As an exchange student, you’ll experience deep and rapid learning in a new language, culture, and way of life. Being fully immersed in new surroundings every day helps you gain skills and knowledgeinwaysnotpossibleathome.
Exchange programs teach you how to navigate life in a new community, helping you become resourceful and self-sufficient. You'll develop confidence as you learn to handle everyday challenges far from home, making you more adaptableandresilient.
exchange program benefits:
Gain new skills you can’t at home by fully immersing yourself in a new language, culture, andwayoflifeasanexchangestudent.
Build independence and confidence by navigating a new home and community, developing the resourcefulness to handle everydaychallengesmilesfromhome.
Boostyouracademicandcareerprospectswith enhanced problem-solving, communication skills, and cultural awareness. Mastering a new language and gaining a global perspective will makeyoumorecompetitive.
Createaglobalnetworkwithlastingfriendships from your host family, classmates, and fellow exchangestudentsfromaroundtheworld. Explore new places through our diverse destinations with vibrant communities, stunning landscapes, and rich history. Many students enjoy weekend adventures exploring their host community and nearby areas with friends.
Learn a new language more effectively by immersing yourself in a country where it’s spoken, gaining both fluency and cultural insight.
“Travellingiseverything.It’sallI’vewanted todo.Ilovemeetingnewpeople,learning new things, experiencing life in other places. You should see the world while you’re not working and while you have time.Seeitnowbecauseyoucanalways comebackhomewhenyou’redone“
An exchange with Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is an experience you’ll never forget. You’ll learn so much, grow as a personandcomebackarmedwithsomany personal,academicandcareeradvantages.
Let’s go on exchange together
Thesuccessofyourhighschoolexchangedepends on two key factors: you and your exchange organisation.
Southern Cross Cultural Exchange stands apart withourthoroughpreparationprocessandrobust support system, supporting you before, during, andafteryourexchange.
Your expert guide to the program that’s right for you
We know that going on an exchange is a big step, and choosing the right program can feel overwhelming. To help you make these important decisions, we’ll schedule a phone or online consultation with you, your parent/legal guardian, andoneofourfriendlyteammembers.Duringthis meeting, we’ll discuss your personal and academic goals, as well as other key considerations such as preferreddestinationsandbudget.
Once you’ve decided to join a Southern Cross Cultural Exchange program, our team will assist you and your parents throughout the application process and lead up to departure— and will continue to support you for the duration of your exchange.
“Youwillbesurprisedbyhowquicklytime will go so don’t waste it, take risks, and don’tbeafraidtotrynewthingsbecause youmightnotgetthischanceagain.“
Weknowfromthethousandsofstudentswe’ve sent on exchange that the better prepared you are, the more successful your experience will be. That’s why we offer sessions and programs tohelpyougetreadyforyouronce-in-a-lifetime adventure.
Pre-departure orientation. Hosted in your home country and mandatory for you and at least one legal guardian, this session explains program rules and offers guidance oncommonchallengesduringanexchange, suchashomesickness.
Arrival orientation. Your local support person in the host country will provide guidance on living with a host family, attendingschool,copingwithhomesickness, and other important topics to help you get themostoutofyourexchange.
Soft Landing Camp. These optional camps (available at an additional cost) offer students the chance to meet and spend a few days together in a central location beforetravelingtotheirhostdestinations.
Canada is one of the world’s most beautiful countries. It’s home to Niagara Falls, the Rocky Mountains, and thousands of lakes and forests. Canada is also recognised globally for its quality educationandvibrantmulticulturalcommunities.If you’re planning a high school exchange in Canada, you’reinforanamazingexperience.
A four-season country with lots to do year-round
Life in Canada is a four-season experience. During winter, many Canadians engage in cold-weather sports such as hockey, skiing and snowboarding. When temperatures rise, you’ll find people sitting in sidewalk restaurants, hosting backyard barbecues or camping in the woods. Canadians are,ingeneral,friendlyandwelcoming.
We offer the Classic High School program, providinga traditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll live with a caring host family and attend a high schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedinanew culture and share meals & lifestyle with your host family. You will be supported in both your home and host country, to ensure you have a safe and successfulexchange.
