our students to lead in a globally connected world, every student that pursues this experience receives a $500 scholarship to offset the cost of the program.
JEREMY DAVIS, LEARNING & EDUCATION STUDIES: WORKPLACE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Jeremy began his college career with the intent to someday work with children. Like many students, however, he changed his focus as his learning progressed. Following a study abroad trip to Austria during his senior year, Jeremy switched from an elementary education major to learning and education studies (LES), with the goal of utilizing his mathematical strengths, specifically statistics. Doing so has allowed him to take a variety of classes in the area of human resources and development, statistics, and educational psychology. “Changing my major to learning and education studies has been one of the best things that I have done in college, and it has already proven that it will be helpful to my career in the future. I’ve been able to take classes that I’m interested in and get a summer internship,” said Jeremy, who interned with the Zurich Insurance Group.
IBRAHIM ABUBAKAR, SECONDARY EDUCATION: ENGLISH & LANGUAGE ARTS Ibrahim, a junior English major with a minor in Secondary Education, attended a high school where he felt valued and successful—feelings he didn’t always have in some of the schools he tutored in. Ibrahim strives to represent males and African-Americans in schools, showing his future students “how powerful it can be to have more educators who are also people of color.” He will be able to give back through his teaching for five years in a Chicago Public School of need in exchange for the scholarship and teaching opportunities he gained from the Golden Apple Foundation.
RORY JOHNSON, MIDDLE GRADES EDUCATION Rory is a junior and among the first to declare as a Middle Grades Educaton major, our new program leading to specialized licensure in grades 5-8. She’ll be working toward endorsements in math and Spanish. Rory attended Montessori school through eighth grade, then attended a high school in Chicago Public Schools. She credits these vastly different experiences for helping her to “investigate education as a career.” She notes, “Your beliefs and perceptions will get challenged during your four years here: let them. It’s okay to be confused and unsure about the world around you, and it is important to explore these thoughts in college.”
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Gabrielle, the first person in her family to pursue teaching is a sophomore in our Elementary Education program. An eighthgrade experience helped her choose Education at Illinois. She had a science teacher whose teaching spurred her enjoyment of learning despite a lack of interest in the subject! Gabrielle appreciates the support she gets from College of Education advisers, faculty, and students. Her advice to younger students is to get involved and establish connections quickly. Over the summer, Gabrielle continued her Spanish language studies and worked as a camp counselor.
ASHLEY KAHN, SPECIAL EDUCATION Ashley, a 2016 Special Education graduate who continues to work on her ESL (English as a second language) endorsement, has accepted an early offer to work as a special education teacher in a diverse high school of need within the Chicago Public Schools in the fall. While she has known that she wanted to teach since elementary school, Ashley knew special education was a good fit for her based on experiences with her younger brother Daniel, who has disabilities. She took an active role in supporting Daniel and, in high school, witnessed the care and influence of his SPED teachers when he had a medical issue that kept him out of school.
Global Impact STORIES
LONGSTANDING UI-NJALA BOND REKINDLED DURING SIERRA LEONE VISIT BY ILLINOIS SCHOLARS Education at Illinois scholars Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope were part of a University of Illinois contingent that traveled to Sierra Leone for two weeks in late May. The objective of the visit was to re-establish longstanding ties between two land-grant universities that vary greatly in resources but share some of the same educational goals.
The trip was made possible through the Illinois-Njala Global Scholars in Sierra Leone Health Partnership, a 2014-2015 Focal Point project supported by the Graduate College. Back in 1963, the U.S. and Sierra Leone governments collaborated on an agreement to evaluate the necessities for agricultural education in the West African country. The result was the formation of Njala University College, which was based on the land-grant model in which the University of Illinois was established. During the 1960s and 1970s, Njala was supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development and Sierra Leone’s government. Illinois faculty and staff went to Sierra Leone to help begin departments at Njala in agriculture, education, and other areas. Since the partnership began, faculty, staff, and students from both institutions have benefitted mutually from engagement in research, teaching, and service opportunities. Sierra Leone has gone through its share of strife. More than 50,000 people died during a civil war in the country that lasted from 1991 to 2002. More recently, the threat of the Ebola virus halted all Illinois student-related programs to Sierra Leone. For varied reasons, the longstanding partnership between Illinois and Njala has fluctuated in strength but continues. Mary Kalantzis said the Illinois scholars she traveled with to Sierra Leone are committed to outreach and service and strive to make a genuine difference in the lives of others through respectful partnerships that solve problems and build capacity.
