1 minute read
Ten Commandments. Policies for Local Authorities
Ten Commandments Policies for Local Authorities
During those few days we spent together, we tried to better understand cultural contexts in which we live, to create universal policies for local authorities. In our opinion, introduction of those policies will prevent growth of racism and discrimination.
We limited ourselves to ten major points, we claim are crucial:
1. Create connections between people. 2. Recognise issues around diversity/racism. 3. Zero tolerance policy towards racism. 4. Structures for communities to be heard. 5. Create opportunities for integration of minorities. 6. Multicultural education through workshops to raise awareness of teachers and community workers. 7. Work with the most vulnerable groups. 8. Create partnerships. 9. Work directly with the group. 10. Education about religions.
In this way, we summarised our discussions about what is the role of local authorities in creating friendly environment for minorities, in which racism and discrimination will diminish.
This publication is a part of the project “Opener – youth workers against racism”.
Editor Anna Kucharska
Layout and cover design Aleksandra Snitsaruk