Student age: 14–17 years
Program length: 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester or Academic Year
Departure months: February, August, November
Program: Classic High School
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
“MyexchangetoCanadawasoneofthe bestexperiencesofmylife.Imadefriends withpeoplefromallaroundtheworldwho I keep in touch with regularly. My host parents, Chris and Laura were fantastic, and I look forward to showing them aroundAustraliawhentheyvisit.“ – MeginCanada
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03)9775 4711
Area choice: No
Soft Landing Camp: Toronto (February and August departures, additional cost - please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Peprallies,Fridaynightfootball,homecomingand prom.AsanexchangestudentintheUnitedStates youwillexperiencethatamazinghighschoolspirit American teenagers enjoy. There’ll be plenty of opportunitiestojoinanartordanceclub,playyour favouritesportortrysomethingcompletelynew.
You’llalsofindagreatvarietyofsubjectstomatch your academic goals. Besides mandatory subjects such as Math and English, you might choose to study American history, social justice or public speaking.
Our most requested program, the Classic High School program, matches you with a great host familyinanAmericancommunitywhereyou’llgoto the local high school. You’ll be immersed in the traditions,cultureandroutinesofyourhostfamily and community while experiencing life as an Americanteenager.
For an additional fee, you are able to go on our Classic High School exchange and request your favouriteareafromourlistofAreaOptions.
program information
Student age: 15–17 years (Classic); 14-18 (Select)
Program length: Semester, Academic Year, two years may be possible through the Select program
Departure months: January, August Programs: Classic High School, Select High School (please see over)
Soft Landing Camp: New York (August departures only, additional cost - please check our website for details)
“Theamountyoulearnandgainfroma student exchange outweighs the nervous butterflies and the fear of homesickness bymiles!“
–AnikaintheUSA informationsessionwebinars
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03)9775 4711
Area choice: For our August departures only (at an additional cost, popular destinations have limited spots available. an earlier deadline and stricter eligibility criteria apply)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Select High School is our premium high school program in the USA. Choose the exact school you’d like to attend and study on an F-1 visa from a semester up to two years. Customise your exchange to reflect a particular academic, athletic or artistic focus. When you apply for Select High School, you’ll get your acceptance confirmed well in advance to give you plenty of time to prepare foryourUSAexchange.
Select High School is perfect for you if:
You want maximum control over where and whatyoustudy
You are pursuing an academic, athletic or artistic pathway and want a school known for itshigh-levelprogramsandfacilities
YoumaynotqualifyfortheClassicHighSchool program
Whether you want to live and study near a beach, join the high school football team or focus on subjectsthatcanhelpyougetintotopuniversities, wewillhelpyoucreatethepremiumexchangeyou want. We boast industry-leading expertise in high school programs, supported by a vast network of academic and host family connections. We’ve got the knowledge and resources to turn your dream exchangeintooneofthebestexperiencesofyour life.
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03)9775 4711
“I was on the school golf team. We went to the Regionals and got through to State! I loved being on the team. When we left for State my school got the band to walk through the halls of the school playing the schoolfightsongwithusfollowing.Itwasa verycoolexperiencebecauseeveryonewas out of their classes clapping and cheering us.“
AnexchangetoFranceisanimmersiveexperience inFrenchlanguageandculture.You’llneverbefar fromthehistoricsites,monumentsandcastles scattered throughout the country. You’ll experiencetheiconicFrenchlifestyle,andthe Frenchcuisinewilltastelikehomeafterjustafew weeks.
Highschool–orlelycée–inFranceiswellknown forhighqualityeducation.You’llgetplacedinthe programandgradethatsuitsyourage,previous knowledgeandeducation.Mostprogramshave setsubjectsbutyoumayhaveopportunitiesto choosesomesubjects.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprogram, providingatraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedina newcultureandsharemeals&lifestylewithyour hostfamily.Youwillbesupportedinbothyour homeandhostcountry,toensureyouhaveasafe andsuccessfulexchange.
Program length: 6 weeks, 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure Months: January, August, October, November, December
Language requirements: You are required to be able to converse in basic conversation Programs: Classic High School
Soft Landing Camp: Paris (August, additional cost)
“My favourite thing about the exchange would probably have to be having the opportunity to immerse myself in the culture and daily life of France! I was placed in an incredible host family on the outskirts of Paris. I had a fantastic bunch of friends at school,withwhomIplayedsoccerwithevery dayatlunch.”
– Max in France
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Area choice: Area and City Choice (Semester and Academic Year programs only, popular destinationshavelimitedspotssoapplyingearly isrecommended,additionalcost)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additionalcost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
You’ll be amazed by Germany’s mix of modern infrastructure, historical buildings and stunning landscapes.There’salsonoshortageofthingstodo, likecatchafootballgameorsamplethelocalfood. You’llquicklylearnthere’smuchmoretoGerman cuisinethanbratwurstandstrudel!