“For me, it was both a sobering and inspirational experience,” Kalantzis said. “Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries on Earth. The conditions under which people live and learn are indescribably lacking in material resources. However, the human spirit and the talent of those we met were incredible but severely hampered by the struggles to provide for even
to bypass the world of libraries and expensive buildings and build a “lightweight e-learning infrastructure,” a possibility that was discussed during the trip. The UI scholars visited numerous local elementary schools where they made presentations and observed. Cope said the students he saw want to someday be accountants, doctors, lawyers, and teachers. But the reality is that few such jobs like that exist in Sierra Leone. He aims to help change that by making learning more accessible in a country that has incredible natural resources and is laying down fiber optics. “There’s work to be done there, and accessible learning is one way,” Cope said. “It may be possible to provide access. People there never had landline phones before, but now they have mobile phones because they’re cheap and accessible.” Cope and his colleagues know that providing accessible education in Sierra Leone is a huge job, but they are doing their part to continue a longstanding bond and to enhance learning for people in a country who desperately want it.
the most basic of educational needs.” Kalantzis and Cope were joined by Kenny Long, a Ph.D./ M.D. student in bioengineering; Jenny Amos, a teaching associate professor in the College of Engineering; Erin Kerby, a veterinary sciences librarian; and Paul McNamara, an associate professor in the College of ACES. The scholars were accompanied by delegates from the University YMCA. Cope said it is unrealistic at this point to envision Njala with large, gleaming buildings spread all over the campus. Corruption, low wages, and a broken taxation system are preventing education in Sierra Leone from rising. “When you go to a school with no electricity, no windows, very few books, the biggest contrast is just resourcing,” he said. “It’s just the teacher and the blackboard.” Still, Cope is optimistic about the fact that 90 percent of Sierra Leoneans have mobile phones. He said it may be possible
WEBSITE PROMOTES GLOBAL DEMOCRACY EDUCATION WITH INSIGHTS FROM PROMINENT PEACE ACTIVISTS The Democracy Dialogue website provides democracy education in five languages. It’s aimed primarily at a youthful audience and its unique content includes videos from a 2012 conversation between two prominent peace activists: Mohamed ElBaradei and Rajmohan Gandhi. Education Professor Linda Herrera created the site after observing that activists in the 2011 Egyptian revolution lacked the knowledge to go from social media and marketing to creating a sustained democratic movement.
“The audience I want to reach isn’t necessarily reading a lot, but they are watching video content, including things that are thought-provoking and serious. So I’m trying to find ways to create material that aligns with my idea of ‘social media public pedagogy.’ I’m aiming to make videos with substantial content – videos that are
relevant to contemporary politics and movements but that also go into history, ideas, and theory in ways that can engage a younger and more general audience.” It was almost by accident that Herrera was able to bring together ElBaradei and Gandhi in 2012, thanks to several fortuitous connections on campus and in Egypt. Funding from the university and the College of Education supported the trip and the filming. “Throughout the world, we are witnessing a change in educational systems away from humanities and the arts and toward more market-driven and technocratic-centered models of learning,” Herrera said.
“We need to find ways to maintain a robust commitment to, and constant reimagining of, democratic, public, and popular education. For if we lose the ideal for democracy and education for the common good, our democratic systems and structures will go by the wayside.”
14 TRIPS PLANNED TO: Italy (2 trips), Hong Kong, Macau, Spain (2 trips), France, Morocco, Uruguay, Australia, Indonesia, Chile, Singapore, Costa Rica, and England
PROFESSOR’S FULBRIGHT EXPERIENCE BROADENS UNDERSTANDING OF ETHNIC, RACE RELATIONS Professor Helen Neville said witnessing various aspects of education in Tanzania was both rewarding and trying. “Gaining access to current books and journal articles proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated,” she said. “And for some reason, telecommunication and the Internet in Tanzania are very expensive. So it was not economical for students to even access readings online.” Neville got creative in order to deal with the limited available resources. She searched for free online books for her class and even purchased books for students in her independent study course. Her diligence overseas will pay off in the courses she teaches in the College. “I’m more aware of the outstanding free online resources that are available and will find ways to further incorporate them in my classes at Illinois,” Neville said.
Living in a collectivistic culture for nearly a year forced Neville to reflect on socialization and the ways that U.S. society and Western paradigms influence so much of what is done in academia. Teaching counseling theories in a completely different context allowed her to better identify and understand how such concepts are embedded in assumptions about health and healing issues that are rarely discussed in the U.S. “I plan to incorporate these concepts into teaching undergraduate students and into my research on healing from racial trauma.”
“I now have a different lens in which to interpret and critique traditional psychotherapy theories, and I have insights about how these theories can be modified in other cultural contexts,” she said.
STUDENT UTILIZES COLLEGE’S STUDY ABROAD OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT In August 2016, Education at Illinois graduate Catherine McKenna, ‘16 C&I, began her new position as a secondgrade teacher at Ayeyarwaddy International School in Myanmar. McKenna attended the Overseas Job Fair at the University of Northern Iowa in February 2016, where she experienced the camaraderie of other students who wanted to work overseas. Meanwhile, the ongoing support, encouragement, and guidance offered by the College of Education helped her feel confident in her decision to accept a job offer in Myanmar this August.
“The whole experience made me realize how much there is to offer the world,” she said. “I can not only help those around me, but I can have an impact on people worldwide.”
AS PART OF A PUBLIC LAND-GRANT INSTITUTION, OUR MISSION EXTENDS BEYOND OUR CLASSROOMS AND CAMPUS. We make a difference in people’s lives locally, nationally, and globally.
Researching policies, programs, and practices with a focus on P-20 preparation, transition, and completion. The Office of Community College Research & Leadership (OCCRL) is one of the oldest community college research centers in the country. OCCRL researchers study policies, programs, and practices designed to enhance outcomes for diverse youths and adults who seek to transition to and through college to employment. OCCRL’s research spans the P-20 education continuum, with a focus on how community colleges impact education and employment outcomes for diverse learners. Dr. Eboni Zamani-Gallaher is the director of OCCRL.
