Distance BCA in Delhi

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Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Paper ID [A0201] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

BCA (101)/(Old/S05) (Sem. - 1st) B.Sc. CST - 301 (Old)/DCA - 101 (Old) INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Time : 03 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1)

Section -A is Compulsory.


Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A


(15 Ă— 2 = 30) Q1) a) b)

Differentiate between data and information with suitable examples. Explain with example procedure to convert octal number to binary number. c) List two devices which can be used as input as well as output device. d) What do you understand by write protection of floppies and how is it done? e) What are the disadvantages of OMR? f) What do you understand by spooling? g) What is batch processing? h) Define multiprogramming. i) Differentiate between RAM and ROM. j) What is a cache memory? Distinguish between L1 and L2 cache. k) Differentiate between single user and multi-user system. l) If on the DOS prompt, ABC is typed and on the disk(say C:\>), there are three files ABC.COM, ABC.EXE and ABC.BAT. Which of the three files will be executed? Why? m) What is warm booting? n) List four facilities provided by Internet through WWW? o) What is the role played by modem in networking? J-8662[S-9700666]


Section - B


(9 Ă— 5 = 45) Discuss the working of various components of computer with block diagram.


Compare impact printers with non-impact printers.


Explain the procedure of storing data on a hard disk.


Discuss the relative utility of different optical technologies available in the market.


Compare characteristics of primary storage with auxiliary storage.


Describe functions of operating system.


Explain in detail multiprocessing and time-sharing systems.


Explain in detail different types of ROM.

Q10) What are the differences between internal commands and external commands in DOS? Give three examples of each type with syntax. Q11) Explain various features of DOS. Q12) Discuss applications of computers in sports and commerce. Q13) What are the advantages of networking? Explain briefly E-mail.




Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13]

Paper ID [A0203]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

BCA (103) (S05/old) (Sem. - 1st) BASIC ACCOUNTING Time : 03 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section -A is Compulsory. 2)

Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A



(15 Ă— 2 = 30)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Define accounting. Discuss book keeping Vs. Accounting. Explain concept of conservatism. What do you mean by compound journal entry? Discuss contra entry. Meaning of management accounting. What is relationship between management accounting and financial accounting? h) Who are the users of financial statements? i) Why management accounting is needed? j) What are the limitations of management accounting? k) Explain preference shares. l) What do you mean by forfeiture of shares? m) What is the difference between debenture and share? n) Write short note on use of computers in accounting. o) What do you mean by retained earnings as source? Section - B



(9 Ă— 5 = 45) Explain double entry book system and what are its advantages?


Briefly explain the concepts which form the back bone of accounting?


How you will classify the accounts? State the rules of journalizing with respect to each class of accounts.




What is purchase book? Give a specimen of this book showing at least three entries.


What is balance sheet and what purpose does it fulfill?


Management accounting aim at providing financial results of the business to the management for taking decisions. Explain by bringing out advantages of management accounting.


Explain various sources of raising capital.


Explain issue of shares at discount with a suitable example.

Q10) Ramesh limited invited applications for 1000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a discount of Rs. 4 per share payable as follows: On Application Rs. 20 On Allotment Rs.30 On first and final call Rs. 46 The applications were received for 9000 shares and all of these were accepted. All money was received except the first and final call on 400 shares. These shares were forfeited. 200 of these shares were reissued as fully paid for payment of Rs. 80 per share. Pass necessary journal entries. Q11) Explain the nature and objectives of management accounting. Q12) What is securities premium? Explain the purpose for which it can be used. Q13) Record the following transactions in triple column cash book: Jan 1 Cash balance Rs. 2000. Bank balance Rs. 3500. Jan 2 Paid to Ashok by cheque Rs. 500 in full settlement of his account of Rs. 530 Jan 4 Cash Purchases of goods Rs. 300. Jan 5 Received cheque from Madaan Rs. 300 and banked at once. Jan 8 Paid to Bindu Rs. 290 in full settlement of his account of Rs. 300. Jan 10 Cash sales Rs. 800. Jan 11 Deposited in bank Rs. 1000 from cash. Jan 20 Withdraw from bank for personal use Rs. 100 and for office use Rs.500


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Roll No........................... Total No. of Questions : 13]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Paper ID [A0204] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

BCA (104) (S05 / Old) (Sem. - 1st) PROGRAMMING IN C Time : 03 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A (15 Ă— 2 = 30)

Q1) a) What are self -referential structures? b) What are 2 searching techniques? c) What are user defined data types? d) What are the applications of C programming? e) What are pointers? f) What do you mean by identifier and keywords. g) What are library functions? h) What is the purpose of gets & puts functions? i)

What is the difference between pre increment and post increment operators?


What are different data types in C?

k) What are nested loops? l)

What is the difference between while and do-while?

m) Can we pass function to other functions. If yes how. n) How can we pass pointers to a function? o) What are static variables? J-8740[S-9700744]


Section - B (9 × 5 = 45) Q2) ‘C is a middle level language’, comment on this statement. Q3) Explain various C operators. Q4) Describe various control statement. Also write their syntax. Q5) Explain recursion with the help of a C program. Q6) What are different storage classes in C? Q7) How can you pass parameters to a function? Q8) What are different input and output functions in C? Q9) What is interactive programming? Q10) What is difference between structure and union? Q11) How can we create a data file in C? Q12) What are different sorting methods? Explain any one with the help of a C program. Q13) Write a C program for Binary search.




Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Paper ID [A0205] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

BCA (105) (Old / S05) (Sem. - 1st) B.Sc. - IT (101) (New) / DCA (103) (New) COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN ENGLISH (Business Communication) Time : 03 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1)

Section -A is Compulsory.


Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A


(15 × 2 = 30) Q1) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

What is grapevine? Discuss linguistic barriers to communication. What are the different types of communication? Communication is a two-way process. Comment. Explain the different types of noise in communication process. Distinguish between hearing and listening. What is kinetics? Discuss the importance of non-verbal communication. Written communication is indispensable for any office. Explain. Brevity is required for effective communication. Agree or disagree, with reasons. k) What is the significance of letter-writing in modern business? l) How is a tender notice different from an auction notice? m) What are the essentials of a good job application letter? n) Structure for an official letter is same as a personal letter. Comment. o) How is planning important for any correspondence? J-8718[S-9700722]


Section - B


(9 Ă— 5 = 45) Q2)

Discuss informal communication in detail.


Explain the process of communication.


Discuss the significance of communication in business organizations.


What are the various barriers to communication?


Explain the 7 Cs of effective communication.


Define written communication. Explain the various objectives of written communication.


Discuss the various types of non-verbal communication.


What are the different effective listening skills?

Q10) You need a PRO for your organization. Prepare an advertisement regarding the same to be inserted in classified columns of a newspaper. Q11) Write a letter to the editor on evils of street-begging. Q12) You have a two-bedroom apartment lying vacant. Prepare a classified advertisement (To-let), mentioning all details. Q13) Issue a public notice on behalf of the Union Bank of India shifting their office to another location.




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