Asoneoftheworld’sbiggesteconomies,Germanyis anadvancednationwithasolideducationsystem. Highschoolclassesareusuallyquiteinformaland studentsareencouragedtoparticipateinclassroom discussions. Lessons will be taught in German, whichmaybeabitchallengingforyouatfirstbut yourteacherswillhelpyouandyou’llsoonimprove.
During your exchange in Germany, you’ll be immersed in the country’s culture and learn a languagespokenbymillionsofpeoplearoundthe world.It’savaluableskillthatwillopenmanydoors foryouasyouadvanceonyourpersonal,academic andcareerpath.
Program length: 6 weeks, 2, 2.5 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year Departure Months: January, August, October, November, December
Language requirements: B1 level German but an additional online language course is available for some programs for students with language skills lower than B1 (additional cost) Programs: Classic High School
“If you’re going to come halfway around the world,takeeveryopportunityyoucan.Thisis aonceinalifetimeexperiencethatIwouldn’t have missed for the world. That first step is alwaysthehardestbut itwillbeworthit!“
- Jessica, Germany
(03)9775 4711
register here
Area choice: Area and City Choice (Semester and Academic Year programs, additional cost) Soft Landing Camp: Berlin (August) or Frankfurt (January), additional cost (please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
Italyisoneoftheworld’smostcharmingcountries, with its beautiful medieval towns, massive mountainchainsintheAlps,fashionablebigcities andbeachesalongthecoast.It’swellknownfor culture-steepedcitieslikeVenice,Florenceand Romeandforitsromanticlanguage.Andlet’snot forget,thebestpizzaintheworld!
AsanexchangestudentinItaly,you’llgetto experience life and school as a true Italian teenager.You’lllearnmandatorysubjectsthat typicallyincludemaths,history,Italianliterature, physicaleducationandEnglish.
We offer the Classic High School program, providingatraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedinanew cultureandsharemeals&lifestylewithyourhost family.Youwillbesupportedinbothyourhome andhostcountry,toensureyouhaveasafeand successfulexchange.
Student age: 15 (14 may be considered)–17 years
Program length: 6 weeks, 2, 2.5 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, September, November, December
Language requirements: You are required to be able to converse in basic conversation, 6-or 8week online language course available for some programs (additional cost) Program: Classic High School
“My last day of school was a day of so many mixed emotions: happy to be heading home but ultimately very sad to be saying goodbye after so many amazing memories. I’ve since realised that saying goodbye isn’t really ‘goodbye’, but just a ‘see you soon’, as I will definitelybebackandsomanyofmyfriends wanttocometovisitme.
– Edith in Italy
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Area choice: City Choice (Semester and Academic Year programs, additional cost) Soft Landing Camp: Milan (September departures, additional cost)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
LearnJapanese,getaninsightintoanexciting culture,andexperiencehighschoollifebeyondthe ordinary.You’llhavesomuchtolearnanddoon yourexchangeinJapan–templestovisit,tea ceremoniestoattend,andorigami,ikebanaor calligraphyclassestojoin.
Schooluniforms,highstandardsofdisciplineand thehiraganaalphabetawaityouinyourJapanese highschool.HighschoolclassesinJapanareoften quitelarge,witharound30to40studentsperclass. Schoolsusuallyoffersubjectssuchasmaths,social studies,science,English,andJapanese,aswellas somecreativesubjects.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprograminJapan, which provides the traditional exchange experience.You’lllivewithacaringhostfamilyand attendahighschoolnearyournewhome.You’llbe immersedeachdayinanewcultureandlanguage, andsharemealsandotherdailyritualswithyour hostfamily.
program information
Student age: 15–17 years
Program length: 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure Months: March/April, August/September
Language requirements: N4 level of the JLPT or equivalent (2 years of Japanese at school) is required
Program: Classic High School
Area choice: No
“My time in Japan was such an amazing experience.IlearntmorelanguagethenIever could have imagined and because I was placed in a such small Japanese town, everyone knew who I was, I felt so welcomed.”
- Clayton, Japan
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: No
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Spainisacolourfulnationofferingeverythingyou need for a successful exchange abroad. The rich culture,pleasantclimate,beautifulnature,andlaidback lifestyle attract exchange students from all overtheworld.Fromlongbeachesalongthecoast toimpressivemountainrangesandmedievalcities, Spainhasitall.
With over 400 million Spanish speakers, the language is one of the most common languages spokenintheworld.Thismeansyouwillopendoors by studying here, providing future career opportunities and connections with new people. Look forward to an exchange program full of delicious food, sunshine, language skills, and friendships!