UNIVERSITY PRIMARY SCHOOL (UPS) Nurturing children’s diverse talents and abilities through differentiated practices attuned to intellectual, social, and emotional growth. University Primary School is a pre-K through fifth-grade, Reggio Emilia-inspired lab school where children use project-based learning to engage in creative, challenging, and meaningful curricular inquiries. Dr. Ali Lewis is the director of the school.
THE EARLY CHILDHOOD & PARENTING COLLABORATIVE Educating young children. The Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative (ECAP) is home to a number of projects that focus on educating and raising young children. Dr. Susan Fowler is the director of ECAP.
PATHWAYS RESOURCE CENTER Offering resources and support to secondary and postsecondary institutions, employers, communities, and partners. The Pathways Resource Center serves as a centralized resource for diverse partners and seeks to improve equitable outcomes, provide support to educational institutions, and disseminate current research and resources. Dr. Donald G. Hackmann is the director of PRC.
CENTER FOR CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE EVALUATION & ASSESSMENT (CREA) Impacting educational policymaking in a cultural context. CREA generates evidence for policymaking that is methodologically, culturally, and contextually defensible. It focuses on serving and improving the circumstances of people in communities who have traditionally been disenfranchised. Its signature annual event, the CREA Conference, brings together national, international, and indigenous scholars and practitioners to present scholarly inquiry into the role of cultural context in evaluation, assessment, research, and scholarship. Dr. Stafford Hood is the director of CREA.
EDUCATION JUSTICE PROJECT Impacting incarcerated people and society through model college-in-prison programs. EJP is a vibrant community of students and educators who are committed to expanding higher education within American prisons. EJP members at Danville Correctional Center practice rigorous scholarship in an open, safe, gentle, and inclusive learning environment that encourages self-reflection. Dr. Rebecca Ginsburg is the director of EJP.
FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION Shaping public education policies with research-based evidence. The Forum on the Future of Public Education provides empirical evidence to policymakers and the public by drawing on a network of premier scholars to create, interpret, and disseminate credible information on key questions facing P-20 education. Dr. Jennifer Delaney is the director of the Forum.
THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT Discovering and disseminating productive use of assessment data. NILOA is the only organization that surveys the national landscape of higher education learning outcomes and helps faculty and staff in academic programs and institutions use assessment data to inform and strengthen undergraduate education and to communicate with policymakers, families, and other stakeholders. Dr. Natasha Jankowski is the director of NILOA.
ILLINOIS NEW TEACHER COLLABORATIVE Providing free and low-cost services to assist districts and induction programs across Illinois. INTC is a diverse statewide group of educational stakeholders at the forefront of providing statewide leadership for promoting new teacher induction and mentoring programs and supplying resources for those who support new teachers. Dr. Annie Insana is the director of INTC.
OFFICE OF MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Promoting collaboration among researchers, teachers, administrators, and students. MSTE enhances student achievement and teaching performance in math, science, and technology by developing innovative uses of technologies to support research and practice and expanding opportunities for underrepresented groups. Dr. George Reese is the director of MSTE.
Panel Discussion: We Need More Diverse Books YLF authors discussing the need for more diverse characters in children and youth literature. (L-R) Claudia Guadalupe Martinez, e.E Charlton-Trujillo, and Sarah Aronson
ike worthwhile sequels to a great story, the College’s biennial Youth Literature Festival (YLF), which began in 2008, keeps growing and continues to inspire children from kindergarten through high school. The 2008 numbers were impressive: During the festival’s two days in October, 22 authors visited more than 70 schools and libraries in Champaign County and in five nearby counties, sharing their work and insights at assemblies, book discussions, readings, and writing workshops. In all, more than 14,500 schoolchildren participated in author events at their schools. To Linda Tammen, program coordinator of YLF and a former gradeschool teacher, these events are the most important parts of the festival.
“Due to economic circumstances, some of these kids won’t ever have access to an author unless we bring one to them,” she said. “We had a lot of authors who did a lot more than what they were assigned. Everybody who came was just that kind of person.”
Just as important, the children who interacted with the authors were engaged and, in some cases, positively transformed for the better.
country in 2013 to speak at workshops designed to inspire troubled youths, while promoting her third book, Fat Angie.
Author e.E Charlton-Trujillo, for example, bonded effectively with teenagers, even those who were easily distracted in class. She gave one student the nickname of his favorite rapper and an autographed copy of her book.
Tammen recalled a similar incident during the inaugural YLF in 2008, when she was a teacher at Paxton-Buckley-Loda. One of her first-graders, a shy child who felt he was “different,” read all of Alice McGinty’s books about spiders. When McGinty later visited the school for YLF, both she and the child enthusiastically conversed about spiders and the content of McGinty’s books. “He was changed forever because of that,” Tammen said. “He thought, ‘Okay, being smart is okay. And being different is all right.’ He’s in junior high now and he still feels that way.”
