Survey Report
II. The Impact on Employment Conditions The graph below shows which education workers’ employment conditions are affected by the measures introduced in response to the Covid-19 health emergency, according to respondents. Almost half of respondents report that the employment conditions of part-time teachers on temporary contracts have been affected, whilst 28% report the same for full-time teachers on temporary contracts. Sixteen percent (16%) report that part-time teachers on permanent contracts have been affected but only eight percent (8%) report the same for full-time teachers on permanent contracts. Thirty-two percent (32%) report that education support personnel’s employment conditions have been affected. Figure 4. Groups of workers whose remuneration and/or employment situation has been affected by school closures
Education Support Personnel Part-time teachers on temporary contracts Full-time teachers on temporary contracts Part-time teachers on permanent contracts Full-time teachers on permanent contracts Other (please list any other significantly affected groups) 0