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprograminSpain whichprovidesthetraditionalexchangeexperience. You’lllivewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh school near your new home. You’ll be immersed eachdayinanewcultureandlanguage,andshare mealsandotherdailyritualswithyourhostfamily.
program information
Student age: 14–17 years
Program length: 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: February, September, November
Language requirements: You are required to be able to converse in basic conversation Program: Classic High School Area choice: No
“I chose the country I visited by talking to my oldersisteraboutit,becauseshe’stravelleda lot of Europe. She told me Spain was her all time favourite and she’d go back in a heartbeat. I completely and utterly agree with her now and I don’t regret my decision of Spainintheslightest.“
- Abbey, Spain
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: Barcelona (September departures only, additional cost - please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
TheUKisbeautifulwithvibrantcities,romantic countrysideaswellasfascinatinghistoryand traditions.PickupaBritishaccent,enjoytypical SundayroastsandprepareforlotsofPremier Leaguetalk.
You’llberequiredtostudymathsandEnglishbut willbefreetochooseothersubjectsyouwantto pursue.Manyexchangestudentsappreciatethe formalityandtraditionalcharacterofBritishhigh schoolsbecauseitaddstotheircultural experience.Uniformsaremandatoryinsome schoolsandaddressingyourteacherswith“Mrs., Mr.,andMs.”isthestandard.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprogram, providingatraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedinanew cultureandsharemeals&lifestylewithyourhost family.Youwillbesupportedinbothyourhome andhostcountry,toensureyouhaveasafeand successfulexchange.
Student age: 16–17 years
Program length: 3 months, Academic Semester
(Academic Year only if you have a EU passport or attend private school with a student visa)
Departure months: January, September
Program: Classic High School
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
“I have met so many amazing people, and notjustfromtheUK.Ihavebefriendedother exchange students from places like Norway, Finland and Italy which has been so interesting. It has given me a wider perspective of the world. This new found independence has allowed me to develop sociallyandimprovemycopingskills.“
– Grace in the UK
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Area choice: Area and City Choice (Semester and Academic Year programs only, popular destinations have limited spots so applying early is recommended, additional cost)
Soft Landing Camp: London (September departures, additional cost)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Welcometothelandoffolklore,traditionalmusic andtechnology.Ifyou’vesetyoursightsonahigh schoolexchangeinIreland,you’reinforagreat academicandculturalexperience.
AsanexchangestudentinIrelandyou’llbeableto choosefromawiderangeofsubjects.There’sa chanceyou’llgetplacedinthefourth,ortransition, year,whichtendstobelessdemandingthanother years.InIrelandwealsoofferachoiceofCo-Ed Guarantee,SportsGuarantee,ArtsGuaranteeand SchoolSubjectGuaranteeatanadditionalcost (pleaseseewebsite).
We offer the Classic High School program, providingatraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedinanew cultureandsharemeals&lifestylewithyourhost family.Youwillbesupportedinbothyourhome andhostcountry,toensureyouhaveasafeand successfulexchange.
Student age: 15–17 years
Program length: Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure month: August
Program: Classic High School
Area choice: Region Choice (additional cost)
Other Choices: Co-Ed Guarantee, School Subject Guarantee, Sports Guarantee, Arts Guarantee
“One of the best things about being on exchange is that you get to experience, do and see things that you otherwise might not have had the opportunity, money or even desire to do. This is how you get to know your host country, meet other people and challengeyourself.”
– Borghild in Ireland
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: Dublin (additional cost)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Chances are, you’ve already experienced some of Sweden – even if you’ve never been there. This beautiful, forest-covered country is where worldfamous companies and innovations such as IKEA, Spotify,H&MandTetraPakcamefrom.It’salsothe birthplaceofmusiciansandgroupssuchasABBA, Avicii,SwedishHouseMafia,andZaraLarsson,but there’ssomuchmoreforyoutoexplore.
StudentsinSwedenareindependent,self-sufficient and encouraged to ask questions – even if that means questioning the teacher. They’re not required to wear school uniforms and they often enjoy an informal and relaxed relationship with their teachers and other school staff. Business, science,socialscience,andinformationtechnology arecommonprogramsinSwedishhighschools.
In Sweden, we offer the Classic High School program, which provides the traditional exchange experience.You’lllivewithacaringhostfamilyand attendahighschoolnearyournewhome.You’llbe immersedeachdayinanewcultureandlanguage, andsharemealsandotherdailyritualswith yourhostfamily.