Author Keiko Kasza
“His teacher said his interaction with the author has made him feel more engaged at school,” said Tammen. “He’s raising his hand in class, and he’s constructively participating.” The act was likely second nature to Charlton-Trujillo, who traveled the
Author Keiko Kasza spoke to kindergartners and first-graders in the gymnasium of Thomas Paine Elementary School in Urbana. A published children’s author since 1981, she read from her book My Lucky Birthday and her yet-to-bepublished book called Finders Keepers. The most poignant moment of Kasza’s often lighthearted talk, however, took
place when she related to the children the value of reading. “Reading is the base of everything,” Kasza said after the program. “If you read a lot, you develop that device in your head to determine what is good writing, what it is all about, and then you use that device to judge your own writing work.” Of course, the kids in attendance just wanted to hear good stories, and that’s what Kasza provided that afternoon, much to the pleasure and delight of Thomas Paine’s librarian, Deb Newell, who spent many months on the YLF committee helping coordinate events. Without the help of the College and other sponsors who support YLF, Newell said her school could never afford to bring in authors. “We have a 67 percent poverty rate in the building and our budget is very small,” Newell said. “The kids think an author is usually dead, so to have one come and talk about the writing process really helps them see what it’s about, and then maybe they can do it, too.” The 2014 YLF Community Day drew approximately 1,000 people to the IHotel and Conference Center, where numerous campus entities and local organizations had activity tables. Children and adults took in the expertise of local filmmakers (Pens to Lens), participated in a folktale activity (Spurlock Museum), learned about books in Spanish (Center for Latin
Author Janice Harrington signs copies of her book at the YLF Community Day.
American and Caribbean Studies), shared art adventures (Department of Art Education), and much more. The Department of Special Education had an activity table that offered preschool children with and without special needs the chance to interact with story props, pictures, and easyto-use communication systems. Additionally, secondary science preservice teachers from the College staffed a booth that connected Jennifer Ward’s science-focused books to hands-on science activities for children. The College also organized valuable panel discussions for area teachers, librarians, and parents. One such discussion was called “Fiction/ Nonfiction - Common Core Pairings.”
“That’s what it’s about,” said Tammen, who saw firsthand as a teacher how reading can positively shape children. “Once a child reads just one treasured book, he or she is on the right path to becoming a good reader. They just have to find that one book.” The Youth Literature Festival is organized by the Center for Education in Small Urban Communities of the College of Education at Illinois, in collaboration with the Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences and the University Library. The 2016 YLF Community Day is October 22, 2016.
“This was a particularly interesting panel because the authors brought one of their own books and selected a book from another author that they felt worked well with their book for use in the classroom,” said Tammen. The ultimate purpose of YLF is to open up and better the lives of children by getting them to avidly read. A quote by renowned scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, comes to Tammen’s mind when she thinks of what makes YLF such a valuable festival offered by the College: “Give a kid a book, and you change the world. In a way, even the universe.”
CENTER FOR EDUCATION IN SMALL URBAN COMMUNITIES Working collaboratively with local education agencies to create sustainable improvement in education. The Center for Education in Small Urban Communities is a research, service, and outreach unit that offers teacher professional development and serves as the liaison for schooluniversity partnerships. The center’s outreach programs include the Youth Literature Festival, which brings award-winning authors and illustrators to local schools; the Chancellor’s Academy, which provides local teachers with professional development to improve their teaching; and Student Opportunities for After-School Resources (SOAR), a student volunteer group that tutors bilingual students. Dr. William Trent is the director of the center.
Alumna Betty Trummel teaching botany in Zambia.
Alumni & DONORS BETTY TRUMMEL: ALUMNA’S PASSION FOR TRAVEL CREATED RICH LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR STUDENTS Betty Trummel ’78 C&I began her career teaching in a small farm town but went on to travel the world, incorporating many international elements into her classroom. Along with an international focus within her lesson plans, Trummel also implemented an environmental emphasis into her curriculum for elementary students at Husmann Elementary School in Crystal Lake, IL., where she taught for nearly 30 years.
“Betty exemplifies the great educators that come from Education at Illinois,” said Lisa Denson-Rives, the College’s associate director of alumni relations. “They are lifelong learners who have an impact on their students’ lives well beyond the classroom.” Now retired, Trummel views the positive influence she had on former students’ lives as special. In July she attended a wedding where she socialized with several past pupils who told her they vividly remembered the fourth-grade projects she designed. “These students are all in their 20s and 30s, but they’re coming up to me and saying their experience in fourth grade was one they won’t ever forget. That’s a cool thing when a teacher hears that,” said Trummel.
Trummel is a supporter of the College of Education Fund for Excellence and is pleased to see the College’s proactive support for students who want to study abroad, assistance that includes individual scholarships of $500. Such opportunities weren’t available when Trummel was a college student, though that didn’t stop her from bringing the world to her classrooms through various intercultural activities. Through the years, Trummel has participated in educational and research expeditions to Antarctica, Sweden, Zambia, and New Zealand. She also has been a part of a continuing education program with the National Wildlife Federation called Family Summits, which offered workshops in wildlife biology, botany, and
THANK YOU Thank you to our alumni and friends for supporting the College of Education. We produce leaders—from teachers and professors to administrators and policymakers. Our faculty members and students engage in groundbreaking research that influences educational policy and practice worldwide. Your support of Education at Illinois is making a difference.
