MAY 2021
Resilience: the Power Skill of the 2021 Workplace
Introduction Canonized as the "power skill" for 2021[1], L&D leaders are citing resilience as the #1[2] or #2 must-have important skill in the workplace. Significantly, corporate boards are listening to their L&D leaders. McKinsey recently found that corporate resilience has risen in importance as board agenda topics (second only to innovation and growth) – signaling an important shift in corporate strategic focus[3]. Our pandemic years have exposed to the world the essentiality of resilience. The literature is flush with discussion of strategic[4] and operational[5] business resilience training where the focus is on business continuity in times of crisis. We know, however, that organizations cannot survive nor have true business resilience without the human element to make it all work – a resilient workforce. The military[6] has known for 30 years that resilience training is a vital tool to keep a workforce current and agile. It’s time for business to implement the same learnings.
What is Resilience in the Workplace? Workplace resilience is defined as the capacity of an individual to withstand, bounce back from, and work through challenging circumstances or events at work. Examples of workplace situations might be managing a re-organization, a tough workload, or a frustrating colleague. Key aspects of workplace resilience vary depending on who’s defining it. At its core, though, resilience skills teach an individual to: form and maintain positive relationships, self-regulate emotions like frustration, and maintain a positive view and outlook on life.
Increased Interest in Resilience Training
This section includes first-hand accounts from training providers
Interest in resilience as a topic has been increasing[7] for several years. Up until recently, though, that interest has mostly been targeting broader topics like climate resilience, or organizational or infrastructure continuity. The pandemic amended this state of affairs. training providers reported "dramatic increases" in interest around their individual resilience training programs, and simultaneously got to practice their own resilience capabilities. According to training provider ImprovEdge, "over 95% of our clients switched from in-person to virtual training overnight. We worked overtime to make sure we showed up as improvisers to support our stakeholders during an incredibly uncertain time." Training providers adapted quickly to social distancing orders; re-working lessons and shifting their programs to digital delivery. To help as many people as possible cope with the pandemic’s uncertainty, trainer Genos International even offered a range of free online training programs for the general public focusing on psychological well-being and resilience.
Why Should Employers Care About Employee Resilience?
The public has squarely placed its trust[8] at work. Employers are uniquely positioned to support employees in managing stress and building skills. Burnout is such a serious issue that Harvard Business Review called it one of the "most pressing topics facing business today" and published a 6-part series called, "The Burnout Crisis."[9]
Business bears the burden of impact of poor mental health and stress.
The Center for Workplace Mental Health has quantified the economic burden of mental health as over $210 billion[10]. Nearly half of these costs were attributed to the workplace – absenteeism (missed days from work) and presenteeism (reduced productivity while at work). Stress and burnout have long been worrisome for American workplaces. Employees have been working at unsustainable levels since even before the pandemic hit. Organizations have been using makeshift solutions to scrape along. They haven't addressed the actual mental and physical impact on workers. The pandemic became the proverbial straw and propelled mental health to crisis level. The issue is now compelled to finally be acknowledged. Simply put, workers these days are beyond burned out[11]. Enter the workplace burnout prevention strategy – resilience.
Benefits of Resilience Training in the Workplace Workplace resilience training has been shown as effective for improving a workplace’s functionality[12]. It builds spirit and grit, well-being, and optimism. Employees learn how they can cope with adversity and push forward during challenging times. Resilience training empowers individuals with a set of practical skills for work and personal life. Resilience and stress management are two different things. Your organization may already have a robust wellness program in place to combat stress. Don’t be fooled, though, into believing you’re simultaneously training for resilience. Yoga classes, ping pong tables, and picnic lunches all encourage relaxation and stress management, but do not hit the root. Nor do they attract all employees. Resilience takes a long-term approach; it’s a proactive measure against mental distress, whereas stress management is more reactive to specific moments in time. Becoming resilient doesn't just help you get through a stressful time. Building resilience skills empowers you to learn how to stay resilient for the long haul. Decades of empirical studies on the impact of resilience indicate that resilience: Increases well-being and optimism Reduces and prevents depression, anxiety, and conduct problems Results in fewer substance abuse and mental health diagnoses Improves workplace engagement and productivity Improves physical health The impact of resilience is profound. The Resilience Institute’s 4,000 person study[13] found that mental distress symptoms decreased by 30% post resilience-training. Even when effects are not quantified, resilience training participants come away with high levels of satisfaction and positivity.