Student age: 16–17 years
Program length: 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, August, October, November
Language requirements: None, but having some basic language knowledge is recommended Program: Classic High School Area choice: No
“My favourite thing about being on exchange is the generosity and welcoming nature of the Swedish culture and lifestyle. If you walk past a stranger they smile at youandsayhello” – Portia in Sweden informationsessionwebinars
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
Soft Landing Camp: Stockholm (offered for some of our programs at an additional cost. Please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices: register here (03) 9775 4711
Do you love the outdoors? Then a student exchangeprogramtoNorwaymaybetheperfectfit for you! Picture yourself exploring Norway’s 2720km coastline, raggedly indented with inlets, fjords, peninsulas and islands. Over 80% of Norway’slandareaistakenupbymountainsand forests,andaboutonequarterofNorway’slandis abovetheArcticCircle.Asanexchangestudentin this amazing country you will enjoy breathtaking sceneryandfriendlypeople.
Norwayhasagreateducationsystemandover90% ofuppersecondarystudentsattendpublicschools. Like in most Scandinavian countries, English is a commonsecondlanguageandtheartsareheavily supported by state subsidies, particularly in film productionandbookpublishings.
In Norway, we offer the Classic High School program, which provides the traditional exchange experience.You’lllivewithacaringhostfamilyand attendahighschoolnearyournewhome.You’llbe immersedeachdayinanewcultureandlanguage, andsharemealsandotherdailyritualswith yourhostfamily.
“There were many highlights of my experience including making all these wonderfulnewfriends,havingthechanceto goskiingthroughthemountainsrangesand seeing snow for the first time. Experiencing a very traditional Christmas the student exchange program was an amazing experiencethatIwillneverforget.”
Eliza in Norway
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711 program information
Student age: 16–17 years (cannot turn 18 on program)
Program length: Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, August
Language requirements: None, but having some basic language knowledge is recommended
Program: Classic High School
Area choice: No
Soft Landing Camp: Oslo (August) or Copenhagen (January), included in the program cost (please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
BecomeanexchangestudentinFinland–theland ofathousandlakes!Finlandisabeautifuland snowycountryaswellasoneoftheworld’smost northernnations.Itisknownforitsmesmerising nature,midnightsun,andcharacteristiclanguage. Spendingyourhighschoolexchangeprogramin thehiddengemofFinlandisanexcellentchoiceif youwantanexperienceinaninterestingcountry withfourdistinctseasons,anamazingeducation systemandgreatpeople.
“Meeting so many new people and the whole culture and everything!! The lakes and trees are so so amazing and being abletogoforlakeswimsinthemorning!.” – Jessie in Finland
TheFinnishliteracyratesareamongthehighestin theworld,servingasatributetotheeffectiveness oftheFinnisheducationsystem.Asanexchange studentyouwillbeexposedtothecomplexhistory andmulticulturalismofFinland.Pastexchange studentsabsolutelyraveabouttheiradventuresin thisstunningpartofourworld.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprogram,which providesthetraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.You’llbeimmersed eachdayinanewcultureandlanguage,andshare mealsandotherdailyritualswithyourhostfamily.
program information
Student age: 15–17 years (cannot turn 18 on program)
Program length: Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, August
Language requirements: None, but having some basic language knowledge is recommended Program: Classic High School
Area choice: No
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: No
Departures, application deadlines & prices: informationsessionwebinars
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
AsanexchangestudentinDenmarkyouwillhave the opportunity to learn about this charming country,whichisalsooneoftheoldestkingdomsin the world. Life in Denmark is fun and easygoing, andthecountryhasrepeatedlybeennominatedas havingthehappiestpeopleintheworld.Theliving standard is high and you will find everything you needforanamazingexchange:greatschools,easy transportationandinterestingculture.Aliferiding bicycles,exploringthehyggelifestyleandenjoying tastyWienerbrødiswaitingforyou.
SchoolinginDenmarkistraditionallyacademically orientated and as an exchange student you will attendthe“Gymnasium”,themostcommontypeof school. The Danish are known for being very welcoming,andourpaststudentshavelovedtheir keeninterestinsportandtheoutdoors.
We offer the Classic High School program, which providesthetraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll live with a caring host family and attend a high school near your new home. You’ll be immersed eachdayinanewcultureandlanguage,andshare mealsandotherdailyritualswithyourhostfamily.