The Al Davis Leadership Award was established in 2002 by Davis to recognize how his life and educational career were enhanced through a long relationship with the College of Education. The award provides support to a minority student who has shown outstanding leadership in teaching and administration in K-12 urban schools. Since the award was created, Davis has helped more than a dozen students pursue their dream of continuing their education and making a difference in the classroom. The support these students receive helps cover the cost of tuition or books so that they can focus on their studies.
In the fall of 2015, the inaugural Phyllis A. Wilken Award was given to support a student interested in becoming a school administrator. The award was established by Phyllis and Delmar F. Wilken, through their estate plan, to support female students pursuing graduate work in educational administration.
Several students who have met Davis at the annual Student Recognition Brunch at the I Hotel and Conference Center have said they hope to do the same one day for a future student in education.
environmental education and conservation. The experience inspired her to pursue and attain a master’s degree in environmental education. In December 2015, Trummel returned to the Antarctic Peninsula as one of 78 selected women in science for the Homeward Bound Project, a leadership and strategic initiative that promotes environmental sustainability, leadership lessons, and collaboration components. The three-week journey by ship sought to raise the profile of climate science and empower women and girls to be leaders and remain in science fields.
“I’m particularly focused in retirement on keeping girls in science and making science really accessible to them,” said Trummel.
Tage Biswalo, Ph.D.‘10 Education Policy Studies is a faculty member at the University of Dar es Salaam and is working on a project with the local schools. The new president of Tanzania has made education free to everyone, so the schools are now seeing an unprecedented increase in student enrollment. Biswalo and a friend chose to work with the poorest schools in Dar es Salaam to assist them in providing the best learning environment for the kids. They assist the schools in renovating classrooms and creating learning spaces for children to excel, including a computer/resource center and school library.
This gift was established as a lasting memory of Phyllis Anderson Wilken’s contributions to the field of education. One of Phyllis’s greatest professional achievements was being named the 1985 recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s Excellence in Education Award, a major honor that she received for her work in turning around the troubled Garden Hills Elementary School in Champaign, Ill., into one of 212 schools in the U.S. to receive this honor. Her son Royce Wilkens is pictured with the 2015 recipient Lisa Diane Lange.
CHANCELLOR CIRCLE The Chancellor Circle supports the College with leadership-level gifts that benefit faculty and students. This annual giving society is comprised of alumni and friends who cherish Illinois and are dedicated to its future success.
GRANTS AWARDED THE 1st quarter of 2017— PI’s include: Kiel Christianson, Arthur Baroody, Michelle Perry, Maya Israel, Emma Mercier, Luc Paquette, Bill Cope, and Eboni Zamani-Gallaher
ACT Foundation Anjale D. Welton Developing a Conceptual Model for Working Learner Success 2/15/2016 – 9/15/2016 $29,442
American Educational Research Association William Trent, Victor Perez Serving Emerging Bilingual Elementary Students in a Small Urban Community: An Evaluation of a Literacy-Based After-School Program 5/1/15 – 7/31/16 $5,000
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dorothy Espelage Randomized Trial of a GenderEnhanced Middle School Violence Prevention Program 9/30/2013 - 9/29/2016 $997,574
Consortium for Educational Change Chris Roegge Induction and Mentoring-Illinois New Teacher Collaborative Work Plan 9/1/2014 - 12/31/2015 $35,674
Gates Foundation/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Debra Bragg Advancing Transformative Change Through Applied Research and Practitioner-based Inquiry 2/26/2014 – 6/30/2016 $400,000
Debra Bragg Research Agenda for “Credit When It’s Due” 10/5/2012 – 01/19/2016 $590,000 Debra Bragg, Matthew Giani Bridging Reverse Transfer Research to a Broader Transfer Research Agenda 10/14/2015 – 10/15/2017 $700,000
Hanban Hua-Hua Chang, Jinming Zhang Confucius Institute: Adaptive Testing System (Phase III) 6/1/2015 – 5/31/2016 $252,253
Hogskoken Stord/Haugesund Liora Bresler Hogskoken Stord/Haugesund Stord Professorship 9/1/2007 - 8/31/2018 $183,341
Hope Institute for Children and Families
Aaron Ebata, Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky The development of community-wide efforts to support people with autism and their families: Building capacity within Champaign-Urbana 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2016 $626,031
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Stephanie C. Sanders-Smith Building Partnerships through Early Childhood Math: Mathematics Methods for Students and Two- and Four-Year Institutions 3/2/2015 – 1/31/2016 $48,000
