26 minute read
5. Lessons learnt from global policy responses to education during COVID 19
The COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder that “between social reforms and [transformation] there exists an indissoluble tie. The struggle for reforms is the means; social [transformation] its aim” (Luxemburg, 1970:8). As education choices and choices in all other sectors are made during and post-pandemic, it is crucial to ensure a comprehensive policy reform package committed to social justice and redistribution of privilege and wealth.
In developing such a progressive agenda, we must build back a better and just normal with resilient education systems.
This report illuminates the policy responses to education during the COVID 19 pandemic. It highlights these responses globally with a more detailed emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa, using eight countries to demonstrate trends in the region. Despite differing policy responses globally, particularly regarding the choice to open or close schools, infection rates have increased steadily resulting in a second and in some regions a third wave of infections. A synthesis of global policy responses in education during COVID 19 reveal that: • There has been no consistent pattern between school status and infection rates; • Nearly all countries (89%) in a second COVID-19 wave have kept schools open to students, which is the case despite higher infection rates in the second wave; • In regions where schools remain closed or partially closed, particularly in lower income countries, they seem to be experiencing an extended first wave of infection.
(Crowder et al, 2020)
What this suggests is that policy responses were made on the basis of assumptions and in the absence “of concrete and cumulative information” (Crowder et al., 2020:11). The negative effects of these policy responses have unfortunately been felt the most by the already marginalised populations in the world. Crowder et al. (2020:11) note that: Learners from high- and upper-middle income countries account for nearly half of all enrolments globally, yet will account for only
16 per cent of lost school days. In sharp contrast, the other half of global learners, from lower-income countries, will have accrued a ‘learning deficit’ of 84 per cent of the 300 billion projected days of in-person learning lost due to COVID-19 in 2020.
These responses also demonstrate that the evidence used to develop policies were limiting, incomplete and was not anchored in logical reasoning and based on the experiences of past pandemics. Apart from the extreme learning deficit experienced by less affluent populations, the psychological impact, including emotional stress that resulted from these policy choices, may further hinder educational success of the poor. What the report further reveals is that whilst the effects of the pandemic were felt by all, both rich and poor, the nature of the effect differs substantially, with the poor being worse off. In conclusion, what the report notes is that if we are to ‘build back better’, we need to develop resilient systems and to be prepared for future crises and disruptions. One way of improving levels of preparedness and resilience is to address the aspects that have led to fractured societies: such as inequality, exclusion, discrimination and the lack of social cohesion.
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Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions
A global synthesis and Sub-Saharan African country analysis: Cabo Verde, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda
Yusuf Sayed, Marcina Singh, Joseph C. Pesambili, Eva Bulgrin & George Mindano July 2021
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