"This has really raised my mood today and put into perspective what’s important in our lives." "Reduces stress, helped me to focus on the right thing, gave me a calmer sleep." "This program could not have come at a better time. It really made me rethink my whole mindset on work stress." "It made me conscious of what to be thankful for...which is plenty...instead of focusing on the bad news and crisis we are in now." "This mindful practice is a safe refuge from the deluge of incoming information each day." "By far, one of the most useful programs I’ve attended all year."
Testimonials from resilience training program attendees provided by Genos International 07
Supporting Resilience Through Workplace Culture L&D managers should view resilience training activities as part of their overall role in business continuity planning[14]. Systems and infrastructure continuity are vital during a crisis. Yet, those same systems are useless without the people to support or use them. A resilient workforce with a resilient mindset is the backbone of a truly resilient organization. Creating a workplace culture that supports resilience is not a straightforward endeavor. Historically (pre-pandemic), resilience programs have struggled with a lack of participation[15]. Reasons for this have included: perceived time constraints and a disinterest in sticking out as someone who needs help. So, how can you increase participation in resilience training? Employees are more likely to participate in resilience training activities if: leadership supports and encourages them to do so. managers and senior leadership also take part. Resilience training should be offered to all employees. the organization’s wellbeing programs are incorporated into this resilience mindset. Encourage use of vacation days, workplace health programs, and professional development. managers share the job-specific benefits of the training with individuals. Furthermore, L&D managers can provide specific examples of what participants can expect during a training session. This can help to combat any misconception of resilience training as just psychobabble and positive thinking.
Who Should Have Resilience Training? Individuals, teams, and leadership from a variety of organizations – including the military, first responders, and professional sports--have all trained in resilience. The benefits of resilience training compound at every level. According to ADP Research Institute’s "Global Workplace Study 2020" of nearly 27,000 employees in 28 countries, resilience and engagement levels rise with your role[16]. The same study shows that senior managers are inherently more resilient and engaged than lower-level employees. Let’s keep in mind, though, what the pandemic taught us about the essential nature of the front-line worker. It’s the mid- and lower- levels that keep an organization running. Support given to these workers will critically assist them, especially during times of uncertainty, change, and crisis. By building workplace resilience skills within the entire organization, L&D strengthens business resiliency strategies.
Resilience is... the ability to improvise "Resiliency is a key attribute of great improvisers. Professional improvisers adapt in the moment and bounce back with agility when they are met with a challenge on stage, similarly to how high performing companies seem to always bounce back in difficult situations." ImprovEdge, training provider
What Does Resilience Training Look Like? Pre-pandemic, this resilience training would have been on-site and not easily scalable. The pandemicprecipitating digital transformation brings resilience training activities online and available to the masses. Targeting resilience helps workers improve their Emotional Intelligence (EI). Individuals with strong EI, then, increase their chances of success. Since they originate from common roots, there are some core resilience practices that will look the same across providers. Resilience training these days can also be designed for maximum hands-on skills practice. For example, Eagle’s Flight, a training provider, offers a themed virtual experience. It's used to set the stage for an experiential learning session. Participants engage in role play to "draw out lessons [in adaptability] in setting the vision, communication, optimizing impact, resilience, and the importance of high-functioning teams." Training partner Genos International develops attendees' EI as part of their resilience training. Their program includes a series of practical, guided mindfulness and gratitude exercises: Breathing techniques Relationship strategies for helping others Self-awareness activities Mindful listening Self-compassion practices
Developing Life Skills for Work and Home Effective resilience training teaches participants personal and professional applications for their new skills. We know that employees who are unhappy at home bring that mental baggage to the workplace. It affects workplace productivity, interactions, and more. Teaching employees how to be resilient at home is an obligation that organizations should encourage. Training provider, the Center for Creative Leadership takes a practical approach to training, keeping human behavior in mind: "[A] core component of CCL’s approach to resilience is its focus on the power of the "energy microburst." We can achieve a meaningful energy and positivity boost in small time periods of 12 minutes or less. Our sessions teach participants how research-based recharge tactics (gratitude, mindfulness, movement, awe, savoring the moment, music, breathing exercises, etc.) – practiced in short bursts throughout the day – build the foundation for new energy routines and rituals. With many employees working from home, our virtual program focuses on practices that can be applied easily wherever they are. Some recommendations we give for building resilience during pandemic protocols include tips around establishing boundaries between work and home life, which have merged for many. We suggest setting "Out of Office" replies during lunch, after work hours, and on weekends. Another great practice is to take calls outside when possible. Even better if you can set at least one recurring meeting to be a "walk and talk." Get some exercise when video calls aren’t necessary."