Illinois Community College Board Debra Bragg, Eboni Zamani-Gallaher Perkins IV Planning, Consultation and Technical Assistance Initiative 9/1/2007 - 8/31/2015 $2,322,887 Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, Lorenzo Baber Continuation of Perkins IV Planning, Consultation and Technical Assistance Initiative 7/1/2015 – 9/30/2016 $400,000
Illinois Department of Human Services Susan Fowler Early Intervention Clearinghouse (EIC) 7/01/2015 - 6/30/2016 $283,244 Susan Fowler Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM): IDHS Support 07/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 $95,000
Rosa Milagros Santos, Michaelene Ostrosky, Tweety Yates Early Intervention Training Program (EITP) at the University of Illinois 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 $1,100,656
Illinois State Board of Education Susan Fowler Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM) Project 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016 $500,000 Susan Fowler Illinois Early Learning Project (Illinois Early Learning Guidelines Birth to Three Support Materials for 0-3 Providers) 3/12/2014 - 6/30/2016 $50,000 Susan Fowler ISBE Illinois Early Learning (IEL) Project 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 $350,000 Bernadette Laumann, Susan Fowler Michaelene Ostrosky Illinois Parents in Action Web Site Project 1/21/2016 – 6/30/2017 $114,601 James Shriner IEP Tutorial – Common Core Standards Research and Development of Web-based Decision Support 7/1/2009 - 6/30/2017 $617,661
Institute of Education Sciences William Cope, Sarah McCarthey, Katherine Ryan, Hua-Hua Chang Assessing Complex Performance: A Postdoctoral Training Program Researching Students Writing and Assessment in Digital Workspaces 3/1/2011 - 9/30/2016 $659,375
Jennifer Cromley Temple University (Prime) Bootstrapping Achievement and Motivation in STEM: An Integrated Cognitive-Motivational Intervention to Improve Biology Grades 8/1/14 – 7/31/18 $411,000 Jennifer Cromley, Ting Dai, (Temple University) & Sukin, Tia (Pacific Metrics Corp) Inference-Making and Reasoning: Refinement of an Assessment for Use in Gateway Biology Courses 09/01/2016 – 08/31/2019 $261,967 Jennifer Cromley Coordinating Multiple Representations: A Comparison of Eye Gaze Patterns of High School Students Who Do and Do Not Enroll in Calculus A Goal 1 CASL Project 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 $274,462
Sarah Lubienski, Arthur Baroody, Joseph Robinson-Cimpian UIUC Postdoctoral Research Training Program in Mathematics Education 3/1/2010 – 8/15/2016 $655,000 Michaelene Ostrosky University of Massachusetts-Boston (Prime) Children in Action: Motor Program for Preschoolers (CHAMPPS) 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2018 $344,310 James Shriner, John Trach Implementing the Common Core State Standards for Students with Disabilities: Research and Development of Webbased Supports for IEP Team Decisions 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2016 $1,478,443 Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow, Carolyn Anderson A Process View of Reading Among Adult Literacy Learners 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2017 $1,600,000
Kresge Foundation Debra Bragg Credit When It’s Due (CWID): Examining the Outcomes and Impact of Reverse Transfer in Georgia, Tennessee and Texas 5/1/14 – 6/30/16 $160,000
Lumina Foundation for Education Debra Bragg Transformative Change Initiative 11/16/2013 – 7/1/2017 $400,000
Stanley Ikenberry, George Kuh Tracking and Mapping Institutional Use of Frameworks for Enhancing Student Learning 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2018 $2,996,800
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Fouad Abd-El-Khalick Editorship of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2019 $421,291
National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Stephanie Sanders-Smith Learning to Understand Families: Instruction in Building Family Partnerships for Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers 8/1/2015 - 7/31/2016 $2,000
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA)
Rosa Milagros Santos, Michaelene Ostrosky Valdosta State University—Prime Family Development Concentration Area—Early Intervention Military Families Learning Network 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2016 $128,000
Maria Villamil, Sarah Lubienski, Chance Riggins, Sandra Rodriguez-Zas Multicultural Investigators Nurtured in Data Science-MINDS-in Agriculture Program 7/15/2015 – 7/14/2020 $246,000
National Institute of Justice
Dorothy Espelage IRIS Education Media (Prime) Project SOARS (Student Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility for School Safety) 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2021 $1,703,764 Meghan Burke Vanderbilt University (Prime) Adapting a Parent Advocacy Program to Improve Transition for Youth with Autism 8/20/14 – 7/31/16 $29,118 Dorothy Espelage Rand Corporation (Prime) Social Network Effects in the Context of Adolescent Risk Behaviors 4/1/2012 – 7/31/2016 $244,311 Barbara Hug PAGES (Progressing Through the Ages: Global Climate Change, Evolution, and Societal Well-Being) 5/5/2016 – 4/30/2021 $265,467 Barbara Hug Project NEURON (Novel Education for Understanding Research On Neuroscience) 8/16/2009 - 6/30/2016 $1,438,319 Daniel Morrow Collaborative Patient Portals Computerbased Agents and Patients Understanding of Numeric Health Information 5/1/2014 – 04/30/2017 $299,602 Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow DePaul University Emotion, Aging, and Decision Making 10/1/14 – 4/30/17 $188,304
