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News: 2022 budget reaction: Govt gets mixed marks; The Decade of Centenaries History Competition

2022 budget reaction: Govt gets mixed marks

THE release of next year's budget, with its provisions for education, drew a mixed reception from the sector.


The INTO was mostly positive welcoming increased spending on class sizes, special education and DEIS.

The union said that the spending plans were making progress on class sizes. "This government appears to have got the message that Ireland is significantly out of kilter with the rest of Europe," it said.

On the downside the INTO also said that 'school leaders have been let down in this budget' in respect to their efforts during the lockdown.

The Irish Universities Association were cautious: "The investment in higher education and research announced in Budget 2022, while welcome, is not sufficient to address the core funding deficit in the sector. The provision of dedicated funding for extra places and for student supports is welcome. However, a large proportion of the remaining funds for the sector will be absorbed by ‘stand still’ funding".

The two second level unions were unanimous in denouncing the budget. ASTI said: "We are greatly disappointed that there has been no announcement to reduce the pupil-teacher ratio at second level", while the TUI highlighted the pay differential issue: "The Budget is silent on the ongoing scourge of pay discrimination affecting those appointed since 2011, a situation which has driven a recruitment and retention crisis in second level schools and colleges."

The Decade of Centenaries History Competition

THE decade 2012–2023 is categorised as the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ as it marks the centenary of a number of important historical events and developments that occurred in the period 1912–1923, and which formed a vital role in the formation of modern Ireland.

As part of the commemoration programme for the ‘Decade of Centenaries’, students at all levels of primary and post-primary across the island of Ireland are invited, in the 2021-2022 school year, to enter the annual all-Island schools’ history competition. The selected themes have a particular link to events of a century ago across the island of Ireland.

The Decade of Centenaries All-Island Schools’ History Competition, for both primary and post-primary, is run by the Department of Education and University College Cork School of History. It is supported by Áras an Uachtaráin, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and ‘History Ireland’.

This competition is intended to complement the history curriculum at both primary and post-primary levels. It can also help support and promote the study of history by students.

The competition is entirely optional and is not intended to place any additional burden on schools, teachers or students.

More information is available on the Dept of Education's website.

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