Student age: 15–17 years (cannot turn 18 on program)
Program length: 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, August, November
Language requirements: None, but having some basic language knowledge is recommended
Program: Classic High School
Area choice: No
“I have really enjoyed all of the chances that I have had to do something different from what I normally would do back home and enjoy how different nature is in DenmarktobackhomeinAustralia.”
– Ruby in Denmark informationsessionwebinars
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: Copenhagen (January and August), included in the program cost (please check our website for details)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
TheDutchhaveaveryactivelifestyleandyouwill seelotsoflocalsridingaroundonbicycles,whichis something we certainly encourage whilst in the Netherlands!AtChristmastime,themainsquareof every city has its own brightly lit Christmas tree, making it a very different experience from our ChristmasintheSouthernHemisphereandavery enjoyable place to be over the winter holiday season.
While the Dutch rank highly in many fields of education, their teaching style is known to be interactive and student-centered. Most schools in theNetherlandsarepublicschoolsandthemajority of people speak English quite well. Due to the Netherlands’ small size you will also be close to Germany,FranceandBelgium.
IntheNetherlands,weoffertheClassicHighSchool program, which provides the traditional exchange experience.You’lllivewithacaringhostfamilyand attendahighschoolnearyournewhome.You’llbe immersedeachdayinanewcultureandlanguage, andsharemealsandotherdailyritualswith yourhostfamily.
Student age: 15–17 years
Program length: 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: January, August, October, November
Language requirements: None, but having some basic language knowledge is recommended and an online course is provided for some of our programs Program: Classic High School
“ThroughmyexchangeItrulybelievethatI havegrownmoreindependentandawareof theworldaroundme,gainingskillsof tolerance,persistenceandstrength.Myhost familywereamazingandImadeplentyof friends.IwishtorevisiteveryoneIhavemet againafterIhavefinishedschool.”
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
register here
Area choice: No
Soft Landing Camp: Amsterdam (for some of our programs, included in the program fee)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
StudyinoneofSouthAmerica’sfriendliestand mostbeautifulcountries,wherepeoplewillmake youfeelrightathome.You’llhaveanunforgettable experienceandreturnwithfarimprovedSpanish languageskills,avaluableassetforyourfuture.
HighschoolinArgentinaisdividedintotwolevels, basicandaspecialisationlevel.Asanexchange student,you’llgetplacedintheprogramandlevel thatsuityourageandpreviouseducation.The ArgentinianschoolyeargoesfromMarchtill Decemberandthesummerbreakcangiveyoua chancetoexploreyourcommunityand surroundings.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprogram,providing atraditionalexchangeexperience.You’lllivewitha caringhostfamilyandattendahighschoolnear yournewhome.Beimmersedinanewcultureand sharemeals&lifestylewithyourhostfamily.You willbesupportedinbothyourhomeandhost country,toensureyouhaveasafeandsuccessful exchange.
Student age: 15–17 years
Program length: 2 or 3 months, Academic Semester, Academic Year
Departure months: February, July
Language requirements: Basic Spanish skills are highly recommended, an online language course is included in the program cost Program: Classic High School
Area choice: No
“The friendships I formed are amazing. I meet the most wonderful people while on exchange. These are friendships I will have for the rest of my life. I loved my host sister & friends so much I brought them back to Australia for two months I’m planning on going back to Argentina again to celebrate somespecialbirthdays.”
– Anna in Argentina
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
here (03) 9775 4711
Soft Landing Camp: Virtual Orientation Week with language classes and interactive workshops (offered for some of our exchange programs)
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Imagineahighschoolexchangewhereyougetthe benefitsofagreateducationandadiversechoice of leisure activities, from skiing down snowcoveredslopestosurfingonspectacularwaves.
School uniforms, fun high school spirit, and excitingschoolsubjectssuchasoutdooreducation awaityouinNewZealand.You’llcombinehigh quality education with different sports and activities, including popular sports like rugby, lacrosse,swimming,basketball,golfandhockey. Excursionsandschoolgatheringsthroughoutthe yearalladduptoarichexchangeexperience.
WeoffertheClassicHighSchoolprogram,providinga traditional exchange experience. You’ll live with a caringhostfamilyandattendahighschoolnearyour newhome.Beimmersedinanewcultureandshare meals&lifestylewithyourhostfamily.Youwillbe supportedinbothyourhomeandhostcountry,to ensureyouhaveasafeandsuccessfulexchange.
Programlength:3months,Academic Semester,AcademicYear
TravelOptions:Excursionsmaybeorganisedby theschooloryourlocalcontactpersonatan additionalcost
“Studying abroad teaches you more than you could ever learn out of a textbook, not only can you learn how people live on the other side of the world, you get the opportunity to immerse yourself in a culture you may not even have known existed.”