National Science Foundation
Arthur Baroody Development of the Electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN) 9/15/2016 – 8/31/2021 $1,380,720 Debra Bragg The Applied Baccalaureate Degree: An Emerging Pathway to Technician Education 8/15/2010 - 7/31/2015 $1,200,000 William Buttlar, Wen-Hao Huang, Sarah Lubienski ECR: Strategic Integration of MOOCs into Graduate and Professional STEM Programs in 21st Century Research Universities 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2015 $288,079
Kiel Christianson Exploring the link between re-reading and comprehension 8/15/2016 – 7/31/2019 $448,259 William Cope, Willem Els, ChengXiang Zhai, Duncan Ferguson EXP: Assessing ‘Complex Epistemic Performance’ in Online Learning Environments 09/01/2016 – 08/31/2018 $549,811 Jennifer Cromley Sketching and Self-Explanation for Diagram Comprehension in Math and Science: A Medium-Sized Empirical Research Proposal to REESE 8/16/2014 - 9/30/2017 $653,026 Casey George-Jackson University of Iowa (Lead) National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences: Research Proposal 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2015 $300,754 Gloriana González CAREER: Noticing and Using Students’ Prior Knowledge in Problem-Based Instruction 5/15/2013 - 4/30/2018 $860,509 Feng Sheng Hu, Barbara Hug Advancing Arctic Paleoecology An Integrative Approach to Understanding Species Refugia and Population Dynamics in response to Late Quaternary Climate Change 8/01/2014 - 7/31/2018 $853,564 Maya Israel, Cinda Heeren, George Reese EBP: CS for All: Engaging Struggling Learners in Computer Science Instruction 10/01/2016 – 09/30/2019 $599,829 Maya Israel, Cinda Heeren, George Reese University of Chicago (Prime) EI: Learning Trajectories for Integrating K-5 Computer Science and Mathematics 10/1/2015 – 9/30/2017 $543,345 Robb Lindgren, David Brown Embodied Explanatory Expressions for Facilitating Science Reasoning and Enhancing Interactive Simulations 8/1/2014 - 7/31/2018 $1,447,193 Robb Lindgren, Jose Mestre, Guy Garnett, Alan Craig DIP: Developing Crosscutting Concepts in STEM with Simulation Theaters for Embodied Learning 9/1/2014 – 8/31/2018 $1,349,504 Robb Lindgren Metaphor-Based Learning of Physics Concepts Through Whole-Body Interaction in a Mixed Reality Science Center Exhibit 9/1/2013 – 2/28/2017 $764,208
Emma Mercier, Luc Paquette DIP: Improving Collaborative Learning in Engineering Classes Through Integrated Tools 9/1/2016 – 8/31/2020 $1,349,576 Emma Mercier, Geoffrey Herman, Joshua Pesche EXP: Fostering Collaborative Drawing and Problem Solving through Digital Sketch and Touch 10/1/2014 – 9/30/2017 $573,995 José Mestre Conference Title: Improving STEM Teaching & Learning by Collaborations Between Cognitive Scientists and Discipline-Based Education Researchers 5/1/2016 – 10/31/2017 $70,965 José Mestre, Jennifer Greene Scaling cultures of collaboration: Evidence-based reform in portal STEM courses 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2016 $593,163 José Mestre, Carolyn Anderson, Hua-Hua Chang, Gary Gladding, Katherine Ryan Using computer adaptive testing (CAT) to improve STEM learning, test performance, and retention 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2017 $499,936 Michelle Perry, Megan Schleppenbach Bates, (Univ of Chicago); Joseph Robinson-Cimpian, (NYU) Understanding and Improving Learning from Online Mathematics Classroom Videos 8/15/2016 – 7/31/2020 $993,685 Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow, Daniel Morrow IBSS Ex: Reading in the Wild: The Adaptive Nature of Adult Literacy 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2016 $250,000 Darren Tanner, Kiel Christianson Doctoral Dissertation Research: Psycholinguistic and Neurocognitive Indices of Prediction in Processing Nonliteral and Fixed Expressions 8/1/2015 - 7/31/2017 $19,025 Eboni Zamani-Gallaher DCL: HSI Transfer and the Undergraduate STEM Pipeline at Two-year Hispanic Serving Institutions 1/15/2017 – 12/31/2018 $295,835 Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, Helen Burn, (Highline Community College); Vilma Mesa, (Univ. of Michigan); Luke Wood, (San Diego State University) Collaborative Research: Transitioning Learners to Calculus in Community Colleges (TLC3): Advancing Strategies for Success in STEM 9/15/2016 – 8/31/2019 $468,744
National Writing Project
Sarah McCarthey University of Illinois Writing Project: 2014-2016 NWP SEED Teacher Leadership Development Grant 5/1/2014 - 8/31/2016 $20,000
Organization for Autism Research
Meghan Burke Examining the Effectiveness of a Latino Parent Leadership Support Project 1/1/15 – 3/31/16 $30,000
SAGE Publications Inc.