Conclusion As organizations formalize their work from home policy shifts, the blurring boundaries between home and work will endure. Mental distress and burnout will continue to be significant issues. Stress will also become more challenging for organizations to manage off-site. Building resilience in the workforce has emerged as the ultimate burnout resistance strategy. Staff at all levels in any organization can beat burnout with a resilient, growth mindset. Training for resilience clearly empowers individuals with practical skills for work and beyond.
Resilience is... the ability to burn bright “Elite performers in every field understand that individual and team peak performance and productivity do not come from blindly pushing harder and working longer. Sustained individual, team, and organizational excellence is built on a foundation of resilience and energy – consistent, intentional practices which help us “burn bright” rather than burn out.“ Center for Creative Leadership, training provider
AN EDUCATIONS MEDIA GROUP COMPANY is a free search portal allowing North American professionals to easily find and compare on-site corporate training, online courses, and upcoming seminars from over 4,000 providers. In addition to the course search and training provider directory, regularly publishes reports on trends within the professional training industry as well as helpful articles for training buyers.
The author
Rama Eriksson is a Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as a marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Originally from the New York area, Eriksson has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010.
The Training Providers Mentioned
Center for Creative Leadership The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® is a top-ranked, global, nonprofit provider of leadership development. Over the past 50 years, we’ve worked with organizations of all sizes from around the world, including more than 2/3 of the Fortune 1000. Our cutting edge solutions are steeped in extensive research and our work with hundreds of thousands of leaders at all levels. Eagle’s Flight At Eagle's Flight, we believe there is a better way to approach training and development. Through a hands-on, practical, and relevant approach, we inspire employees to think differently about their job. This is our passion, and our mission is to help you achieve it. Genos International Genos International helps professionals apply core emotional intelligence skills that enhance their self-awareness, empathy, leadership and resilience. In our world of ‘do more with less’, applying emotional intelligence at work is fundamental to success. ImprovEdge ImprovEdge offers business training with an improv twist. We combine improvisation and neuroscience to develop flexible, adaptable, positive leaders and teams. That’s the ImprovEdge. Training Industry Training Industry is the most trusted source of information on the business of learning. We focus on the professional needs of the learning professional. Our aim is to provide the information, insights and resources needed to more effectively manage the business of learning.
The providers mentioned are partners. More information about each can be found at
Sources 1. Linked In. (2021). 2021 Workplace Learning Report 2. ADP Research Institute (2020). Global Workplace Study 2020 3. McKinsey & Company. (April 29, 2021). How boards have risen to the COVID-19 challenge, and what’s next 4. McKinsey & Company. (March 2, 2021). Strategic resilience during the COVID-19 crisis 5. McKinsey & Company. (February 9, 2021). The need for resiliency 6. Lopez, C. Todd. (September 13, 2013). Resilience training comes to Pentagon. 7. Overseas Development Institute. (June 2, 2016). Resilience: the Big Picture-- top themes and trends. 8. (March 9, 2021). The Impact of Trusting Your Teams.
9. Harvard Business Review. (February 10, 2021). The Big Idea Series- The Burn Out Crisis. 10. American Psychiatric Association Foundation & Center for Workplace Mental Health. Quantifying the Cost of Depression. 11. Moss, Jennifer. (February 10, 2021). Beyond Burned Out. Harvard Business Review. 12. Williams, Allison & Parks, Acacia & Cormier, Grace & Stafford, Julia & Whillans, Ashley. (2018). Improving Resilience Among Employees High in Depression, Anxiety, and Workplace Distress. xiety_and_Workplace_Distress 13. The Resilience Institute Europe. (2019). 40 Resilience Training Results 14. Training Industry Magazine. (Nov/Dec 2020) Building Resilience: L&D's Evolving Role inBusiness Continuity Planning
Sources (cont.) 15. Williams, Allison & Parks, Acacia & Cormier, Grace & Stafford, Julia & Whillans, Ashley. (2018). Improving Resilience Among Employees High in Depression, Anxiety, and Workplace Distress. xiety_and_Workplace_Distress 16. Buckingham, Marcus. (2021). The Top 10 Findings on Resilience and Engagement.