– Anika
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Program: Classic High School
Soft Landing Camp: Auckland (included in program cost - please check our website for details)
Departures, application deadlines & prices:
Beachlife,incrediblenature,andfriendlypeople–that’s Australia. As an exchange student in Australia,you’llgetthebestofbothworlds:an excellenteducationandanamazinglifestyle.
High school life in Australia features school uniforms,plentyofgreenareasonschoolgrounds andfascinatingsubjects.Outdooreducationis offeredatsomeschoolsandispopular among exchangestudentswhoareeagertolearnmore about the diverse nature and landscapes of Australia.
We offer the Classic High School program, providingatraditionalexchangeexperience.You’ll livewithacaringhostfamilyandattendahigh schoolnearyournewhome.Beimmersedinanew cultureandsharemeals&lifestylewithyourhost family.Youwillbesupportedinbothyourhome andhostcountry,toensureyouhaveasafeand successfulexchange.
Programlength:3months,Academic Semester,AcademicYear
“You will be surprised by how quickly time will go so don’t waste it, take risks, and don’t be afraid to try new things because youmightnotgetthischanceagain.“ – Lucy
Preparingforyourexchangeprogramisan importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
(03) 9775 4711
Area choice: No
Travel Options: Excursions may be organised by the school or your local contact person at an additional cost informationsessionwebinars
Soft Landing Camp: Sydney (included in program cost - please check our website for details)
You also need to have an average C grade, be in good health and be motivated for a high school exchangeabroad.
How early should I apply?
We accept students all year round but always encourage you to apply early. This gives us both more time: for you to prepare for your exchange andforustomatchyouwiththeexchangethatbest meetsyourpersonalandacademicgoals.
What does a regular host family look like?
Hostfamiliescomeinallshapesandsizesandfrom a variety of backgrounds. What all families have in commonisagenuineinterestinwelcomingyouinto their home and showing you everyday life in your newcountry.
Why do families host exchange students?
Manyofthereasonsaresimilartowhystudentsgo on exchange. Host families have a desire to get to know a new culture and broaden their horizons. Somehavekidswhoareorhavebeenonexchange in other countries. Many experienced host families that find it rewarding to welcome an exchange studentintotheirhome,hostyearafteryear.
Itdependsontheprogramandcountry.InCanada, theUK,Ireland,SpainandinsomecasesinJapan,the hostfamiliesarepaid.Thereasonthathostfamilies are paid in these countries are tradition and economics. Host families for our Select High School programalsogetastipendtocoveradditionalcosts likefoodandpetrol.BecausetheSelectprogramlets youchooseaspecificschool,wewanttomakesure wefindagoodhostfamilynearyourchosenschool. Offeringpaymenttoaprospectivehostfamilyhelps us do that. Regardless of whether or not they’re getting paid, all host families go through the same stringentapplicationandscreeningprocedure.
Our staff do their best to match our exchange studentsandhostfamiliesbasedontheirprofilesand applications. In the end, it’s the family that decides whetherornotthey’dliketohostaparticularstudent. Host families often make this decision based on a student’sinterestsandoninformationincludedinthe student’sapplication.It’simportanttobehonestand giveanaccuratedescriptionofyourselfandofyour expectationsfortheexchange.
Preparing for your exchange program is an importantpartoftheprocess. Attheseonline meetings,anexperienced teammemberwillshare anoverviewofhighschool exchangeprogramswith SouthernCrossCultural Exchange.
Interview all family members to ensure they meetourstandards
You will always have your own bed, but there are some situations where you may share a room. In thesecases,youwillalwayssharewithapersonof thesamegender:
In some families, you might share a room with thehostfamily'ssonordaughter.
Inothers,youcouldsharearoomwithanother exchangestudent.Thisstudentwillnotbefrom your home country and will speak a different language.
We have extensive experience making good matches between students and host families. If you aren’t happy with your placement, we are ready and flexible to help. We will first try to resolve the issue, but if no solution is found, we willarrangeanewhostfamilyforyou.
Can I Live with a Friend?
We don’t allow friends to stay with the same host family because we believe it may hinder you from fully immersing in the family’s daily life, culture, and language. However, if you choose the Select program,youandyourfriendcanattendthesame schoolwhilestilllivingwithdifferenthostfamilies.