Hua-Hua Chang Editorship of Applied Psychological Measurement 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2018 $126,000
Sibling Leadership Network
Meghan Burke Supporting Siblings Engaging People with Disabilities and their Brothers and Sisters 7/1/14 – 12/31/16 $11,785
Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation
Ilesanmi Adesida, William Buttlar, Richard Laugesen, Sarah Lubienski, Assata Zerai, Wilfred Van der Donk Making Way for a New Generation in STEM: A Proposal for The Illinois Sloan University Center of Exemplary Mentoring 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2018 $1,000,000
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Stafford Hood Planning the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) 2016 International Conference 7/1/2015 - 9/30/2016 $20,000
The Spencer Foundation
Jennifer Greene, Thomas Schwandt The Role of Student Characteristics in Teachers’ Formative Interpretation of Student Performance 1/1/2013 - 5/31/2016 $298,255 Liv Davila Thorstensson An Examination of African High School English Learners’ Negotiation of New Language Learning and Academic Opportunity 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2017 $48,871
U.S. Department of Education
Kristen Bub, McRel International Identify-Based Motivation Journey to Academic Success 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2020 $251,639 Stacy Dymond Innovative ACCESS to Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities (ACCESS) 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2018 $1,250,000
Stacy Dymond, Adelle Renzaglia Leadership in Secondary Curriculum, Outcomes, and Research (SCORE) for Youth with Severe Disabilities 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2018 $1,250,000 Stacy Dymond, Adelle Renzaglia Preparing Leaders in Secondary Curriculum, Outcomes, and Research (SCORE) for Youth with Severe Disabilities 6/1/2009 - 5/31/2016 $800,000 Rosa Milagros Santos, Susan Fowler Project Blend 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2017 $1,242,827 Mary-Alayne Hughes, Rosa Milagros Santos Preparing Culturally Responsive Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Personnel (PCRP) 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2017 $708,893 Mary-Alayne Hughes, Michaelene; Ostrosky, Rosa Milagros Santos, Preparing Relationship-based Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Personnel (PREP) 8/16/2009 - 8/15/2016 $800,000 Lisa Monda-Amaya, Stacy Dymond, Karrie Shogren, James Halle, Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky Preparing Leaders in Education, Access, and Data-based Decision Making in High-Need Schools Project LEAD 1/1/2011 – 6/30/2017 $900,000 Rosa Milagros Santos, Meghan Burke, Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky Project Family IMPACT 8/1/2015 – 7/31/2020 $1,249,934
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rosa Milagros Santos Dissertation Grant: Collaborative Care How Child Care Providers and Early Intervention Providers Support Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities in Child Care Settings 9/30/2015 - 9/29/2016 $25,000 Rosa Milagros Santos, Michaelene Ostrosky, Tweety Yates University of Washington (Prime) Head Start Center on Quality Teaching and Learning 9/15/2010 – 9/14/2015 $1,384,784
U.S. Department of Labor
Debra Bragg Cincinnati State Community College (Prime) H2P TAA/Department Of Labor Evaluation 1/1/2012 - 9/30/2015 $1,236,650 Debra Bragg Collin County Community College (Prime) IT Evaluation 6/1/2012 - 9/30/2015 $913,966
The Bureau of Educational Research enriches the research culture for faculty and students in the College by supporting interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration; nurturing faculty research, especially for those who are at critical passages in their careers; and grant writing and liaisons with funding agencies. Nicholas Burbules
Anne Dyson
Anne Dyson
Wenhao David Huang
Mary Kalantzis and William Cope
Hedda MeadanKaplansky
Cameron McCarthy
Helen Neville
Michaelene Ostrosky
International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research Method.Volumes 1 and 2 Smeyers, P., Bridges, D., Burbules, N.C., and Griffiths, M. (Eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, 2015
Emotions, Technology, and Digital. GamesTettegah, Sharon, and Huang, Wenhao David, (Eds.), Academic Press, 2015
Dr. Allen has been appointed associate dean for research and research education at the College of Education. In her previous capacity as founding director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)’s Research and Education directorate and professor of astro-nomy, she collaborated with Education faculty, and prior to joining Illinois in 2014, she served as a program director in the Office of Cyberinfrastructure at the National Science Foundation. She will continue to maintain an appointment as a senior research scientist in the physics and astronomy thematic area at NCSA. Her background and experiences will foster and develop Education’s research on critical issues in education, leveraging interdisciplinary strengths and relationships across campus, and uncovering new opportunities at the intersection of education and computing and data science.
Elite Schools in Globalising Circumstances. New Conceptual Directions and Connections. Kenway, Jane, and McCarthy, Cameron (Eds). London: Rutledge, 2015
Negotiating a Permeable Curriculum: On literacy, Diversity, and the Interplay of Children’s and Teachers’ Lives. Dyson, Anne Haas (Au.), and Kabuto, B. (Ed.), New York, NY: Garn Press, 2016
Literacies. 2nd edition Volumes 1 and 2 Smeyers, Kalantzis, Mary, Cope, William, Chan, E., Dalley-Trim, L., Cambridge University Press, 2016
Contextualizing the Cost of Racism for People of Color: Theory, Research, and Practice. Alvarez, Alvin N., Liang, Christopher T. H., and Neville, Helen A. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2016.
Negotiating a Permeable Child Cultures, Schooling, and Literacy: Global Perspectives on Composing Unique Lives. Dyson, A. Haas. (Ed.), New York, NY: Routledge, 2016
Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism Spectrum. Keen, D., Meadan, H., Brady, N. C., and Halle, J. W. (Eds.), Springer, 2016
The Making Friends Program: Supporting Acceptance in Your K-2 Classroom. Favazza, Paddy C., Ostrosky, Michaelene, and Mouzourou, Chryso. Baltimore, MD: Brookes, 2016 Dordrecht: Springer, 2015
Stephanie C. Sanders-Smith
Against Race- and ClassBased Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education. Smith, S.C., New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillian, 2015
1310 South Sixth Street, MC-708 110 Education Building Champaign, Illinois 61820