Familyvisitsarediscouraged;however,ifyour familydoeswishtovisit,werecommendthey dosotowardstheendofyourprogram.Before then,you'llbebusywithschool,activities,and newfriends.Allvisitsshouldbeplannedin advance,andyoumustobtainpermissionfrom bothyourhostfamilyandtheirlocalarea representative.Pleasetalktousaboutfamily visitssowecanhelpyouplaninaccordance with your program's rules and recommendations.
Theremaybeopportunitiesfortravelorganised byyourlocalsupportpersonorschool.These tripswouldbearrangedwhileyouareonthe programandmayrequireanadditionalfee.The mostimportantconsiderationfortravelis safety.Unsupervisedtripsarenotallowed duringyourexchange.
OnourSelectProgram,youcanchooseaschool thatoffersyourfavoritesport,andmanyeven haveprogramsataprofessionallevel!Sports opportunitiesarealsoavailableinourClassic Program,thoughwecan'tguaranteeaspoton theteam.Contactus,andwe’llhelpyoufindthe bestpossiblesolution.
Scheduleafreeconsultationwithus.Duringthe calloronlinemeeting,wecantellyoumore aboutourprograms,answeryourquestions, andreviewsomeeligibilitycriteria.
learn for life
Embarking on a student exchange program will benefit your education and life in countless amazingways.Imaginelivingoverseasfor6weeks, 2–2.5months,3months,anacademicsemester,or evenafullacademicyear.
There is so much to see, experience, and learn. Rather than just being a visitor or tourist, you will becomealocal,fullyimmersedintheculture.You’ll learn the language and gain invaluable international experience. You’ll also learn more about yourself, becoming a more knowledgeable and understanding global citizen with connections aroundtheworld.
Student exchange is many things: fun, rewarding, educational, and challenging. It’s not just a year in yourlife—it’sanewlifeinayear.Futureemployers value exchange students highly, as they have shown they can take on new challenges and step outsidetheircomfortzones.
Student exchange programs promote tolerance, maturity,andindependence.Theychallengeyouto see life and people through an international lens, something that is especially beneficial in today’s globalisedworld.
Do you want to live and study abroad on a high school exchange? It’s exciting—but what comes next? How do you choose the best program? What type of visa will you need? How do you get from hometoyourhostcountry?
We’veputtogetherstep-by-stepinformationto guide you from dream to destination, from planning to settling into your new home and school. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime journey, but you won’t be alone. Our high school exchange experts are here to guide you through every step of the process and answer all your questions.
Step 1: Planning and dreaming
Chooseyourprogram &destination
Step 2: Apply Online
Step 3: Preparation
join an information session webinar
Step 4: Your Program
Soft Landing Camp / Arrival Orientation
Step 5: After your exchange program
byhostingoneofourbright,enthusiasticexchange students.Hostingoffersauniqueopportunityto expandyourglobalconnectionsandlearnabout anotherculture—rightfromyourlivingroom!
These ambitious students come to immerse themselvesinourcultureandlanguage,attending local high schools and sharing their unique perspectives.Welcomingastudentintoyourhome lets your family experience new customs, traditions, and languages, all while building a special bond that could last a lifetime. You can choosethelengthoftheirstay(3,5,or10months) andselectthestudent’sgendertosuityourfamily’s preferences.
Hosting isn’t just rewarding—it’s fun! It’s also fantastic preparation if you have an Outbound studentpreparingfortheirownexchange.Hosting provides invaluable insight into the meaningful relationshipbetweenhostfamiliesandexchange students,andgivesyouanotherteentocheeron when your own child begins their overseas adventure.
We have Local Coordinators across Australia & New Zealand available throughout the exchange andwillactassupportforboththestudentand hostfamily.
ThereisnotypicalSouthernCrossCultural Exchangehostfamily–weareopentoalltypes offamilies,largeorsmall.Youmayliveina regionalarea,inanapartment,havechildrenof yourownorbesingle.What’simportantisthat youhaveaninterestforotherculturesand youngpeopleandthatyouliketheideaof welcomingacuriousstudenttoyourhomeand everydaylife.
Thereissomeothercriteriatofulfiltobecome ahostfamilyaswell.Theseare:
Abilitytohostthestudentfinanciallyin terms of food and housing costs (water/electricityetc.)
Working with Children Check for every familymemberabovetheageof18 Abedandenoughroominyourhousefor thestudent’spersonalbelongings. The studentmustalwayshavetheirownbedbut maysharearoomwithahostsiblingthatis ofthesamegenderandapproximatelythe sameage. Providepersonalreferees
Areinterestedinbroadeningtheir horizons&gainabetterunderstanding oftheworld